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Jan 31, 6:57 AM

Nov 2011
Whoa, is Akane getting a little bit jealous or at least more tense regarding Himari and Saito's relationship? On another note, I do like Himari's honesty better. She knows what she wants even as Akane's best friend.

Same reactions from Himari as always, she never changes. I enjoy watching Himari more in this show tbh.
Jan 31, 7:30 AM

Apr 2010
Himari made her move it's a shame she is to late tho.
Now the big question that remains is when will she find out about the marriage it should be a interesting scene to watch.
Anyway the main being stalked by his wife was funny.
Jan 31, 8:48 AM

Mar 2022
go go akane you got this go go
Jan 31, 9:10 AM

Nov 2009
My heart actually skipped a beat when the tear fell from Akane and she stopped Saito going out for his "date".

She is absolutely adorable!
Jan 31, 9:38 AM

Mar 2021
Akane is adorable when she is jealous
Jan 31, 9:54 AM

Feb 2019
W’s all around for this episode. Himari for being a good sport about rejected and Saito for baiting Akane into admitting she was jealous over the date lol. Very sweet and wholesome as per usual. Himari never had a chance sadly, but that doesn’t minimize how much I love her. She’s such a sweet and honest girl and even if things don’t work out with Saito, I’m sure she’ll find someone nice for her.

Shise being the voice of reason in these situations and diagnosing every relationship problem is so cool. She’s like a stand-in for the audience when characters are being dense and you wanna screen at them through the tv. If they just used her for that, instead of the brocon gimmick she’d be awesome.

Now that both girls know how they feel and Saito knows, the real competition is on! Go get your man, Akane.
Marinate1016Jan 31, 2:15 PM
Jan 31, 9:57 AM

Nov 2021
LeknaatFeb 21, 9:25 AM
Jan 31, 9:59 AM

Jul 2016
Shisei shadow dropping a random fact about human blinking without context had me dying LOL

It's sad how rooting for Himari also means rooting for Akane's husband's (potential) girlfriend since she's just so much fun. Kudos to Saito for putting his wife first tho.
Jan 31, 10:20 AM

Aug 2022
Now Himari is making a move for Saito by openly saying that she loves him. Well, I guess it's time for Himari to get more spotlight since she's been lacking in the last few episodes.

I thought Himari was a snatcher or something with a cunning nature, but even so I don't think she's that bad. In fact, her demeanor is cheerful and she also has a really good relationship with Akane, even though she was definitely rejected by Saito she didn't give up that easily, she really is quite a stubborn girl.

Jan 31, 10:29 AM
May 2022
This is why tsundere’s are annoying, Akane nearly lost Saito because she refused to be honest
Jan 31, 10:37 AM
Nov 2020
why are they rushing with the story?
they're definitely on a mission to end this with a single season.
Jan 31, 10:41 AM
Sep 2015
Everyone will surprised to find out that my least favorite character is Shisei.
Jan 31, 11:00 AM
Apr 2024
I love Himari, she's a great girl and everyone would be jackpot lucky to have her, but I think we know where this is going if she keep persuing Saito..

I love how Saito tricked Akane to reveal her true feelings lol. Love it!
Jan 31, 11:10 AM
Apr 2023
shisei being ultra blunt to balance out the ultra dense x 2 MCs and her appearing out of nowhere has been great this series
Jan 31, 11:28 AM
Jan 2017
Classic "I love my friend's love interest but I gotta cheer them on" just how I like it!
Jan 31, 11:28 AM

Aug 2022
Honestly I can completely understand why people would hate this show I can see why Akane would be annoying with her aggressive tsundere side. I personally like all the characters and Saito is a surprisingly good male mc
Jan 31, 11:33 AM

Jul 2024
Seduced by a strawberry parfait. Akane again showing that she is somewhat shallow.

Recruiting the secret wife to set you up with the hubby. An interesting addition to RonCom motifs. Akane being a total dumbshit lying to Himari, others, and especially to herself about her situation, and going along with the wingman bit.

Love the way Himari's tie overhangs her bust.

"In heat at school."
"No one's in heat."
Yes you are, I smell a male in rut."
"Get off and then we'll talk."
"Nuh-uh Shisei will live between Brother-kun's legs forever."
"That area is not habitable for humans."
Goddamn that cracked me up.
The penultimate line there brings couscon to the fore again.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 31, 11:36 AM

Oct 2017
I'm starting to hate Akane. She make me think about those type of girl who tries to screw up the couples of her friends in a pernicious way because of jealousy.
Jan 31, 11:44 AM
Aug 2017
Himari will be left both heartbroken AND betrayed by her best friend when she finds out. Brutal...
Jan 31, 11:56 AM

Aug 2020
i really enjoyed this ep

Himari is not scared to be rejected

it was nice to see them caring for each other
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Jan 31, 12:00 PM

Jun 2023
Shisei made great use of her screentime
Jan 31, 12:11 PM

Jul 2024
Reply to zamasz
Himari will be left both heartbroken AND betrayed by her best friend when she finds out. Brutal...
@zamasz I will console her.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 31, 12:40 PM
Sep 2022
Himari has no chance of winning, but man you gotta love her
Jan 31, 12:54 PM
Jul 2024
Damn, don't do that Akane! Himari obviously has a crush on YOUR husband. It would be better if they were both honest with her, instead of hiding their marriage.
Jan 31, 2:35 PM
Jul 2024
She's definitely not going to lose... But neither the other two. This series is getting even more interesting.
Jan 31, 3:02 PM
Dec 2023
Poor Saito really felt those comments from Akane but in the end, Akane letting her true feeling burst through before the "date" was a great sign of relief. I'm really enjoying this anime, I've learned a while ago to never judge an anime by its LONG names, you might be missing out on something that's amazing. I also have to say that Shisei cracks me up lol
Jan 31, 3:05 PM
May 2017
Another very good episode!

Himari is adorable.

Akane is adorable when she is honest with her own feelings and will.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Jan 31, 4:12 PM

Dec 2024
Reply to ajw215799
This is why tsundere’s are annoying, Akane nearly lost Saito because she refused to be honest
@ajw215799 I will ship Saito with Himari instead. She's a more potential and supportive romantic couple rather then his forced-to-married wife. But it doesn't mean that i don't like Akane's personality. Tsunderes sometimes could be a jerk when they lying, even with their own feelings. I mean, come on, Akane. She's already married but how dare she badmouthing her husband?

It's kinda funny when Saito decided to go on a date with Himari, ends up with Akane jealously crying. But despite being rejected, Himari won't give up on asking Daito to date her.
Jan 31, 4:22 PM
Oct 2022
Aversa said:
Himari made her move it's a shame she is to late tho.
Now the big question that remains is when will she find out about the marriage it should be a interesting scene to watch.
Anyway the main being stalked by his wife was funny.

next ep lol 😂 We'll also get Himari's background story
Jan 31, 4:27 PM
Oct 2022
LeknaatFeb 21, 9:25 AM
Jan 31, 4:30 PM
Oct 2022
LeknaatFeb 21, 9:25 AM
Jan 31, 5:11 PM
Nov 2023
Why is nobody getting behind the harem route? They just need a bigger bed and Himari can move in as second wife. But just keep that brocon gremlin out of it!
Jan 31, 5:50 PM
Dec 2022
Reply to Niwaka-Samurai
why are they rushing with the story?
they're definitely on a mission to end this with a single season.

Honestly, the pace is a bit fast even in the source material (LN)... but yeah, this chapter feels a bit rushed (especially, the part when Saito tricks Akane with his date with Himari, on the LN it was a bit more paused, but here was basically 2 secs)...

Considering the series just got the final volume in Japan (Vol. 10)... I expect a 2-cour run to adapt the whole story.
Jan 31, 5:50 PM

Nov 2024
Akane should have been honest with her best friend right from the start. I can only imagine being hurt that Saito and Akane deliberately hid the fact that they are married from her. But with her personality I think she would be just fine with it. Also, I wish they pit in a 4-6 second delay before Akane stopped Saito from going out on the fake date. Just to have the viewers waiting a bit for the actual reaction.
Jan 31, 6:53 PM
Aug 2020
I was enjoying this show a lot but I am pretty upset about how little respect Akane is showing for her best friend.... Tsundere is one thing but a big fat liar that strings her friend along is another and I think it's pretty gross.
Jan 31, 7:23 PM
Apr 2024
Woah, whiplash pacing, felt incredibly rushed.

Himari’s too nice, you gotta have a little spice. Akane still best girl
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
Jan 31, 7:47 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to -Acheron
@-Acheron As an anime only watcher, Himari is the superior choice
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jan 31, 7:59 PM

Jan 2022
How does Himari not have self-confidence? She's real. She should be with Saito fr. Akane is meh and so damn annoying lol

I hate that Akane is lying to Himari.

Akane talking shit about Saito while he's a couple feet away is brutal 😭💀

Bro what is this anime? She was being all feisty and as soon as he opened the door she started crying..huh?
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jan 31, 9:30 PM

May 2019
At first I thought that Himari knew that Akane and Saito were, at least, going out and she was trying to get Akane to admit that but maybe Himari really doesn't know? Hmm we'll see as this show progresses.

Regarding Akane finally admitting to Saito that she didn't want him going out with Himari, that was a very wholesome moment, especially after Saito told her that he actually turned Himari down. I'm hoping Akane and Saito continue to get closer despite the insulting lies she said about him to Himari when they were all in his house and that Akane tells Himari that they're actually married.
Jan 31, 9:32 PM

Jan 2012
Probably the worst episode since the first. I'd say those two are the worst of the 5 now out by far. I told myself back when we first learned Himari had a crush back in episode 1 or 2 I think, I forget which, that I'd give the series some bonus points if it somehow wasn't Saito, sparing us the eye-roll inducing cliche drama from such a plot point. But in retrospect I was only fooling myself. Has a single other male character besides his grandfather even gotten a line of dialogue in this? Who else could it have been? Haven't we grown past this forced nonsense in romance shows? It's 2025! Can't wait for the fallout when Himari learns Akane was lying and really does love him, assuming that isn't season 2 or beyond material, feh. Of the Winter Season shows I'm watching to this point this is hands down the weakest. Probably why I watch it first every week, I like to save the shows I think I'll like and get the bad ones out of the way.
animefan8800Jan 31, 9:36 PM
Jan 31, 10:16 PM
Mar 2021
Niwaka_Samurai said:
why are they rushing with the story?
they're definitely on a mission to end this with a single season.

I'm glad someone else thought so. Seemed like the second half of this episode was moving at lightning speed
Jan 31, 10:38 PM

Sep 2018
I somehow doubt that the potential love triangle is going to be that serious, but what the hell was that last 5 or so minutes of this episode, unbelievable fast paced cheesy ass melodrama lol
Jan 31, 11:22 PM

Apr 2021
I don't know the word for it, but it doesn't seem like the redhead "loves" him, maybe she is barely starting to warm up to him, because of being forced to live together and all the time they have spent together.

Even hearing her say "Don't go" and "you are my husband", felt more possessive of him, rather than love. It was nice to hear that she didn't hate him, but I wouldn't call it "love".

She loves her friend the blonde girl, so she doesn't want to get in the way, especially since it is a forced married, and she has hated the guy the entire time, before living together, so a major part of her doesn't see any problem with them getting together, but the little part that is just starting to spark, is the thing causing her to become jealous, possessive, and now a rival to her blonde friend.

Heck I think neither one of them deserve the blond girl as a friend or partner, she is better than both to them and my favorite character. 🤣
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Jan 31, 11:23 PM
Jul 2023
Didn't really like how Akane behaved in this one on multiple levels. Lying to her best friend repeatedly, lying and trash talking Saito in the process, etc. Kind of gives the ick even with the tsundere personality.
Jan 31, 11:26 PM

Mar 2013
Akane getting more adorable each episode... ☺️
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jan 31, 11:35 PM

Aug 2016
I don't know. I liked the episode cuz for once Akane was actually honest with herself, but i don't know how i feel about Himari being tricked this way. I understand if they don't wanna make it public, but if Shise, who's the closest to Saito knows the truth, why can't Himari who's the closest to Akane know the truth as well? It ain't like she gonna tell anyone. So i don't know how i feel about them both treating her this way. I can understand Saito since it's not like he's Himari's best friend or anything, but Akane is, so this is bad friendship on her end to be honest. Anyways, excited for the upcoming episode, since its title looked cool, apparently the couple is gonna go on their first date. Excited to see how that's gonna turn out.
Feb 1, 12:45 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to MichBibendum
I'm starting to hate Akane. She make me think about those type of girl who tries to screw up the couples of her friends in a pernicious way because of jealousy.
@MichBibendum You're funny, they're already married LOL, so Akane has right to stop Saito stolen by another girl. BUT, Akane's huge mistake here is she didn't tell to Himari that she's already married to Saito. I mean Himari technically is her best friend, so Akane is unfaithful here. Also, the problem here is Akane still doesn't realize her own feeling, so that's why she didn't stop Himari approaching Saito even until she asked him to date her.

𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠 - 𝕊𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
"Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live with pain." —Itachi Uchiha
Feb 1, 1:15 AM
Sep 2024
The end of this episode was amazing. I like the rivality between Akane and Himari.
Feb 1, 1:27 AM

Oct 2017
Feel bad for Himari, she's a great girl really but unless the author somehow gives harem ending, yeah.
MegamiRemFeb 15, 12:55 AM
Feb 1, 3:06 AM

Jan 2024
Horrible behaviour from Akane. Just be honest with your friend why gaslighting her into thinking she have a chance. She would be willing to step out but this is just hurting her.
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