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Bakemono Recchan/Kinoko Takenoko: Asano Inio Tanpenshuu
May 24, 2021 6:31 AM
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I watched an interview, skimmed his Wiki, and watched a short biography to make sure I got the nuances of the film. I'll rewatch Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru tonight.
I found a perfect quote to describe Spring and Chaos:
"Yet even these poems can never attain to any wide popularity, nor can they ever have much weight with practical intelligences that shun the evanescent world of revery where the real and the unreal meet and blend together in indistinguishable twilight. For this atmosphere is one of indulgent brooding; their warp and woof are of the stuff of dreams woven by a mind that turns from the actual issues of life as a naked body cowers from the wind. The world is seen through a haze of abstraction, glimmeringly, as a landscape looms misty and vague through the falling, fluttering veil of the rain. Indeed it is noteworthy, how many of the poems descriptive of nature..." - cool passage from a review on Arthur Symons
My favorite Russian poem, by the way, is Osip Mandelstam's "The sea-shell".
I think a lot of Japanese anime and rpgs tend to be more Gnostic... Xenogears in particular with one of the central "characters" resembling the demiurge. Shin Megami Tensei 2 and 3 are other examples.
Also, it's pretty awesome you can read Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Dostoevsky in the original Russian! I love their fiction.
Not true. Remember the German psalm in the WMT adaptation of Heidi?
Heidi read that to Peter's grandmother in the anime.
It's a good psalm. Has a strong Zoroastrian feel to it.
Tell me of your pain.
Well, AT isn't perfectly consistent with high quality episode-by-episode (no long-lasting animated or live-action series ever really is, it's unreasonable to expect that), but I do think season 3 & 4 are more consistent with good quality and reach higher peaks than season 1 & 2 IMO. But I get your point.
btw in my last comment I said only the first episodes are good, but I don't actually believe that. I messed up and thought that there were two seasons after 3 & 4 and I meant to type "6". When in fact, there is only one season, 5, and it consists of 52 episodes, longer than any other previous season. I think the first half is constantly good, while the second half is generally weaker and mostly underwhelming.
Yeah, SP is quite long. I've been watching it for more than a decade. It's easier that way. haha
The Simpsons's very first couple of seasons are decent and its footing is awkward, but that issue gets fixed once it finds its stride as the series progresses. However, for a number of early seasons The Simpsons was incredibly great and charming IMO. Some episodes were undoubtably perfect (which is most definitely a feat in an of itself). They were full of reliably good writing though way of the team's sharp and clever sense of humor that typically induced multiple laughs in just a single episode and sincere and successful attempts at being heartwarming, thus allowing them to hold up despite being over 15 years old (standing the test of time). The exact season where its flaws become fairly noticeable and the overall quality goes downhill slips my mind, but The Simpsons has definitely fallen off. The last seven seasons or so generally aren't particularly impressive, humorous, or touching. There are a few exceptions in terms of specific episodes I can think of, but the overall seasons come nowhere near the consistency of its classic seasons.
Have you seen the most recent episode of MLP, Flight to the Finish, yet? I actually liked it despite it being centered around Scootaloo. A character who I didn't really care for but I think I've warmed up to her. Although, she's still not one of my favorites.. at least not yet.
PP has been acting a little too exaggerated even by her standards in those first few episodes for this current season, but I think she was at her characteristic level of zany on Daring Don't. I don't tend to the mind over-the-top characters, but I do mind when it's uncharacteristic of the character based on their established personality and there isn't a justifiable reason for it in the said episode(s).
Anyway, who's your least favorite pony out of The Mane Six?
Damn, I still haven't seen The Prisoner or B5 yet, but I heard they're really good. I have seen Breaking Bad, and there's too much greatness that I want to write about in that series for me to succinctly describe in this one paragraph so I won't right now. I really loved most of it.
I've only seen the first four of episodes of GoT Season 1. I won't give an opinion until I have not to work with.
I've watched a lot of live-action series, I'll try to make a list of them soon.
I like Avatar but not as much as some of its rabid fans. I do certainly think it's an above-average series, but it's not one of my favs or think it's great. Haven't seen LoK yet.
I love the majority of Dexter's Laboratory, didn't care for Samurai Jack, and really like Symbiotic Titan. Tarkovsky is influential and deserves recognition for that, but I do think he's be a tad over-praised in other respects. I'll have to re-evaluate him due that opinion being somewhat old, though.
Linklater's beautiful, interpolated-rotoscope-style wonder, Waking Life, was great. I remember the first time I watched it when I was 8 or so, I knew I was watching something special, even though I couldn't understand a single thing.
Anyway, it's been almost three years since I've last seen it so I could change my opinion, but I remember I really dug it every time I saw it. I do, however, agree with it not being accessible. I wouldn't recommend to the majority of my friends either.
Have you seen A Scanner Darkly?
I've only seen a few episodes of Wander Over Yonder, but I like what I see. I actually was anticipating something of high quality because it's by McCracken (he created and wrote my favorite 90's cartoon, PPG). The animation is expectedly fluid and the designs are pleasant. The writing is nice and I enjoy its humor, but I'd need to watch more to develop a fuller opinion on it.
I haven't seen much of BW. I wasn't into it, but I'll give it a second chance if it's actually that good.
Adventure Time is currently in a slouch. This fifth season is definitely weaker than the past two, which were the best the series has had so far. The first few episodes of Season 5 were good, but it seems like they've only been pumping out filler since then. The first two seasons of AT were decent (with the second being slightly better than the first), but I believe it really hit its stride in Season 3 and Season 4. The writing was top-notch (funny when it wanted to be and even the singular episode plots were generally smoothly written), the experimentation was noticeably plentiful (moreso than previous seasons), the colors were more vibrant than ever, and the emotional resonance was high. I loved those seasons.
South Park would take too long to break down season by season. Perhaps I'll do that later on in a different comment because I'm feeling pretty lazy right now..
The current season has been an apparent improvement over the last one with less filler and sharper satire (two particularly memorable episodes so far). I'm liking it.
I've only seen the first two episodes of the Game of Thrones parody episode-trilogy so far, but it's already running out of steam. Hopefully the final episode won't be disappointing and reaffirm my opinion on how these episodes feel inconsequential.
MLP's fourth season is stable as of now. In fact, I think the most recent episode, "Daring Don't", was the best of the four episodes that have aired so far. It's somewhat strange that I've been enjoying the recent Rainbow Dash episodes; I didn't care much for episodes centered around her in Season 1 and 2. I'm usually not that big of a fan of its season openers, but I think this season's were better than usual. Episode 3 was alright.