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Nov 19, 2012 5:08 AM
May 2009
so i logged in today and didnt notice a thread so i thought id start one.

Aaaahhhh the excitement of a new console, the joy of picking it up in the store, the anticipation as you unwrap and hook it up, and of course the soul crushing hour long system update @ startup...... wait what? thats not good but i guess thats what modern gaming has devolved to i suppose. Transfering data from the Wii to the Wii U is also a convoluted mess that should have been worked out better IMO.

The fact you can play certain games while the TV is on, that is just great and i love the fact i didnt have to decide between playing and watching the Jets game yesterday

After finally getting the update done and everything set up i go to the Miiverse aaaaannnd its down (no biggie its release day quit bitching). When it finally went back up i can see Miiverse is just a fancy nintendo-book so i go poking around Nintendo Land.

Nintendo Land is little more then a tech demo for the Wii U and its game pad which is fine and its quite fun for what it is, im one of the lucky people that got the deluxe version of the Wii U, but as a stand alone purchase? not anywhere near worth the cost simply because some of the games either require or are that much more fun with more people and it doesnt have online multiplayer (i know its nintendo but i was expecting them to get their shit together with online this generation).

The 2 games i purchased were SMBU and ZombiU. SMBU is more of the same mario which is ALWAYS a good thing (unashamed nintendo fanboi here). Havent gotten very far yet but 1 of the new additions that i like is the flying squirrel mario which is essentially a glider with a mid air jump.

ZombiU is just alot of fun, its as if somebody took GTA, RE1-3 (the good ones), and Dead Island and stuck them into a blender the effects of which feel like getting your brains smashed in with a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick....sorry couldnt resist the hitchhikers joke. In all seriousness the game really is alot of fun and its negatives arent outweighed by its positives. Its also the first game since Amnesia: Dark Descent that ive been so absorbed that i damn near threw my gamepad across the room when somebody came up behind meand startled me when i was playing.

.....what no talk of graphics or system power or if its better than the PS3 or 360? no because who cares? if you only care about graphics you are an idiot. if you actually pass on a game because its not shiny with bloom effects in 1080p you idiot dunno what else to say to such blatant stupidity in that regard. I guess some people are just like that, whatever floats your boat.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Nov 19, 2012 6:45 AM

Nov 2008
Better system power doesn't only translate to prettier graphics. It's not my sole concern, but what's wrong with wanting progress worth 400 dollars? The controller is too expensive. I don't want to replace a worn one and am not yet convinced that what it will bring to gaming will satisfy the cost. I would have preferred if some of its features were traded for a more advanced console. 2 GB of RAM will stifle third party game development in the long term.

As yet there aren't any announced games that I'd play. Bayonetta maybe, but I'm not excited for it because I never played the first. I didn't want to buy a crummy port.

My two favorite Nintendo franchises, Zelda and Mario, are barely relevant to me now.
Ezekiel said:
i care little for Mario's 3D iterations and have played enough of the rest not to pay for more. Twilight Princess was disappointing for a Zelda game and Skyward Sword just looks like more of the same. I don't have high expectations for the series' future.
EzekielNov 19, 2012 7:37 AM

Nov 19, 2012 6:47 AM
Dec 2007
Even if graphics "don't matter" you should at least give them a mention, what with the Wii U being the system made especifically to get Nintendo into the 1080p Generation and how it's supposed to be stronger than he current consoles at this moment.

Anyway, personally the price seems too expensive for what it currently brings, the Gamepad hasn't convinced me at all and otherwise looks like just a fancy gimmick and well... it's Nintendo, expect them to come out with several "upgrades" to it.

Nov 19, 2012 8:26 AM

Feb 2012
Ezekiel said:
Bayonetta maybe, but I'm not excited for it because I never played the first. I didn't want to buy a crummy port.

The PS3 version of Bayonetta is possibly the worst console port of this generation.
Nov 19, 2012 3:00 PM

Nov 2007
I'll get it when a new Zelda game comes out. Until then I'm happy with my Wii!
Nov 19, 2012 3:53 PM

Sep 2012
I would love to get the wii u, but right now it is too expensive and it is said to be sold out.
Nov 19, 2012 3:54 PM

Sep 2011
Hakuromatsu said:
Ezekiel said:
Bayonetta maybe, but I'm not excited for it because I never played the first. I didn't want to buy a crummy port.

The PS3 version of Bayonetta is possibly the worst console port of this generation.
PC port of saints row 2 begs to differ

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 19, 2012 3:57 PM

Nov 2011
Yeah, I'd buy the Wiiu right now, but I figured as any console on release, it would be sold out ASAP if you didn't wait in line at the store hours beforehand.

Once they restock I might pick it up + ZombiU.
Although, still kind of on the fence. I've been thinking either a WiiU, 3DS XL + Animal Crossing and other games, or PS Vita + other games. So just thinking right now since it's sold out.

As for the comment on Skyward Sword if you think it looks more of the same you are wrong. I've got to say Skyward Sword is probably one of my favorite Zeldas and they really made good use of the Wii motion plus with it. One of the best gaming experiences I've had on the Wii. Art is a mix of Twilight Princess and Windwaker and they even expanded on the story part more then they usually did.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Nov 19, 2012 5:48 PM

Nov 2007
Ragix said:
As for the comment on Skyward Sword if you think it looks more of the same you are wrong. I've got to say Skyward Sword is probably one of my favorite Zeldas and they really made good use of the Wii motion plus with it. One of the best gaming experiences I've had on the Wii. Art is a mix of Twilight Princess and Windwaker and they even expanded on the story part more then they usually did.

Seconded. There a few annoyances about SS, but for the most part the game is awesome. The art style is really neat, and it makes good use of the Wii motion plus.
Nov 19, 2012 7:28 PM
May 2010
Just picked up my Deluxe on the way home after work. Setting it up now. I bought ZombiU and AC3. I'll give impressions later.
Nov 21, 2012 12:32 PM

Sep 2012
I hope I get this for christmas. Its on my wishlist.
Nov 21, 2012 1:48 PM

Jun 2009
Looks pretty terrible so far. I'm really beginning to lose interest in Nintendo, which is a pity.

1. Paying to register a child account is ludicrous, stop trying to babysit, Nintendo. That is for parents, not you.
2. The games are all more expensive than the PS3, 360 and PC versions. Even for older titles.
3. Your account is tied to, and only usable on, a single system.

What the fuck are they thinking?

AnvilMAn said:
.....what no talk of graphics or system power or if its better than the PS3 or 360? no because who cares? if you only care about graphics you are an idiot. if you actually pass on a game because its not shiny with bloom effects in 1080p you idiot dunno what else to say to such blatant stupidity in that regard. I guess some people are just like that, whatever floats your boat.

Graphics matter a lot, depending on the game in question. Would you watch an action movie then claim the special effects aren't important? Imagine if Amnesia had been a Wii title, there would be absolutely no atmosphere; the grim graphics add a lot. Enormous pixels displayed on a 1080p television, along with less effects such as fog, etc would bring you out of the immersion.
TrapaliciousNov 21, 2012 2:12 PM
Nov 21, 2012 2:03 PM

Apr 2010
System power is actually pretty important when im dropping 400 dollars on a new console with no relevant titles in the future. I suggest you wake up and smell the shit, because it was pretty inexcusable in the HD generation.

Hopefully the online is atleast acceptable this time around.
Nov 21, 2012 2:06 PM
Jul 2012
Will get it until i get enough money and wait until they fixed the bugs.
Nov 21, 2012 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
Not going to get it..

The Nintendo games don't appeal to me that much.. Of course, there are a few games I want that are exclusive to Nintendo but still.. Its not like I would pay 350 dollars for a gaming device that isn't a Sony..

I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me as that childish games like the Pokemon series is popular and appears in Nintendo exclusive, as well as other major titles.. Nonetheless, I do own a DS Lite, a DSi XL, and two Wii (Japanese CFW and North American OFW).. Rather than getting a Wii U, I would rather get a 500GB new Slim PS3..
Nov 21, 2012 6:50 PM
May 2010
Trapalicious said:
Looks pretty terrible so far. I'm really beginning to lose interest in Nintendo, which is a pity.

1. Paying to register a child account is ludicrous, stop trying to babysit, Nintendo. That is for parents, not you.
2. The games are all more expensive than the PS3, 360 and PC versions. Even for older titles.
3. Your account is tied to, and only usable on, a single system.

What the fuck are they thinking?

AnvilMAn said:
.....what no talk of graphics or system power or if its better than the PS3 or 360? no because who cares? if you only care about graphics you are an idiot. if you actually pass on a game because its not shiny with bloom effects in 1080p you idiot dunno what else to say to such blatant stupidity in that regard. I guess some people are just like that, whatever floats your boat.

Graphics matter a lot, depending on the game in question. Would you watch an action movie then claim the special effects aren't important? Imagine if Amnesia had been a Wii title, there would be absolutely no atmosphere; the grim graphics add a lot. Enormous pixels displayed on a 1080p television, along with less effects such as fog, etc would bring you out of the immersion.

50c is just too damn high right? Shame on Nintendo for trying to avoid the legal ramifications of kids having access to stuff they shouldn't.

The games are the same price. Since when was a new game not $60? You are just making shit up.

Have you actually played on a Wii U? Assassins Creed 3 looks every bit the same as it does on PS3 or 360. Hell it looks that good on the gamepad alone during the cut scenes.
Nov 21, 2012 8:19 PM

Jun 2009
Ambalamps said:
50c is just too damn high right? Shame on Nintendo for trying to avoid the legal ramifications of kids having access to stuff they shouldn't.

The games are the same price. Since when was a new game not $60? You are just making shit up.

Have you actually played on a Wii U? Assassins Creed 3 looks every bit the same as it does on PS3 or 360. Hell it looks that good on the gamepad alone during the cut scenes.

I don't see any other service provider charging money. They clearly state within their manuals, or while setting up an account, that children below 13 will need adult consent. This 50c idea isn't going to do anything besides being a pain in the ass. Kids will either lie about their age, or parents who aren't paranoid will lie for them.

PC games cost £30 in general, PS3 & 360 games cost £30 - £40, Wii U games all cost £40 and up.
Just look at the prices here (£50 = $80)

No, but I didn't say that the Wii U looks bad neither. I was just saying that graphics can matter a lot. Either way, I'm not too interested in buying the Wii U, it brings nothing new to the table besides 1080p for consoles and a controller which will no doubt be used for nothing more than silly gameplay gimmicks, like the Wiimote was.
TrapaliciousNov 21, 2012 8:44 PM
Nov 21, 2012 8:48 PM
May 2010
If a parent that cares about the content their child has access to buys this for their kid, they have to use a credit card to pay for that 50c, so I'd say it will serve it's purpose. Obviously there will be parents who buy it and let their kid do whatever but it's certainly not going to hurt anyone.

On the 1st 2 pages of the top sellers alone for the Wii U, there are 14 games under 40. Most of them around 30. Did you just look at one specific game? Only Fifa and AC3 are 50.

And in your 1st sentence you said "Looks pretty terrible so far."
Nov 21, 2012 9:26 PM

Jun 2009
As long as there are parents who don't care, then this is a waste of time. Just allow them to make an account as usual, then give deeper parental controls as to what they can play or use. The Wii's and 360's controls are perfectly fine, forking over card details and money is just a pain.

Darksiders 2, Aliens, Fifa 13, Mass Effect: Special Edition are all £50. Lots of other important titles like Mario, etc are £40+

Eh, there's a misunderstanding there. In my first post, I said the console in general looks crummy. In my second post, I was talking about graphics since you brought them up with AC3.

Anyway, I don't really want to want to cause arguments with people over something silly like a console. So, this'll be my last post.
TrapaliciousNov 21, 2012 9:52 PM
Nov 22, 2012 12:34 AM

Sep 2012
Trapalicious said:
Looks pretty terrible so far. I'm really beginning to lose interest in Nintendo, which is a pity.

1. Paying to register a child account is ludicrous, stop trying to babysit, Nintendo. That is for parents, not you.
2. The games are all more expensive than the PS3, 360 and PC versions. Even for older titles.
3. Your account is tied to, and only usable on, a single system.

What the fuck are they thinking?

AnvilMAn said:
.....what no talk of graphics or system power or if its better than the PS3 or 360? no because who cares? if you only care about graphics you are an idiot. if you actually pass on a game because its not shiny with bloom effects in 1080p you idiot dunno what else to say to such blatant stupidity in that regard. I guess some people are just like that, whatever floats your boat.

Graphics matter a lot, depending on the game in question. Would you watch an action movie then claim the special effects aren't important? Imagine if Amnesia had been a Wii title, there would be absolutely no atmosphere; the grim graphics add a lot. Enormous pixels displayed on a 1080p television, along with less effects such as fog, etc would bring you out of the immersion.

Graphics don't matter. Heck, I still play super nintendo games and what year is it? I also have indie games on my xbox 360 and they look like crap and I have fun playing them. What am I saying? Gameplay is more important than graphics. People who usually care about graphics are those who aren't classic gamers or are gamers that began playing games when the old Xbox was released and Halo came out. Gameplay>>>>>>>>Graphics

And for movies, I do have to agree with you somewhat, but not at everything. There are many old movies that focus on the script and have a good plot than movies nowadays that usually focus on special effects to make a movie great (usually 70's-90's movies). I know because I watch AMC. Awesome movies there. The only part that I will not like are the fake looking clay monsters that look like someone vomited out and took repeated pictures of it and pasted it onto the movie.
Nov 22, 2012 1:08 AM

Jun 2011

Maybe I'll get it for Bayonetta 2 and Rayman Legends (if they don't port it for PS360), one or two The Legend of Zelda, one F-Zero (I don't have a lot of hope for this), Super Smah Bros. (expecting it will be good like Melee was) and one or two RPG like Xenoblade 2 or something.

But right now, not very interested, the concept is shit (inb4, for me) so yeah… meh.
Nov 22, 2012 6:14 AM

Jun 2009
Nazatin18 said:
Trapalicious said:
Graphics matter a lot, depending on the game in question. Would you watch an action movie then claim the special effects aren't important? Imagine if Amnesia had been a Wii title, there would be absolutely no atmosphere; the grim graphics add a lot. Enormous pixels displayed on a 1080p television, along with less effects such as fog, etc would bring you out of the immersion.

Graphics don't matter. Heck, I still play super nintendo games and what year is it? I also have indie games on my xbox 360 and they look like crap and I have fun playing them. What am I saying? Gameplay is more important than graphics. People who usually care about graphics are those who aren't classic gamers or are gamers that began playing games when the old Xbox was released and Halo came out. Gameplay>>>>>>>>Graphics

I've been playing games ever since I was a kid. My Snes, Genesis, Saturn, etc are all in perfect condition. I never said that graphics matter for every game, I tried to make myself clear in the first sentence. Obviously if you're playing Mario or something, then the gameplay is going to be the key factor. But if you're playing a game which relies on immersion, then graphics matter greatly. I'm not really sure what else I can add. Just re-read my example with Amnesia in my first post.
TrapaliciousNov 22, 2012 7:29 AM
Nov 22, 2012 6:46 AM

Nov 2007
Trapalicious said:
As long as there are parents who don't care, then this is a waste of time. Just allow them to make an account as usual, then give deeper parental controls as to what they can play or use. The Wii's and 360's controls are perfectly fine, forking over card details and money is just a pain.

Anyway, I don't really want to want to cause arguments with people over something silly like a console. So, this'll be my last post.

Well, at least they can say they tried? There would be plenty of parents pissed off if they didn't have parental control, and Nintendo needs to safeguard itself in that area so they can keep up the household name of being a "family" console. Anyway, it's not like any of us are going to use the parental controls, so who cares?

If the Wii U game ports of PS3/360 games are more expensive it's because they're new for that system. If you don't like it, don't buy the game for that system. As for the Mario games and whatnot, I don't know what to tell you there, because they're all the same price in the USA. PS3 and Xbox 360 games all come out around 50-60 bucks, and the Wii U is following in their footsteps. I don't know about Europe, but that's normal over here.
Nov 22, 2012 7:09 AM

Jun 2009
feder said:
Well, at least they can say they tried? There would be plenty of parents pissed off if they didn't have parental control, and Nintendo needs to safeguard itself in that area so they can keep up the household name of being a "family" console. Anyway, it's not like any of us are going to use the parental controls, so who cares?

If the Wii U game ports of PS3/360 games are more expensive it's because they're new for that system. If you don't like it, don't buy the game for that system. As for the Mario games and whatnot, I don't know what to tell you there, because they're all the same price in the USA. PS3 and Xbox 360 games all come out around 50-60 bucks, and the Wii U is following in their footsteps. I don't know about Europe, but that's normal over here.

Every other console has done perfectly fine without requiring us for fork over details and money. They all have parental controls, so where is the issue? You or I can still criticize things, even if it wont specifically get in our way.

PS3 and 360 games when they first came out didn't cost this much, please don't defend Nintendo's inexcusable prices just because you may like the company. If the prices are fine in your country, then cool. However I'm from the UK, and the prices here are unreasonable, along with others. I'm not too sure what's so wrong with that kind of criticism, Nintendo are capable of being greedy cunts just as any other company is.
TrapaliciousNov 22, 2012 9:22 AM
Nov 22, 2012 10:59 AM

Sep 2012
Trapalicious said:
feder said:
Well, at least they can say they tried? There would be plenty of parents pissed off if they didn't have parental control, and Nintendo needs to safeguard itself in that area so they can keep up the household name of being a "family" console. Anyway, it's not like any of us are going to use the parental controls, so who cares?

If the Wii U game ports of PS3/360 games are more expensive it's because they're new for that system. If you don't like it, don't buy the game for that system. As for the Mario games and whatnot, I don't know what to tell you there, because they're all the same price in the USA. PS3 and Xbox 360 games all come out around 50-60 bucks, and the Wii U is following in their footsteps. I don't know about Europe, but that's normal over here.

Every other console has done perfectly fine without requiring us for fork over details and money. They all have parental controls, so where is the issue? You or I can still criticize things, even if it wont specifically get in our way.

PS3 and 360 games when they first came out didn't cost this much, please don't defend Nintendo's inexcusable prices just because you may like the company. If the prices are fine in your country, then cool. However I'm from the UK, and the prices here are unreasonable, along with others. I'm not too sure what's so wrong with that kind of criticism, Nintendo are capable of being greedy cunts just as any other company is.

What sucks is that Sony and Microsoft brought their prices up on games and because of that, so did Nintendo as from what I have seen. It's ridiculous.
Nov 22, 2012 11:21 AM
Dec 2007
Nintendo ARE greedy cunts. In fact they can be extremely greedy ones. Their first party games are completely resilient to the common nature of price dropping. They remain expensive years after release, as if they are mocking you by saying "no matter how much you wait, you will end up buying me at 60 bucks asshat".

It's actually charming how expensive the NES and SNES console releases were AS expensive as the Wii U is now (if you compare the price to the actual economy at the time, I believe the price of the NES for example was actually even more costly than a Wii-U Deluxe even though at a first glance it is "just 199 dollars"). And has people forgotten Nintendo's love of non-standard game packages? I remember several Nintendo 64 games that went up to and above 100 dollars.
Leon-GunNov 22, 2012 11:30 AM

Nov 22, 2012 4:08 PM

Jun 2011
I'm not quite sure. I think the only way I could get it would be if someone gave me one as a gift. My mom has a tendency of giving new systems on Christmas without me asking. In fact I didn't plan to buy a 3DS at all, but she gave me one.

I guess I will wait and see how gimmicky it is in the end (if it is, then no) and if the quality of games will hopefully be better than most things I played on the Wii. But I'm not interested so I think I can live without it.
Nov 24, 2012 8:18 PM

Sep 2010
Ezekiel said:
Better system power doesn't only translate to prettier graphics. It's not my sole concern, but what's wrong with wanting progress worth 400 dollars? The controller is too expensive. I don't want to replace a worn one and am not yet convinced that what it will bring to gaming will satisfy the cost. I would have preferred if some of its features were traded for a more advanced console. 2 GB of RAM will stifle third party game development in the long term.

The system is 299.99 US. That's only 50 bucks more than the Wii when it launched and still it's going to be the cheapest of the gen8 consoles.

2GB of RAM will stifle 3rd party support? Since when. Try to remember we are talking about consoles atm and not PCs.

And buying a Nintendo console for 'da graphics' is fail anyway.

Their first party games are completely resilient to the common nature of price dropping.

Price dropping isn't automatic and is dependent on the rate of depreciation on any given product. If Nintendo 1st party games don't drop in price as rapidly as other games then that means those games are some combination of higher value or higher demand than other games. It has more to do with basic supply and demand than it does with Nintendo being greedy, as every for profit business is at the end of the day, greedy.
Anime_NameNov 24, 2012 8:30 PM

Nov 24, 2012 9:25 PM

Aug 2011
People actually bought this?

Also graphics don't really matter, though it's a nice bonus.
Nov 25, 2012 2:37 AM

Aug 2012
Well i'm going to wait until the price drops, so maybe I'll add the Wii U to my birthday list. (my birthday is in August).

I am getting a 3DS this Christmas, I heard some of the games are good and I'm bored of my DSi ;p

I'm starting to turn into a nintendo fan since Mum got the Wii this year. ^-^
Nov 25, 2012 2:57 AM

May 2009
I'll be selling my laptop, the moment I'll get my Wiiu.
The internet browser is crazy fast, it's confirmed to be faster then Firefox and GC.

Also, the miiverse, games have their own communities going on, so I'll abandon gametrailers and gamefaqs.

You don't even need a television to play on your Wiiu (Well ofcourse I'll use my TV but hey, pretty handy if you need to take a dump on toilet, or if someone else wants to watch something on tv), which is pretty neat, which also means, you can play the Wiiu in your car, holy shit.

And the multitasking, video voice chat, cross game chat..... holy shit.
Nov 25, 2012 3:28 AM

Sep 2012
Shoryuuken said:
I'll be selling my laptop, the moment I'll get my Wiiu.
The internet browser is crazy fast, it's confirmed to be faster then Firefox and GC.

Also, the miiverse, games have their own communities going on, so I'll abandon gametrailers and gamefaqs.

You don't even need a television to play on your Wiiu (Well ofcourse I'll use my TV but hey, pretty handy if you need to take a dump on toilet, or if someone else wants to watch something on tv), which is pretty neat, which also means, you can play the Wiiu in your car, holy shit.

And the multitasking, video voice chat, cross game chat..... holy shit.

my fanboy detector just exploded.

holy shit
Nov 25, 2012 3:39 AM

May 2009
^ fanboy is a little over the top, I'm the avatar, master of all 4 systems. Yea I prefer nintendo, I'll give you that.
Nov 25, 2012 3:39 AM

Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
Ezekiel said:
Better system power doesn't only translate to prettier graphics. It's not my sole concern, but what's wrong with wanting progress worth 400 dollars? The controller is too expensive. I don't want to replace a worn one and am not yet convinced that what it will bring to gaming will satisfy the cost. I would have preferred if some of its features were traded for a more advanced console. 2 GB of RAM will stifle third party game development in the long term.

The system is 299.99 US. That's only 50 bucks more than the Wii when it launched and still it's going to be the cheapest of the gen8 consoles.

2GB of RAM will stifle 3rd party support? Since when. Try to remember we are talking about consoles atm and not PCs.

And buying a Nintendo console for 'da graphics' is fail anyway.

The dev kits of MS's next console are rumored to have 8 GB of RAM. Since that's a lot for a console, I'm guessing no more than 4 GB, to not have unrealistic expectations. I doubt the PS4 will be far behind. Those systems will offer developers more freedom, outside of the interface, maybe. I predict that the Wii U will be the console to own for (the same) first party franchises and some niche Japanese games. It's not enough for me. I wanted a Wii for Skyward Sword, but that's only one game.

Nov 25, 2012 9:07 AM

Sep 2010
The dev kits of MS's next console are rumored to have 8 GB of RAM. Since that's a lot for a console, I'm guessing no more than 4 GB, to not have unrealistic expectations. I doubt the PS4 will be far behind.

There's also speculation that it will be 2GB. None of it's been confirmed though. The only truth is that 2GB in the Wii U is 4x the amount of RAM that was available in the 360, 8x the RAM in the PS3, and 32x the RAM in the Wii. So it is an upgrade and major step from the 7th gen consoles. Having less RAM only changes what setting and resources use for any given platform and that is something most devs that have ported their games between the PC, Xbox, Wii, and PS3 have been doing anyway.

And being discontent that the Nintendo didn't make the most powerful machine ever only shows how little you know about the actual strengths of Nintendo or why people rushed to buy many of their consoles even though the hardware was not cutting edge.
Anime_NameNov 25, 2012 9:21 AM

Nov 25, 2012 12:05 PM
Jul 2012
I think Wii U is actually a pretty decent console, next-gen? Nah, I think it's the Wii's fixup so it stays in this gen. The gamepad after watching like 293408 videos on it is actually pretty awesome! I'm pretty excited for the system but the price (Like all systems when they are first released) are VERY overpriced.
Nov 25, 2012 9:19 PM
Nov 2012
well to tell you the truth wii u is kind of waste im just going to wait for the new gen xbox. well that just me.
Nov 29, 2012 3:19 PM

Nov 2008

1.2 Ghz CPU? He must have made a mistake...

Nov 29, 2012 6:56 PM

Nov 2007
that1weirdguy said:
well to tell you the truth wii u is kind of waste im just going to wait for the new gen xbox. well that just me.

Just hope the new Xbox 360 doesn't die as much as the last one. Now that would be a waste...
Nov 29, 2012 8:01 PM

Apr 2012
Nov 29, 2012 8:16 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
I bought it yesterday with ZombiU (which is great). Browsing on it now, in fact... on the gamepad :)
Loving it so far. Gonna get BO2 tomorrrow.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Nov 29, 2012 10:43 PM

Mar 2010
I wanted one but sadly I don't have the money for it, but I do plan on getting one asap, the wii was very disappointing for me, but it looks like they're finally getting it right for the most part, the low storage is pretty damn retarded though

Also in terms of graphics, as long as it's HD I could care less
Nov 29, 2012 10:50 PM
Mar 2011
Vylash said:
I wanted one but sadly I don't have the money for it, but I do plan on getting one asap, the wii was very disappointing for me, but it looks like they're finally getting it right for the most part, the low storage is pretty damn retarded though

Also in terms of graphics, as long as it's HD I could care less

so you could care less so you want it not
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Nov 29, 2012 11:13 PM

Mar 2010
Otaking87 said:
Vylash said:
I wanted one but sadly I don't have the money for it, but I do plan on getting one asap, the wii was very disappointing for me, but it looks like they're finally getting it right for the most part, the low storage is pretty damn retarded though

Also in terms of graphics, as long as it's HD I could care less

so you could care less so you want it not
Nov 29, 2012 11:14 PM
Mar 2011
Vylash said:
Otaking87 said:
Vylash said:
I wanted one but sadly I don't have the money for it, but I do plan on getting one asap, the wii was very disappointing for me, but it looks like they're finally getting it right for the most part, the low storage is pretty damn retarded though

Also in terms of graphics, as long as it's HD I could care less

so you could care less so you want it not

Could care less is bad grammar

it should be i could not care less
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Nov 30, 2012 12:36 AM
Sep 2009
Otaking87 said:
Could care less is bad grammar

it should be i could not care less

You are the last person I want to see giving grammar advice.

On topic: I never bought into the gimmicks of the Nintendo Wii. I stayed far away from it and even joked about those that wasted their money on it. Too childish, too casual, not enough games I would enjoy, etc. I still believe that I made the right choice.

However, yesterday I went and picked up the Wii U. I wasn't 100% sure that it was the best idea given my hate for the Wii. But I went with my gut feeling and I have to say, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. This is a step in the right direction for Nintendo as far as I'm concerned and as long as they can get the third party support they deserve, the Wii U should have a good life.

As for games, I went with ZombiU and Super Mario Bros U. They are both fantastic and I would definitely recommend them if you're trying to decide between launch titles.

One more thing. I don't know anybody else who has the Wii U yet, so I'm looking for some friends to add. Let me know.
Nov 30, 2012 12:51 AM

Sep 2011
I just learned my brothers bought one, so I'll get to play one when I visit over Christmas, yay. I think it looks cool. I mean, if I had the money I'd definitely buy it.
Nov 30, 2012 12:53 AM

Oct 2012
I'm not really hyped to be honest, but I'd love to own one anyway.
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Nov 30, 2012 1:41 AM

Sep 2008
Played ZombiU for a good half hour, God what a piece of shit, it's the Wii's bullshit all over again.

Hey you know that thing that should just be a single button press and be completely natural? Well now it's a cumbersome mini game that forces you out of the actual game, just so we have an excuse to make you look at and use this ridiculous chunk of plastic we call a controller!

We could have just designed a straight forward pretty neat zombie game, but we felt like making an over glorified techdemo instead!
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Nov 30, 2012 3:52 AM
Mar 2011
if Dragon quest is not underrated in the west DQ X should be the Killer app for the Wiiu in us and eu as i was in asia
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
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