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Mar 20, 2010 2:38 AM

Nov 2008
It's over, eh? They sure didn't hold back, but in the end, it's just a happy end, nothing more to add than a 'just'. (I'll have to give them some credit, Misaka's scenes were nicely animated, nothing less than expected.) A bit disappointing perhaps, since I used to look forward to this show every single week. The first episode was one I re-watched many times, that, unlike other shows, didn't happen that often. I suppose I should cherish that and make my own ending.

The only way out now is to start reading the manga, find out all the great stuff they left out.. And if they'll ever decide to make a sequel, since Index II nor Railgun II don't seem too likely to me, I hope they'll go for 'Raildex'. The connections between the two shows and characters have been set, now it's for them to make an end(ing) to it.

8/10? (I can't believe it, the same rating as Index? I might think about it again and considering upping it up to a 9.)
Mar 20, 2010 2:42 AM

Sep 2008
I am not even going to bother to actually go into depth why this show was just a mess. It had some good moments in some of the actual plot arcs (though this episode was just over the top and lame) but a lot of the show was just crap really. Still can't understand why a lot of people hate Majutsu and love this. Majutsu was way better than this IMO. It still had its bad parts but bloody hell I want a 2nd season of it even more now after seeing this.

I only watched this because I enjoyed Majutsu and was hoping for some good connections though instead I just sat through a lot of crap for a few good bits. Probably wasted my time but oh well guess I did enjoy some parts.
Mar 20, 2010 3:32 AM

Jun 2009
desolato said:
8/10? (I can't believe it, the same rating as Index? I might think about it again and considering upping it up to a 9.)

At time of 13-15 episode i wanted to give it 9, but cause of later episodes i couldn't. -_-
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 20, 2010 3:35 AM

Apr 2009
Now I can rest in piece. The date is only august 13:

So remain 7 day to august 20. :P

"There's no such thing as a coma. He is surly previewing the afterlife." by
Mar 20, 2010 3:42 AM

Jul 2007
Meh this series was a disappointment 6/10
Mar 20, 2010 3:56 AM
Jan 2010
Hey, why are most of the people rating THE SERIES rather than THE EPISODE? o_O
Mar 20, 2010 3:56 AM
Nov 2008
desolato said:

The only way out now is to start reading the manga, find out all the great stuff they left out.. And if they'll ever decide to make a sequel, since Index II nor Railgun II don't seem too likely to me, I hope they'll go for 'Raildex'. The connections between the two shows and characters have been set, now it's for them to make an end(ing) to it.

I think it's safe to say that they will announce Railgun II or Index II at the end of the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun MMR specials.
Mar 20, 2010 3:59 AM

Dec 2009
Better than Index anyways, without annoying damsels in distresses begging for Touma's help. Call me a weirdo if you want, but I enjoyed every bit of the show including the fillers 10/10 =)
Mar 20, 2010 4:12 AM
Jun 2009
That was an OK ending, but less filler would have been better, and if the Sisters Arc was included as well
Mar 20, 2010 4:25 AM

Nov 2007
Because of the fillers, it gets a 5/10. In other words, the same score as Index. Could've been so much better.
Mar 20, 2010 4:29 AM

Jan 2010
I'm glad it's out. After stopping at ep.18, I can now go from the beginning again through to completion.
Mar 20, 2010 4:35 AM
Jun 2008
One thing for sure.....Touma is useless in this episode

Therestina's devilish is very classic. Kinda boring i think...but still entertain me a little.
Can i have permission to call her BITCH. ?

Almost have to same feeling like the last season...story not long enough(or izzit story too fast)?
MorningGloryMar 20, 2010 4:57 AM
Mar 20, 2010 4:40 AM

Jun 2009
gloryfy said:
One thing for sure.....Touma is useless in this episode

How come? He pressed that button!
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 20, 2010 4:44 AM
Jun 2008
OrochiPL said:
gloryfy said:
One thing for sure.....Touma is useless in this episode

How come? He pressed that button!
Hahah, he did appear....I am watching while typing,it seems his appearance will be a spoiler for me ^^
Mar 20, 2010 4:53 AM

Jul 2009
Ranked one of the worst Railgun episodes of this season? Most definitely...
Can't even begin to describe how many ridiculously bad scenes there where and how many times they broke the laws of basic physics and logic.
Plus all the unnecessary "forced" dramatic scenes -.-'

Overall I'd say it's a 7 for the show though due to the characters being somewhat likeable and the first story arc actually was quite good.
Mar 20, 2010 4:53 AM
Jan 2010
Your typical FRIENDS ending. Nothing more to say.
Mar 20, 2010 5:01 AM
Jul 2009
pretty gosh darn awesome!
Mar 20, 2010 5:03 AM

Oct 2009
Truly remarkable not only did make tears of happiness at the end but the beginning had so much action with excitement that it did have such a feeling since episode 12 when Misaka killed that big mutations monster from Kiyama's project......Kongou ability Aero Hand impressed ne......think about her touching anything and make it propulsive at any speed like the wind does.....they did a great job of showing how useful it was on vehicles bad people....perfect examples fair enough. Not only that but Telestina herself was more evil than ever and her suffering to characters was good enough like hitting Shirai/Misaka and Uiharu.

The first part with Shirai/Kongou fighting was good but when it got better when that robot showed with Telestina.....oh excellent action not to mention Tessou with Aiho shooting at the green team. Misaka's Mega Railgun just wow in a GIF=>
Telestina should serve as good example of daughter from a wild mad scientist and her lesson from being eager.

Biggest disappointment was with Saten not hitting Telestina but the control room kind of understand she was the only one at that time that could do it.

I am assuming that Misaka's rail-gun worked better due to her will power against something that is programmed with no variations at all (Electromaster level 5).

Both times all worked out well with the music setup at the right times.....very good and well done. The kids waking up had a super tear/happy experience with especially with Banri/Haruee + all that information of level 6.

So I will leave with this as happy ending theme=>

It was also great to see everyone at the end in the pictures=>
To me it was important because it gave me a good jolt to remember fast who were these again one last time.
The happy birthday of Kiyama was so much more of ^_^ This episode is automatic 5 and top score went to 9 for me....really amazing episode this one and #12. Did anyone notice that Mii used the same bike she was using during her gang years?=>
Nice words from Saten nice ones=>
A good Kiyama part of what she says=>
Overall the end impressed me enough to watch this again....Now on to the BR shall we? I will to watch something I liked in high quality.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 20, 2010 5:13 AM

Mar 2008

If only index could have brought this consistently high quality...
Mar 20, 2010 5:17 AM

Apr 2009
Kdanni said:
Now I can rest in piece. The date is only august 13:

So remain 7 day to august 20. :P

Isn't that august 9?

Mar 20, 2010 5:23 AM

Feb 2009
Misaka's riding a bike without a helmet. That's dangerous, she could've died. Remember kids, don't follow her example.

So how is a railgun limited to 50 meters? Once you give the initial acceleration, the object isn't supposed to stop at 50 meters if the initial force given was great enough. And since Misaka is probably a better railgun than most military prototypes nowadays...

Well Railgun was one curious ride, just like Index. It had its ups and downs with quite lot a lot of flat moments to be honest. Animation is probably its biggest quality since it was pretty consistent during the whole show with minor flaws from time to time and the action scenes were really well done. Content-wise there were way too many fillers during the second half.

If this show stopped after the Kiyama battle, I would've kept it at 7 but since the second half was truly boring at times I'm gonna have to give it a 6, one point higher than my Index score since Railgun's ending feels much more like an ending, imo. Despites its significant flaws, it's also one of those shows that I'm excited to watch every week mostly because of the characters, certainly cliche, but also very touching. Uiharu~ <3 x3
Mar 20, 2010 5:24 AM

Apr 2009
Oh thanks! What a clock it's show the date bigger numbers.
then it's mean a longer sequel. :P

"There's no such thing as a coma. He is surly previewing the afterlife." by
Mar 20, 2010 5:25 AM

Aug 2008
I was skeptical a bit when i saw Viper's Creed in my railgun, but this episode turned out to be pretty awesome. I mean this is how railgun should be, blasting holes into stuff.

Overall the show wasn't as good as Index at its best, nor as bad as Index at its worst, however less of a rollercoaster ride (or freefall of quality) and better in average.

Thus till I have Index at 8/10, this will be a 9/10.

azoer said:
Kdanni said:
Now I can rest in piece. The date is only august 13:

So remain 7 day to august 20. :P
Isn't that august 9?
Fresh up my memory, what happens at the 20th?
Mar 20, 2010 5:32 AM

Nov 2009
Well, Railgun was an amazing rollercoaster ride.
It had its amazing highs and its amazing lows. I couldnt have asked for the series to close off in a better way, being an anime only watcher.
Fantastic animation, the drama didn't feel forced thanks to the build-up, and the music inserting was amazing.

Im one of those who would rather see a second series of railgun than Index, I found Index to be amazing dull after just finishing Shakugan No Shana.

Its my suspicion we'll have Shana III, then another Railgun/Index. Whichever it is, please make it to the quality Railgun pulled itself to in that final episode.

Im probably going to need to watch this series again before I can rate it.
Mar 20, 2010 5:35 AM

Oct 2009
wakka9ca said:
again, filler arc is disappointing. I'll pretend the second half of the season never existed....That cliche villain ruined it all :/
If you pretned this never happened you will be missing key evidence of level 6 project which is center plot drive part of the index world....
Arceus said:
And oh man did that Capacity Down get to me.
Yeah it felt like someone with chalk was scratching the board.
alexcampos said:
NOOO its the finale, no more BiriBiri, no more Kuroko.
Yeah that I will miss but not really since I am going to be watching it again in BR.....why not?
KazeFalcon said:
Wonder why Touma smiled in the ending....O.O
Probably knew about this somehow or caught act of the news...
godlike said:
Bio said:
I was really hoping Saten was going to take that bat right to Telestina's head, though.
Yeah same here but at least they showed her anger quite well..the GIF shows it clearly and well.
-Hei- said:
Kongou comes out of nowhere and starts busting shit up? wtf?

Why yes.....she is a level 4 and it was about time they showed what she can which = to a lot more than I though.
-Hei- said:
Saten was useful? WTF?

Yes...if it was not for her.....all would have died due to Telestina because they were paralyzed with that "Capacity Down" thing.......
-Hei- said:
Beato survived getting railguned? wtf?

Yeah that is just too bad should have not been the case at all.
-Hei- said:
Anyways, it was pretty cool when they played the OP songs during the fights (Only My Railgun>Judgelight),
Was amazingly well place if you ask...
-Hei- said:
and Misaka being such a BAMF was awesome too. The first half of the series was good, then the fillers sort of killed it, and finally there is a good final episode.
No, the fillers were a nice part to know more did kind of killed the mood but when it went back into action it was worth going through them.
-Hei- said:
Now off to read the light novels and mango.
I will be seeing the BR of this instead but I would not mind putting them in the "My plan to read manga/novel" section.
Kurogashi said:
Well I liked the ending, it was sweet. Especially the whole Happy bday sensei thing. It was a warm and fuzzy ending.
Yeah that's it it it was all happy and fuzzy...
DeathfireD said:
Like what was mentioned already, this series was a major letdown. I still found it good....just not something I'd want to see a second season of. Index season 2 on the other hand I am excited for.
I agree with you my friend DeathfireD.....this is a no no and no for Index 2 that season must be as serious and action packed as the first one with a nice magical touch with the usual science mix.
SentiNel said:
I MEAN, COME ON? A 50M RAILGUN? THE NERVE OF THESE PRICKS! Also, Railgun=/= a goddamn laser beam. It's a piece of heavily magnetized metal and it WILL shoot forward as long as it's energy doesn't run out.
You just answered the 50m why long as it's energy does not run out...hmmm....the quarter does not look like it could give out energy that much until of course that big piece did enough of a job to do that.....yes?
descent87 said:
Lol not sure how she "willed" it through that other chick's shot at the end there, eh more power to Biribiri i guess
I was thinking about the will thing simple because the machine does not have that will.
Shit......too many responses but I like discussing anime as long as I have my time with the computer........
Jumperboy333 said:

I know was the action just incredible for this one.....was I ever excited that I want to see again I ever wonder how it will look in the BR version....
Jumperboy333 said:
Okay, sorry for the fangirl-ish caps.

It's ok I was like in Ookami with one word...well it was a major reaction so I see yours good! :D
Jumperboy333 said:
Damn, this show is amazing. This episode was amazing. Kongou was amazing. Misaka was amazing. Kuroko was amazing. Saten was amazing. Everyone was amazing.

The kids were amazing too for wishing such a nice happy birthday to Kiyama! :D
Jumperboy333 said:
This was so touching. The battles were awesome. Misaka screaming KUROKO!! was... Aaargh, so cool! Kongou + Kuroko also make an awesome combo.

As much as I liked Misaka screaming Kuroko I still find it much better when Kuroko proved to be amazing enough to suddenly teleport that big piece to Misaka for a mega Railgun shot!
Jumperboy333 said:
I don't know what I'm gonna rate it. If it wasn't for some of the fillers, it would've been a 10. But I'll give it a 9,5. For now.
Oh, and it's going straight into my favorites.

It's going to my favorites too but lol.....from 8 it went to 9 for me.... :D
Jumperboy333 said:
EDIT: Screw this, I'm giving this a 10
You did it! A master piece! Respect to your decision! :D
sorsha said:
and what did Kuroko get in the end? nothing...
She got.....a job well done of her Judgment skills but seriously......satisfaction I would say at least....she looked she understood all about Kiyama's reasons to help the kids with Misaka also understanding it last episode finally.
Jumperboy333 said:
sorsha said:
(also I do not like majutsu no index, why does Kuroko have that in the MAL list as her "anime relation" since she is a main character in Railgun and not in majustsu??l

Cause she's a supporting character in Index. >_>

Yeah that's right she only one like that and so is Misaka.....Touma/Index rule more in that series.
velcom said:
Majutsu was way better than this IMO.

francismeunierMar 20, 2010 5:49 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 20, 2010 6:13 AM

Jan 2010
Alexstratz said:
So how is a railgun limited to 50 meters? Once you give the initial acceleration, the object isn't supposed to stop at 50 meters if the initial force given was great enough. And since Misaka is probably a better railgun than most military prototypes nowadays...

I believe it was said somewhere (manga or anime) that the 50 meters limit is caused by the coins she uses, something about friction destroying them after 50 meters. Seems that doesn't applies to big mechs hands.

I liked this arc as a whole and this particular episode almost made me forget those hideous fillers about irrelevant characters.... almost. It felt like a good season ending, at least better than Index's lame one. 5/5 for the episode and barely 7/10 for the show due to fillers and missing parts, Railgun's manga is awesome and so much better than this... a shame really.

Mar 20, 2010 6:18 AM

Mar 2008
Clive said:
Alexstratz said:
So how is a railgun limited to 50 meters? Once you give the initial acceleration, the object isn't supposed to stop at 50 meters if the initial force given was great enough. And since Misaka is probably a better railgun than most military prototypes nowadays...

I believe it was said somewhere (manga or anime) that the 50 meters limit is caused by the coins she uses, something about friction destroying them after 50 meters. Seems that doesn't applies to big mechs hands.

I liked this arc as a whole and this particular episode almost made me forget those hideous fillers about irrelevant characters.... almost. It felt like a good season ending, at least better than Index's lame one. 5/5 for the episode and barely 7/10 for the show due to fillers and missing parts, Railgun's manga is awesome and so much better than this... a shame really.

Nobody needs dumbshit posts like that, you know...
Mar 20, 2010 6:39 AM

Apr 2009
Kvakond said:
I was skeptical a bit when i saw Viper's Creed in my railgun, but this episode turned out to be pretty awesome. I mean this is how railgun should be, blasting holes into stuff.

Overall the show wasn't as good as Index at its best, nor as bad as Index at its worst, however less of a rollercoaster ride (or freefall of quality) and better in average.

Thus till I have Index at 8/10, this will be a 9/10.

azoer said:
Kdanni said:
Now I can rest in piece. The date is only august 13:

So remain 7 day to august 20. :P
Isn't that august 9?
Fresh up my memory, what happens at the 20th?

I believe it was the day Touma meets Misaka-imouto

Mar 20, 2010 6:43 AM

Nov 2008
Dozer said:

Nobody needs dumbshit posts like that, you know...

Oh the ironic contradictions! Nobody needs your opinion either but since this is the forums, all bullshit allowed except spam.

Wait a minute... Just the fact that I posted this "dumbshit post" to reply to your "dumbshit post", there can only be one "dumbshit" repose to end this confusion!

Mar 20, 2010 6:48 AM

Jun 2009
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 20, 2010 6:50 AM

May 2009
Great final episode. Great large scale action (mostly Misaka, but go Kongou!) and small scale action (Saten tearing up the control room) action as well. Also, it was nice to see Uihara redeem herself finally after being so annoying in recent episodes. And a very satisfying ending. A little sappy, but that's ok. Much like the midway point, they did a great job building towards a climax. And the lows weren't too low. Turned out better than I thought. Bumping it up to 9.
Mar 20, 2010 7:06 AM

May 2009
EternalDreamer said:
Ranked one of the worst Railgun episodes of this season? Most definitely...
Can't even begin to describe how many ridiculously bad scenes there where and how many times they broke the laws of basic physics and logic.
Plus all the unnecessary "forced" dramatic scenes -.-'

ITT: people who take anime seriously.

Also, when there's not enough drama, people complain. When there's too much drama, people complain. When is enough truly enough?

Yeah, I would've liked to see Telestina being killed by Mikoto's Railgun as well, but then again, she held some important information and as pirates used to say: "Dead men tell no tales."


Anyway, I thought this show was very entertaining. There may have been a few slow moments, but in general, it was a fun 6 months and definitely worth the 9 I initially gave it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 20, 2010 7:10 AM

Jul 2009
People always complain, it's natural..
Mar 20, 2010 7:15 AM
Jan 2010
Dozer said:

If only index could have brought this consistently high quality...

Mar 20, 2010 7:18 AM

Nov 2008
AO968 said:
Also, when there's not enough drama, people complain. When there's too much drama, people complain. When is enough truly enough?
Try Kimi ni Todoke.
Mar 20, 2010 7:25 AM

Sep 2007
Loved the last last episode. This episodes shows more action than the past ones.
Finally Kongou shows her power (which looks cool for me) and there combination of Kuroko, I didn't that they would teamed up.
I'd feel a trill there when Misaka calls Kuroko and teleported in the air to kick Telestina's lost hand from her mecha. And eventually Misaka use that one instead of of her coin for her railgun.

Man it is great if Saten-san hits Telestina's head using a baseball bat >:))

As for me, I give this episode 5 out of 5. And 9 out of 10 for the series.


BTW, Why there are so many complaining about this series or episodes?
If they really think that this one is really bad, they should DROP this one at FIRST PLACE.
But how did they manage to watch this until the end even they said it was really bad?
magnumMar 20, 2010 7:31 AM
Mar 20, 2010 7:36 AM
Jul 2009
Laevantein said:
People always complain, it's natural..


MISAKA and co. FTW!
This is just so BRILLIANT!
I had a wonderful experience from watching railgun.There are times that its funny, exciting, and felt disappointed at some point but all these emotions just proved that railgun is really entertaining and had fulfilled its purpose as anime. Nuff said, this series is a masterpiece 10/10
Mar 20, 2010 7:36 AM

Dec 2007
Index season 2 fucking where?
Mar 20, 2010 7:40 AM

Aug 2008
Pretty badass ending and an okay series. Though still...bring us Index next pls!!

Mar 20, 2010 7:50 AM

Jan 2010
Dozer said:
Clive said:
Alexstratz said:
So how is a railgun limited to 50 meters? Once you give the initial acceleration, the object isn't supposed to stop at 50 meters if the initial force given was great enough. And since Misaka is probably a better railgun than most military prototypes nowadays...

I believe it was said somewhere (manga or anime) that the 50 meters limit is caused by the coins she uses, something about friction destroying them after 50 meters. Seems that doesn't applies to big mechs hands.

I liked this arc as a whole and this particular episode almost made me forget those hideous fillers about irrelevant characters.... almost. It felt like a good season ending, at least better than Index's lame one. 5/5 for the episode and barely 7/10 for the show due to fillers and missing parts, Railgun's manga is awesome and so much better than this... a shame really.

Nobody needs dumbshit posts like that, you know...

Then please by all means enlighten me about what part is "dumbshit" to you and I might be able to refrain from posting similar things in the future. Was it me trying to solve a doubt, voicing my personal opinion of this show and recommending its manga or the "horrible" 7/10 I gave it?

Mar 20, 2010 8:03 AM

Sep 2009
Lol. Everyone here takes anime way too seriously. .-.

Since I'm used to slow-moving anime due to my love for Slice of Life, I actually enjoyed the fillers enough to not downgrade it from an 8 to a 7. The ending episode made up for the previous odd bits, at least.

Also, to whoever posted in episode 23 that Saten-san was going to "Fuck their shit up" deserves a pat on the back. Overall, ending was pretty bad ass.
Mar 20, 2010 8:39 AM
Jun 2008
Quite right....if its slice of life then it should make it 100% slice of life.I don't like my expectation to being play about,or maybe i not just used to this kind of series.....
Mar 20, 2010 8:53 AM

Nov 2007
Wow, this episode was epic compared to the previous eps. 9/10 overall for this series.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Mar 20, 2010 8:56 AM
Jan 2010
You could tell Telestina was evil.
I mean, she has BEATRICE'S seiyuu.

But I can't believe it's over.
Mar 20, 2010 8:57 AM

Nov 2008
Whiskers said:
Also, to whoever posted in episode 23 that Saten-san was going to "Fuck their shit up" deserves a pat on the back.
e-penis +1
Mar 20, 2010 8:59 AM

Apr 2009
This just gets a decent 8 from me our of 7-10 (that's the range of my score).. i enjoyed it a lot though it's not great coz of its inconsistency.. btw, i love the action in this episode.. misaka + kuroko super railgun combo was cool..
Mar 20, 2010 9:26 AM

Sep 2008
Finally!! J.C. Staff has really saved the best for the last!!
Love this series as much as Index~~~

Btw, I wonder is there a season 2 for this, since the manga is still ongoing?
Mar 20, 2010 9:28 AM

Jan 2009
I was watching latter half by mere force of habit though, I liked this last episode.
shooting scene was great

then... I hope they make INDEX's sequel
Mar 20, 2010 9:58 AM

Dec 2008
Good episode! For a finale, it was satisfying enough - enough of a conclusion to make it feel like a true ending, but still open enough that they can make a sequel if they ever wanted to (I would not be opposed to it). I really liked how all four main girls were given an important part to play in defeating Telestina, which just reiterates one of the main messages in the story that you can't always work alone. Also, the action was very well done, something I think Railgun was quite consistent with.

On the con side, I thought Telestina's insanity was way overdone to the point where she wasn't even a believable character anymore >.> I have never met anyone close to that level of insanity...and I worked for three months in a psych ward. In the end, she was just a one-dimensional psycho villain.

So, the finale gets a 4/5 from me.

Overall, I enjoyed the series, especially the first half, but I agree that there were too many unsatisfying fillers bunched together in the end. I've had this series at a 7/10 but I'm more inclined to rate it 6.5/10. The show's high points were quite high, but closer to the end, it was like they were dragging their feet until they got to the final arc just to extend the series. I would have preferred less episodes and no fillers, to be honest. However, since MAL will only allow whole number ratings, I'll keep it at a 7, but will still consider dropping it to a 6 once I think about it for a while.
Mar 20, 2010 10:15 AM

Nov 2009
The capacity down and the giant robot that could combat Misaka thankfully made the fight interesting. Well, not just interesting, it was really good, much more so then the final battle for the level upper arc. I still don't get why villains leave their prey alive. Damn you plot shields!Still a very good ending. Now i can raise the score for the show up to 8 and i won't feel guilty despite the fillers. ^.^

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