We start off with what happened in the previous episode, Maria trapping Robin with Maria-Nette. She forces Robin’s Gigante Fleur to open up her body and now she gets out her brass knuckles. She jumps on top of Robin’s giant body and starts to pound her face in, again and again. Robin seems defenseless at first, but as this abuse continues, she makes her Gigante Fleur body disappear.
She then retaliates with another Sea Serpent Snapdragon, but Maria is able to block it with webs. Then she reveals that said webs are FLAMMABLE and she lights them on fire. She then goes on the aggressive even more and continues to attack Robin with her webs whilst talking absolute crap about Sanji, as if she knows him at all! MARIA YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT THE CREWMATES OF THE STRAW HAT PIRATES IN SUCH A WAY. THEIR CAPTAIN IS NONE OTHER THAN THE FIFTH EMPEROR!
Eventually she has Robin trapped and she punches Robin again into even more webs. Robin starts thinking back to her horrible past as Maria continues her onslaught. Maria continues to talk crap, not knowing that she’s about to get her ass kicked, just like every other enemy to the Straw Hat Pirates, which includes CP9.
Brook has overheard some of what’s gone on and instead of doing what Maria suggests and helping Robin out, he uses Ice Wall to block off the battlefield, because he knows that Robin can handle this.
Robin thinks even deeper to the tragedies of her past as well as the badassery of when Luffy and the Straw Hats raided Enies Lobby. We get to see this badass visual of Luffy when he screams for Robin to live! Luffy is just the embodiment of greatness. More and more badassery, even when he’s not directly involved in something. Such… BADASSERY!
Then we get a glimpse of what Robin did during the two years of training. Sabo and Koala over the best thing to teach Robin. Sabo insists on Dragon Claw Fist and Koala insists on Robin using her palms to strike. In the end, Robin is able to stop this and learn from both of them. Koala taught Robin a secret art of Fish-Man Karate that uses her palms. Robin uses Mil Fleurs and Fish-Man Karate and executes this special move.
She uses Giganteum along with it and hits the ceiling. As she is executing Sabo’s teachings in finding the core of her enemy, we see this visual of Robin as a child running towards her future, a future filled with friends and happiness, with Saul guiding her along the way.
The ceiling collapses around Black Maria and the fire has been put out. Behind Maria is the shadow of young Robin, laughing at Maria’s coming demise.
Then all of a sudden we see this GIANT with horns and red skin. She grows wings from her back and it seems that Robin has truly embraced her Demon Child nickname. Maria tries to poison Robin, but that crap doesn’t work whatsoever Robin shuts that down very quickly and continues her assault.
She has Maria completely trapped and she calls this new form Demonio Fleur. She thinks back to her crewmates as well as those from the Revolutionary Army and says that for them she’ll turn into a demon. Robin slams down on Maria with a giant foot and starts using a move called Grand Jacuzzi Clutch.
She starts breaking Maria’s bones and causing her excruciating pain, which is what she gets for all the garbage she spewed. Robin then uses Maria’s words against her and implies the idea that she’s going to rip her arms and legs off. As she is doing this, Brook’s ice breaks at the same time, symbolizing what is going on with the bones inside Maria’s body. That’s what One Piece does so well. The symbolism is on another level. Visually appealing and instantly makes perfect sense. Such badassery.
Maria’s henchmen look through the crack in Brook’s ice to see that she’s been defeated. Good thing they lined up for Brook. Now Brook is able to finish them off with Phrase D’Armes Orchestra. Robin walks over to Brook with a casual smile. That fight was NOTHING. She is a little tired, and she passes out in Brook’s arms.
We get back to the badassery of the Fifth Emperor as he’s continuing to eat food. One of Law’s crewmates asks Luffy about Law and Bepo, and Luffy confirms that they’re alive.
Lastly, we get to hear a conversation between Momo and Shinobu. Momo is determined to take Luffy up to Onigashima so that he can kick Kaido’s ass. He asks Shinobu for her help, but she’s clearly against it. Shinobu warns Momo if she does what he asks, he’ll never be able to return to his current appearance. His mind will remain that of a child while only his body will mature. Momo doesn’t care. He just wants to become a bigger. Then we hear that Momo wants Shinobu to use her Ripe Ripe Jutsu to make him grow older. I didn’t know Shinobu could do that!
I’m executed for the future badassery of One Piece! |