Feb 26, 2021
This is my first review and my English is nothing special, but follow! It contains no spoilers.
Angel Beats is a work with a lot of emotional weight ... In only one of the episodes.
Yes, that is the biggest problem with the show. During several episodes, there is an attempt to empathize with the characters through comedy. Well, the comedy itself ... It is legitimately very good. I would even say it is very characteristic, at various times. As for example in those "deaths" in slow motion, with background drama music.
However, this is not enough to get to know the characters properly. In
fact, this rarely gives us clues to the problems of these same characters, when they were alive. And that is a problem, as there is only about 20 minutes to work on each of these issues. For example, the Yui episode. It usually doesn't work. He is very hurried and not very careful, considering the importance that these moments are supposed to have.
The direction also doesn't help much in this aspect ... Not that it's bad, but I didn't see many choices coming from the director that would change my perception of those scenes. What is there, is efficient and well placed, but does not compensate for the artificiality of the dramas.
Unfortunately, this is not the only problem with the writing. The ending is a HUGE plot hole that made me question the purpose of that story. It's bizarre. But as I said, without spoilers, so if anyone wants justification, they can comment about this on my profile.
Fortunately, and for the sake of the anime, the themes of realization that it proposes to work on are relatively interesting, and properly addressed in at least some points. In addition, the comedy I spoke of earlier is present many times more than artificial dramas. Finally, even in the qualities of writing, there was a drama that escaped this rule that I talked about so much. Our protagonist, Otonashi. Episode 9. This one was completely different from the rest, as it was not only aimed at the character we know best, but we also received clues about his past, even before it was shown.
The production is quite good, I didn't have a lot of problems with the animation, much less with the sound. In fact, the soundtrack is above average. It has one of the best opening themes I ever heard. The only problem with production must be the character design, which is quite generic.
With this I conclude my review. Angel Beats is an anime with several writing problems. However, it is not bad as a whole, due to the fact that it dedicates a lot of time to its comedy. Unfortunately there is only one episode that works on a drama level. Most characters work well for comedy, but not for the serious side of the work. The direction is good, but it could have helped more in what was missing in the dramas, making them less artificial. The production is also good, in almost all aspects. My final rate is 6/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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