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Aug 26, 2007 10:57 AM

Jul 2007
Just minutes after SOL had made a similar topic, I'm already ripping them off. Whoo!

Just to make things more organized (not that I'm expecting enough members to produce a significant amount of clutter anyway), this thread will be devoted to suggestions for addition of titles in the anime and manga relations for the club. Since I must admit that there are many well-known and/or well-written seinen and josei titles that I have yet to read and watch, I will simply add these to the lists automatically.

In case that you strongly disagree with the inclusion of a certain title (say, somebody posts "Guys, seriously, why aren't Dragon Ball Z and GT included here? It's really philosophical, y'know, how they beat the crap out of each other to prove who is the most powerful in the universe? Besides, I can't even count the number of times the series has made me cry every time Goku dies for our sins."), simply post your own argument why you believe that the title fails to qualify as seinen or josei. After going through due process (name-calling, flame wars, and instigating WWIII), we then honor those who have fallen for the lost cause.
YuunagiFeb 17, 2009 3:22 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Aug 28, 2007 8:29 AM

Aug 2006
I have a suggestion for an anime relation title:

How about Kino's Journey? This is a great anime that really shows a lot about human nature... the good... and the bad. In my opinion, it teaches "life lessons" without all the hype and propoganda. It's an excellent series w/o all the hyper-active gunplay and "beautiful" characters.
Sep 2, 2007 2:43 AM

Mar 2007
So here are some titles that I think could fit to the anime relations:

Red Garden
Serial Experiments Lain
Sin in the Rain
Sep 6, 2007 12:23 PM

Jun 2007

A violent but potent story of a boy with a respawn-after-death power who uses it in a V for Vendetta-ish style to try and change the government. Mainly focuses on official corruption.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Sep 6, 2007 1:04 PM

Apr 2007
Hataraki Man. The show is mainly about a workaholic woman's life both inside and outside the workplace.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Sep 8, 2007 3:32 PM

Jun 2007

What appears at first glance to be a comedy, changes gradually into a josei drama about multiple aspects of domestic poverty; sharing dipladated rooms, not being able to afford a change of clothes, scrounging through trash for appliances, working for little/no pay and dealing with obnoxious customers, racial integration, and not being able to afford sufficent food. Although it keeps its comedic baseline throughout, the deeper themes are always there, influencing the plot.

Also, I'm not sure if Honey and Clover applies, being equal parts college comedy and introspective drama, but it's worth consideration if it hasn't been looked at already.
TorisunanohokoriSep 8, 2007 3:47 PM
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Nov 1, 2007 5:34 PM

Aug 2007
i've seen a lot of seinens, i watch this genre the most, so i'm posting here titles of anime which are definitely seinen (or josei):

Onegai Teacher (seinen)
Onegai Twins (seinen)
Minami-ke (seinen)
Lucky Star (seinen)
Nodame Cantabile (josei)
Higurashi no Naku koro ni (seinen)
Higurashi no Naku koro ni Kai (seinen)
Bokurano (seinen)
Moyashimon (seinen)
Ookiku Furikabutte (seinen)
Sketchbook ~full color'S~ (seinen)
AIR (seinen) AIR movie (seinen)
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan (though it doesn't fit to the description of this club it's still a seinen)
Doujin Work (seinen)
Ergo Proxy (seinen)
IRIA - Zeiram the Animation (i'm not quite sure about this one, though i would classify it as a seinen)
Kodomo no Jikan (seinen)
Le Chevalier D'Eon (seinen)
Only Yesterday (Ghibli movie, definitely josei)
Outlaw Star (this seemed shounen for me, but it's classified everywhere as a seinen)
Paranoia Agent (seinen)
Paprika (seinen)
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan (seinen)
Rozen Maiden, Rozen Maiden Traumend, Rozen Maiden Ouverture (seinen)
Sumomomo Momomo (seinen)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (seinen)
Wolf's Rain and Wolf's Rain OVA (seinen)
Trinity Blood (seinen)
Baccano! (seinen)
Good Witch of the West (seinen)
Speed Grapher (seinen)
Hidamari Sketch (seinen)
RahXephon (seinen)
Uta ~ Kata, Uta ~ Kata OAV (seinen)

some of these shows (like Kodomo no Jikan, Lucky Star, Magical Pokaan, Sumomomo Momomo) don't fit into the description given in the club information and are actually filled with fanservice... but they were published in seinen magazines and that's why i've entered them into this list. i hope this helps ^^"
suusuuNov 1, 2007 6:05 PM
Nov 1, 2007 7:40 PM

Aug 2007
i forgot about
Welcome to the NHK! (seinen)
Kanon (seinen)
Clannad (seinen)
Happiness! (seinen)
Gift ~eternal rainbow~ (seinen)
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (seinen)

when i'll remember about something else i'll post it here ^^
suusuuNov 1, 2007 7:44 PM
Nov 14, 2007 6:48 PM

Jul 2007
i would recommend

Nijigahara Holograph:its the story of these kids growing up into teachers, or doctors or workers, and they al grew up in this little town in this certain middle school class.

The kids are nuts

one left his old school after jumping off the roof and failing, others are meciless bullies, others are leeches off others

its very short though
Nov 14, 2007 9:16 PM

Jun 2007
I've found a couple more shows which fit the Seinen/Josei Category:

Kaiji/Akagi: Two shows about underground gambling which delve pretty deeply into that aspect of human nature.

Bitter Virgin (manga): Plot deals with a girl who was raped twice by her stepfather and suffering a deep-seated fear of men.

STONe (manga): Post-apocalyptic desert ocean story about the suffering of nature

Bus Gamer (manga): Story about men who get pulled into a world of a corporate sport in which the losers, and sometimes even the winners, are killed. Deals with the "price of life" and it's transience.

Bremen (manga): Optimistic manga dealing with the darker side of Rock music.

Scrapped Princess (manga): Story of a girl prophesied to destroy the world, deals with tragedy and family.

Also, is there a reason why Cowboy Bebop and s-CRY-ed aren't related anime?
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Nov 19, 2007 1:59 AM

Jul 2007
Torisunanohokori said:
Also, is there a reason why Cowboy Bebop and s-CRY-ed aren't related anime?

Not really. I've heard about the two but I have yet to see them myself. Are you suggesting that we add them?
Nov 19, 2007 3:56 AM

Jun 2007
In a word, yes. Both seem to me to be solidly in the seinen category, with serious one man vs. the world themes.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Nov 24, 2007 1:51 AM

Sep 2007
I notice a considerable lack of Ghost in the Shell on the related anime list... I'd vote that at least both Stand Alone Complex series be added.

I was also considering nominating The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - I think the depth of that anime gets underrated sometimes because of how shallow the fanbase can be. I mean, it certainly fits the requirement of:
the club description said:
- show familiar/mundane subjects and topics in a different light

though, it doesn't score very well on:
the club description said:
- feature realistic characters and conflicts

The characters themselves are believable and intelligently written... but the universe they exist in is so absurd that "realistic" is a bit of a stretch.

Others worth taking a look at:
Last Exile
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Paranoia Agent
Nov 24, 2007 10:46 AM

Jun 2007
naikou said:
I was also considering nominating The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - I think the depth of that anime gets underrated sometimes because of how shallow the fanbase can be. I mean, it certainly fits the requirement of:
the club description said:
- show familiar/mundane subjects and topics in a different light

though, it doesn't score very well on:
the club description said:
- feature realistic characters and conflicts

The characters themselves are believable and intelligently written... but the universe they exist in is so absurd that "realistic" is a bit of a stretch.

I didn't object the last time someone proposed this, but I dispute the notion that Haruhi 1)has "intelligently written" plot or characters and 2) really does things differently.

1) The "world" of Haruhi, such as it is, was created by a teenage spazastic girl. Consequently, the universe is pretty shallow (akin to your standard self-insertion Naruto fanfic), containing character archetypes up the wazoo (and Kyon). Mikuru is normal moe, Yuki is silent moe, and Itsuki is a bishie.

2) The plot itself is puerile, not unlike many other, the only major difference is that the inclusion of Haruhi's god-powers allows her to take the place of a 4th-wall-breaking Mangaka as the creator of the world. Stripped of the god powers, the whole show becomes a standard, poorly-written anime comedy.

I don't object to Haruhi because of the fanbase, I object because I don't really think, based on it's contents, that it really deserves to be called different.

Shameless Blog Plugging:
Nov 24, 2007 11:08 AM

Aug 2007
naikou said:
Last Exile
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo

Last Exile is a shounen and Tokikake is a shoujo anime ^^" so, though they're really great, i don't think they fit in here
Nov 24, 2007 11:06 PM

Sep 2007
WARNING: Rant ahead

@ Torisunanohokori - Hmm... I took a completely different view of the characters of SHnY than you did. It's true that Mikuru is your typical moe, Yuki your typical silent girl, and Itsuki your typical bishie, but the creator of the series made them that way intentionally, and frequently referenced that fact. Characters like that don't exist in the real world - they exist solely because Haruhi wanted them to be that way, because they were the kind of "interesting" people she had seen on TV or in manga, before recreating the universe. The way I see it, the inclusion of such typical characters is a sly way of mocking anime series which simply copy and paste character archetypes - it's far from the same thing as falling into that trap itself.

Torisunanohokori said:
Stripped of the god powers, the whole show becomes a standard, poorly-written anime comedy.

Of course it does. Saying that is like saying "without the ring of power, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is nothing but a bunch of people running around aimlessly." Haruhi's God-powers are the central element of the plot... without them, the story wouldn't even take place. Why focus on all the possible variations that the author could have implemented? The point is, Haruhi isn't a "standard, poorly-written anime comedy" precisely because it was written a certain way. (at least that's my opinion - and I would infer from your statement that you feel the same way. I could be mistaken though...)

Don't get me wrong, I know you were probably saying something like, "The only original aspect of the show was Haruhi's God powers," but I totally disagree with that. Show me another anime that includes such an epic lan party battle. Show me another series that starts off with a poorly made home video and fails to give a proper introduction of the title character of the series. Hell, show me another anime that was aired out of order, for crying out loud! It was constantly spoiling itself, which I found to be utterly hilarious. (I don't mean any of those "show me's" literally, by the way. The point is, Haruhi's "God powers" are far from the only original aspect in the anime). Even the harshest critic of SHnY has to admit that the creators/producers of the anime took some crazy risks on the side of the innovative. Calling that effort mundane or unoriginal seems totally nonsensical to me.

I'm not arguing that Haruhi is for everyone (indeed, I'm surprised at its popularity), nor am I arguing that it should definitely be added to the relations list (there were certainly portions of the anime that were meant solely for comedic purposes and can't be characterized as seinen/josei). However, I do believe that the series should be classified as both mature and intelligent, from an overall perspective. Who hasn't wondered about how insignificant their existence in the universe is? Haruhi has, and she just happens to be the most important person in her universe. That's the central theme behind Haruhi - that maybe you are more important than you know - maybe you really are God. Who is to say? And if you call something like immature and unintelligent, then I'd love to hear where you found the fountain of wisdom.

(I hope you don't take anything I said as an attack or something - I realize that my writing style can be somewhat aggressive. I completely respect the fact that you might not have liked SHnY... just wanted to point some things out that you might have missed.)

ephemeralM said:
Last Exile is a shounen and Tokikake is a shoujo anime ^^" so, though they're really great, i don't think they fit in here

Oh, is that true? I'm sorry, guess I should have researched a little more. I generally try to check on wiki for demographics that I'm unsure of, but unfortunately wiki didn't have the answer for those two. Is there a better place to check for something like that? Or is that something that I should just know from watching them? :P
Nov 25, 2007 9:50 AM

Jun 2007
naikou said:
WARNING: Rant ahead

@ Torisunanohokori - Hmm... I took a completely different view of the characters of SHnY than you did. It's true that Mikuru is your typical moe, Yuki your typical silent girl, and Itsuki your typical bishie, but the creator of the series made them that way intentionally, and frequently referenced that fact. Characters like that don't exist in the real world - they exist solely because Haruhi wanted them to be that way, because they were the kind of "interesting" people she had seen on TV or in manga, before recreating the universe. The way I see it, the inclusion of such typical characters is a sly way of mocking anime series which simply copy and paste character archetypes - it's far from the same thing as falling into that trap itself.

I still don't see how Haruhi differs from a bad self-insertion fanfic. It takes the standard frame of a 14-year-old kid putting himself into his favorite universe and just writing random stuff about his exploits.

Naikou said:

Torisunanohokori said:
Stripped of the god powers, the whole show becomes a standard, poorly-written anime comedy.

Of course it does. Saying that is like saying "without the ring of power, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is nothing but a bunch of people running around aimlessly." Haruhi's God-powers are the central element of the plot... without them, the story wouldn't even take place. Why focus on all the possible variations that the author could have implemented? The point is, Haruhi isn't a "standard, poorly-written anime comedy" precisely because it was written a certain way. (at least that's my opinion - and I would infer from your statement that you feel the same way. I could be mistaken though...)

I'm saying, as I have been, that giving Haruhi god powers makes her no different from a fourth-wall breaking mangaka (or webcomic author). And, whether or not she has them, the show remains a poorly-written comedy. It's a plot point, but it doesn't change the writing quality for the show. It just makes it *seem* better because the whole thing was supposedly written by a 14-year old.

naikou said:

Don't get me wrong, I know you were probably saying something like, "The only original aspect of the show was Haruhi's God powers," but I totally disagree with that. Show me another anime that includes such an epic lan party battle. Show me another series that starts off with a poorly made home video and fails to give a proper introduction of the title character of the series.
There's a reason why certain conventions in storytelling exist. Admittedly, art does occaisionally require throwing common sense out the window, but it has to be done well, something which a show which is admittedly "written" by a spazastic teen cannot do.

naikou said:
Hell, show me another anime that was aired out of order, for crying out loud! It was constantly spoiling itself, which I found to be utterly hilarious. (I don't mean any of those "show me's" literally, by the way. The point is, Haruhi's "God powers" are far from the only original aspect in the anime). Even the harshest critic of SHnY has to admit that the creators/producers of the anime took some crazy risks on the side of the innovative. Calling that effort mundane or unoriginal seems totally nonsensical to me.

The novelty of trying something different is, for me, the most irksome part of the show. People hold it up as an example of art because it's different, rather than because it's good. Different doesn't make anime any better or worse, just different.

naikou said:
I'm not arguing that Haruhi is for everyone (indeed, I'm surprised at its popularity), nor am I arguing that it should definitely be added to the relations list (there were certainly portions of the anime that were meant solely for comedic purposes and can't be characterized as seinen/josei). However, I do believe that the series should be classified as both mature and intelligent, from an overall perspective. Who hasn't wondered about how insignificant their existence in the universe is? Haruhi has, and she just happens to be the most important person in her universe. That's the central theme behind Haruhi - that maybe you are more important than you know - maybe you really are God. Who is to say? And if you call something like immature and unintelligent, then I'd love to hear where you found the fountain of wisdom.

Well, you've conceded the central point, so I don't have to say this, but; Naruto contains a similar "philosophical" message about the old being surpassed by the young, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a shonen anime written for the fights. Similarly, the fact that Haruhi includes, as almost every anime does in some form, some obligatory philosophical tidbit, does not change the fact that it is, at the core, still the same, basic poorly-written comedy.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Nov 25, 2007 11:16 AM

Sep 2007
It's debatable whether or not comedy is the central aspect of Haruhi, but I'll let you have that point for now. So what? If something makes you laugh, must it be inferior to more serious artwork? We already have plenty of comedy in the relation list (Clannad, Onegai Teacher, Yotsuba&!, Honey and Clover), yet no one contests their right to be there, or claims that they are immature. So your dispute must be with the fact that it is supposedly "poorly written".

Why? Because it seems like a self-insertion fan-fic? It's nothing of the sort. Not even close. For one, Haruhi doesn't even know about her powers. For another, Kyon is the point of view character of the series - and he spends most of his dialog mocking Haruhi. Finally (I've said it before, I know), the story doesn't exist at all without Haruhi. A fan fic setting *does* exist, with or without the inclusion of the fan fic character.

I don't quite understand your comment about Haruhi being a "fourth-wall breaking mangaka". The fourth wall is never broken by Haruhi. She doesn't know about her own powers - she just desperately believes in aliens, time travelers, and espers, despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to that effect. And - for reasons as yet to be revealed in the anime - she can make those wishes come true. I don't see where the concept of fanfiction or fourth-wall breaking comes into that premise.

Well, I'm thinking this is going to be a futile argument - after all, you gave Haruhi a 4, and I gave it a 10. That's not something you can change through repetitive forum arguing.
Nov 26, 2007 6:12 AM

Jul 2007
Like it or not, it's seinen based on the demographics anyway. Cool your jets, people.
Dec 27, 2007 7:28 AM

Oct 2007
I think Perfect Blue and Paprika would fit perfectly in the list (yes I'm a Satoshi Kon fan),
And if Lucky Star is in the list than so should Genshiken, which is maybe even better fitted for seinen than Lucky Star...

Also Mononoke, Ayakashi - Classic Japanese Horror, Ghost in the Shell SAC, Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, Jigoku Shoujo, Ghost Hound if it were only on the simple reason that it features so many disorders that a kid wouldn't be able to keep up [apart from it being seinen plotwise as well] and lastly Death Note, which is geberally concidered shonen but gives a (in my eyes) genuine view in the world of a psychopath and a lot of other things...

if anything else comes up in my mind I'll let you know

Say Satisfied Fans
Jan 7, 2008 4:14 PM
Nov 2007
A lot of these anime relations, and some of the manga ones, are pretty questionable.

Basically, "seinen" and "josei" aren't genres or styles. They are demographics. And they don't really apply to anime in the first place, only manga. Of course, anime based on manga can be included under the designations, but basically "seinen" and "josei" refer to the target audiences of manga magazines.

So you've got a couple different kinds of questionable entires:

First the obvious ones, which aren't published in seinen or josei mags at all but other kinds, like shounen mags or others: Akagi, Aria, Death Note, and probably a few others. Some are published in magazines that are sort of open to discussion, like Dengeki Daioh (Azumanga Daioh, Gunslinger Girl, Yotsuba&), those could go either way.

Anime original works are tricky, too. They can't really be classified by manga terms like "seinen" and "josei" in the first place. Some might have manga adaptations that run in seinen magazines (or not), but that's still a pretty questionable way to identify something. Examples are Ayakashi - Japanese Classic Horror, Azumanga Daioh, Cowboy Bebop, Ergo Proxy, Gankutsuou, Haibane Renmei and many more.

Then, anime based on games. These are like the previous group. Clannad, Kanon, &c.

Of course, this club isn't really about manga demographics in the first place. It's just that the name is unfortunately picked. There isn't really a good term for the kinds of shows this club is really about, either. It's a shame, because such a term would be useful. However, "seinen" and "josei" don't fit the bill.
Jan 7, 2008 4:52 PM

Mar 2007
Going by demographics, Cowboy Bebop would be shoujo. The original manga and the second series that followed it after the anime started ran in Asuka Comics DX and Asuka Fantasy DX, both magazines for girls.
Jan 16, 2008 8:58 PM
Nov 2007
I think these should also be considered. Many of these immediately struck me as seinen, content-wise and not just 'technically' classified as such through some definition of seinen.
Le Portrait de Petit Cossette
Boogiepop Phantom (also mangas and novels)
5 Centimeters per Second
Place promised in our early days + Makoto Shinkai's other ones.
Cat Soup
Pani Poni Dash
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora

Blue Spring
The other ones written by Tsutomu Nihei(BLAME!), Digimortal, Abara, NSE, NOiSE. Biomega. These are all similar to BLAME!.
Living Game
Dark Water
Pet Shop of Horrors (also OVAs)
Mar 2, 2008 10:04 AM

Nov 2007
Scryed needs to be removed from the list. Its a shounen, adapted from a shounen manga. Loveless also needs to be removed because it's shoujo, not josei. Nodame and NANA are iffy because they're technically published as Shoujo, but they do have mature themes/characters so I'd say keep them there.

Death Note NEEDS to be removed badly.

Some more manga to add...

Hataraki Man (on anime list but not manga)
Selected Pandemonium
Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki

Ah My Goddess (anime & manga)
Binchou-tan (anime & manga)
Hoshi no Koe
Hourou Musuko
Jinja no Susume
Koi Kaze (anime & manga)
Kyou no Go no Ni (anime & manga)
Lucu Lucu
Mokke (anime & manga)
Moyashimon (anime & manga)
Pani Poni (anime & manga)
Piano no Mori (anime & manga)
River's Edge
Seikai Trilogy (and the assorted Seikai anime too)
Super Cruel and Terrible Tales of Mangaka
Takeru - Susanoh ~ Mashou no Ken yori
Vinland Saga
Wolf's Rain (anime & manga)

kasumisamaMar 2, 2008 10:34 AM
Mar 4, 2008 3:27 AM

Feb 2008
Ah! My Goddess was rather childish imo, not really my taste, way too easy going. What about Elfen Lied? Sure there is alot of nudity and violence. But it is also deeply psychological, disturbing and thought provoking.
stationryMar 4, 2008 3:40 AM
Mar 4, 2008 10:20 AM

Mar 2007
Ah, you can add the Gokusen anime/manga to the Josei list.
Mar 4, 2008 12:36 PM

Nov 2007
Ah My Goddess IS a seinen series...


Seinen manga.
Mar 12, 2008 5:51 PM

Nov 2007
Here are two Seinen that can be added.

Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto

Tenpo Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi

Mar 13, 2008 2:19 PM
Nov 2007
Here is one for the manga list Translucent, it is a wonderful slice of life/ school story.
Mar 13, 2008 7:50 PM

Nov 2007
You can add Hanada Shounen-shi (anime & manga)
Mar 17, 2008 6:32 AM

Nov 2007
Shigofumi can be added as a Seinen.
Mar 23, 2008 11:52 AM
Nov 2007
Anime Relations

Aria The Origination
Dead Leaves
Juuni Kokuki
Seikai no Monshou
Seikai no Senki
Seikai no Senki II
Seikai no Senki III
Sketchbook ~full color'S~
Tekkon Kinkreet
May 6, 2008 11:06 AM

Feb 2008
The show "Spice and Wolf" has to be added!!

Here at MAL it is not declared as "seinen", but at other forums like "AniDB" it is stated as that. And due to the mature characters and intelligent story it clearly belongs to this genre.

I just realised "Trigun" is missing as well! ^^
FTGTMay 6, 2008 11:44 AM
May 6, 2008 4:56 PM

Jul 2007
Because Trigun is technically shōnen.
May 8, 2008 1:45 PM

Feb 2008
.....seems to be correct. Although it has more of a "seinen-anime" from my point of view. Adults, quite difficult story, no overly hot girls etc.
May 9, 2008 3:49 AM

Aug 2007
Trigun is not shounen.
May 9, 2008 5:04 AM

Jul 2007
Hmm. Published under Shōnen Captain, Shōnen Gahōsha, and Young King OURs. It's a mixed bag, I guess.

*throws it in*
May 9, 2008 8:35 AM

Nov 2007
FTGT said:
.....seems to be correct. Although it has more of a "seinen-anime" from my point of view. Adults, quite difficult story, no overly hot girls etc.

Once again, its a demographic, not a genre. Which means we need to add Chobits and xxxHolic to the anime/manga relations. They're both published as seinen.
May 11, 2008 3:04 PM

Feb 2008
kasumisama said:

Once again, its a demographic, not a genre. Which means we need to add Chobits and xxxHolic to the anime/manga relations. They're both published as seinen.

What do you mean by "demographic" in this case?
*...still improving my english and not too familiar with sophisticated words*
May 15, 2008 3:17 AM

Jul 2007
This might give you a rough idea. In the case of manga, it refers to the target audience (generally divided according to gender and age).
May 15, 2008 12:14 PM

Feb 2008
Thanks. Now I get it.

So you mean due to the fact that i.e. chobits also aims at an audience of male adults it should be called "seinen" as well?

May 17, 2008 9:39 PM

Nov 2007
It's published in a SEINEN magazine, so by definition....
May 27, 2008 7:46 PM

Jan 2008
I think it is difficult to tell the target audience of many types of anime and manga. I can imagine it being difficult for the writers themselves. There are the obvious ones, but practically all of the slice-of-life genre is in a sort of gray area. Things about growing up for example are meaningful in different ways for the child and adult. For children it is story of things to come, but it may bring a sense of nostalgia to older viewers.

It would be nice to have a universal genre. It seems the only way to say that it is meant for everyone is if you say nothing at all.

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jun 3, 2008 7:12 PM

Jan 2008
How about Sketchbook?

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jun 4, 2008 10:49 AM

Feb 2008
Mmh.....from the description here at MAL I wouldnt think it is "seinen".
But on the other hand, Im not an expert on this ^^
Jun 4, 2008 6:46 PM

Nov 2007
It's Comic Blade, so it's seinen. We can add it and the anime.

Also add Oyasumi Punpun manga please~
Jun 4, 2008 8:16 PM

Jan 2008
Yeah, the Slice-Of-Life can get published anywhere. Quite bothersome, really.

Oh, I began to read Oyasumi Punpun recently. Inio Asano writes some crazy crap.

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jun 14, 2008 12:32 PM

Feb 2008
I'd like to nominate the film Jin-Roh the Wolf Brigade to this. It's a mature, gritty, and intense drama which centers around the moral confusion surrounding the life of a soldier in an alternate Japanese history. I believe it qualifies under the boundaries of this club as a "seinen" without question.
Jun 29, 2008 2:40 AM

Apr 2008
You should definitely add Dorohedoro and Basilisk into the manga relations.
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May 27, 2013 6:45 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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