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Jun 20, 2013 6:32 AM
Jun 20, 2013 6:33 AM
LOL wut ? there is episode 3 ? as I recall correctly, I think the second one is already the climax.... |
Jun 22, 2013 4:27 AM
Ah, it's been several years since episode 2 but episode 3 is finally out. I don't really remember much from the previous two, if I recall correctly, they were different stories about the girl getting it on with other guys or raped? Anyways, all I have to say about this is Ai is a fitting name for her. She gives plenty of love. edit - Character design changed so much I couldn't even tell it was the same person without having read the name. |
HentaiJun 22, 2013 1:37 PM
♥ ☆ ♥ | My list is a bit NSFW | Hentai Database Contributors Club | ♥ ☆ ♥ If you see a hentai anime using a manga/eroge cover image, help by replacing it with its proper image! |
Jun 22, 2013 8:04 AM
So what I don't get it, towards the end did Ai just basically spill all the sexually things she did with other men to her boyfriend. why? |
![]() ☯ĄŴĖŞŐΜĖ☯! |
Jun 22, 2013 12:37 PM
Pretty disappointed in the 3rd episode. I expected the animation quality to be better than the 2nd episode since they took a 2 year hiatus, but it ended up being even worst than the 2nd episode. 2/5 for me. Looks like Ai suffered some serious mind-break in this episode. |
Jun 24, 2013 2:44 PM
Legend-Thriller said: I think as all ntr he cant satisfy her anymoreSo what I don't get it, towards the end did Ai just basically spill all the sexually things she did with other men to her boyfriend. why? And btw i think this NTR is good but i cant rank it know(wait for subtitle) |
Ma333xJun 24, 2013 2:50 PM
Jul 10, 2013 4:45 PM
Aug 29, 2013 9:28 AM
Its subbed now and i have to say i don't feel bad for the MC(Sai) at all i mean its over he should be happy not sad anyway i like it since its typical NTR ending and its OVER not like some other NTR where the shit keep going forever so 4/5 they changed the anime style but i dont mind and the end was convincing (She found a new guy who can protect her,satisfy her and he is crazy about her not like the old ....... i don't know what to call him ) |
Aug 31, 2013 8:40 AM
Ringosfire said: I wish her boyfriend was more crazy and how did he sleep through that when they were banging right on top of him. Maybe he took sleeping pills. Some medicine may also have affected his potency Notice the rings on Tomioka's hands: NSFW Rings are absent: NSFW Ai-chan's ass is bare here: NSFW But moment later she wears panties: NSFW No panties again... NSFW ...and then: NSFW |
SerhiykoFeb 17, 2020 10:01 AM
Sep 13, 2013 9:28 PM
GOOD , ending not typical ntr , where you get piss off and throw the pc at the wall at least she break off from the guy in the end |
Sep 25, 2013 10:22 PM
I find it terrible because Ai left Seiji. Another reason is I hate tsutomo because all he wanted was sex with Ai. At least I think seiji care about Ai 's feeling as in he looks more concerned about Ai. Tsutumo made Ai choose between him and seiji. The answer for the question. Can their relationship last? No! It's torned up. Now I'm curious on what's going to happen to seiji. I hope they made him kill tsutumo. Then he can take Ai back. I would love that. |
Mar 10, 2014 5:03 PM
I saw this also (and still have it). And to this day, it Still makes me turn into the Hulk (Not really but, you know what I mean). Tsutomo (And the other antagonists), your asses are Mine! >=( |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Mar 15, 2014 9:04 AM
lol, like really? This is a good ending? The good guy gets left because another fucks better and beats people up. Yea he protects her alright... he's going to become her pimp. But of course seija doesn't have a backbone and say "FUCKING GOOD RIDDANCE BITCH" Now that would have been a twist! |
NaruHina!! |
Mar 15, 2014 10:19 AM
Mar 15, 2014 7:53 PM
Serhiyko said: daichisama said: lol, like really? This is a good ending? Who said it is a good ending? It was Korine. This person stated that it's not typical NTR. Maybe he's confused? |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Mar 16, 2014 4:38 AM
Sheild0731 said: It was Korine. This person stated that it's not typical NTR. Maybe he's confused? Maybe you misunderstood him. He said "GOOD [comma] ending not typical ntr ," and then he explains why it's not typical ending. If he's right or no is another matter He didn't say it's a "good ending", because there was a comma... |
Mar 16, 2014 1:45 PM
Serhiyko said: Sheild0731 said: It was Korine. This person stated that it's not typical NTR. Maybe he's confused? Maybe you misunderstood him. He said "GOOD [comma] ending not typical ntr ," and then he explains why it's not typical ending. If he's right or no is another matter He didn't say it's a "good ending", because there was a comma... My Bad. |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Apr 5, 2014 1:49 PM
DAT ART AND QUALITY CHANGE BRO So here's the thing, every time I watch NTR I always end up hating the girl in question. I don't normally feel bad for the guy who "loses" her, nor do I really feel angry toward the guy who "takes" her. Maybe it's just the stuff I've seen so far, but it always just comes back to the woman in question either being too stupid to live or just willingly doing things and making flimsy excuses and crying a bit to try and seem like she's being taken advantage of. I was under the impression that I was supposed to feel something aimed toward the taker and the guy who she is being taken from... but every time they don't matter. It's always the girl I feel the most contempt for. Am I doing it wrong or something? |
Jun 4, 2014 7:29 AM
Jul 2, 2014 2:22 PM
Don't worry people. I wrote something for this too. Here. --> |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Sep 4, 2014 10:28 AM
Honestly on a note this series could've been something else but this.. Literally i put a block on my cpu to not watch this due to the story board of it... It only had 3 episodes, yeah its an ova but still at least certain ova's had a great/ perfect reason to have that type of story but made sense about it. I give it a 2.4/10 Didn't reach it's potential to me, to be honest. |
Nov 8, 2014 4:58 AM
Looks like this one retained the art style from episode 2. In disagreeing with just about everyone else, I thought this one had most fappable scenes of all 3 even though it was most tame of all (although the ep 1 final rape scene and epic faces is still the best). It was the reluctant-but-weak-resistiance type of situations which was part of the charm, but of course she was a whore from the start.... And the strongest bad end of all. She voluntarily denies him and not without telling him he sucks and that Tsutomu-san was better! Bad end for guy but looks like girl is happy. Who cares about the guy anyway lol he can move on to a more faithful girlfriend and at least he didn't get raped this episode. |
User-sanNov 8, 2014 5:04 AM
Jan 17, 2015 3:17 AM
i for one watch hentai for fap, not for plot this one ranks higher than the 2nd episode imo... since that was really messed up second-half villain from ep1 and ep2 cameo lol this is borderline vanilla ntr... though i wished she didn't do it with sei in the end and does it with tsutomu in front of awakened sei, now THAT would be a classic ntr |
Jul 3, 2015 2:49 AM
honestly, why doesn't mc just get back together with his ex? PS: ED is on epic level |
My Reviews and Rants: 痛就是爱 |
Oct 9, 2015 4:52 AM
A disloyal bitch and a friend whom kept fucking her. It seemed all pure with her fighting to pay for Sei's bills, but I dropped the show after 2 episodes. Then I came back over a week later, and it seemd to get more positive and pure, but then the people whom made the show threw an M Shamalan curveball. I hate that cuckolding, dishonorable spouse angle. 4/10 |
Nov 24, 2015 10:49 PM
I like this one better than the 2nd since it has lots more scenes. In the end, the guy with the bigger dick wins. |
Apr 11, 2016 7:24 PM
Another depressing end. How can she cry after what shes done and what she will do next? I thing this series/vn intended for woman (otome game). |
Aug 27, 2016 10:56 PM
hope they can make season 2 when seiji needs help, i came up the idea. Its was a sad, sad day for seiji, after his girlfriend, Ai, dump and left him for his co-worker, she broke his promise and won't be able to visit him anymore.Leaving seiji crying all alone in the hospital but a new nurse who his childhood friend,iyu, came and talk to him and cheer him up.She told him that 'theirs pantry fishes in the sea, someday you'll find the right girl who this deserve you ' but he doesn't need no one else because he still love ai. When seiji alone the worst of his life has come. The devilish nurse Akiko aka seiji's ex heard about the breakup,tries to talk to him and come to his life. But seiji refuse and never forgive her for what she did and then slap her for rape him and sending her partner to rape ai. This can't not end well,Akiko is upset because he doesn't want her.I wonder why they breakup? Akiko did something unthinkable, she put seiji to sleep, tie him up and rape him like the last time and this time, its gets worse, she abusing him and show him the pictures on her phone.Seiji was shocked when she show him a pictures of ai in the strip club having sex with the rich old man and in the hospital having sex with tsutomo while he was sleeping. Seiji went furious and then crying because ai cheating on him and akiko laugh and continue raping, he though that this is the end for him but it not. The four girls, the nurse, seiji older sister, his neighbor and a co-worker came to save seiji from that crazy ex. They beat her up so bad, after that, seiji is crying and upset because ai lie to him. Seiji now telling them what happen and why he didn't call his sister. He show them the pictures of ai, they are shock and angry. The girls came to visit ai's house and then his older sister attack her and ask her why she doing this to seiji. Ai's younger sister can't believe that her sister cheating on seiji and left him for tsutomo, ai told them that she trying to help seiji for the his debt but ends up with tsutomo. Everyones angry at Ai and Tsutomo, tsutomo doesn't give a damn about seiji.... and seiji coworker Reiko talk the sense of him, then pushes him, he told her to stop but shes so very angry at tsutomo for stealing seiji's girl. Tsutomo can't take it so he slap reiko hard and then seiji's sister punch him, everyone's shock including ai, Ai's sister question ai if she don't care about seiji, ai still care about seiji, they don't believe her so they left and then ai's sister upset and go to her room, Ai's crying like a bitch. After the horrible nightmare, seiji tried to end his pain by jumping out the window but iyu stop him, He can't forget about ai and he blame himself for dragged ai into his mess. Iyu can't stand seeing seiji suffering so she cheer him up by well...... you know :) Sei enjoying having sex with iyu, making him feel so good. The next day, Reiko, seiji's friend, came to visit him, she told him that Ai and Tsutomo quit working at the pizza plaza because of her and what happen to seiji. Seiji sad about it but doesn't care anymore, he thank reiko for saving him from his ex. Reiko in love with him for a long time and yeah same thing :) 4 days later, Seiji's release from the hospital. As he reach home, he surprised that iyu and reiko in his apartment naked ohhhhhh yeah 3some :) 8 months later, Seiji's stupid ass ex girlfriend, Ai, show to his apartment. Seiji surprised that ai's face been jacked up , she told seiji that her boyfriend tsutomo beat her up so she ended the relationship and call the police to arrest him. Ai's crying and she was like' i'm so sorry sei-kan, i'm sorry i wasn't there for you in the hospital because of tsutomo, i know that still angry at me for i did to you, i know that you know i was working at the kinky shop i know and it was the dumpiest thing i ever done i was trying to help you sei-kan, i promise you that i was going to visit you everyday but i fuck it up i sorry sei-kan i'm so sorry i i still love you and i wanna be with you again' i tried to crawl back to his life but he moved on it his new girl and here best thing what seiji saying ' but ai, you say that you though i was gonna win you back and i hope that you move on and find a right girl who deserved you and i just did'. Ai's shocked that reiko and iyu in his apartment naked, seiji's smiling because ai is crying..'i'm sorry ai but moved on reiko and iyu are there for me, if you love me then you shouldn't cheat on me with tsutomo even worst in the first place, i forgive you ai but i'm done with you goodbye ai and have a nice life'. There you go best ending. |
nickyd453Jun 25, 2017 7:56 PM
Dec 18, 2017 2:46 PM
What kind of sick people are you (some). How could you watch this and enjoy someone esles girlfriend get raped by random guys (and girl). If you people truly loved the art of anime, then you shouldnt be so happy about this. How would you feel if that was your girlfriend got all of her holes banged. Not only that but instead of the the guy getting his girl friend back, she still goes with the guy that raped here more than 1,000 times! At leat the director could have made it so that they would somehow find true love between each other. Like am i the only one that feels bad for her (in general, not in a mental/phiscal way) after she said she wanted to be back with him. See this is what im not understanding, if all you guys loked anime how could you want to see it in the most horrific way possible, they could have at least made a happy ending and those love birds do away with eachother all night and have their realationship restored. Man i honestly cant imagine what type of people those who like this video are like, hope they arent going through this kinda crap. Any way i just wanted to know why can anything be a honest love relationship type of anime. I hope someone out here knows what im talkig about |
Dec 18, 2017 4:22 PM
PURE1WHITE said: How could you watch this and enjoy someone esles girlfriend get raped by random guys (and girl). If you people truly loved the art of anime, then you shouldnt be so happy about this. How would you feel if that was your girlfriend got all of her holes banged. See, this is your problem. She's not anyone's girlfriend, she doesn't even exist. It's just a product of someone's imagination that was drawn on computer. No one's feelings are actually hurt, and no one suffered during the production or anywhere. I was just like you at first, I got mad and disgusted at these kinds of things and was looking for happy ends, but at one point, I just learnt not to care and that's where I could finally get a satisfaction from an imaginary scenes and situations that would otherwise be terrible. Besides, the logic in the majority of the hentai is so extremely dumb that you wouldn't be able to perceive it as real even if you wanted to. My or anyone's girlfriend wouldn't get in this kind of situation, because hentai logic just doesn't apply to real world, but it appeals to carnal desires in the sense "what if" The love to the art of anime has nothing to do with it, it's a different genre and it has different purposes |
Oct 1, 2018 6:37 AM
PURE1WHITE said: What kind of sick people are you (some). How could you watch this and enjoy someone esles girlfriend get raped by random guys (and girl). If you people truly loved the art of anime, then you shouldnt be so happy about this. How would you feel if that was your girlfriend got all of her holes banged. Not only that but instead of the the guy getting his girl friend back, she still goes with the guy that raped here more than 1,000 times! At leat the director could have made it so that they would somehow find true love between each other. Like am i the only one that feels bad for her (in general, not in a mental/phiscal way) after she said she wanted to be back with him. See this is what im not understanding, if all you guys loked anime how could you want to see it in the most horrific way possible, they could have at least made a happy ending and those love birds do away with eachother all night and have their realationship restored. Man i honestly cant imagine what type of people those who like this video are like, hope they arent going through this kinda crap. Any way i just wanted to know why can anything be a honest love relationship type of anime. I hope someone out here knows what im talkig about I think you got way too emotionally invested. |
Oct 5, 2018 12:39 PM
the first sucked second one ok i guess the thrid oh my god what a slut |
Dec 2, 2019 9:08 AM
PURE1WHITE said: What kind of sick people are you (some). How could you watch this and enjoy someone esles girlfriend get raped by random guys (and girl). If you people truly loved the art of anime, then you shouldnt be so happy about this. How would you feel if that was your girlfriend got all of her holes banged. Not only that but instead of the the guy getting his girl friend back, she still goes with the guy that raped here more than 1,000 times! At leat the director could have made it so that they would somehow find true love between each other. Like am i the only one that feels bad for her (in general, not in a mental/phiscal way) after she said she wanted to be back with him. See this is what im not understanding, if all you guys loked anime how could you want to see it in the most horrific way possible, they could have at least made a happy ending and those love birds do away with eachother all night and have their realationship restored. Man i honestly cant imagine what type of people those who like this video are like, hope they arent going through this kinda crap. Any way i just wanted to know why can anything be a honest love relationship type of anime. I hope someone out here knows what im talkig about bcz targeted audience are generally the vegetative depressed some who are desensitized to a point to first sympathise and then savour the mishaps of people developing cognitive dissonance.It gets addicting and stuck in a loop |
Jun 27, 2020 9:06 AM
I don’t understand why do these ero games don’t have a good ending where the main guy gets the girl back through his efforts instead of get her back perhaps it would be more precise to say he takes her back |
Jun 2, 2021 5:43 PM
I’m still confused about the episode order. Like in the second episode Seiji is clearly checked outta the hospital or something. And you go into episode 3 where he’s still in the fuckin hospital; gown and everything. Like, what?? Not to mention the fact they’re cuddling like this bitch didnt just do the incest and done got gang raped. Is this just 3 different realities or themes based on a similar plot. I have no clue. That just threw me off |
Jun 3, 2021 7:54 AM
tfIsThisShit said: Is this just 3 different realities or themes based on a similar plot. That's right. I don' remember if it's three different routes or just two though |
Jun 10, 2021 9:40 PM
Re-Visiting this Hentai, I have one question for the GTR club, How Exactly is THIS hentai, GTR? |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Aug 25, 2021 9:04 AM
Episode 3? *Coughs off* What happened to me? I'm dying along with the mold is getting me worse to the fatal death. Breaking the protagonist? It's a waste of life! I suffered more than this next one with the bad ending and I'm tired of this fake ending. I want a real, good ending of it not with the sudden death! |
Aug 25, 2021 9:06 AM
nickyd453 said: Is this sad ending or a canon? If they don't reconcile, the mold of their love can vanish to death as well as their soul(I'm referring to the molds like me).hope they can make season 2 when seiji needs help, i came up the idea. Its was a sad, sad day for seiji, after his girlfriend, Ai, dump and left him for his co-worker, she broke his promise and won't be able to visit him anymore.Leaving seiji crying all alone in the hospital but a new nurse who his childhood friend,iyu, came and talk to him and cheer him up.She told him that 'theirs pantry fishes in the sea, someday you'll find the right girl who this deserve you ' but he doesn't need no one else because he still love ai. When seiji alone the worst of his life has come. The devilish nurse Akiko aka seiji's ex heard about the breakup,tries to talk to him and come to his life. But seiji refuse and never forgive her for what she did and then slap her for rape him and sending her partner to rape ai. This can't not end well,Akiko is upset because he doesn't want her.I wonder why they breakup? Akiko did something unthinkable, she put seiji to sleep, tie him up and rape him like the last time and this time, its gets worse, she abusing him and show him the pictures on her phone.Seiji was shocked when she show him a pictures of ai in the strip club having sex with the rich old man and in the hospital having sex with tsutomo while he was sleeping. Seiji went furious and then crying because ai cheating on him and akiko laugh and continue raping, he though that this is the end for him but it not. The four girls, the nurse, seiji older sister, his neighbor and a co-worker came to save seiji from that crazy ex. They beat her up so bad, after that, seiji is crying and upset because ai lie to him. Seiji now telling them what happen and why he didn't call his sister. He show them the pictures of ai, they are shock and angry. The girls came to visit ai's house and then his older sister attack her and ask her why she doing this to seiji. Ai's younger sister can't believe that her sister cheating on seiji and left him for tsutomo, ai told them that she trying to help seiji for the his debt but ends up with tsutomo. Everyones angry at Ai and Tsutomo, tsutomo doesn't give a damn about seiji.... and seiji coworker Reiko talk the sense of him, then pushes him, he told her to stop but shes so very angry at tsutomo for stealing seiji's girl. Tsutomo can't take it so he slap reiko hard and then seiji's sister punch him, everyone's shock including ai, Ai's sister question ai if she don't care about seiji, ai still care about seiji, they don't believe her so they left and then ai's sister upset and go to her room, Ai's crying like a bitch. After the horrible nightmare, seiji tried to end his pain by jumping out the window but iyu stop him, He can't forget about ai and he blame himself for dragged ai into his mess. Iyu can't stand seeing seiji suffering so she cheer him up by well...... you know :) Sei enjoying having sex with iyu, making him feel so good. The next day, Reiko, seiji's friend, came to visit him, she told him that Ai and Tsutomo quit working at the pizza plaza because of her and what happen to seiji. Seiji sad about it but doesn't care anymore, he thank reiko for saving him from his ex. Reiko in love with him for a long time and yeah same thing :) 4 days later, Seiji's release from the hospital. As he reach home, he surprised that iyu and reiko in his apartment naked ohhhhhh yeah 3some :) 8 months later, Seiji's stupid ass ex girlfriend, Ai, show to his apartment. Seiji surprised that ai's face been jacked up , she told seiji that her boyfriend tsutomo beat her up so she ended the relationship and call the police to arrest him. Ai's crying and she was like' i'm so sorry sei-kan, i'm sorry i wasn't there for you in the hospital because of tsutomo, i know that still angry at me for i did to you, i know that you know i was working at the kinky shop i know and it was the dumpiest thing i ever done i was trying to help you sei-kan, i promise you that i was going to visit you everyday but i fuck it up i sorry sei-kan i'm so sorry i i still love you and i wanna be with you again' i tried to crawl back to his life but he moved on it his new girl and here best thing what seiji saying ' but ai, you say that you though i was gonna win you back and i hope that you move on and find a right girl who deserved you and i just did'. Ai's shocked that reiko and iyu in his apartment naked, seiji's smiling because ai is crying..'i'm sorry ai but moved on reiko and iyu are there for me, if you love me then you shouldn't cheat on me with tsutomo even worst in the first place, i forgive you ai but i'm done with you goodbye ai and have a nice life'. There you go best ending. |
Aug 25, 2021 9:12 AM
-weilyem- said: I find it terrible because Ai left Seiji. Another reason is I hate tsutomo because all he wanted was sex with Ai. At least I think seiji care about Ai 's feeling as in he looks more concerned about Ai. Tsutumo made Ai choose between him and seiji. The answer for the question. Can their relationship last? No! It's torned up. Now I'm curious on what's going to happen to seiji. I hope they made him kill tsutumo. Then he can take Ai back. I would love that. Wait, that's forced! We can't take that by force! |
Jul 3, 2022 11:31 AM
What Ai did to Sei-kun?! There is a special place in Hell for people like her! |
Jul 28, 2022 8:10 PM
If people here are still upset with how this hentai ended, I already wrote a fanfiction a long while back. Here it is. --> |
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look ---> |
Dec 29, 2022 1:13 AM
so is every ep a stand alone? also why is mostly every hentai ntr off a vn but they never animate the good routes there's never a good end for mc. |
Feb 24, 2023 11:27 PM
dixie89 said: Another depressing end. How can she cry after what shes done and what she will do next? I thing this series/vn intended for woman (otome game). I know right. Do you think they will do the same thing to her |
Feb 25, 2023 2:15 AM
Sheild0731 said: nice work man i love it, i hope it would become an animated hentai soonDon't worry people. I wrote something for this too. Here. --> |
Feb 25, 2023 2:17 AM
Serhiyko said: PURE1WHITE said: How could you watch this and enjoy someone esles girlfriend get raped by random guys (and girl). If you people truly loved the art of anime, then you shouldnt be so happy about this. How would you feel if that was your girlfriend got all of her holes banged. See, this is your problem. She's not anyone's girlfriend, she doesn't even exist. It's just a product of someone's imagination that was drawn on computer. No one's feelings are actually hurt, and no one suffered during the production or anywhere. I was just like you at first, I got mad and disgusted at these kinds of things and was looking for happy ends, but at one point, I just learnt not to care and that's where I could finally get a satisfaction from an imaginary scenes and situations that would otherwise be terrible. Besides, the logic in the majority of the hentai is so extremely dumb that you wouldn't be able to perceive it as real even if you wanted to. My or anyone's girlfriend wouldn't get in this kind of situation, because hentai logic just doesn't apply to real world, but it appeals to carnal desires in the sense "what if" The love to the art of anime has nothing to do with it, it's a different genre and it has different purposes I always wanted to believe that it wasn't real. But i can't help but hope a better ending was introduced |
Mar 29, 2023 10:00 AM
I actually liked the 1st 2 episodes. BUT I hated the last one as it way too straigthforward. In the first 2 episodes the mc isn't treated like garbage by his gf. Circumstances happened outside of their control. But in the 3rd both the gf and the guy treat the mc like crap and it was planned. It is way more heartless as she cheats and just tell the mc that the cheater is better in bed. All the while this happened the mc is stuck in a hospital bed. |
Apr 24, 2023 11:17 PM
I noticed Ai's armpits are always so sweaty. I think that's why they all want to f*ck her so badly. The concentrated amount of pheromones in her armpit sweat, combined with her deodorant and shampoo, can create a scent that can drive any man crazy! In my case, that happens whenever I spend a sexy time with my GF. It drives me nuts! It makes me pound that pussy real hard! That unholy alliance of r*pist from the previous episodes raping her at the beginning made me laugh! If I were Sei, I wouldn't mind her getting bored of me. Sei looks good enough to be able to get another GF. He can move on and find someone new in a few weeks or months. There's plenty of fish in the sea as long as you look good! hehe |
Nov 25, 2023 7:45 PM
They were ingenious to adapt more the girl's perspective taking advantage that the protagonist was in the hospital recovering (Since in the game, you play on the side of the protagonist) but.... Well in this episode if I lower a star because I feel that they could have given a better "justification" for the ex-lover of the protagonist to leave him because they used the typical that he prefers the member of another man, even so the scene was sad and I would have wished that at least the blue-haired nurse (Ex-lover of the protagonist) had returned with him but well.... It seems they sent her in another clinic because if they adapted the true route or the good ending, the game wouldn't sell. F for the protagonist that in these 3 routes they are going to imprison him unjustly for not paying the debt. 9/10 This adaptation, a pity that nowadays NTR adaptations don't reach the height of the game because the base audience (Japanese) only wants fan service and not plot or lore of the game. |
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