Swagernator said:So it finally ended huh .. well time to break the euphorium, because babylonia TV anime is a great example of when form wins over content. On one side we have most of the time high quality animation, beautiful character designs, amazing ost .. but on the other hand the void when comes to its story, or characters .. most of the characters rely on characterizations from their different Fate/self. Like Ishtar , just reskined Rin from fsn, Gil ? just gil from fsn again just less edge and mongreling around. Eresh ? Just reskined Ishtar of reskined Rin. Quetzs, Leonidas, Ushiwakamaru or Sidur- .. literally THE who ? "Enkidu" ? Dude majority of the story he dont know who he wants to be (just like Nasu when he wrote this chapter). Jaguar man ? again .. fsn saving the day. Mash ? If you think she actually got a character development in those previous singularities, she dont. Shes "ganbatte" this "ganbarimasu" that girl that is here to cheer the mc everytime he is written to not know what to do. Camelot was where her character reached its peak, here she is again just another supporting girl in mc-kun harem.
Yes the MC .. dont you even think about it, an empty box since day one. You cant build a serious story when the main character literaly does not exist. It took them 5 singularities and a prologue to come up with a story that is somehow at least worth the adaptation, that speaks for it self. The attempts from the anime staff to inject an actual personality are worth a mention but in the end its not enough. This show is being heavily carried by your previous knowledge of fate instalments, so in the end this show cant stand on its own. You gonna gatekeep that this was made for die-hard fans ? Yes it was .. so fans now accept mediocre plot packed in a high quality animation package ? With some jpeg waifus brought to life as a bonus ? Story arcs that are being written for events and for meeting the release deadlines ? Give me a break.
Now, i dont blame the anime team for this .. the team just did their best with what was given to them. The problem was brought with the source material. Before whales gonna eat me alive i enjoyed this anime, but only its form. Before they gonna tell me "bUt yOU nEEd tO REaD tHe prEViouS sInGUlarITieS tO trUly uNDerStaND" i did, they bad. The plot structure and character writting in them is as thin as a paper, almost as bad as the rest of the game itself. Camelot and Babylonia are the only ones "worth" an adaptation (even fgo fans knew that, that's why they voted for those two the most lol), but even that adaptation is only like a tech demo, where you just flex how good all looks and moves, but that's it. It's like remaking a white board .. you can put a new paint on it but its still just a blank white board ... with holes.
Now little off topic, if you finished this show and you're like "Uuu, this was great i cant wait to see whats next for fgo in terms of anime" well, guess what .. this was the peak of fgo, everything after this point is a soup of uninteresting story arcs and in general lack of ideas or direction. Well, that is if you're not a fan of gundams or constant reuse of already known characters ofc, if you are, then you gonna have a time of your life.
6/10. It would actually be 4/10 but i like Rin so. If this is the standard for fate in terms of TV then God help us all. Third HF movie can't come soon enough so i can bleach my eyes with it. Again, i'm not disappointed with this show, i simply knew exactly what it will be even before it was out. Just visually stunning parade full of community popular characters to boost sales of a mobage, nothing to call home about and definitely not worth the fandom overhype.
uninstallthegame said:watching it for above average to good action scenes and waifu content was enough
This man gets it.