Anime & Manga News

Hayao Miyazaki Dislikes the Digital Animation

by Sandgolem
Jan 30, 2009 7:42 AM | 45 Comments
Hayao Miyazaki revealed to Hong Kong’s Sunday Morning Post that he hasn’t seen any of the major digitally animated films in the last two decades. In his opinion, young people today have surrounded themselves with the virtual possessions and are missing out in life in general.

However, despite his objections, the President of Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli, Koji Hoshino, said: "I don't shut the door on digital technology". He went on to express that it is his job to make sure Studio Ghibli can take advantage of all potential opportunities.

Source: Mainichi Daily

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20 of 45 Comments Recent Comments

as long as it's not 3D, I'm ok. Though 3D works look much better now, I still love the art of 2D alot. Not a problem whether to develop it by computer or hand. Surely, hand art is more precious. But yes, working it manually means cost and waste of paper, for sure. in the same manner, using electricity also takes much. in one point, it's dilemma.

Feb 3, 2009 12:43 AM by mitayashi

This is news to me. I was under the longstanding impression that Miyazaki just hated all anime that didn't have the name "Ghibli" on it.

He's been incessantly harping on the death of good anime for longer than most people on this board have been alive.

Feb 2, 2009 8:24 PM by Iri

chryseis said:
i'm with Miyazaki here. i miss good ol' fashioned paper and pencil. i think the last hand drawn original Disney animation (not including sequels or Ghibli) was Lilo & Stitch back in 2002.

I do miss both the hand drawn look and the old school Disney style. Doesn't Miyazaki use CGI for some special effects? I find it hard to believe that the Demon Nago was handrawn...

Feb 2, 2009 8:23 PM by xMatronxMalicex

In his opinion, young people today have surrounded themselves with the virtual possessions and are missing out in life in general.

This makes me think he's not just talking about animation, but things like videogames as well. And maybe he's right, but I do think my life (in general) would be less complete if I had never played, say, Super Mario Bros. 3 or Shadow of the Colossus.

This might also make his statement seem not so ludicrous, considering his more recent movies' (tasteful) use of CG.

I think what it is, though, honestly, is that he's just a bit old-fashioned and resistant to the idea of movies done entirely in CG.

Feb 2, 2009 8:06 PM by zenoslime

Retsu-kun said:
He would rather use tons of papers and pencils, brutally wasting natural resources to make his movies about saving nature.


But I'm sure he recycles them in the end.

Feb 2, 2009 7:11 AM by feder

Ghibli films gives me a familiar feeling of watching something from long ago, I quite like watching these shows.

Watched Ponyo in theatres not long ago, and was like "This can give some CGs a good run for their money."

Feb 2, 2009 5:33 AM by BasakaNZ

Cihan said:
Whats the point of CGI if you cant do anything good with it? We're watching these anime for the stories, not pretty images. You want pretty images go watch some AV idols.

The Visual are *one* aspect of watching a work produced in the animated medium. Both overemphasizing and underemphasizing its role isn't something that, in my opinion, should be done.

Feb 2, 2009 3:09 AM by turkeymeister

ShaolinRibiero said:
Completely agree...and this is why I've always found your love of Miyazaki films so strange. The level of detail in the animation, facial ticks, and little background movements is exquisite, even beautiful, but in terms of compelling story-telling, they're all very, very average.

You say average, I say universal. ;)

There isnt any other kind of animated movie I'd show my nonexistent pre-teen kid more than a Miyazaki one.

Feb 2, 2009 12:06 AM by Beatnik

Cihan said:

. Whats the point of CGI if you cant do anything good with it? We're watching these anime for the stories, not pretty images. You want pretty images go watch some AV idols.

Completely agree...and this is why I've always found your love of Miyazaki films so strange. The level of detail in the animation, facial ticks, and little background movements is exquisite, even beautiful, but in terms of compelling story-telling, they're all very, very average.

Feb 1, 2009 11:49 PM by YoungVagabond

Protoculture said:
Cihan said:
He's not missing much.

this is very true look at the crap disney and dreamworks churn out

I wasnt even thinking of western animation when I posted that either. I was thinking of shit like Appleseed Ex Machina, Vexille, Pale Cocoon, the recent GitS 2.0 massacre.

Of course CGI in iself isnt a bad thing, but only a minority can utilise it effectively, the vast majority use it like a crutch and end up looking stupid.

Makoto's films are great, but he's not at the point where I'd say his works are essential. If an alien visited Earth and needed a quick recap of anime, then Miyazaki's works alone would suffice. Makoto's only at the beginning of potential essentialness.

Shit like Kara no fuckface sure looks pretty but is completely lacking in anything resembling engaging or entertaining content so its purely fluff. Whats the point of CGI if you cant do anything good with it? We're watching these anime for the stories, not pretty images. You want pretty images go watch some AV idols.

So I reiterate. If Miyazaki is ignoring Japanese CGI-fests, he's honestly not missing too much. If he's avoiding anything remotely CGI then he would be a bit crazy, so lets not take that quote too literally.

Feb 1, 2009 7:05 PM by Beatnik

Well, I could of guessed that he didn't like Digital Animation, especially due to the fact that he makes his anime by hand ^_^

Feb 1, 2009 5:20 PM by Cookie-chan-

Go Miyazaki, you RULE :D!

Feb 1, 2009 4:45 PM by KidRyan

Hmm controversial views.
I'd say personally I prefer pencil and pen on paper rather than digtal stuff. It's just nicer to look at and more natural.
So I agree with him there. I also agree in that people are missing out in real life
*rambles on about how kids are stuck on MSN and watching TV rather than hide-and-seek outside int he sunshine*
But I do understand the advantages of digital etc.

Feb 1, 2009 7:17 AM by sugarplumfairy

Protoculture said:
OrlahEhontas said:

I found this little shocker about Thndercats that I found to be interesting.

holy shit xD i want it in the origanal what a shocker xD
The original is in English, sort of like Afro Samurai. If you check out this thread, it explains it all.

Feb 1, 2009 6:55 AM by OrlahEhontas

OrlahEhontas said:

I found this little shocker about Thndercats that I found to be interesting.

holy shit xD i want it in the origanal what a shocker xD

Feb 1, 2009 2:21 AM by Corpse69

Rail_Man said:
Neverender said:
Miyazaki is a hack

and you dont belong here.

Well... Neverender belongs in an asylum... and this place is close enough. Please edit the hard returns out of your post.

Hand drawn cells, tens of thousands of man-hours, blood, sweat, tears and life sacraficed. Your final product better be pure art, it cost you everything. Let's save some yen and outsouce the BG's to Korea! (nowdays, it's Veitnam).

Art has soul, or it's trash. There's no doubt that CG can be art. It's still a huge time investment, just less people. In Cell work, you had huge banks of colorers, checkers, rough skechers, BG painters, Timers, camera ops. Now you have teams of ten workstations. They still slave away. Crap, or Pure Art - It's still a choice of creation.

Jan 31, 2009 11:46 AM by datsunvic

Neverender said:
Miyazaki is a hack

and you dont belong here.

Mod Edit: Please don't disrupt the forums with a ridiculous amount of whitespace, thanks. :)

Jan 31, 2009 11:06 AM by Rail_Man

Protoculture said:
me too thunder cats HOOOOOO xD American toons these days dont they wanna make u wanna pull your eyes from their sockets

I found this little shocker about Thndercats that I found to be interesting.

Jan 31, 2009 11:03 AM by OrlahEhontas

MasterOot said:
he should watch some of Makoto Shinkai's works

Exactly what I'd say. Shinkai's work blows every hand-drawn animation I've seen out of the water.

Jan 31, 2009 9:09 AM by NotARandomName

This isn't news at all.

Jan 31, 2009 6:03 AM by Plate

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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