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Feb 16, 2010 8:27 PM
Dec 2009
Feb 16, 2010 9:07 PM
Dec 2009
Colbey said:


I don't like looking at other people when I'm eating/drinking, ruins my appetite.
Feb 17, 2010 3:33 AM

Feb 2010
Feb 17, 2010 7:21 AM

Jan 2010
duh said:

i think so too ,, sadly i have one :(....( when ppl talk to me they can actually notice my voices switching pitches :P)

TomatoCake said:
Prepare to be amused. I am a freakshow.


- While people would randomly shout 'yes', 'no, 'object' or whatever you know to normal statements, I WILL shout (depending on what mood I'm in) either ''Mayonese Cookies!'' or ''Defrosted Cucumbers!''. Because I'm born that way.

- I love Spiders (Tarrantulas pl0x), snakes, sharks. What I'm TERREIFIED of is Butterflies and foreign washmachines. Specially turkish, they scare me.

- Some people impress others (usuallly the other gender, depending on what way you roll) by saying how good you are in fighting. ''I have BLACK belt in karate, even tho I'm 12 years and still don't know where the hell China is!'' is a normal exemple.
I, proudly may I add, impress this by shouting '' I HAVE BLACK BELT IN OFFICE CHAIR!'', and thereby follow that up and starts to flail with the closest chair on the nearby person. Poor, poor world.

- I reccently realized that clinging to your teachers leg does not improve his impression of you. (And will never change the E you got in spanish, even though the AWESOME drawing you drew over the whole test, totally should get an A+. I mean, serioussly, it was a CHIBI. Sheesh, teacher.)

dude.. you're hilarious :DDDD

Clockwork said:
- can lick my elbow

- am afraid of water

ppl with rabies suffer from hydrophobia o_O
Feb 17, 2010 7:23 AM

Jan 2010
wait a sec... i forgot to mention what i do :P

when i listen to extremely fast jumpy music (and am alone)

i tend to jump and and run wierdly in random directions...the speed fluctuates with the beat of the song.....

anyone else like me?? o_O
Feb 17, 2010 7:50 AM
Jan 2010
im a guy but i like things gorls would normally liek? romances are my favorite genre. im a tarp. and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................

oh yeah... i have no friends T.T
Feb 17, 2010 9:03 AM

Jan 2010
Teh_Ecchi_Circle said:
im a guy but i like things gorls would normally liek? romances are my favorite genre. im a tarp. and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................

oh yeah... i have no friends T.T

friends in real life ???
Feb 17, 2010 6:55 PM

Feb 2010
salomei said:

-Lots of food I used to hate as a child I love now, and vice versa. It's kinda weird :/

-I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't like meat. And yes, I have been asked if I am one more than once -_-;;

^^These definitely describe my eating habits! I've been told that when I was a baby I loved stuffing; the mere sight of it now makes me retch. XP

I'm cool with poultry, but most other types of meat I will not touch. My parents are baffled by the fact that I can feast on calamari, scallops, smelts, and shrimp; yet I cannot and will not take a single bite of steak or pork chop. :D

TeaAnyOne said:

Same, i hate ketchup lol, i used to hate pizza but now i love it lol :D

I used to hate ketchup, but now I'm fine with it. I still don't like condiments in general though, except for the generous amounts of salt and Old Bay.

Feb 18, 2010 2:20 AM

Oct 2008
- I cut my wrists just to taste my own blood
- I never sleep comfortably in my own bed but I can sleep comfortably on the floor, on a recliner and even on my computer chair
Feb 19, 2010 11:06 AM

Jun 2009
Clockwork said:
- can lick my elbow

I just tried to do that... can't do it. Aand now my neck hurts...
Feb 19, 2010 2:44 PM

Feb 2009
psychoLISSI said:
Clockwork said:
- can lick my elbow

I just tried to do that... can't do it. Aand now my neck hurts...

I also just tried it. It was easy... Not.
Is it even possible??
Feb 19, 2010 6:24 PM

Nov 2009
MarisaKirisameZe said:

Well, my memory is very good, and I can remember most of the things I've done throughout my life. So the need to keep all the things that represents all those memories are kind of useless in my book x]
It's just a habit. I love to treasure things.
Hopefully it will go away... my parents call it hoarding ;___;

And I don't eat that much anyway (I have a small appetite), but I mean, when people offer me food and expect me to eat it.... they do this thing. They watch me. I know it. So it makes it awkward xD

I'm glad to hear that!^^ hoarding!? If you can get into your room through all the piles of stuff then it isn't hoarding tell them that lol!xP They just don't understand the 'real value' of all those pretty things -'treasures' - xD one can find *sigh ^^ I think it should be possible, you should 'just' practise getting rid of things :). *and AGAIN I cross my fingers for you!^^ Like don't think about what you throw out just do it, that works for me ^^ (with a limit of course - it's not like "hey my PC's got a scratch let's drop it in the bin!O.O *muwhaha ;D) but something like notes you can almost always throw out right ^^

Yeah and you cannot just say DON'T WATCH ME EATING PLEASE!;_; (<--love your smilely xD hehe) Because first how can they not see you eating, when you're together with them and two they are kind to you and also that's a pretty weird request *sigh. ;_; Lol my friends have a game where they just sit and stare at me during lunch... because they know I will end up doing something funny, like crack up or slide down the chair and under the table or something random (JESUSO.O) because like you I just hate being watch while eating so much-.- *sigh ;) xD It would be nice with an invisibility ability xD
DostojevskijFeb 19, 2010 6:37 PM
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Feb 19, 2010 6:39 PM

Oct 2009
damiilya said:
psychoLISSI said:
Clockwork said:
- can lick my elbow

I just tried to do that... can't do it. Aand now my neck hurts...

I also just tried it. It was easy... Not.
Is it even possible??

Yeah it is. I did it once, my friend took a picture and put it on a webpage. :(
But I don't think everyone can do it. Its just that my body is very elastic.

Well my weird true fact is that I am the top of my class in the best college in Puerto Rico, even though when I was small my teachers qualified me as below average and told my family that I was never going to be successful.
Feb 19, 2010 6:42 PM

Aug 2009
duh said:

This. So much. Whatever happened to deep female voices being sexy?

~ I'm a huge clutz. I have discovered that I can not go throughout the day without at least tripping, falling, hitting, bumping, breaking something 3 times.
~ My ultimate fetishes when it comes to guys are angel wings (not actual wings. but if you know what I mean you get +100 points), hip lines, and full body tans.
NewheightsFeb 19, 2010 6:48 PM

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Feb 19, 2010 7:00 PM

Nov 2009
Azazelpr said:

Well my weird true fact is that I am the top of my class in the best college in Puerto Rico, even though when I was small my teachers qualified me as below average and told my family that I was never going to be successful.

HA!xD Revenge in their faces!^^ and congratulation on that achievement!:)
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Feb 20, 2010 5:38 AM

Jun 2009
- I was an early bloomer
- I got married when i was 16 going on 17(been 6 years now)
- I'm 22 going on 23 and have no idea wats popular( that inculdes music, fashion, movies, and tv)
Feb 20, 2010 6:06 AM

Nov 2009
- I have changed my name twice
- I have 3/4 siblings (no the 4th one isn't dead XP)
- I can suck up my upper lip with my nose
Feb 20, 2010 8:05 AM

Jan 2010
I'm only giving 2
-- I like spiders
-- I love dolls
Sig deleted for being too large.
Feb 20, 2010 8:56 AM

Jun 2009
Jakxon said:
- I was an early bloomer
- I got married when i was 16 going on 17(been 6 years now)
- I'm 22 going on 23 and have no idea wats popular( that inculdes music, fashion, movies, and tv)

Wow! You got married when you were 16? Did your parents agree to that?
Feb 20, 2010 9:36 AM

Jul 2008
~ I eat a lot and I gain weight but it doesn't show :\
~ I gain obsessions really easy.And when I do, I talk about them even with the people that aren't interested, I dream about those obsessions, look for fanart/posters/whatever related to them.But the obsessions don't last long.[I'm glad that I didn't get obsessed with a person.I'd feel sorry for them]
~ I somehow have Arachnophobia [But I like showing off so when everyone's like OMGASPIDER I go and squish them.Or ignore the spider and then stay far away from it]
~ I enjoy slapping and kicking guys.And hitting them with a book in their head and screaming MAKA CHOP or SHINIGAMI CHOP although they have no clue about what I'm saying about.
~ I've never broke anything[ meaning,a leg or hand]
Feb 20, 2010 3:19 PM

Jun 2009
psychoLISSI said:
Jakxon said:
- I was an early bloomer
- I got married when i was 16 going on 17(been 6 years now)
- I'm 22 going on 23 and have no idea wats popular( that inculdes music, fashion, movies, and tv)

Wow! You got married when you were 16? Did your parents agree to that?

they did, actually my mother was all for it.
Feb 24, 2010 1:22 PM

Jan 2010
Dostojevskij said:
HontoniBaka said:

I have the first two as well and my sister has te wrist thing. She freaks out if someone touches it.

- Everything anyone says, I automatically picture before me, which can be pretty awkward sometimes. When someone says "Kiss my ass." I actually see myself kissing that person's ass.

Oh, that must be really awkward at times... like you're in a huge fight and suddenly you just cannot do anything but laugh because of the random pictures you must see inside your head!xD

Exactly. It doesn't really help when I'm in a fight, but it can be really cool at times. x'D
TeaAnyOne said:
- When I listen to music, i always create an image in my head going with the tune (like an AMV)

- I get extremely paranoid when strangers stare at me

- When im in bed, before i fall to sleep I always create a story in my head with scenarios with relation to anime i have watched with me included

Check check check. I always make up AMV's or videoclips when I'm listening to music too, and I make up stories before I fall to sleep, and sometimes I dream about it too! x'D A while ago I dreamed Okazaki Tomoya kissed me! >////< Too bad I woke up....

I've also had a dream of having Nagato Yuki help me with my homework. x'D

TeaAnyOne said:

due to having bad past experiences

Now When talking to people i have a tendency to think too much when i reply to a comment or question, and i think of many possible outcomes that a reply might have as i try not to offend or make anyone angry or sad, I always choose the safest answer to make people happy. Because of it, it then leads me to being a very boring person during conversations. When i was younger I made alot of people feel negative towards me due to things i say, mostly girls. I have never been in a relationship since I have changed.

Again; check.

- I went bra-shopping today, and I came to the conclusion I really hate bra-shopping. I hate being naked in a store like that, even if it's behind a curtain. In one of the stores, some evil kid peeked in and threw the curtain open. I no one except the kid himself actually saw me, but still I felt like crying and I sincerely wanted to hurt the damn kid. The other thing I hated about it was constantly staring at my body in the mirror.
- I really hate eating bread that's been prepared before, like bread I take to school. I'd rather toss it in the trashcan and be hungry the entire day than actually eat it.
- I don't like to eat sandwitches prepared by somebody else.
- Seeing people eat disgusts me, and I really hate people seeing me eat as well, especially if it's someone I like.
- I really hate going to the dentist. The thougt of some guy putting his hands in my mouth terrifies me.
- Sometimes I want to get hit by a car or something to see if people get worried about me.
- Sometimes I want people I love to be in danger so I can save them. (Even though there's no way I can.)
- I have been addicted to sympathy. It's getting better though.
- I'm pretty sadistic. I used to enjoy pulling out a spider's legs one by one, util he had only one or to left, and then setting it free again. Also, when I got fired, my sister and I fantasized about the most horrible way to torture my ex-boss.
Feb 24, 2010 1:26 PM

Jan 2010
Oh and by the way. I'm a virgin too. And I'm proud of it! How is it weird to be a virgin anyway? I think it's better that getting laid by some random guy when you're 13 or something. I'm 16, and a girl, and I plan on staying a virgin for at least 4 more years. I'm waiting for someone I really love, who loves me too. And I wanna get to know the guy before I throw myself all over him.
Feb 24, 2010 2:09 PM

Nov 2008
I hate anything cute ... Or at least it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I don't like weak people.
I am homophobic but I am addicted to yaoi O__o don't you think that's kind of ironic ?
Feb 24, 2010 2:22 PM

Apr 2009
I'm terrified of any kind of relationship. Everyone constantly tries to set me up for dates which I run away from as fast as I can.
No, I've never been abused or anything, it's just how I am.
I'm 18 and never kissed anybody. EVER. And I don't even want to anytime soon. The best part is - I did have both people who wanted to kiss me, and occasions to do it. I just felt like running away screaming "ZOMG IT'S MOUTH COMING CLOSE".
(Yes, I'm serious.)
And yet, I'm still the one who always gives out the best advice to my friends about their love lives.

Also, I have an absurd fear of losing my photos. Any photos I ever made.

TeaAnyOne said:

- When im in bed, before i fall to sleep I always create a story in my head with scenarios with relation to anime i have watched with me included

I do this all the time xD Except not only with anime (books, films, video games; you name it, I've been there in my head x__X even national footbal teams, for crying out loud. )

Long fingernails freak me out and I can't look at them D: I feel like throwing up.

I have too many crushes on fictional characters to count.

I sometimes think in English even though it's not my native language.
CenedessFeb 24, 2010 2:35 PM
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Feb 24, 2010 3:15 PM

Feb 2010
Im really scared of heights, comes from falling off a 5 meter high roof when I was a kid.
Im also extremely paranoid when walking alone in the dark. Always checking behind me every 20 seconds or so ^^''
Feb 24, 2010 8:30 PM

Dec 2009
Hmmm let's see . . .

* When writing my name on the top right corner of a paper, I write my name backwards and then forward. As in:
(1st Part of First Name) Go down a line.
(2nd of First) (Last Name)
Did this because I was always annoyed of how the 2nd half would be be too small or crunched and the space leftover if too far.

* I have a paranoia of hugs that are not from my relatives. If one person attempts to especially from behind, I go crazy and act like a crazed animal xD Which is why a warn people to only do one-arm hugs. Because of that and that I growl and act like an animal, I'm known to have rabies =3

* Whenever me and my friend are in pain, no matter what, we always hurt in different places. Example: I hurt on the left part of my head, she hurts on the right; sore in my shoulders, her in her legs; etc.

* I sleep walk to the point in which I can interact with my parents and they won't realize I'm not awake. They've borrowed my phone and said goodbye to me before they left America for some time but I always have absolutely no memory of it.

* I don't have a bank account but for some strange reason, my parents started one up for my little brother. Note: I'm 17, and he's 5 >.>;

* After winning a dog stuffed animal from a fair, I've been carrying him around along with another one from my birthday to my school. Lots of people question why I carry them around (I do so just because I like carrying them) and for some reason, they've been mistakened for teddy bears. Their names are Kigaru and Yoru and they're called my kids even though I have no one xD

* I've never kissed anyone before and my first and only crush was someone I met in a dream I had a year ago (he was an actual person and not from any anime/manga). Just recently dreamt of him again a couple months ago and learned his name was Ace. And now, my entire group of friends are attempting to hook me up with someone before prom and find my "Ace" xD (though I do hope I find him ^////^)

Yeah I'm strange . . . Lol, I'll type up some more if I think of any ^^
Feb 24, 2010 9:04 PM
Feb 2010
-I was born in 1909
-I srsly wanna rule the world
-I kiss ass a lot (not literaly)
-Im a perfectionist
-I feel great when Im better than someone else
-My birthday is the same day as Napoleon Bonaparte's.
Feb 25, 2010 9:48 AM

Apr 2008
i have flat feet (no arches whatsoever)
Feb 25, 2010 3:30 PM

Feb 2010
-I can see strange mixed animal ghosts passing by, usually quickly. D: They don't stay to chat. D:

-I have a type of OCD where I'm obsessed with equality. I have to touch a certain item the same number of times with both hands/feet. Ex: i pat the wall with my left hand, i have to pat it with my right. Also, if i step over a crack with my right foot, I have to step over another crack about the same size with my left. If I don't do these things, the leg/hand that didn't touch/step over something will hurt like crazy. :3

-I have a fear of closets and attics

-I have a fear of clowns and manikens

-I have arachnaphobia

-I'm literally big-boned and weigh about 160 pounds (a lot for my age)

-Being big boned, I can't float easily D:

-I'm afraid of sharks

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. -Carl Sagan
Feb 25, 2010 3:45 PM

Jan 2010
I was born with vestigial T-rex arms
Feb 25, 2010 6:57 PM
Jul 2009
^ is tha bomb
Feb 26, 2010 8:14 AM

Aug 2009
i have an identical twin brother who hates almost everything i like.

he hates anime, he hates the music i like etc.
Feb 26, 2010 1:34 PM

Dec 2009
*I have a supper good memory for details, but suck at remembering names or conversations word for word.

*I don't like junk food that much. - I love love veggies and fruit.

*When I spread my left hand my thumb points down and the first joint arches up. (it grosses people out for some reason) - this is natural not a trick

*I use to speak German really well as a little kid . . . can't anymore

*I'm in my mid twenties and I've never been in love.

*My nicknames are - Brat (dad), Tiffers (sister), Tifa (friends) - I murder people that call me Tiff.
breathesunshineFeb 26, 2010 1:39 PM

Mar 2, 2010 11:22 PM

Jun 2009
I put on a tough apathetic look and attitude just so people won't talk to me. But when they do, I'm not mean, so I have to be really nice and talk to them. Bleh, I'm just really shy and hard to approach.
Mar 2, 2010 11:24 PM

Aug 2008
Dance Clubs are fun
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 3, 2010 2:33 AM

Oct 2009
I enjoy seeing rodents slowly dying. (Like when they got caught on a trap or something)
Just discovered it recently ._.
Mar 3, 2010 7:48 AM

Jan 2010
One new thing to add in my collection of wierdness.

- I have some awesome shoulder blades. It comes from swimming a lot i guess. I have been swimming since my childhood. My trainer said that shoulder blades tend to "open" a bit after a long time of swimming.

Hate it when my teammates touch it thoug, f#cking idiots. I'm not a plaything > (
Mar 3, 2010 7:58 AM

Feb 2010
While vacuuming, I have got to hum. When I was small kid, I hated loud noises. So, when my mom would use the vacuum, I'd have to try to drown it out. Soon, it just became habit.
GypsyMar 3, 2010 8:10 AM

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 3, 2010 12:08 PM

Oct 2008
I have a fetish for beautiful backs or long torsos..

Mar 3, 2010 12:13 PM

Mar 2010
I can't sleep with my socks on.
Mar 3, 2010 1:02 PM
Dec 2008
I don't have allergic reaction to poison ivy, oak, elm... ^_^

I am dyslexic.

and i HATE phones....

probably more but meh.
Mar 3, 2010 1:07 PM

Apr 2009
Oh oh, I have one more. I have a fetish for voices. Seriously, I can giggle for minutes and jump on the edge of my chair (and that's the light version...) after I hear Nakamura Yuichi or Ishida Akira. OR SUZUKI SHOUGO. Hot damnnnn.
Okay, now I need to cool off >.>
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Mar 3, 2010 2:10 PM

Aug 2008

* when i feel like eating something (e.g. cake) i will get a picture of it and stare at it constantly
* i like dipping crisps into yoghurt (yum)
* i like watching cars moving
* when i drink out of a bottle i like putting the drink into the cap and drinking it out of that
* too much caffeine makes me feel faint ( i drink wayyy to much coffee)
* when im purposely annoying people i (sometimes, not often) touch my eyeball and wipe it on someones cheek :')
* i seem to hug people and reaaally squish them (it's become a
* i tend to accidently poke myself in the eye a lot
* when im upset i tend to go even more hyper than i am usually
* i constantly lick my lip ring to check if its still there (it has a little ball thing that can come off lol)
* i always frown when i watch the tv for some reason lol
* when im annoyed i seem to throw clothes, quilts, shoes, down the stairs :S
* my most common comeback atm is 'suck my balls bisatch' even though ima girl...but still :)
* i hate when people stereotype me such as emo, as the people who stereotype me don't even know what it means in the first place and all that comes to their mind is 'wrist slashing'
* when im outside and its windy i get scratches all over my hands :S
* my eyes are blue around the edges, then green, then brown around the pupil
* i like to poke people in the arm a lot
* i have a habit of biting my fingernails, which annoys me lol

can't think of anymore atm lol :)
Mar 3, 2010 2:56 PM

Feb 2010
agitoandakito said:

* when i feel like eating something (e.g. cake) i will get a picture of it and stare at it constantly
* i like dipping crisps into yoghurt (yum)
* i like watching cars moving
* when i drink out of a bottle i like putting the drink into the cap and drinking it out of that
* too much caffeine makes me feel faint ( i drink wayyy to much coffee)
* when im purposely annoying people i (sometimes, not often) touch my eyeball and wipe it on someones cheek :')
* i seem to hug people and reaaally squish them (it's become a
* i tend to accidently poke myself in the eye a lot
* when im upset i tend to go even more hyper than i am usually
* i constantly lick my lip ring to check if its still there (it has a little ball thing that can come off lol)
* i always frown when i watch the tv for some reason lol
* when im annoyed i seem to throw clothes, quilts, shoes, down the stairs :S
* my most common comeback atm is 'suck my balls bisatch' even though ima girl...but still :)
* i hate when people stereotype me such as emo, as the people who stereotype me don't even know what it means in the first place and all that comes to their mind is 'wrist slashing'
* when im outside and its windy i get scratches all over my hands :S
* my eyes are blue around the edges, then green, then brown around the pupil
* i like to poke people in the arm a lot
* i have a habit of biting my fingernails, which annoys me lol

can't think of anymore atm lol :)

too much info >.<

Mar 3, 2010 3:02 PM

Aug 2008
MondayBlues said:
agitoandakito said:

* when i feel like eating something (e.g. cake) i will get a picture of it and stare at it constantly
* i like dipping crisps into yoghurt (yum)
* i like watching cars moving
* when i drink out of a bottle i like putting the drink into the cap and drinking it out of that
* too much caffeine makes me feel faint ( i drink wayyy to much coffee)
* when im purposely annoying people i (sometimes, not often) touch my eyeball and wipe it on someones cheek :')
* i seem to hug people and reaaally squish them (it's become a
* i tend to accidently poke myself in the eye a lot
* when im upset i tend to go even more hyper than i am usually
* i constantly lick my lip ring to check if its still there (it has a little ball thing that can come off lol)
* i always frown when i watch the tv for some reason lol
* when im annoyed i seem to throw clothes, quilts, shoes, down the stairs :S
* my most common comeback atm is 'suck my balls bisatch' even though ima girl...but still :)
* i hate when people stereotype me such as emo, as the people who stereotype me don't even know what it means in the first place and all that comes to their mind is 'wrist slashing'
* when im outside and its windy i get scratches all over my hands :S
* my eyes are blue around the edges, then green, then brown around the pupil
* i like to poke people in the arm a lot
* i have a habit of biting my fingernails, which annoys me lol

can't think of anymore atm lol :)

too much info >.<

lol you love it :P nr :)
Mar 3, 2010 3:32 PM

Jan 2010
agitoandakito said:
MondayBlues said:
agitoandakito said:

* when i feel like eating something (e.g. cake) i will get a picture of it and stare at it constantly
* i like dipping crisps into yoghurt (yum)
* i like watching cars moving
* when i drink out of a bottle i like putting the drink into the cap and drinking it out of that
* too much caffeine makes me feel faint ( i drink wayyy to much coffee)
* when im purposely annoying people i (sometimes, not often) touch my eyeball and wipe it on someones cheek :')
* i seem to hug people and reaaally squish them (it's become a
* i tend to accidently poke myself in the eye a lot
* when im upset i tend to go even more hyper than i am usually
* i constantly lick my lip ring to check if its still there (it has a little ball thing that can come off lol)
* i always frown when i watch the tv for some reason lol
* when im annoyed i seem to throw clothes, quilts, shoes, down the stairs :S
* my most common comeback atm is 'suck my balls bisatch' even though ima girl...but still :)
* i hate when people stereotype me such as emo, as the people who stereotype me don't even know what it means in the first place and all that comes to their mind is 'wrist slashing'
* when im outside and its windy i get scratches all over my hands :S
* my eyes are blue around the edges, then green, then brown around the pupil
* i like to poke people in the arm a lot
* i have a habit of biting my fingernails, which annoys me lol

can't think of anymore atm lol :)

too much info >.<

lol you love it :P nr :)

Impressive haha. Interesting eyes, never seen someone having those kinds of eyes. Your hug habbit makes me want to avoid you at all cost!
Mar 3, 2010 11:37 PM

Aug 2008
Th3End said:
agitoandakito said:
MondayBlues said:
agitoandakito said:

* when i feel like eating something (e.g. cake) i will get a picture of it and stare at it constantly
* i like dipping crisps into yoghurt (yum)
* i like watching cars moving
* when i drink out of a bottle i like putting the drink into the cap and drinking it out of that
* too much caffeine makes me feel faint ( i drink wayyy to much coffee)
* when im purposely annoying people i (sometimes, not often) touch my eyeball and wipe it on someones cheek :')
* i seem to hug people and reaaally squish them (it's become a
* i tend to accidently poke myself in the eye a lot
* when im upset i tend to go even more hyper than i am usually
* i constantly lick my lip ring to check if its still there (it has a little ball thing that can come off lol)
* i always frown when i watch the tv for some reason lol
* when im annoyed i seem to throw clothes, quilts, shoes, down the stairs :S
* my most common comeback atm is 'suck my balls bisatch' even though ima girl...but still :)
* i hate when people stereotype me such as emo, as the people who stereotype me don't even know what it means in the first place and all that comes to their mind is 'wrist slashing'
* when im outside and its windy i get scratches all over my hands :S
* my eyes are blue around the edges, then green, then brown around the pupil
* i like to poke people in the arm a lot
* i have a habit of biting my fingernails, which annoys me lol

can't think of anymore atm lol :)

too much info >.<

lol you love it :P nr :)

Impressive haha. Interesting eyes, never seen someone having those kinds of eyes. Your hug habbit makes me want to avoid you at all cost!

haha, it really confuses me at how when i hug the same people that i squish, they forget that im going to squish them :D. i don't squish people the first time i meet them though, its usually the second or the third lol and thank yous :')
Mar 4, 2010 4:22 AM

Mar 2008
-i have a huge fear of insects in general, esp. spiders but my biggest fear is about coakroaches. since i'm in the phils. right now (it's quite hot here) here are a lot of them and i see one nearly daily (even though my aunt's house here is new). EVERY time i see one i freak out and scream and i have to go back to my room and close the door 'cause i'm scared they might follow me or something..
-i'm also scared of heights (which is actually a natural fear) but it's more extrem for me. that is also one of the reasons why i don't go mountain climbing with my dad - i feel dizzy when i look down..
-i sometimes prefer to be alone while on other times it's what i hate the most. i just need enough time for myself or else i'm easily stressed/annoyed
-i hate gossip. i don't trust anyone but even so, i can't stand it if someone talks bad about another behind their back. if they got a problem with someone they should tell it to them right away.
-people who don't know me much think that i'm a nerd. while in fact, i spend nearly all of my free-time in front of my laptop. meaning: i don't study. i don't even review my notes once and i tend to do my assignments either in the morning before school or in school in the morning before the class begins. the only thing i do is i ALWAYS listen/participate during class. when answering quizzes/tests i only use my common sense. that is really all there is to it (i hate people who tell me i'm smart. i'm one of the laziest persons you'll ever meet xD..)
Mar 4, 2010 12:30 PM

Aug 2009
I can bite the inside of my cheeks with my teeth and make a really weird fart sound.

Oh, and once in a while, my eye(lid) gets infected, so it gets really big and red. D:
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