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[CSS - Modern] 🛠️ Tweaks for lists -- Horizontal tags, descriptions, category-coloured text, accent colour, and more.

Oct 24, 2019 11:04 PM

Dec 2016
This topic is part of our CSS Tutorials and Add-ons section:

Welcome! This is a small collection of tweaks or changes to default lists that you may find useful. There's also a decent chance many of these will work with premade list designs, especially simpler ones. Specifically, this thread can help you if you're:
• Wanting to customize your theme a little without any knowledge of CSS.
• New to using CSS, and curious how to achieve any of these tweaks.

---Information -- Please read!
To install any tweak, copy all the code provided into your Custom CSS box on any modern theme. Don't forget to save afterwards! If installing multiple, I recommend pasting new code to the bottom of your CSS. This prevents accidentally breaking anything by pasting into the middle of another tweak.

For help with CSS colours, see my cheatsheet.

These tweaks were made to be applied on top of the default modern list type. I cannot guarantee they will work with custom lists, but can't hurt to try! Just make a backup of your CSS before making any major changes (a text file on your PC will do the job).


Change the accent colour.

Category-coloured header bars.

Category-coloured list text.

Convert Tags to Mini-Reviews

Tag Descriptions

Add score descriptors on hover.

Horizontal Tags

Valerio_LyndonOct 8, 2023 10:38 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 25, 2019 12:37 AM

Feb 2010
Cool topic! Thanks :D

I added it to our list of Modern CSS tutorials
Jun 28, 2020 10:25 PM

Feb 2010
@Valerio_Lyndon Thanks for the pics and efforts, I've added more info about this topic to the main directory :D
Jun 12, 2021 1:32 PM

Feb 2010
I added the color codes to change the headers too under
Category-coloured header bars
since I thought that's what it was for (not the little underline).
Dec 22, 2021 2:00 AM

Jun 2021
I was able to add colors to the header bars using this tutorial. I wanted to change the colors of the headers/texts too and found a tutorial for that in VL's Clarity layout thread. I just thought of adding the code here for those who'd want to customize that as well.

Category-Colored Headers

/* ====================
Add Colour To Header */

.status-menu .status-button {
transition: color 0.3s ease;

/* All Anime */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(1):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(1) {
color: YOURCOLORHERE !important;

/* Watching */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(2):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(2) {
color: #2db039 !important;

/* Completed */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(3):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(3) {
color: #26448f !important;

/* On Hold */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(4):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(4) {
color: #f1c83e !important;

/* Dropped */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(5):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(5) {
color: #a12f31 !important;

/* Planned */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(6):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(6) {
color: #c3c3c3 !important;

Original code:

So if you combine the codes you'll get colored headers and header bars based on category.

Category-Colored Headers & Header Bars

/* ====================
Add Colour To Header */

.status-menu .status-button {
transition: color 0.3s ease;

/* All Anime */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(1):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(1) {
color: YOURCOLORHERE !important;

/* Watching */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(2):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(2) {
color: #2db039 !important;

/* Completed */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(3):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(3) {
color: #26448f !important;

/* On Hold */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(4):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(4) {
color: #f1c83e !important;

/* Dropped */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(5):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(5) {
color: #a12f31 !important;

/* Planned */
.status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(6):hover,
.status-menu .status-button.on:nth-of-type(6) {
color: #c3c3c3 !important;

| Category-Coloured  Header Bars |
* --- - --- - ---- - --- - --- */

.status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(1)::after {
	/* All Anime */
	background: YOURCOLOUR ;
} .status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(2)::after {
	/* Watching */
	background: #2db039 ;
} .status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(3)::after {
	/* Completed */
	background: #26448f ;
} .status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(4)::after {
	/* On Hold */
	background: #f1c83e ;
} .status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(5)::after {
	/* Droppped */
	background: #a12f31 ;
} .status-menu-container .status-menu .status-button:nth-of-type(6)::after {
	/* Planned */
	background: #c3c3c3 ;

Maybe tweak it a bit for a cleaner code...
IridescentJauneDec 23, 2021 5:11 PM
Feb 27, 2022 12:40 PM

Feb 2010
@Valerio_Lyndon Thanks for this, used the title colors in my minimalist design it looks great!!! :D
Aug 23, 2022 3:19 PM

Feb 2010
Using Category-coloured header bars in some reskins of the default design; I realized that the All Anime should probably use CSS animation to shift subtlety between the 5 colors
Oct 2, 2023 9:02 PM

Dec 2016
Updated the thread with horizontal tags, category-coloured header text, and a rainbow all-anime category header (only 1 year after Shishio mentioned it). I also removed some outdated links and updated some other information.

Oct 3, 2023 6:15 AM

Jun 2021
Reply to Valerio_Lyndon
Updated the thread with horizontal tags, category-coloured header text, and a rainbow all-anime category header (only 1 year after Shishio mentioned it). I also removed some outdated links and updated some other information.

@Valerio_Lyndon Oh, wow! That rainbow 'All Anime' looks rad! Keyframes are so fun! I tested it out first on my manga list but I kinda missed the pink so I had to revert... 😆 I'm now using it for my anime list, though. I actually just tried some of the other codes like the 'Category-coloured list text' as well; having everything colored according to AA, CW, C, OH, D and PTW was nice but I kinda missed the default blue for some reason so I also had to revert. 😆

I really love this thread. Most of the tweaks that I wanted and implemented in my lists can be found here.
Oct 3, 2023 11:30 AM

Jun 2021
I was able to change the content (by following this [MODERN-CSS] Change default header text to custom text) and the background color of the "status header" with the codes/tweaks above. But what I really want is for the default header texts (All Anime, Completed, Currently Watching, On Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch, and so on) to change color only when I hover over them. I was able to do it for the 'All Anime' page but I don't really plan on changing the default header texts.

/* Status Header Background */
.list-unit .list-status-title,
.list-unit .list-stats {
	background-color: #40E0D0 !important;

/* Status Header Text */
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text{
font-size: 0px !important;
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text:after{
  content: "ALL ANIME";
  font-size: 22px;
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text:hover{
  content: "ALL ANIME";
	color: #ceff00 !important;
  font-size: 22px;

Is there a simpler way to apply the effect to all default header texts without editing all of these codes?:

There'll just be too many lines of codes when I'ill just be placing the same default header texts (All Anime, Completed, Currently Watching, On Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch) on the content: "".
Oct 3, 2023 10:06 PM

Dec 2016
Reply to IridescentJaune
I was able to change the content (by following this [MODERN-CSS] Change default header text to custom text) and the background color of the "status header" with the codes/tweaks above. But what I really want is for the default header texts (All Anime, Completed, Currently Watching, On Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch, and so on) to change color only when I hover over them. I was able to do it for the 'All Anime' page but I don't really plan on changing the default header texts.

/* Status Header Background */
.list-unit .list-status-title,
.list-unit .list-stats {
	background-color: #40E0D0 !important;

/* Status Header Text */
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text{
font-size: 0px !important;
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text:after{
  content: "ALL ANIME";
  font-size: 22px;
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title .text:hover{
  content: "ALL ANIME";
	color: #ceff00 !important;
  font-size: 22px;

Is there a simpler way to apply the effect to all default header texts without editing all of these codes?:

There'll just be too many lines of codes when I'ill just be placing the same default header texts (All Anime, Completed, Currently Watching, On Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch) on the content: "".
@IridescentJaune You shouldn't need any "content" property codes at all if you aren't changing the text. The only property you need is the "color" property inside of a hover selector. For example:
/* Status Header Text */
.all_anime .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
:is(.watching,.reading) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.completed .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.onhold .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.dropped .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
:is(.plantowatch,.plantoread) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
Oct 3, 2023 10:08 PM

Dec 2016
Reply to IridescentJaune
@Valerio_Lyndon Oh, wow! That rainbow 'All Anime' looks rad! Keyframes are so fun! I tested it out first on my manga list but I kinda missed the pink so I had to revert... 😆 I'm now using it for my anime list, though. I actually just tried some of the other codes like the 'Category-coloured list text' as well; having everything colored according to AA, CW, C, OH, D and PTW was nice but I kinda missed the default blue for some reason so I also had to revert. 😆

I really love this thread. Most of the tweaks that I wanted and implemented in my lists can be found here.
@IridescentJaune :D
Oct 4, 2023 7:10 AM

Jun 2021
Reply to Valerio_Lyndon
@IridescentJaune You shouldn't need any "content" property codes at all if you aren't changing the text. The only property you need is the "color" property inside of a hover selector. For example:
/* Status Header Text */
.all_anime .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
:is(.watching,.reading) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.completed .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.onhold .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
.dropped .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
:is(.plantowatch,.plantoread) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #ceff00;
@Valerio_Lyndon WOW! Thanks! I removed the "/* Status Header Text */" code I shared above and replaced it with yours and it works like how I wanted! I just like seeing the text color change when hovering over them. Just a bit of pizzazz, I guess. Haha.

I think others could use this code to go with the "Category-Colored Headers & Header Bars" and the "Category-coloured list text" in the tutorial above. It's still like your code but I just changed the color values to the default colors.
/* Status Header Text */
.all_anime .list-status-title .text:hover {
:is(.watching,.reading) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #2db039;
.completed .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #26448f ;
.onhold .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #f1c83e;
.dropped .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #a12f31;
:is(.plantowatch,.plantoread) .list-status-title .text:hover {
	color: #c3c3c3;

I think you can add this on the tutorial as well:
HEX Codes:
All Anime / All Manga: YOURCOLOUR
🟢Watching / Reading: #2db039
🔵Completed: #26448f
🟡On Hold: #f1c83e
🔴Dropped: #a12f31
⚪️Plan to Watch / Plan to Read: #c3c3c3

Maybe others would like the status bar/background to change color per status page instead of the header texts (or change color along with the header texts). I was able to figure out how to do that thanks to a code from this thread: [MODERN-CSS] Change default header text to custom text. I tweaked it a bit and here's the code:
/* Status Header Background */
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title {
background-color: YOURCOLOUR;
.list-unit.reading .list-status-title {
background-color: #2db039;
.list-unit.completed .list-status-title {
background-color: #26448f;
.list-unit.onhold .list-status-title {
background-color: #f1c83e;
.list-unit.dropped .list-status-title {
background-color: #a12f31;
.list-unit.plantoread .list-status-title {
background-color: #c3c3c3;

I played around with :hover and here's another code if you just want the status background to change color when hovering over them.
/* Change Color of Status Header Background on Hover */
.list-unit.all_anime .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: YOURCOLOUR;
.list-unit.reading .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: #2db039;
.list-unit.completed .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: #26448f;
.list-unit.onhold .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: #f1c83e;
.list-unit.dropped .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: #a12f31;
.list-unit.plantoread .list-status-title:hover {
background-color: #c3c3c3;

P.S. Just change watching to reading and plantowatch to plantoread, and vice versa... Not sure how to implement ":is(.plantowatch,.plantoread)" in these codes.

I usually don't have trouble picking colors but default colors don't go well with my manga list's theme (well to be more specific with MAL's dark pink and this shade of green!). 😆 MAL's green, yellow and gray look okay with the dark pink theme but their shade of blue and red just look way off with the dark pink. 🤢
IridescentJauneOct 4, 2023 7:23 AM
Nov 28, 2023 5:30 PM

Jun 2021
How to add total number of entries on All Anime, Currently Watching, Completed, On-Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch just like in this image?

Source: 🏆 2021 List Design Winners and Gallery 🏆

Sorry if I'm asking here. I just thought it's related to this thread...
Nov 28, 2023 7:28 PM

Dec 2016
Reply to IridescentJaune
How to add total number of entries on All Anime, Currently Watching, Completed, On-Hold, Dropped, Plan to Watch just like in this image?

Source: 🏆 2021 List Design Winners and Gallery 🏆

Sorry if I'm asking here. I just thought it's related to this thread...
@IridescentJaune That's one of the differences between the modern and classic lists: classic lists have the info about number of entries inside a [title] attribute on the category links. I used that to my advantage and displayed it using CSS. On modern, this information would require a third-party script to generate the CSS.

The code for the classic list at its core was this:
[class^="status_"] a::after {
	content: attr(title);
Nov 29, 2023 5:20 AM

Jun 2021
Reply to Valerio_Lyndon
@IridescentJaune That's one of the differences between the modern and classic lists: classic lists have the info about number of entries inside a [title] attribute on the category links. I used that to my advantage and displayed it using CSS. On modern, this information would require a third-party script to generate the CSS.

The code for the classic list at its core was this:
[class^="status_"] a::after {
	content: attr(title);
@Valerio_Lyndon Oh, you used Classic for that layout? Wow! I actually thought you used Modern for that. Anyways, thanks for the response. It would be cool to be able to see the total number of entries within our lists... Thinking of just adding them manually on my CSS layout but then I'll have to update them every time.

Maybe you can also add a link to this tutorial [CSS - MODERN] ⭐️ Moving and customizing all individual text and sections on the layout here for the "Category Menu Codes".

Related threads:
[MODERN-CSS] Change default header text to custom text
[CSS-MODERN] Change list text/font colors on any list layout


Edit: I just manually added my total number of entries. I guess it'd be okay to manually update it from time to time (maybe monthly or when I do my backups).

Tweaked the code from here:
IridescentJauneNov 29, 2023 6:56 AM
Dec 10, 2023 6:30 PM

Dec 2016
Reply to IridescentJaune
@Valerio_Lyndon Oh, you used Classic for that layout? Wow! I actually thought you used Modern for that. Anyways, thanks for the response. It would be cool to be able to see the total number of entries within our lists... Thinking of just adding them manually on my CSS layout but then I'll have to update them every time.

Maybe you can also add a link to this tutorial [CSS - MODERN] ⭐️ Moving and customizing all individual text and sections on the layout here for the "Category Menu Codes".

Related threads:
[MODERN-CSS] Change default header text to custom text
[CSS-MODERN] Change list text/font colors on any list layout


Edit: I just manually added my total number of entries. I guess it'd be okay to manually update it from time to time (maybe monthly or when I do my backups).

Tweaked the code from here:
@IridescentJaune Thanks! My goal on classic is always to make people think I used modern haha. I can think of a couple of ways to add the total counts to modern, perhaps in the future. Your addition looks good!
Dec 13, 2023 9:45 PM

Apr 2014
for some reason unbeknownst to me, using the provided tag desc code causes misplacements of the popout:

so i did some googling and found this code and used it.
it works.

how do i make it so the popout/tooltip is always centered to the list's entry no matter how much text are in it?

EDIT: Thankie for Elpie
karmashizzleDec 17, 2023 10:44 PM
Dec 17, 2023 8:45 PM

Dec 2016
Reply to karmashizzle
for some reason unbeknownst to me, using the provided tag desc code causes misplacements of the popout:

so i did some googling and found this code and used it.
it works.

how do i make it so the popout/tooltip is always centered to the list's entry no matter how much text are in it?

EDIT: Thankie for Elpie
@karmashizzle Without looking into the code, I assume the Clarity codes were conflicting. It's a complex theme that touches almost everything on the list.

As for how to centre your current tooltips, I would recommend setting the "top" to 50% and then using a y-axis "translate" transform. This works because the "top" percentage value positions relative to the element's parent, while the "translate" percentage value positions relative to the element it's applied to. By using both we are centering compared to the parent (the tag) using "top: 50%;" and then centering the tooltip using the "transform: translateY(-50%);".

.data.tags span a::after {
	visibility: hidden;
	width: 150px;
	background-color: #181818;
	box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
	color: #fff;
	white-space: pre-wrap;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 6px;
	padding: 5px 0;

  /* Position the tooltip */
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 2;
	top: 50%;
	transform: translateY(-50%);
	left: 102%;
	transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
	pointer-events: none;
Valerio_LyndonDec 17, 2023 8:49 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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