Anime & Manga News

Personal Info of More Than 10,000 Doujin Creators Leaked

by dtshyk
Jan 17, 2009 4:45 AM | 52 Comments
A list of names of the participants of a doujin manga market "Sunshine Creation (SC)" leaked by a computer virus and was spread by a P2P file sharing software "Winny". The list has the personal information (street addresses, phone numbers, real names, ages etc.) of more than 10,000 doujin creators and the staff of SC. Among the doujin creators, there are some professional artists including
Kouga Yun (the character designer of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00")
Aoki Ume (the author of "Hidamari Sketch")
Utatane Hiroyuki (the author of "Heaven's Prison")
Nishimata Aoi (the character designer of "Shuffle!")
Katakiri Rekka (the ED song singer of "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni")
Shimotsuki Haruka (the ED song singer of "Rozen Maiden")

"Creation", the hosting office of SC, apologized to the people involved in the leak.

Source: Creation Official Website
Source: SC Leak Wiki

Edited on Jan 19th==========================
43th Sunshine Creation Canceled
Creation Office announced that they canceled 43th Sunshine Creation (SC43), which was scheduled to be held on April 12th.

20 of 52 Comments Recent Comments

OMG OVER 900?!?!?!?!?!?

Jan 25, 2009 7:38 PM by wesley96

It's unfortunate that such a large event had to be cancelled because of this as well.
But really, who could expect them to be responsible for their own information in this case? This is obviously a rather large organization. Not trusting them is like not trusting your bank with your banking information (for people at smaller banks). Though, safety in numbers, right? I imagine only the more famous ones will really be burned by having their personal information released. (Or those that perhaps deal in the more 'questionable' genre of doujinshi, but it's still legal, so they only have to worry about UNICEF.)

Jan 21, 2009 7:29 AM by asandari

you'd have to speculate that this virus was something intended to attack them or similar groups since you'd only want such information if you could either get alot of it and/or if they had some sort of status. It's sickening stuff.

Jan 20, 2009 5:38 PM by co_flame

sucks for them.

Jan 20, 2009 8:13 AM by Pewdie

Ephidel said:
Well, not really.
So, I should never apply for a job or book a hotel (etc, etc) again because every time I write down my name and address I risk them being lost, stolen, and displayed for the world to see? Seriously, screw that. You can't get by in life without giving specific people your data. Its a necessity... and those people are supposed to take care of it to one degree or another.
They were only signing up for an event, and I doubt they were allowed to give fake information and still attend, so it wasn't really that they 'chose' to put themselves at risk. It was that it was one of the many situations in life where you have to give information out.
(So yeah, if that happened to me (and, you know, I was remotely famous or anyone would care about my information (if it were bank details or something)) my first thought wouldn't be "Damn, I gave information out to that company. I should have known better" it would be "What? What the hell were they DOING?")

The question is that when you sign up for anything you know that you have to give your information. It will be there and there is a risk that it can be released, leaked or given or whatever. Which means that when this things happen you do not complain. It was partly your fault because you gave them the data. If you want to remain secret and safe, don't give your data and die all alone. If you want to have jobs, participate in events or anything of the sort, you have to go through that risk.

They can even annoy you when the information is not leaked, people simply do not care about their personal information because they are certain the counterpart will only use it for reference. They never use it just for reference.

Jan 20, 2009 7:43 AM by ladyxzeus

omg omg omg, how to express this situation
oh god its terrible so terrible, makes everyone cry, this is a disaster

why is life so cruel? the world hates these guys, so dramatic, so awful, so bad, such a tragedy!!!
NOOO!!! this cant be

oh boy, it sux for them, oh how did this happen?? life is unfair ... etc

just summarized everyone's posts and thoughts in this one post

What's the big deal? They are authors of doujins and other crappy stuff, why do you care?


oh well i always knew higurashi was gay! hehehe ^^

Jan 20, 2009 7:17 AM by JudgeRuthless

lol, people still use Winny?

ZoiQ said:
If anyone of you uses winny, you could be effed too. I bet share and PD is not safe anymore either :v

I guess it's time to switch to utanane?

Jan 20, 2009 4:51 AM by sniW

Well, not really.
So, I should never apply for a job or book a hotel (etc, etc) again because every time I write down my name and address I risk them being lost, stolen, and displayed for the world to see? Seriously, screw that. You can't get by in life without giving specific people your data. Its a necessity... and those people are supposed to take care of it to one degree or another.
They were only signing up for an event, and I doubt they were allowed to give fake information and still attend, so it wasn't really that they 'chose' to put themselves at risk. It was that it was one of the many situations in life where you have to give information out.
(So yeah, if that happened to me (and, you know, I was remotely famous or anyone would care about my information (if it were bank details or something)) my first thought wouldn't be "Damn, I gave information out to that company. I should have known better" it would be "What? What the hell were they DOING?")

Jan 20, 2009 3:50 AM by Ephidel

On a very sided side note...

When people give their names to any place or company they certainly know that it has their risks, being loss of data one of the risks. Taking this in consideration, while the "accident" is quite annoying, all the involved people should have known better.

Jan 19, 2009 9:56 AM by ladyxzeus

Hope that nothing big happens to all the authors. Well, no point in crying after spilt milk. If everybody comes out safe and sound, everthing is OK.

And on a side note, it was leaked by just one virus?

Jan 18, 2009 10:29 PM by DaBigD

Isn't it possible that a lot of these people don't use their real names because they are afraid of what some people will think if they knew they did this? Even in the US, I know of one case of a romance novelist whose "real job" is an English professor at a fairly prestigious university who kept her real identity a secret because of that job (but she did finally in the last couple of years let the "world" know)...
Anyway, they might not get physically attacked but they might be ridiculed or looked down on.

Jan 18, 2009 6:43 PM by animedreamer

Seems somebody was too greedy to pay a good sysadmin/os solution there. I feel sorry for the people through. They had nothing to do with this and get the problems. Who employs virus risky Operating systems for such large scale databases anyway.. Welcome to the 21st century - the deep medieval age of computing and information processing. They should bar the people responsible for the sloppy security. But they won't. Nobody gives a damn about such things - which explains why it happens more often.

Jan 18, 2009 5:54 PM by skriticos

If anyone of you uses winny, you could be effed too. I bet share and PD is not safe anymore either :v

Jan 18, 2009 5:48 PM by zq

Sohei said:
Icy-nee-san said:
Oh boy, now all the haters know where they live D:

: (
now they need to move.
Viperslayer said:
Do I smell... Lawsuit?
No need to fret.

Though it does seem a bit troublesome.

What was those dick heads thinking about realeasing these types of info on the net?
Its just so stupid.

Whats wrong with this kiddos? Real Hackers don't do that.

Jan 18, 2009 3:30 PM by Ryushi

wow, that sucks.


Jan 18, 2009 2:59 PM by YoshikoHatake

I assume most live in Japan, OUCH FOR THEM, since it's not like they were normal artists...

Jan 18, 2009 2:27 PM by Ukato

you know there are so many places where we put our personal details, where if the database server is hacked all your personal info is taken...i mean it has happened to a lot of companies in the past. nothing is secure really..

at least no financial information of their was taken (not that there would have been any :P)

still i feel sorry for those people who were really trying to be anonymous.

oh well such is life

Jan 18, 2009 2:26 PM by kb2010

Oh my! XD

Jan 18, 2009 10:10 AM by Yamato_Akitsuki

LMAO hahah

Jan 18, 2009 7:24 AM by Mahikodo

Icy-nee-san said:
Oh boy, now all the haters know where they live D:

: (
now they need to move.

Jan 18, 2009 7:03 AM by Sohei

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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