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Nov 27, 2012 6:24 AM

Apr 2009
Hell yes. More Adele, please.
Nov 27, 2012 8:22 AM

Jul 2010
junglepenguin said:
RyanSaotome said:
Haakonwale said:
The industry is in decline if this kind of shit is what's popular nowadays.

I find it kinda ironic seeing this coming from someone who has a Neptunia avatar, which is pretty much fanservice, moe and slice of life in video game form.

The irony doesn't make his intentions(?) any less truthful. That said, it wouldn't have mattered if he had or had not said it because we've gone beyond the decline of the industry. We're already in the anime dumps, everyone knows it and no one seems to want to do anything more than talk trash about it and wallow in this mud (myself included).

But really, how is this as popular as it is? The tastes of the viewers have changed ever so drastically.

while I have read the more recent comments (yours included) and understand where you guys are coming from. you have to realize that anime is, and will always be, a business. the point of business is to turn a profit. hardly any of us (im assuming) are actually proving that we like something, so companies assume ppl didn't like it enough to buy it. you can't really blame them if all their customers are only buying k-on or yuri yuri etc.
im sure a lot of the ppl working there would have loved to have made more seasons for other really awesome shows but they have to put business 1st

as a side note, the reason why I enjoy dog days is becuz its simply fun to watch, the characters are having fun and living life, and they dont focus on moe (IMO) there's not a lot of anime's i've seen with the MC taking the opportunities he gets and actually DOES some of the stuff we wished other MC's would do. also no bullshit drama or abusive tsundereloli's.

Nov 27, 2012 7:10 PM

Mar 2011

I'm quite certain about my stand, but that doesn't mean I can't be tolerant of the views of others, which I am. I'm still referring to the quality of the shows being produced here. My reply to RyanSaotome was solely for me to state my view on a subject he brought up, the viewers. I assure you that I'd accept the answers that any fan would give me if he or she is certain about it. I would not have asked what I asked if it was only for me to reject the answers.

Misguided? Blunt, but it gets the idea across. Lesser? No. I don't see fans who have different tastes from me as lesser. If I came across as such a person then I apologize. I can't emphasize more about what I'm disappointed about, which is the quality of anime being produced, not the viewers. Your answer does matter, though it'd be nice if you could share a little more. If I said that I'd take a look at Dog Days again after this, would you believe me? (I dropped it during the first season, after about 6 episodes, If I remember correctly.)

Ehhh... About my profile and list and stuff... I haven't updated it in ages. Probably since the first time I decided to use MAL. I realized I couldn't be bothered (have whatever impression of me that you'd like). If I may, I'd like to use it to prove my point: The stuff and scores on my list are based on the anime I was exposed to and the standards I had at the point of making that list. Having seen more of both new and old, the standards have changed, and series that I've rated as 8 or 9 might now likely be rated as 5 or 6.

I don't think I'm that jaded fan you speak of, but, to put it simply, I'd just like to see more out of anime than the playfulness and patronizing concepts that seem to be such a hit many viewers. Honestly speaking, I don't know what to expect from the industry at times myself, but I know it can do better than what I'm looking at each season, because I feel I've seen stuff in the past and I know they've reached that standard before. (Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a couple of series made each season. I think stuff like Nichijou is genius. Psycho-pass from this season is headed in the right direction, kinda.)


I do realize that. What else can people who have little power to change the way the industry works do but complain and lament about the situation? Besides actually supporting change in the industry by throwing money at them.

Dog Days looks as moe as moe gets. Is it really that fun to watch?
junglepenguinNov 27, 2012 7:20 PM
Nov 27, 2012 9:30 PM

Jul 2008
junglepenguin said:

I don't think I'm that jaded fan you speak of, but, to put it simply, I'd just like to see more out of anime than the playfulness and patronizing concepts that seem to be such a hit many viewers. Honestly speaking, I don't know what to expect from the industry at times myself, but I know it can do better than what I'm looking at each season, because I feel I've seen stuff in the past and I know they've reached that standard before. (Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a couple of series made each season. I think stuff like Nichijou is genius. Psycho-pass from this season is headed in the right direction, kinda.)

I'm not here to debate whether or not the anime industry can do 'better' but I beleive it's pretty much an arrogant statement.
You are implying that most anime now are inferior to a few select titles you watched in the past and that's an empty argument.

I beleive that Psycho-pass is one of the most badly written piece I've seen in a while yet you seem to think it's one of the best show airing this season. Who's right? Nobody is.
Stating (or implying) your opinion like a fact is not only arrogant, it makes your whole speech less credible.

junglepenguin said:

Dog Days looks as moe as moe gets. Is it really that fun to watch?

If I ever answered yes to that, how would you reply? If I said that I'd rather watch another season of a X moe show rather than some pretentious 'intelligent' or 'mature' show?

The problem here is that the main target audience is slowly drifting away from you. You think that anime was at it's best when it targeted your needs and that's a totally normal reaction but you shouldn't mix up objectivity and subjectivity.
Objectively the target audience changed.
Subjectively it's better this way, imo.

I'm not stating that it's better now and that you are wrong. The point I want to send across is that your opinion is pretty much as worthless as anyone's and don't ever forget that.
You have more background than those "newcomers" to anime. That's cool but irrevelant.
There's always someone with more and different knowledge, experience and background on a subject X (here anime) than you. If we follow your logic we could pretty much say that your opinion is worthless next to his. That person's opinion would be worthless next to someone that knows more and it'd continue as a vicious cercle.

We are left no choice but to aknowledge even the opinion of someone that watched only one anime in his life as rightfull and not inferior to our.

There's too many factor to take into account to give a credible answer wether you watched 0, 10, 500 or 2000 animes. You will never be able to say that a X show is better than a Y shows, you will only be able to think it. Factor that are important to someone can be useless or a problem to someone else and vice versa.

Tl;dr: Stop mixing up subjectivity and objectivity.
Nov 28, 2012 3:08 AM

Mar 2011

I seem to be making quite the number of bad impressions. I hope you understand that I don't mean to come across as arrogant about anything.

I must ask though: How does being arrogant make an argument empty? I can be arrogant and still make valid points. If you're judging my points based on the way I make my statements then it is your judgement that is blurred.

Are fans of Usain Bolt being arrogant when they see him run a couple of slow races and remark that his standard has dropped since his prime? Are they not allowed to have expectations of him? Replace this with the context of this discussion, and I hope you get my point.

Didn't say Psycho-Pass was the best shows. I think it's failed to meet standards actually, but I believe that the producers had the intention of moving away from the current and more popular themes. That was what I meant when I said "headed in the right direction". And I don't remember forcing my opinions down anyone's throats by calling them "facts". I am grounded in what I believe is happening in the industry, but I didn't say that you should be too.

My reply: What exactly about it is fun? Share some scenarios that take place? Or describe the characters? I'm genuinely trying to be interested, but you seem to doubt that. I can bring myself to watch a show, and perhaps even love it, if the show has well-done character development, even if there is no plot (Is lucky Star an example here?). I'd like to turn things around and ask you why you'd label Psycho-pass (if you were referring to it) as pretentious. I'll be blunt: I THINK you're telling me that I'm judging Dog Days by its cover, and now I'm telling you that you're doing the same with Psycho-Pass. Am I wrong?

Do I really come across as someone shoving opinions in everyone's faces? All I did was rant a little and pose a question. I was being as subjective as it gets. I never did intend to debate about anything (I wasn't prepared to, either).

You're taking this objectivity thing a little too far. Opinions are worth something. If they weren't, all that you and everyone else has to say would be considered reasonless rants. An opinion that society accepts as "correct" becomes fact, becomes law. How can you say a person's views are worth nothing? If I have watched a hundred series and the guy next to me has seen only one, and if we both say that anime can be used as an educational tool, who's opinion would you consider as more reliable? How can that fact be irrelevant? And why are you saying that it's my logic when you seem like you're educating me about this logic that I don't know about?

A person has studied until university. Another is currently in elementary school. The uni student says that "1+1=2" while the student in elementary school says that "1+1=3". Do both have the right to say that their answer is correct? Yes. Are both answers right? No. Would you say that the correct answer has more worth because it is fact? I would say so, but how about you? Would you still consider all other opinions from both these students as equal? I would respect the rights of both, but I would value the opinion of the uni student more, or at least prioritize it. That's being subjective, but it's also quite logical. My point is that there are opinions that are superior to others.

I have the right to say that something is better than something else. You have the right to believe that I am wrong. We are allowed to speak our minds and to debate if either one of us is correct. If you're gonna go against that thought, I'd say that that's wrong. Not being allowed to speak one's mind is wrong, imo.

Enough of whatever we're debating, because it's far off topic. Share more about Dog Days please. It's fine if you don't, but It'd be nice if you do.
Nov 28, 2012 4:57 AM

Oct 2007
junglepenguin said:
Are fans of Usain Bolt being arrogant when they see him run a couple of slow races and remark that his standard has dropped since his prime? Are they not allowed to have expectations of him? Replace this with the context of this discussion, and I hope you get my point.
What a terrible analogy. You can't measure quality of show like you do with speed. Maths analogy isn't any better.

The only really good things about Psycho-Pass are Akane by far (and she isn't your average blob, just look at her glorious reaction to the question about being in love with Kougami, she's exceptional anime girl), some backgrounds and... that's it? For sure not writing. Seiyuu doing great job are a given in most of anime.

Heh, I remember that I dropped Dog Days after... first ep I think? Picked up too many shows then, had to drop something, DD seemed pretty boring so that was it. Caught up with it at the start of summer 2012 because I heard much good about this series and sequel just started. It was completely different experience, I had to split watching into four days because my cheeks were hurting from constant grinning. Awaited each ep of DD' like nothing else that season.
Why is it so good? First of all - all characters are adorable. No exceptions. Not just "Meh, she's okay". More like "I love her! She's great as well! Jut look at her tail when she's petted by Cinque! Yeah, that guy is badass! Wow, Brioche is so awesome! Oh god, it's Norio Wakamoto!" and so on. Right, seiyuus. Whole pleiad of stars and they're doing exceptional job.
I would totally enjoy the series even with closed eyes.
No matter who's on screen, it's fun. No mean-spirited characters, small bits of negative stuff are solved quickly (one exception - stupid Leokkaka's behavior in S1, especially latter half). Character design is great, whole art is pleasant to look at with all those colors, animation, cool attacks. You're becoming so happy by watching Dog Days, it's just full of positive energy. I can't get enough of it, where's my weekly dose? So many characters deserving more screentime and only 26 episodes...
Great mix of action, comedy, cute moments and fanservice. Someone remind me, why did I give this show only 8/10?
ProgeuszNov 28, 2012 5:01 AM
Nov 28, 2012 6:22 PM

Oct 2008
This series certainly has it's charm, but if after it aired its first season, I never knew it would make it to a third season!

It's a little too happy go lucky for me, but great news for the fans!
Nov 28, 2012 11:25 PM

Dec 2007
junglepenguin said:

I seem to be making quite the number of bad impressions. I hope you understand that I don't mean to come across as arrogant about anything.

I must ask though: How does being arrogant make an argument empty? I can be arrogant and still make valid points. If you're judging my points based on the way I make my statements then it is your judgement that is blurred.

Are fans of Usain Bolt being arrogant when they see him run a couple of slow races and remark that his standard has dropped since his prime? Are they not allowed to have expectations of him? Replace this with the context of this discussion, and I hope you get my point.

Didn't say Psycho-Pass was the best shows. I think it's failed to meet standards actually, but I believe that the producers had the intention of moving away from the current and more popular themes. That was what I meant when I said "headed in the right direction". And I don't remember forcing my opinions down anyone's throats by calling them "facts". I am grounded in what I believe is happening in the industry, but I didn't say that you should be too.

My reply: What exactly about it is fun? Share some scenarios that take place? Or describe the characters? I'm genuinely trying to be interested, but you seem to doubt that. I can bring myself to watch a show, and perhaps even love it, if the show has well-done character development, even if there is no plot (Is lucky Star an example here?). I'd like to turn things around and ask you why you'd label Psycho-pass (if you were referring to it) as pretentious. I'll be blunt: I THINK you're telling me that I'm judging Dog Days by its cover, and now I'm telling you that you're doing the same with Psycho-Pass. Am I wrong?

Do I really come across as someone shoving opinions in everyone's faces? All I did was rant a little and pose a question. I was being as subjective as it gets. I never did intend to debate about anything (I wasn't prepared to, either).

You're taking this objectivity thing a little too far. Opinions are worth something. If they weren't, all that you and everyone else has to say would be considered reasonless rants. An opinion that society accepts as "correct" becomes fact, becomes law. How can you say a person's views are worth nothing? If I have watched a hundred series and the guy next to me has seen only one, and if we both say that anime can be used as an educational tool, who's opinion would you consider as more reliable? How can that fact be irrelevant? And why are you saying that it's my logic when you seem like you're educating me about this logic that I don't know about?

A person has studied until university. Another is currently in elementary school. The uni student says that "1+1=2" while the student in elementary school says that "1+1=3". Do both have the right to say that their answer is correct? Yes. Are both answers right? No. Would you say that the correct answer has more worth because it is fact? I would say so, but how about you? Would you still consider all other opinions from both these students as equal? I would respect the rights of both, but I would value the opinion of the uni student more, or at least prioritize it. That's being subjective, but it's also quite logical. My point is that there are opinions that are superior to others.

I have the right to say that something is better than something else. You have the right to believe that I am wrong. We are allowed to speak our minds and to debate if either one of us is correct. If you're gonna go against that thought, I'd say that that's wrong. Not being allowed to speak one's mind is wrong, imo.

Enough of whatever we're debating, because it's far off topic. Share more about Dog Days please. It's fine if you don't, but It'd be nice if you do.

I'm going to ignore some of the faulty logic presented here: for one because I believe you know what you're doing, and for another because I'm too lazy to correct you.

Let's start with this: Dog Days has a third season? Excellent! I love this series. Because regardless of what you, or other people, say: It's a good anime. Now, I know what you're thinking: It can't be because it has no plot or because anime has regressed or blah blah blah.

But here's the thing. All anime--all of it--is entertainment. And every series has a chance to be entertaining for it's own reasons, essentially promises made at the series' beginning. In Dog Days' case? It promised you NOTHING. At least, in terms of plotting. The "need for a Hero" is immediately turned into, essentially, the need for a "star player" for Flonyard's war games and between that and the line from Princess Millhiore after Cinque asks does anyone get hurt in their wars (she gives a bewildered look and says "Unthinkable!"), the need FOR a plot is immediately tossed aside.

So what does it promise? Well, a few other things: beautiful animation, IMMENSELY likable characters, and an amazing fight scene every three or four episodes, sometimes more. And in an anime world where companies cut corners and sometimes offer inferior animation, and a world where between harems and tsundere and other kinds of assholes that lead to completely unlikable characters, to me that's plenty. Especially since so many grandiose plots end up falling flat on their face for one reason or another. (Gundam AGE. Code Geass.)

It's also extremely female-friendly. A lot of times so many anime series can be kinda sexist, what with female characters that are annoying at best and useless at worst. But they've so far shown us three continents all run BY females, and all three seem to have bustling, thriving economies. On top of that, every female character in the series is a competent fighter so they don't stand off to the side during the war games and actually kick a lot of ass. I'm not exactly a feminist, but I think that's pretty cool.

Of course, usually when you have a series with a lot of characters from one gender or the other, it can feel kind of excluding to the others, but in this case since Cinque is the main character it's actually welcoming to guys and girls, so everyone can have a good time watching it.

And despite the, "one guy, so, so many girls" set-up, the series never really devolves into harem because the characters like each other so much that they never think to fight over one guy.

I can agree that a lot of anime these days are crap. Winter 2013 is the most boring season I've seen since I got back into anime. Pretentious garbage and moeblobs abound, but Dog Days isn't necessarily the blind fanboy pandering series you seem to think it is. The fanservice is all very innocent (except for that very strange scene in Season 2 where Rebecca transforms for the first time), there really aren't that many moeblobs, and the only fetish they seem to be thwacking everyone with is kemonomimi, which is fairly innocuous. I think you're just taking it all too seriously.
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Nov 29, 2012 2:42 AM

Mar 2011

If my analogies are bad, do please tell me what analogies are good, or explain to me why my analogies are bad. I'd like to know. And thanks for your take on DD.


My bad, should have thought a little more about that particular statement. While sharing opinions isn't about deciding who is right or wrong about something, it does allow for people with different perspectives to attempt to convince each other to adopt each others' perspective. That shouldn't be the sole reason for sharing opinions, but it's not something unreasonable. But yes, I tripped over myself with the objectivity thing.

Upsetting to know that you feel that way, because after all the attention I've given to this thread (a lot more than I had expected to give), I was really considering giving DD another shot. Anyway, thanks for taking time to share your thoughts? I get the feeling that all this happened because I had said something out of line, and that it messed up whatever discussion there was going on before I made my comment.


If I knew what I was doing, I wouldn't be provided faulty logic. It's a pity to know that you choose not to correct me.

I am thinking that the industry is in bad shape, but that has nothing to do with DD being a good or bad anime. I don't remember being particular fond of it, but I didn't say it was bad either (I didn't intend to, at least).

I don't agree that a series is instantly entertaining if it promises nothing but gives something to viewers. That's just having very low expectations of whatever you're watching. DD may have produced well-developed characters after "promising nothing", but that doesn't mean I have to expect nothing from it and be surprised and entertained when I see the characters develop.

Anyhow, thank you for taking time to share about DD for me. There are a couple of things you've mentioned that I don't agree about (about comments apart from DD), but I appreciate the effort you've put into describing the show. Am I taking it too seriously? Maybe, but I am seriously trying to enjoy myself while watching what I watch, too.
Nov 29, 2012 4:09 AM

Oct 2007
I already did.
You can't measure quality of show like you do with speed.
Especially with general statements like "old anime is better". While I believe it is perfectly possible to say that one anime is better than other without relying on just "my tase > your taste" that isn't the case here.
Nov 29, 2012 4:35 AM

Sep 2012
Han-yuu said:
That's why i told you that i lost my faith on japanese sales long time ago but still it's amazing to see these sales charts and some peoples already said that industry is declining when shows like that sells more than better stories. In my case, it's same for jpop as well. that's where i started to lose my faith. So i came to conclusion that many japanese peoples have weird tastes and it's getting lot weirder. I guess that explains the condition of industry and why it's running like that.

Coming from a background of having watched anime for decades and listened to J-Pop also for decades, I hold different opinion. The anime and J-pop back in old days were good (or even great) in their way but it does not mean that the present is really much worse, or even worse. I find myself watching more anime than, say, 20 years ago and enjoying it a lot - and I would say that one possible reason is that it is trying to appeal in more aspects so you can enjoy it from various angles, not just story or plot (which I think is something that get over-stressed too often anyway). Same with J-Pop, I listen to more j-pop than, say, mid-90s when Komuro swept the scene. The quality and diversity of anime songs (a genre within J-pop that has grown leaps and bounds in significance in this internet age) has seen astounding improvement in the last decade. If anything even if the industry, be it anime or music, is in decline, I don't agree that the quality has dropped - in fact I think it is holding up surprisingly well.

Anyway, a general comment on the discussion in this thread. I came too late to participate or even to read everything, but I want to point out that there is a tendency in western fan forum to present one's own view as "objective" while hinting others view as not good. To me this always has the unfortunate effect of causing needlessly heated argument.

Personally I have enjoyed Dog Days a great deal, and many people have presented very well-presented reasons why they love the show in this thread already. In short, it is very enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours with its very high technical production value and seiyuu performance. And I think Season 2 is even better than Season 1, both in terms of technical level as well as overall presentation. The decision to get rid of the more serious and melodramatic elements in Season 1 is a wise one - it is hard to balance them with the innocent fun part from the character interaction anyway. And it even surprised me greatly by making Rebecca a lead character!!

Anyway the announcement came a bit too quick -- less than 3 months after the end of the last season. Is it a decision made already back when Season 2 was being aired? Interesting... No matter what, Season 3 is surely something I want and I look eagerly forward to it !
symbvNov 29, 2012 7:10 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Nov 29, 2012 8:28 AM

Dec 2007
junglepenguin said:


If I knew what I was doing, I wouldn't be provided faulty logic. It's a pity to know that you choose not to correct me.

I am thinking that the industry is in bad shape, but that has nothing to do with DD being a good or bad anime. I don't remember being particular fond of it, but I didn't say it was bad either (I didn't intend to, at least).

I don't agree that a series is instantly entertaining if it promises nothing but gives something to viewers. That's just having very low expectations of whatever you're watching. DD may have produced well-developed characters after "promising nothing", but that doesn't mean I have to expect nothing from it and be surprised and entertained when I see the characters develop.

Anyhow, thank you for taking time to share about DD for me. There are a couple of things you've mentioned that I don't agree about (about comments apart from DD), but I appreciate the effort you've put into describing the show. Am I taking it too seriously? Maybe, but I am seriously trying to enjoy myself while watching what I watch, too.

I didn't say it promised nothing. I said in terms of PLOTTING, it promised nothing. A lot of thought went into the base concept of Dog Days. Tsuzuki sat down and put a lot of thought into this universe with a singular idea in mind: How to visit an alternate, fantasy-based universe without any of the serious consequences that are often ignored in other fantasy series with the same idea. They explain how the economy works, how no one gets seriously injured during battle. And the planet obviously has a fairly detailed history consisting of the interaction between the different countries.

Again. It promised something. It just didn't promise what you wanted.
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Nov 29, 2012 8:58 AM

Sep 2012
SageShinigami said:
A lot of thought went into the base concept of Dog Days. Tsuzuki sat down and put a lot of thought into this universe with a singular idea in mind: How to visit an alternate, fantasy-based universe without any of the serious consequences that are often ignored in other fantasy series with the same idea. They explain how the economy works, how no one gets seriously injured during battle. And the planet obviously has a fairly detailed history consisting of the interaction between the different countries.

Actually I found this is one concept that is really done very well in this anime, and in a way it is refreshing too. I did not expect it would turn out that well too. I still remember how much of the discussions back when Season 1 was being aired were about when things would turn serious (perhaps the fact that it was aired right after the season which had Madoka also played a part). The world in DD is pretty detailed actually and it is quite fun to see how it is fleshed out without it going into either the usual serious drama route or the slapstick absurd humor on the other.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Dec 5, 2012 4:33 PM

Apr 2008
That’s faster than expected :D
Dec 5, 2012 7:15 PM

Apr 2010
I'm going on on a fall lineup release since season one aired in the spring lineup while season two aired in the summer lineup.

Now that I think about it in season one Cinque spent his time there during his spring brake while in season two returned there again along with companions during summer brake and if I recall correctly he mentioned that he and his companions would come back sometime during the fall.
MysteryFan89Dec 5, 2012 7:46 PM
Dec 5, 2012 9:33 PM

Aug 2010
Not surprising, but please, don't add more characters and instead focus on the preexisting ones please, there is enough of them.
Dec 6, 2012 3:56 AM

May 2010
lol does it keeps on having seasons after season?
Dec 6, 2012 4:31 AM
Jan 2011
Dec 6, 2012 8:39 AM

Apr 2010
ahmed_great2005 said:
lol does it keeps on having seasons after season?

It sells well so the fanbase wants more.

Dec 6, 2012 10:00 AM

Oct 2010
I remember dropping the first season after three episodes, because I thought that it's portrayal of war as a "playground" was stupid(instead of dying, you turn into a little cat/dog blob!), not to mention there wasn't any dark elements. I'm just a guy who prefers fiction to portray war as it is.

Strike Witches was the only exception, as that was an alternate universe, but at least there existed the possibility that any of the Witches could die.

Anyways, is it worth for me to try Dog Days again?
Dec 6, 2012 10:03 AM

Sep 2012
AndreiX said:
Anyways, is it worth for me to try Dog Days again?
Only if you drop the idea that the portrayal of "war" (which in fact is really a sports tournament) as "playground" is stupid. Or at least drop the idea that one cannot enjoy an anime just because it has a premise that looks stupid to you.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Dec 6, 2012 1:45 PM

Dec 2007
AndreiX said:
I remember dropping the first season after three episodes, because I thought that it's portrayal of war as a "playground" was stupid(instead of dying, you turn into a little cat/dog blob!), not to mention there wasn't any dark elements. I'm just a guy who prefers fiction to portray war as it is.

Then watch Band of Brothers.

Anyways, is it worth for me to try Dog Days again?

Nope. You're not going to like it because it's not made for you. It's fun and light-hearted and hopefully it stays that way. But everything isn't for everyone, and that's okay. There are plenty of other series you can watch.
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Dec 6, 2012 2:31 PM

Oct 2010
jmal said:
AndreiX said:
I'm just a guy who prefers fiction to portray war as it is.

My response would be that it is not actually war, so depicting it as the life-and-death battle you're traditionally thinking of would be inaccurate. I'd say it works better to consider it as a sport. It's the World Cup or the Super Bowl. Not an act of belligerent aggression of one entity upon another. Nobody has any intention of hurting, killing, maiming, or conquering anyone else. It uses martial terminology and regalia, but so do other sports (defense, offense, total victory, crushing defeat, destroying your opponent, all the usual cliches).

If they "fainted", then I wouldn't mind. But the idea of being turned into a cat/dog blob isn't up my alley.
I understand that it's probably only done for "kawaii" factor(not to mention this series seems to be otaku-oriented.), but it seems weird.
Dec 6, 2012 2:34 PM

Apr 2010
AndreiX said:
If they "fainted", then I wouldn't mind. But the idea of being turned into a cat/dog blob isn't up my alley.
I understand that it's probably only done for "kawaii" factor(not to mention this series seems to be otaku-oriented.), but it seems weird.

For named characters, they lose all their clothes. Is that any better?

Dec 6, 2012 2:50 PM

Oct 2010
That's even more stuff for the otakus, fanservice. That itself even sounds more ridiculous.
Dec 6, 2012 6:15 PM
Oct 2012
Yosh!!!! cant wait =P
Dec 7, 2012 8:59 AM

Sep 2012
AndreiX said:
If they "fainted", then I wouldn't mind. But the idea of being turned into a cat/dog blob isn't up my alley.
I understand that it's probably only done for "kawaii" factor(not to mention this series seems to be otaku-oriented.), but it seems weird.
Well, turning into cat/dog blob is the equivalent of "fainting" for people in that world, like the case when someone having magic to change his form loses all the mana and so turns into his original form. Personally I don't have any problem with such setting. As for otaku-oriented, in fact ALL the midnight anime can be argued as otaku-oriented, so I am not sure where you base your observation on.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Dec 11, 2012 5:42 PM
Dec 2012
nyan X3 !!!!!!!! <3 I can't wait for it Q.Q .... I'm almost crying .. I'm .. so ureshi after i read that about it 3rd season T vT ..
Dec 11, 2012 6:01 PM
Apr 2012
Meh. Season 1 I really enjoyed, however Season 2 was very underwhelming, will still watch Season 3 in hope of it being better though :p.
Dec 11, 2012 11:04 PM
Dec 2012
This could be great, my pappy will also have a festivals...
Dec 12, 2012 1:23 AM
Aug 2011
If Eclair (and Yukikaze to an extent) doesn't get more screentime than in S2 I will be disappointed.

Hopefully there'll be a mini plot too (~5 episodes)
Dec 12, 2012 7:56 AM

Sep 2011
Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:
If Eclair (and Yukikaze to an extent) doesn't get more screentime than in S2 I will be disappointed.

Hopefully there'll be a mini plot too (~5 episodes)

Need more new characters lol
Dec 16, 2012 2:53 PM
Sep 2012
Definatly going to watch this when it's launched.

Although am I the only one who expected somthing a bit different hearing about the anime where a boy was summoned to be Biscottis "Hero"?
Dec 16, 2012 5:53 PM

Aug 2011
Wow, this news just made my day! Absolutely love the series. I have still yet to watch the second but I'm going to savor the moment when I do. More Dog Days is very welcome! I haven't seen many shows which are successful enough to have a third season so I'm glad this show will be one of them.
Dec 17, 2012 12:28 AM

Apr 2011
Oh yes. Dog Days was actually the main reason aside of Steins;Gate of why I became an anime lover. :D
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Dec 22, 2012 4:04 AM

Mar 2012
Z-flame said:
Fuck yes!

More Eclair x Shinku

Dec 22, 2012 8:49 AM

Jun 2008
bNq said:
OrochiPL said:
Weird to see everyone not being suprised while i was sure this wouldn't get any more than 2 seasons at most.
I would've been suprised if there wouldn't be another season the way it sold.

I can't see why it sells that well though. It's not really that good. I don't hate it is just a fun little show not trying to do much but the second season felt really pointless and there so much love you can give in an anime that has nothing more to offer than being all smiley and colorful and cute. But i guess Japanese eat that shit up easier that a more plot driven serious show(that's why moe became so popular) since usually more serious shows only sell well to western audiences.
MonadDec 22, 2012 9:52 AM
Dec 22, 2012 9:04 AM

Oct 2007
Monad said:
I can see why it sells that well though. It's not really that good. I don't hate it is just a fun little show not trying to do much but the second season felt really pointless and there so much love you can give in an anime that has nothing more to offer than being all smiley and colorful and cute. But i guess Japanese eat that shit up easier that a more plot driven serious show(that's why moe became so popular) since usually more serious shows only sell well to western audiences.
I think Western audience is the one who will eat up any shit as long as it's plot-driven and cast is male based.
Japanese otaku don't buy all SoLs with (almost) all-girl cast, only good ones. Just look at sales and compare them to season charts to see what is successful.

Stop posting pls.
Dec 22, 2012 9:32 AM

Dec 2012
2nd season was boring enough, nothing happened at all other than some new characters, cba watching the third one
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Dec 22, 2012 9:55 AM

Jun 2008
Progeusz said:

Stop posting pls.

Beg some more, i might consider it.
Dec 22, 2012 12:07 PM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
Such a series like this deserves a third season XD
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Dec 22, 2012 6:41 PM
Jul 2010
I'm one to prefer well written, thawed out shows like the next anime hipster (oh boy) but of everything I've watched, none has been more enjoyable than Dog Days and quite rightly so. Best news I've heard all month
Dec 23, 2012 12:04 AM

Dec 2007
Monad said:
bNq said:
OrochiPL said:
Weird to see everyone not being suprised while i was sure this wouldn't get any more than 2 seasons at most.
I would've been suprised if there wouldn't be another season the way it sold.

I can't see why it sells that well though. It's not really that good. I don't hate it is just a fun little show not trying to do much but the second season felt really pointless and there so much love you can give in an anime that has nothing more to offer than being all smiley and colorful and cute. But i guess Japanese eat that shit up easier that a more plot driven serious show(that's why moe became so popular) since usually more pretentious shows only sell well to western audiences.

Fixed. I'd personally rather have a series with likable characters and cool fight scenes over yet another series that falls on its face trying to be "deep".
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Jan 2, 2013 1:35 PM

Aug 2012
Jan 4, 2013 6:58 AM

Dec 2011
While we're at it, is there any new news (as in, recent news) about Dog Days S3? I ask because it's been ages since I've heard any update or seen a possible PV.
Jan 4, 2013 7:26 AM

Apr 2010
We probably won't see any trailers or any extra info until a release date is announced.

Jan 5, 2013 10:26 AM

Dec 2011
I see. Thanks, Rysao & Jmal.
Jan 5, 2013 5:02 PM

Jun 2011
im not against it, but why?

Jan 5, 2013 7:50 PM

Oct 2009
Red_Star said:
im not against it, but why?
People love their kemonomimis~
Jan 5, 2013 7:59 PM
Nov 2010
People love good shows.
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