All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 79.6
Mean Score:
- Watching59
- Completed319
- On-Hold39
- Dropped26
- Plan to Watch117
- Total Entries560
- Rewatched4
- Episodes5,101
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 115.2
Mean Score:
- Reading73
- Completed79
- On-Hold40
- Dropped28
- Plan to Read114
- Total Entries334
- Reread0
- Chapters20,738
- Volumes1,355
All Comments (10) Comments
I just started watching Monster and it's really cool, so far. I've been fairly busy with college stuff though so honestly I don't have much time for vidya, I usually tend to stick to anime while in school for some reason. Maybe because my JRPG's feel like such a huge time investment but I'm satisfied just watching two or three episodes a day if it's an anime.
My PS3 just gives me access to all the weeb games I could want, specifically muh turn-based JRPG's and high school weaboo simulators. Primarily I've been playing games between my PS3 and 3DS as well.
I'm currently saving up for the PS4, which although I could probably afford at the moment, I am waiting until Persona 5 comes out. And luckily I have a friend who is going to be playing all of Metal Gear Solid V along with me because he owns the PS4.
I don't use steam yet because of my toaster laptop, sadly. Though my PSN is CowsOnMars.
Yes, I was just amazed to see your profile suddenly out of nowhere. It was really cool that you weren't simply scattered to the heartless sea.
You're my friend on Xbox.
I never go online anymore, but I found your MAL profile by recognizing your name in a forum post.
This is Cows r people 2.
G-good taste, b-baka.