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#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Genre Publish Start Publish End Priority
1 "Chikatetsu ni Noru" Series: Kyo Girls Days - Uzumasa Moe no Tsukumo Gikyoku -
- / 13
- / 2
Slice of Life 09-02-15 09-02-16 Low
2 "Kodomo wo Koroshite Kudasai" to Iu Oya-tachi Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Drama 02-21-17 Low
3 (Kono Sekai wa Mou Ore ga Sukutte Tomi to Kenryoku wo Te ni Iretashi, Onna Kishi ya Onna Maou to Shiro de Tanoshiku Kurashiteru kara, Ore Igai no Yuusha wa) Mou Isekai ni Konaide Kudasai. Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Fantasy 03-25-17 Low
4 009 no 1 -
- / 48
- / 6
Action, Sci-Fi 08-10-67 11-14-74 Low
5 12-sai. -
- / 130
- / 20
Award Winning, Romance 03-03-12 10-03-19 Low
6 14-sai no Koi -
- / 143
- / 12
Comedy, Romance 06-30-10 10-29-21 Low
7 20th Century Boys -
- / 249
- / 22
Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi 09-27-99 04-24-06 Low
8 3-gatsu no Lion Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Award Winning, Drama, Slice of Life 07-13-07 Low
9 3.11 wo Wasurenai Tame ni Heroes Comeback -
- / 9
- / 1
Action, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 03-10-12 03-06-13 Low
10 360° Material -
- / 33
- / 8
Romance 01-13-10 09-13-12 Low
11 3x3 Eyes -
- / 577
- / 40
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural 11-00-87 08-26-02 Low
12 666 Satan -
- / 78
- / 19
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural 08-11-01 12-12-07 Low
13 6th Bullets -
- / 11
- / 2
Action, Drama 08-09-16 06-09-17 Low
14 7th Garden On Hiatus -
- / 32
- / 8
Supernatural 08-04-14 03-04-17 Low
15 A-Channel -
- / 170
- / 11
Comedy, Slice of Life 08-28-08 11-27-20 Low
16 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka -
- / 37
- / 6
Drama, Fantasy 06-25-13 10-25-16 Low
17 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka P.S. -
- / 11
- / 2
Drama, Fantasy 12-24-16 10-25-17 Low
18 Accel World Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Romance, Sci-Fi 02-10-09 Low
19 Accel World/Dural: Magisa Garden -
- / 62
- / 8
Action, Sci-Fi 01-27-12 06-27-17 Low
20 Adachi to Shimamura -
- / 18
- / 3
Girls Love, Slice of Life 04-04-16 09-04-17 Low
21 Adekan Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action 07-14-07 Low
22 Air Gear -
- / 358
- / 37
Action, Award Winning, Supernatural, Ecchi 11-06-02 05-23-12 Low
23 Air Gear - Trick:358 -
- / 1
- / -
Action, Ecchi 12-22-15 12-22-15 Low
24 Ajin -
- / 84
- / 17
Action, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural 07-06-12 02-05-21 Low
25 Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Drama, Fantasy, Romance 08-10-06 Low
26 Akagi: Yami ni Oritatta Tensai -
- / 306
- / 36
Action, Drama 06-00-91 02-01-18 Low
27 Akaiito -
- / 39
- / 9
Drama, Romance 08-24-12 07-24-15 Low
28 Akame ga Kill! -
- / 80
- / 15
Action, Fantasy 04-22-10 12-22-16 Low
29 Akaneiro no Kiss wa Okujou de -
- / 7
- / 1
Girls Love 10-18-16 10-18-16 Low
30 Akatsuki no Yona Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 08-05-09 Low
31 Akira -
- / 120
- / 6
Action, Award Winning, Sci-Fi 12-06-82 06-11-90 Low
32 Aku no Hana -
- / 58
- / 11
Drama, Romance 09-09-09 05-09-14 Low
33 Akuma no Riddle -
- / 48
- / 5
Action, Girls Love 08-10-12 10-08-16 Low
34 Akuma to Love Song -
- / 91
- / 13
Drama, Romance 12-00-06 04-05-11 Low
35 Akumetsu -
- / 162
- / 18
Action, Drama, Suspense 10-00-02 04-06-06 Low
36 Alice to Zouroku Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Drama, Supernatural 10-19-12 Low
37 All You Need Is Kill -
- / 4
- / 1
Action, Sci-Fi 12-18-04 12-18-04 Low
38 All You Need Is Kill -
- / 17
- / 2
Action, Sci-Fi 01-09-14 05-29-14 Low
39 Amaama to Inazuma -
- / 63
- / 12
Comedy, Gourmet, Slice of Life 02-07-13 12-07-18 Low
40 Ameiro Kouchakan Kandan -
- / 20
- / 2
Comedy, Girls Love, Slice of Life 00-00-03 11-00-11 Low
41 Amon: Devilman Mokushiroku -
- / 41
- / 6
Action, Horror, Supernatural 00-00-99 00-00-04 Low
42 Ane Doki -
- / 26
- / 3
Comedy, Romance, Ecchi 07-06-09 01-18-10 Low
43 Angel Densetsu -
- / 89
- / 15
Action, Comedy, Romance 05-07-92 02-05-00 Low
44 Ani Tomo -
- / 62
- / 10
Romance 05-02-15 09-20-18 Low
45 Annarasumanara -
- / 27
- / 3
Drama, Mystery, Romance 07-02-10 12-31-10 Low
46 Another -
- / 21
- / 1
Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 10-29-09 10-29-09 Low
47 Another. Deadman Wonderland -
- / -
- / 1
Comedy 03-09-11 10-18-12 Low
48 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu -
- / 187
- / 21
Action, Comedy 07-02-12 04-25-16 Low
49 Ao Haru Ride -
- / 53
- / 13
Romance 01-13-11 02-13-15 Low
50 Ao no Exorcist Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Supernatural 04-04-09 Low
51 Aoharu x Kikanjuu -
- / 1
- / -
Action, Comedy, Slice of Life 07-28-11 07-28-11 Low
52 Aoharu x Kikanjuu -
- / 84
- / 18
Sports 06-18-12 08-17-19 Low
53 Aoi Hana -
- / 55
- / 8
Drama, Girls Love, Slice of Life 11-17-04 07-06-13 Low
54 Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Sci-Fi 09-30-09 Low
55 Aphorism Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural, Suspense 05-18-10 Low
56 Apocalypse no Toride -
- / 49
- / 10
Action, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi 09-03-11 08-04-15 Low
57 Aqua -
- / 10
- / 2
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 01-27-01 09-28-01 Low
58 Arachnid -
- / 73
- / 14
Action, Drama 11-21-09 12-22-15 Low
59 Arakawa Under the Bridge -
- / 410
- / 15
Comedy, Romance 12-03-04 07-03-15 Low
60 Arata Kangatari -
- / 237
- / 24
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 10-01-08 08-26-15 Low
61 Arata naru Sekai: Gendai-hen -
- / 5
- / 1
Sci-Fi 10-20-12 10-20-12 Low
62 Arata naru Sekai: Kako-hen -
- / 4
- / 1
Sci-Fi 10-20-12 10-20-12 Low
63 Aria -
- / 67
- / 12
Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 02-28-02 02-29-08 Low
64 Arigatou -
- / 47
- / 4
Comedy, Slice of Life, Ecchi 10-01-94 06-01-95 Low
65 Arisa -
- / 48
- / 12
Drama, Mystery 12-29-08 08-03-12 Low
66 Ark IX -
- / 23
- / 5
Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 02-01-13 06-02-15 Low
67 Arslan Senki Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-09-13 Low
68 Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai -
- / -
- / 1
Comedy, Romance 07-18-08 07-18-08 Low
69 Übel Blatt -
- / 167
- / 23
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 12-03-04 03-25-19 Low
70 ●Rec -
- / 127
- / 16
Comedy, Romance, Ecchi 11-19-02 03-19-13 Low
71 ēlDLIVE -
- / -
- / 11
Action, Sci-Fi 08-01-13 11-05-18 Low
72 Baccano! On Hiatus -
- / -
- / 22
Action, Fantasy, Mystery 02-10-03 08-10-16 Low
73 Baccano! -
- / 22
- / 3
Action, Fantasy, Mystery 10-16-15 01-06-17 Low
74 Baccano! 1931 The Grand Punk Railroad -
- / 15
- / 2
Action, Adventure, Horror, Romance 12-27-06 02-27-08 Low
75 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -
- / 143
- / 18
Comedy, Romance 01-29-07 03-30-15 Low
76 Bakuman. -
- / 176
- / 20
Comedy, Drama, Romance 08-11-08 04-23-12 Low
77 Bakuman. Bangai-hen -
- / 2
- / -
09-19-15 09-28-15 Low
78 Bakuon!! Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Slice of Life 02-15-11 Low
79 Bakuretsu Tenshi: Angel's Adolescence -
- / 16
- / 3
Action, Girls Love, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 01-27-04 06-27-05 Low
80 Ballroom e Youkoso Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sports 11-05-11 Low
81 Bambino! -
- / 164
- / 15
Award Winning, Drama, Gourmet, Slice of Life 12-06-04 02-23-09 Low
82 Barakamon -
- / 150
- / 20
Comedy, Slice of Life 02-22-08 07-12-23 Low
83 Bartender -
- / 167
- / 21
Gourmet 12-03-04 12-21-11 Low
84 Battle Royale -
- / 119
- / 15
Action, Suspense 00-00-00 00-00-05 Low
85 Beast Master -
- / 9
- / 2
Comedy, Romance 09-13-06 02-12-07 Low
86 Beck -
- / 103
- / 34
Award Winning, Drama, Romance 02-17-00 06-05-08 Low
87 Beelzebub -
- / 250
- / 28
Action, Comedy, Supernatural 02-23-09 03-13-15 Low
88 Benkei in New York -
- / 7
- / 1
Drama 00-00-91 00-00-95 Low
89 Berserk Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 08-25-89 Low
90 Berserk: Shinen no Kami 2 -
- / 1
- / -
07-12-96 07-12-96 Low
91 Biomega -
- / 43
- / 6
Action, Horror, Sci-Fi 06-14-04 01-19-09 Low
92 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon -
- / 61
- / 18
Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance 12-28-91 02-03-97 Low
93 Black Bird -
- / 84
- / 18
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 07-13-06 12-13-12 Low
94 Black Bullet On Hiatus -
- / 29
- / 7
Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 07-10-11 04-10-14 Low
95 Black Cat -
- / 187
- / 20
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 07-11-00 06-14-04 Low
96 Black Clover Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Fantasy 02-16-15 Low
97 Black Lagoon Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Drama 04-19-02 Low
98 Blame Gakuen! And So On -
- / 10
- / 1
Action, Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 02-25-04 08-25-08 Low
99 Blame!: Denki Ryoushi Kiken Kaisou Dasshutsu Sakusen -
- / 7
- / 1
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi 04-26-17 10-26-17 Low
100 Bleach -
- / 705
- / 74
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural 08-07-01 08-22-16 Low
101 Blood Lad -
- / 85
- / 17
Action, Comedy, Fantasy 09-04-09 09-03-16 Low
102 Blood+ -
- / 20
- / 5
Action, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 12-26-05 04-26-07 Low
103 Blood+ -
- / 13
- / 4
Adventure, Supernatural 04-28-06 04-01-07 Low
104 Blood+ Russian Rose -
- / 10
- / 2
05-01-06 09-01-06 Low
105 Bloody Cross -
- / 72
- / 12
Action, Supernatural 02-12-09 07-10-15 Low
106 Blue Drop -
- / 5
- / 1
Drama, Girls Love, Sci-Fi, Ecchi, Erotica 06-27-04 12-27-05 Low
107 Blue Friend -
- / 13
- / 3
Girls Love, Slice of Life 04-03-10 10-03-11 Low
108 Boku dake ga Inai Machi -
- / 49
- / 9
Mystery, Supernatural 06-04-12 11-04-16 Low
109 Boku ni Hana no Melancholy -
- / 90
- / 13
Drama, Romance 08-05-15 12-05-19 Low
110 Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu -
- / 71
- / 12
Award Winning, Romance, Slice of Life 08-05-05 07-05-08 Low
111 Boku no Hero Academia -
- / 432
- / 42
Action 07-07-14 08-05-24 Low
112 Boku no Hero Academia: Yuuei Hakusho -
- / 41
- / 6
Action 04-04-16 10-04-21 Low
113 Boku to Issho -
- / 49
- / 4
Comedy 08-04-97 10-05-99 Low
114 Bokura no Hentai -
- / 41
- / 10
Boys Love, Drama 03-19-12 12-19-15 Low
115 Bokura no Koi wa Shi ni Itaru Yamai no You de -
- / 20
- / 3
Drama, Romance 00-00-10 00-00-11 Low
116 Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -
- / 93
- / 11
Romance, Slice of Life 04-30-10 05-30-18 Low
117 Bokurano -
- / 66
- / 11
Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi 11-25-03 06-25-09 Low
118 Bokurano: Alternative -
- / 18
- / 5
Drama, Sci-Fi 05-24-07 06-18-08 Low
119 Bonnouji -
- / 36
- / 3
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life 04-05-08 10-05-12 Low
120 Boogiepop Series Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Horror, Mystery 02-10-98 Low
121 Boruto: Naruto Next Generations -
- / 81
- / 20
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 05-09-16 04-21-23 Low
122 Bounen no Xamdou: Junreisha no Compass -
- / -
- / 1
Adventure 12-09-08 06-26-09 Low
123 Brave 10 -
- / 47
- / 8
Action, Sci-Fi 10-05-06 12-04-10 Low
124 Btooom! -
- / 125
- / 27
Action, Suspense 07-03-09 08-09-18 Low
125 Bungou Stray Dogs Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Mystery, Supernatural 12-04-12 Low
126 Bungou Stray Dogs Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Mystery, Supernatural 04-01-14 Low
127 Burning Hell: Kami no Kuni -
- / 8
- / 1
Action 06-16-08 11-27-14 Low
128 Buyuden -
- / 134
- / 13
Romance, Sports 03-16-11 01-29-14 Low
129 Byousoku 5 Centimeter -
- / 11
- / 2
Drama, Romance 05-25-10 03-25-11 Low
130 Byousoku 5 Centimeter -
- / 3
- / 1
Drama, Romance 11-16-07 11-16-07 Low
131 C-blossom: Case 729 -
- / 4
- / 2
Action, Drama, Mystery 04-28-05 10-28-05 Low
132 Canaan -
- / 24
- / 3
Action, Adventure, Girls Love, Mystery 06-26-09 01-26-11 Low
133 Canaan -
- / -
- / 2
Action, Adventure, Drama 01-01-10 03-01-10 Low
134 Canaan Sfill -
- / 13
- / 2
Action, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural 03-01-10 00-00-11 Low
135 Candy Boy -
- / 20
- / 2
Comedy, Girls Love, Romance 11-05-09 12-00-10 Low
136 Captain Earth -
- / 32
- / 4
Action, Sci-Fi 04-09-14 04-17-15 Low
137 Cardcaptor Sakura -
- / 50
- / 12
Adventure, Award Winning, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance 05-02-96 07-03-00 Low
138 Cat Shit One -
- / 18
- / 3
Drama 12-00-96 12-00-01 Low
139 Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki -
- / -
- / 3
Action, Fantasy, Supernatural 07-15-15 12-15-15 Low
140 Cheese in the Trap Season 1 -
- / 27
- / 6
Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life 07-07-10 05-26-11 Low
141 Chihayafuru -
- / 252
- / 50
Award Winning, Drama 12-28-07 08-01-22 Low
142 Chikan Otoko -
- / 21
- / -
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life 00-00-04 00-00-04 Low
143 China Girl -
- / 9
- / 1
Comedy, Romance 00-00-09 00-00-09 Low
144 Chobits -
- / 88
- / 8
Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 09-25-00 10-28-02 Low
145 Chrno Crusade -
- / 59
- / 8
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 12-09-98 05-08-04 Low
146 Chrome Breaker -
- / 20
- / 4
Action, Fantasy 07-08-05 10-09-09 Low
147 City Hunter -
- / 193
- / 35
Adventure, Comedy 02-26-85 11-19-91 Low
148 Claymore -
- / 159
- / 27
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror 06-06-01 10-04-14 Low
149 Clockwork Planet -
- / 51
- / 10
Fantasy, Sci-Fi 09-26-13 08-25-18 Low
150 Clover -
- / 5
- / 1
Girls Love, Romance, Slice of Life 10-18-08 10-18-08 Low
151 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch -
- / 40
- / 8
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 08-24-06 02-24-10 Low
152 Code:Breaker -
- / 230
- / 26
Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 06-09-08 07-20-13 Low
153 Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou -
- / 11
- / 2
Action 08-04-15 06-03-16 Low
154 Coppelion -
- / 226
- / 26
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi 06-09-08 02-20-16 Low
155 Coppelion Site Story -
- / 3
- / -
09-14-13 09-30-13 Low
156 Cossette no Shouzou -
- / 9
- / 2
Horror, Mystery, Romance 00-00-04 00-00-04 Low
157 Cowboy Bebop -
- / 11
- / 3
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi 04-08-99 04-10-00 Low
158 Crepuscule -
- / 253
- / -
Supernatural 02-14-11 10-09-16 Low
159 Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -
- / 12
- / 3
Action, Sci-Fi 08-03-14 06-28-15 Low
160 Cross Game -
- / 170
- / 17
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sports 09-02-05 02-17-10 Low
161 Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu -
- / 160
- / 4
Comedy, Slice of Life 11-18-10 09-25-14 Low
162 D-Frag! Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy 07-27-08 Low
163 D.Gray-man Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 05-31-04 Low
164 Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. -
- / 72
- / 11
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 06-19-10 08-20-13 Low
165 Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge -
- / 67
- / 11
Action, Fantasy, Romance 03-27-09 07-27-15 Low
166 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou -
- / 138
- / 7
Comedy 05-21-09 09-27-12 Low
167 Dantalian no Shoka -
- / 30
- / 5
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural 03-26-10 07-26-12 Low
168 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha -
- / 10
- / 2
Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 02-24-07 11-24-07 Low
169 Date A Live -
- / 146
- / 22
Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi 03-19-11 03-19-20 Low
170 Deadman Wonderland -
- / 58
- / 13
Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 04-26-07 07-26-13 Low
171 Death Note -
- / 108
- / 12
Supernatural, Suspense 12-01-03 05-15-06 Low
172 Defense Devil -
- / 100
- / 10
Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 04-22-09 06-10-11 Low
173 Demi-chan wa Kataritai -
- / 78
- / 11
Comedy, Fantasy 09-05-14 12-19-22 Low
174 Dengeki Daisy -
- / 80
- / 16
Comedy, Drama, Romance 05-12-07 12-24-13 Low
175 Denpa-teki na Kanojo -
- / 21
- / 3
Mystery, Suspense 09-22-04 07-22-05 Low
176 Devilman -
- / 53
- / 5
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 06-11-72 06-24-73 Low
177 Devilman Lady -
- / 65
- / 17
Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Ecchi 01-30-97 07-06-00 Low
178 Devils Line -
- / 80
- / 14
Action, Drama, Romance 03-22-13 05-22-19 Low
179 Dies Irae: Amantes Amentes Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Supernatural 01-27-16 Low
180 Dimension W -
- / 116
- / 16
Action, Sci-Fi 09-16-11 06-25-19 Low
181 Do You Remember, Mogwa? -
- / -
- / 15
Romance, Slice of Life 00-00-08 Low
182 Do You Want to Try? -
- / 18
- / 5
Comedy, Drama, Romance Low
183 Domestic na Kanojo -
- / 292
- / 28
Drama, Romance 04-23-14 06-10-20 Low
184 Donten ni Warau -
- / 29
- / 6
Action, Supernatural 10-15-10 05-15-13 Low
185 Dragon Ball -
- / 520
- / 42
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 11-20-84 05-23-95 Low
186 Dragonaut: The Resonance -
- / 6
- / 1
Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 10-03-07 03-26-08 Low
187 Drifters Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 04-30-09 Low
188 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 01-15-13 Low
189 Durarara!! -
- / 22
- / 4
Action, Drama, Supernatural 06-18-09 04-18-11 Low
190 Durarara!! -
- / 89
- / 13
Action, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 04-10-04 01-10-14 Low
191 Durarara!! Kokinzoku-hen -
- / 19
- / 3
Action, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 04-18-13 10-18-14 Low
192 Durarara!! RE;Dollars-hen Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural 11-18-14 Low
193 Durarara!! Saika-hen -
- / 16
- / 3
Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 09-17-11 01-18-13 Low
194 Durarara!! SH On Hiatus -
- / -
- / 4
Action, Supernatural 04-10-14 02-10-16 Low
195 Eden: It's an Endless World! -
- / 127
- / 18
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense 09-25-97 06-25-08 Low
196 Elfen Lied -
- / 113
- / 12
Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Supernatural 06-06-02 08-25-05 Low
197 En Passant -
- / 20
- / 4
Action, Comedy, Fantasy 11-26-09 07-14-11 Low
198 Enen no Shouboutai -
- / 305
- / 34
Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 09-23-15 02-22-22 Low
199 Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker -
- / 10
- / 2
Adventure, Horror, Mystery 08-18-06 02-19-07 Low
200 Eromanga-sensei -
- / 59
- / 13
Comedy, Drama, Romance 12-10-13 08-10-22 Low
201 Eureka Seven -
- / -
- / 4
Adventure, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 10-29-05 05-31-06 Low
202 Evangelion: ANIMA -
- / 45
- / 5
Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi 11-24-07 02-25-13 Low
203 Eve no Jikan -
- / 29
- / 3
Drama, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 02-19-10 03-02-12 Low
204 Eyeshield 21 -
- / 333
- / 37
Sports 07-23-02 06-15-09 Low
205 Fairy Tail -
- / 549
- / 63
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy 08-02-06 07-26-17 Low
206 Fairy Tail Zerø -
- / 13
- / 1
Action, Fantasy 07-16-14 07-17-15 Low
207 Fate/Apocrypha -
- / 26
- / 5
Action, Drama, Fantasy 12-29-12 12-30-14 Low
208 Fate/stay night -
- / 87
- / 20
Action, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural 12-26-05 10-26-12 Low
209 Fate/Zero -
- / 18
- / 4
Action, Fantasy 12-29-06 12-29-07 Low
210 FLCL -
- / 15
- / 2
Comedy, Sci-Fi 12-25-99 03-26-01 Low
211 FLCL -
- / 24
- / 3
Comedy, Sci-Fi 06-01-00 03-01-01 Low
212 Flower -
- / 9
- / 1
Hentai 07-02-08 08-02-11 Low
213 Franken Fran -
- / 71
- / 8
Comedy, Horror, Supernatural 07-19-06 01-19-12 Low
214 Fruits Basket -
- / 136
- / 23
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 07-18-98 11-20-06 Low
215 Fukigen Cinderella -
- / 24
- / 3
Romance 10-15-10 12-25-12 Low
216 Fukumenkei Noise -
- / 109
- / 18
Drama, Romance 04-20-13 01-19-19 Low
217 Full Metal Panic! -
- / 58
- / 9
Action, Comedy, Romance 01-09-00 03-09-05 Low
218 Full Metal Panic! -
- / 72
- / 12
Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 09-09-98 08-20-11 Low
219 Full Metal Panic! Sigma -
- / 90
- / 19
Action, Romance 04-09-05 09-09-13 Low
220 Fullmetal Alchemist -
- / 116
- / 27
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy 07-12-01 09-11-10 Low
221 Fullmetal Alchemist -
- / 35
- / 6
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 02-28-03 03-22-07 Low
222 Fullmetal Alchemist Chronicle -
- / 6
- / 1
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 12-17-04 06-10-11 Low
223 Futagami☆Double -
- / 1
- / -
Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Ecchi 01-04-10 01-04-10 Low
224 Fuuka -
- / 204
- / 20
Drama, Romance, Ecchi 02-12-14 04-04-18 Low
225 Ga-Rei -
- / 56
- / 12
Action, Comedy, Supernatural 10-26-05 01-26-10 Low
226 Gakuen Alice -
- / 183
- / 31
Comedy, Drama, Romance 09-05-02 06-20-13 Low
227 Gakuen Babysitters Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy, Slice of Life 09-24-09 Low
228 Gamaran -
- / 194
- / 22
Action 05-13-09 06-26-13 Low
229 Gangsta. Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Drama 01-21-11 Low
230 Gantz -
- / 383
- / 37
Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 07-13-00 06-20-13 Low
231 Gantz/Minus -
- / 8
- / 1
Action, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 07-26-09 09-18-09 Low
232 Gantz:G -
- / 18
- / 3
Sci-Fi 11-17-15 03-17-17 Low
233 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-30-11 Low
234 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri -
- / -
- / 5
Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-12-10 12-22-11 Low
235 GE: Good Ending -
- / 158
- / 16
Drama, Romance, Sports, Ecchi 08-19-09 01-09-13 Low
236 Gekijouban Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu -
- / 9
- / 2
Drama, Sci-Fi 03-26-13 10-26-13 Low
237 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy, Romance 08-25-11 Low
238 Gekkou -
- / 11
- / 1
Comedy, Mystery, Romance 09-10-10 09-10-10 Low
239 Gensen Tanpenshuu: Gougasha -
- / 15
- / 2
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural 00-00-82 11-27-14 Low
240 Genshiken -
- / 127
- / 21
Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life 04-25-02 08-25-16 Low
241 Giant Robo -
- / 39
- / 2
Action 05-00-67 03-00-68 Low
242 Gilgamesh -
- / 23
- / 6
Drama, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 07-00-76 09-00-77 Low
243 Gin no Saji -
- / 131
- / 15
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama 04-06-11 11-27-19 Low
244 Ginban Kaleidoscope -
- / -
- / 9
06-25-03 11-25-06 Low
245 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu -
- / 94
- / 10
Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi 11-00-82 11-00-87 Low
246 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin -
- / 55
- / 18
Award Winning 11-15-83 02-24-87 Low
247 Ginga Tetsudou 999 -
- / -
- / 18
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 01-00-77 10-00-81 Low
248 Ginga Tetsudou 999 (1996) -
- / 46
- / 7
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 00-00-96 00-00-04 Low
249 Gintama -
- / 709
- / 77
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 12-08-03 06-20-19 Low
250 Girls of the Wild's -
- / 260
- / -
Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance 08-14-11 10-29-16 Low
251 Gokukoku no Brynhildr -
- / 181
- / 18
Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi 01-26-12 03-31-16 Low
252 Golgo 13 Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Mystery 11-29-68 Low
253 Gosick -
- / -
- / 9
Drama, Mystery, Romance 12-10-03 07-23-11 Low
254 Grand Blue Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy 04-07-14 Low
255 Green Blood -
- / 49
- / 5
Action, Suspense 06-13-11 05-13-13 Low
256 Guilty Crown -
- / 26
- / 7
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi 10-12-11 11-12-13 Low
257 Guin Saga Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Adventure, Fantasy 09-30-79 Low
258 Gunnm -
- / 53
- / 9
Action, Sci-Fi 11-00-90 03-00-95 Low
259 Gunnm: Last Order -
- / 124
- / 19
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi 07-19-01 01-28-14 Low
260 GunSmith Cats -
- / 75
- / 8
Action, Adventure, Drama 12-25-90 04-25-97 Low
261 Gyakusatsu Kikan -
- / 28
- / 3
Action, Sci-Fi 04-10-15 09-22-17 Low
262 Gyo: Ugomeku Bukimi -
- / 21
- / 2
Drama, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi 11-12-01 04-15-02 Low
263 Hachimitsu ni Hatsukoi -
- / 73
- / 12
Romance 05-02-12 04-20-15 Low
264 Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 06-25-13 Low
265 Hai to Gensou no Grimgar -
- / 16
- / 3
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 04-22-15 06-22-16 Low
266 Haikyo Circle -
- / -
- / 3
Drama, Mystery, Romance 09-28-10 05-28-12 Low
267 Hajime no Ippo Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Award Winning, Sports 09-27-89 Low
268 HajiOtsu. -
- / 33
- / 5
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life 09-24-10 03-24-14 Low
269 Hakuji -
- / 8
- / 2
Romance 05-20-08 04-27-10 Low
270 Hakushaku to Yousei -
- / -
- / 33
Adventure, Fantasy 03-03-04 12-27-13 Low
271 Half & Half -
- / 14
- / 2
Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 09-07-12 05-09-15 Low
272 Half and Half -
- / 9
- / 2
Romance 05-24-08 03-24-09 Low
273 Hana ni Arashi -
- / 11
- / 2
Comedy, Romance 12-10-05 08-09-08 Low
274 Hana to Alice: Satsujin Jiken -
- / 14
- / 1
Drama, Mystery 02-16-15 07-27-15 Low
275 Hana to Hoshi -
- / 11
- / 2
Drama, Girls Love 10-12-10 10-12-12 Low
276 Hanasaku Iroha -
- / 24
- / 5
Drama 11-22-10 09-22-12 Low
277 Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora -
- / 41
- / 8
Drama, Romance, Slice of Life 10-10-03 08-10-06 Low
278 Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora -
- / 14
- / 2
Drama, Romance 08-27-05 11-27-06 Low
279 Hand Shakers -
- / 23
- / 2
Action 01-25-17 04-25-17 Low
280 Hanjuku Joshi -
- / 18
- / 2
Drama, Girls Love, Romance, Erotica 10-18-08 08-18-09 Low
281 Happy World! -
- / 72
- / 11
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 05-19-00 05-19-06 Low
282 Harmony -
- / 34
- / 4
Sci-Fi 04-10-15 07-01-19 Low
283 Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu -
- / 6
- / 1
Comedy, Girls Love 06-28-03 01-18-07 Low
284 Harumatsu Bokura -
- / 61
- / 14
Romance 02-24-14 03-24-20 Low
285 Hataraku Maou-sama! -
- / 107
- / 21
Comedy, Supernatural 02-10-11 08-07-20 Low
286 Hayate no Gotoku! -
- / 570
- / 52
Action, Comedy, Romance 10-06-04 04-12-17 Low
287 Heavy Object -
- / 115
- / 20
Action, Sci-Fi 10-10-09 10-08-21 Low
288 Hellsing -
- / 92
- / 10
Action, Horror, Supernatural 04-30-97 09-30-08 Low
289 Henshin -
- / 7
- / 1
Drama, Hentai 07-26-13 03-26-16 Low
290 Heroic Age -
- / 15
- / 4
Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 03-26-07 06-26-08 Low
291 Hibi Chouchou x Hirunaka no Ryuusei -
- / 2
- / 1
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life 05-02-14 05-02-14 Low
292 High School DxD -
- / 240
- / 25
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 09-20-08 03-20-18 Low
293 Highschool of the Dead -
- / 33
- / 7
Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Ecchi 08-09-06 04-09-13 Low
294 Highschool of the Head -
- / 17
- / 1
Comedy 09-09-10 03-09-11 Low
295 Hikaru no Go -
- / 198
- / 23
Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural 12-08-98 07-14-03 Low
296 Himegoto -
- / 60
- / 6
Comedy, Slice of Life, Ecchi 11-25-11 06-27-15 Low
297 Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku -
- / 100
- / 8
Drama, Romance 07-30-10 11-07-14 Low
298 Himitsu no Recipe -
- / 17
- / 2
Girls Love 02-12-09 04-11-13 Low
299 Hirunaka no Ryuusei -
- / 86
- / 12
Romance 05-20-11 11-05-14 Low
300 Hirunaka no Ryuusei Bangai-hen -
- / 6
- / 1
Romance 04-24-08 04-24-15 Low