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May 15, 5:58 PM

Oct 2022
Lycoris Recoil Am I on top of the thread again? How did that happen? I didn't plan it
I've had Lycoris Recoil in my planning-to-watch for a long time. After getting bored with the current season I decided to try watching it, and it took only a week! Very fast for me. The story is the secret behind Japan's super peaceful low-crime society- why else? Because young girls in school uniforms with guns take out anyone who is committing a crime and then the government covers up what really happened. Hahahaha!!
OF COURSE the whole organization is cute girls who only can be Lycoris up to the age of 18- the organization is called "DA" and the chief is a woman (I think) with reddish hair and no eyebrows.

So to solve all the social problems of the world Why wouldn't you give teenage girls automatic weapons and let them kill any suspected criminal on the spot? If it were up to me that's what I would do...
So obviously they're really good at their jobs, but the story is about a different Lycoris named Chisato who works at a cafe called Lyco-Reco, which is run by a long haired black guy named Mika; she refuses to use live ammo in her guns because she doesn't agree with killing. She meets Takina after Takina gets thrown out of DA for letting a AR15 rip IN THE DIRECTION of her comrades, but she insisted she wouldn't have hit any of them because she's a great shot. The head of DA disagreed and threw her out- so began the adventures of Chisato & Takina who take on jobs from their secret HQ at LycoReco with Mika, and meet a bunch more cute girls, when a terrorist appears who can outsmart the Lycoris. They need to take him down before he brings chaos to Japan!

So I didn't expect to enjoy this anime as much as I did. The concept with girls shooting bad guys is silly and not original, BUT the way it's done is a lot different than you usually see in other anime. The style, and expression of a lot of the girls especially Chisato was unique. Chisato's facial expressions, and her English vocal by Elizabeth Freeman was fantastic. EVERY character is likable. There wasn't a single character in this show that didn't grow on me. Even the girls at DA who were hard on Takina and Chisato; especially Sakura who has a kind of boyish hairstyle... she's adorable- I liked all of them.

Usually in an anime focused on high school girls, the men are either nonexistent or pathetic. Not here- Mika is awesome, though quiet at first- and Shinji Yoshimatsu, again the English voice performance really brought his character across so well. The dude is so stylish and slick it just made me laugh at his commitment to it. The main villain Majima is handsome and cool.. the only character who doesn't look good is the DA commander- but she's actually really nice and let's opposing voices speak even when they step out of line. She listens to her team. That's good leadership.
The action is kind of intense in places, but it's not so over the top that it ever gets disturbing or unpleasant. It's just pure action- characters are put in definite danger at times- but it's not so bloody that you feel upset at the end. But it does reward binge-watching. I hardly ever binge anime, but I watched 6 episodes in a row with this one and that's probably a record. I only stopped at episode 12 and watched the finale today. I only ever give scores above 8 if I rewatch- and I plan to rewatch at least some episodes of this, thought it was beautifully made (the list of Japanese staff is a mile long) and gave it a 9. Fully recommend and make sure you watch the dub.

May 16, 11:20 AM

Dec 2018
Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu
Woman has a cat. The Cat can do
. Sorry, that I couldn't explain the plot without spoilers, but there is nothing else in the story, except the cat who does
and 3d animation. Regarding 3d animation, it is worth watching, so I highly recommend to watch PV. PV contains spoiler. 6/10 only because of 3d time to time and for one good joke.

Yowamushi Pedal
Spokon. Without finish of the race.
Frankly speaking they had no chance to finish the three days Nationals in 38 episodes.To understand the problem, let me note that the finish of the first sprint takes up almost all three episodes. More precisely, they started the sprint 3 kilometers before the finish, and in reality they spent no more than 5 minutes on it.
But in the anime they started the race in 23rd, and then half an episode of the start procedure and representation and then the five minutes sprint until the end of the 25th episode. This in itself is not bad, it's just difficult to animate. I haven't read the manga, but I can bet that in the manga this was all right, because the mangaka is not obligated to control the speed of actions. But in animation, time can go only normally or faster, because this is what the viewer is used to.
Definitely there are situations where time in the movie can pass slowly, but it's not that simple. This is a challenge for directors and he must find something suitable for this story, simple slow motion wouldn't work. But if after '300 meters to finish' sign we have a lot of action and we feel that time has already passed and then we see that still 100 meters to the finish… It's just boring. I was not happy when our guys win, I was glad that this is the end. The end only for the first event in the race, as we have further sprint in mountain classification and finish of the first day in general.
And the problem itself not only the incorrect time behavior, they insert a lot of conversations. Let's say it's just me who seems strange to want to talk during the sprint. I can deal with it. But these converstations doesn't make sense more often than always. It's time to move on the characters.
So who was involved in these conversations? Firstly the black hole of the story, the man who can win everything, who has no problem with sprints in any classifications and the other characters. The black hole of the story usually trolls his opponents, that's his reason to ride a bike. The others feed the troll. Frankly speaking there is no particular reason to have this plot hole character. We have enough characters to develop the plot.
Also we have the standart pair of the short redhead and the long brunette. We have the four eyes, the sprinter, the climber and the captain. We have the rival's captain, the rival's climbers, the rival's sprinter. We have secondary cast of our line up. We have the girl. We have Pinarello, Calnago, Specialized, Scott and so on. And only the four eyes has a personality.
And finally bikes. Clipless pedals can't make you twice faster and unclip is much more difficult than to clip into. The rest is more or less ok.
I liked the first cour, it was very decent spokon, this part introduced the main hero very properly, explained his hidden skill and I think that such a hero is quite realistic. But when they started a training plan that I can only describe as 'death to your knees', I felt pain.
Following the direction of anime I will unexpectedly stop here. Look forward to the continuation next season. Although I won’t watch the next season, and I’ll soon forget this story
Finally 5/10
May 17, 12:04 AM

Jun 2019
@jdvz I'm a big fan of Le Tour de France (can't wait for this years race to see if Cavendish will overtake Eddie Merckx as the overall holder for most stage wins in history) so I've been pondering whether to check out a sports cycling anime. Having read your review I think I'll give it a miss as it sounds like it would annoy me (stuff like unclipped pedals, all the pros clip into the pedals, apart from occasionally when racing on cobbles like the Paris-Roubaix). So thanks for watching it and sharing your thoughts.
May 17, 3:55 AM

Dec 2018
Reply to 23feanor
@jdvz I'm a big fan of Le Tour de France (can't wait for this years race to see if Cavendish will overtake Eddie Merckx as the overall holder for most stage wins in history) so I've been pondering whether to check out a sports cycling anime. Having read your review I think I'll give it a miss as it sounds like it would annoy me (stuff like unclipped pedals, all the pros clip into the pedals, apart from occasionally when racing on cobbles like the Paris-Roubaix). So thanks for watching it and sharing your thoughts.
@23feanor, I'm terribly sorry, but this anime not as bad, as it is not as good as it could be. They mixed very interesting nuances with amateurish ideas. Everyone in the race use clipless pedals, so everyone has to clip into and unclip then. What I mentioned before was about the way how they introduced the profit of clipless pedals. By the way don't mind clipless pedals or strange training activities. On the contrary you can see how the teams are positioned on the road to catch their sprinters.
But my main complaint is not with the illustration of cycling features. I don't like balance of power. There is the annoying superpowered cyclist who could win everything, but the screenplay doesn't allow him for some reasons: because of his badmouthing, because of bad attitude towards others. However he is second to none in the first season.
In the very beginning they introduced the long brunette as a hope of Japan, the most promising talent and so on. Despite of that he has no chance against the supermutant. And what I see in the 27th episode and in less than 8 kilometers to the finish of the second day? They introduce the second season with "A new enemy appears".
Apparently the author thought that the competition was not difficult enough and needed to be strengthened. It would seem who could be more dangerous than an invincible opponent?
But since the author does not allow the invincible to win, he, the author, adds another competitor, who, most likely, will also not be allowed to win for the same reasons.
In the end, no matter how strong you are, all your successes are determined not by your abilities, but by the screenplay.
ps I stopped watching the Grand Tours when I realized that neither Alaphilipe nor Dumoulin could win
May 17, 4:39 AM

Jun 2019
@jdvz yeah Alaphilippe is always fun to watch, great racer often coming away with the combativity award whenever he attacks a stage. I see in the cycling news that he won a stage in the Giro yday. Hopefully he'll be at the tour this year.
May 17, 5:01 AM

Dec 2018
Reply to 23feanor
@jdvz yeah Alaphilippe is always fun to watch, great racer often coming away with the combativity award whenever he attacks a stage. I see in the cycling news that he won a stage in the Giro yday. Hopefully he'll be at the tour this year.
@23feanor in France they like to compare any climber with a Virenque but in this case I even agree.
ps this year I forgot about Paris-Roubaix. I remembered only because where I was driving the asphalt ended. And I was, like, 'Paris-Roubaix is today'
ps guys, sorry for off topic
May 17, 7:27 AM

Jun 2019
My Hero Academia Season 3 (2018) - I picked up S2 back in 2019 when I was just getting back into anime again and was underwhelmed so thought I'd give S3 a shot. It was ok, usual shounen fare. I quite like the quirks watching them play out in battles against each other (I prefer watching magical skills against each other in shows like Black Clover and Fairy Tail, but the quirks are a similar notion). Production values are good, as are the character designs. Character writing isn't so good, and the 'fight for justice and peace' guff is a bit annoying. There were a handful of arcs covered this season, some better (battle against All for One) and some a bit boring (moving into dorms and provisional licence test). Easy to watch shounen popcorn so will keep watching. Low 7/10 (7.2).

Sand Land (2024) - I picked this one up as I'd heard it was similar to the original Dragonball, and there were similarities but it didn't have the raw energy of Dragonaball which was bursting with strange and interesting people and places. There were 2 arcs in Sand Land, both about overcoming despotic rulers with WMD, the second was pretty good involving a lot of mech and tank battles. Characters were ok, but didn't really draw me in. Visuals were unique with a seamless blend of 2D and 3DCGI animation. Low 7/10 (7.1).
23feanorMay 18, 7:15 AM
May 18, 7:00 AM

Dec 2018
Hard seiyuu life. A pleasant surprise. According to the scores, reviews and scrennshots, I was expecting something plain, but I got a very exciting anime.
The characters are quite funny, they are good not so much in their depth of development, but in their combination. There is a lot of interaction between the characters, and it is even difficult to determine where the main cast ends and the supporting cast begins.
The plot is interesting not for its novelty, but for its viewing angle. In the story, a cheap studio does a passable job of getting away with it. A randomly chosen actress gets the main role, and her acting style is determined more by her self-esteem than by her abilities.
The script is not bad, with excellent pacing, even the happy ending fits in very well. It seems superfluous here, but these are the canons of the genre.
I would watch the second season, but the anime has too low ratings and it didn't find an audience.
Сomedic, sometimes a little sad 7/10
nota bene I have no idea what does '(a)' in title mean

Sore ga Seiyuu
Seiyu's Life. I'd better watch this title before the previous one. This piece was made one year earlier than Gi(a)rlish_Number, but the difference looks like 10.
Nevertheless, there are some funny moments, but overall it's a very passable anime. Even despite a bunch of star cameos.
6/10 (ova 4/10)
The songs sound like they were written for the Idolmaster franchise.
May 18, 8:00 AM

Apr 2019
Reply to jdvz
Hard seiyuu life. A pleasant surprise. According to the scores, reviews and scrennshots, I was expecting something plain, but I got a very exciting anime.
The characters are quite funny, they are good not so much in their depth of development, but in their combination. There is a lot of interaction between the characters, and it is even difficult to determine where the main cast ends and the supporting cast begins.
The plot is interesting not for its novelty, but for its viewing angle. In the story, a cheap studio does a passable job of getting away with it. A randomly chosen actress gets the main role, and her acting style is determined more by her self-esteem than by her abilities.
The script is not bad, with excellent pacing, even the happy ending fits in very well. It seems superfluous here, but these are the canons of the genre.
I would watch the second season, but the anime has too low ratings and it didn't find an audience.
Сomedic, sometimes a little sad 7/10
nota bene I have no idea what does '(a)' in title mean

Sore ga Seiyuu
Seiyu's Life. I'd better watch this title before the previous one. This piece was made one year earlier than Gi(a)rlish_Number, but the difference looks like 10.
Nevertheless, there are some funny moments, but overall it's a very passable anime. Even despite a bunch of star cameos.
6/10 (ova 4/10)
The songs sound like they were written for the Idolmaster franchise.

May 20, 4:01 PM

Oct 2022
Umamusume Pretty Derby 2018, S1 Rewatch
I saw they just released a Season 3, and remembered this being amusing but wanted to look at it again before watching another season. Yea this is another Only In Anime Universe type of anime. I can't even keep a straight face describing it: It's about, uh... uh, well it's about... 'horse' racing.
But instead of actual horses, in this world there are Horse Girls (because of course there are) and they are all cute and have these little pointy ears on their head and horse-tails but are otherwise the same as ordinary anime girls. Instead of galloping down a track on hooves, it's more like foot races but they wear these chunky-heel shoes that have horseshoes on the bottom....
--> And after they run races they also have to do IDOL SINGING AND DANCING AFTER (because of course they do)

Each one of them has the name of a famous Japanese racehorse- Special Week, is the main character.
(She's referred to as "Special" or "Spe" most of the time) she dreams of becoming a famous winning Horse Girl, and travels to Tokyo to see about joining race team. She immediately captures the interest of Trainer-san, who feels up her muscular legs, and gets into Race School right away.
So then it's the same as any "magic school" anime, the girls wear uniforms, their school looks like a palace, there's an all-girls dorm... Special's companion is Silence Suzuka, a horse known for tragically dying during a race....
So basically it's a sports anime, but combined with a training-school element, with some idol performances thrown in. Mostly it's a comedy. The races look pretty much the same, they run really fast pumping their arms and WANT TO GET STRONGER!

It's based on a mobile game I think? Anyway that game, and well the anime was insanely popular. Obviously it has to be for them to make 3 seasons. Actually I was sort of shocked when I saw a season3 coming out, I went back to rewatch it since it's been 6 years, was it really that good?

After rewatching the first 12 episodes I can say No, no it really wasn't that Special (pun very much intended)
It's okay, cute fluff, meant to be cute fluff. After finishing episode 12, watch two more seasons of this? Nah... think I'll just skim through some of the new season to see, but my brain will go into meltdown if I try to force myself through 26 more episodes of this.
I gave it a 7... but probably is more like 6.8

May 21, 1:13 PM

Dec 2018
Summertime Render
Chapter 1. For those who plan to watch.
This is amazing. The hero finds himself in a difficult situation, looks for a solution, the situation becomes more complicated every moment and every step in the right direction is read by the enemies and, on the contrary, worsens the situation.
Very good adaptation. The manga starts out very chaotic and often loses momentum in the second half. In the adaptation, everything was corrected for the better.
Fan service if your like it.
Chapter 2. For those who weren't deceived by Chapter 1.
The whole story consists of the author’s struggle with prot holes. The author uses pacing and features in this fight. The balance of power introduced by the author at the previous iteration works against him in the next page. But the very first halt gives a chance to think. Luckily my first thougts were, like, 'how bad it was in the manga'. And it was bad in the manga and I was refreshed. Other option is to increase your watching speed. But even with all this, the story can't work.
Well there is no good story, so what about the characters? Nothing much to say. I can't require 2D characters to know Stanislavsky's system, but they could read Agutogawa's "Hankachi". Moreover, one of the heroes has name Ryuunosuke. But Ushio spent half a season in a swimsuit.
Finally. This is not bad. And I even can't imagine how it might be better. It has some compulsive ideas, but in common the plot is corrupted itself. But not bad, simply not very interesting for me. 6/10
May 22, 10:27 PM

Jun 2019
Secret of Cerulean Sand (2002) - a clear and unabashed rip off of Nadia and the Secret of Bluewater, this adventure series had some good moments early on (mostly during the 'setting out on an adventure' portion of the story), with an interesting core premise of cerulean sand and floating liquid, but the character writing and motivation for the central villain were sorely lacking. This show came out just after the advent of computer aided animation and wide spread use of 3Dcgi and it showed. The backgrounds looked like sets with the 2D characters moving in front and the 3Dcgi airships looked odd, but not as bad as the ships in Vandread. I was comparing this mentally to Noir, which came out 9 months earlier and was cell animated and has some stunning use of animation, colours and backgrounds. One saving grace for Secrets of Cerulean Sand was the strong orchestral OST and lovely ED's. Low to mid 6/10 (6.4).

Kill Me Baby (2012) - gag comedy show based on a 4-koma manga about two girls, one an assassin and the other her loud and silly friend. The kind of comedy that makes you smile every now and then, at most a light chuckle, but not really laugh out loud funny. Best aspect was the dub performance by Hilary Haag and Luci Christian for the two leads. Pleasant but simple visuals. Low 6/10 (6.3).

Sol Bianca: The Legacy (1999) - this is an alternative version of the prequel OVA with a longer runtime. The stories were decent enough and I liked the world building, but the visuals just couldn't hold a candle to the prequel OVA. This was the first pre 2000 stand alone OVA I've come across made using very early digital animation techniques and cgi. To be fair the cgi ships and vehicles looked ok, better than Vandread or Secrets of Cerulean Sands. However, the character designs were off and looked pretty fuggly at times, which is a real shame as the char designs from the prequel OVA looked superb. If the animation had been of a similar standard to the prequel this would have been very good, as it is, high 6/10 (6.9).

Grand Blue Dreaming (2018) - basically a Japanese version of frat boys get drunk and enjoy some diving, usually while naked. I'd steered clear of this show for a while as I didn't think it looked or sounded very funny from the clips I'd seen, but it was actually pretty damn funny. I've learnt that even the worst scenarios and premises can be good if delivered with suitable poise and attention, most of the time. Some really good reaction faces that reminded me of the titans in Attack on Titan. Solid 7/10 (7.5).

Mouse (2003) - a bad copy of Cat's Eye and Lupin where the MC is a phantom thief known as Mouse (actually a rich playboy) who announces he's going to steal an item so he can pinch it from under the cops noses. He has 3 sexy assistants and most of the show is about their master-servant relationship and overt ecchi fan service. This really was rather rubbish, shows like this, if delivered with a tongue in cheek tone with some nudity can be worth watching, but it just doesn't work here. It feels like a flimsy excuse to have the MC (can't even remember his name) surrounded by women who all want to be his servant and let him use them however he wishes, and there's plenty of suggestive scenes showing what they mean, plus a few extra scenes hinting that he takes them up on their offers, but off screen ofc. Just makes a 5/10 for some nice boobs, but that's about it. Felt like a crappy OVA rather than a TV show, and as a fan of crappy OVA's (so bad it's good variety like Lemnear) that's being rather generous.

Elfen Lied (2004) - there's the foundation of a good premise here but the execution is too blunt and relies on shock value, gore and fan service, the latter of which comprised mostly minors, including the rape of a 13 y/o girl by her step father (seriously the way it was staged was just like a hentai/JAV and so fucked up, it wasn't edgy just sickening). Characters were pretty weak. I'm not a fan of watching cute anime girls suffer, although shows like Freezing and Cross Ange manage to pull it off. Backgrounds for the location were nice. There was enough build up to make some of the emotional beats land in the final climatic episode. Mid to high 6/10 (6.7).

Mushi-shi Path of Thorns (2014) - special between first and second parts of the second season about a mushi that has the power to absorb life and needs to be sealed. Calming, thoughtful, lovely visuals, high 7/10 (7.8).

Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission (2013) - this spinoff original film centres on the persecuted descendants of a covert group of Hunters that were disbanded after their actions got out of control. The descendants hatch a plan to take revenge against the Hunter Association and chairman Netero and Gon and Killua come to his aid. Story was ok, Madhouse always bring solid visuals and OST. Both Hunter x Hunter films seem to have cracked the formula for a spinoff movie and have been pretty good, wish Madhouse would teach Toei as the One Piece films are always disappointing. Low 7/10 (7.3).

Mushi-shi: Next Passage Part 2 (2014) - the second part of season 2 continues same as the first, thoughtful, calming, sometimes melancholy, tidy self contained episodic stories, amazing visuals and OST. A very impressive story of the supernatural world, this franchise has been consistently solid from beginning to end. Same score as part 1, high 8/10 (8.7).

Mushishi: The Next Chapter - Belldrops (2015) - two episode length movie about a girl who becomes the chosen mountain lord. Good story, which benefited from the extra runtime giving it room to take root. Low 9/10 (9.0).

Magical☆Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (2002) - an isekai adjacent show where our two leads, Sasshi and Arumi are transported to various versions of their hometown shopping arcade, brimming with anime, movie and game parodies. You've got the fantasy version, sci-fi/mecha one, hard boiled detective, highschool dating SIM, wartime, movies, fairy tales etc. As they pass through each version they try and find the reason for their predicament and a way back to their own reality. Each episode had different art styles reminding me of Gainax works like Panty & Stocking, also some of the mecha designs looked very similar to the ones for the as-yet-unreleased Gurren Lagann. This show was created by studio Madhouse but Gainax are listed as producers and they are labelled all over the opening and end credits, so guessing they must've had a large creative input into this original production. Wacky, crazy but not especially deep. Mid 7/10 (7.4).
23feanorJun 8, 2:52 AM
Jun 8, 11:47 AM

Dec 2008
Reply to 23feanor
Secret of Cerulean Sand (2002) - a clear and unabashed rip off of Nadia and the Secret of Bluewater, this adventure series had some good moments early on (mostly during the 'setting out on an adventure' portion of the story), with an interesting core premise of cerulean sand and floating liquid, but the character writing and motivation for the central villain were sorely lacking. This show came out just after the advent of computer aided animation and wide spread use of 3Dcgi and it showed. The backgrounds looked like sets with the 2D characters moving in front and the 3Dcgi airships looked odd, but not as bad as the ships in Vandread. I was comparing this mentally to Noir, which came out 9 months earlier and was cell animated and has some stunning use of animation, colours and backgrounds. One saving grace for Secrets of Cerulean Sand was the strong orchestral OST and lovely ED's. Low to mid 6/10 (6.4).

Kill Me Baby (2012) - gag comedy show based on a 4-koma manga about two girls, one an assassin and the other her loud and silly friend. The kind of comedy that makes you smile every now and then, at most a light chuckle, but not really laugh out loud funny. Best aspect was the dub performance by Hilary Haag and Luci Christian for the two leads. Pleasant but simple visuals. Low 6/10 (6.3).

Sol Bianca: The Legacy (1999) - this is an alternative version of the prequel OVA with a longer runtime. The stories were decent enough and I liked the world building, but the visuals just couldn't hold a candle to the prequel OVA. This was the first pre 2000 stand alone OVA I've come across made using very early digital animation techniques and cgi. To be fair the cgi ships and vehicles looked ok, better than Vandread or Secrets of Cerulean Sands. However, the character designs were off and looked pretty fuggly at times, which is a real shame as the char designs from the prequel OVA looked superb. If the animation had been of a similar standard to the prequel this would have been very good, as it is, high 6/10 (6.9).

Grand Blue Dreaming (2018) - basically a Japanese version of frat boys get drunk and enjoy some diving, usually while naked. I'd steered clear of this show for a while as I didn't think it looked or sounded very funny from the clips I'd seen, but it was actually pretty damn funny. I've learnt that even the worst scenarios and premises can be good if delivered with suitable poise and attention, most of the time. Some really good reaction faces that reminded me of the titans in Attack on Titan. Solid 7/10 (7.5).

Mouse (2003) - a bad copy of Cat's Eye and Lupin where the MC is a phantom thief known as Mouse (actually a rich playboy) who announces he's going to steal an item so he can pinch it from under the cops noses. He has 3 sexy assistants and most of the show is about their master-servant relationship and overt ecchi fan service. This really was rather rubbish, shows like this, if delivered with a tongue in cheek tone with some nudity can be worth watching, but it just doesn't work here. It feels like a flimsy excuse to have the MC (can't even remember his name) surrounded by women who all want to be his servant and let him use them however he wishes, and there's plenty of suggestive scenes showing what they mean, plus a few extra scenes hinting that he takes them up on their offers, but off screen ofc. Just makes a 5/10 for some nice boobs, but that's about it. Felt like a crappy OVA rather than a TV show, and as a fan of crappy OVA's (so bad it's good variety like Lemnear) that's being rather generous.

Elfen Lied (2004) - there's the foundation of a good premise here but the execution is too blunt and relies on shock value, gore and fan service, the latter of which comprised mostly minors, including the rape of a 13 y/o girl by her step father (seriously the way it was staged was just like a hentai/JAV and so fucked up, it wasn't edgy just sickening). Characters were pretty weak. I'm not a fan of watching cute anime girls suffer, although shows like Freezing and Cross Ange manage to pull it off. Backgrounds for the location were nice. There was enough build up to make some of the emotional beats land in the final climatic episode. Mid to high 6/10 (6.7).

Mushi-shi Path of Thorns (2014) - special between first and second parts of the second season about a mushi that has the power to absorb life and needs to be sealed. Calming, thoughtful, lovely visuals, high 7/10 (7.8).

Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission (2013) - this spinoff original film centres on the persecuted descendants of a covert group of Hunters that were disbanded after their actions got out of control. The descendants hatch a plan to take revenge against the Hunter Association and chairman Netero and Gon and Killua come to his aid. Story was ok, Madhouse always bring solid visuals and OST. Both Hunter x Hunter films seem to have cracked the formula for a spinoff movie and have been pretty good, wish Madhouse would teach Toei as the One Piece films are always disappointing. Low 7/10 (7.3).

Mushi-shi: Next Passage Part 2 (2014) - the second part of season 2 continues same as the first, thoughtful, calming, sometimes melancholy, tidy self contained episodic stories, amazing visuals and OST. A very impressive story of the supernatural world, this franchise has been consistently solid from beginning to end. Same score as part 1, high 8/10 (8.7).

Mushishi: The Next Chapter - Belldrops (2015) - two episode length movie about a girl who becomes the chosen mountain lord. Good story, which benefited from the extra runtime giving it room to take root. Low 9/10 (9.0).

Magical☆Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (2002) - an isekai adjacent show where our two leads, Sasshi and Arumi are transported to various versions of their hometown shopping arcade, brimming with anime, movie and game parodies. You've got the fantasy version, sci-fi/mecha one, hard boiled detective, highschool dating SIM, wartime, movies, fairy tales etc. As they pass through each version they try and find the reason for their predicament and a way back to their own reality. Each episode had different art styles reminding me of Gainax works like Panty & Stocking, also some of the mecha designs looked very similar to the ones for the as-yet-unreleased Gurren Lagann. This show was created by studio Madhouse but Gainax are listed as producers and they are labelled all over the opening and end credits, so guessing they must've had a large creative input into this original production. Wacky, crazy but not especially deep. Mid 7/10 (7.4).
@23feanor - Magical☆Shopping Arcade Abenobashi was a series I enjoyed the first time I watched it and has remained one of the fun ones. The OP was a blast and is on my playlist of various songs over the years. The ED was nice as well.

Just finished watching Bean Bandit (2021), the updated OAV (funded via KickStarter) and while it was very nice to see a lot of the crew from both Riding Bean and the Cats, out of a 15 minute video 4 minutes is a listing of all the people involved in the work, including the KickStarter funding folks. Essentially, you have an 11 minute video of which there is no actual story line, good animation, nice cars, pretty girls and a cliffhanger after the 4 minutes of credits. 6.5/10 and that was pretty much because of the inclusion of so many characters that we've enjoyed over the years. Wish there had been more of depth to the story and that they had fleshed it out with more background and depth to the characters. Such is life...
Jun 9, 8:23 AM

Jun 2019
Megazone 23 (1985) - this was a pretty unique OVA consisting of 4 episodes each movie length covering two stories, each two eps long. The first is about a seemingly normal city, which it turns out is actually inside a spaceship, a fact which the populace at large is unaware of and actively prevented from discovering through mental manipulation. Our MC, Shougo, uncovers the truth by accident and works with his biker gang to take down those in power keeping the people in the dark about their fate, with the help of the virtual idol Eve. This story had elements of Macross and Akira present, the latter of which is interesting as these first OVA eps were released before Akira came out.

The second story is set about a thousand years after the first with a different set of characters based in a futuristic city where everyone on earth resides in one city called Eden reliant on an all pervasive system for everything, apart from those who get downcycled and go cybernet running and hacking outside the system. The MC for this story, Eiji, works with Eve (the connecting link between stories) to stop the system as it has gone out of control and is working against the interests of humans.

Cool futuristic sci-fi and cyberpunk settings, mixed with some very normal Japanese city settings in the first story. Loads of action in both stories, with bike chases, mech fights, mass devastation, shoot outs etc, plus some nudity and pretty decent sex scenes. Background art (particularly the futuristic city setting of the second story) and moving animation for the action sequences was very good. I thought the characters were more engaging in the first story (especially some of the members of the biker gang) but the premise of second story was better. Solid character designs that were more realistic than the usual 80's style, more like Macross or Akira than say Gall Force. Really good OST with synth and J-pop/City-pop sounds with some lovely insert songs for the idol Eve. This was a really good OVA, the stories had the runtime to develop and didn't feel too rushed. Not quite as good as the stellar FLCL, or very good Gunsmith Cats, but up there with the best standalone OVA's I've seen, low 8/10 (8.0). This one really landed in the sweet spot for me with it's gorgeous OST (went straight into my playlist, haven't been so taken with an OST since City Hunter 2 last summer), solid visuals and decent story. Dub for the second story wasn't the best, but that's my only real complaint.

@OrlahEhontas Thank you for cluing me in on the existence of Riding Bean OVA. I watched Gunsmith Cats years ago, but is still to this day one of the best, and highest rated for me, OVA's I've come across. Will be watching that one next weekend :)
23feanorJun 9, 9:16 AM
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