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Days: 157.7
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  • Total Entries889
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Kijin Gentoushou
Kijin Gentoushou
8 hours ago
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Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Jan 22, 12:53 AM
Watching 10/26 · Scored -
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Jan 14, 9:56 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 10
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.2
Mean Score: 7.75
  • Total Entries63
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Naruto Gaiden: Uzu no Naka no Tsumujikaze
Naruto Gaiden: Uzu no Naka no Tsumujikaze
Jul 31, 2023 6:42 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Bleach: Gokui Meimei-hen
Bleach: Gokui Meimei-hen
Aug 12, 2021 10:31 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Oni no Mataoni no Amo
Oni no Mataoni no Amo
Jan 21, 2021 11:29 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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TehNull Aug 18, 2022 3:29 PM
damn i never got a notification for this and actually i havent checked my profile in ages lol
i tried to get back to it a few times, always watching a few episodes and stopping for some reason
maybe ill get to a point where i go all the way through it but it feels a bit slow...
patco23 Mar 1, 2016 10:52 PM
"Gosick" is pretty good, but "Erased" is even better!
patco23 Mar 1, 2016 4:32 AM
Gate is just a fairly typical fantasy/science fiction light novel adaptation, with lots of fanservice. Not really recommended unless you like these types of shows.

World Trigger starts off as a typical science-fiction/action shounen but gets MUCH more exciting around episode 22 or so. Unfortunately, it's produced by Toei so the production values are almost non-existent, but overall, it's a lot better than I thought it would be.

Also, are you watching "Boku dake ga Inai Machi" (aka "Erased")? If not, I STRONGLY recommend that you start right now. It's a character-driven drama revolving around a series of mysterious serial killings, with some science-fiction elements added for good measure. It's also far and away the BEST show so far this season (ranked #5 already on MAL)!
patco23 Feb 11, 2016 11:30 PM
They really are epic! But if you do decide to watch KnK, then you should know that the individual movies as originally numbered are NOT in chronological order. I would recommend that you watch them in this order instead to avoid any confusion:

Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Part 1) (1995-1996)
Kara no Kyoukai 4: Garan no Dou (June 1998)
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu (July 1998)
Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei (September 1998)
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen (November 1998)
Kara no Kyoukai 6: Boukyaku Rokuon (January 1999)
Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Part 2)
Kara no Kyoukai - Epilogue

Hope this helps!
patco23 Feb 11, 2016 12:41 AM
Animation is definitely Ufotable's strongest suit, and their work on the F/SN franchise, along with the Kara no Kyoukai movie series, is probably what they will be most remembered for. Outstanding stuff.
patco23 Jan 15, 2016 6:50 PM
It's a decent science fiction show. Basically the plot involves two soldiers who are tasked to destroy giant war machines ("Objects") by relying only on their wits and a bare minimum of equipment. Lots and lots of dialogue here, though, mostly between the two main characters. It's nothing too spectacular, but things do pick up as the show progresses.

If you liked Toaru Majutsu no Index, then you should like this one too since they're both by the same creator.
PLP Jan 8, 2016 3:38 AM
Crunchyroll? nope not me, my username is nddos on there. I didn't even know you could message people on there :P
haha, dude, you should get on that fitness channel gambit :P Not sure if its just my recent motivation to get some gains happening, but i feel like there are fitness channels popping up everywhere. Guys just be going to gym, talking about what they eat and then getting 50k+ views per vid.

mannnn, life, so hectic right now :P working 8:30am till 6pm at uni, doing research internship. And i should be working 3 nights a week at my part time job, but instead i'm usually doing 5-6 nights because my coworker has a 30% showing up rate :P And to top it off, despite the fact its not spring anymore. Those spring time allergies (we call it hay fever) are still hitting me every morning :P

I see you watched kekkai Sensen not long ago. What did you think of it? i watched the first 3 eps, but stopped because i was a bit busy, but i'm considering picking it up again.
PLP Oct 10, 2015 5:05 AM
Oh dayum, sorry man, I didn't notice that your last comment was a new one. Notifications for profile comments would be great, maybe there's a button for that? o.o

That dude next to you (Julien) wears that hat so well. Like shit, i wish i could do that. And his Majin Buu call was gold too! Good episode again! i'll share it round my friends, it definitely deserves more views!

Also that story was savage.

Oh, forgot to reply to what you asked a while back. Yeah, we have a mid year winter. And summer from December till end of February. Christmas = hot

Though i'm sure you've got plenty of ideas for video series. I was just watching some videos in a series called Earthling Cinema by the youtube channel Wisecrack, and i think you could totally pull something similar, but about anime, working in a bunch of pop culture references and humour. Not that i've really checked, but i haven't seen anything like that to do with anime. Just food for thought!
Hokuto_no_Fuzz Sep 3, 2015 12:04 AM
man i have so many things to watch and games to play so its not often i read manga. but when i do ill check it out cuz i loved monster. Monster is the kind of anime i would show my fam.
PLP Aug 30, 2015 5:18 AM
Hmm, did you pay for it? i remember trying to torrent Adobe CS when i first started editing, but couldn't get it to run, so i just used iMovie, then eventually FCX and Motion.

Not content? how so? I feel a huge limitation in both my videos and art are my own abilities. I have all these perfect images of what i want, but simply don't have the skill to create them!

Though i really enjoy film and entreatment, i fear its only just a hobby for me nowadays. I'm currently 2nd year Neuroscience, i essentially just memorise a million facts then spew then back up onto paper when exams come round :P its mind-numbingly tedious.. (well, its not all that bad.. but still) So switching gears and making a video or drawing something every now and then is very much needed.
PLP Aug 28, 2015 5:06 AM
No problem!

I edit with Final Cut, because i have a mac. But I really want to try out Sony Vegas, Premier and After Effects. I'm waiting till summer (December in Aus) break to possible invest in a windows computer, because currently getting rekt by uni :P (also, sorry for my slow shitty replying skills ~ uni be all up in my shit)

So are you still working on skits for youtube, or are you dedicating all your attention to this new series?
I know you probs have a lot of other, non-youtube related things going on (like life and stuff..). but with your gear, editing skills and on-point camera confidence, i feel like you could really get a big following on youtube happening with vlogs+shorts+series going down.
Hokuto_no_Fuzz Aug 28, 2015 3:00 AM
cool shit man. and congratz on coming out of the anime closet! lol
SerB3128 Aug 26, 2015 9:44 AM
Awesome! I'll definitely check it out!
animeguy17 Aug 25, 2015 10:31 PM
i'll check it out!
PLP Aug 25, 2015 12:29 AM
"You can watch anime and look this good", haha, bro. Strong banter!

For real though, really enjoyed the show. Its reminiscent of the discussions i have with mates at uni (in both content and style of language), so i felt immersed in the conversation. And again, production was kirei as fuck. 10/10 Jealous of your equipment.

Also, you had some awesome one liners in there, your camera confidence is great!

I'll link it to some friends, to hopefully boost the viewership in Australia. Till then, looking forward to episode 2 :)
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