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Have you ever used Ebay?? For buying and/or selling...?

May 21, 11:32 AM

Jul 2013
I have. I bought some reed pens from it about 1 year ago. I have never sold anything on it, however. If you use Ebay, what do you buy/sell from/on it btw? I would like to know....
May 21, 11:34 AM
Oct 2019
Yup what I can't find on Amazon I get it on eBay whatever be a anime Blu Ray or a video games. I was able to complete my Neptunia ps vita collection because of eBay.
May 21, 11:36 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Otakupervert890
Yup what I can't find on Amazon I get it on eBay whatever be a anime Blu Ray or a video games. I was able to complete my Neptunia ps vita collection because of eBay.
@Otakupervert890 I completed my Hyperdimension Neptunia collection on Amazon in the late 2010s before it went out of circulation...
May 21, 11:38 AM

Dec 2019
Only one time made an account to see manga sales and then leave afterwards cuz of the shipping cost too high.
May 21, 11:42 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to notPara
Only one time made an account to see manga sales and then leave afterwards cuz of the shipping cost too high.
@notPara Amazon is a better deal than ebay (most of the time btw)...
May 21, 11:42 AM

Feb 2020
I have bought some ice hockey cards from eBay a couple of times.
May 21, 11:44 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Serafos
I have bought some ice hockey cards from eBay a couple of times.
@Serafos where did the seller sell it from?? International shipping?
May 21, 11:45 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to DesuMaiden
@Serafos where did the seller sell it from?? International shipping?
@DesuMaiden They were all from Canada or USA.
May 21, 11:46 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to DesuMaiden
@Otakupervert890 I completed my Hyperdimension Neptunia collection on Amazon in the late 2010s before it went out of circulation...
@DesuMaiden you couldn't because some games were released later. In 2010 it was the first PS3 games but what about the mk2 and victory sequel. The re; birth trilogy,hyperdevotion noire, producing perfection,u action unleashed, Neptune vs zombie and Neptune vs Sega girls on vita. Or super rpg,cyber goddess online,VII,VIIR,x Senran Kagura and virtual stars on PS4? Also reverse,sisters vs sisters and game maker ? Practically all those were released after 2010.
May 21, 11:47 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Serafos
@DesuMaiden They were all from Canada or USA.
@Serafos and you are from Finland?? Anyways, the reed pens (that I ordered) came from Pakistan. And I live in Canada...
May 21, 11:57 AM

Mar 2020
ebay is great, you can message sellers and work out deals and save big bucks. I saved $300 on new reloop dj turntables instead of ordering from dj tech tools. and old games and systems you can really score on. if you buy from the rite person.

I got this ps2 for $70 like new condition.
May 21, 12:03 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to enigmasauce
ebay is great, you can message sellers and work out deals and save big bucks. I saved $300 on new reloop dj turntables instead of ordering from dj tech tools. and old games and systems you can really score on. if you buy from the rite person.

I got this ps2 for $70 like new condition.
@enigmasauce they sell anime cels on ebay, too, as I learned on this forum nearly 2 years ago...
May 21, 2:55 PM

Aug 2011
I joined eBay in 1999 to buy anime merch (there weren't many options for that back then), and I've been using it ever since then. I even still have my original account. I only use it occasionally now (sometimes more than a year will go by without me buying/selling anything), but I used it really often when I was younger, mostly for anime stuff, but also lots of other things.

I've bought hundreds of items over the years, and made more than 150 sales. Most of what I've sold was old toys (mostly my own from the 80s/90s) and tons anime merch and manga that I didn't want anymore, but also just other random stuff, everything ranging from clothes to electronics to random decor and collectibles. A lot of the anime stuff I sold had become really rare in the years since I bought it, so I was able to make a lot of money on it. For example, a few years ago I sold a Hellsing figure for $200 (I don't think I paid more than $40 for it), and I sold most of the items from my collection of Sailor Moon stuff for at least 2-4 times what I had paid for them. I also had some old video games that sold for quite a lot a couple of years ago. I don't necessarily make a lot of money on everything I sell, but if it's just something that's sitting around collecting dust and taking up room anyway, then I'm happy to make even a little money on it, and pass it on to someone who wants it.

I'm actually in the process of cleaning out closets, boxes, etc... right now, so I currently have a bunch of stuff listed for the first time in a while. In the past few weeks, I've sold some old Wii games, coins I collected as a kid, 80s Care Bear and My Little Pony stuff, and just a few days ago I sold a rare Digimon plush for almost $500. I don't even remember where or when I bought it, but I'd be surprised if I paid more than $20 for it at the time.
May 21, 2:59 PM

Jul 2013
At least, I dont see m***erf***ers selling sketchy shit on Ebay, unlike on certain websites that I wont mention here.
May 21, 3:11 PM

Aug 2014
My family has used eBay before (once or twice). I've yet to myself, but if I am looking for something specific, I would consider. I have never sold any physical goods online.
May 21, 3:55 PM

Dec 2015
No, I don't know how Ebay is popular in Poland as no one whom I know personally has ever used it, as we have here Allegro which is a Polish version of Amazon/Ebay etc. also there's Olx which I think is more popular and than it would be Amazon.
May 21, 4:05 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to Kwanthemaster
My family has used eBay before (once or twice). I've yet to myself, but if I am looking for something specific, I would consider. I have never sold any physical goods online.
@Kwanthemaster selling it is too much of a hassle lol...
May 21, 6:48 PM

Sep 2023
Have used it to sell and buy stuff. Most of the times its cheaper than buying on sites like Mecari.

Be safe and well travels,
May 21, 6:53 PM
Dec 2022
I was a broker for modern paintings on eBay for Chinese customers as a side gig, so I purchase more than 10 times on eBay for some hefty amount of money until I got my current job.
May 21, 6:57 PM

May 2022
Nope, I don't think I've ever used Ebay before but I probably will in the future.
May 21, 7:00 PM

Nov 2015
Out of print books mostly. I hate buying secondhand books on Amazon because there’s rarely ever any pics beyond stock images.
and i guess

that i just don't know
May 21, 7:04 PM

Mar 2013
Occasionally for vintage paperback horror books, but the prices vary so widely, and it fills me with somewhat of a murderous rage to see someone list an out of print book for 50 bucks. Which alright, if it sells it sells, but it almost never does, ensuring its place in selling perpetuity.
May 21, 7:17 PM

Aug 2014
I've bought and sold all sorts of things on eBay, including musical instruments, video games, electronics, DVDs and CDs.

The most expensive thing I bought on eBay was a pair of $12,000 studio monitor loudspeakers for a much lower price because they were old. Cost over $500 just to have them shipped to me safely via freight.

PeripheralVision said:
Occasionally for vintage paperback horror books, but the prices vary so widely, and it fills me with somewhat of a murderous rage to see someone list an out of print book for 50 bucks. Which alright, if it sells it sells, but it almost never does, ensuring its place in selling perpetuity.

$50 is dirt cheap in the world of rare books. Some sold for millions.
May 21, 7:23 PM

Mar 2008
Do many people use it anymore? I thought a lot of people use Facebook market now.
May 21, 7:34 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to SmugSatoko
I've bought and sold all sorts of things on eBay, including musical instruments, video games, electronics, DVDs and CDs.

The most expensive thing I bought on eBay was a pair of $12,000 studio monitor loudspeakers for a much lower price because they were old. Cost over $500 just to have them shipped to me safely via freight.

PeripheralVision said:
Occasionally for vintage paperback horror books, but the prices vary so widely, and it fills me with somewhat of a murderous rage to see someone list an out of print book for 50 bucks. Which alright, if it sells it sells, but it almost never does, ensuring its place in selling perpetuity.

$50 is dirt cheap in the world of rare books. Some sold for millions.
SmugSatoko said:
$50 is dirt cheap in the world of rare books. Some sold for millions.

You cannot compare the Voynich manuscript to a cheap paperback for obvious reasons. It would be like comparing Wii games to unopened cartridges of Super Mario Brothers. Or something.

Though on topic...the horror paperback market is actually a pretty mixed bag of prices; going across to AbeBooks or Etsy, many of the same titles are found for only a tenth of the price, alongside any lucky finds at vintage booksellers.

In fact, Ebay is probably one of the worst places when it comes to out of print books, now that I think about it. Sometimes the prices are twice that of a new copy for a still in print book, for seemingly no reason. I have no idea where people are getting half of these prices.
May 21, 7:41 PM

Aug 2014
PeripheralVision said:
You cannot compare the Voynich manuscript to a cheap paperback for obvious reasons. It would be like comparing Wii games to unopened cartridges of Super Mario Brothers. Or something.

Though on topic...the horror paperback market is actually a pretty mixed bag of prices; going across to AbeBooks or Etsy, many of the same titles are found for only a tenth of the price, alongside any lucky finds at vintage booksellers.

In fact, Ebay is probably one of the worst places when it comes to out of print books, now that I think about it. Sometimes the prices are twice that of a new copy for a still in print book, for seemingly no reason. I have no idea where people are getting half of these prices.

I'm sure most random books aren't worth all that much, and eBay is indeed not an optimal place to look. Just thought I'd point out that some books are worth more than one may assume.

On the topic of horror novels, someday I plan on buying the original versions of the Goosebumps books because I loved the covers as a kid, whereas the reprints look lackluster. I used to own the majority of the originals, but my mother gave away most of my things before we moved away from my hometown.

Since you mentioned games...she got me the box set of EarthBound (aka Mother 2) for Super Nintendo back in the mid-'90s. Too bad I lost everything but the cartridge over the years. The full box set has sold for many thousands. At least I sold the cartridge for hundreds.
May 21, 7:44 PM

Sep 2018
I mostly buy
Games figures dvds cds from eBay.
I never tried selling.
It is my fav place to buy older games.
Just got this off ebay

For new games I use Walmart so I did get the new nep game maker on switch.
rohan121May 21, 7:49 PM
May 22, 4:04 AM

May 2014
Yep, I use it all the time for both buying and selling. I'm going to be having another big clear out soon and selling a bunch more manga and figures. I'm big into collecting figures, but it's easy to get carried away and buy ones you don't reeeeally need. I also like to only keep manga I'd re-read otherwise I don't see the point in keeping it and taking up space. Might as well sell them.

palm-tree said:
I sold a rare Digimon plush for almost $500.

Wow what was the plush? I'm a big Digimon fan and I have a few old plushies myself, but they're all keepers.
May 22, 4:18 AM

Feb 2020
Yeah use it often. Usually for buying anime figures, VCDs & DVDs.

Used it to sell stuff also when my mother passed, as we had 4x houses worth of stuff to clear out, and i also needed to de-clutter to move into a house of my own.

I think my lot of 6 K-ON!! Manga went for something like £80-90, and myself and my sis used to play and collect My Little Ponies (first gen and other older ones) and they went for hundreds of £ in the end to a collector in the US, we even had an ultra valuable pony amongst them.
Loyal_SheeplingMay 22, 9:24 AM
May 22, 5:51 AM

Nov 2019
Bought some misc stuff from china with free international shipping. biggest rip-off, but beats amazon at least they don't come damaged on arrival
May 22, 8:50 AM

Aug 2011
Reply to Fancyjasper
Yep, I use it all the time for both buying and selling. I'm going to be having another big clear out soon and selling a bunch more manga and figures. I'm big into collecting figures, but it's easy to get carried away and buy ones you don't reeeeally need. I also like to only keep manga I'd re-read otherwise I don't see the point in keeping it and taking up space. Might as well sell them.

palm-tree said:
I sold a rare Digimon plush for almost $500.

Wow what was the plush? I'm a big Digimon fan and I have a few old plushies myself, but they're all keepers.
It was Impmon from the 2001 Kuta Chara line, in almost perfect condition. I didn’t even know it was worth anything until I found it in a box in the back of my closet and Googled it.
Jun 29, 5:34 PM
Mar 2024
I usually buy old consoles (like my modded psvita!!!) or vintage jewellery, trinkets etc.
Jun 30, 7:48 PM

Jan 2009
ebay in the philippines is too expensive better just use lazada or shopee
Jun 30, 9:09 PM

Feb 2018
Reply to palm-tree
I joined eBay in 1999 to buy anime merch (there weren't many options for that back then), and I've been using it ever since then. I even still have my original account. I only use it occasionally now (sometimes more than a year will go by without me buying/selling anything), but I used it really often when I was younger, mostly for anime stuff, but also lots of other things.

I've bought hundreds of items over the years, and made more than 150 sales. Most of what I've sold was old toys (mostly my own from the 80s/90s) and tons anime merch and manga that I didn't want anymore, but also just other random stuff, everything ranging from clothes to electronics to random decor and collectibles. A lot of the anime stuff I sold had become really rare in the years since I bought it, so I was able to make a lot of money on it. For example, a few years ago I sold a Hellsing figure for $200 (I don't think I paid more than $40 for it), and I sold most of the items from my collection of Sailor Moon stuff for at least 2-4 times what I had paid for them. I also had some old video games that sold for quite a lot a couple of years ago. I don't necessarily make a lot of money on everything I sell, but if it's just something that's sitting around collecting dust and taking up room anyway, then I'm happy to make even a little money on it, and pass it on to someone who wants it.

I'm actually in the process of cleaning out closets, boxes, etc... right now, so I currently have a bunch of stuff listed for the first time in a while. In the past few weeks, I've sold some old Wii games, coins I collected as a kid, 80s Care Bear and My Little Pony stuff, and just a few days ago I sold a rare Digimon plush for almost $500. I don't even remember where or when I bought it, but I'd be surprised if I paid more than $20 for it at the time.

Sounds like we're at least close to being of an Age.

Born in 1982, my parents were generous beyond their practical means, and my mom particularly was rather liberally-minded.

despite being a boy, she raised me with both boy's and girls' Toys... My Little Ponies, GI JOEs, Rainbow Brite, TRANS FORMERS, and So On.

Rounding back to Topic; i haven't really sold much on the BAY, but over the last Fifteen years or so i have purchased PLENTY.

In Fact; the majority of my Anime Dolls were found via the BAY, including most of my very best and favorite Girls;

(I'm Not at All Sure that i ever would have come by any of these little princesses in any other way)

Shaorin Shichiri (Mamotte Shugogetten!) in 2008;

Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) in 2009;

Konomi Yuzuhara (To Heart 2) in 2019;

Ayeka Jurai (Tenchi Muyo!) in 2023;

Tamaki Kousaka (To Heart 2) in 2024;

Sasami Jurai (Tenchi Muyo!) in 2024;

Yuna Kagurazaka (Galaxy Fraulein Yuna) in 2024;

Jul 1, 6:57 AM
Dec 2023
DesuMaiden said:
I have. I bought some reed pens from it about 1 year ago. I have never sold anything on it, however. If you use Ebay, what do you buy/sell from/on it btw? I would like to know..

Hey there! I've been using eBay for a while now, mostly for buying collectibles and electronics. I find it great for unique items you can't easily find elsewhere. As for selling, I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it's good for clearing out old stuff or selling handmade crafts. Regarding your reed pens purchase, how did you find them? I'm always interested in hearing about unique finds on eBay. If you ever decide to sell, I'd love to hear about your experience too. eBay's community aspect really makes it a versatile platform for both buying and selling.

Jul 1, 12:20 PM

Oct 2023
I’ve never sold stuff on eBay, but I buy from them regularly, stuff like rare manga, animation cels, vintage Japanese toys, etc. purchased on eBay hundreds of times and only had one bad experience
Jul 1, 1:05 PM

Jul 2013
I dont buy stuff from Ebay...because it is mostly overpriced scams.
Jul 1, 6:51 PM

Oct 2018
only for browsing so far. Might buy some games on it (mainly RSE/FRLG*) eventually.

*Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald/FireRed, LeafGreen
We will keep watch!
Jul 1, 7:52 PM

Jan 2008
I scammed people through ebay. I sold them cheap plastic alarm clocks that didn't work.

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