This episode was rightfuly titled "Terror", because I was terrified watching it.
The first part remembered us how gruesome inquisitors are, since it has been quite a bit since we last saw inquisitors.
But when Nowak was called by the bishop for another cosmic herectics, we all knew where it was going down, and I started SWEATING.
And then Badeni, Oczy and Jolenta were all together, just having a good time, talking about the heliocentrism theory, and I was just like, PLEASE, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. And then it's made the (not so big) reveal that Nowak is Jolenta's father. I can now understand why the Manga readers were mad when in episode 7 we could see that Nowak was Jolenta's father right away, although I always thought is was really hinted that he was her father even if we take that scene out. But since we already knew, the impact of the scene was not the impact that it should have had. But because of this reveal, the rest of the episode was so much tense!
When Jolenta and Nowak were going back home, I was finally "ok, maybe it was another herectics" but then, Oczy started telling Badeni everything just right here and there, and I was like "MAN, JUST GET AWAY FROM THERE", and then Nowak appears and I'm just shivering, like this can't be real, with the reveal that he is an inquisitor.
Badeni and Oczy's future seem really bleak now, and Badeni should have written whatever he was going to write...
Since it's their 1st offense, they might get away, but that would imply they had to destroy everything they had...
I really don't know what's going to happen next episode, if they are going for the run, or if they are going to get tortured, but still live, but whatever happens, I think it's clear the anime is getting ready to advance for the next generation. This has been a question many (including myself) have had since episode 3, and that was if this anime would be frequently changing MCs, and I think this episode is answering that. Not only that, but we're 11 episodes in, and the knights that appear in the opening haven't appeared yet, which might be hinting they are only appearing right at the end of this 1st cour. Yeah, we're already finishing the 1st cour, that's crazy! I'm really happy this anime has 25 episodes!
We all know who made the tip against Badeni though... That clergic that is with Badeni discovered Piast's book last episode, and Piast must have written there that Badeni and the others were trying to prove the heliocentrism theory... And since he didn't like Badeni at all, it was an easy tip for him...
It's also interesting to note that Nowak made sure that Jolenta wasn't with them when he started to interrogate them, so that she can be absolved from all this situation, because he must know (or at least suspect) that she's involved in all this, but is protecting her. That is pretty much how I expected Nowak would act, since back in episode 1 or 2, he clearly said he was only that work to protect his daugther, and I'm sure he wouldn't even consider torture his own daugther "in the name of the blasphemy". But knowing of all of this, I don't know if he won't be forced to do that...
I seriously can't wait another week for the next episode! I need to know what's going to happen now! I don't think this final part is going to be a "troll" and Nowak would only be like "thank you for taking care of my daugther", because when this anime promises, it delivers, the anime wasn't afraid to kill the MC off, and Nowak wouldn't be telling them he was an inquisitor for nothing...
This has to be the best episode ever since episode 3 (although episode 9 was really good too)!