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Jan 10, 2013 3:47 PM
Jan 2012
What is the cause of the mass anti-intellectual social attitude par cultural illness - Philistinism - that is spreading faster than ever, and has been circulating strongly in our society since the early nineteenth century? And what effect is it having on our lives?
Because of this "illness", people are more ignorant, smugly narrow minded, and uncreative these days. People grasp onto conventional morality, and they hold materialistic views and values. People may undervalue and despise art, beauty, spirituality and intellect in todays contemporary world, in the philistine social context, but don't be fooled people. They are merely socially inherent notions grounded in you that are as much a product of your free will as your dreams are. In other words, the whole process is unconscious, and people need to learn the discipline required to counter this social evil.
My question is, why did culture so drastically change in this regressive direction?
Jan 10, 2013 3:50 PM

Aug 2012
Hey, a debate question I can actually answer!

Technology. And increasing population density. Bim bam boop!

...please no getting into debates with me though ):
Jan 10, 2013 3:57 PM
Dec 2012
Simply put - Thinking is not encouraged in the educational system today.
People will follow the repetitive words broadcast. Sports instead of true debates.

Being a gifted student and exceptionally bright individual I've noticed this since I was at a young age. I have always been able to relate myself on some level to those "intellectually challeged" for the purpose of conversing, making friends etc. However it gets to the point sometimes where I feel I'm being drained in conversation with those who know nothing outside of what they watch on TV or learn from their sub-par public school education.
Jan 10, 2013 4:04 PM

Aug 2011
"Social evil."


Jan 10, 2013 4:13 PM
Jan 2012
Not_Biased said:
Simply put - Thinking is not encouraged in the educational system today.
People will follow the repetitive words broadcast. Sports instead of true debates.

Being a gifted student and exceptionally bright individual I've noticed this since I was at a young age. I have always been able to relate myself on some level to those "intellectually challeged" for the purpose of conversing, making friends etc. However it gets to the point sometimes where I feel I'm being drained in conversation with those who know nothing outside of what they watch on TV or learn from their sub-par public school education.

There is indeed problems in the schooling system. Imaginitive and coceptual abilities are not properly fostered and people are not made psychologically aware. It's like you say, thinking is not encouraged enough. People like myself who had to think in order to survive and evolve seem to escape this paridgm.
Jan 10, 2013 4:15 PM

Jan 2013
Pretty much what everyone above has said.

"The nail that sticks out the most is hammerd down"
Jan 10, 2013 4:17 PM

Mar 2011
Not_Biased said:
Being a gifted student and exceptionally bright individual

Said without any sense of irony. But then, false modesty is such a useless thing right?

On the rest of what you said, I'd argue that thinking was not encouraged because of Philistinism, I don't think that Philistinism encouraged not thinking.

Not that I think the former is true either, I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?
Jan 10, 2013 4:19 PM

Oct 2012
My question is, why did culture so drastically change in this regressive direction?

Are you implying this change was recent?

Edit: Sort of ninja'd

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 10, 2013 4:25 PM

Dec 2007
I think our culture has changed because of the laziness in humans. It is far easier to accept that which you are told, than to research and educate yourself on just about any matter. It has spread to our education systems and until there is a change, future generations will have no chance in breaking the cycle. The longer we wait as people to address this issue, the harder it will become to do anything about it. As the population grows so does the number of individuals that are trapped in the cycle.

Technology could be used as a tool to obtain more knowledge, but most of the time it is instead used to hinder the users ability to think about things on their own. When I was younger and I had a question for my parents we would sit down together and research things together. Nowadays, if you have a question for someone, they either tell you to google it or brush off your question because it is not worth their time.
Jan 10, 2013 4:33 PM
Dec 2012
TheAutocrat said:
People like myself who had to think in order to survive and evolve seem to escape this paridgm.

Exactly. If you live in an environment that poses a wider range of problems, you will develop new cognitive skills and the kind of brain that can deal with them. We take applying logic to hypothetical situations seriously. As a result, we are better prepared to learn about science, which is all about the hypothetical and abstractions, and even to reason better about ethics. Immediately, evidence enters the debate and takes it to a higher level.
Jan 10, 2013 4:42 PM
Jan 2012
Tavor said:
My question is, why did culture so drastically change in this regressive direction?

Are you implying this change was recent?

Edit: Sort of ninja'd

I'm not implying. I actually said that

@itami-chan: You can understand why it's a social evil by understanding what I wrote.
TheOttocratJan 10, 2013 4:51 PM
Jan 10, 2013 4:49 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
I'm not implying. I actually said that.

Well, as InfiniteRyvius pointed out, "I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?"
It seems there's always that 'upper' percentage of the population will have a higher grasp and knowledge outside the 'flow of these sheep'.
In some ways, as our technology improves century by century, it's debatable of how much it has advanced our civilization. Of course, it's not always reliant on technology, but also the government structures in place. Whoever leads the masses will pretty much lead them into this 'regressive' trend you point out.
So perhaps to answer your question, vaguely, is because the culprit is the belief that humans are not angels and therefore need to be governed, which leads to a limited spectrum of how knowledge/education is carried out.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 10, 2013 5:02 PM
Jan 2012
Tavor said:
TheAutocrat said:
I'm not implying. I actually said that.

Well, as InfiniteRyvius pointed out, "I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?"
It seems there's always that 'upper' percentage of the population will have a higher grasp and knowledge outside the 'flow of these sheep'.
In some ways, as our technology improves century by century, it's debatable of how much it has advanced our civilization. Of course, it's not always reliant on technology, but also the government structures in place. Whoever leads the masses will pretty much lead them into this 'regressive' trend you point out.
So perhaps to answer your question, vaguely, is because the culprit is the belief that humans are not angels and therefore need to be governed, which leads to a limited spectrum of how knowledge/education is carried out.

She was talking to not-biased when she asked said persons age.
So you advocate a dictatorship, well that's the obvious answer. But how would a dictatorship improve things. This must be clarified. A metirocracy would be an interesting system I advocate in general.
Also, I don't think you've had much experience with mainstream philistine culture. Living in the UK (the philistine capital) I'm personally sick of it.
Jan 10, 2013 5:13 PM

Mar 2011
TheAutocrat said:
Tavor said:
TheAutocrat said:
I'm not implying. I actually said that.

Well, as InfiniteRyvius pointed out, "I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?"
It seems there's always that 'upper' percentage of the population will have a higher grasp and knowledge outside the 'flow of these sheep'.
In some ways, as our technology improves century by century, it's debatable of how much it has advanced our civilization. Of course, it's not always reliant on technology, but also the government structures in place. Whoever leads the masses will pretty much lead them into this 'regressive' trend you point out.
So perhaps to answer your question, vaguely, is because the culprit is the belief that humans are not angels and therefore need to be governed, which leads to a limited spectrum of how knowledge/education is carried out.

She was talking to not-biased when she asked said persons age.
So you advocate a dictatorship, well that's the obvious answer. But how would a dictatorship improve things. This must be clarified. A metirocracy would be an interesting system I advocate in general.
Also, I don't think you've had much experience with mainstream philistine culture. Living in the UK (the philistine capital) I'm personally sick of it.

I was, but since this is a forum it's open to everyone to reply, that's kinda the beauty of a forum don't you think?

Anyway, I don't think we as a human race have ever been any different. Perhaps in the past we aspired more for power than for possessions etc. but it was a similar aim, the only reason we changed is because positions of power became much less powerful. I don't think anything has really changed with regards to the human races attachment to materialism. It's just become more easy to acquire goods and possessions, and harder to attain power. That's all.
Jan 10, 2013 5:17 PM

Dec 2009
Really? Not sure.

If yes, it may be the $ acquired per time+matter is shrinking. For example, there are tens of thousands of creative writers, only 10 or so get works published. For those who are outside it, even if they can write, they have work in other fields. And for those who work 16 hours a day (job, OT, home chores, transportation), they need time to sit and sleep more than creativity.

Entertainment is needed but not quality-wise. With poor economy, the proportion of fortunate ones is steadily shrinking. Instead, you'd find more cheats and social class conflicts, even in Japan, its about the same.
Jan 10, 2013 5:57 PM
Jan 2012
InfiniteRyvius said:
TheAutocrat said:
Tavor said:
TheAutocrat said:
I'm not implying. I actually said that.

Well, as InfiniteRyvius pointed out, "I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?"
It seems there's always that 'upper' percentage of the population will have a higher grasp and knowledge outside the 'flow of these sheep'.
In some ways, as our technology improves century by century, it's debatable of how much it has advanced our civilization. Of course, it's not always reliant on technology, but also the government structures in place. Whoever leads the masses will pretty much lead them into this 'regressive' trend you point out.
So perhaps to answer your question, vaguely, is because the culprit is the belief that humans are not angels and therefore need to be governed, which leads to a limited spectrum of how knowledge/education is carried out.

She was talking to not-biased when she asked said persons age.
So you advocate a dictatorship, well that's the obvious answer. But how would a dictatorship improve things. This must be clarified. A metirocracy would be an interesting system I advocate in general.
Also, I don't think you've had much experience with mainstream philistine culture. Living in the UK (the philistine capital) I'm personally sick of it.

I was, but since this is a forum it's open to everyone to reply, that's kinda the beauty of a forum don't you think?

Anyway, I don't think we as a human race have ever been any different. Perhaps in the past we aspired more for power than for possessions etc. but it was a similar aim, the only reason we changed is because positions of power became much less powerful. I don't think anything has really changed with regards to the human races attachment to materialism. It's just become more easy to acquire goods and possessions, and harder to attain power. That's all.

Not that I made that statement because I thought Tavor made that statement out of turn, but that he thought the age statement was directed at me.

Okay Ryvius, history lesson, once upon a time before nhilists and anarchists had been invented and when philistines were just a tribe mentioned in the old testament... well maybe not that far back, but far back enough that there was three distinct groups of people. The barbarian (aristocrats...), the populace (the masses), and the philistine. Socrates is the godfather of philistinism.Philistinism is not a new thing, but it is now beggining to consume us.
Jan 10, 2013 6:09 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
Tavor said:
TheAutocrat said:
I'm not implying. I actually said that.

Well, as InfiniteRyvius pointed out, "I'm not sure how old you are exactly, but since when has the human race ever been any different/better? When we were ignorant cavemen?"
It seems there's always that 'upper' percentage of the population will have a higher grasp and knowledge outside the 'flow of these sheep'.
In some ways, as our technology improves century by century, it's debatable of how much it has advanced our civilization. Of course, it's not always reliant on technology, but also the government structures in place. Whoever leads the masses will pretty much lead them into this 'regressive' trend you point out.
So perhaps to answer your question, vaguely, is because the culprit is the belief that humans are not angels and therefore need to be governed, which leads to a limited spectrum of how knowledge/education is carried out.

She was talking to not-biased when she asked said persons age.
So you advocate a dictatorship, well that's the obvious answer. But how would a dictatorship improve things. This must be clarified. A metirocracy would be an interesting system I advocate in general.
Also, I don't think you've had much experience with mainstream philistine culture. Living in the UK (the philistine capital) I'm personally sick of it.

In regard to me quoting InfiniteRyvius, yes, I sort of thought it applied to you, my bad. Though, I mostly used it since he/she still brings up a point I would of brought up, even it's not meant for you, I'm making it relevant to you.
The meat of the quote I should of added attention though is, "since when has the human race ever been any different/better?"
Unless you have time-traveled to each and every century, I fail to see how this is a new and recent change that you bring up in the OP post.
I could be just born today (not literally) and say, "Geez, it seems war is such a horrid issue these days, and because I'm new to this, this must be a recent issue for humans."

Also, I must be missing something, but how am I advocating a dictatorship?

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 10, 2013 6:12 PM

Sep 2012
TheAutocrat said:
What is the cause of the mass anti-intellectual social attitude par cultural illness - Philistinism - that is spreading faster than ever, and has been circulating strongly in our society since the early nineteenth century? And what effect is it having on our lives?
Because of this "illness", people are more ignorant, smugly narrow minded, and uncreative these days. People grasp onto conventional morality, and they hold materialistic views and values. People may undervalue and despise art, beauty, spirituality and intellect in todays contemporary world, in the philistine social context, but don't be fooled people. They are merely socially inherent notions grounded in you that are as much a product of your free will as your dreams are. In other words, the whole process is unconscious, and people need to learn the discipline required to counter this social evil.
My question is, why did culture so drastically change in this regressive direction?
Unintelligent people have been around since people have been around. This is nothing new or recent.
Jan 10, 2013 6:14 PM

Mar 2011
Tavor said:

Also, I must be missing something, but how am I advocating a dictatorship?

Highlighted it for you :3

TheAutocrat said:

People have always been obsessed with possession and power. Everyone always wants more, in the old days it was harder to get possession, and so people had less, it wasn't because we were different. Also, something can exist before it is defined.
Jan 10, 2013 6:19 PM

Oct 2012
InfiniteRyvius said:
Tavor said:

Also, I must be missing something, but how am I advocating a dictatorship?

Highlighted it for you :3

But for did I advocate a dictatorship?

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 10, 2013 6:19 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
What is the cause of the mass anti-intellectual social attitude par cultural illness - Philistinism - that is spreading faster than ever, and has been circulating strongly in our society since the early nineteenth century? And what effect is it having on our lives?
"The term philistinism describes the social attitude of anti-intellectualism that undervalues and despises art, beauty, spirituality, and intellect" (Wikipedia). If you read this and found the values therein contradictory, then that is because in the 20th century we've developed an improved understanding of science and human life called relativity. Instead of assuming a dichotomy of cultured men and brutes that was the product of the Age of Enlightenment, complete with philosophers who supposed instinctual (spiritual) ethics and aesthetics like Kant and Humes, the 20th century brought us Existentialism where we are to find our own morality and modern art that rejected the constrictions of the previous age. In the 20th century, the priority of science over religion allowed philosophers to think in new ways, with some promoting hard physicalism over spirituality, relegating things like art and beauty into mere figments of the subjective imagination: today, we understand that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", an idea known since Antiquity, but is only widely credited to a British writer in 1878.

"Philistinism" is common today, but that's not a bad thing; rather, the phrase itself is an outdated artifact of times when it was accepted that there was one objective way to describe art, and it was commonly accepted that things like the appreciation of art and culture should be taught alongside the sciences and language in order to better understand a moral purpose. We grew out of that into a more 3-dimensional understanding that promotes different interests and perspectives instead of 1-dimensional snobbery (when anime would have been considered fake and kitsch).
My subjective reviews:
Jan 10, 2013 7:55 PM

Sep 2012
I once called someone a Philistine to his face. All he said was, "How did you know my name is Phil?"
Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

Does it feel lonely?
Jan 10, 2013 7:59 PM

Aug 2011
Nonyflah said:
I once called someone a Philistine to his face. All he said was, "How did you know my name is Phil?"


Jan 11, 2013 2:06 AM
Jan 2012
katsucats said:
TheAutocrat said:
What is the cause of the mass anti-intellectual social attitude par cultural illness - Philistinism - that is spreading faster than ever, and has been circulating strongly in our society since the early nineteenth century? And what effect is it having on our lives?
"The term philistinism describes the social attitude of anti-intellectualism that undervalues and despises art, beauty, spirituality, and intellect" (Wikipedia). If you read this and found the values therein contradictory, then that is because in the 20th century we've developed an improved understanding of science and human life called relativity. Instead of assuming a dichotomy of cultured men and brutes that was the product of the Age of Enlightenment, complete with philosophers who supposed instinctual (spiritual) ethics and aesthetics like Kant and Humes, the 20th century brought us Existentialism where we are to find our own morality and modern art that rejected the constrictions of the previous age. In the 20th century, the priority of science over religion allowed philosophers to think in new ways, with some promoting hard physicalism over spirituality, relegating things like art and beauty into mere figments of the subjective imagination: today, we understand that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", an idea known since Antiquity, but is only widely credited to a British writer in 1878.

"Philistinism" is common today, but that's not a bad thing; rather, the phrase itself is an outdated artifact of times when it was accepted that there was one objective way to describe art, and it was commonly accepted that things like the appreciation of art and culture should be taught alongside the sciences and language in order to better understand a moral purpose. We grew out of that into a more 3-dimensional understanding that promotes different interests and perspectives instead of 1-dimensional snobbery (when anime would have been considered fake and kitsch).

In other words, we lose our humanity. For the love of god people don't listen to this guy.

@Tavor: You were just being taciturn, your words reeked of Autocracy. Anyway instead of pointing out something pointless, you should be highly logical and efficient at all times and give me a cookie if I was right, or take the chance to evolve the conversation.

I was surprised at the poor reception. I understand philistinism is invisible, but c'mon, first year philosophy students, surely mal isn't that inept.

And Ryvius, you make a pretty daring assumption. Namely, "something can exist before it has been defined". How much thought went into that statement, is it relavent, and are you ignorant of this?
TheOttocratJan 11, 2013 2:15 AM
Jan 11, 2013 2:57 AM

Oct 2009
Any kind of progress is a subject to interpretation, and nothing more subjective in this world than opinion. People are sceptical of the truth, and questioning the objectivity of so called progress.

It is not that they undervalues any kind of advancement, but in ordinary life, one can decide conclusively whether certain assertions correspond with reality for practical purposes or not. It is about the advancement accessibility to ordinary people that matters.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Jan 11, 2013 3:50 AM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
katsucats said:
TheAutocrat said:
What is the cause of the mass anti-intellectual social attitude par cultural illness - Philistinism - that is spreading faster than ever, and has been circulating strongly in our society since the early nineteenth century? And what effect is it having on our lives?
"The term philistinism describes the social attitude of anti-intellectualism that undervalues and despises art, beauty, spirituality, and intellect" (Wikipedia). If you read this and found the values therein contradictory, then that is because in the 20th century we've developed an improved understanding of science and human life called relativity. Instead of assuming a dichotomy of cultured men and brutes that was the product of the Age of Enlightenment, complete with philosophers who supposed instinctual (spiritual) ethics and aesthetics like Kant and Humes, the 20th century brought us Existentialism where we are to find our own morality and modern art that rejected the constrictions of the previous age. In the 20th century, the priority of science over religion allowed philosophers to think in new ways, with some promoting hard physicalism over spirituality, relegating things like art and beauty into mere figments of the subjective imagination: today, we understand that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", an idea known since Antiquity, but is only widely credited to a British writer in 1878.

"Philistinism" is common today, but that's not a bad thing; rather, the phrase itself is an outdated artifact of times when it was accepted that there was one objective way to describe art, and it was commonly accepted that things like the appreciation of art and culture should be taught alongside the sciences and language in order to better understand a moral purpose. We grew out of that into a more 3-dimensional understanding that promotes different interests and perspectives instead of 1-dimensional snobbery (when anime would have been considered fake and kitsch).

In other words, we lose our humanity. For the love of god people don't listen to this guy.
Maybe if you equate high culture with humanity. Thankfully, the rest of us have shed this kind of pretentious idealism. You may rock your artiste cap with a Cuban in one hand while listening to avant garde jazz or better, a Mozart opera, perched atop your pedestal looking down at us Philistine barbarians for nodding our heads to rock and roll, hip-hop, dubstep, electro-house, and visual kei -- and watching anime. Oh, us soulless creatures who know nothing of Michelangelo, but prefer Michael Jackson.

Humanity -- what a joke, an illusion invented by religious priests with rose colored glasses "for the love of God"! Humanity is incomprehensible when aesthetics and morality are subjective (or more accurately, non-existent). Humanity is incompatible with causality. Humanity is what the intellectually weak fall back on when they can't describe why they value something.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 11, 2013 4:18 AM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
And Ryvius, you make a pretty daring assumption. Namely, "something can exist before it has been defined". How much thought went into that statement, is it relavent, and are you ignorant of this?
A daring assumption? It's actually just an axiomatic truth. Whatever concept a word represents must have existed before the word was defined, otherwise it would be impossible to define the word.

TheAutocrat said:
Anyway instead of pointing out something pointless, you should be highly logical and efficient at all times and give me a cookie if I was right
katsucatsJan 11, 2013 4:33 AM
My subjective reviews:
Jan 11, 2013 4:33 AM

Mar 2011
The universe didn't exist before someone defined it!
All stars were the same until someone defined different type of stars!
The consciousness didn't exist until someone defined it!
Definitions didn't exist until someone defined what a definition was!

Yeh, you're right Auto, saying that things exist before being defined was pretty stupid.
Jan 11, 2013 4:37 AM
Jan 2012
@Ryvius: Do not make sweeping generalizations. When it is concerning human behaviour and thought pattern, they are influenced by society. Therefore a nhilist who doesn't know he was a nhilist according to a general and encapsulating definition is not a nhilist. It does exist until acknowledged by society. An ideological way of thinking cannot die. But if the ideas of the unacknowledged individuals do not exist as knowledge then it does not exist. The very nature of things like nhilism and anarchism is that they can be grasped by society.

Here's some of my thoughts on psychiatry and social media which is relavant to the philistine epidemic.

Psychiatry is quackery. It would be worth laughing at if it wasn't such a threat to our liberty. How ethical do people feel that they vote for governments that force psychiatry on people? Psychiatry is merely slapping labels on unwanted behaviour and thoughts and doling out tranquilliser drugs and electroshock, nothing more. There are millions of people over the decades who have had their life shortened or died just because they were forced into psychiatry. The psychiatry boldly takes for granted that their assertions are the truth despite not examining anyone's biology. The individual may end up getting a few different labels slapped on them which is absurd as all internal process is inter-connected, they are one person, not three. It is massive holes in the system like this that make psychiatry just another form of appeasement, where it is deemed best if the masses stay in ignorance of such atypical behaviour. Ultimately the mentall ill person is judged according to the majorities standards and has to work doubly hard. To achieve the thing called "normal", despite these problems being inherent or due to the ignorance of the masses anyway. It is high time free thinking skeptical individuals were given the human right to not live in fear of ever being forced into this reductionistic paridigm of quackery psychiatry.

As for social media, people blindly take for granted that what they hear on TV is the truth. If it happens to be something you told someone, instead of thinking it through themselves and trying to understand what you said they'll most likely be thinking of something to contradict what you said after hearing the first two words. Then they hear what you said on TV and now it is an irrefutable truth. Why are people are so seduced by the words of social media or unfounded tv stars. Maybe it is because we live in such a comfortable and lax society that people simply lack the enlightenment and guidance that was offered to the masses way before those philistine conservative bastards and now-philistine Labour Party dictated our society so. Hopefully the aesthetic will return. Perhaps people will once again be able to distinguish between a good tune and a bad tune, they won't talk loudly to their neighbour at a concert, and they won't leach against paintings in an art gallery. As we come to a standstill in humanistic and technological evolution we can only wonder why human management, mass appeasement and "ignorance is bliss", are the ways of now...
TheOttocratJan 11, 2013 5:00 AM
Jan 11, 2013 4:55 AM

Jun 2008
Not_Biased said:

Being a gifted student and exceptionally bright individual I've noticed this since

Not to mention humble and modest. That is certainly your greatest gift.
MonadJan 11, 2013 4:59 AM
Jan 11, 2013 5:00 AM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
Psychiatry is quackery. It would be worth laughing at if it wasn't such a threat to our liberty. How ethical do people feel that they vote for governments that force psychiatry on people?
I don't know of any governments that force psychiatry on anybody. Therapy and medication is expensive, and if anything, they're rejecting applications.

TheAutocrat said:
Psychiatry is merely slapping labels on unwanted behaviour and thoughts and doling out tranquilliser drugs and electroshock, nothing more. There are millions of people over the decades who have had their life shortened or died just because they were forced into psychiatry.
Psychiatry gives people suffering from debilitating mental or personality disorders who can't properly function in society a path of reintegration.

TheAutocrat said:
The psychiatry boldly takes for granted that their assertions are the truth despite not examining anyone's biology.
Lobotomies and electrical shocks are rarely administered anymore. This isn't the 1950s. And there are studies being done to ascertain the biological source of many mental illnesses. If there weren't, then we wouldn't be able to prescribe treatment.

TheAutocrat said:
It is massive holes in the system like this that make psychiatry just another form of appeasement
To whom?

TheAutocrat said:
where it is deemed best if the masses stay in ignorance of such atypical behaviour.
Psychological illnesses are pretty common in pop culture. You wouldn't be able to find anyone who can't name at least a half dozen of them listed in the DSM.

TheAutocrat said:
Ultimately the mentall ill person is judged according to the majorities standards and has to work doubly hard. To achieve the thing called "normal", despite these problems being inherent or due to the ignorance of the masses anyway.
Being "normal" isn't as important as being able to procure a living within society. If you can't function well enough in society --call it rare brilliance or illness, it doesn't matter-- your fate will be to starve to death, or depend on the social support of others. Stop whining and just take your meds.

TheAutocrat said:
It is high time free thinking skeptical individuals were given the human right to not live in fear of ever being forced into this reductionistic paridigm of quackery psychiatry.
If your self-proclaimed "freethinking" is more valuable than food, then be my guest. But really it's just ego and faux-pride.

TheAutocrat said:
As for social media, people blindly take for granted that what they hear on TV is the truth. If it happens to be something you told someone, instead of thinking it through themselves and trying to understand what you said they'll most likely be thinking of something to contradict what you said after hearing the first two words. Then they hear what you said on TV and now it is an irrefutable truth.

TheAutocrat said:
Why are people are so seduced by the words of social media or unfounded tv stars. Maybe it is because we live in such a comfortable and lax society that people simply lack the enlightenment and guidance that was offered to the masses way before those philistine conservative bastards and now-philistine Labour Party dictated our society so.
Since when was "enlightenment and guidance" offered to the masses, and by whom? Sounds like you just replaced one form of Koolaid for another. So much for freethinking.

TheAutocrat said:
Hopefully the aesthetic will return. Perhaps people will once again be able to distinguish between a good tune and a bad tune, they won't talk loudly to their neighbour at a concert, and they won't leach against paintings in an art gallery.
Talking loudly at a concert contributes to the ambiance.

TheAutocrat said:
As we come to a standstill in humanistic and technological evolution we can only wonder why human management, mass appeasement and "ignorance is bliss", are the ways of now...
Not only have we not come to a technological standstill, our technological is improving exponentially. You keep using the word "appeasement", but I don't think it means what you think it means.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 11, 2013 5:48 AM
Jan 2012
Katsukats, your disagreeing for the sake of it makes the truth blurry and ellusive. Still you made a couple of points worth replying to.
However you do not understand aesthetics, subjectivity, value and negation. I should enlighten you that niceness and nastiness are subjective but not taste.

When I said "coming to a standstill" I meant the pace is slowing down compared to the innovation of the nineteenth and twentierh centuries.

Nobody understands mental illness. Only people who have experienced it high scale truly understand it. Thus someone like me, ten times less superfical than you and ten times more enlightened and interesting are the gateways to higher understanding. It is my unorthodoxy, intelligence and willpower that guarentees me a unique intellectual standing in histories books. I like my meds. They sort my endorphins fluctuatios. I was able to eradicate tourettes from my behaviour of my own mental strength, overcome autism and gain grandiose emotional and personality based intelligence and knowledge. Thanks to my astonishing insight, imaginitive abilities and extraordinary Intuitive capabilities I only have to read the first two most important sentences of a definition before I can guess what they are saying halfway down the page. Having only read one book, once I have read a few more true books written by the foremost intellectually astute thinkers of our time and before, then I will infinitely surpass pretentious uni students par buckets of knowledge with fixed ability limitations. After all, bi-polar and autism grant me higher and varying limitations in some areas, and in accordance with my hard work I perceive clearly and normally.

We'll see who's taste in knowledge is greater by me asking you one question. What do you think of neitzsche? This is providing of course the great katsukats has tasted both sides of the coin which of course we can take for granted from the way he so assertingly forces his "facts" onto us.
TheOttocratJan 11, 2013 7:00 AM
Jan 11, 2013 6:57 AM

Oct 2010
Monad said:
Not_Biased said:

Being a gifted student and exceptionally bright individual I've noticed this since

Not to mention humble and modest. That is certainly your greatest gift.

Indeed. I don't know why some people still use this tag, I don't have any interest on knowing how gifted they are, thanks. It's not that my admiration for a random nickname at the Internet will increase by throwing such irrelevant data.
Jan 11, 2013 7:08 AM

Oct 2009
TheAutocrat said:
Katsukats, your disagreeing for the sake of it makes the truth blurry and ellusive. Still you made a couple of points worth replying to.
However you do not understand aesthetics, subjectivity, value and negation. I should enlighten you that niceness and nastiness are subjective but not taste.

When I said "coming to a standstill" I meant the pace is slowing down compared to the innovation of the nineteenth and twentierh centuries.

Nobody understands mental illness. Only people who have experienced it high scale truly understand it. Thus someone like me, ten times less superfical than you and ten times more enlightened and interesting are the gateways to higher understanding. It is my unorthodoxy, intelligence and mental strength that guarentees me a unique intellectual standing in histories books. I like my meds. They sort my endorphins fluctuatios. I was able to eradicate tourettes from my behaviour, overcome autism and gain grandiose emotional and personality based intelligence and knowledge. Thanks to my astonishing insight, imaginitive abilities and extraordinary Intuitive capabilities I only have to read the first two most important sentences of a definition before I can guess what they are saying halfway down the page. Having only read one book, once I have read a few more true books written by the foremost intellectually astute thinkers of our time and before, then I will infinitely surpass pretentious uni students par buckets of knowledge with fixed ability limitations. After all, bi-polar and autism grant me higher and varying limitations in some areas, and in accordance with my hard work I perceive clearly and normally.

We'll see who's taste in knowledge is greater by me asking you one question. What do you think of neitzsche? This is providing of course the great katsukats has tasted both sides of the coin which of course we can take for granted from the way he so assertingly forces his "facts" onto us.

You describe yourself as highly enlightened, intelligent, and knowledgeably. Yet, your statements contain contradictions, baseless assertions, and poor logic.

You claim yourself to be a gateway to higher understanding, yet describe "infinitely surpassing" other people as a matter of merely reading, understanding, and becoming enlightened about the ideas of great thinkers. lol.

You are also basing "taste in knowledge" (lol) on whether or not someone read the works of somebody? What if I asked you to tell me what you think of the Vedas, which eclipse any other work in terms of wisdom. Since you have not read them, does that necessarily mean that I am automatically more brilliant than you or anyone else who has not?

If you want to describe yourself as a pinnacle intellect, you should at least not to pretend that you have reach true understanding.

The only thing that you can truly understand is that you do not truly understand.
RandomChampionJan 11, 2013 7:14 AM
Jan 11, 2013 10:01 AM
Jan 2012
RandomChampion said:
TheAutocrat said:
Katsukats, your disagreeing for the sake of it makes the truth blurry and ellusive. Still you made a couple of points worth replying to.
However you do not understand aesthetics, subjectivity, value and negation. I should enlighten you that niceness and nastiness are subjective but not taste.

When I said "coming to a standstill" I meant the pace is slowing down compared to the innovation of the nineteenth and twentierh centuries.

Nobody understands mental illness. Only people who have experienced it high scale truly understand it. Thus someone like me, ten times less superfical than you and ten times more enlightened and interesting are the gateways to higher understanding. It is my unorthodoxy, intelligence and mental strength that guarentees me a unique intellectual standing in histories books. I like my meds. They sort my endorphins fluctuatios. I was able to eradicate tourettes from my behaviour, overcome autism and gain grandiose emotional and personality based intelligence and knowledge. Thanks to my astonishing insight, imaginitive abilities and extraordinary Intuitive capabilities I only have to read the first two most important sentences of a definition before I can guess what they are saying halfway down the page. Having only read one book, once I have read a few more true books written by the foremost intellectually astute thinkers of our time and before, then I will infinitely surpass pretentious uni students par buckets of knowledge with fixed ability limitations. After all, bi-polar and autism grant me higher and varying limitations in some areas, and in accordance with my hard work I perceive clearly and normally.

We'll see who's taste in knowledge is greater by me asking you one question. What do you think of neitzsche? This is providing of course the great katsukats has tasted both sides of the coin which of course we can take for granted from the way he so assertingly forces his "facts" onto us.

You describe yourself as highly enlightened, intelligent, and knowledgeably. Yet, your statements contain contradictions, baseless assertions, and poor logic.

You claim yourself to be a gateway to higher understanding, yet describe "infinitely surpassing" other people as a matter of merely reading, understanding, and becoming enlightened about the ideas of great thinkers. lol.

You are also basing "taste in knowledge" (lol) on whether or not someone read the works of somebody? What if I asked you to tell me what you think of the Vedas, which eclipse any other work in terms of wisdom. Since you have not read them, does that necessarily mean that I am automatically more brilliant than you or anyone else who has not?

If you want to describe yourself as a pinnacle intellect, you should at least not to pretend that you have reach true understanding.

The only thing that you can truly understand is that you do not truly understand.

I did not make claim to higher understanding, merely adept understanding of psychological illness. I will by in large reach true enlightenment somwhere down the line when my knowledge and experience are at adequate levels.
For me this is all I would need to surpass people.

You totally misinterpreted my message. Reading solid works does not elevate one in itself. It is just my next step.
Jan 11, 2013 11:09 AM

Oct 2009
TheAutocrat said:
I did not make claim to higher understanding, merely adept understanding of psychological illness. I will by in large reach true enlightenment somwhere down the line when my knowledge and experience are at adequate levels.
For me this is all I would need to surpass people.

You totally misinterpreted my message. Reading solid works does not elevate one in itself. It is just my next step.

Sure you will, Buddh lol

That's what I'm saying. You are just assuming that you'll reach true enlightenment...a goal which has arguably eluded virtually everyone who has ever existed, including the great thinkers you speak of. I'm not saying that it's impossible for you to achieve it - that I have no clue about. It is quite foolish to think that it is guaranteed to be achievable by you, though.

Also, I didn't misinterpret anything.

Having only read one book, once I have read a few more true books written by the foremost intellectually astute thinkers of our time and before, then I will infinitely surpass pretentious uni students par buckets of knowledge with fixed ability limitations.

With the words you chose, your are saying that the books you read and the knowledge you gain from them are what will allow you to "infinitely surpass" people. It was, however, a poorly constructed sentence with multiple grammatical errors influencing the meaning. Therefore, the meaning you intended might have been different from that implied by the sentence, which is a fact that I acknowledge.

In any case, I was basically just saying that many of your observations and conclusions are not completely objectively and logically based.

I will once again repeat what most of the great thinkers of human history have come up with:

"I know that I know nothing." - Plato
The only thing you can understand is that you cannot truly understand.

Basically, it is the pursing of true enlightenment that constitutes true intellect. One of true intellect will never claim to understand the ultimate truth unless there is some kind of supernatural revelation to be claimed. This is why it would be foolish to even consider such superficial labeling as saying one concept means losing humanity, etc. What is the definition of humanity? Can it be defined, especially based only around Western Enlightenment ideas? Basically, I'm saying that it is better to look at things at on a deeper level instead of from a more established yet more restrictive level.
RandomChampionJan 11, 2013 11:30 AM
Jan 11, 2013 11:28 AM

Mar 2011
TheAutocrat said:
@Ryvius: Do not make sweeping generalizations. When it is concerning human behaviour and thought pattern, they are influenced by society. Therefore a nhilist who doesn't know he was a nhilist according to a general and encapsulating definition is not a nhilist. It does exist until acknowledged by society. An ideological way of thinking cannot die. But if the ideas of the unacknowledged individuals do not exist as knowledge then it does not exist. The very nature of things like nhilism and anarchism is that they can be grasped by society.

Human behaviour and thought patterns....

Anger didn't exist until it was defined!
Depression didn't exist before it was defined!
The myriad of different mental illnesses didn't exist before they were defined!
Emotions that were defined didn't exist before a definition was attached to the non-existent...... wait what?
Jan 11, 2013 2:50 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
Katsukats, your disagreeing for the sake of it makes the truth blurry and ellusive. Still you made a couple of points worth replying to.
I am disagreeing for the sake of truth. Respond to my points, not my supposed motivation.

TheAutocrat said:
However you do not understand aesthetics, subjectivity, value and negation. I should enlighten you that niceness and nastiness are subjective but not taste.
Subjectivity, or agent-dependent, is taste.

TheAutocrat said:
When I said "coming to a standstill" I meant the pace is slowing down compared to the innovation of the nineteenth and twentierh centuries.
It is not.

TheAutocrat said:
Nobody understands mental illness. Only people who have experienced it high scale truly understand it. Thus someone like me, ten times less superfical than you and ten times more enlightened and interesting are the gateways to higher understanding. It is my unorthodoxy, intelligence and willpower that guarentees me a unique intellectual standing in histories books. I like my meds. They sort my endorphins fluctuatios. I was able to eradicate tourettes from my behaviour of my own mental strength, overcome autism and gain grandiose emotional and personality based intelligence and knowledge.
Experiencing something does not give you knowledge of it. A cancer patient does not automatically know the science behind cancer. Aside from that, quit stroking your ego and present some facts -- you have not contradicted anything I've said; instead you resort to an argument from authority and character assassinations.

TheAutocrat said:
Thanks to my astonishing insight, imaginitive abilities and extraordinary Intuitive capabilities I only have to read the first two most important sentences of a definition before I can guess what they are saying halfway down the page. Having only read one book, once I have read a few more true books written by the foremost intellectually astute thinkers of our time and before, then I will infinitely surpass pretentious uni students par buckets of knowledge with fixed ability limitations. After all, bi-polar and autism grant me higher and varying limitations in some areas, and in accordance with my hard work I perceive clearly and normally.
Demonstrate it before you boast it.

TheAutocrat said:
We'll see who's taste in knowledge is greater by me asking you one question. What do you think of neitzsche? This is providing of course the great katsukats has tasted both sides of the coin which of course we can take for granted from the way he so assertingly forces his "facts" onto us.
I prefer Camus.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 11, 2013 2:51 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
I will by in large reach true enlightenment somwhere down the line when my knowledge and experience are at adequate levels.
Define true enlightenment.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 11, 2013 4:57 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
My head hurts reading TheAutocrats posts. So may words, but so little content. Though, I gotta give it to him, he completely dismantled the field of psychiatry in a single paragraph...

TheAutocrat said:

My question is, why did culture so drastically change in this regressive direction?

Before I answer: how do you even know this is the case? Surveys?

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jan 13, 2013 3:14 PM
Jan 2012
On a serious note, you may have found that the afore discussion was highly critical. You're right, but this is not aimed at individuals, it is aimed at the society we live in. And as individuals we have very little influence into the way we behave as a society. So it's just nonsense to for anyone to use this as an excuse to criticize others. This encompasses very little of what I feel about people. People are good by in large. It's not that they do things wrong when they identify with criticism, it's that they didn't know of the criticism in the first place that's wrong. People underestimate themselves. It's important that people have the will to learn but more important that they learn from the right places. People can always better themselves and help others. We do need confidence, and if we can learn from our criticism we'll do better as individuals. As small and insignificant we feel in the face of the statement, "This world is rotten", if we don't become satisfied in comfort with the rich society we live in, if we empathize and put ourselves in the position of those less fortunate than us, then you will be should able to use any gifts you were born with or not to help others. That's what's important. I think it's a matter fact that people don't go to Uni as much these days, and neither do I. I hope I don't come across as enlightened or anything - because I most certainly am not. So sorry, if things can seem a little pretentious.

@Katsukats: True enlightenment is universally accurate perception which can affect the greatest importance.

P.S -- "My"views on psychiatry were actually the views of a schizophrenic I know. I wanted to see the criticism disclosing such views would entail.
Jan 13, 2013 3:24 PM

Oct 2012
TheAutocrat said:
You're right, but this is not aimed at individuals, it is aimed at the society we live in.... People are good by in large.
Society is comprised wholly of people. If society is rotten, then what's causing it if not the people? Note: I do not agree society is rotten, that is a subjective characterization, incomprehensible without further definition. Disparity of wealth isn't inherently wrong.

TheAutocrat said:
@Katsukats: True enlightenment is universally accurate perception which can affect the greatest importance.
It is impossible to know whether perception is accurate because everything you know is through perception.

TheAutocrat said:
P.S -- "My"views on psychiatry were actually the views of a schizophrenic I know. I wanted to see the criticism disclosing such views would entail.
Are you sure? You always come up with some weak troll excuse to back out of something you say when you no longer feel like defending it. Last time it was "I was just testing you to see how you would respond".
My subjective reviews:

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