What I think of a show depending on the score:
10: A Masterpiece. A rating of 10 means I literally cannot find a fault in the show whatsoever. I only give these out to the best of the best, and depending of retrospect, only a few keep their spot for a while. Everyone I know has gotta see these.
9: A damn good show, If a show is here, then is one of the best shows I've watched, but it probably has one or two things keeping it from just making it to that number 10 spot. I'd easily recommend anyone these shows even if it isn't really a genre they like
8: A really good show. There are definitely some flaws in it, But because of the positives, I usually overlook them. I'd recommend this to anyone, but I'd be a little hesitant if they don't like the genre at all.
7: A pretty good show. This is probably be the lowest score that would kept me invested at all times while I'm watching it. It's certainly not perfect, but it has a lot of good in it. If someone likes, shows in this genre, I'll recommend them this if they haven't seen it.
6: A good show. Nothing outstanding, but it did some stuff that I liked. Simply put, I Don't know if ill ever re-watch it, but I'm glad I did. I'd recommend this to someone if they were looking for shows that are very similar to this one.
5: A show. A rating of 5 is kind of like purgatory, but it's by no means 'bad' per se. I'm indifferent to shows here; I think "that was something I watched". I don't think I would recommend this show.
4: A bad show. most certainly not the worst, but it definitely has more bad aspects than good. I can still see some merit with a show from this rating. However, I wouldn't recommend this show.
3: A pretty bad show. This rating is the cutoff. Above 3 are shows that I can tolerate, but this tier and below are shows I find physically hard to watch. I definitely wouldn't recommend this show.
2: A really bad show. Most of these would probably be 1's, but they usually have one sliver of quality that I like, saving it from being the lowest. I would recommend people to never watch this show.
1: I wouldn't even call this a show. This rating is reserved for the worst of the worst. most of it is probably porn, but if there is a show down here that is not sex orientated, you should look at it with fear, for that show needed to do something HORREDOUS to get here. I would stay away from people who have these higher than a 5.
I rate all of the shows I watch with 2 Categories: A Quality Score and an Enjoyment Score. The quality score is how good I think the show is from an objective point of view, while the Enjoyment Score is how much fun I had from actually watching it. Then I combine the two to get my final rating.
For example, a show in my top ten, Girls Bravo, has an enjoyment score of 10, and it is arguably my favorite anime to re-watch. However, I only have it at a 9 total score because the quality score is around 5 (because it is arguably a pretty bad anime) and I recognize that enough to not put it as a 10.
My Top Ten Anime (Does not include movies):
- Plastic Memories
- Kemono Friends
- Girls Bravo
- Mawaru Penguindrum
- Pet Girl of Sakurasou
- Your Lie in April
- Violet Evergarden
- Hunter x Hunter
- Baka to Test
- Dragon Crisis!
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