Rating system (?/10):
10: Fucking masterpiece and total enjoyment.
Self explanatory. Anything that I consider a masterpiece and I enjoyed every second of it. This includes the animation, soundtracks, every aspect, etc.
9: Masterpiece.
The "oh so close but not quite there" factor plays a huge role. Anime that I feel are amazing in its own right but some areas I did not enjoy however are still considered masterpieces in my eyes.
8: Would watch again.
Anything I thoroughly enjoyed and am open for rewatching, due to the fact there is an English dub for it that is great. Anything that is awesome but I feel do not have that "masterpiece" quality to it.
7: Great but had minor flaws.
A majority of anime I've watched goes into this category. The way I rate is different to others in this sense. These are shows that I believe are amazing however, the tingling feeling that I did not enjoy it completely. There may be areas I did not and this basically means that these anime are 8/10 but I would not rewatch them.
6: Average.
The true 7 in a sense. This is the average of them all. There is a big pile of anime in this section as well. Anything that I feel are just average and has no impact to me. I just watched these for the hell of it and interest.
5: Watched because of external influences.
Anime that I've seen because of other anime, ONA, OVA, Specials, etc, because of the parent stories. Generally if not, I've watched these whilst airing and thought it was not that good and watched it because why not. Also, things I've watched when I was younger go in here.
4: Cliche.
Ecchi fanservice shows that I did not enjoy go here. All ecchi are for the most part, cliche but these are for the ones without anything redeeming. Also fucking recaps.
3: Glasslip.
Anything that pulls the same bullshit that Glasslip did.
2: Shit.
Shit is a type of poop that goes in trash.
1: Utter garbage.
I hope I will never see the day an anime goes in here.
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