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May 11, 2017 12:30 PM
Feb 2017
Rehls said:

1) How doesn't that makes sense? It's you that's not wanting to accept it as it'd disprove what you're saying, and so easily. Dude, Killua isn't supposed to be capable of evaluating the strength of someone like Hisoka accurately. It's just like I said. That's the point. He didn't have the experience. Nen isn't active all the time. It's an aura that the user brings about when they want (and by a chosen amount). What he judged was his physique and skill. If he didn't know about Nen how could he judge it? It's like telling someone untrained to do a taste test of vine like a pro, when that person hasn't ever experimented it.
It isn't cool 'cool looks' that makes Hisoka one of the strongest. How hard it is to get that he's more skilled in the use of Nen? And that he's lots of combat experience? Just as there are dumb and smart people in the world, Hisoka in the usage of Nen is the latter.

2) I meant knowing ABOUT Nen. I said 'learned about Nen'--learned about the existence of Nen. But only having heard/knowing about Nen wouldn't be enough. Even in the beginning of Netero's fight, he was surprised by the aura Meruem had put out (when he had grabbed him).
If you're too dense it won't make sense, for sure. And keep wishing. *facepalms*

3) The explanation was given in that episode, lol. You don't even get what was said? What the. I suppose I gotta paste the text here, eh. Phinks: Nen doesn't necessarily disappears after death. (...) Since the boss could no longer use Nen, he could be overwhelmed by the assault..." AND IT WAS ONLY PAKUNODA THAT WANTED TO THANK THEM. There's no plural. He meant her, and only. She thought of the Troupe more as a family- and what? Ruthless? For sure, they're professionals. But they don't work for the Troupe out of an obligation, but willingness. They follow orders but also voice their opinions (that is heard) and make decisions based on that.
So for Gon and Killua being who they are, Pakunoda felt thankful because it most likely saved Chrollo's (that she cares so much about) life. While Chrollo wanted to believe himself replaceable, it wasn't true for every member.
Phinks that was a more simple person (for being an enhancer and we learning how Nen types are related to personality), began to understand Paku's feelings only after. And due to how he behaved we can say that he agreed with those feelings. He saw things through her perspective in an unique way (with her ability).
'Bond was the strongest' <- you say this forgetting they'd not mind the replacement of their leader, if that was for the best of the organization. But as they're not all the same, this sentiment isn't shared by every one of them there. While a part of them would be the type to believe the death of a member was deserved, by how it proves them incompetent thus unfit for the organization for being more prejudicial to it, another would care for them more for their value as persons. Now Feitan and Phinks fall more in the former. But even those falling in the latter could share Paku's feelings--she herself is proof.

4) Oh my. For sure you put it in the way that fits your interests better, hah. Nah I really didn't say that strength wasn't only what mattered, yeah. Really I didn't elaborate, no.

5) Sure, your opinion is one of the best I've seen. You're such an outstanding individual, intellect-wise. You've grasped the story so well that I see you as one of the most fit to criticize it. You're really not like, a person that only sees things the way they want to see.

6) They've trained (much) more after that, that's the deal. There were over 100 episodes since Killua's mansion arc.

7) Dude, the CAs knew about Nen and knew that there were humans who knew Nen. They made TV commercials where Pitou was using her ability. They were not afraid, and were expecting an assault. Isn't it obvious by how Pitou was guarding the place with her aura? Now who's to say that they'd not see a nuke coming from milles away and escape? And unlike ordinary humans, not only they've Nen, but also carapace-like skin. We could say that from a certain distance they'd pretty much survive the strongest nuke. But yeah there's the poison. But it's possible that Pitou could cure them if she was there then.
And again, the people that'd be sacrificed--and the uncertainty if nukes were really necessary. But yeah right, let's ignore all of this and more.

How cute. If only things were as simple as your mind appears to be. But nah, don't take offense.

I think for myself, It just so happens that I've a better judgement than you do. Hard to accept, isn't it? I haven't been discussing this show with people (that most likely would most have biased views), but acknowledging the greatness of it on my own. I read reviews and the negative ones were as usual, opinionated garbage (like yours- but not to say most positive ones aren't better/much better). But that it's a consensus reached that this was quite a great show. The best-written long-running shounen for sure.

You're a new account, aren't ya? I suppose you've not been having your opinion been challenged. You just appear and believe you're all so correct. You realize how wishful that is? The thing is that most more knowledgeable people don't even bother with you. It's like me hat has not been bothering with most opinions on my favorite shows. They're just copies of what's been argued--defeated before.

And I bothered to check your (small) list of anime why do I even bother with someone that rates Code Geass 10? I know of someone who calls himself a critic and has watched almost a thousand anime, and in the summary he puts for practically every anime he finishes he says that Code Geass is pretty much a 'kiddie version' of LoGH (that you haven't even watched--guess it's too mature for you? But I won't bother checking your list in full--but from what I glanced there, there were a lot of shows 'made for most', let's say). I'm not saying that my opinion is much better than yours, but I'm pretty sure it is significantly more. And I should believe that mine is worse than of that critic, even though he well expresses his bias.
But I should thank you for the entertainment, it was very.

I believe that we can both agree to disagree. I could not prove to you that 2+2 is 4 if someone else is telling you differently. I tried to be pretty reasonable with you, but you just keep insulting. If you look at my previous posts I pretty much predicted your behavior. A guy who before watching read that this show was a masterpiece and his opinion was already formed. Now he blindly COPIES and PASTES (you admitted to this yourself LOL) in an attempt to believe that he is smart and smarter than everyone. Pretty sheep-like if you ask me.

In my eyes you failed to disapprove any of my latest points not to mention ones of my first posts which you are cleverly avoiding.

1) I don’t know why you are arguing with me on this so much. You are just saying what I said already just giving it a different tone. And after reading this I can understand why you need to so strongly believe that you are smart. Because you a complete opposite of that. Again I said: “in my mind Hisoka was not supposed to be that strong but because of his cool looks and popularity the Author made him one of the strongest.” And you concluded from this that I believe that he is strong because of his looks. Really? Are you that dense? Read again everything from the start!
2) Wouldn’t be enough for what? What are you talking about? There was numerous occasions where someone could have said something about Nen, but didn’t. I wonder why is that? :D
3) Again more gibberish from your side. Completely missed my point. I just know if you come to my life kill my brother and sister and banish my father. I who didn’t hurt anyone in my life would probably kill you in the worst possible way. For PT to just walk away that was bad writing at its best. I did like that they did walk away. I admit that I am a sucker for bad guys turning good. But do not try to make Anime more serious after this.
4) Nothing to say here. I see that you don’t have anything more to COPY/PASTE here.
5) Same as 4) Don’t try to turn my words against me. I do like Shounen stuff. And I do like Seinen as well. But if you start the first 60 episode as a Shounen with all of its components. Don’t try to act as a Seinen now. Bringing PT would be bad writing as well but it would be pretty entertaining seeing them fight. Instead we will probably not see them again.
6) They’ve trained. So Gon caught up to him in such a little time. And they caught up to everyone else in such a little time? Being only 1 point of Hisoka really?
7) Again you are proving my point. Are you serious? You said: “And it'd be after--if the mission failed, that they'd resort to it.” It being the Nuke. Now you are saying that that they couldn’t nuke them before the fight but could after if the failed? Damn boy.

8) You tried to insult my intellect many times, but the biggest insult to it is writing all the COPY/PASTE gibberish. Second thing I cannot take you serous for bringing it into play. That is so childish.
9) This is the most laughable part. This is a tread about HxH Chimera Arc. Bringing my favourite Anime and the age of my account do not have anything to do with anything. And if you believe that it does than I apologize to everyone on your behalf. But I guess you run out of COPY/PASTE material. If I wanted to I could attack your profile too. But you didn’t see me writing: “how you have more than 1000 forum posts. Imagine how much time that took alongside watching Anime. It is safe to say that you have no life outside of Anime, are you satisfied with that?” Now didn’t you? Of course not because that has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
10) You say you think for yourself but then a little later you write,” I know of someone who calls himself a critic and has watched almost a thousand anime”. And then you are speaking like his words weight more than yours or mine (I guess yours and his are the same words). What? Is he a God now? Is his word last? If he said so then it must be correct. Who I am to argue. I guess I should just blindly follow and COPY/PASTE everything that he writes. (Now you will say something like: “You should not blindly follow but he has more experience than you and he probably knows better you should at least listen to what he has to say” aren’t you? I can probably predict everything that you will do and say next, as I did so far. ;) )
11) Even after all this time and bringing the most insignificant remarks that I could have thought of at the time and that I didn’t brought up before I managed to completely outsmart you that you had to resort to insults and stuff like: “It just so happens that I've a better judgement than you do.”, “opinionated garbage like yours”, “If only things were as simple as your mind appears to be”,” You're such an outstanding individual, intellect-wise.” Pretty childish for a guy who claims to be so sophisticated and smart.
You cleverly avoided my previous posts where I wrote the biggest problems with this show, but I guess that it is understandable given that you couldn’t even disapprove these ones that I wrote on a whim.

ShizuoSanMay 11, 2017 12:34 PM
May 11, 2017 2:31 PM
Jul 2018
ShizuoSan said:
Rehls said:

1) How doesn't that makes sense? It's you that's not wanting to accept it as it'd disprove what you're saying, and so easily. Dude, Killua isn't supposed to be capable of evaluating the strength of someone like Hisoka accurately. It's just like I said. That's the point. He didn't have the experience. Nen isn't active all the time. It's an aura that the user brings about when they want (and by a chosen amount). What he judged was his physique and skill. If he didn't know about Nen how could he judge it? It's like telling someone untrained to do a taste test of vine like a pro, when that person hasn't ever experimented it.
It isn't cool 'cool looks' that makes Hisoka one of the strongest. How hard it is to get that he's more skilled in the use of Nen? And that he's lots of combat experience? Just as there are dumb and smart people in the world, Hisoka in the usage of Nen is the latter.

2) I meant knowing ABOUT Nen. I said 'learned about Nen'--learned about the existence of Nen. But only having heard/knowing about Nen wouldn't be enough. Even in the beginning of Netero's fight, he was surprised by the aura Meruem had put out (when he had grabbed him).
If you're too dense it won't make sense, for sure. And keep wishing. *facepalms*

3) The explanation was given in that episode, lol. You don't even get what was said? What the. I suppose I gotta paste the text here, eh. Phinks: Nen doesn't necessarily disappears after death. (...) Since the boss could no longer use Nen, he could be overwhelmed by the assault..." AND IT WAS ONLY PAKUNODA THAT WANTED TO THANK THEM. There's no plural. He meant her, and only. She thought of the Troupe more as a family- and what? Ruthless? For sure, they're professionals. But they don't work for the Troupe out of an obligation, but willingness. They follow orders but also voice their opinions (that is heard) and make decisions based on that.
So for Gon and Killua being who they are, Pakunoda felt thankful because it most likely saved Chrollo's (that she cares so much about) life. While Chrollo wanted to believe himself replaceable, it wasn't true for every member.
Phinks that was a more simple person (for being an enhancer and we learning how Nen types are related to personality), began to understand Paku's feelings only after. And due to how he behaved we can say that he agreed with those feelings. He saw things through her perspective in an unique way (with her ability).
'Bond was the strongest' <- you say this forgetting they'd not mind the replacement of their leader, if that was for the best of the organization. But as they're not all the same, this sentiment isn't shared by every one of them there. While a part of them would be the type to believe the death of a member was deserved, by how it proves them incompetent thus unfit for the organization for being more prejudicial to it, another would care for them more for their value as persons. Now Feitan and Phinks fall more in the former. But even those falling in the latter could share Paku's feelings--she herself is proof.

4) Oh my. For sure you put it in the way that fits your interests better, hah. Nah I really didn't say that strength wasn't only what mattered, yeah. Really I didn't elaborate, no.

5) Sure, your opinion is one of the best I've seen. You're such an outstanding individual, intellect-wise. You've grasped the story so well that I see you as one of the most fit to criticize it. You're really not like, a person that only sees things the way they want to see.

6) They've trained (much) more after that, that's the deal. There were over 100 episodes since Killua's mansion arc.

7) Dude, the CAs knew about Nen and knew that there were humans who knew Nen. They made TV commercials where Pitou was using her ability. They were not afraid, and were expecting an assault. Isn't it obvious by how Pitou was guarding the place with her aura? Now who's to say that they'd not see a nuke coming from milles away and escape? And unlike ordinary humans, not only they've Nen, but also carapace-like skin. We could say that from a certain distance they'd pretty much survive the strongest nuke. But yeah there's the poison. But it's possible that Pitou could cure them if she was there then.
And again, the people that'd be sacrificed--and the uncertainty if nukes were really necessary. But yeah right, let's ignore all of this and more.

How cute. If only things were as simple as your mind appears to be. But nah, don't take offense.

I think for myself, It just so happens that I've a better judgement than you do. Hard to accept, isn't it? I haven't been discussing this show with people (that most likely would most have biased views), but acknowledging the greatness of it on my own. I read reviews and the negative ones were as usual, opinionated garbage (like yours- but not to say most positive ones aren't better/much better). But that it's a consensus reached that this was quite a great show. The best-written long-running shounen for sure.

You're a new account, aren't ya? I suppose you've not been having your opinion been challenged. You just appear and believe you're all so correct. You realize how wishful that is? The thing is that most more knowledgeable people don't even bother with you. It's like me hat has not been bothering with most opinions on my favorite shows. They're just copies of what's been argued--defeated before.

And I bothered to check your (small) list of anime why do I even bother with someone that rates Code Geass 10? I know of someone who calls himself a critic and has watched almost a thousand anime, and in the summary he puts for practically every anime he finishes he says that Code Geass is pretty much a 'kiddie version' of LoGH (that you haven't even watched--guess it's too mature for you? But I won't bother checking your list in full--but from what I glanced there, there were a lot of shows 'made for most', let's say). I'm not saying that my opinion is much better than yours, but I'm pretty sure it is significantly more. And I should believe that mine is worse than of that critic, even though he well expresses his bias.
But I should thank you for the entertainment, it was very.

I believe that we can both agree to disagree. I could not prove to you that 2+2 is 4 if someone else is telling you differently. I tried to be pretty reasonable with you, but you just keep insulting. If you look at my previous posts I pretty much predicted your behavior. A guy who before watching read that this show was a masterpiece and his opinion was already formed. Now he blindly COPIES and PASTES (you admitted to this yourself LOL) in an attempt to believe that he is smart and smarter than everyone. Pretty sheep-like if you ask me.

In my eyes you failed to disapprove any of my latest points not to mention ones of my first posts which you are cleverly avoiding.

1) I don’t know why you are arguing with me on this so much. You are just saying what I said already just giving it a different tone. And after reading this I can understand why you need to so strongly believe that you are smart. Because you a complete opposite of that. Again I said: “in my mind Hisoka was not supposed to be that strong but because of his cool looks and popularity the Author made him one of the strongest.” And you concluded from this that I believe that he is strong because of his looks. Really? Are you that dense? Read again everything from the start!
2) Wouldn’t be enough for what? What are you talking about? There was numerous occasions where someone could have said something about Nen, but didn’t. I wonder why is that? :D
3) Again more gibberish from your side. Completely missed my point. I just know if you come to my life kill my brother and sister and banish my father. I who didn’t hurt anyone in my life would probably kill you in the worst possible way. For PT to just walk away that was bad writing at its best. I did like that they did walk away. I admit that I am a sucker for bad guys turning good. But do not try to make Anime more serious after this.
4) Nothing to say here. I see that you don’t have anything more to COPY/PASTE here.
5) Same as 4) Don’t try to turn my words against me. I do like Shounen stuff. And I do like Seinen as well. But if you start the first 60 episode as a Shounen with all of its components. Don’t try to act as a Seinen now. Bringing PT would be bad writing as well but it would be pretty entertaining seeing them fight. Instead we will probably not see them again.
6) They’ve trained. So Gon caught up to him in such a little time. And they caught up to everyone else in such a little time? Being only 1 point of Hisoka really?
7) Again you are proving my point. Are you serious? You said: “And it'd be after--if the mission failed, that they'd resort to it.” It being the Nuke. Now you are saying that that they couldn’t nuke them before the fight but could after if the failed? Damn boy.

8) You tried to insult my intellect many times, but the biggest insult to it is writing all the COPY/PASTE gibberish. Second thing I cannot take you serous for bringing it into play. That is so childish.
9) This is the most laughable part. This is a tread about HxH Chimera Arc. Bringing my favourite Anime and the age of my account do not have anything to do with anything. And if you believe that it does than I apologize to everyone on your behalf. But I guess you run out of COPY/PASTE material. If I wanted to I could attack your profile too. But you didn’t see me writing: “how you have more than 1000 forum posts. Imagine how much time that took alongside watching Anime. It is safe to say that you have no life outside of Anime, are you satisfied with that?” Now didn’t you? Of course not because that has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
10) You say you think for yourself but then a little later you write,” I know of someone who calls himself a critic and has watched almost a thousand anime”. And then you are speaking like his words weight more than yours or mine (I guess yours and his are the same words). What? Is he a God now? Is his word last? If he said so then it must be correct. Who I am to argue. I guess I should just blindly follow and COPY/PASTE everything that he writes. (Now you will say something like: “You should not blindly follow but he has more experience than you and he probably knows better you should at least listen to what he has to say” aren’t you? I can probably predict everything that you will do and say next, as I did so far. ;) )
11) Even after all this time and bringing the most insignificant remarks that I could have thought of at the time and that I didn’t brought up before I managed to completely outsmart you that you had to resort to insults and stuff like: “It just so happens that I've a better judgement than you do.”, “opinionated garbage like yours”, “If only things were as simple as your mind appears to be”,” You're such an outstanding individual, intellect-wise.” Pretty childish for a guy who claims to be so sophisticated and smart.
You cleverly avoided my previous posts where I wrote the biggest problems with this show, but I guess that it is understandable given that you couldn’t even disapprove these ones that I wrote on a whim.

Dude, you've to mature and realize there are people who've a better understanding of things than you do. I don't necessarily share that person's opinion about that certain show but I make my own judgement about what he says and agree/disagree.
Are you so scared? You're some skeptical or what?

2+2=4? Ahh, so delusional. You're doing instead 2+2=3. Oh yeah you tried being 'pretty reasonable' with me in your failures of judgement, right? Yeah. Sure, you've proven to reason so well. I'm certainly the one blind here.

I wasn't avoiding anything. I saw what you said previously and all you did was say "it's this and that". You didn't elaborate and you should know that in some peoples' view what you say can sound absurd. But no you're too arrogant to consider (admitting the possibility) that what you say could be considered that, right?

1) Dude, he wasn't supposed to be one of the strongest with what basis? He was already as soon as the Hunter Exam. It was said that he had murdered examinees. He had been challenging them. Those were pro hunters. What? Do you see what's wrong with what you're saying? During the Hunter Exam it was shown that he was friends with Illumi, that was later revealed to know.
Sure, I didn't give enough attention to what you said and commited a mistake. But again, you said nothing. 'in my mind he...' what? And why's it? You don't say and goes on and makes a ridiculous accusation. But yeah sure, we've seen cases of that in other anime, so it's natural to expect someone to think this.
Just make it proper and admit your fault too, perhaps. (Not that I really care.)
And look, you didn't bother to say anything, when it was opportune for you to. How commendable. Too afraid, perhaps?

2) Having learned Nen wouldn't be enough for him to do what I said. I gave Netero's example, where he, as the strongest and most experienced still was taken by surprise. This is the message the show had been passing, but you failed to grasp, and worse, ended up accusing it of being a flaw. Gosh.
'Numerous occasions'? When most would rather keep the existence of Nen a secret. It was said in the show. It's easy to presume that people just don't go around talking openly about it. But yeah right, you can just, just believe otherwise.

3) Dude, it's not black and white. They didn't 'turn good'. There were sides to them and they naturally showed the one consistent with their beliefs.
And I don't think I missed anything, huh? It wasn't opportune for them to kill Gon and Killua at the time, I already said why. Not only but they started respecting them, we can notice, by how they started behaving after they've shown their true self to them through Paku's ability. Not only but that ability must've carried Paku's feelings about every situation.
I think I pretty much said enough about this. If you don't get it, then alright, it's hopeless.

4) Oh for sure I so did. The reality is that there's a limited amount of skilled hunters in the world. It's been pretty evident. Knov's ability might be the only one of the kind (that they know about). But sure, keep believing otherwise when the show tells you this. No, really, just ignore.

5) We've been seeing characters getting brutally murdered since the beginning but sure, it's entirely aimed at 13 YOs. That's really what they're supposed to see. And the author can't go farther with that, at all.

6) Well Gon as an Enhancer is better at enhancing his strength. Takes less effort for him. But how Killua could achieve such inhuman level of strength, not having learned Nen? He could also transmute his hand, hm... Oh well. Perhaps the explanation is that some of those 'aura nodes' were already open. He might've then made use of Nen without knowing. (Like the sculptures guy.) But in their encounter with Wing, they were all opened.

7) It wasn't all certain. When I said that they'd nuke them, I meant that they'd use the nukes against them, not necessarily that they'd succeed. If there wasn't 'magic' involved they most certainly would, but Nen makes things unpredictable.

8) The irony in this though. The close-minded one afraid of being swayed by others' opinions thinks this helps him becoming more intelligent. Sure, we learn more when don't take as much.
What I copied was only 'kiddie version'. That came from someone who very likely posses a better opinion than you. But yeah you don't wanna accept this, it hurts, huh?
There are fair criticisms of that show. They are facts. A consensus reached by so many people with a better judgement than you and me. This is reality. The reality is that there are shows with elements inferior to of others but that we've not yet watched (besides else). We then not having seen the better think so of the worse.

9) It does. It's to be taken into consideration. It's too simple why and you refuse to accept. Yeah sure, the person who in fact knows less about something will know more, right? It's advisable to follow this illogicality.

10) I judged him to be more knowledgeable about anime, knowing he posses more of much of what made the knowledgeable I'm about them. Why I gotta explain this? xD Those like him 'care more' and put more effort into understanding anime they haven't even liked. While I am not so enthusiastic.
You know how it works in society, don't you? You prove.
And no, it's not like how you're suiting to fit your interests. And no, you've been wishful about your accusations.

11) Oh sht I claimed to be sophisticated? Where was it? When I was typing so casually? I must've started typing differently for a change.
But yeah, take that as my view of yours. I'm just being honest, simply.

You've not been proving anything, when I think about it.
May 17, 2017 4:36 AM
Jan 2014
When I watched this arc, it was the most boring, stupid part of the anime, I actually wanted the story to continue the way it does in the manga, with the new world they visit or whatever it is.

The other arc I found really boring was the one with the city and the Phantom Troupe or whatever it was, I don't remember a thing about it, what it was about, what exactly was the problem, what they were fighting for, I just watched it while pressing forward to skip it.

The best part of the anime (both old and new one) were the begining, Hunter Exams, fighting in the tall skyscraper building and the Game World, everything else was lame.
May 18, 2017 12:54 AM

Jun 2012
I really liked the arc overall. It had many interesting characters and the Chimera Arc hierarchy was really interesting. However, Gon going berzerk over what happened to Kite seemed overly dramatic to me. Kite in the Anime appeared out of nowhere and suddenly he is everything Gon cares about? I don't buy it. I heard this is way better done in the Manga, so maybe I read the arc in the Manga. Also, the theme of the 5 stages of grief was really cool.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 12, 2019 3:49 PM
Nov 2015
WyattEarp said:
So far I've found this arc to be easily one of the weakest arcs in this show so far. Despite some really epic stuff happening it was just poorly executed and dragged on and on. Instead of having the core story progress we see Gon, Killua, and some other hunters trying to overcome an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. And that would be fine if it wasn't almost half of the entire show. And it also wouldn't be that bad if the battles were well executed, but it seems like the producers were hell bent on using any possible device to drag it out. Slow motion is overused, scenes are replayed throughout, the narrator goes way too in depth in describing every little detail of what's happening.

People say that it went the extra mile in not making it a normal battle shonen, to me it felt exactly like a normal battle shonen, specifically like naruto where theyre analyzing things mid battle. And hey that's fine as long as you don't overuse it. But because of that the battles didn't feel intense and it felt like we were watching a chess game, which was the point. But it wouldve been a lot more enjoyable if the pacing had some texture to it, instead of being slow and analytical all the time.

On the art side, well personally i found the designs of the majority of the chimera ants to be really unappealing. But besides that the animation definitely took a dip, when you compare it to previous arcs.

The worst part about it is that, HxH was always about adventure and uncovering mysteries, but in this arc we were confined to a pretty small area, to watch a hyper analytical battle for a vast amount of episodes. It just doesn't feel like the same show anymore.

And the icing on top, the most interesting characters the phantom troupe appear for like 2 episodes or something and then don't play a part in the rest of the arc.
idk man while I emphatize with you ,no shounen has had the development of the same level chimera had.
Jan 12, 2019 3:55 PM
Nov 2015
VonSchiller said:
I really liked the arc overall. It had many interesting characters and the Chimera Arc hierarchy was really interesting. However, Gon going berzerk over what happened to Kite seemed overly dramatic to me. Kite in the Anime appeared out of nowhere and suddenly he is everything Gon cares about? I don't buy it. I heard this is way better done in the Manga, so maybe I read the arc in the Manga. Also, the theme of the 5 stages of grief was really cool.
yeah in the manga you can emphatize with Gon more but it doesn't really change anything narratively.
Mar 10, 2019 10:27 PM
Feb 2019
VonSchiller said:
I really liked the arc overall. It had many interesting characters and the Chimera Arc hierarchy was really interesting. However, Gon going berzerk over what happened to Kite seemed overly dramatic to me. Kite in the Anime appeared out of nowhere and suddenly he is everything Gon cares about? I don't buy it. I heard this is way better done in the Manga, so maybe I read the arc in the Manga. Also, the theme of the 5 stages of grief was really cool.

Yes, i agree with you. This arc has too many plot holes and very slow pacing.
How did Gon learn his skill. Why just Gon can that skill to kill `Neferpitou` in this manga/anime? It is bad writing.
Apr 6, 2019 6:40 PM
Apr 2019
I liked the part everyone complains about, the beginning. I loved watching the ants slowly evolve and the horror of what they were doing. I loved Kite and his group investigating to find out where they were, thinking they were still ants the whole time. I feel like things got really rushed after the awesome introduction. Once the hunters made contact with the ants, it went very quickly. To me, it's a great arc, but a little rushed in the middle.
Apr 16, 2019 8:45 AM
Mar 2018
tbh, the writing for this arc as such is good, but the way it executed just really poor and lame. I enjoyed every other arc much much more than this one.

The problem with this chimera ant arc is that it dragged out too long. The beggining is slow-paced, which isnt anywhere near bad since we got full potential stretch-out development for characters. HOWEVER, from this point onwards the pacing is truly unstable. The story then leaved a ton of pointless time for uninteresting chars like Cheetu, and then rushed off to the point where Gon went too over dramatic and then that straightup berserk is the true definition of bullshit. Really? The ending wrapped up nicely but very unfulfilling. Killed Meruem with a bomb, then revived him just to be dead again; other deaths beforehand were meaningless as if the author just want to rip the whole cast to end the story.

Sometimes, I wonder if people rating HxH do the same to DB?
Apr 18, 2019 2:57 PM

Nov 2010
Whoever says that Chimera Ant arc sucks either has bad taste or just trolling. This is definitely one of the best arc with the introduction of Meruem the best badass I've ever seen. However, for me Yorknew is the best Hunter x Hunter arc and its even better than the Chimera arc IMO. That arc felt intense and I find the phantom troupe a really interesting bunch.
May 18, 2019 7:27 PM
Aug 2018
RedRoseFring said:

And quite a bit of the narration was indeed pointless. "Youpi was angry.." That sure added a lot of "depth" that the viewers couldn't glean on their own. Trying to paint it as anything else would be trying too hard and pointless.

I know I'm responding to a 5 year old post but I don't have to try hard to tell you that "Youpi was angry..." narration was not pointless at all. Youpi's entire character arc was about him learning to control his anger. Not to mention his anger was also the key to one of his powers. First he was angry, then he faked being angry in order to trick his opponents, and then he learned to quarantine his anger and become a more mature character.

Yeah, it actually does serve a purpose! lol Without the narrator, you wouldn't know the complexity of him using his emotions and how he expresses those emotions as a battle tactic and a piece of character development.
May 19, 2019 4:30 PM

Jan 2014
naotas_forehead said:
RedRoseFring said:

And quite a bit of the narration was indeed pointless. "Youpi was angry.." That sure added a lot of "depth" that the viewers couldn't glean on their own. Trying to paint it as anything else would be trying too hard and pointless.

I know I'm responding to a 5 year old post but I don't have to try hard to tell you that "Youpi was angry..." narration was not pointless at all. Youpi's entire character arc was about him learning to control his anger. Not to mention his anger was also the key to one of his powers. First he was angry, then he faked being angry in order to trick his opponents, and then he learned to quarantine his anger and become a more mature character.

Yeah, it actually does serve a purpose! lol Without the narrator, you wouldn't know the complexity of him using his emotions and how he expresses those emotions as a battle tactic and a piece of character development.

You don't need to be told "Youpi was angry" when you clearly see him being angry. Explaining that Youpi was faking anger as part of a trap is good and purposeful narration while repeating that he is angry is not.

No one said that all the narration was pointless, just useless bits like that one.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Apr 19, 2020 9:46 PM

Apr 2019
Yes, it sucks. Mainly the narrator explaining obvious things, the lack of emotion and the fact that we have 10 episodes without any plot progression. You could reduce the arc to 30 episodes (or less) without any change for worse (maybe for better). Best thing of the arc is literally Meruem playing Gungi with Komugi.
Apr 19, 2020 10:08 PM

Jul 2019
PaulinhaHanekawa said:
Yes, it sucks. Mainly the narrator explaining obvious things, the lack of emotion and the fact that we have 10 episodes without any plot progression. You could reduce the arc to 30 episodes (or less) without any change for worse (maybe for better). Best thing of the arc is literally Meruem playing Gungi with Komugi.
PaulinhaHanekawa said:
Yes, it sucks. Mainly the narrator explaining obvious things, the lack of emotion and the fact that we have 10 episodes without any plot progression. You could reduce the arc to 30 episodes (or less) without any change for worse (maybe for better). Best thing of the arc is literally Meruem playing Gungi with Komugi.

Yea I agree. the fights for kinda boring and the best thing about the arc for me was the interactions between Komugi and Meruem, and the opening.
Dec 29, 2020 3:50 PM
Oct 2020
chamera ant arc isnt that bad i guess but anyone who thinks its better than any of the other arcs or eps in hxh is a fucking ape
Dec 29, 2020 4:32 PM

Aug 2019
I too was initially quite balked to watch the Chimera Ant arc, I was confused as to why such creatures were now being added, but I'm glad I decided to. HxH is definitely more of a slow-burn type anime, so it takes a while to build up to an absolutely brilliant and evocative climax. The climax had a lasting impact on me, and I spent days crying about it. Trudge through the initial episodes and it will be soooo worth it, I promise! :)
Dec 30, 2020 3:09 PM

Aug 2020
This and Yorknew City Arc are the best arcs in the series. Can we agree on that?

Jan 1, 2021 7:56 AM
Dec 2020
Chimera Ant arc was the arc that made me believe that this show is overrated
Jan 1, 2021 9:40 PM
Dec 2020
Honestly it's not my favourite arc in the series but it's quite good still
Mar 29, 2021 11:48 AM

Aug 2017
Chimera Ant Arc is flawed but it's not bad either.

It displayed some of the best fights in the entire show (Netero vs Meruem, Gon vs Neferpitou, etc).

The fights are just legendary.

The main gripe I had with it is the pacing and the narration from the narrator.

When the narrator was talking through the fight scenes, I got really irritated/annoyed.

Narrator went ham during Youpi's scenes.
Every time, he talks, I just want him to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
God! That man is so annoying. Let me see YOUPI!.

Mar 29, 2021 1:22 PM

Aug 2014
Im currently watching HxH first time ever, and I just finished episode 115.

If you watched CA arc one episode per week, heck the whole HxH one episode per week, then HxH can seem like a boring drag.

CA arc, you have to get through a lot of boring episodes to get to the intense episodes. Sometimes you get many consecutive episodes that are boring and a drag, and sometimes you get to episodes that are intense.

The dialogues by the narrator were hit or miss. They either created intensity or they overstayed its welcome and ruined the mood.

If I could describe the CA arc so far, it would be giving you Blue Balls.
Mar 29, 2021 2:02 PM

Mar 2012
It used to be the best arc in manga history.... before the Paradis/Rumbling arc came out.
End Zionazism
Apr 2, 2021 11:00 PM

Aug 2018

The main gripe I had with it is the pacing and the narration from the narrator.

When the narrator was talking through the fight scenes, I got really irritated/annoyed.

Narrator went ham during Youpi's scenes.
Every time, he talks, I just want him to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
God! That man is so annoying. Let me see YOUPI!.[/quote]

the same this show seem awesome then the narrator and pace made me skip episodes and i still know what is going on lol i skip 10 episodes just fast forward the episode see if anything happens the click to next episode if it get rebooted without the narrator i would change my mind of this show being the most overrated show of all time.
Apr 2, 2021 11:01 PM

Aug 2018
MxS7HGS said:
Whoever says that Chimera Ant arc sucks either has bad taste or just trolling. This is definitely one of the best arc with the introduction of Meruem the best badass I've ever seen. However, for me Yorknew is the best Hunter x Hunter arc and its even better than the Chimera arc IMO. That arc felt intense and I find the phantom troupe a really interesting bunch.

kid you are too stupid that need to be spoon feed what is going on by the narrator
Apr 2, 2021 11:10 PM

Nov 2015
I've put HxH on hold and I'm nearing the end (I think) of the Chimera Ant arc. I just did not like the inclusion of weird monsters and stuff and found the whole arc fairly boring. The girl coming in and playing that shogi-esque game and stuff was kind of interesting but eh. The main chimera arc villain prince guy feels very Cell to me and I don't like DBZ that much.
Apr 3, 2021 3:37 AM
Mar 2011
I personally loved the narration, its overly dramatic in a fun way.

I dont want to repeat the megaposts of the other people, I agree with most of the common sentiments, but I really liked Pitou and I think they could have done more with the character and he/she should have been involved in more major fights. Personally really couldnt care most of the time for the other guards, having to sit through like 10 episodes of them fighting while Pitou just gets insta-gibbed by Gons JoJo form was, frankly, kind of upsetting to me.
Apr 3, 2021 4:38 AM

Jun 2020
Chimera Ant Arc is the best arc in HxH writing wise and enjoyement for me is top 2. And it is easily top 3 shounen arc
Apr 3, 2021 4:39 AM

Jun 2020
Mikasa said:
It used to be the best arc in manga history.... before the Paradis/Rumbling arc came out.
paradis arc is not better than CA imo lol
Apr 3, 2021 7:07 AM
Mar 2021
Chimera ant is an masterpiece the conpect about human vs monster are well written for example gon the protagonist become monster rather than being a human because of anger and despair then on the other side meruem the antagonist become human because the love and care he feel it
Apr 3, 2021 8:13 AM

Nov 2010
Gurifisu-Femto said:
MxS7HGS said:
Whoever says that Chimera Ant arc sucks either has bad taste or just trolling. This is definitely one of the best arc with the introduction of Meruem the best badass I've ever seen. However, for me Yorknew is the best Hunter x Hunter arc and its even better than the Chimera arc IMO. That arc felt intense and I find the phantom troupe a really interesting bunch.

kid you are too stupid that need to be spoon feed what is going on by the narrator

It takes one to know one. Kid. haha
Apr 3, 2021 8:21 AM

Dec 2020
I wouldn't say it sucked it just took a while to get some action. As angie said hunter x hunter is a slowburn anime and you could really tell in that last arc. It really took sometime to get to all the action.

People with boobs > people with no boobs.

My lemons > ur lemons
Please just send to profile ^^
Apr 5, 2021 6:34 PM

Aug 2018
MxS7HGS said:
Gurifisu-Femto said:

kid you are too stupid that need to be spoon feed what is going on by the narrator

It takes one to know one. Kid. haha
should be call exposition x exposition LOL it finally stop at episode 130. exposition is consider "lazy writing" and in the media of film or in this case anime it's a no no kid.
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