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Jul 2, 2011 4:13 AM

Mar 2010
I just wanna know what platform you prefer the most and why. I only know that most of the people in Thailand = PS, in New Zealand = XBox. I have no idea for the worldwide, so I ask. For me I choose PC, 'cause I love RTS games and I aim fast in FPS games using a mouse. And if it's a desktop pc, I can upgrade it if I want.

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Jul 2, 2011 6:19 AM

Feb 2011
1st. PC obvious reasons

2nd. Ps3 like the system for many reasons
media server capability(actually this connected to my media server right away)
orb compatibility
web browser
free netflix(don't need a subscription to ps3 network)
ability to play various formats like avi,divx,mpeg,wmv(great for anime downloads)
large hdd and the option to upgrade it yourself without voiding warranty.
i use my ps3 mostly for these reasons.

don't get me wrong i love the games and gaming in general but there is so much more to it
games selection(exclusives) like gt5,demons souls,mgs4,uncharted series,motorstorm,infamous and so on....

3rd. wii......yeah yeah i know

but with the homebrew apps(which makes it number available you can watch tv(streamed) dvd's, netflix(without subscription) upgrade the hdd,acess to original and classic games from colecovision up to the latest and greatest nintendo hits. alot of this stuff will void your warranty but whatever.

for the most part the wii isn't that great but with homebrew it make it a powerhouse. i have quake 1 and 2 with full wii motion control(thats pretty damn cool in my book)

the wii has great games as well like my all time favorite Resident evil(this game never gets old).

4th. love the xbox great games unreliable equipment awesome controller .....blah blah blah....

if you don't already know about the 360 then get out from under your rock.
since i didn't go into detail on the 360 you'll assume i'm (a fanboy) or (a noob) or(NeWb) or whatever other stupid adjective. whatever i'm ok with that

Original Xbox > Xbox360

i've been playing games since i can remember no so much as of late but i'm married with two kids and have to decide on what i do with my freetime since i don't have much of it these days.

i own all these system including
turbographix16(yup it's true)
super nes
Jul 2, 2011 6:35 AM

Feb 2005

Consoles will forever remain second rate when they are trying to be pseudo PCs and started loosing the old easy plug and play aspect that originally made them a good alternative to PCs.
Jul 2, 2011 6:41 AM

Nov 2008
For years I was only playing on the PC... (Stronghold, Age of Empires, GTA series etc)
In addition, thats where my interest in IT started.
But in the end, I am a total cheapskate and upgrading PC every so often was not a option for me.
So for gaming purposes I've picked PS3. (more expensive than Xbox but I don't have to worry about subscription)
I went for PS because I used to have PSone and I loved that little white console. :) So I guess I went for the brand I knew already.

Not that I hate Xbox, I played on the original one and on 360 but after all Sony's got the upper hand in terms of controller. I don't really like the feel to it, looks nice but that's all.

So, to wrap it up...
Paperwork, graphics design/animations/web design etc and games from before 2008 - PC
All the newer games - PS3
Web developers answer to pretty much any request: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be...
Jul 2, 2011 7:54 AM

Jul 2008
It's not even fair to compare the consoles to the obviously superior PC.
Jul 2, 2011 9:14 PM

Nov 2007
PS3- I just got a PS3 recently, so I've been playing a lot of games on it. I like the fact that the PS3 can play blu-rays and that I can play DVD-R on it. Plus, the PS3 is region free.

Wii- I like Wii second of all. Wii has a lot of fun RPGs, that sadly we'll never see the daylight of, it has the VC, and it's the only system my family will actually play with me. Plus Nintendo has Zelda, SSBB and now, pretty much, Monolith Soft.

Xbox 360- I got it from a friend so I could play Tales of Vesperia, but I don't use it much other than that.

PC- Other than a few Sim games, I never really use my PC to play games. I guess I just prefer consoles.
federJul 4, 2011 8:48 AM
Jul 2, 2011 9:24 PM

Apr 2010
Due to my love for JRPG'S, PS3 shits on everything. That said, I really enjoy the media aspects of the PS3 as well which are superior as opposed to its console brethren.

For everything else, PC will obviously slaughter the competition but from a price standpoint I sure as hell can't afford it and flock towards consoles because of it.
Jul 2, 2011 9:26 PM
Sep 2009
First - PC
Second - Tied between Ps3 and Xbox 360
Somewhere near bottom of list - Wii

However, my PC sucks right now so I mostly play games on my consoles. Once I can afford an awesome gaming PC, that's what I'll be using most of the time.
Jul 2, 2011 10:54 PM
May 2011
i own them all but if i had to chose ide pick ps3 though ide be sad saying goodbye to steam, 360 and wii i dont really care about they both suck
Jul 2, 2011 10:55 PM
May 2011
Clous said:
Due to my love for JRPG'S, PS3 shits on everything. That said, I really enjoy the media aspects of the PS3 as well which are superior as opposed to its console brethren.

For everything else, PC will obviously slaughter the competition but from a price standpoint I sure as hell can't afford it and flock towards consoles because of it.
theres a lot of j-rpgs on japan only......yah it sucks for us but hey at least we get tales of hearts and FFXIII-2 in the same month so theres that
Jul 2, 2011 11:34 PM

Oct 2008
Baman said:

Consoles will forever remain second rate when they are trying to be pseudo PCs and started loosing the old easy plug and play aspect that originally made them a good alternative to PCs.


Anyway. I can play any game from atari to current gen on this computer. So why waste money on something that's gonna leak my personal information, red ring or make me use derpy motion controls? Consoles have only been good when those pesky console exclusive games pop up that are worth playing.
Jul 2, 2011 11:49 PM

Apr 2009
Pff obviously the pc.
You could play nearly any game on it,proly except for some on the newer consoles without a pc release but thats a matter of time.
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Jul 3, 2011 3:02 AM

Sep 2009
I prefer my PS3. I'm a total Ninty fan but seriously, the wii is a complete sh*t. I only got it so I could play their first party franchises, but other than that, I can't stand the console. My PS3 is just my life. I play a lot of RPG and the graphics are just stunning. But whatever, graphics doesn't really matter to me.
Jul 3, 2011 12:22 PM

Mar 2011
You can play ANY game except PSP, PS3, Xbox, and Xbox 360 on it plus it's upgradable. It's also lasted the test of time when considering the fact it came out in 1975 (personal computers, not mainframes, and I may be off with that date) To this day, I can do anything with my computer and if I can't, I'll try to code something that can.

PS3 is secondary in that list because it offers a lot of features that I love like it's ability to throw your PSP on the internet, it's 1080p output (which I use for movies, anime, and games), and games (I prefer an rpg over an fps any day).

Wii I'll give third. While I never use the system anymore since I can play the games on my PC, I do love the games. Fire Emblem is wonderful even if it's a shadow of what it was. Zelda is still good, Smash Brothers, nuff said. Plus, I miss the days of Wario Ware at parties with the Wii mote. "Are you masterb-; NO! I'm trying to pull down this rope!"

Xbox...I liked what they did with Conker back in...2004? I honestly see no reason to get an Xbox or a 360 unless you're an fps junkie, and even then I find fps to be a better platform on the PC. Auto aim is so lame and lessens the impact of skill, though I won't say that console players don't have skill, it just takes more to be great on the PC.
~ Fallen Angel ~

Jul 4, 2011 7:21 PM
Mar 2008
I voted Wii simply because there is so little love for it and because I'm a fan of offline multiplayer. If there was a PS2 option, i'd pick that. I consider all consoles equally good for different reasons, but I'd have to say PC goes last, for health reasons, extreme monetary costs, and keyboards instead of game controllers.
Jul 7, 2011 5:02 PM

Mar 2011
You can sync the PS3 controller, Xbox 360 controller, and Wii Mote to the computer btw. Maybe not on Macs though, but really, if you think you're going to be gaming in the slightest, get a PC.
~ Fallen Angel ~

Jul 7, 2011 5:24 PM

Apr 2009
PC for FPS/RTS/Grand Startegy

PS3 for Sony first party exclusives (Uncahrted,Little Big Planet,Starhawk etc)

Wii for Nintendo first party exclusives (Mario/Zelda/Kirby etc)

360 for keeping my food warm while i play all of the above
owell11Jul 7, 2011 5:28 PM
Jul 7, 2011 5:33 PM

Jan 2010
Jul 8, 2011 5:29 AM

Jul 2010
It'd be a tie between PC and Wii for me.

I don't like the PS3 because I hate how most games (advertised here at least) are just brown and more brown FPS. That and dual-analogue is such an archaic control scheme for them. If you play FPS on a console, for me, nothing beats Wii remote and nunchuk.

I don't like the 360 because I'm like allergic to that thing. Seriously. I always start sneezing whenever I get near one.
Jul 8, 2011 11:49 AM

May 2008
PC because it is a superior gaming platform, even despite APIs.

And I bought PS3 less than a year ago, simply because there were several exclusives I wanted to play and Xbox has pretty much nothing I want that is not available on PC.

Jul 9, 2011 2:10 AM

Jun 2008
the thing about this question is that it wont be relevant in a decade, since hardware is advancing so fast that consoles will becomes obsolete as a form of gaming after maybe 1-2 more generations. just think of the obsolete hardware in the "current gen" consoles, and look at how everything around you is getting digitized and how they are putting computers in EVERYTHING. they are making TVs that have computers built in now, you can buy a TV that can use skype right out of the box with a built in webcam and mic and everything these days. consoles were the answer back in the day, when computers were not as integral, but now its gotten to the point where people dont need a console to play games.
those that think PC gaming is dying are deluding themselves, in the last year alone, PC sales have been up 80%.

the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players. if you want an example, they once had PCs and consoles online playing with and against each other, when they tried PC vs consoles, the console players got utterly destroyed so bad that it wasnt even funny.

I cant wait for the day Gamestop goes bankrupt, since they are a curse that is killing the gaming industry. Game developers dont get ANY money for used game sales, therefore are unable to use that money to make good games, so you have your mediocre Call of Duty 4 copies coming out every year now, with MW3 due out soon.
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Jul 9, 2011 2:17 AM
Nov 2008
Ah, platform wars. How pointless.

My console of choice would be a handheld, the DS. It actually has a library of games I'm interested in.

P.S. PC isn't the 'cheaper platform'. Upgrading a worthwhile build can be quite expensive.
Jul 9, 2011 3:22 AM

Jun 2008
Onibokusu said:
Ah, platform wars. How pointless.

My console of choice would be a handheld, the DS. It actually has a library of games I'm interested in.

P.S. PC isn't the 'cheaper platform'. Upgrading a worthwhile build can be quite expensive.
did anyone say the PC was the cheaper platform?
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Jul 9, 2011 5:26 AM

May 2008
elc1247 said:
the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players. if you want an example, they once had PCs and consoles online playing with and against each other, when they tried PC vs consoles, the console players got utterly destroyed so bad that it wasnt even funny.

You're confusing intelligence with "tech knowledge", it's not the same thing.

And the reason console players got owned was most likely because they were playing FPS games. It's obvious that by using a keyboard and mouse you will decimate someone playing on a gamepad in an FPS game.

elc1247 said:
I cant wait for the day Gamestop goes bankrupt, since they are a curse that is killing the gaming industry. Game developers dont get ANY money for used game sales, therefore are unable to use that money to make good games, so you have your mediocre Call of Duty 4 copies coming out every year now, with MW3 due out soon.

Activision is swimming in money from every CoD installment selling in millions. The reason they put one every year is precisely because it sells so well and they are greedy.

Jul 9, 2011 5:36 AM

Aug 2010
LiricoChinverse said:
PC for FPS/RTS/Grand Startegy

PS3 for Sony first party exclusives (Uncahrted,Little Big Planet,Starhawk etc)

Wii for Nintendo first party exclusives (Mario/Zelda/Kirby etc)

360 for keeping my food warm while i play all of the above

Pretty much all of this
Jul 9, 2011 5:54 AM
Nov 2008
elc1247 said:
Onibokusu said:
Ah, platform wars. How pointless.

My console of choice would be a handheld, the DS. It actually has a library of games I'm interested in.

P.S. PC isn't the 'cheaper platform'. Upgrading a worthwhile build can be quite expensive.
did anyone say the PC was the cheaper platform?
It's a common argument.
Jul 9, 2011 5:58 AM

Mar 2010
corbenic said:
elc1247 said:
the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players. if you want an example, they once had PCs and consoles online playing with and against each other, when they tried PC vs consoles, the console players got utterly destroyed so bad that it wasnt even funny.

You're confusing intelligence with "tech knowledge", it's not the same thing.

And the reason console players got owned was most likely because they were playing FPS games. It's obvious that by using a keyboard and mouse you will decimate someone playing on a gamepad in an FPS game.

elc1247 said:
I cant wait for the day Gamestop goes bankrupt, since they are a curse that is killing the gaming industry. Game developers dont get ANY money for used game sales, therefore are unable to use that money to make good games, so you have your mediocre Call of Duty 4 copies coming out every year now, with MW3 due out soon.

Activision is swimming in money from every CoD installment selling in millions. The reason they put one every year is precisely because it sells so well and they are greedy.

But it contains some true statements anyway, if you see a PC player playing FPS on console, they won't be bad, but of a Console player playing FPS on PC, they won't be as good.

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原神 : 800993232


Jul 9, 2011 6:26 AM
Nov 2008
Sekai-Verse said:
It's obvious that by using a keyboard and mouse you will decimate someone playing on a gamepad in an FPS game.

That's assuming you're limiting console gamers to a control pad. There are pretty advanced accessories that allow for the use of keyboards and mouses on consoles, with button mapping and even in-built screens to allow for mapping hotkeys on the fly (without even needing a PC, like older variations of the keyboard/mouse console accessory did).
Jul 9, 2011 6:45 AM

Jun 2011
Graphics and controls mainly. The wide-screen TV and comfy room help a lot too.

PC is my secondary.
(I want to get the PC to play all platform's games but I still haven't managed that. Darn it!)

Jul 9, 2011 12:32 PM

May 2008
Sekai-Verse said:
But it contains some true statements anyway, if you see a PC player playing FPS on console, they won't be bad, but of a Console player playing FPS on PC, they won't be as good.

Regarding controllers, it should be easier to switch from a gamepad to a mouse. It's true though that, on the other hand, pc gameplay tends to be faster, you need to have better reaction time and good control of the mouse. People who are used to playing fps on consoles and try it on pc tend to complain it seems 'chaotic'.
It's all just a matter of practice.

Onibokusu said:
That's assuming you're limiting console gamers to a control pad. There are pretty advanced accessories that allow for the use of keyboards and mouses on consoles, with button mapping and even in-built screens to allow for mapping hotkeys on the fly (without even needing a PC, like older variations of the keyboard/mouse console accessory did).

I have never heard of anyone using them. I think it's because mapping/emulation is just not as good as native support.
For example, what good is mapping a mouse movement to a right stick if it's still not gonna move faster than a stick pushed to the max. Besides, people don't usually play consoles to use uncomfortable accessories, they want a 'couch experience'.

However, there's another controller - ps3 move (I don't know about kinect). I've heard (never tried it myself) that move is actually fairly good for fps. Maybe not as precise as a mouse, but better than a gamepad.

Jul 9, 2011 12:35 PM

Dec 2008
ps3 ftw!
Jul 9, 2011 5:11 PM

Jul 2010
I'm going to be completely honest.

HD graphics actually give me a headache. Like, a "For-reals I can't play this thing for more than an hour without making my head feel like it's gonna explode"

Which is why I don't like the 360 or PS3.
Jul 10, 2011 2:13 AM

Mar 2010
corbenic said:
Sekai-Verse said:
But it contains some true statements anyway, if you see a PC player playing FPS on console, they won't be bad, but of a Console player playing FPS on PC, they won't be as good.

Regarding controllers, it should be easier to switch from a gamepad to a mouse. It's true though that, on the other hand, pc gameplay tends to be faster, you need to have better reaction time and good control of the mouse. People who are used to playing fps on consoles and try it on pc tend to complain it seems 'chaotic'.
It's all just a matter of practice.

so you should read more carefully then you would agree on what he says...
elc1247 said:
the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players.

Now Watching

原神 : 800993232


Jul 10, 2011 6:49 AM
Mar 2008
elc1247 said:
the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players.

And how on earth did you managed to get a topic about intelligence into a video gaming thread?
Superiority complex much?

elc1247 said:
did anyone say the PC was the cheaper platform?

Exactly, it would actually be the more expensive, I thought it was common knowledge
Jul 10, 2011 6:55 AM
Nov 2008
corbenic said:

I have never heard of anyone using them. I think it's because mapping/emulation is just not as good as native support.

Oh, you'd be quite surprised.

For example, what good is mapping a mouse movement to a right stick if it's still not gonna move faster than a stick pushed to the max.

A console games' sensitivity settings work just the same as they do for a PC game. It's the game that governs how fast things move, not the controller (unless the controller is crummy).

Pero said:
Exactly, it would actually be the more expensive, I thought it was common knowledge

Kids see the incremental cost, as opposed to the total cost, making PC gaming seem cheaper.
Jul 11, 2011 4:53 AM

May 2008
Aiko_Heiwa said:
HD graphics actually give me a headache. Like, a "For-reals I can't play this thing for more than an hour without making my head feel like it's gonna explode"

Are you sure it's HD graphics and not just a different display you are using?
Cause my TV puts much more strain on my eyes than a pc monitor.

Onibokusu said:
corbenic said:

I have never heard of anyone using them. I think it's because mapping/emulation is just not as good as native support.

Oh, you'd be quite surprised.

For example, what good is mapping a mouse movement to a right stick if it's still not gonna move faster than a stick pushed to the max.

A console games' sensitivity settings work just the same as they do for a PC game. It's the game that governs how fast things move, not the controller (unless the controller is crummy).

Surprise me then and provide some evidence.

Sekai-Verse said:
corbenic said:
Sekai-Verse said:
But it contains some true statements anyway, if you see a PC player playing FPS on console, they won't be bad, but of a Console player playing FPS on PC, they won't be as good.

Regarding controllers, it should be easier to switch from a gamepad to a mouse. It's true though that, on the other hand, pc gameplay tends to be faster, you need to have better reaction time and good control of the mouse. People who are used to playing fps on consoles and try it on pc tend to complain it seems 'chaotic'.
It's all just a matter of practice.

so you should read more carefully then you would agree on what he says...
elc1247 said:
the only thing about PCs is that it takes half a braincell to use effectively, which most people in the world dont have. also, the PC gaming crowd tends to be more intelligent in general compared to the console players.

Maybe I'm just that stupid but I fail to see your point.
All I see in that quote is a quite unfounded claim of pc users' superiority.
dichromaticJul 11, 2011 5:00 AM

Jul 11, 2011 5:15 AM
Nov 2008
corbenic said:

Surprise me then and provide some evidence.

Are you shitting me? Turn on any console game (preferably FPS), navigate your way to the controls area of the options menu, then ogle at what is known as the 'sensitivity' option. It doesn't matter how good or bad your controller is, sensitivity is controlled by the game. Controller has slow response times? Increase the sensitivity. Controller is too sensitive? Decrease it. Want to use a mouse and keyboard? Set sensitivity to the max for precision.

FYI, 'mapping' is not a form of emulation. Mapping controls to another controller device is exactly the same as mapping the controls on a console's the default controller.
Jul 11, 2011 5:17 AM

Aug 2009
PC, well you're not gonna be playing most of you're time aren't you.

Go for the practical choice. :D

Jul 11, 2011 5:46 AM

May 2008
Onibokusu said:
corbenic said:

Surprise me then and provide some evidence.

Are you shitting me? Turn on any console game (preferably FPS), navigate your way to the controls area of the options menu, then ogle at what is known as the 'sensitivity' option. It doesn't matter how good or bad your controller is, sensitivity is controlled by the game. Controller has slow response times? Increase the sensitivity. Controller is too sensitive? Decrease it. Want to use a mouse and keyboard? Set sensitivity to the max for precision.

FYI, 'mapping' is not a form of emulation. Mapping controls to another controller device is exactly the same as mapping the controls on a console's the default controller.

I'm not talking about sensitivity settings, I'm talking about efficiently playing FPS games like BC2 or Killzone on kbd/mouse combo on PS3.

Jul 11, 2011 5:59 AM
Nov 2008
corbenic said:

I'm not talking about sensitivity settings, I'm talking about efficiently playing FPS games like BC2 or Killzone on kbd/mouse combo on PS3.

That's a hard thing to prove over the internet- it's more of an in-person kind of dealie.
Jul 11, 2011 6:31 AM

May 2008
Onibokusu said:
corbenic said:

I'm not talking about sensitivity settings, I'm talking about efficiently playing FPS games like BC2 or Killzone on kbd/mouse combo on PS3.

That's a hard thing to prove over the internet- it's more of an in-person kind of dealie.

If you've done it then just say how and how well it worked, that's all.

Jul 11, 2011 6:44 AM

Sep 2008
I can't really pick one of them, I think all of them has must play games that I wouldn't want to be without.

I'm not surprised that a lot of people seems to pick PC, and from a practical point of view I agree. With that I mean that I use my PC for so much more than just gaming. From a gaming point of view though I don't find PC superior since pretty much all my favourite games are console games.
Jul 12, 2011 10:44 AM

Oct 2010
I would choose PS3 since i have one and I spend most of my time playing games on that than on my PC. I also have the Wii but I prefer the PC over it.
Jul 19, 2011 4:44 PM

Jan 2008
I'm gonna have to go with the PS3. My Wii may never get played again because...

Jul 19, 2011 4:53 PM
May 2011
oh god this is never a safe topic
Jul 20, 2011 3:46 PM
Jul 2011
So XBOX 360...i've been playing it for a year and its the best gaming experience i've EVER had with consoles...and i played at least one with every console and the PC that is also good and i head shot there too XD
Jul 21, 2011 3:40 AM

Feb 2010
OH you silly console fanboys, lololo. I don't see how consoles can overcome PC. They'll have to become PC 2.0.
Jul 21, 2011 5:32 AM
May 2009
PC, Use it for games, anime, movies, and work. PS3 and 360 I rarely use nowadays, Unless a new game with a good story and characters come out on just those two consoles, or if my pc is not that powerful to play the games.
Jul 21, 2011 4:21 PM

Jul 2010
PS3 because all the good games I want are on a PS3 which I don't have. And I hardly play games on PC nowadays other than my sister hogging it and playing The Sims on it.
Jul 23, 2011 2:30 AM

Jul 2011
I understand PC because of its Limitless upgrades, BUT xbox is better than PS3.. like come on.
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