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The "women are physically inferior to men" claim

Mar 3, 2010 3:27 PM

May 2008
A lot of people who say they're not sexist and even anti-sexist make this claim. I have always disagreed with it to a point of extreme and even sometimes radical ideology.

And before kicking this thread off, I'll repeat a few of my past experiences to get the argument in this thread going.

Again, I disagree. I think that women's lack of equality with men in the area of sports is cultural. I have not been shown arguments to believe otherwise, and if I did I would be working against their cultural memetics culturally no matter what people would be saying of me.

First off, here is the first line of argument being used against me and my claim.
But women ARE physically inferior to men. It's simple biology.

Simple biology? For what reasons? If it's something as "simple" as you say, you should have no problem giving example.

Because women have a naturally high amount of fat content in their bodies than men, such as breasts. Also women's bone structure, such as having wider hips than men, is not as naturally conducive to physical excursion as men. Women also cannot grow muscle like men, which is need for sport prowess. It also helps men that they are taller than women.

Prove it? I've never been given any studies backing up this claim. But I've seen it a lot. Also, even if this were true, not all women have large breasts, there are many women in this world with as naturally low as a aa cup breast size.

I also don't see much evidence that otherwise than breasts women tend to have a naturally higher fat content than men. In fact, that I remember, most weight averages seem to be pretty evenly distributed between women and men. And neither do all women have wider hips than men. Neither are all men taller than women.

And if anyone has seen female body builders and athletes, one would notice that women can achieve a high amount of muscle through building, and that a high amount of building is not actually required to excel at sports. Most champion athletes do not have the body of a bodybuilder. What proof do you have that women and men build differently than men in ways that prevent women from doing the same physical tasks as men?

But this is how men like women to look. Men, through evolutionary psychology prefer wide, child bearing hips, large, child feeding breasts, short, unoffending stature, thin, feminine musculature, and all the qualities that do not make women physically equal to men.

Culture. Memes, not genes. Plenty of variation in this exists to the point that some women are apparently even having their wide hips considered fat by others(or at least one anecdotal on this forum claims that), plenty of people on the internet are coming together in groups over flat chest fandom, which who knows how much it is affecting the memetics in some way, which in polls at some points has come equal to that of the large breast mentions. One user even commented that the flat chest fandom was so large and vocal and effecting polls it was "incredibly disturbing, no offense to flat chested women". It's practically become a culture war on some places on the internet. Multiple female body builder fandom communities of fandom exist in the world and on the internet. And women's sports will survive and grow so long as the people who support it continue to do so and grow. It isn't speeding up as fast as I'd like, and it has a long way to go, but if you compare it to years behind, we're doing good.

Yeah, we know you and your kind are a freak who like freaky women. You're a beta male and a failure to selection. And other people who would like the same must be bisexual like you. Alpha males like women inferior.

I see no need for human society to have "alpha males". And saying alpha males like one thing and beta males like another thing because one thing is more popular is mere conjecture. Powerful people don't always support the status quo. Furthermore, I think the ubermensch and will to power philosophy relies more on bold people who are leaders more than followers. You know, people who are willing to pioneer something different, like women's sports.

And let me get this straight, evolutionary psychology pushes selection in a direction to keeping men with strong genes and women with weak genes?

This is because women need to have genes for childbearing. Being physically strong isn't conducive to this type. Women need wide hips for childbirth, and women been need milk producing breasts. Athletic women lose fertility.

AA can feed several children just fine. Many thin hipped women have survived pregnancy for centuries. Women known for having many groups of kids throughout their whole lives have retained thin, "masculine" hips that could be compared to the size of a guy's. I have never seen any citation for the claim that women who are athletic lose fertility.

Exactly, think hips and small breasts as masculine. Maybe your claim that not all women naturally have larger breasts, less muscle ability, and wide hips is true. But these are all male qualities. People naturally like all these things and women are going to going to continue to naturally have them and try to do things like get breast surgeries to have them because that's how heterosexuality works. You're asking everyone to be as homo as you!

There's a lot more to a woman and looking feminine than just breasts and hips. Most women don't even have the hourglass shape and heterosexuality isn't going to suffer from women being as physically capable as men. And it's not even been proved that these claims of body type really do inhibit women from physical capability.

Inequality is not evil, and besides, this freaky homo androgynous society where the world is filled with freakish hulk beasts of women who are as strong as men is not ever going to happen within your lifetime. So why are you even fighting for it? You're just a whiny emo pussy who is never satisfied. This is the way it is. What's wrong with inequality? The world doesn't need equality.

The world does not need equality indeed. The world can survive just fine with the return of slavery, many more genocides, a world plutocracy, and ect. But the world doesn't need inequality either. And the fight for equality in any areas is the will to power of the people involved. And even if it took a change in selection and aesthetics to make this world more equal for men and women in terms of physical capability would not require an "androgynous society".

And also something does not have to be capable of achieving something within ones lifetime for it to be a sensible endeavor. Most people work for what they find better within their lifetime. Purposely working against your own will to power within your lifetime because there is no guarantee of success is self suppressing and self defeating.

Even hedonistically, even if a person can't expect to make something perfect within their lifetime, they can still strive for things which will make their own enjoyment and power better. What kind of "alpha" person gives up their own will to play "follow the leader"?

Do any of you have anything better than this against me? This is the best my experiences have given me. I have one more argument that I forgot to mention about "male aggression" people tried to give me, but I've already amassed a wall of text.

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Mar 3, 2010 3:29 PM

Dec 2007
You never give up, don't you?
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 3, 2010 3:31 PM

Feb 2009
"women are physically inferior to men" from what I can deduce that means that men are mentaly inferior to women and except a 4th world war will come and make us all live animals in the dark ages women > men
Mar 3, 2010 3:32 PM

May 2008
ladyxzeus said:
You never give up, don't you?


Give up on what? I like talking about this sort of stuff. I wouldn't be myself if I wasn't talking about it.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 3, 2010 3:38 PM

Dec 2007
It's just that the issue is kind of saturated now, you know... After the other 35423 threads....

On any case, I may come tomorrow and reveal animal biology and make some analogies to ours, even though in the animal world things are... Reversed. Just for an example, a bull can have an harem of cows, but the bull would not have such harem if the cows did not accept him as fit to be the one impregnating them. In the same sense in species that are typically "monogamous" (sorry for the wrong non-scientifical term) tends to exist more males than females and, therefore, the females coose their male based solely on external features. For example in birds the colour of feathers is a very important sexual marker. The brighter and prettiest are the more nurtured, therefore their wner must be good at nurturing them and therefore his genes are nice for catching food and surviving to reproductive stage.

In humans more or less the same thing happens, but we search for features different than feathers our ability to construct nests, because we don't really need our offspring to have feathers or to construct nests in way to continue the species.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 3, 2010 3:46 PM

May 2008
You should get some knowledge instead of just asking for proof people who likely can't be arsed doing research for you which will most likely end up with you just dismissing it. Not regarding everything your wrote, but for example: women do have more body fat than men on average. It's a medical fact.

Mar 3, 2010 3:46 PM

Jul 2009

Mar 3, 2010 3:48 PM

Apr 2008
it might have to do with the commonly accepted view that testosterone is the primary muscle-building hormone, and that the average male produces more testosterone than the average women. Of course, muscle size/strength isn't the only metric to measure physical fitness, but if you look up and down the list of athletic world records, comparing genders, most, if not all categories have men outperforming women. Shout all you want about gender equality, but until you provide empirical data that shows otherwise, it's all meaningless.

Oh, and if you want to argue that using elite athletes to measure men v women, I'd say it's just as valid as comparing the average male/female, since it is in effect a measure of the peak potential of each gender.

And since this is GD, to clarify, average male/female means if you take a hypothetical random sample (50ish) men and women, you can get two sample means to do a comparison test.

Mar 3, 2010 3:52 PM

Dec 2007
You can take samples for a comparison test if you take everyone in the world that is average.

Would be a fucked up investigation, thoigh.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 3, 2010 3:55 PM

May 2008
corbenic said:
You should get some knowledge instead of just asking for proof people who likely can't be arsed doing research for you which will most likely end up with you just dismissing it. Not regarding everything your wrote, but for example: women do have more body fat than men on average. It's a medical fact.

It's a lot easier and more blank to claim that a box in the world might contain my cat and that I've seen no proof to the otherwise than for someone to claim "there is no box in the world with your cat". I don't think I got the analogy out perfectly, but what it means is that all you would have to do to prove my claim wrong is one evidence to be refuted. While to prove a lack of decision on my side, I would have to look at every box in the world. I totally didn't word that first analogy for that right, but however it's worded, that's what I meant to get across.

It would take every instance in the world to prove my claim. It would take very little to prove to the otherwise. How much for fat on average? And does this say anything about women's capability for athleticism? And why?
MisterSaito said:
but if you look up and down the list of athletic world records, comparing genders, most, if not all categories have men outperforming women.

And I would blame culture for that personally.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 3, 2010 4:00 PM

Aug 2008
Let's see. Just some examples:

It's impossible to form a Women's Pro Basketball league -- AND -- have their teams compete with the Men on an even platform.

100 meter times (or running of any distance). Women's times are significantly slower than Men's. So, let me know when a woman's world record in running (for any distance) surpasses that of a man's.

NOTE: This comparison is placed at the highest levels of physical competition (to be EVEN).


From here, yes, I admit. Plenty of women out-perform me. Then again, I'm just some average joe participating in running races, just like thousands of other people.


EDIT: Well, I just thought of a physical activity where women do and should surpass men. And that activity is: SEX!

I remember a record of one woman engaging in sexual activity with like... over 100 men. If a man tries 100 women, forget it. Not a chance there. LOL
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Mar 3, 2010 4:03 PM

May 2008
I don't think the current state of women's sports proves anything about what they're capable of.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 3, 2010 4:10 PM

May 2008
ukonkivi said:
corbenic said:
You should get some knowledge instead of just asking for proof people who likely can't be arsed doing research for you which will most likely end up with you just dismissing it. Not regarding everything your wrote, but for example: women do have more body fat than men on average. It's a medical fact.

It's a lot easier and more blank to claim that a box in the world might contain my cat and that I've seen no proof to the otherwise than for someone to claim "there is no box in the world with your cat". I don't think I got the analogy out perfectly, but what it means is that all you would have to do to prove my claim wrong is one evidence to be refuted. While to prove a lack of decision on my side, I would have to look at every box in the world. I totally didn't word that first analogy for that right, but however it's worded, that's what I meant to get across.

It would take every instance in the world to prove my claim. It would take very little to prove to the otherwise. How much for fat on average? And does this say anything about women's capability for athleticism? And why?

Your claims pertain to the entire population just as much as mine do.
10 seconds with google. See what I mean?

Mar 3, 2010 4:10 PM

May 2008
I'm not even going to seriously reply to this thread, OP's post is just simply inaccurate/poorly researched. Ukonkivi, I suggest you look into the effects of testosterone/estrogen on performance in or aptitude for different tasks; they're well documented.

And I am absolutely all for gender equality as much as is humanly possible, but this is a boundary that is set by biology and not a social consensus. There are probably ways around those limits, such as anabolic steroids (which any seriously bulky female bodybuilder is taking), but certainly only with help that comes from outside the body.
Mar 3, 2010 4:15 PM

Aug 2008
The qualities that seperate genders are what the opposite gender finds appealing; If everyone looked the same there would be no specific cross-gender desire.

This is most often the case. For example:
child bearing hips, large, child feeding breasts, short, unoffending stature, thin, feminine musculature, and all the qualities that do not make women physically equal to men.

As an experienced man, I can say that I find some or all of these features attractive.

I don't really have an opinion when it comes to who is better, but it makes sense to say men, since in most cultures they determine the lineage of a family.
DeseradaMar 3, 2010 4:21 PM
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Mar 3, 2010 4:18 PM

Sep 2009
ukonkivi said:

And I would blame culture for that personally.

You didn't respond to the primary point of that quote, that testosterone stimulates more muscle development.

I will say that in theory, you're right, that the gender you're born as shouldn't impact your capabilities as an athlete for a few reasons: top women athletes are still miles ahead of the average man at their respective sports, and secondly, if some perfect horomone therapy were developed, the physiological gap should be bridged (that is, if we consider that ethical).

But drugs aside, it's been well demonstrated that testosterone can stimulate more muscle growth in both men and women, and men have a higher level of testosterone. It's easy to see why men would therefore have a physiological edge over women inherently, in many, but not all aspects of athletics.
Mar 3, 2010 4:19 PM

Sep 2008
I always go by RPG stereo types, Men have plus to strength, stamina, women have plus to agility and dexterity. They make great archers and rogues :D
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Mar 3, 2010 4:20 PM

Apr 2008
ukonkivi said:
MisterSaito said:
but if you look up and down the list of athletic world records, comparing genders, most, if not all categories have men outperforming women.

And I would blame culture for that personally.
and I cited testosterone production in men vs females, something that has been well documented by scientists. Bring some hard data to the table, and then we'll talk

ladyxzeus said:
You can take samples for a comparison test if you take everyone in the world that is average.
lolwhat. the idea of taking random samples is that you don't need to search for 'average' people.

Mar 3, 2010 4:36 PM

May 2008
I highly doubt that women are especially reliant on steroids in areas where men aren't. Men and women both have naturally quite bit of testosterone and estrogen. I don't think that women will require outside help to "surpass gender limitations".

A statistic saying that women on average have been found to contain more body fat than men says little to me. I never claimed that such a thing wasn't true. And what's important is the causes of such a difference and how it can affect physical ability and in what degree.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 3, 2010 4:38 PM

Aug 2008
ukonkivi said:
I don't think the current state of women's sports proves anything about what they're capable of.

I don't care. Results are results. Nevertheless, it'd be interesting to see what happens when sports start doing mix-gender, instead of separated.
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Mar 3, 2010 4:43 PM

May 2008
Aurneo said:
Women are structurally different so they are inferior to men physically!

Both women and men are incredibly structurally diverse. In bone structure, in body fat content. In shoulder width, in height, in hip bone width, in bone thickness. In hormone levels, in which there's a lot of different kinds of estrogens and testosterones. And chemicals which are neither androgens or estrogens.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 3, 2010 4:44 PM

Aug 2009
Not according to her....
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
- Lao-Tze.

Mar 3, 2010 4:45 PM

Aug 2008
Motor sports.

That's evened out between genders because ... well... much of the work is done by machines. Therefore, ability is left to skill. When it comes to skill, the gender gap is narrower (if not even).

And wow. Danica Patrick is HOT.

Killy_Zouichi said:
Not according to her....

I seem to notice that MEN can lift heavier weights...
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 4:59 PM

Jul 2009
I agree with ukonkivi here. Coming out of left field? Maybe when you consider how ukonkivi and I are BFFs 4 life.

It feels like to me no one actually understands what the point of this thread is. First you need to define "physically inferior." Since when does muscle = physically the best in every way possible. There are other factors beyond muscle that lead to one being athletic. From the many people in my life I have met, there have been a lot of women that could win at certain sports against many men, beat them up physically, and etc.

Does "hurr I can lift weights better than a woman" really mean anything in terms of sports? Coordination, respiratory/cardiac efficiency, ambition, focus, etc are all extremely important in sports.
Also, if you dump a lot of money into an athlete, you will produce better results. For example, Canada dumped millions of dollars into athletics because we wanted to win. Guess what, we did. We broke the Olympic record for gold medals. We had cheering fans, and we had a lot more money this time. The results of these winter Olympics are a lot better than Canada's usual. Money helps with the technology of the equipment, and pays the athletes so they can focus more on training, helps pay for supporting people, etc. Why do you think world records keep being broken?

Where do you think the majority of the money goes when it comes to professional athletes? How much money do you think goes into women's athletics? How many people are watching women's sports? There are some areas where there are more women competing, and other areas where not many good women are investing themselves into it. Women's hockey is big in Canada, and not so big anywhere else. We're going to fund that a lot more than Russia, and more people are watching here. They do well, other females don't. Honestly, most people actually don't care about women's hockey here, so imagine if they did.

It starts young, too. Girls are not told they should join a sports team as often, they don't have as interesting competitors, because not many people take them seriously. Many people would be proud of their son who wants to be a professional athlete, but may not support their daughter who wants to do the same thing. The money isn't as good. Not as important.

If things were more equal, socially, it may turn out men are better at women in some sports, and not as good in others. I can't say at this point. Even so, professional athletes are not the majority, and if things were more equal socially, who knows what the average woman and man would become. I'm talking a huge change in the way we think.

Even in the end, if we somehow find a way to quantify "physically inferior" and find that women are "physically inferior" it doesn't mean that every individual woman or man is bound to this.

Also kyuu, shut the fuck up. I hate people like you.

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Mar 3, 2010 5:06 PM

Jun 2008
ladyxzeus said:
You never give up, don't you?

Here, Here!!! +1

Seriously what is wrong with you ukonkivi and all this women,men or sexual issues. From the number of threads you do about them is like you are thinking of this shit 24/7.
Maybe you have too much money and free time, who knows. And btw what are you? A man or a woman?

Anyway since you are too stuck with your equality issues again. Why can't you just see it as being physically different instead of inferior, so you won't bust our balls.
Yes women don't have the muscle and body power that men have and there is scientific proof if you want one. Just search and find it. Why should i spend my time looking it for you when you obviously didn't bother because if you did you would have find it.
This fact is also obvious from our daily lives. We see it everyday and that's what makes your whole philosophy looking more like troll.
Now i don't know if just less power means inferior or not. I suppose a female body has other benefits and strengths.
Both genders have there own characteristics, there is no need to make them the same. They can be equal with out being the same. Equality and similarity are two different things. Stop trying to make them the same just because that's how you like to view the world.
Mar 3, 2010 5:11 PM

Oct 2009
feminists ಠ_ಠ
Mar 3, 2010 5:18 PM

Mar 2010
I think it all depends. I mean, do you know how many people inhabit our world? You can compare one man with one woman and do the same comparison with another woman and another male and the results won't EVER be the same. Physical indifference all depends on the 'individual', it doesn't depend on the individual's sexuality.
Mar 3, 2010 5:26 PM

Dec 2009
It's simply evolution.
It's the same reason why women have a better nose then men.
Men were the hunters, which required physique and women were the ones who stayed in the "kitchen" and did the cooking as well as took care of the children.

All the weight lifting records are held by men. What is a better exemplar of strength than lifting?

Speed record is also men btw.

They are just inherently weaker, maybe there are some sports where they can rival men, but the majority of sports is dominated by men!
Penis wins!
zebra_boyMar 3, 2010 5:31 PM
Mar 3, 2010 5:28 PM

Nov 2007
KyuuAL said:
Let's see. Just some examples:

It's impossible to form a Women's Pro Basketball league -- AND -- have their teams compete with the Men on an even platform.

The Canada's Womens hockey team versed a guys team. They only lost by one in a shootout. The guys even admitted that the women were just as good as some of them if not better. Just Sayin'
StephanBlackhawkMar 3, 2010 5:36 PM
Mar 3, 2010 6:18 PM

Aug 2008
ESSWHY said:
Also kyuu, shut the fuck up. I hate people like you.

You declare war on me. So, I'm coming at you... just to piss you off. >:D

But that doesn't mean I can't agree -- AND -- I'm nice enough to use boldface and color to EMPHASIZE the important things to think about here.

(Off topic: No, I'll never date a black woman. LOL)

daddysgurl said:
What is a better exemplar of strength than lifting?


ESSWHY said:
It feels like to me no one actually understands what the point of this thread is. First you need to define "physically inferior." Since when does muscle = physically the best in every way possible. There are other factors beyond muscle that lead to one being athletic. From the many people in my life I have met, there have been a lot of women that could win at certain sports against many men, beat them up physically, and etc.

Case in point... many of us losers in this forum cannot out run a female marathoner capable of running 2:15:00...

However, do yourself a favor and compare the BEST AMONG THE BEST. The BEST WOMAN vs the BEST MAN at any given physical sport -- I'm willing to bet 9 times out of 10 that the MAN wins.

We can go among the different sports that focus on the different areas of sport (strength, endurance, accuracy, skill, etc.)...

In terms of strength and endurance -- MEN win here. Fastest MALE runners in the world are faster than the fastest FEMALE runners - at whatever distance.

Accuracy and Skill. It's more even here. In the case of gymnastics, I'd take a woman over an man here. It'd be really awkward to watch a man work the beam and do cartwheels and flips in a straight line.

Reflexes. Even. Nerve reflexes. I see no reason for this to be gender differentiating.

And more categories?

ESSWHY said:
Does "hurr I can lift weights better than a woman" really mean anything in terms of sports? Coordination, respiratory/cardiac efficiency, ambition, focus, etc are all extremely important in sports.

Even if a MAN and WOMAN are EQUAL in terms of (Coordination, respiratory/cardiac efficiency, ambition, focus, etc) -- muscle strength will tip the balance towards men.

Volleyball, for example. I can imagine a women's team being able to compete against a men's team here. For in this sport, it's not always about power. Sometimes, to score points, all that's needed is the ability to tip the ball to proper spots.

StephanBlackhawk said:
KyuuAL said:
Let's see. Just some examples:

It's impossible to form a Women's Pro Basketball league -- AND -- have their teams compete with the Men on an even platform.

The Canada's Womens hockey team versed a guys team. They only lost by one in a shootout. The guys even admitted that the women were just as good as some of them if not better. Just Sayin'

Delicious example is delicious.

However, did the men's team consist of NHL players? If not, the women played a team of LOSERS.

ESSWHY said:
If things were more equal, socially, it may turn out men are better at women in some sports, and not as good in others.

Anything that requires GRACE? Men will fail here.

Just the other week, I was in an aerobics class. It was sad watching another dude ... just flat out fail... and quit. But as for me (yes, I brag), it's nice to be able to keep up with the women. OH yea! >:D
KyuuALMar 3, 2010 6:22 PM
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Mar 3, 2010 6:24 PM

Nov 2007
KyuuAL said:

StephanBlackhawk said:
KyuuAL said:
Let's see. Just some examples:

It's impossible to form a Women's Pro Basketball league -- AND -- have their teams compete with the Men on an even platform.

The Canada's Womens hockey team versed a guys team. They only lost by one in a shootout. The guys even admitted that the women were just as good as some of them if not better. Just Sayin'

Delicious example is delicious.

However, did the men's team consist of NHL players? If not, the women played a team of LOSERS.

I forget, I think it was a minor league, which is just as good.
Mar 3, 2010 6:28 PM

Aug 2008
StephanBlackhawk said:
I forget, I think it was a minor league, which is just as good.

Not good enough to me... that's like comparing a random team of men vs a random team of women... I want the BEST vs the BEST.

EDIT: Olympic downhill skiing. EVEN! (I think) I have to look at the times here...
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 6:30 PM

Nov 2007
KyuuAL said:
StephanBlackhawk said:
I forget, I think it was a minor league, which is just as good.

Not good enough to me... that's like comparing a random team of men vs a random team of women... I want the BEST vs the BEST.
I played the boys team at my school in rugby, the girl team won. By a lot. Just sayin'. These guys play footbal and wrestle they aren't small or an average joe.
Mar 3, 2010 6:33 PM

Aug 2008
StephanBlackhawk said:
KyuuAL said:
StephanBlackhawk said:
I forget, I think it was a minor league, which is just as good.

Not good enough to me... that's like comparing a random team of men vs a random team of women... I want the BEST vs the BEST.
I played the boys team at my school in rugby, the girl team won. By a lot. Just sayin'. These guys play footbal and wrestle they aren't small or an average joe.

How about at the Professional Level?

Just to let you know. I'm a runner. But yes. I see plenty of women able to run faster AND longer than me. But that's fine... it gives me a chance to look at their ass when they go by. XD
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 6:35 PM

Nov 2007
KyuuAL said:
StephanBlackhawk said:
KyuuAL said:
StephanBlackhawk said:
I forget, I think it was a minor league, which is just as good.

Not good enough to me... that's like comparing a random team of men vs a random team of women... I want the BEST vs the BEST.
I played the boys team at my school in rugby, the girl team won. By a lot. Just sayin'. These guys play footbal and wrestle they aren't small or an average joe.

How about at the Professional Level?

That shouldn't matter, these are men who have been playing for 4 years and are older then me but my team still won. If men are better at sports then women they should have won.
Mar 3, 2010 6:39 PM

Aug 2008
StephanBlackhawk said:
That shouldn't matter, these are men who have been playing for 4 years and are older then me but my team still won. If men are better at sports then women they should have won.

Ah, there's one comment that I tend to forget when it comes to sport - and - that comes from Chris Berman:

"And that's why they play the game..."

On that particular day, your women's team won over a men's team. Fine. Enjoy your win. But what about overall? Longer time periods. How many games? Etc.

Per my example above. Yes, I understand that NOT EVERY MAN can beat EVERY WOMAN in a sport. I'm a very clear example of that. I can challenge a woman to badminton and likely lose, for example.

However, when I'm talking here, I am comparing the BEST ATHLETES against the BEST ATHLETES from each gender, and imagine them competing against each other. Even if there are instances where a women's team would be a men's team... I would expect a majority of the winning will favor the men's team.
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 6:41 PM

Dec 2009
Take a college level anatomy and physiology or even genetics, once you're actually education you will realize that there differences that show general trends towards increased flexibility in women and higher strength and usually a better sense of hand eye coordination.

If you think I am wrong shut up, actually read or go to an intensive class where you can LEARN the differences between the sexes instead of overly compensating for your feminist/equality views.
Mar 3, 2010 6:42 PM

Mar 2010
Women are strongest in the kitchen.
+1 to all culinary stats.
Mar 3, 2010 6:42 PM

Aug 2008
dpjdm said:
Take a college level anatomy and physiology or even genetics, once you're actually education you will realize that there differences that show general trends towards increased flexibility in women and higher strength and usually a better sense of hand eye coordination.

If I go through an application process (right), I may very well find myself taking that kind of online class next year. That's assuming that I get enrolled.
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 6:48 PM

Nov 2007
KyuuAL said:
Ah, there's one comment that I tend to forget when it comes to sport - and - that comes from Chris Berman:

"And that's why they play the game..."

Per my example above. Yes, I understand that NOT EVERY MAN can beat EVERY WOMAN in a sport. I'm a very clear example of that. I can challenge a woman to badminton and likely lose, for example.

However, when I'm talking here, I am comparing the BEST ATHLETES against the BEST ATHLETES from each gender, and imagine them competing against each other. Even if there are instances where a women's team would be a men's team... I would expect a majority of the winning will favor the men's team.

If you lose badminton that's pathetic. And I see your point, but I do not agree with it, it shouldn't matter if it's the best, if men are more physically better then women they should beat them in everything no matter what is what. But since everyone in each gender is different you can't judge which gender is stronger imo.
Mar 3, 2010 6:57 PM

Dec 2009
KyuuAL said:

If you lose badminton that's pathetic.

I disagree badminton is intense.
Mar 3, 2010 7:05 PM

Oct 2008
woman can give birth. im pretty sure a real man can't. that's the only thing that seperates us. other than that we are of equal footing on playing/battlefield.
Mar 3, 2010 7:14 PM

May 2008
Someday, there will be made a thread in which we read the news of ukonkivi being caught trying to assassinate Lawrence Summers.

StephanBlackhawk said:
But since everyone in each gender is different you can't judge which gender is stronger imo.

Luckily, mathematicians have invented the concept of stochastic dominance to alleviate these problems.
Mar 3, 2010 7:20 PM

Feb 2009
I won't bother arguing points about strength, speed, and agility. These are gained from training, and an arguement could be made that the difference is in the training.

The only point I bring up are the studies that show women athletes suffer from more stress fractures than their male counterparts.

For those who are unfamiliar with stress fractures, here is a quick escription from said:
A stress fracture is an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb added shock. Eventually, the fatigued muscle transfers the overload of stress to the bone causing a tiny crack called a stress fracture.

So, as an indicator that can be used on both genders, this points to a female body not withstanding as much exertion as a male body performing similar activities. Take what you want from it.

As far as women any other arguement that women are physically inferior- 99.99% of us reading this forum couldn't beat the female athletes that finished last in this past winter Olympics. Take what you want from that...

BTW, if you want the studies, look 'em up yourself. I'm not your wiki-bitch.
Is there another word for synonym?
Mar 3, 2010 9:54 PM
Jun 2007
weird i always figured men would have more stress fracture than women due to our weight distribution
might have to look it up sometime
guess men grow bigger bones

as far as this thread goes

women are generally shorter than men with a smaller skeletal frame
so what doenst make them inferior unless u think of them as inferiors

women have better immune systems and live longer as far as i know
does that make them superior??
Mar 4, 2010 12:27 AM

Aug 2008
dpjdm said:
KyuuAL said:

If you lose badminton that's pathetic.

I disagree badminton is intense.

I so got misquoted... XD

But yea... those shuttlecocks move pretty darned fast. Y'can lose an eye if yer not careful.

Solanio said:
Luckily, mathematicians have invented the concept of stochastic dominance to alleviate these problems.

Has anyone applied a BELL CURVE yet?
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 4, 2010 2:19 AM

Jun 2008
kraz8 said:

As far as women any other arguement that women are physically inferior- 99.99% of us reading this forum couldn't beat the female athletes that finished last in this past winter Olympics. Take what you want from that...

Arguments like this are quite stupid. That is not a right a comparison. If you compare them with there male equivalent they still lose.
You can't compare them with us who never did specific training for such a thing.
I'm also certain that there are some guys that weight 180kg sitting in front of the TV all the time that have a hard time going even to the toilet, does that make all the normal women who can go faster to the toilet than them a prove of women having the more speed and power?
Mar 4, 2010 3:49 AM
Aug 2009
No matter what differences you can spot you can still only talk about averages... and averages fail when we are talking about a large group of humans in real life. Sure we can say that women as a group have a less muscle than men as a group, but then we'd have to question that why did we divide people into these two groups in the first place? There are still a lot of men who are below the average woman and women who are above the average man and it doesn't even really matter how many of them are out there as long as they exist. So surely it would make a lot of more sense to simply divide people to "muscular" and "non-muscular" for this issue... if we want to divide them at all. In fact you all should first define "man" and "woman" for this discussion to even continue.

We also have to define "physical fitness". One trait such as muscular mass doesn't make much of a difference one way or the other in the whole picture.

And then we have to question the potential. Even if an average woman has a harder time to build up muscle than an average man without any outside help if we increase her androgen production to the level of the man their capability on it will be equal. So all the same it's still not really about gender.
MinimalisticMar 4, 2010 8:42 AM
Mar 4, 2010 8:29 AM

Dec 2007
MisterSaito said:

ladyxzeus said:
You can take samples for a comparison test if you take everyone in the world that is average.
lolwhat. the idea of taking random samples is that you don't need to search for 'average' people.

Depends on the study, though, atm I'm making surveys to al Portuguese vets. It is hardwor and fucked up, but chief wants it this way so it'll be this way. =___=

Survey everyone in the world yay! =D

/side note
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 4, 2010 9:07 AM

May 2008
Reape said:
No matter what differences you can spot you can still only talk about averages... and averages fail when we are talking about a large group of humans in real life. Sure we can say that women as a group have a less muscle than men as a group, but then we'd have to question that why did we divide people into these two groups in the first place? There are still a lot of men who are below the average woman and women who are above the average man and it doesn't even really matter how many of them are out there as long as they exist. So surely it would make a lot of more sense to simply divide people to "muscular" and "non-muscular" for this issue... if we want to divide them at all.

In sports there are weight classes etc.
If we were not to talk about averages and statistical distribution of traits then there's just nothing to talk about. We'd all just say 'everyone's different' and call it a day.

Reape said:
And then we have to question the potential. Even if an average woman has a harder time to build up muscle than an average man without any outside help if we increase her androgen production to the level of the man their capability on it will be equal. So all the same it's still not really about gender.

Of course it is, because hormones are.

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