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Nov 8, 2019 12:37 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011




Any question related to any announcement made in the club
(this thread, club comments, updates log or discord)
that you wish to ask about or have doubts, please use
our Queries thread or the queries channel in our discord server.

SheyCroixMar 24, 9:16 AM

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This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Nov 14, 2019 12:43 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Hello everyone,

There seems to be some confusion regarding how the new changes we are implementing will affect your progress on the updated challenges, so we want to address this.

If you have yet to notice, we started updating rules and several other things in some of the existing challenges in our club. All the important changes are shared on our announcements area, our discord server and the updates log (Please refer to them for more info). These changes are made with the hopes that it will be easier to complete said challenges. These changes will positively impact your progress.

It is important to note that any completed and used anime on your challenge list using the previous rules CAN stay there.

As long as you add a reminder on your post about it, it shouldn't be invalidated due to rules change. For example, on November 6th, the Adaptations Challenge changed from
Only TV types, OVAs with 4+ episodes, and movies are allowed.
γ€€— Must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 30 minutes (total).
If by November 5th you completed something valid under the previous rules, but not under the new ones, by adding a note about it ("valid under old rules, watched on DATE") you will be fine. If you rather change your list based on the new changes because that will be better for you, you can do so.

Turn-ins for challenges that had a set list of anime (for example, the Movie-Series Challenge) and were changed to difficulties based, will be credited with the highest difficulties based on your completed anime for said challenge before the change. For example, If x challenge had a list of 80 anime and the new difficulties were 20/30/40. You will be credited with the challenge completed on Hard (40) and Medium (30) since you completed only 70 anime in total.

We apologize about any confusion due to these changes, but all of them are to make things easier. There are many more to come, so if you ever are in doubt, don't hesitate to ask. You can ask for help in our queries thread and our discord server (might get a reply faster). You can also tag one of the staff so we don't miss it.

Thanks for being a member of our ever growing club.

Don't forget to check our ongoing and upcoming time limited challenges:
Highlighted Challenge: Ghibli & Gourmet
Cheeky Santa LE '19

SheyCroixMar 8, 2020 12:20 PM

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Mar 8, 2020 12:20 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
[re-post] First announced on September 13, 2019


Due to recent discoveries during inspections, we've come to this adjustment in an attempt to keep things fair for all - past, present, and future. As of September 14, 2019, users that previously worked on blog post only challenges have to make a post in their corresponding challenge thread.

What does this mean?

— If you turn-in a challenge without a post in the corresponding thread, it WON'T be accepted.
— If you turned-in already (before September 14, 2019), you will be exempted from this.

What about challenges that I started already / I'm currently working on?

— Your blog post date must be on the same day (or after) the challenge creation/posted date.
γ€€--- Otherwise it might invalidate your challenge.
— Your blog post must contain just that one challenge (meaning there can't be different challenges per blog post).
γ€€--- This excludes collections and scavenger hunts.
— Your post in the challenge thread must state that you are working on a blog post (linking to it) and the date it was created (if it's different to the post in thread).
— Your blog post should include a link to your post in the corresponding thread.

Will I be able to continue working on blog posts?

— Yes, but from now on you will need to create a post in said challenge thread and linking it in the blog.

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Mar 8, 2020 12:23 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


Long-Running Airing Series Exception

We have decided to implement a new rule club-wise that will affect any long-running airing series and how you, as participants, can deal with them. A long-running airing series will be defined as any anime that is currently airing with over 100 available episodes online and subbed (regular length episodes; 20-something minutes). Main examples that we will refer to are: One Piece, Detective Conan, Boruto and Black Clover. Keep in mind that long-running series that have short episodes will be excluded from this. It will also exclude any that finished airing.

Okay, so what's new?

— Any challenges that requires watching a long-running airing series will change. Instead of catching up to the latest available episode, now you only need to watch the first 50 episodes of the series to be allowed to use it.

— It will only apply in challenges in which it is required to watch said series and you don't have an option to change them.
γ€€β—˜ Challenges in which this applies: 100 URLs Challenge, NHK Top 100 Anime Challenge.
γ€€β—˜ The "Top 100 Anime Challenge" will count if any of those series reintegrate to it.
γ€€β—˜ If another challenge should also be considered, notify me on discord or via PM. This post will be edited then to include it.

— This won't apply to franchise based challenges.
γ€€β—˜ Franchise, or anime based, challenges will still require you to catch up within 50 episodes of the most recently aired and available episode.

— This won't apply to studios based challenges.

— This won't apply to the 100 Episodes Challenge.
γ€€β—˜ Instead, you will be allowed to watch at least 100 episodes of said series.
γ€€β—˜ For example, only watching 100 episodes of One Piece.

If any of these series is your only option for any challenge and you would like to use this exception, please contact either @SheyCroix or @Imyreld to help you check if there's really no other option and see if we will allow you to use this.


These long runner airing shows, if you wish to use them, can't be dropped shows. Meaning you will need them to be either on your watching list or forever on-hold. Having these shows as dropped will instantly invalidate them as an option.
[Mar 10] After talking more about this and how it would work on our HoF, we have decided that the status of the series on your list won't matter, as long as you have watched the required amount of episodes. It can be set as watching, on-hold or dropped. Obviously the Plan to Watch list shouldn't be used if you watched some of the stuff already.

A note on the mentioned challenges will be added with a link to this post.

SheyCroixMar 10, 2020 2:39 PM

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May 30, 2020 7:40 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


There won't be any more genre challenges created, unless MAL adds more tags/genres. We have covered them all. Next phase, that's almost finished, is the cosmetic update + new items for them.

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Jun 7, 2020 8:48 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Due to some new MAL implementations (restrictions/bugs/features/whatever it is) our HoF website will not be able to update any new data.

This means that until this is fixed:
— new users that join won't be able to access our checklists
— users with their anime list already on HoF won't be able to update it (your newly completed anime won't appear)

— changes made on MAL to anime entries won't reflect (status/genres changed/edited info/titles changes)
— newly approved entries won't appear

— posted turn-ins won't be scanned automatically once a day, it will be done manually (please remember to still post them in the same post if it's in the same 24 hrs)

This is out of our hands, so it's all about waiting.
See it on the bright side and think that you will partially experience how it was for us that joined the club when it first started....

Jun 13, 2020
The HoF is working again.

Go and update your list there~
(for the just in case)
SheyCroixJun 13, 2020 11:22 AM

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Jul 1, 2020 5:17 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We have decided to close the Unrated Challenge.

Why are you closing it?

We are closing this challenge since we find it's too much work for both, the participants and our inspectors. When released, the idea was that participants would hunt for anime entries that were rated by less than 50 users. After the implementation of the new rating system (around Feb 12, 2020), that went out of whack. It's a hassle to find such entries and a bigger hassle to inspect. Our participants have to do lots of math to get this working plus they need to have screenshots to work on this.

What does this imply?

It means that the challenge will be locked (not deleted) and no member will be able to create a post of participation. This include blogs or any other place in which you might work with one of our challenges.

Once said challenged is locked and closed, those that already have a post in the thread will be allowed to continue working on it and finish their desired difficulties (at their own pace). If you still haven't finished your first run and really want to try for the second one, you will be allowed to reserve a post beforehand. THO keep in mind that you must finish x1 first and Inspectors will be checking dates.

The closing date doesn't mean that after that no one will be able to finish it. If you have a post, you can continue working on your challenge as per usual. But if you don't have a post, you won't be able to participate on it.

SheyCroixJul 29, 2020 6:39 PM

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Mar 8, 2021 2:43 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We have decided to close the Randomized Challenge.

Why are you closing it?

We are closing this challenge since there isn't a feasible way for our inspection team to properly evaluate the challenge, unless we implement measures that would be too strict and troublesome for our members (and inspectors).

What does this imply?

It means that the challenge will be locked (not deleted) and no member will be able to create a post of participation. This include blogs or any other place in which you might work with one of our challenges.

Once said challenged is locked and closed, those that already have a post in the thread will be allowed to continue working on it and finish their desired difficulties (at their own pace). If you still haven't finished your first run and really want to try for the second one, you will be allowed to reserve a post beforehand. THOUGH keep in mind that you must finish x1 first and Inspectors will be checking dates.

The closing date doesn't mean that after that no one will be able to finish it. If you have a post, you can continue working on your challenge as per usual. But if you don't have a post, you won't be able to participate on it.

SheyCroixJun 22, 2021 12:55 PM

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Jun 22, 2021 12:56 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We have decided to implement a new rule regarding new challenges suggestions about Studios/Producers.

β˜… New suggestions about Studios/Producers should note that:

— To receive an individual challenge thread, the Studio/Producer must have 250 or more valid options (to consider standard difficulties of 20/40/60/80).

— Studios/Producers with around 60 to 150 valid options will be used for the Mini Studios Challenge.

— Studios/Producers with around 10 to 30 valid options can be added as a Creator Collection.

— If the Studios/Producers grows, they will be upgraded. If it doesn't qualify, it will be rejected.

— Already existing challenges won't be downgraded.
SheyCroixJun 22, 2021 4:03 PM

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Sep 15, 2021 3:04 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We are aware that the new site update related to genres and themes might/will affect some of our challenges.

For now, we will wait until the part 2 is released and there is a more final version (and/or changes have finished) before taking any decisions related to the affected challenges.

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Oct 1, 2021 3:45 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Results of the Survey Regarding Monthlies

On September 1, 2021 a short survey was shared to see how our members felt about the monthly challenges in our club.

The premise was:

"If you could change something from the monthly challenges, what would it be?
Do you have any ideas or feedback about them?
Anything to make them better or more entertaining?"

81 responses were received, these are the results:

Based on the received replies, the following changes will be effective immediately:

  1. A one month cooldown will be applied to all items from the winning submission.
    γ€€— This means that the same items can't be submitted, at all, for the following month.

  2. Users will be allowed to include a brief introduction/explanation about their submission.

    These will be considered/discussed:

  3. The current points value of the monthly challenge.

  4. Including a bonus related to the second place submission.

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Dec 30, 2021 3:36 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


This notice was initially posted on March 1, 2021. We noticed it wasn't shared in all the required places, thus we are "reposting" it so more members are reminded of it.

Because it's essential to making inspection quick and easy, Inspectors are allowed to summon members that do not enter start and end dates on their anime lists. We highly suggest tracking by episode for the best accuracy, but the start and end dates are the greater importance.

If you haven't been doing this, please start doing so now to avoid being summoned to the Invalids thread.

Not having start and end dates can lead to instant invalidation.

Find additional information about the importance of these dates and how they help us here.

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Jan 9, 2022 7:26 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


Since I had to make a new template for the conquered badges requested, their style has changed.
While I was at it, I made 3 different templates not cause I couldn't pick one, baka.

If you are one of the many that has a conquered badge requested pending,
you are allowed to update your turn-in post to include the style info.
DO CHECK the first post of the turn-in thread to see the format.

DO NOT update it if your post has already been validated and added to the HoF (it will have an "added" on it).
Just let me know on discord or via PMs here (include a link to your turn-in post).

The templates for the (long) Special Badges Requested will be created at a later date.

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Dec 23, 2022 7:33 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


On the night (UTC-4) of December 21, 2022 MAL finally created and shared their own BBCode editor. As you can expect of a new feature, it still a tad wonky and has room for improvement.

Now, how does this affects us as a club? You and your challenge posts?

Well, that will depend on the kind of edits and customization that you do to your posts. If you are one of us, those that waste too much time editing, it's incredibly ... stressful. At least for now while they fix the bugs.

The most important thing and the reason why I decided to share this with everyone is our Sign Up Codes.
As I hope that you know, we offer them for every single challenge we have.
If, as of that update, you were to go copy our code and paste it using the "new editor" view... it will simply break how the code was intended to work.

So we are suggesting that you work using their "View Source" option. That way you can paste the code as intended and work on it as you want.
If you don't particularly care or mind, you are free to continue using the "new editor" view.

How to change to the "view source" option?

On the BBCode editor bar, you will see a lone symbol at the far end (right side). It's like a sheet of pare with brackets on the middle.

Pressing that will let you work on your posts as it used to be before. Without it affecting how the posts are intended to look like.
Also note to be extra careful when editing old post using the "new editor" view, since that will change your code and once saved there's no going back. (unless you have a backup copy)

Any question, doubt, concern or whatever you wish to consult your staff with, don't hesitate to reach out to us on our discord server or using the queries thread here on the club.
SheyCroixDec 23, 2022 7:41 AM

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Apr 16, 2023 3:07 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We have decided to close the TV Tropes Challenge.

Why are you closing it?

We are closing this challenge since there isn't a feasible way for our inspection team to properly evaluate the challenge, unless we implement measures that would be too strict and troublesome for our members (and inspectors).

What does this imply?

It means that the challenge will be locked (not deleted) and no member will be able to create a post of participation. This include blogs or any other place in which you might work with one of our challenges.

Once said challenged is locked and closed, those that already have a post in the thread will be allowed to continue working on it and finish their desired difficulties (at their own pace). If you still haven't finished your first run and really want to try for the second one, you will be allowed to reserve a post beforehand. THOUGH keep in mind that you must finish x1 first and Inspectors will be checking dates.

The closing date doesn't mean that after that no one will be able to finish it. If you have a post, you can continue working on your challenge as per usual. But if you don't have a post, you won't be able to participate on it.

CLOSED ON MAY 05, 2023
SheyCroixMay 5, 2023 10:58 AM

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Jun 20, 2023 8:18 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


The Holiday Challenge received a big update that affects anyone that had yet to turn in their challenge as of today (June 20, 2023 ; effective immediately).

Many clarifications have been added, most important being that you have to use the provided listing on each item.

Said item list has been reworked/updated. Any challenge that had yet to be turned in as of this post, needs to update their listing.
The items stayed relatively similar (as of what they asked about), but some of them have been reworded to make them easier (both to do and inspect).

SheyCroixJun 20, 2023 8:25 PM

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Jul 16, 2023 10:36 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


After announcing the new Conquered difficulty for the 100 Episodes Challenge, we noticed that we do not have available the amount required of series for completing all four difficulties + the second run (needs a total of 200 series).

Thus, after some deliberations, we have decided to retract the second run while keeping Conquered. In the future, once we have more options, we will add it back.

Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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Jul 28, 2023 11:45 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


After a discussion with the Inspection Team, we have decided to change how the Monthly Challenges are handled from now on.

Monthly Challenges, by nature, are time limited events that only permit you to complete the provided items during the month they are released. Users are supposed to only use series watched during said month and they aren't supposed to watch something new to replace invalid series once the month is over.

Taking into consideration the above, that they have taken far too long to be inspected (in case there's something to fix), that users turn them in late and other such things, the following changes will be implemented starting from the August 2023 Challenge:

    Participating (mostly remains the same to prior rules)

  1. You will continue watching four items per month, from the winner's submission.

  2. A bonus items will always be provided.
    γ€€— It is highly suggested that you complete them, as they will be used in case you have an invalid.

  3. You will need to have made a participating post on the monthly thread before the challenge period ends.
    γ€€— The challenge period will always use (UTC-4).
    γ€€— The challenge period will start on the first day of the month, at 12:00 AM (UTC-4).
    γ€€— The challenge period will end on the last day of the month, at 11:59 PM (UTC-4).

  4. You must finish watching all anime to be used for said month during the challenge period of that month (UTC-4).
    γ€€— Don't try cutting it so close to the start/end dates as you risk invalidation.
    γ€€— You will be required to state your time zone on your challenge post.

  5. If your stated time zone is different to UTC-4:
    γ€€— You still need to use the challenge period (see point 6).
    γ€€— If the first of the month at 12:00AM (UTC-4) is ...
    γ€€γ€€• ... before the first of the month at 12:00AM (your time zone), you may start your challenge early.
    γ€€γ€€• ... after the first of the month at 12:00AM (your time zone), you will have to wait to begin your challenge.

  6. In case you are unsure if a series works for a particular monthly item, don't hesitate to ask on the Queries thread or on our Discord Server (link on the club profile).
    γ€€— You can also directly mention the inspectors assigned to that month (listed with the Turn-In Form) or an admin.

    Turning In

  7. All monthly challenges will be turned in on the corresponding monthly thread.
    γ€€— A Turn-In Form will be provided, with mentions to the ones inspecting said month.

  8. New Monthly Challenges turned in on the Main Turn-Ins thread will be ignored.

  9. You will only have one month after the monthly challenge ends to turn them in.
    γ€€— Once the month has passed, the thread will be locked and no new turn-in nor fix will be accepted.

  10. Prior monthly challenges already turned in will be moved to a priority queue and thus be inspected out of the previous set order.
    γ€€— We will start with the oldest monthly challenge, based on where we are at from the last validated challenges.
    γ€€— This will continue until we catch up to the July 2023 Challenge.

  11. Invalids for prior monthly challenges will continue to be handled on the Invalids Challenges thread.

  12. Older Monthlies that haven't been turned in will no longer be accepted.
    γ€€— You will have all of August 2023 to turn them in. (COUNTDOWN HERE)
    γ€€— Any monthly challenge turned in after that will be promptly marked as invalid.


  13. Invalids refer to those items for which the anime you stated doesn't match the requested.

  14. You can only use anime watched during said month to replace an invalid.
    γ€€— Must be started and finished during the challenge period.

  15. Users will have seven (7) days, after mentioned, to fix an invalid.
    γ€€— After the seven days, if no fix is received, the challenge will be considered forfeited.

  16. In case of an invalid, you will be allowed to:
    γ€€— Use the provided bonus item during said month, thus completing the standard version of the challenge (without bonus).
    γ€€— Replace the invalid anime with another watched during said month.
    γ€€— Shuffle the series used between different items.

  17. In case of an invalid for which you do not have any previously watched anime to replace it:
    γ€€— If you receive the invalid call during said month, you will have the opportunity to watch something new to replace it.
    γ€€— If you receive the invalid call after said month ended, you will need to forfeit the challenge and leave it as an invalid.

  18. Users that turn-in their monthly challenge during the last few days of said month, have a higher chance of receiving an invalid call after the month ends.
    γ€€— You will be considered already warned, in case you don't have a series to fix an invalid, thus we won't make exceptions nor receive protest in case you have to forfeit.

    Invalids of Older Monthlies

  19. Most of the rules stated above will apply.

  20. In case of an invalid, you will be allowed to:
    γ€€— Use the provided bonus item during said month, thus completing the standard version of the challenge (without bonus).
    γ€€— Replace the invalid anime with another watched during said month.
    γ€€— Shuffle the series used between different items.

  21. In case of an invalid for which you do not have any previously watched anime to replace it:
    γ€€— You will be allowed to watch only one new anime to replace an invalid. That anime can't be used on the monthly challenge it was watched on.
    γ€€— If there are two invalids, you will need to use the bonus item for one and the new series for the other.
    γ€€— If there are three or four items invalid, you will need to forfeit that month.

If you have any questions in regards to these changes, anything you might want clarified and/or anything you want to add, please feel free to contact me (@SheyCroix) or the Inspections Team Manager (@Bri) on the Queries thread or on the "#πŸ“…-monthly-related " channel on our Discord Server (link on the club profile).
SheyCroixJun 9, 8:06 PM

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Sep 2, 2023 8:45 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


After implementing the recently announced changes to how the Monthly Challenges are handled, we have discovered some inconsistencies that we want to address and rectify:

γ€€— Starting from the September 2023 Challenge, you are required to state your time zone on your challenge post.
γ€€γ€€• Make sure to update your challenge post (even if you turned in already).

γ€€— As a time limited event, the Monthly Challenges will strictly follow the hosts' time zone. That being UTC-4.
γ€€γ€€• The rules have been updated to reflect this. Read them (see point 8).

✨ Reminders that apply to all challenges:

γ€€— DO NOT delete your posts on the threads. If you don't wish to work on the challenge anymore, leave them empty, with gibberish or as is.

γ€€— The general challenges rules have been updated to reflected to this, but keep in mind that all anime used for our challenges must stay on your list at all times. If we discover that you have deleted anime entries from your list and that said entries were used somewhere, that challenge will be invalidated and you will be asked to fix them.
γ€€γ€€• Regardless if said challenge was previously validated.

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Jan 5, 8:47 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


We have decided to close the Sports Challenge — Style #1.

Why are you closing it?

We are closing this challenge since it's not as feasible to complete, as well as unpopular since release.

What does this imply?

It means that the Style 1 of the challenge will be removed and no member will be able to create a new attempt for it past the closure date. This include blogs or any other place in which you might work with one of our challenges.

Once said challenged is closed, those that already have a post in the thread will be allowed to continue working on it and finish their desired difficulties (at their own pace).

The closing date doesn't mean that after that no one will be able to finish it. If you have a post, you can continue working on your challenge as per usual. But if you don't have a post prior to the closure date, you won't be able to complete it.

If you are currently working on the Style 2 as your first attempt but you are interested in completing the first one, you are suggested to switch your current attempt to Style 1. Then you can work on your second one with Style 2. No one will be allowed to reserve a post ahead of time for their second run.


  • Can I save a new post to work on style 1, if I'm already working on style 2?
    γ€€— No. If you wish to do Style 1, your first post must be used for it. Once you finish with that, you can complete your second run on Style 2.

  • I have already turned in Easy to Hard x1, with Style 2. Can I do Conquered on that one?
    γ€€— Yes. You may add Conquered to your first post. You can continue your second run and conquered x1 at the same time if you had already started it. Just make sure to not overlap the entries used. The start date for Conquered x1 will be your post date.

  • Can I do Conquered x1 on its own post?
    γ€€— No. It must be on the same post as the other difficulties.

  • What if I already turned in something with Style 1, but I'm no longer interested in continuing?
    γ€€— You may contact an admin so that your turn ins are invalidated.

  • Is there no Conquered for Style 1?
    γ€€— No, there isn't.


SheyCroixFeb 29, 6:44 PM

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Mar 24, 9:15 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


To continue improving how our challenges are handled and the services we provide to our challengers, we have decided to remind our members of several turn-in rules that weren't explicitly stated before. We have also taken the opportunity to update other aspects so that in a not so distant future, we may provide new options and better tools to our community.

Please note that the following changes are in effect immediately, as of this announcement.
It is your responsibility to abide by the new changes.

  • All turn-ins finished in a period of 24 hours, should be on the same post.
    γ€€— 24 hours based on the post date.


  • Use the provided turn-in format as is, if you are unfamiliar with bbcode and what is accepted by the HoF.
    γ€€— A limited formatting is allowed and read. You can ask on the #hof-corner of our discord server about your formatting.

  • DO NOT do any of the following on your turn-ins:
    γ€€— Quotes
    γ€€— Spoilers
    γ€€— Strikethrough (that's only for the Head Inspector to use)
    γ€€— Colors (if you do not know how it works)
    γ€€— Extra links (only include your challenge post on the provided line for it)

  • Use the challenge name as provided on its first post.
    γ€€— Write it as is, so it's properly recognized.

  • Regarding the Challenge Version and Second Runs:
    γ€€— The "Version" line should be removed if the challenge being turned in does not have any difficulty or version available.
    γ€€— A second run of any challenge should be written as " x2 " on the "Version" line. For example: " Conquered x2 " (or just a "x2" alone).

  • Regarding the start/end dates:
    γ€€— The dates should reflect when the first anime used was started and when the last anime used was completed.
    γ€€— For challenges that use series started a long time ago and/or undated, you are allowed to use " BC " to indicate the series were started/completed before the challenge was released (or before you joined MAL/our club).

  • Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.

    γ€€— It is important that, for the HoF to recognize your inputted dates, you use a standardized format.
    γ€€— The HoF use the ISO 8601 standard for time and dates. This means your turn-in dates should be formatted as : yyyy-mm-dd (2024-03-24)
    γ€€— Use the format as is, just numbers and the hyphen (no dots, commas or single numbers).
    γ€€— The dates on your challenge post can be of your preferred formatting.

    Challenge: NAME AS IS
    Version: ONLY IF APPLICABLE (Easy/Medium/Hard/Conquered | Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall | x2)
    Start Date: yyyy-mm-dd
    End Date: yyyy-mm-dd
    Post Link: LINK ONLY


  • To avoid confusion, please only include the upgrade part if you are actually turning in an upgraded entry.

  • If you complete a challenge that has multiple difficulties, you can turn in the challenge at a lower difficulty (easy and/or medium for example) while you continue to work on the challenge to achieve a higher difficulty (medium and/or hard).
    γ€€— However, if you want to display both badges, you must have completed the challenge twice ― once with the first difficulty's requirements and twice with the second difficulty's requirements.

Challenges Turn-Ins (v.3)
SheyCroixJun 9, 8:03 PM

ღ HiScore ღ LoScore ღ Auction

ღ Turn-Ins ღ AWCc


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