All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 397.9
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed2,115
- On-Hold13
- Dropped71
- Plan to Watch42
- Total Entries2,248
- Rewatched23
- Episodes24,810
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 75.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries228
- Reread0
- Chapters11,675
- Volumes1,243
All Comments (12) Comments
Anyway, it appears that you prefer older anime to newer ones, and I can see more seinen, psychological shows that are thought-provoking, even though I haven't seen more than half of your favorites. Again, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we get along well.
That's a lot of shows watched, hot damn.
Nice to meet you.😃
so whatcha doing?
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