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Jul 15, 2018 8:02 PM
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Kekkai Sensen & Beyond
Jul 4, 2018 12:12 PM
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Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Oct 7, 2017 11:43 PM
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Shuuka Dec 18, 2015 1:44 PM

daezasdsae Nov 16, 2015 7:27 AM

Kiryrin Sep 5, 2015 10:13 PM
Let me know if you find any good psychological shows~ I'm always interested in those~ = u=

Believe it or not, I actually have somewhat of an idea for a story already!~ Except it's just a lot of work and I don't have the time to be committing myself into writing =/ I wanted to attempt drawing it into a manga, but I realized how much time that actually would have to take... so the dream was short-lived haha~
I've only been drawing on and off for 4 months.... if you call that experience at all = n=

Never heard of Koufuku Graffiti, but I've also watched plenty of shows that wasted countless hours of my life.
Even worse I feel compelled to finish them, even if they're seizure-inducing :x
LOL that reminds me of some other anime that had people like orgasm over food. Plus I'm sure the manga is miles ahead of the anime, so I always prefer manga... especially for adapted series.
Kiryrin Sep 2, 2015 5:04 PM
Yeah you can definitely finish them in a day or two.
Mahou Shoujo isn't finished, so you'll just have to stop at the most recently translated chapter =/
What brought up your craving to read horror? Lol~

Loooooool~ Seriously I have no idea what they could possibly have in there that can drag it out for so long...
That and Detective Conan... I used to be pretty big about this one when I was younger but now I'm just like.....ugh.

Haha yeah!~ I think people with vivid imaginations tend to enjoy reading books, I'm the same~ ^^ It's actually why I also prefer manga over anime because I can structure the scene, voices, personalities, etc. in my head rather than being forced to watch how it's presented....
Drawing animanga actually isn't that hard! I swear! o wo

I'm gonna actually have to check those out sometime heh~

Their animation/execution coupled to monologues in Ef definitely showed through like that in Bakemonogatari. None of the other Shaft animes really catch my interest, they all seem just SoL/Comedy stuff =/
You talking about Shokugeki? I'm following the manga, not compelled to watch the anime :x
Kiryrin Sep 1, 2015 3:56 PM
Good horror manga? Not really... I don't think I've ever encountered a good horror manga with a worthy plot or compelling characters.
Mahou Shoujo of the End was okay.... Ibitsu too. Maybe you can check those out?
Most are just crappy series where someone just blandly kills everyone else.

Heh, I played piano on the keyboard number line and that was what came out = u=
Yup likewise. One Piece could be the best anime for all I care but I still refuse to sit through 700+ episodes...
Naruto, Bleach, etc. too

Haha I really like some of the classic literature for the writer's descriptive language. Each has their own style and I totally sound like a nerd for appreciating them... = u=

What's an example of a 'weird' anime? >__>

Heh~ I was surprised too when a friend told me that~ xD
Errrrr, no I don't recall I've seen any head-tilting...although I could be wrong >__>
Let me know what you think of them if you get around to watching! c:
lalatylerful Sep 1, 2015 3:56 AM
Ooh I see lolllzzz verry niice~
Is there a time to watch romance? mhmmm
I also love gore tho I watch a lot more romance... romance pulls me in... idk why hahaha
lalatylerful Aug 31, 2015 7:08 PM
Ooh niice lollzz~ Do you not usually watch romance?
lindapearl Aug 31, 2015 3:44 AM
Thank you for the friend request
lalatylerful Aug 30, 2015 11:26 PM
thanks for the friend request~!
Kiryrin Aug 30, 2015 8:35 PM
Omg, you remind me of when I watched Shiki; I was alone in my bedroom with lights off and under blankets.... that was.... quite the ominous experience LOL

Exaggeration of course, but you know what I mean! c':
Also, they're usually plagued with fillers *cough* Detective Conan *cough*

Oh, classic doesn't necessarily refer to Shakespearean or Old English (they're also classics, but they're not the only classics). Classic literature generally refers to any book that 'outlived' its time in history, so it can range from Shakespeare to anything more modern (for example Lord of the Rings). But yes they generally require a higher English proficiency to read ^^

Yeah... if it's kinda one of those 'brain-dead' animes where you could sleep through episodes and still manage to understand what's going on, I'm likely not going to be interested >__>

Ef in essence fits a true romance, but it's the powerful monologues, execution, and music that really made it stand out from a typical romance. Bakemonogatari, Madoka, and Ef were all produced by SHAFT... you'll notice they'll be similar.. ^^
Kiryrin Aug 30, 2015 9:47 AM
Well.... not sure what your 'definition' of binge-watching is, but I'm not as 'hardcore' so it's usually in reference to finishing a 13-ep series in a day or 26-ep series in 2-3 days. ^^;
I refuse to watch any long and dragged out series like Naruto, Bleach, etc. DBZ is another one of those shounens where a character will yell through 1928312 episodes before transforming into a super saiyan or something... >___> I've never watched it but that's the impression I have of it! xD

I read all my manga online (I don't own any animanga merchandise). As for reading as a hobby, I like reading classic literature, so I have physical copies of those books~

I don't know what Hellsing is about so I can't make a judgement, but I'm pretty picky about what I watch and Hellsing did not appear on my radar ^^;

Yes!~ The last thing you'd want to do is be turned off by the 74-episode number. If you're into powerful monologues, might I also recommend you Ef~A Tale of Memories/Melodies~ (not sure if you've seen those already)?
Kiryrin Aug 28, 2015 9:30 PM
Anime is quite an addiction c':
Luckily I'm not actually into cliche shounen/shoujo crap, so I don't have very many shows that I'm curious about. I have a pretty extensive manga background, so I'm pretty tired of watching anime adaption of those already ^^;
But mannnn binge-watching anime is one of the scariest things you can ever do; you don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or even go to the bathroom and just glue your eyes to your monitor for hours on end >__>

I don't mind a creepy anime as long as it has a plot to back it up, and I've heard anime adaptions of VNs always suck compared to the VNs themselves >___> Maybe I might just read Higurashi and Umineko.

There's that and it's gut-wrenching to see as he slowly loses his human-like qualities... ; u; Shinichi was definitely infinitely more interesting and actually started thinking for himself rather than being a bland vegetable.

Yeah I watched all of Shiki. The first half was pretty slow.... it was literally just vampires killing everybody. But mannnn after Natsuo dies and nudges Toshio towards the truth.... that was probably the most intense-paced show I've ever watched. Toshio was such a great character; I love characters who aren't afraid to be brutal for their ideals (no cringe-worthy heart-of-gold hero archetypes). Oh yeah the pink-haired chick was a creeper c;
I don't necessarily enjoy gore, but it at least needs to be used correctly. Like Kara no Kyoukai, for example, used gore/murder to develop its plot/characters. I thought that was great and the use of gore was warranted. But I wouldn't like it if it was just some shitty anime with characters massacring another and showing gore just because they can.

Monster was a masterpiece. Mot an anime for everyone, but if you enjoy deep dialogues and diverse characters, then I would recommend it. Don't be turned down by 74-episodes; there's NO filler whatsoever. Something I found unique about Monster was that each character got his fair share of the spotlight. So sometimes you can see seemingly irrelevant groups of characters each occupying a couple of episodes, but then as the mystery begins to unravel everybody starts to converge delicately towards the same conclusion. It was beautiful.
Kiryrin Aug 28, 2015 11:07 AM
I know what you mean.... TV has been practically non-existent in my life for the past couple of years. There's nothing on there worth watching that you can't catch online ^^;

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about Eva, particularly targeted at Shinji in particular for being a spineless, seizure-inducing, MC. But I'm willing to give it a chance!
I heard the Eva movies are really good though, the 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc. ones.

I'm most definitely watching Higurashi; it's somewhat of a psychological classic! I can't remember; but was it adapted from a VN too? I know Umineko was and supposedly the VN was really good!

I've read the manga for Mirai Nikki and Parasyte; loved both of them, particularly Parasyte. I wanted to strangle Shinichi in the beginning for being so beta though, but everything after what happened to his parents was great. I never expected that I would love Migi so much.

Thanks for the recs!~ I think my only other favorites in the genre would be Madoka, Shiki, and Monster
Monster, in particular, was REALLY enjoyable; I totally binge-watched that.

Knk7 was beautiful. Only problem I had was Mikiya's plot-armor after he got drugged; I thought for sure he was going to die. But the scene when Shiki killed Lio and Mikiya told her that he would bear her sins as a murderer was beautiful c':
Romance is great as long as it's not cliche from shounen/shoujo garbage; those are eyesores.
Kiryrin Aug 27, 2015 10:43 PM
That's awesome!~ And wow you've watched a lot of anime! Maybe you could tell me some of your other psychological/mystery favorites?~ o wo
Also KnK 7, omg I love you already <3
Kiryrin Aug 27, 2015 12:39 AM
Thanks for the friend request~
Looks like we share quite a few favorites! ^^
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