'Digimon Adventure' Sequel Announced
The sequel will feature the now 17-year-old protagonist Taichi Yagami and his partner Agumon from the original series.
Promotional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVnqtcBcsPo
Source: Yaraon
Digimon Adventure (2015) on MAL
20 of 329 Comments Recent Comments
Sep 8, 2014 11:04 AM by bjorno
Episode 21 of first Digimon series, as well as first two movies really had that great atmosphere that only Hosoda can make.
Sep 8, 2014 9:47 AM by Kleferi
Sep 7, 2014 7:29 AM by meowskie
Isn't the cast dead?
And just to tell you, the series composer also had passed away since quite long time ago, the masterpiece Arisawa Takanori...
Noooo. =/
Sep 5, 2014 6:42 AM by rainbowcakes
he didn't really seem that way to me. although looking back more specifically i do recall some of his sillier moments. what made him seem more stiff to me was his interactions with daisuke - it was very formal for someone he plays soccer with. he also didn't really let loose with his old group as much
Not to mention the "old group" was nothing more than a bunch of oddball kids being stuck together in an unknown world so in real life its natural that they lost contact with each other over time.
Sep 4, 2014 8:06 AM by AGOLX
I thought taichi was still pretty cheerful he just was more laid-back than he was before hell i'm not the person i was when i was 13 either and i like his character more because of that realistic development.
he didn't really seem that way to me. although looking back more specifically i do recall some of his sillier moments. what made him seem more stiff to me was his interactions with daisuke - it was very formal for someone he plays soccer with. he also didn't really let loose with his old group as much, although i just remembered the camping trip which seemed more like him. i think his "realistic development" was more back in 01 when he decided to stall piemon, looking at the big picture of the situation.
what's lame or not is subjective, but i'm just going to direct you to Sokka from ATLA who grew up to become a respectable leader and strategist while still maintaining his fun and free-spirited personality.
that's why i said it was more believable in my last post.
hell she was going on picnics when digimon kaiser was wrecking havoc that was awful its almost like how she was busy being a princess when everyone else was in danger in adventure.
power of the situation. those kids were NOT ready to take on the digimon kaiser. yes, picnicking is a little cheery for what was going on but if you think about it they had no idea how to fix it either and it was best to roll with the punches rather than impulsively dive in and start an assault. choosing to not attack impulsively without gathering proper knowledge is a sign of maturity, at least that's what you said in the case of taichi. although insinuating she didn't care about anything because of this seems way off mark, since she later becomes a leader for all of the chosen children in new york city.
also in the beginning of adventure she was like...9. so retreating to a world where everything is comfortable in the middle of life or death situations is probably common among kids her age.
Aug 30, 2014 1:01 PM by Chanaynay
Aug 30, 2014 1:00 AM by Cyanide-
time to bust out Digimon World for PS1
Aug 29, 2014 11:18 AM by flaxman85
But there's no progression - I guess the time skip could account for this but generally energetic and happy kids can still retain their energetic and happy persona while gaining level-headedness through maturity.
hell she was going on picnics when digimon kaiser was wrecking havoc that was awful its almost like how she was busy being a princess when everyone else was in danger in adventure.
Aug 29, 2014 10:59 AM by AGOLX
Taichi wasn't supposed to be energetic&impulsive because he had grown out that phase,now he's more level headed it would've been unrealistic for taichi to act like his younger self and same goes for joe.. he's not a socially awkward introvert anymore.
But there's no progression - I guess the time skip could account for this but generally energetic and happy kids can still retain their energetic and happy persona while gaining level-headedness through maturity. I know I did. For Taichi they basically killed the bouncy, excitable energy that made his character distinguishable. He became a completely different person imo, calm and levelheaded more like Yamato (at least the Yamato who wasn't helicopter parenting Takeru). Plenty of adventurous and excitable adults (and even more teenagers) exist in the world, and saying losing that type of spirit is a part of growing up seems very jaded to me.
Joe seems still pretty introverted to me, just a lot more calm. His change is a little more believable but there's a really heavy contrast between his old self and his 02 self. But I guess you could say at the end he championed his anxiety after defeating Apocalymon.
I don't really see how she behaves immaturely in 02; honestly she seemed more like Sora to me in 02 - gentle and sweet. I liked Mimi in the first season because she was more assertive and direct. Maybe she learned how to curb it more to avoid hurting people's feelings but she really didn't seem assertive at all in 02 except for that one time she punched Sukamon and Chuumon although that just seemed bitchy to me haha.
Aug 28, 2014 9:01 AM by Chanaynay
SHIIIIT.... at least we have wada-kouji!
yeah, but, still, it feels something missing
Aug 28, 2014 3:52 AM by DATS24
I wouldn't mind Yamashita Kousuke(the guy who did the Xros Wars OST) to replace him tbh.
Yamashita Kousuke did very well for Xros Wars music, and that's one of good aspect of Xros Wars. Unfortunately, almost no one can fit and replace the music for Adventure series. Takanori's music feel so special for Adventure - Frontier.
Aug 28, 2014 3:47 AM by DATS24
And just to tell you, the series composer also had passed away since quite long time ago, the masterpiece Arisawa Takanori...
And what a lost man =/ I'm a big fan of him, fell in love with his music.
Unfortunately for the music, I totally liked his work in Digimon and Sailor Moon.
Aug 27, 2014 3:59 PM by BronyaSilverwing
It's sad that some of the cast won't be able to make a come-back but atleast most of them will.
Actually, I don't think anyone will be missing at all. Aside from Takeru, every character was voiced by their respective Adventure seiyuu in the PSP game. Considering how this takes place after 02, Takeru will obviously be voiced by the guy who voiced him in the second season. I don't know how he is doing but at least it's more likely than getting his Adventure seiyuu.
The only thing I'd be worried about would be the 02 characters. While Daisuke's and Ken's seiyuu were voicing the two of them, I think they'll also be in this season, provided that they appear at all. However, V-Mon and Wormmon (or Stingmon rather) didn't say anything. Granted, there wasn't much they could have said but considering that they hired Ken's seiyuu who literally read two sentences, I think there is a high probability that we won't see all of the 02 cast with their original seiyuu.
Aug 27, 2014 2:36 PM by Tacas
I feel like 02 dropped the ball in that department with some characters - Taichi became too serious and not very energetic, Mimi became surprisingly sweet and lost her blunt nature I enjoyed so much in the first season, Joe lost his signature anxiousness/nervousness, somehow Takeru wanted to purge all evil after losing Angemon even though it was never picked up in the first season, etc.
Taichi wasn't supposed to be energetic&impulsive because he had grown out that phase,now he's more level headed it would've been unrealistic for taichi to act like his younger self and same goes for joe.. he's not a socially awkward introvert anymore.
Only character change i don't like is how mimi behaves so immaturely and bratty as if she reverted back after adventure's ending.
And just to tell you, the series composer also had passed away since quite long time ago, the masterpiece Arisawa Takanori.
Aug 27, 2014 12:21 PM by AGOLX
Aug 27, 2014 12:04 PM by mootjuh
And just to tell you, the series composer also had passed away since quite long time ago, the masterpiece Arisawa Takanori...
And what a lost man =/ I'm a big fan of him, fell in love with his music.
Aug 27, 2014 11:40 AM by removed-user
Third, will they screw the season up like Hunter Tachi which made many fans regurgitate?
Aug 24, 2014 9:00 PM by Enharmonic
Aug 24, 2014 5:30 PM by mewygirl
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