francismeunier said:orangehouse said:
haha~ pretty interesting show ... why do shows like this, the girls have big breasts
Okay so far ... reminds me of princess lover
This series i hope the ending wont be as such a failure as princess lover
Actually it made me too but only the censors. Art is way better in Princess Lover than this type.
Phoenix012 said:
omg that girl looks so evil
Yeah Tomomi is evil but only when she wants to be.
underMebius said:Ryoujin said:
I'm not sure if anybody asked or mentioned this, but when Hino got into his room (and Kaoru was there already), it made me think if Kaoru is actually a girl? Because as soon as Hino got inside, Kaoru covered, got all worried and made some sort of excuse to get out.
She was voiced by Rie Kugimiya, so there's a high chance that she' a girl.
I refuse to believe that Daichi is a girl.
chibuki said:francismeunier said:massive censors (steam/darkning and light) for nude
Epic fail
Rofl epic fail indeed!
jujubeeza said:
The blonde girl's hair is just crazy.
I tell they are bee stingers that will sting you instead of drills.
With the subs comprehension the laughter factor went 5 times up. Actually the comedy is great. Here is something interesting with the subs: Oh my Sernia has a daddy complex? So she want her father to be first? Lol z wut O_o