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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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Jul 25, 2009 12:29 PM

Dec 2007
omg !The preview makes me so sad, and can't believe Horo actually snapped! She normally seems so calm....
Jul 25, 2009 4:41 PM

Jul 2008
ZetaZeta said:
Lawrence needs to use Geass on Horo, and fast.

That was an intense episode, but wow did I love it.

Jul 25, 2009 5:36 PM

Jul 2008
Spice and wolf can now be found under the serious business section of MAL
Jul 25, 2009 8:20 PM

Jul 2009
I knew Horo would be sad after hearing abt her home , what i didnt expect was that she would go all berserk on Lawrence. And she put all those accusations on him. And she cried ;_;. and wtf was lawrence doing why didnt he say anything..........
It was a sad but awesome ep. 10/10!
I want to see what happens next I cant wait ONE WHOLE WEEK!!

can anyone explain what was Amati blabbering abt when he said that Horo was mistreated at the start of the ep, when and why would she say that?
Jul 25, 2009 10:12 PM

Aug 2008
Their fallout was pretty intense, I really found it interesting.
Now it's Lawrence's turn to struggle with collecting the necessary amount, deal with his "issue" with Horo and beat Amarti, with a little help from-

This arc should go on for 2 more episodes I think.

PS: Can deities really mate with humans? :P
Jul 25, 2009 11:05 PM

Oct 2008
Good episode. In horo's state, nothing he said probably could have reached her anyway.

I don't see him accepting the contract as a bad thing really. If you think about it, horo would have done the same thing in his situation because it is the smart thing to do (theoretically easy money). She was fine with it before the potential news about her homeland came up.

Seriously though, unless the letter said something more concrete, would anyone really tell her that there is a rumor that some bear destroyed her homeland? It very well could just be some random legend.

I don't really blame the kid either. Unless he has some side game going (which doesnt seem likely), he sees horo as basically an indentured servent whom is being mistreated. he doesn't know their relationship goes beyond that and it is the other way around if anything. He also seems to like her which isn't surprising given that she is attractive and putting on her best "good girl act" for him. I do wonder how horo is going to explain the ears/tail though in her new plan as she can't very well go around in a hat all of the time.
Jul 25, 2009 11:29 PM

May 2008
Heart-wrenching episode there. He should have took her on her offer to mate though.
Jul 25, 2009 11:59 PM
Mar 2008
canephalanx said:
Heart-wrenching episode there. He should have took her on her offer to mate though.

Hardly, in that situation all that would have done is make the situation WAY worse. Besides, the translation is not clear whether that was a rhetorical question, aka "Would you even *consider* to mate with me". Given the flow of her dialog i'd say it was not a question to mate with her, but a question whether he would be at all considering it, and given that it was a rhetorical question (she was more speaking to herself than to him) she probably didn't want an answer to that in that moment anyway.

But yes, heart-wrenching indeed.. hardly any anime ever got me so stumped at the end of a single ep, and at ep 3 at that.
Jul 26, 2009 11:27 AM

Dec 2008
Whoa, not liking where this is heading.

I never watch previews, so I really wonder how this will turn out. I can't see it having a 'bad ending' type of conclusion since we're too early in the anime and it would just make the anime lose it's plot; so I am expecting a good ending for this event. We'll just see how long it takes them to give it to us, and how much we'll have to suffer before that happens >:

Great episode.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 26, 2009 12:35 PM

Sep 2008
Genix said:
PS: Can deities really mate with humans? :P

They can in Greek/Roman mythology. Hercules was the son of Zues and a regular human woman. =P
Jul 26, 2009 12:52 PM

Aug 2008
All the hate for Amarti?

He is a FANTASTIC antagonist, especially compared to some of those highly forgettable guys last season. A memorable character and a genuine challenge to Lawrence. Yes we all hate him but he's made to be disliked and he has certainly helped the huge improvement this season has going so far
The Cart Driver <-- My awesome anime blog
Jul 26, 2009 2:53 PM

Dec 2008
Eh, calling him a fantastic antagonist even though he's not even the source of the current problems between Lawrence and Horo might be exaggerating. All he did was oppose Lawrence by telling him he will 'free' Horo. Suck for the HxL fans, but the timing was bad, and to release their hate they blame the little blondie.

Unless he will be a character throughout the entire season, he'll be most likely forgotten as much as the previous season's 'bad guys'.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 26, 2009 3:02 PM

Jun 2007
Hakoria said:
Eh, calling him a fantastic antagonist even though he's not even the source of the current problems between Lawrence and Horo might be exaggerating. All he did was oppose Lawrence by telling him he will 'free' Horo. Suck for the HxL fans, but the timing was bad, and to release their hate they blame the little blondie.

Unless he will be a character throughout the entire season, he'll be most likely forgotten as much as the previous season's 'bad guys'.

They actually have the girl that was playing the "bad guy" from the first season in the OP. I wonder if Amarti and her will meet and hook up :P.
Jul 27, 2009 1:39 AM

Jul 2008
Dam Lawrence has some good self control.
Jul 27, 2009 2:50 AM

May 2009

I was not expecting that sudden change of attitude/mood in the last 5 minutes! Gosh my heart was racing the whole time lkgjlkjd and the previewwwww /dies I saw that preview before, it was in the preview of the series, but seeing it after this episode makes me even more angry ;______;

I don't like Amati DX
Jul 27, 2009 6:21 AM

Oct 2007
Really intense at the end. I'm a little bit confused about Yoitsu, did it burn down? A town? But isn't Horo from a forest or something? Actually, a lot of things in Spice and Wolf are confusing for me in general...

ZetaZeta said:
Lawrence needs to use Geass on Horo, and fast.

Jul 27, 2009 8:20 PM

Apr 2007
ColdBeans said:
The last third of this ep was intense. Horo flipping out was a highlight and did anyone notice how they made her eyes sort of stand out in the dark almost like they were glowing? Very nice effect.
I did, and was immediately impressed by it. That was one of the more effective and subtle effects I've seen used in anime lately. I got the sense at that moment that Lawrence was in very real danger and served as a reminder that he was completely alone in that room with a force of nature.
Jul 27, 2009 8:42 PM

Jul 2008
.... holy SH#@

Jul 27, 2009 9:42 PM

May 2009

My Lovely Horo <//3
Why It was very sweet to see a crazyish Horo at the same time it is almost heart breaking! Lot more drama this season.

I don't know if I can wait for the next episode. Horo was a bit out of it in that end convo though can't blame her. Though still she might have over reacted a bit. Then again maybe it was the wolf part of her telling her to survive? Poor Lawrence.
Jul 28, 2009 12:44 AM

Dec 2008
holy crap, that atmosphere totally caught me off guard. and I'm despising the preview already.
Jul 28, 2009 1:19 AM
Jul 2009
Amazing performance from Horo's seiyuu on this ep. Tons of /a/ posts and long threads everywhere about this one. I acquired and read the light-novel from that point forward because the emotional cliffhanger was so powerful.

Seriously great storytelling. It feels like their entire relationship from season 1 ep 1 has come into play, and all the bumps in the road came back and reared their heads all at once. I'll finish this arc and see a little beyond it before bumping the show to a 10, but it's right up there.
Jul 28, 2009 12:46 PM

Feb 2008
What an amazing episode! *FTGT is happy and positively supercharged*

I think that really "unhinged" some jaws. XD

Hilarious, romantic, thrilling, sad... it had everything. Thats the very reason why I am an Anime-Fan in the first place.

Since I have read this part of the story from the novel translation I was eager to see it animated. And I have to say that I am more than pleased with the result. :D
I really enjoyed a lot of scenes, i.e.:

Three cheers for the director!

But although I am pleased, deep down I wish they would not have followed the novel so eagerly. Some slight changes would have been nice. As some people already pointed out, seeing Lawrence remain silent at such an important moment was really painful to watch. Personally I hoped for something like:

Lawrence tearing apart his clothes and screaming "YES, LETS MAKE WOLFBABIES", similar to this scene in "Anchorman". *jokingly*

theeggman85 said:
wolves have periods?

I LOLed :D

Time for some thoughts about the characters (no spoilers included. I just used the tags to organize the post. If you know the anime you can safely read on!)

By rewatching the episode I noticed this scene again. How did Horo manage to come out unharmed?

Due to the intense finish, people tend to forget how many nice moments we had throughout the 3rd episode. Two of my favorite scenes:

- Sorry for the "novel post", but I couldnt stop - :P

PS: This is my 666th post at MAL. Coincidence or fate?
FTGTJul 31, 2009 2:23 AM
Jul 28, 2009 2:33 PM

Apr 2008
Can we burn the 2 people who gave this episode a 2 and who probably gave the last 2 episodes a 1? =P
Jul 28, 2009 4:58 PM

Dec 2008
For those who considered FTGT's post tl;dr, here's a summary:

FTGT said:
Regarding Horos behaviour:

You're very welcome!

(PS: Agree with FTGT's point, too bad it'll only be useful to feel better (common feeling when you work on a post of that size) and the only people who'd probably read it would already be aware of the arguments.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 29, 2009 12:56 AM

Jan 2008
Oh snap, what a twist D:
Jul 29, 2009 1:45 AM
Oct 2007
*Umph!* That preview was gut punch .. ahh...
Jul 29, 2009 6:15 AM

Feb 2008
Hakoria said:
For those who considered FTGT's post tl;dr, here's a summary:

FTGT said:
Regarding Horos behaviour:

You're very welcome!
(PS: Agree with FTGT's point, too bad it'll only be useful to feel better (common feeling when you work on a post of that size) and the only people who'd probably read it would already be aware of the arguments.

Actually I wanted to say a little bit more than that, but thanks for trying to abstract my post. ;)

The fact that I know at least one person (you) read that (way too long) post is quite fine. As you have guessed, it was actually more for myself in order to "handle" my thoughts about the episode. I just needed to get the stuff out of my head...
Jul 29, 2009 8:04 AM
Jun 2008
Are all those spoiler thoughts based on your novel knowledge or just anime? I want to read them but I'm afraid of being spoiled.
Jul 29, 2009 8:34 AM

Jul 2009
Now Lawrence knows about the Holo/Horo's feelings... This will take a big turn...
Holo/Horo is alone on the world... She want a child :s She want resurrect the race...

What happens now?
Jul 29, 2009 9:04 AM

Dec 2008
AceSoldia said:
Are all those spoiler thoughts based on your novel knowledge or just anime? I want to read them but I'm afraid of being spoiled.

They were purely related to the anime and didn't spoil anything (if you've watched the 3 episodes up until now, of course). I think the spoiler tags were mainly used to categorize his thoughts for each character more properly, and maybe so the post looks smaller.
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Jul 29, 2009 9:22 PM

Aug 2008
My god this is getting good, cliffhanger after cliffhanger whats going to happen! WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN! I MUST KNOW!! :D

Yeesh I shouldn't have gone and looked at the preview.. I hope a turn for the better is on the horizon

Jul 30, 2009 6:02 AM

Feb 2008
Hakoria said:
AceSoldia said:
Are all those spoiler thoughts based on your novel knowledge or just anime? I want to read them but I'm afraid of being spoiled.

They were purely related to the anime and didn't spoil anything (if you've watched the 3 episodes up until now, of course). I think the spoiler tags were mainly used to categorize his thoughts for each character more properly, and maybe so the post looks smaller.

Exactly! Anyone can read my post safely without getting spoiled. I left the manga and novel totally out of my thoughts.
Jul 31, 2009 1:53 AM
Dec 2007
The episode was almost perfect from beginning to end. Incredible chara/script developments and the direction and animation are just brilliant. Definitely oen or two levels over the first season, thank you Brains Base !

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 31, 2009 3:46 PM

Jun 2008
Forever said:
Very good episode. Finally some much needed twist in season 2, too.

It might have been a bit over the top for S&W, but you shouldn't disregard that her hometown is really really important for her. She dreams about it every night and this letter was a very big shock for her, so in my eyes it excuses her unlikely behaviour a bit.
& yes, that whole scene was like a JESUS LOU WEESUS INTENSE
Aug 3, 2009 12:20 AM

Mar 2008
Finally some drama! Tho I gotta agree maybe a little to much for S&W. Still awesome seeing Horo going off like that.
Aug 6, 2009 10:13 PM

May 2008
Horo needs to chill... I think she thinks she's too wise and experienced so that whatever she says is and are. Although Lawrence is half at fault, Horo is just going over the top.

Why did I lay this episode off for two weeks? Now I have to play catch up.
Aug 7, 2009 12:18 AM

Aug 2007
Aug 7, 2009 11:26 AM

Feb 2008
sjak47 said:
Horo needs to chill... I think she thinks she's too wise and experienced so that whatever she says is and are. Although Lawrence is half at fault, Horo is just going over the top.

FTGT said:

Regarding Horos behaviour:

*FTGT shivers due to "self-quoting"* :P
Aug 7, 2009 12:03 PM
Jul 2009
What a turn of events. I'm glad I'm catching up after hearing all the talk about this show.
Aug 9, 2009 4:33 PM

Sep 2008
I was NOT expecting that o.o;; oh, dear, Horo's lost it. I half expected her to try to kill him or something. I kept waiting and waiting for Lawrence to say something so they could make up but, no, he says nothing, only letting her thoughts get worse and worse, and then runs away T.T
I'd like for them to make up right away but the preview doesn't look too promising. This better not last too long or I'm gonna get annoyed.
Aug 13, 2009 11:04 PM

Apr 2009
I have to agree that while Holo's outburst was unexpected, her actions were hardly out of character. Her hometown is basically reported to have been destroyed (perhaps she is even aware of this bear spirit herself) and presumably along with it everyone she has known is dead. It's not surprising that she'd get upset about it; in fact, I think she was a little worried about such a thing happening, which is why she kept any memories of the town she may have had a secret from Lawrence (yes, kept secret, just like her ability to read): if it turned out that such was the truth, she wouldn't have to deal with it then, instead believing it was still there for her.

Add in the fact that she had probably a little too much to drink, and it's little wonder she flew off the handle.
Oooh Miss Alicia
It's our own secret garden
Lesbians at war
Aug 14, 2009 3:11 PM

Jul 2009
I thought Horo was going to bite Lawrence o.o
Interesting plot twist,very interesting...Horo wants a child,she's really freaked out...
Aug 21, 2009 2:48 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Oh wow.

Too bad Lawrence didn't say anything. =/




[H+] ³  
Sep 7, 2009 9:01 AM

Jul 2009
That's scary...

The festival really represented the situation between Horo and Lawrence

And that Amaty guy, i must say he is smart..
Oct 17, 2009 10:14 AM

Aug 2009
Omg Lawrence, you should have just accepted Horo's deal. Just mate with her because she's the last of the Yoitsu kind.

Very nice episode. Horo going nuts was really very dramatic. Not only that, this Amati guy has also been added into the problems that Lawrence is facing.

Lawrence is innocent though, right? I mean, he didn't know that Yoitsu is gone. He only knew it after he talked to the witch, right? Horo accusing Lawrence was also dramatic. :(
Nov 6, 2009 2:30 PM

Dec 2007
I didn't saw that ending was coming, and this is getting intense. Yandere Horo scene was awesome and I hope Lawrence can fix that problem, or he will lose Horo forever. After I watched this episode, I really need to watch the next episode now.
Nov 9, 2009 10:16 PM

Apr 2009
Wishy said:

i agree... that was epic, pure epic
Nov 10, 2009 9:43 AM
Nov 2009
Was I really supposed to feel sorry for Horo? Protip: if you are "sorry", don't just let a guy like Lawrence walk out of the room like that. Just how does she think he'll interpret her inaction? If she doesn't chase after him, I'll lose all respect I had for her. Man, I really don't want to watch 2.5 episodes of "Angtsy Spice and no Wolf".

Also, lol at Lawrence and Amarty. Lawrence completely misses a huge and obvious Pyrite scheme while falling in love with Horo, and Amarty is just a naive and antisocial opportunist after all, relying on obvious schemes and bravado. I was really hoping for more, but it seems like he's just a convenient temporary wedge between Horo and Lawrence.
Nov 11, 2009 9:37 PM

Jun 2009
I thought her reaction was reasonable, even if she had a feeling, when you actually find out your town is gone I'm sure it would still hurt. It was difficult to see Horo freak out like that, but I think it was a great turning point for the series.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Dec 21, 2009 9:06 PM

Oct 2007
oh man shit just got serious, totally did not see that one coming
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