Fai said:Frito said: im pretty sure missiles don't go off by themselves. we wouldn't have north korea if missiles have that technology.
They do, actually. Close-Range Self defense system of sorts. Saji did not shoot. (if i am not mistaken one of characters even comments on it)
Yeah, Saji didn't shoot. Afterwards, Ian turned to him and said "you didn't shoot". I'm guessing the missiles were fired automatically or by the bridge people.
Frito said:dotapwn3r said: my heart stop when the colonel fired. i was yelling at the computer " NOO DON'T DO IT"
what was the name of the song they played in this episode? i rather liked it "unlimited sky" by tommy heavenly6
the singer of that song is the singer of the group the brilliant green, who sang Ash Like Snow ( *squee* I want full version of that song....)
Frito said: i felt so bad while watching sergei depart. that right there was just as painful as losing a real love one. i don't know how he pulled off the emotionless face during that scene? i must say i was moved and bothered with the lack of emotion. i guess we can't ask a polar bear to act like a grizzly bear?!?!
I don't think it's that he lacks emotion, he just held it back, because I think he doesn't want Soma/Marie to second-guess herself and make her decision to stay with Alle.
I thought they developed Alle/Marie waaay too quickly. I understand how it's possible, Alle thinking of Marie the past 4 years, and Marie, while being in that case, Alle was her only human contact (we see that she's quite lonely and gets attached to the person who's kind to her, like Papa Bear at end of season 1), and she's happy to be able to finally see him. And they look kinda cute together. But it was still too fast. I was expecting Alle and Soma/Marie to talk and discuss, then she leave, thinking over what he said, and then come back to resolve the pairing later. But no, by the end of the ep, they're eloping >_> (Although I am kind of glad, because it means Alle won't do the whole "Marie.. Marie!!" thing while fighting, every time DX) I think their love is very innocent, kind of like a child's love (esp on Marie's part) instead of the romantic kind. So I guess in that sense, the pairing can still develop... I thought Soma was safe 'cause she still has to develop relationship with Alle, but now... I'm thinking she might be killed..
How did Soma/Marie know Halle? I'm sure she could feel that Halle was a different person than Alle through brain waves, but how would she know that Halle was Alle's alternate personality? Esp since Soma doesn't remember anything about Alle (unlike how Halle knew Soma was Marie, because he still remembers Marie). Maybe Alle told her about Halle (through the flashbacks we saw. "btw, there's another me who's a bit crazy named Hallelujah, and he killed everyone")?
I also don't get how Soma just "disappeared". I'm guessing Alle's brain waves "woke up" Marie's true personality, so that the Soma personality got pushed away? Actually, I didn't get how Halle could "die" either... how can your alt personality die but you're still alive? I think Halle and Soma personalities are just dormant, so they'll be back. I like Soma, Marie's just... too ordinary it seems... bring Soma back!!!
Papa Bear... ;__; That was my fave scene, the bear hug with the insert music ;__; I wished she'd call him "father" or "papa" instead of "Taisa" >__<
Nuuuu Sergei! Death flags just went up an notch, as his relationship with Soma is resolved (?) Anime series has a habit of killing my fave characters.. I hope Sergei is an exception >_< (But Sunrise likes making a character all likeable, then killing him.. like Lockon for example)
And I dunno what Alle plans to do with Marie. He said he doesn't want her to fight anymore, so he brings her to CB, where she'll... cook for everyone?! XD What are you thinking Alle? You're just bringing her to the opposite side of the battlefield... ooh, Soma vs Louise.. now that'd be interesting (esp since Louise was thinking of Soma (lol, sorry Andrei, you don't have a chance)).
LOL@the crew reactions XD Esp Sumeragi. She must be thinking "crap!" She lost her drinking buddy.
Saji is now officially part of CB as engineer, as suspected. and OMG SETSUNA SMILED?!?!?! The end of the world is coming!! XD
Saji: "Setsuna, you're smiling?!?! WTF!!"
Setsuna: "yes, people smile when they're happy. duh!"
I'm surprised Ian didn't chew out Setsuna more for destroying the twin drive XD Maybe he's secretly thankful 'cause without Setsuna he'd be out of a job...
Still waiting for Marina do actually do something other than fall on her knees and ask "why, Azadistan, why", or whisper "Setsuna"
Hmm, Regene said Tieria and Regene have the same DNA.. so does that mean Regene is male? (well, as male as Tieria is XD)
I sooo can't wait for next ep! Tieria talking with Regene, Tieria in a dress with real fake boob and wig XD ... oh Sunrise, you succumbed to the demands of fangirls again...
Hmm.. that kiss means all the (current) Meisters have kissed a girl (Lyle and Feldt, Setsuna and Nena, even though those two were unwanted), except Tieria XD is Tieria gonna be kissed while he's dressed as a girl? XDDD