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Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei
May 30, 9:01 AM
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Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
May 26, 11:25 AM
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Teito Seihai Kitan: Fate/type Redline
Mar 19, 7:55 PM
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Shizuna Yesterday, 8:02 AM
In one of the modes in this game the devs named Claire Clara...
Pikmin404 May 30, 9:50 PM
I'm using gems not on gacha but on getting the various tickets for the side content like the Bounties, and the Lessons. Lessons and the Cafe always makes me jealous because they usually show characters that I haven't gotten yet. But sometimes I do welcome it because it makes me anticipate on which characters I want to get. Also, it gets boring if the Cafe only shows me the (small) team that I own.

At this point I really do want to learn Japanese. But I not ready for the heavy investment of learning a new language. There's also the fact that Japanese games are now being censored at the source, so I questioned the use of it in the future. I guess we can enjoy more niche content plus having more than one languages can be a good skill to have, and I do love on how heavy Japanese is when it comes to its wordplay. If you still are eager to learn, there's this guide you could use. Never tested on how well the guide is, it was sitting on my bookmarks for months.
raikagebee May 30, 8:13 PM
Yeah I tend to use both Abi's in tandem as well, they both inflict terror so stunning the enemies for a few turns is pretty effective. Awesome to hear Yang turned out to be better than you initially thought, seems like being good at debuffing tends to be a common trait among Foreigners.

Oh very interesting, not sure if I was aware that she stays a Beast class while summonable. Although if they were gonna do that, it seems weird they wouldn't do the same for other Beasts like Tiamat tbh.
I certainly have thankfully, and I'm so freakin happy to have him. Also came along with a 2nd Yu Mei-Ren and my first Vlad III (EXTRA). I found QSH's interlude really fascinating, with how he went about developing and utilising rayshifting while his Lostbelt was fading to set a contingency plan in place where he anchors himself in proper human history, and can thus restart his empire should we fail.

I used my remaining quartz trying to get Summer BB afterwards, but I was informed that Arcueid will be on the banner fairly soon and that if I was gonna try for any Mooncancer, it should be her is what I was told since she's apparently the best Mooncancer. Altho Summer BB is still quite good herself and is great for burst damage, but requires some support/setup to make her work whilst Arcueid fully charges her NP gauge with a single skill in comparison lol
So I'm saving up for her now, as well as Summer Ibuki, but their releases are annoyingly close to one-another. I'd say I want Ibuki more with her being one of my favs and all, and she apparently pairs really well with Castoria, so it'll likely be difficult to balance with when I should call it quits on Arcueid if it doesn't go well so I can still have a decent shot at Ibuki. Would make it a lot simpler if their release order was just switched. Lady Avalon is very good from what I've heard, she's basically Merlin but with Arts from my understanding. I would definitely try and get her if I wasn't already eyeing two other servants.
Btw I don't know if you're aware, but we'll be getting gifted a large amount of quartz at the time of Arcueids release. It'll be 3 quartz for every servant we've levelled to final ascension, not including welfare servants which will give us rare prisms instead.

Agreed, his bankai is badass, loved when all of the flames disappeared into the blade in the blink of an eye. I actually ended up liking Yamamoto a good deal more this time around than I did originally, I guess it must've hit different for me in this adaption than it did in the manga all those years ago. My favorite quincies are As Nodt and Gremmy, they portrayed As Nodt's fear visualisations super well. My favorite out of the girl squad is Liltotto, really like her voice and demeanor. It was revealed in a novel that Gremmy and Liltotto were friends, Gremmy mentions how she's the only one who doesn't harbor any fear or apprehension for him. They shared a cute scene together before the war where Gremmy imagines some pastries and sweets for her.
Yea I recall that being the common consensus at the time for their debut, myself included in that lol and fuck the censorship indeed, I was pretty shocked they cut out those fanservice scenes.

I've been enjoying it so far, I just watched episode 11 earlier today. The world-building has been great, the animation and fight choreography is very fluid and the style in general is pleasing to the eye. The style of comedy has also been landing pretty well with me, stuff like Frieren making a rock golem breakdance or her eating an absurdly large burger is the kind of goofiness that really tickles my funny bone.
Nah I haven't seen Mushoku Tensei, altho I've seen a couple of scenes and know what a handful of the characters look like, I've certainly heard good things about it.
Shizuna May 30, 12:21 PM
Well, who knows now what the SAO author had in mind back when he created it, but yeah, it's disappointing when the girls you like end up being accessories in this type of stories.

When the top is rotten, everyone below will get sick as well. If you have insane amount of money you can apparently push whatever insanity you want anywhere you want on whoever you want.

Re;Birth3 has Pururut, my favorite Neptunia character. I think you might like her as well, besides being cute she's voiced by Hanazawa Kana.

You were lucky in a way, we're similar age, but your school life seems to be healthier than what I had :P

I liked Jiraiya x Pain part arc, but Pain x Konoha left me with mixed feelings. I don't think I've watched any Naruto/One Piece/Bleach movies since they're usually fillers.

We'll have to wait and see what they have in store for Altina, but I'm optimistic. Hopefully she will be more involved in things than Fie was in Kuro.
Yes, my screens are from that trailer and this video. The official site was also updated with characters page added. I made the gif for my profile from the video here as well. It looks so beautifully cool it makes me glad I have eyes to see it.
Rean probably looks younger because of the graphics differences between CSIII/IV/Hajimari and Kuro.

I think it's as bad as censorship, in a way even worse, because one is usually being pushed from the outsiders, whereas this bastardization of the script is done 100% willingly. No one talks like that NISA's Erika either, well maybe Americans on social media or in their sitcoms do, but I'd rather have a "soulless" word to word translation than this. At the end of the day, I rely on subtitles to help me understand what I'm unable to in the audio, and when the text is completely different to the said audio it annoys me to no end because I hear that localizers aren't only translating but are actively changing what is being said, meaning you're reading fanfics of some failed writers instead of the game's dialogue.

Yeah, I think Aizen is more interesting than most other antagonists in those long-running battle shounen I've watched. Btw I've finished reading one VN with Aizen's VA as an antagonist, it's relatively short and I think you could probably enjoy it too. It is called Kikokugai.

I see. Then you're also not invested in that Rukia vs Orihime debate. I remember some years ago it was a popular topic... Although somehow feels like we DID discuss it. Bambietta's nice, yes, but I wish there was more of her.

Kikyou's bonding events are very cute too, but since she's not a limited unit there's not much reason to pull for her if you're not that interested.
I thought of my favorite top-5 BA charas and it ended up looking like this: Kikyou, Wakamo, Yuuka, Karin, Nonomi. I also like Rin a lot, but she's not playable, so...

Congrats on getting Fu Xuan, I think she's one of the better HSR characters design wise.

Well the game itself looks very old mechanically despite being new. The narrative is done from the perspective of the Northern Jaegers so don't expect much from it story-wise. I'll try to stick with it for a little bit longer, though. As for your question, I haven't unlocked/explored everything UI related, but I haven't seen anything like personal stories for the characters you own.
Pikmin404 May 29, 9:23 PM
It'll be tough to not spend any gems for the next two months (or if I'm unlucky enough to spark for D!Ako). I really want Aru but I'm not strong enough to farm her yet since she's farmable on Mission 18 (Hard) and I'm on 13. Leveling up my account is my top priority alongside scrounging for gems. I already have enough for a spark however because the other anni-units are only obtainable on RNG, I'll need to save as much as I have to.

I'm surprised that you rememebered that discussion. Maybe the next time I ask a question, I'll go through our convos from repeating again. I'm still hurt about Sayaka's death to this day.

I do want to start the Trails franchise, but I need to finish up my backlog first and foremost. Also, I'm very wary at the newer entries no thanks for the disingenuous changes the localization made.
Pikmin404 May 29, 4:18 PM
So I missed both variants of Wakamo, huh. Damn, my luck with this game is atrocious so far. I had to spend almost 42000 pyroxenes for the Toaru collab. I only didn't care much because I had so little units in the first place. I really do want D!Ako, but my priority is with the anniversary banner D.Hina. Even if S!Hanako, Wakamo, and Mika have an abysmally low chance of appearing, I still do want them a lot.

I, myself, am a fan of Neru. She and the C&C contrasts Millenium nerdy themes, which makes them memorable. Neru herself contrasts C&C as a delinquent despite being in a maid/spy agent club, which makes her memorable. It's understandable if you hate Rio, tbh. I can't bring myself to do so despite what she did. She does a pretty good job on being Himari's foil.

Btw I also want this new girl but she reminds me of Junko so ARGGHAHGASHdasfasa.

So, it appears that she's finally playable after four years later. That's took quite a while. I'll be waiting to see if the other one is playable. Not a fan of Junko Enoshima I take it?
Shizuna May 29, 5:58 AM
Apparently Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War (gacha game based on the anime) released today. Do you plan to check it out? From the looks of it, they mostly re-use the artworks from the main games and Akatsuki no Kiseki.

(Wanted to upload some images but imgbb doesn't work at the moment).
Shizuna May 28, 1:11 PM
SAO has it easier because it never implied that MC can end up with anybody else. Same how Falcom would disappoint a lot of fans if they made Alisa/Elie canon ships for Rean/Lloyd, but they can do whatever they want with Van because he wasn't showm in an active relationship during Kuro 1 & 2. That and the "waifu factor" isn't as prevalent in SAO because unlike Date A Live it is watched by many people who don't care about these things.

To be fair no, I don't roleplay as her. I changed my name here mostly to emphasize how much I love her and it looks great in a Shizuna-themed profile aesthetically.

It looks like some Westerners even push for this insanity as deep as in the programming language.

By this point it would be preferable for any developer to cut all ties to the U.S. companies, but with how much money and influence they have it's probably unrealistic.

I have some Neptunia games I haven't played too, the spin off ones, but I'm not very enthusiastic about them.
Yup, Ikaruga is also a name of a bullet hell game I wanted to play for many years but still didn't bother to play past first stage. It's a cool name.
Well... I haven't watched the anime, so I can't say anything about it unfortunately. I almost never watch the ones based on VNs/video-games, although I assume Senran Kagura anime is probably at least better than the Cold Steel one.

Man, where I grew up literally no one watched anime... Or at least it was never brought up in any conversation.
I think I enjoyed Shippuden up until Kakuzu and Hidan arc, afterwards it went on a decline for me. I liked these two guys btw.

I watched a new video about the upcoming game and there are some interesting things. Open the spoiler button below if you don't mind this sort of info - I used to avoid it, but it's mostly promotional things and we've already played most recent games.

Good to know. As a matter of fact, I even decided to finish Fate/Grand Carnival a few days ago (apparently I only watched 2 episodes out of 4). That conflict between Eresh and Osakabehime was great.

Everything we both fear is a possibility unfortunately... I've read an interview with Wit Studio/Production I.G director and he seems to be super happy that nowadays studios can work with Amazon, Crunchyroll, Netfilx, Disney instead of being limited to Japanese companies. They surely have more money, but there is no way they're not inserting their political agenda on the projects they fund.
Btw look at this:
I found this image a few days ago and it made me once again glad that I stopped bothering with NISA garbage after CS4. Even if they have some idiotic agenda to replace certain "offensive" words and phrases there is nothing forcing them to make these imbecilic jokes and rewrite characters personalities.

I wanted to share some more info about UQ, but I haven't progressed much since then unfortunately.

I don't remember the exact reason, but it's probably similar to the Wesker situation in Resident Evil 5. He and Aizen are both cool antagonists with somewhat similar goals and Wesker used to be one of my favorite characters more than a decade ago.

What's your opinion on Rukia? I don't remember if we've talked about her or not.

On the BA side of things, she's finally released on Global:
I wonder what's your opinion on her?
raikagebee May 27, 7:32 PM
I'm glad one Abi has a single-target while the other is AoE, so they compliment each other nicely.
Yeah I keep up with the Japanese stuff too, I always check out any new servants that get released. It's no wonder those ones caught your eye, I love their designs too, I'll be especially interested in trying to get Tiamat in the future. From what I'm aware, Draco is the servant version of a Beast that appears in Fate/Grand Order Arcade and it's in some way connected to Nero.
After I try for Qin Shi Huang and aside from when I'll have another shot at Shuten, I'm not too sure what I'll be planning for next in the nearer future either. Should definitely look ahead a bit just to be more aware of what'll be coming up.

I looked into the specifics a bit more and her NP is a single-target that removes all def buffs and deals 150% extra damage to dragons as well as servants with the dragon trait. And she'll almost always have type advantage with her being a Berserker, not to mention her first two skills serve to multiply that damage even further with a def-down, an Arts card-type modifier and an anti-chaotic modifier. So the stacking damage potential can be pretty devastating from what I've been told, especially when you factor in CE and support servants.
I'm grown quite fond of her design (Her final ascension art is badass af) and she's seeming like a pretty interesting character, so in retrospect I'm pretty glad I was given a reason to try and pull for her.

What did you think of the new Bleach seasons? I'm currently watching Demon Slayer and Hero Academia weekly atm, I assume you intend to wait for the Demon Slayer season to finish before starting it right? I also started Frieren but I'm only 4 episodes in atm.

Interesting news in regards to Stellar Blade btw. An update dropped a couple of days ago and it included two outfit variants of the 1.00 uncensored version. Rather than uncensoring them, they used them as the base for new outfits but with same level of skin reveal they had in the 1.00 version. Glad they took notice of the complaints and set about making their fanbase happy rather than ignoring it.
Pikmin404 May 25, 6:26 PM
It's honestly so hard to pick favorites in this game

That, I very much agree on. It feels like every character has their own charm and fanbase. I can only think of a few other franchises on that level. Honestly, I have trouble finding favourites myself. Without adding the ones you mentioned, Yuuka, Aru, Koharu, and Wakamo are some of the ones that I could list at the top of my head. Despite that, they keep introducing more great characters like Kisaki and the shupogakis Tachibana siblings. Even the variants like Ako (Dress), and C&C's bunny variants are great.

A downside for me joining BA late is that I've missed out on all of the events, besides the Railgun collab. Apparently, more exposition of Wakamo are revealed in events which is weird because you would think that despite being a major antagonist in the prologue, she would've been more relevant to the story. Kinda threw me off for a bit.

I'm very fond of the SRT girls as well. Hopefully, Rio, Seia, and Kisaki will be recruitable one day.
Pikmin404 May 24, 11:52 PM
Originally, I was watching the anime as a litmus test to see if I would care enough to play the game. Because of how investment heavy gachages usually are, I was very hesitant on actually trying it. I probably would've ignored it entirely if not for the very great character designs and funny memes that I kept seeing. Fortunately, I was impressed enough to actually play the game. I started around the time the long awaited Railgun collab arrived. I caught up to the story (well until Volume 5 released) and I currently on Mission 13. I didn't really care for the railgun collab but I caved in at the last moment because of FOMO (thank Miku for that), and I only had around 10 units in total. I'm glad that it blew my expectations.

Sadly, looking through the banner history, I missed out on favourite characters I would've loved to get like Yuuka (Sportswear) and Mika. It seems that I have a another go at Mika in July(?).
Pikmin404 May 24, 9:29 PM
It's good to see that you're enjoying the new seasons of Bleach.
Ene_ForML May 23, 4:05 PM
blue hair is one of my weaknesses...
Ene_ForML May 22, 9:50 PM

I don't think I have a favorite, but I have a certain extra charm for Roxy
Ene_ForML May 20, 7:46 PM
Sometimes I forget how based your list is.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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