Anime & Manga News

Mai-Otome gets a prequel OVA

by Zirgo
Aug 26, 2007 3:28 AM | 21 Comments
Seeing how the Mai-HiME/Mai-Otome series has a pretty good fanbase, the animation production company Sunrise has announced that an OVA prequel to Mai-Otome is in production. The title of this new production is Mai-Otome 0~S and the character designer for the previous entries in the series Hirokazu Hisayuki will oversee the project as the main director.

Source: ANN, Moon Phase

20 of 21 Comments Recent Comments

^ Lol.

I'll watch this, but i would much rather see more Hime than Otome, Hime was awesome, in my top 10. Or perhaps do something with that fake movie trailer they made from a while back...

Aug 27, 2007 4:05 AM by Siing

boo, more otome..

Aug 26, 2007 8:48 PM by Instant

I still can't believe they're making more Otome. The anime was okay and the OVA sucked so why!? Oh well, I'll only watch it if Mai is in it. No Mai = Me No Watch.

Aug 26, 2007 5:18 PM by Monochrome

I guess I can see why Sunrise hasn't made an OVA for Mai- HIME seeing as though it would be difficult because of the loss of powers. But hell...they could always bring out the 'ol reclaiming powers to fight a new bad guy theme. anything for more HIME.

Aug 26, 2007 2:46 PM by Parsalian27

The past in Otome reminded me of HIME, so I wonder if this OAV will have something to do with that... Though HIME was definately better than Otome xD
Based on the picture though, I'm definately wrong.

As for Mai's time in coral, I suppose that could be interesting, and I'd definately watch it...

Aug 26, 2007 1:33 PM by asandari

So this means we get to see Mai/Natsuki/Shizuru/Haruka in their time as coral? Because that would be awesome. If not, I'd rather see a Mai HiME OVA or Mai HiME Destiny as Anime.

Aug 26, 2007 1:20 PM by Evadoll

Well im looking forward too it anyhow.
But I mean considering the plotting and storyline based
I think having more of Hime then Otome would make it interresting
considering there are so many things that still need answers in Hime.

But o well all we can do and wait for it to get released I guess :)

Aug 26, 2007 10:50 AM by Kirito1987

No, no, not Mai. Since it's Otome it needs more Miyu :D

Aug 26, 2007 9:00 AM by Sobzob

Hm I see, can't say I'm not looking forward to seeing it.

Aug 26, 2007 8:38 AM by cyruz

Yeah it only says about Mai Otome, nothing about Otome Zwei, but don't think it would really make it too interrested if they would make a OVA about that 1 at all.

But I agree with Cyruz, they have too give Mai screen time else I get mad :P

Aug 26, 2007 8:23 AM by Kirito1987

From what I can gather from the Japanese page it is a prequel OVA to Mai-Otome.

Aug 26, 2007 8:19 AM by Zirgo

Btw, is it an OTOME OVA or and OTOME Zwei OVA?

Aug 26, 2007 8:10 AM by cyruz

Need more mai =)

hmm prequels 0_o perhaps they show when mai was great xD

Aug 26, 2007 7:49 AM by Aokaado

I can only agree, I'd like to see a sequel to HiME as well. But I guess I'll watch this one as well, as long as Mai gets some screentime <3 .

Aug 26, 2007 7:47 AM by cyruz

Hime is way better then Otome by far, the story and action is all better there, so would have been better if they made something for that again, rather the fact that they do Otome, but I still liked them both so I will watch it non the less.

I mean Otome do have more high tech kinda style in my opinion wich is pretty cool ofcourse. But the whole plot and stuff in Hime is just best.

Aug 26, 2007 7:30 AM by Kirito1987

Ha I guess I am the only one who liked Otome better ^^

Aug 26, 2007 7:04 AM by itainteazy

Yeah, there should be a sequel to HiME. There is already Mai-Otome Zwei. So... where's Mai-HiME Zwei ? >_>

Aug 26, 2007 6:57 AM by Ophelia

Yeah, I want something from HiME then Otome. Boo them. T_T

Aug 26, 2007 6:13 AM by Crystal

The same reaction could be seen on the ANN forum in regards to this news. Since I have still to see any of the series I can't pass a vote on this.

Aug 26, 2007 5:58 AM by Zirgo

I'd have to agree with Sobzob there. Sunrise should just leave Otome alone for a while and focus on HiME again.

Still, hopefully this new OVA should be interesting.

Aug 26, 2007 5:53 AM by Vanilla-San

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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