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Dec 28, 2024 9:18 PM
Nov 2013
Somali and the Forest Spirit looks really interesting, so I will go with that one
Dec 30, 2024 4:33 PM

Feb 2014
Little Busters! and Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari have been in my plan to watch list for a while. So I'll probably watch one of those, or maybe both. Of course, if I was recommended something else, I'll be sure to watch that too.
Dec 31, 2024 10:07 AM

May 2016
I'll be watching Insomniacs after school and Poco's Udon World
Jan 1, 2:08 PM

Dec 2020
Reply to Mishukax

@DenpaNyan @i2egulus @Ohayotaku @Bajar @Ritslou @Lhamatorrinco @livingdeadgirlx3 @mhkr @YayakoChii @Amjle @big_al_23 @The_Real_Calluma @smoltulip @Xiaraith @YozoraLepus @Tugiacat @sarakarkki @TrueXC @Sopina @Ericonator @2155X @Wicklebee @Edking @ToruWasTaken @xHarun

Gifts have been prepared, and it's time for the pool of recommendations to be revealed!
Take a good look and choose an anime that feels right for you.
For now, you don't know which one of these was recommended to you specifically, so just go with what you think you will enjoy!
On New Year's, I will deliver to each person the gift that was prepared for them through DMs.
If your gift isn't what you first picked from the pool, it would be polite to try that anime as well.
You are encouraged to use this thread to talk about any anime you watch as a result of this event.

For now, please reply to this thread with one (or more) anime you plan to watch from the pool!


I'll be watching Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi =w=
Jan 1, 9:17 PM
OG Otaku Ojisan

Oct 2018
Finished watching Anne Happy. Pretty silly but made me chuckle quite a bit & a nice overall theme of friendship making even misfortune fun. There were hints of an actual “story”, but not really developed.

Will wait to find out my actual gift before exploring other recommendations, but as noted earlier will likely check out Love Lab & Nyaruko

Jan 2, 6:44 AM

May 2013
@DenpaNyan @i2egulus @Ohayotaku @Bajar @Ritslou @Lhamatorrinco @livingdeadgirlx3 @mhkr @YayakoChii @Amjle @big_al_23 @The_Real_Calluma @smoltulip @Xiaraith @YozoraLepus @Tugiacat @sarakarkki @TrueXC @Sopina @Ericonator @2155X @Wicklebee @Edking @ToruWasTaken @xHarun

Hello again everyone and here's to a New Year full of good things to come.

I have successfully sent the gifts. I encourage everyone to try out their recommendation and share their thoughts in this thread, as well as thoughts of any other anime this event got them to try. Here are the results!

Santa > Recommendation > Recipient > First pick (one of them if multiple)
YayakoChii > Super Cub > mhkr > Dennou Coil
mhkr > Stella no Mahou > Ericonator > Super Cub
Ericonator > Azumanga Daioh > Lhamatorrinco > Dennou Coil
Lhamatorrinco > Wan Sheng Jie > Xiaraith > Figure 17
Xiaraith > Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari > TrueXC > Long Riders
TrueXC > To Heart > Bajar > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
Bajar > Wake Up Girls Movie > Ritslou > Stella no Mahou
Ritslou > Long Riders! > Denpa > Little Busters!
Denpa > Dennou Coil > Ohayotaku > Anne Happy
Ohayotaku > Figure 17 > Wicklebee > Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Wicklebee > Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm > sarakarkki > Yama no Susume
sarakarkki > Anne Happy > Edking > Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Edking > Anima Yell! > 2155X > Anima Yell!
2155X > Haiyore! Nyaruko-san > livingdead > ?
livingdead > Somali to Mori no Kamisama > YozoraLepus > Senpa ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
YozoraLepus > Mairimashita! Iruma-kun > Regulus > Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
Regulus > Boku dake ga Inai Machi > xHarun > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
xHarun > Sora yori mo Tooi Basho > smoltulip > Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
smoltulip > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia > Sopina > Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Sopina > Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi > Amjle > Wake Up Girls! Movie
Amjle > Yama no Susume > Calluma > To Heart
Calluma > Flying Witch > big_al > ?
big_al > Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! > Tugiacat > Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Tugiacat > Love Lab > ToruWasTaken > ?
ToruWasTaken > Little Busters! > YayakoChii > Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

@Ohayotaku please open your inbox so I can send you Denpa's gift message.
MishukaxJan 2, 6:48 AM
Jan 2, 7:09 AM

Sep 2013
Happy new year to you as well, Elf-san Mishu, and thanks for your delightful time =w=

the more I think about it, the better your gift becomes, short episodes but with lots of seasons for me to continue as long as I want. Will share my final thoughts here once I've probably watched it all!

I truly was spoiled for choice in deciding what to gift you. Iyashikei, comfy girls, short anime, or 2000's, everything would have been a fit. Since it's about Christmas though, I narrowed it down to iyashikei after all, and had two equally fitting gifts ready (the other being Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, would have been my second gift if this secret santa was like the one we had years ago with the double secret gift). For a 2000's anime, quick shout-out to Kamichu; I might not be the perfect person to sing of its praises (ask Tugi for example), but I do think it'll also be worth your time to at least dabble in a bit.
Jan 2, 7:12 AM
OG Otaku Ojisan

Oct 2018
Reply to Mishukax
@DenpaNyan @i2egulus @Ohayotaku @Bajar @Ritslou @Lhamatorrinco @livingdeadgirlx3 @mhkr @YayakoChii @Amjle @big_al_23 @The_Real_Calluma @smoltulip @Xiaraith @YozoraLepus @Tugiacat @sarakarkki @TrueXC @Sopina @Ericonator @2155X @Wicklebee @Edking @ToruWasTaken @xHarun

Hello again everyone and here's to a New Year full of good things to come.

I have successfully sent the gifts. I encourage everyone to try out their recommendation and share their thoughts in this thread, as well as thoughts of any other anime this event got them to try. Here are the results!

Santa > Recommendation > Recipient > First pick (one of them if multiple)
YayakoChii > Super Cub > mhkr > Dennou Coil
mhkr > Stella no Mahou > Ericonator > Super Cub
Ericonator > Azumanga Daioh > Lhamatorrinco > Dennou Coil
Lhamatorrinco > Wan Sheng Jie > Xiaraith > Figure 17
Xiaraith > Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari > TrueXC > Long Riders
TrueXC > To Heart > Bajar > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
Bajar > Wake Up Girls Movie > Ritslou > Stella no Mahou
Ritslou > Long Riders! > Denpa > Little Busters!
Denpa > Dennou Coil > Ohayotaku > Anne Happy
Ohayotaku > Figure 17 > Wicklebee > Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Wicklebee > Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm > sarakarkki > Yama no Susume
sarakarkki > Anne Happy > Edking > Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Edking > Anima Yell! > 2155X > Anima Yell!
2155X > Haiyore! Nyaruko-san > livingdead > ?
livingdead > Somali to Mori no Kamisama > YozoraLepus > Senpa ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
YozoraLepus > Mairimashita! Iruma-kun > Regulus > Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
Regulus > Boku dake ga Inai Machi > xHarun > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
xHarun > Sora yori mo Tooi Basho > smoltulip > Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
smoltulip > Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia > Sopina > Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Sopina > Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi > Amjle > Wake Up Girls! Movie
Amjle > Yama no Susume > Calluma > To Heart
Calluma > Flying Witch > big_al > ?
big_al > Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! > Tugiacat > Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Tugiacat > Love Lab > ToruWasTaken > ?
ToruWasTaken > Little Busters! > YayakoChii > Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

@Ohayotaku please open your inbox so I can send you Denpa's gift message.
Mishukax said:
@Ohayotaku please open your inbox so I can send you Denpa's gift message.

Sorry about that, should be open now.

Jan 3, 7:35 AM

Mar 2016
Thank you for the recommendation and the message @ToruWasTaken!

I think you chose well, I just wanted to see the other anime more. I really love sports and romance anime!
I will definitely watch it, just not sure when exactly!

Thanks again! ^^

Jan 5, 1:26 PM
Oct 2016
I finished my watch of Magic of Stella and my gift and pick of Wake Up, Girls the movie.
Stella was a fun little anime, the characters were cute, my favorite is Shiina she had a very negative outlook on things and had a bit of dark humor which made me laugh. Some of the jokes fell a bit short and the overall plot wasn't really there but I had fun watching it. The opening was really cute and the song was nice as well. The ending didn't have anything interesting visually but the song itself was a banger.
Wake up, girls movie was something, 50 minutes that went by in a flash. It definitely needed a bit more time to develop the story and what surprised me was the more mature leaning theme it had compared to other idol anime I've seen but Tachiagare is a nice song and some characters left me wanting to see more of them. I will likely try the tv at least, I'm sure to get more songs that I will like and maybe some more world building that the movie didn't have a whole lot of time to make, or they just left it out to make you watch the tv so i guess that worked in a way.
Jan 12, 4:54 AM

May 2020
Thanks to your Secret Santa, I've finally been able to finish Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! @big_al_23

I first heard about this title a long time ago, which got me thinking what kind of story the anime would unfold. While creativity is a genuine talent of artists that no monetary value can replace, I was impressed by how the anime did so much with only few characters to tell their watchers the boundaries from financial standpoints. While this can kill off its liveliness and result of staleness in certain parts, I think this is a nice approach. Kanamori was surprisingly the best character for me: despite her stern and tactless look, she always tells the truth at the right time and has the important role of pushing her comrades out of their perfect-to-every-detail zone. Most of the fun from this anime comes from her showing up too. Definitely the Miyamori of Shirobako anime. Overall, it's an enjoyable watch!
Jan 12, 4:21 PM
OG Otaku Ojisan

Oct 2018
I’m halfway (just finished episode 13) through Den-noh Coil, which was my Secret Santa recommendation from @DenpaNyan Although I’m enjoying it overall, I must admit I’m still more than a little confused by the overlap of it’s real & virtual worlds.
OhayotakuJan 12, 4:26 PM

Jan 15, 12:03 AM

Feb 2020
I finally finished my Secret Santa! First I watched To Heart which was the anime I chose. I chose it because I wanted to watch something a bit older and the art style looked intriguing. In that way I guess it did deliver, but to be honest it was pretty average across the board. There were a ton of characters for a 13 episode anime so most of them felt pretty one-note and archetypal. Each episode the plot was fairly predictable too. Overall, not a bad experience, but it was about as average as it gets.

But I was recommended Yama no Susume by @Amjle, and that was great! The first season was very short since it's 3 mins per episode so I decided to watch the second season as well. While I thought it started pretty typically, it gradually builds itself into a cozy and honestly kinda inspiring story. The more typical slice-of-life episodes were comfortable enough, but the episodes where they climb the mountains were my favourites. The part where
caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting them to lean into that side of the story. Because of this episode 10 is one of my favourite episodes of slice-of-life in recent memory! So far it hasn't quite captured me like some of the other Iyashikei giants, but I can definitely see that happening if I watch more seasons. Thank you Amjle for the recommendation!
Jan 22, 5:00 AM

Oct 2024
Glad you liked my recommendation

Jan 22, 8:43 AM

May 2020
Reply to Tugiacat
Thanks to your Secret Santa, I've finally been able to finish Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! @big_al_23

I first heard about this title a long time ago, which got me thinking what kind of story the anime would unfold. While creativity is a genuine talent of artists that no monetary value can replace, I was impressed by how the anime did so much with only few characters to tell their watchers the boundaries from financial standpoints. While this can kill off its liveliness and result of staleness in certain parts, I think this is a nice approach. Kanamori was surprisingly the best character for me: despite her stern and tactless look, she always tells the truth at the right time and has the important role of pushing her comrades out of their perfect-to-every-detail zone. Most of the fun from this anime comes from her showing up too. Definitely the Miyamori of Shirobako anime. Overall, it's an enjoyable watch!
Keeping the Secret Santa alive, I have also planned to tried out two more anime from the selection. Both were incredibly amazing and got me surprised in its own way.

1) Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
Despite being a (used-to) fan of Doga Kobo anime, this one didn't catch my attention while it was airing (I blame 2021 when anime wasn't actively an interest). The only things to remind me of it were this energetic, cheerful opening song that usually plays in my AMQ sessions, and the sweet gentle love song of an ending delivered by Yui Horie. Having invests two sessions on the anime: one short one and one long one, I started to pick up many more impressive blessings it has to offer.
I incredibly adore the atmosphere of Futaba's office. Big guy, pretty lady, even the shachou himself, they're all creating this natural feeling of a workplace that I've never felt before. New Game! (another Doga Kobo) did this fine, but inside her office, the situation brings much more variety than just working and earning relationships. I almost thought of them as a large, welcoming family where even the slightest kindness can allow anyone to step in other's comfort zone. Overall, it's a perfect healing working anime with no twists whatsoever about how you can always find nice people around you, no matter how small you are in this world.

2) Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Do I know how impressive the story with a man gazing upon a kid staying over his old house? No one knows.
Is anyone responsible for throwing this oddball that somehow stirs my curiosity? No one helps.
But once you start spending your time trying to understand what this slowly-yet-deeply bond of this story (preferably in one sitting), you know that you will never never never never let it go.
Amazing developments of an ordinary adult into a diligent parental figure are nothing new to me, but what really stood out to me was how kind this world treats Poco as his presence the presence of family. And I'm pretty sure that even the secret is blown, it cannot alter such kindness in any meaningful or twisted ideas. Also the messages are unexpectedly well delivered, that every time the SOS is called, it got some grins and tears of enjoyment from me too.
Jan 24, 12:42 PM

Jun 2017
Reply to Ritslou
I finished my watch of Magic of Stella and my gift and pick of Wake Up, Girls the movie.
Stella was a fun little anime, the characters were cute, my favorite is Shiina she had a very negative outlook on things and had a bit of dark humor which made me laugh. Some of the jokes fell a bit short and the overall plot wasn't really there but I had fun watching it. The opening was really cute and the song was nice as well. The ending didn't have anything interesting visually but the song itself was a banger.
Wake up, girls movie was something, 50 minutes that went by in a flash. It definitely needed a bit more time to develop the story and what surprised me was the more mature leaning theme it had compared to other idol anime I've seen but Tachiagare is a nice song and some characters left me wanting to see more of them. I will likely try the tv at least, I'm sure to get more songs that I will like and maybe some more world building that the movie didn't have a whole lot of time to make, or they just left it out to make you watch the tv so i guess that worked in a way.
Started Dennou Coil some days ago as it was the anime I chose to watch and have to say the very first episode wasn't interesting for me and I was worried whether I can finish the thing I picked myself or not lol but the episodes after are good enough, ep 1 didn't have "fun" vibes to me but the rest so far have them, I'm looking forward where the mystery aspect goes and the interaction/relationship between characters is nice and have so much potential to be better and I'm hopeful to get more from it. Also it's visually nice so it's a plus for me too

Ritslou said:
The ending didn't have anything interesting visually but the song itself was a banger.
agreeing with this, idm if they wanted to do something different but what they did made it boring visually but the song is good

@YayakoChii thanks for recommending me Super Cub (and unofficial rec Sakura Quest too), about your message don't worry my taste is confusing for myself and except girly kid shows I'm never super confident about a show being good for me so I'm seeing it be a challenge to find good series for me and don't think you were on the wrong track so I'll start Super Cub soon tm
Jan 25, 2:21 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Ritslou
I finished my watch of Magic of Stella and my gift and pick of Wake Up, Girls the movie.
Stella was a fun little anime, the characters were cute, my favorite is Shiina she had a very negative outlook on things and had a bit of dark humor which made me laugh. Some of the jokes fell a bit short and the overall plot wasn't really there but I had fun watching it. The opening was really cute and the song was nice as well. The ending didn't have anything interesting visually but the song itself was a banger.
Wake up, girls movie was something, 50 minutes that went by in a flash. It definitely needed a bit more time to develop the story and what surprised me was the more mature leaning theme it had compared to other idol anime I've seen but Tachiagare is a nice song and some characters left me wanting to see more of them. I will likely try the tv at least, I'm sure to get more songs that I will like and maybe some more world building that the movie didn't have a whole lot of time to make, or they just left it out to make you watch the tv so i guess that worked in a way.
@Ritslou glad to hear the WUG movie had a good impression on you and yeah it's largely meant as a sort of introduction to the TV series so its a good thing it left you wanting for more.
Jan 25, 2:25 PM

Jan 2013
Houkago Insomnia was the show I picked to watch and it lived up to its reputation. Extremely cute and fun romance show. The main 2 were adorable. The side characters were really fun. The setting with a focus on the starry night sky led to some beautiful scenic stuff. Honestly such a great show and I'm glad I watched it.

Next up I'll be watching To Heart which was my actual recc from Tera. Looking forward to see how that one turns out.
Feb 20, 1:19 PM

Jun 2017
a little update

yesterday finished dennou coil and although halfway I kinda lost my interest in the show, can say the last episodes were satisfying.
mhkr said:
where the mystery aspect goes
this part was indeed interesting.

Also started Super Cub as it is the show recommended to me but unfortunately the first episode wasn't particularly interesting for me, hope with the introduction of the 2 other girls, I get more from it
Feb 22, 3:00 PM

Jan 2013
Posted my thoughts on To Heart in the Discord:

Thank you Tera for the great recommendation and thank you Mish for hosting again!
Mar 19, 12:45 PM

May 2018
Sooo I finally was able to watch the anime recommended to me, Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia, and oh boy did I truly love it.

I may not usually be a big fan of romance, but here I was fully convinced, thanks to its very natural progression from closeness and adorable moments (Magari blushing aaaaaaaaaa).
The characters were all very endearing and were all adding something. This is especially true when it comes to support characters, who really felt like a plus during the more light hearted moments (I just couldn't get enough of Nono :syaroblush:).
Tho what made this show really stand out was the really comfy atmosphere. I don't really have the words for it, I just know I hugged my blankets a lot while watching.
As a side note, I also really liked the ED, both visually and musically.

So yeah, a truly successful recommendation. I cannot thank smoltulip enough for it.
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