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why do alot of women wear makeup but not much men wear makeup

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Oct 21, 2019 12:43 AM

Apr 2019
MasterGlyth said:
Women's primary role use to be to birth so products to enhance appearance were made to better attract a mate.
Men were judged more by there status, .

This is the correct answer.

Back in the old days, men were always the leader and packhunter to provide for the family. The strongest male always chose the most beautiful females to spread their genes and vice-versa

Males evolved to love big breasts/butts because those are signs of fertility to support a child + a beautiful female to have the best offspring.
Females evolved to love masculine males with broad back and strong arms because those are signs of protection and provision for the family.

Men are attracted to beauty and Women to power, it's in our instincts. What's considered makeup for males are a strong body, and good status.
You will rarely see a male trying to look good to find a woman who can provide for him or a wealthy female being on a polyandry.

We're not in the old days anymore though, since most women can now provide for their own, but it's still in our instincts.
tl;dr: Makeup is a natural part of women. What's considered makeup for males is a good-looking body.

Oct 21, 2019 1:24 AM
Aug 2016
It really depends on the location. For example in South Korea, men wear makeup, sometimes even more than women do. Same goes for some parts of China. I don't know any other location where men wear makeup as much as women do.
As a guy myself, I have to admit that I did wear makeup in the past. Makeup like foundation and eyeliner, that's all, nothing really fancy. It looked really good on me, but that's maybe because I had longer hair and I used to look like a girl. I still do tho hahahaha.
Now, I don't wear makeup *just occasionally*, but I used to do a complete facial treatment for skin care, and now I only apply some cream on my face once every 2 days.
I started to do a new treatment for hands skin this time. Whiter, smoother and cleaner. Tried it only once, but that's because I do it once a week.
Anyway, back to the main topic. Women wear more makeup than men do because this is how society structured us to do. Men simply think that they'll look too feminine if they wear makeup, but that's not true. Imagine a grown muscular man with facial hair wearing makeup. Where in the world will he look feminine? The closest thing he would look like is those really ugly anime muscular men with makeup and pink dresses and unshaved legs.
I personally don't think makeup is only for women, but I do know that women use it more than men do.
Oct 21, 2019 1:31 AM
Jul 2018
Fauxgrandma said:
Okay but tell me why I wouldn't want dudes to go around dressing like this

it'd be much more visually pleasing than the boring sweat suits at least :c

also are we just going to ignore that ancient dude outfit options were full of dresses?
just sayin'

Extreme cases are never a good example and especially stage outfits from artists aren't a good example.
Most people don't look like this

either. That's why. Well, most people have a more "decent" style for their daily life.

Peaceful_Critic said:
Ryuk9428 said:

You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

Its gross. Nobody wants to see that.
Why are you so strongly against something so harmless. I honestly didn't even mind looking at the pic, they look fine. They shaved beforehand so there's no reason to use words as strong as "gross". Not everyone has the same aesthetic taste as you.

I guess, because it's breaking some dumb society rules.

The problem with today's skirts and dresses is that they are made for women, I mean for their body built. So they rarely fit men's bodies, because the waist is too narrow etc. and then it doesn't look good, if they aren't slender built.

-Kookie- said:
Ryuk9428 said:

See I respect that gay men will admit that they are doing something to be attractive to other gay men. So many women, however, will go "what! I'm not going to this frat party half naked with lots of makeup in the dead of winter to be attractive to men! I'm doing it for myself/to feel comfortable/because apparently other women like it."

Yeah, it's a difference between gay and straight socialization I think.
The culture is all about expressing your sexuality so why deny your intensions? lol

Also true, bi and gay men in general give less fucks about society's standards. But I mean, my ex is straight and liked some unconventional stuff, just not one of these boring no-homo straight guys.
Also many feminine gay men are shamed in the LGBT community too, because there are always these guys, whose self confidence is so low, they have to play society's lap dog to get acceptance themselves and therefore shame men, who aren't tradiontally masculine.
The "attract other gay men with make-up" doesn't make sense for major parts.
removed-userOct 21, 2019 1:55 AM
Oct 21, 2019 1:32 AM
Aug 2016
-Shinzo said:
MasterGlyth said:
Women's primary role use to be to birth so products to enhance appearance were made to better attract a mate.
Men were judged more by there status, .

This is the correct answer.

Back in the old days, men were always the leader and packhunter to provide for the family. The strongest male always chose the most beautiful females to spread their genes and vice-versa

Males evolved to love big breasts/butts because those are signs of fertility to support a child + a beautiful female to have the best offspring.
Females evolved to love masculine males with broad back and strong arms because those are signs of protection and provision for the family.

Men are attracted to beauty and Women to power, it's in our instincts. What's considered makeup for males are a strong body, and good status.
You will rarely see a male trying to look good to find a woman who can provide for him or a wealthy female being on a polyandry.

We're not in the old days anymore though, since most women can now provide for their own, but it's still in our instincts.
tl;dr: Makeup is a natural part of women. What's considered makeup for males is a good-looking body.

Are you an old man by any chance? Dunno, but the way you talked, gave me that ''over 60 years old dude'' vibe.
You forgot to take into consideration that there are men who loves men and women who loves women.
What do you have to say in this case, huh???
Oct 21, 2019 3:15 AM

Feb 2019
Well, the reason is the one a lot of people said before me (the societal expectations one), so that's that.

One of my exes loved putting makeup on me, because she thought I looked hot in it and I feel I agree with her. The thing is, makeup could be just another form of improving one's appearance regardless of gender, but that's not what society at large thinks. So, that's why we have guys that could improve their self-esteem with makeup feeling trapped and girls that don't feel the need to use makeup feeling obligated to, just because we have deemed it to be a gender thing, instead of a personality thing.

Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Speak for yourself, m8. Don't claim everyone's opinions on the subject is the same as your own.

You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

Its gross. Nobody wants to see that.
Yeah, man, choosing as an example two dudes clearly cosplaying in sailor/other uniforms is totally how you prove your point.

Also, @ that part you talked about in another post of no one caring about women flashing their boobs on the subway, if that were true, the whole debacle about breastfeeding in public wouldn't be a problem. Also, the equivalent of flashing a penis is flashing a vagina, not breasts.
Oct 21, 2019 3:27 AM

Apr 2019
Kuroko-chan said:
Are you an old man by any chance? Dunno, but the way you talked, gave me that ''over 60 years old dude'' vibe.

I might be a 60 year old, basement-dwelling grandpa, who knows? lol.

Kuroko-chan said:

You forgot to take into consideration that there are men who loves men and women who loves women.

I didn't take it into consideration because we're talking about make-up and how natural evolution made it normal for women to wear makeup.
"Not" homosexuality. I don't even know why that got brought up. But if you want an answer then :

Edit: What I said might be confusing in your perspective, so I rewrote it.

Basically, there were men who were attracted to men in the past,
"BUT" we all know that males could never conceive a child, only females can.

That's why even homosexuals chose the most beautiful females, not because they're attracted to them, but for the offspring they can conceive.
Hence wearing "makeup" is just a natural thing for women, since if you were beautiful, you got more options to get a powerful mate.

But it's different now as we're not on survival mode anymore.
It's not about making making sure your genes survive, but more on love and growth, whether be it straight or homosexual.
-ShinzoOct 21, 2019 5:11 AM

Oct 21, 2019 6:02 AM

Mar 2018
Peaceful_Critic said:
Esquirtit said:
@Peaceful_Critic Everyone knows most people find men with makeup or skirts uappealing and unpleasant to look at. It's creepy, take a look at pictures from gayprides and tell me it's not
Most people are thinking of an already unattractive guy with hairy legs. Good looking people can pull more stuff off. Lol, why is it creepy?

Yeh I know guys can pull it off too. There are all kinds of skirts though and I was also more thinking about sexually provocative clothing. Stuff like kilts and other customs are fine. But clothing similar to miniskirts just give off a creepy aesthetic if worn by men, that's just me and I don't hold that opinion on the basis of retaining traditional gender roles.
Oct 21, 2019 6:46 AM

Sep 2019
@Maneki-Mew, yyyeah I hate that too. That toxic mentality probably isn't tolerate in most LGBT spaces though.
Oct 21, 2019 7:26 AM
Jul 2018
Esquirtit said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Most people are thinking of an already unattractive guy with hairy legs. Good looking people can pull more stuff off. Lol, why is it creepy?

Yeh I know guys can pull it off too. There are all kinds of skirts though and I was also more thinking about sexually provocative clothing. Stuff like kilts and other customs are fine. But clothing similar to miniskirts just give off a creepy aesthetic if worn by men, that's just me and I don't hold that opinion on the basis of retaining traditional gender roles.

Right. It depends on the person.
Quite overweight women or if they have hairy legs, don't look better or more elegant in skirts than similar-looking men, who are wearing it.
And miniskirts, which are so short that they reveal your underwear, always look cheap imo, not only on men.

-Kookie- said:
@Maneki-Mew, yyyeah I hate that too. That toxic mentality probably isn't tolerate in most LGBT spaces though.

Yeah, I hate it. They know discrimination themselves and then hurt others, just because of who they are.
removed-userOct 21, 2019 7:30 AM
Oct 21, 2019 7:35 AM

Jul 2015
Kosmonaut said:
Ryuk9428 said:

You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

Its gross. Nobody wants to see that.
Yeah, man, choosing as an example two dudes clearly cosplaying in sailor/other uniforms is totally how you prove your point.

Also, @ that part you talked about in another post of no one caring about women flashing their boobs on the subway, if that were true, the whole debacle about breastfeeding in public wouldn't be a problem. Also, the equivalent of flashing a penis is flashing a vagina, not breasts.
Don't forget about him being so transphobic that men cosplaying women is apparently too gross for him to tolerate. I mean look at the pic, it's just two dudes having fun and he's so offended by it that he's using their pic as a "negative example", of sorts. Snowflake much.

Imagine being that repressed, it's pretty sad tbh. What do you think, maybe he's secretly gay and overcompensating? Lol
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Oct 21, 2019 7:39 AM

Mar 2018
@Maneki-Mew Well I'm a hetrosexual man and I like to see female ass, so no matter how slutty it looks it's pleasant and appealing to look at. Girls can wear miniskirts and hotpants, men shouldn't be allowed to do that for the greater good (majority aren't gay). It's traumatizing.

Girls who wear it usually are quite hot and want to show off, when men wear it it's only to show off how gay they are, that's the impression I get at least
Oct 21, 2019 7:50 AM

Sep 2019
Esquirtit said:
@Maneki-Mew Well I'm a hetrosexual man and I like to see female ass, so no matter how slutty it looks it's pleasant and appealing to look at. Girls can wear miniskirts and hotpants, men shouldn't be allowed to do that for the greater good (majority aren't gay). It's traumatizing.

Girls who wear it usually are quite hot and want to show off, when men wear it it's only to show off how gay they are, that's the impression I get at least

Greater good my ass, as someone who's an American who values something like basic freedoms, I think as long as your not going out stark naked, you ought to be able to wear anything you want.
Oct 21, 2019 7:54 AM

Mar 2018
-Kookie- said:
Esquirtit said:
@Maneki-Mew Well I'm a hetrosexual man and I like to see female ass, so no matter how slutty it looks it's pleasant and appealing to look at. Girls can wear miniskirts and hotpants, men shouldn't be allowed to do that for the greater good (majority aren't gay). It's traumatizing.

Girls who wear it usually are quite hot and want to show off, when men wear it it's only to show off how gay they are, that's the impression I get at least

Greater good my ass, as someone who's an American who values something like basic freedoms, I think as long as your not going out stark naked, you ought to be able to wear anything you want.

Alright dude, come back to me when you've seen an african gay male with a fat ass in hotpants
Oct 21, 2019 7:57 AM

Sep 2019
Esquirtit said:
-Kookie- said:

Greater good my ass, as someone who's an American who values something like basic freedoms, I think as long as your not going out stark naked, you ought to be able to wear anything you want.

Alright dude, come back to me when you've seen an african gay male with a fat ass in hotpants

It's a free country bitch, if you can't deal with it, it's best you leave.
Oct 21, 2019 8:01 AM
Jul 2018
Esquirtit said:
@Maneki-Mew Well I'm a hetrosexual man and I like to see female ass, so no matter how slutty it looks it's pleasant and appealing to look at. Girls can wear miniskirts and hotpants, men shouldn't be allowed to do that for the greater good (majority aren't gay). It's traumatizing.

Girls who wear it usually are quite hot and want to show off, when men wear it it's only to show off how gay they are, that's the impression I get at least

I'm sure you'll get over your trauma.
Also some heterosexual women might like that too, who knows and many gay men don't like other guys in short skirts or hotpants either.
And I mean, I'm into women, but most miniskirts on women just don't look good, imo. Even if the women look good. It's boring to see too much revealed and quite uncomfortable to see it as well.
We're still living in a free society, where you don't have to like other people's style, but get over it.
Oct 21, 2019 9:37 AM

Dec 2018
i dont know, i kinda dont wanna walk around lookin like a barbie doll
Oct 21, 2019 9:39 AM

Feb 2019
Railey2 said:
Kosmonaut said:
Yeah, man, choosing as an example two dudes clearly cosplaying in sailor/other uniforms is totally how you prove your point.

Also, @ that part you talked about in another post of no one caring about women flashing their boobs on the subway, if that were true, the whole debacle about breastfeeding in public wouldn't be a problem. Also, the equivalent of flashing a penis is flashing a vagina, not breasts.
Don't forget about him being so transphobic that men cosplaying women is apparently too gross for him to tolerate. I mean look at the pic, it's just two dudes having fun and he's so offended by it that he's using their pic as a "negative example", of sorts. Snowflake much.

Imagine being that repressed, it's pretty sad tbh. What do you think, maybe he's secretly gay and overcompensating? Lol
Yeah, the dudes were having a blast while cosplaying, apparently that's a sign of the decline of society. And this comes from the same guy that says constantly that anime fans should be more embracing of their 'cringy weeb' side. It makes no sense.

I mean, SJWs progressive soyboy cucks have screeched and tweeted their way through making society more accepting for the LGBTQ+. Maybe one day...
Oct 21, 2019 10:29 AM
Jul 2018
Kosmonaut said:
Railey2 said:
Don't forget about him being so transphobic that men cosplaying women is apparently too gross for him to tolerate. I mean look at the pic, it's just two dudes having fun and he's so offended by it that he's using their pic as a "negative example", of sorts. Snowflake much.

Imagine being that repressed, it's pretty sad tbh. What do you think, maybe he's secretly gay and overcompensating? Lol

Yeah, the dudes were having a blast while cosplaying, apparently that's a sign of the decline of society. And this comes from the same guy that says constantly that anime fans should be more embracing of their 'cringy weeb' side. It makes no sense.

I mean, SJWs progressive soyboy cucks have screeched and tweeted their way through making society more accepting for the LGBTQ+. Maybe one day...

I mean...
You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

He's not wrong, tho.
Do you really want happy people being a regular sight on our city streets? That sounds actually weird and cringey. There only should be bitter people on our city streets.
Oct 21, 2019 10:36 AM

Feb 2019
Maneki-Mew said:
Kosmonaut said:

Yeah, the dudes were having a blast while cosplaying, apparently that's a sign of the decline of society. And this comes from the same guy that says constantly that anime fans should be more embracing of their 'cringy weeb' side. It makes no sense.

I mean, SJWs progressive soyboy cucks have screeched and tweeted their way through making society more accepting for the LGBTQ+. Maybe one day...

I mean...
You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

He's not wrong, tho.
Do you really want happy people being a regular sight on our city streets? That sounds actually weird and cringey. There only should be bitter people on our city streets.
Yeah, I guess you do have a point. Happy people comfortable in their own skin around my neighborhood will just remind me of how unhappy I am. What will the kids think then? That it's normal to be happy? That's an absurd idea that defies all the values our society holds dear.
Oct 21, 2019 10:46 AM

Oct 2014
Wearing makeup casually is considered to be feminine. Men do need to wear makeup for film and television and some may choose to wear some light makeup for a date or an interview, but wearing makeup on a daily basis is something generally only women do because it's what society has told us is normal.
Oct 21, 2019 11:43 AM
May 2019
I love makeup I could probably spend hours experimenting and trying new things.
I also like cosplay so being good at makeup comes with the territory(✿◠‿◠)
The reason why men don't wear it is cultural it's seen as a feminine thing, although in certain cultures like South Korea men do wear makeup.
They also use to wear makeup in ancient Egypt.
It can definitely look good on men just look at James Charles he looks fabulous😜

XstasyOct 21, 2019 11:52 AM
Oct 21, 2019 2:46 PM

Mar 2019
Kosmonaut said:
Well, the reason is the one a lot of people said before me (the societal expectations one), so that's that.

One of my exes loved putting makeup on me, because she thought I looked hot in it and I feel I agree with her. The thing is, makeup could be just another form of improving one's appearance regardless of gender, but that's not what society at large thinks. So, that's why we have guys that could improve their self-esteem with makeup feeling trapped and girls that don't feel the need to use makeup feeling obligated to, just because we have deemed it to be a gender thing, instead of a personality thing.

Ryuk9428 said:

You want this to become a regular sight on our city streets?

Its gross. Nobody wants to see that.
Yeah, man, choosing as an example two dudes clearly cosplaying in sailor/other uniforms is totally how you prove your point.

Also, @ that part you talked about in another post of no one caring about women flashing their boobs on the subway, if that were true, the whole debacle about breastfeeding in public wouldn't be a problem. Also, the equivalent of flashing a penis is flashing a vagina, not breasts.

I don't care if its cosplaying or normal. That wasn't the point, simply an easy photo to find.

People generally don't find boobs repulsive. The concern is that boobs are considered sexually stimulating, not repulsive.
Ryuk9428Oct 21, 2019 2:51 PM
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Oct 21, 2019 3:54 PM

May 2014
Ryuk9428 said:
DarkSyndicate said:

Saying that men by default look "freakish" if they wear makeup may very well be part of the problem. In the music or movie industries, men have makeup put on them all the time to cover up any blemishes and to make their skin shine more.

I personally think people should be free to wear whatever they want, regardless of gender. It's these gender roles and preconceived notions that keep many men afraid of just that. I say men in particular because it seems like women can wear men's clothing and it isn't a big deal, but a man is "gay" or too "feminine" if he wears women's clothing.

I already said the minimal amount that male celebrities wear is the maximum amount they should wear.

Good, nobody wants to see men wearing skirts and lots of makeup. Those notions we have about gender are a good thing.

I wouldn't say they're a good thing at all, because for the boys out there that do want to wear makeup or rompers or shave their legs etc, they live in fear of being bullied at school and frowned upon by their parents. Also, your opinion on the matter is not universally held.
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Oct 21, 2019 4:21 PM

May 2014
-Kookie- said:
Esquirtit said:
@Maneki-Mew Well I'm a hetrosexual man and I like to see female ass, so no matter how slutty it looks it's pleasant and appealing to look at. Girls can wear miniskirts and hotpants, men shouldn't be allowed to do that for the greater good (majority aren't gay). It's traumatizing.

Girls who wear it usually are quite hot and want to show off, when men wear it it's only to show off how gay they are, that's the impression I get at least

Greater good my ass, as someone who's an American who values something like basic freedoms, I think as long as your not going out stark naked, you ought to be able to wear anything you want.

I wish more people had this world view. Who the hell cares if a guy wants to walk around in a skirt? Or minishorts? It doesn't bother me what they wear, and I know that those people would be happy to actually wear what they want without getting bullied for it.
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Oct 21, 2019 5:45 PM

Mar 2019
DarkSyndicate said:
Ryuk9428 said:

I already said the minimal amount that male celebrities wear is the maximum amount they should wear.

Good, nobody wants to see men wearing skirts and lots of makeup. Those notions we have about gender are a good thing.

I wouldn't say they're a good thing at all, because for the boys out there that do want to wear makeup or rompers or shave their legs etc, they live in fear of being bullied at school and frowned upon by their parents. Also, your opinion on the matter is not universally held.

Shaving your legs is different. If your girlfriend finds it sexier for you to shave your legs you should probably do it.

Okay I agree with you that people shouldn't be bullied in response. But that doesn't mean we should encourage it. Its still highly unpleasant for most people to look at.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 21, 2019 6:43 PM

May 2014
Ryuk9428 said:
DarkSyndicate said:

I wouldn't say they're a good thing at all, because for the boys out there that do want to wear makeup or rompers or shave their legs etc, they live in fear of being bullied at school and frowned upon by their parents. Also, your opinion on the matter is not universally held.

Shaving your legs is different. If your girlfriend finds it sexier for you to shave your legs you should probably do it.

Okay I agree with you that people shouldn't be bullied in response. But that doesn't mean we should encourage it. Its still highly unpleasant for most people to look at.
I encourage people to wear whatever they want to wear. Whether or I think it looks good or looks ugly is irrelevant. From a principled perspective, there is no reason why I should care if a man wears female clothing, just the same way I do not see a problem when a woman wears male clothing. This societal construct needs to fall so that people can be more free.
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Oct 21, 2019 7:55 PM

Sep 2007
One night I got drunk, went to bed with a 10/10 and woke up next to a Skeksis.

When I was a kid, I thought it was called make up, because it's what you put on after your boyfriend breaks up with you.

Oct 21, 2019 9:47 PM

Mar 2019
DarkSyndicate said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Shaving your legs is different. If your girlfriend finds it sexier for you to shave your legs you should probably do it.

Okay I agree with you that people shouldn't be bullied in response. But that doesn't mean we should encourage it. Its still highly unpleasant for most people to look at.
I encourage people to wear whatever they want to wear. Whether or I think it looks good or looks ugly is irrelevant. From a principled perspective, there is no reason why I should care if a man wears female clothing, just the same way I do not see a problem when a woman wears male clothing. This societal construct needs to fall so that people can be more free.

I don't desire its fall. Men should remain men and women should remain women. Adhering to gendered behavior may restrict small freedoms but they create a better world for us to live in in the long run. Eliminating gender stereotypes and no longer expecting any gender to behave a certain way is like draining the color out of the world and making it black and white. Its like eliminating all languages and only having 1 that we all speak. Its like the entire world having 1 single culture. Its like all the races disappearing and everybody just being a mixture of all the ones we currently have. Its like everybody having the same opinions and there never being any controversy. The world and society becoming gender neutral would be an absolute shame, it sounds sad and depressing to me.

Have you ever held a sweet, adorable girl in your arms? With long silky hair, a soft, delicate voice, and a look of sweetness in her eyes? Its an absolutely wonderful feeling. Its intoxicating, like someone put a spell on you. It makes you want to cherish her. If she were to ask you for anything, you would do anything to give it to her. The feeling when you hug her? Its like someone draped the most comforting, softest blanket you can imagine over you.

With girls who behave like guys? Its just not the same. Like I said, its like watching a movie in black and white or watching it without the sound. Do girls not deserve the equivalent of men? A guy who will care for them, cherish them, and provide for them? If the feeling that girls get when they are around a man who is masculine and gentle is anything like the way I feel when I'm around a cute, feminine girl, then I think men should do everything they can to become that.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 21, 2019 10:27 PM

Jan 2019
Because Women say they want a "Real" man.
Oct 22, 2019 4:21 AM

May 2014
Ryuk9428 said:
DarkSyndicate said:
I encourage people to wear whatever they want to wear. Whether or I think it looks good or looks ugly is irrelevant. From a principled perspective, there is no reason why I should care if a man wears female clothing, just the same way I do not see a problem when a woman wears male clothing. This societal construct needs to fall so that people can be more free.

I don't desire its fall. Men should remain men and women should remain women. Adhering to gendered behavior may restrict small freedoms but they create a better world for us to live in in the long run. Eliminating gender stereotypes and no longer expecting any gender to behave a certain way is like draining the color out of the world and making it black and white. Its like eliminating all languages and only having 1 that we all speak. Its like the entire world having 1 single culture. Its like all the races disappearing and everybody just being a mixture of all the ones we currently have. Its like everybody having the same opinions and there never being any controversy. The world and society becoming gender neutral would be an absolute shame, it sounds sad and depressing to me.

Have you ever held a sweet, adorable girl in your arms? With long silky hair, a soft, delicate voice, and a look of sweetness in her eyes? Its an absolutely wonderful feeling. Its intoxicating, like someone put a spell on you. It makes you want to cherish her. If she were to ask you for anything, you would do anything to give it to her. The feeling when you hug her? Its like someone draped the most comforting, softest blanket you can imagine over you.

With girls who behave like guys? Its just not the same. Like I said, its like watching a movie in black and white or watching it without the sound. Do girls not deserve the equivalent of men? A guy who will care for them, cherish them, and provide for them? If the feeling that girls get when they are around a man who is masculine and gentle is anything like the way I feel when I'm around a cute, feminine girl, then I think men should do everything they can to become that.

I don't know what that weird visualization of the "adorable girl" was all about, but I truly do not care about what somebody else wears outside, guy or girl. You seem to have some weird, socially hawkish thing going on where you think it creates a "better world for us to live in" if men out there are afraid of wearing what they want to wear because society will not accept them.

You really have to understand that it's none of your concern if a dude is walking around in a skirt, or with makeup on his face. The sun will still rise. The sky won't fall.

You should really think about *not* projecting your personal feelings and values onto millions of other people. I just support people doing what they want as long as it does not bring harm upon others.
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Oct 22, 2019 5:01 AM
Jul 2018
Fauxgrandma said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Extreme cases are never a good example and especially stage outfits from artists aren't a good example.
Most people don't look like this

i mean true but i just wanted to say its not like entire male race looks shitty in feminine things or revealing things or bold makeup :c they can look cool too
and tbh some girls clothes look even better on dudes than girls if they just pair it right and are ready to slay
because the fact is many ''feminine'' clothes were originally made for dudes

True, although I dunno.. don't like him or his outfits, but true.

I mean, I don't particular like most of these skirt-styles on men, or maybe I'm not used to I dunno, but I found this guy. Can't tell he's looking bad. REALLY can't say that haha.

It just looks weird, if they wear dresses and skirts for women, since, as I already said, the anatomy is different and doesn't fit waist and hips and dresses have room for breasts, which they don't have. So it looks weird how the fabric falls. I mean, I must know, we tried lol.

There should be more dresses and skirts made for men, just for the people, who would like them.
If you don't like them, ignore them, simple as that.

DarkSyndicate said:
-Kookie- said:

Greater good my ass, as someone who's an American who values something like basic freedoms, I think as long as your not going out stark naked, you ought to be able to wear anything you want.

I wish more people had this world view. Who the hell cares if a guy wants to walk around in a skirt? Or minishorts? It doesn't bother me what they wear, and I know that those people would be happy to actually wear what they want without getting bullied for it.

I mean, I'm often thinking something about someone else's looks but for like 10 seconds and then minding my own business again.

Xstasy said:
I love makeup I could probably spend hours experimenting and trying new things.
I also like cosplay so being good at makeup comes with the territory(✿◠‿◠)
The reason why men don't wear it is cultural it's seen as a feminine thing, although in certain cultures like South Korea men do wear makeup.
They also use to wear makeup in ancient Egypt.
It can definitely look good on men just look at James Charles he looks fabulous😜

Same, but now, if it's not done in max. 20 minutes, it's not worth it. I'm too impatient and lazy. Only for a ball or cosplay I'd invest more time. ^^"

The plastic doll-look fucks with my brain, but I think it was this guy whose video gave me eyeliner tips, so I'm still thankful, although I think he's the definition of TOO MUCH haha

Ryuk9428 said:
Eliminating gender stereotypes and no longer expecting any gender to behave a certain way is like draining the color out of the world and making it black and white.

By adding more colors, you make the world black and white. That makes sense.
removed-userOct 22, 2019 5:09 AM
Oct 22, 2019 5:45 AM

May 2014
Maneki-Mew said:
Fauxgrandma said:

i mean true but i just wanted to say its not like entire male race looks shitty in feminine things or revealing things or bold makeup :c they can look cool too
and tbh some girls clothes look even better on dudes than girls if they just pair it right and are ready to slay
because the fact is many ''feminine'' clothes were originally made for dudes

True, although I dunno.. don't like him or his outfits, but true.

I mean, I don't particular like most of these skirt-styles on men, or maybe I'm not used to I dunno, but I found this guy. Can't tell he's looking bad. REALLY can't say that haha.

It just looks weird, if they wear dresses and skirts for women, since, as I already said, the anatomy is different and doesn't fit waist and hips and dresses have room for breasts, which they don't have. So it looks weird how the fabric falls. I mean, I must know, we tried lol.

There should be more dresses and skirts made for men, just for the people, who would like them.
If you don't like them, ignore them, simple as that.

DarkSyndicate said:

I wish more people had this world view. Who the hell cares if a guy wants to walk around in a skirt? Or minishorts? It doesn't bother me what they wear, and I know that those people would be happy to actually wear what they want without getting bullied for it.

I mean, I'm often thinking something about someone else's looks but for like 10 seconds and then minding my own business again.

Xstasy said:
I love makeup I could probably spend hours experimenting and trying new things.
I also like cosplay so being good at makeup comes with the territory(✿◠‿◠)
The reason why men don't wear it is cultural it's seen as a feminine thing, although in certain cultures like South Korea men do wear makeup.
They also use to wear makeup in ancient Egypt.
It can definitely look good on men just look at James Charles he looks fabulous😜

Same, but now, if it's not done in max. 20 minutes, it's not worth it. I'm too impatient and lazy. Only for a ball or cosplay I'd invest more time. ^^"

The plastic doll-look fucks with my brain, but I think it was this guy whose video gave me eyeliner tips, so I'm still thankful, although I think he's the definition of TOO MUCH haha

Ryuk9428 said:
Eliminating gender stereotypes and no longer expecting any gender to behave a certain way is like draining the color out of the world and making it black and white.

By adding more colors, you make the world black and white. That makes sense.

Now if guys who are straight would get the confidence to go out in whatever they want to wear like James Charles does, we'll be making some progress
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Oct 22, 2019 5:54 AM

Jan 2014
Mostly because it's what the society wants you to do. Woman must be beautiful and a good mom, and Man must be strong and rich.
"This is boring...I'm bored..."
Oct 22, 2019 11:09 AM

Apr 2017
From my perspective it's because androgynous men and men who have a style makeup belongs to are in a significant minority, whereas for girls it's the opposite - wearing makeup is kind of the "default" approach.
Oct 22, 2019 11:47 AM
Jul 2018

I know the clothing themselves are different. I said so before("...the shape/style of the cloth)", but functionally, how much skin is showing and what body part is the same. The shorts you picked are pretty long, so a skirt to be equivalent would also have to be long as well.

I understand wanting public decency and I would actually want both sexes to adhere to it, so how about a longer skirt:
Oct 22, 2019 2:45 PM

Mar 2019
DarkSyndicate said:
Ryuk9428 said:

I don't desire its fall. Men should remain men and women should remain women. Adhering to gendered behavior may restrict small freedoms but they create a better world for us to live in in the long run. Eliminating gender stereotypes and no longer expecting any gender to behave a certain way is like draining the color out of the world and making it black and white. Its like eliminating all languages and only having 1 that we all speak. Its like the entire world having 1 single culture. Its like all the races disappearing and everybody just being a mixture of all the ones we currently have. Its like everybody having the same opinions and there never being any controversy. The world and society becoming gender neutral would be an absolute shame, it sounds sad and depressing to me.

Have you ever held a sweet, adorable girl in your arms? With long silky hair, a soft, delicate voice, and a look of sweetness in her eyes? Its an absolutely wonderful feeling. Its intoxicating, like someone put a spell on you. It makes you want to cherish her. If she were to ask you for anything, you would do anything to give it to her. The feeling when you hug her? Its like someone draped the most comforting, softest blanket you can imagine over you.

With girls who behave like guys? Its just not the same. Like I said, its like watching a movie in black and white or watching it without the sound. Do girls not deserve the equivalent of men? A guy who will care for them, cherish them, and provide for them? If the feeling that girls get when they are around a man who is masculine and gentle is anything like the way I feel when I'm around a cute, feminine girl, then I think men should do everything they can to become that.

I don't know what that weird visualization of the "adorable girl" was all about, but I truly do not care about what somebody else wears outside, guy or girl. You seem to have some weird, socially hawkish thing going on where you think it creates a "better world for us to live in" if men out there are afraid of wearing what they want to wear because society will not accept them.

You really have to understand that it's none of your concern if a dude is walking around in a skirt, or with makeup on his face. The sun will still rise. The sky won't fall.

You should really think about *not* projecting your personal feelings and values onto millions of other people. I just support people doing what they want as long as it does not bring harm upon others.

"Weird visualization?" Ah man you don't know what you're missing. That's all I can say.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 22, 2019 2:45 PM

Mar 2019
Peaceful_Critic said:

I know the clothing themselves are different. I said so before("...the shape/style of the cloth)", but functionally, how much skin is showing and what body part is the same. The shorts you picked are pretty long, so a skirt to be equivalent would also have to be long as well.

I understand wanting public decency and I would actually want both sexes to adhere to it, so how about a longer skirt:

Not nearly as bad, still would be a bit off though.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 22, 2019 3:05 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
Peaceful_Critic said:

I know the clothing themselves are different. I said so before("...the shape/style of the cloth)", but functionally, how much skin is showing and what body part is the same. The shorts you picked are pretty long, so a skirt to be equivalent would also have to be long as well.

I understand wanting public decency and I would actually want both sexes to adhere to it, so how about a longer skirt:

Not nearly as bad, still would be a bit off though.
I mean, it's still abnormal in the US to see a guy with a skirt, so it's going to feel off due to you not being used to it. However, if it does become the norm, I'll imagine you would probably wouldn't be as uncomfortable with it.
Oct 22, 2019 4:49 PM
Jul 2019
GAy!!!!!!!!! But seriously mate what a question
Oct 22, 2019 6:25 PM

Sep 2019
Idk but my big bro uses make up for glowing skin, but he ain't gay though.
Oct 22, 2019 6:26 PM

Jun 2019
To some of the posts in this thread: that's a big yikes from me dawg.

If dudes wanna wear make up and dress up in skirts or dresses let them. Live and let live, it doesn't change shit in my life but it can make someone else's life a lot more enjoyable and happy.

Leading biologist Scott Pitnick said:
The bigger your 'nads, the smaller your brains
Oct 22, 2019 7:20 PM

Nov 2016
It's not considered masculine and people would probably assume you're gay. If you're okay with that than rock it.
Oct 22, 2019 7:42 PM

Nov 2017
I'm a dude and have met alot of guys who wear makeup. Women are more open about it and tend to experiment more, where guys normally just do 'no makeup' makeup. Also obviously the stigmas, but the best way to break stigmas is to normalize it, so get out your eyeliners boys!
Oct 22, 2019 7:54 PM

Apr 2016
Lmao ew, what kind of guy use make up lmao ew thats gay lmao
Oct 22, 2019 10:55 PM

May 2013
You actually have to be crazy boss as a guy to wear makeup OKAMA WAY hahah

not that i do it xD

And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Oct 22, 2019 11:18 PM

Nov 2011
one reason may be to look more attractive to the opposite gender, although there are of course other reasons (such as improving self-esteem or just wanting to look prettier. peer pressure may also be at play). guys also want to be more "attractive" to the opposite gender, but in this case, being muscular-fit is considered attractive, which explains many of them obsessed with abs and weight-lifting.

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Oct 23, 2019 3:03 AM
Jul 2018
Fauxgrandma said:

yeah I think mostly though its problem of what is considered ''dress'' or ''feminine''
because there is boxy dresses/tunics etc that resemble very much a big shirts that dudes could wear with like leggings or something just like girls do and i wouldn't think they look any less masculine for it

Of course it's not "feminine", not that it would matter.

Also btw my sis taught my school friends to put make up on, since nobody liked acne and other nasty stuff in puberty. Until you get medication that makes it better (that coukd take some weeks), it's really good to have make-up in the meantime. It helps a bit at least, so why don't use it?

Oh yeah right, because of no homo, that looks gay and so on. Like I said, this type of no homo-straight guys is just so boring and uninspiring. Just put a little bit color on their face or nails and they go through an existential crises. :D
Okay maybe not, but painting drunken, sleeping male friends nails was still funny tbh ... most didn't care too much, but still were "ewww I look feminine...?"
Before you say something, I woke up with drawings on my skin too, that's just fair.

DarkSyndicate said:
Maneki-Mew said:

True, although I dunno.. don't like him or his outfits, but true.

I mean, I don't particular like most of these skirt-styles on men, or maybe I'm not used to I dunno, but I found this guy. Can't tell he's looking bad. REALLY can't say that haha.

It just looks weird, if they wear dresses and skirts for women, since, as I already said, the anatomy is different and doesn't fit waist and hips and dresses have room for breasts, which they don't have. So it looks weird how the fabric falls. I mean, I must know, we tried lol.

There should be more dresses and skirts made for men, just for the people, who would like them.
If you don't like them, ignore them, simple as that.

I mean, I'm often thinking something about someone else's looks but for like 10 seconds and then minding my own business again.

Same, but now, if it's not done in max. 20 minutes, it's not worth it. I'm too impatient and lazy. Only for a ball or cosplay I'd invest more time. ^^"

The plastic doll-look fucks with my brain, but I think it was this guy whose video gave me eyeliner tips, so I'm still thankful, although I think he's the definition of TOO MUCH haha

By adding more colors, you make the world black and white. That makes sense.

Now if guys who are straight would get the confidence to go out in whatever they want to wear like James Charles does, we'll be making some progress

Of course, of course, props for his self-confidence. You take a lot for doing stuff like that.

Although it's not conducive for guys to wear make-up, if they always see men with so much overdone make-up.
There should be, besides people like him, also be well-known guys, who wear more of the "daily life make-up". A little bit more than the "you can't see it make-up", but something you can wear in your life.

But to think of that: the make up and style of many actresses, female singers etc. is also not something you could do in daily life. The fewest people get up two hours earlier or so, but I had a collegue in a course of university, she did that every damn day and looked gorgeous.
I don't know either what kind of life form these people are ... I'm always glad I'm there, awake and don't look like shit.

EDIT: I saw his new body paint, that's really stunning, woah!
Well, I view this kind of use / overuse of make-up much more as an art form than something you actually should wear.
removed-userOct 23, 2019 3:36 AM
Oct 23, 2019 3:25 AM

Jul 2019
Women wear makeup because it makes them feel good.
Men don't wear makeup because of socially constructed gender roles, they also might get bullied because of it(Toxic Masculinity) or be perceived as less masculine by other men.

Never explain,
Never retract,
Never apologize
Just get the thing done
And let them howl
Oct 1, 2020 12:42 PM
Jul 2018
Men don’t need make up. Women wear make up to attract a man, to feel good about themselves, to cover imperfections etc.

Men only need make up for tv and such.

You could argue that men already wear make up. I moisturise my face every day. I apply Vaseline or something similar to my lips so that they don’t get dry and chapped.

What do I need blusher for or eyeliner or lipstick? That isn’t going to attract anybody.
Oct 4, 2020 4:27 AM

Aug 2007
I don't know, man.. the only one I am using is lip balm. Out of curiosity, I tried using the one for eyebrows one time, and to my dismay I ended up looking like a gay version of McDonald's.

Maybe ask Nodame.


On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.

Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

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