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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Jun 23, 2022 3:09 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries33
- Reread0
- Chapters1,079
- Volumes208
All Comments (162) Comments
I honestly forgot the score i gave it, *checks* oh right 9/10 pretty damn good, but yeah exactly i was expecting it to be boring as i was watching the first episode but then quickly changed my mind, i just remember that Abyss Veteran lady going to town on the robo kid after we were taught that he's almost unstoppable and she almost killed them to make a point XD, she's probably my favourite character and it was my favourite scene, then i cried at you know who's backstory at the end but i can't remember the names anymore
I decided to stop going on MAL until it was 100% fixed and heerrreee IIIII aaaammmm XD
I think I still need to update my list a lot
I've been busy with uni and that's also the reason I'm kinda dead within the week, thanks for asking though!
Sounds like you had a fun holiday xP
Fight da school Cupcake FIGHTO
And yes I recommend it, it's a good anime and it seems like it's going to have a anime adaption at some point
Only problem is that it's in CG so I hope it won't look terrible
How have you been though, it's been long?
I want to travel as much as you do :O
yes i miss my little girl dog (well she`s little but already a veteran mom) and i bet that`s mutual, then there`s the cat :D, not sure if more are coming for baby sitting
hope you`ll do fine :P, all i get is a month anyway and i gotta look after pets
i never much really did that either XD, and my other family wouldn`t have given anything either way, good luck you`ll make it X3
yes >.<, tho then i get even more new stuff piled up, but at some point some should be starting to finish :P, gonna put my money on that vacation
i listen a lot less now because i have so many series to do and games, i know some basic stuff, but im pretty bad myself XD
oh i will die a virgin because life doesn`t fuck me, i only fuck with myself XD
no worries i won`t :3
yeah, i guess they really are just here to fuck with us, still, you might miss them if they were gone, since other flies are too hard to slap and kill, while mosquitos are fun to kill :D (and their buzzing noise ain`t so damn loud either)
yeah it is, watch out for the dark humour tho went a bit overboard cause im not a fan of dark humour >.>
well it IS ideal for horror series when its pitch dark :3, me too i guess, can`t friggin sleep in summer XP
nah nevermind there`s nothing left i was just assuming, you might freeze to death on winter tho if you`re not used to it here XD
but i hate ongoing series XO and its made by the SAO team, already suffering from their Fate/Apocrypha at the moment, and because im unreasonable i`ll recommend Watamote back :O, its just so damn good X3
yeah sorry about that i love romance too, but i don`t trust that company <.<, well Black Butler was good but im already watching Fate/Apocrypha ):