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I'm a journalist doing an article for a major news site about people who watch anime at double speed (yes, really), and I want your thoughts

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Nov 29, 2017 8:50 AM

Oct 2010
Is this the rumored bait thread? if yes why are so many serious answers?
Nov 29, 2017 8:51 AM

Apr 2014
1. ye i feel like im achieving something
2. ye they have my respect. idk about community
3. i pay very close attention to all my sections. i do see it as a friendly competition mostly with the people i know irl. i woudlnt say i feel pressured. the right word would be motivated. idk if its good or bad, but i feel like im wasting time many times.
4. idk
5. nah
6. I watch at double speed many times. like i said before i feel like im wasting time, so watching anime at double speed kind of alleviates this feelng. also when i have something to do and i dont have enough time to watch a whole episode, double speed is rlly convenient. it also depends on the anime. for example if it has hundreds of episodes double speed it a standard for me. if its small and fast like teekyuu i aint watching it at double speed.
7. i dont think it makes a difference at all
Nov 29, 2017 9:24 AM

Jul 2015
1. I do it so i can keep track of my anime

2. No. Nobody deserves more (or less) respect just because he/she watched many anime

3. No. No. No. And idk

4. Either to far, or do nothing at all

5. No.

6. No and no

7. It's stupid
Nov 29, 2017 1:43 PM

Oct 2017

1. Important more so in the sense it allows me to remember where I leave off. I have MAL open usually when watching so I can tick off where I left off just in case I don't come back to it in a while and forget what episode I am at. For completed series I am way more lax on that I am recent to joining but have been watching for a while so certain series I have seen aren't on my completed and some on my PTW I have seen but want to rewatch because I just don't remember them.

2. Not really depends I guess those who only have 10 shows watched and then tell me this new series is the best ever I might be less likely to believe at the same time those with huge watch counts into the thousands I also am less likely to believe just because I feel because they are so knowledgeable and watch so much anime it can hurt their enjoyment and for some of us who haven't seen every trope that series may still be enjoyable for us. I don't mind either though its interesting to see a newbie's or long time veteran's opinion. And ultimately civility is the best way to garner any respect I would respect a newbie with one series behind them over someone who has seen 3000 but acts like a jerk.

3. Not particularly I just want to have everything updated so I know what I have seen and maybe what new genres I could branch out into that I haven't seen that much of. Not in a rush to do it though sometimes I forget I saw that series 10 years ago its actually been a good way to remember some series I forgot about.

4. I don't maximize it. If I am in the mood I like to watch plain in simple its a hobby not an obligation. Plus other hobbies and university/other responsibilities eat into my time if I saw anime like that I probably would just drop the hobby all together.

5. Not really I guess I like to keep up with seasonal now but there is no way every single anime from a seasonal release is going to be good and at the point why bother. I guess if I make it to 1000 in 10 years I can have a mini celebration :)

6. Didn't even know that this was a thing.

7. Again I don't understand why anyone would do that unless they are being forced to watch a bad or boring series. The only other aspect of it I suppose maybe in a longer series like One Piece where there is filler in the main story skipping ahead I can understand but that would be the only really example I can think of it and that mainly has to do with the fact that the OP adaption isn't the best.

Yeah update it when you are finished we would be interested.
BilboBaggins365Nov 29, 2017 1:57 PM
Nov 29, 2017 1:49 PM

Jul 2016
I cant say I have ever watched anything at 2xspeed of what its broadcasts at. I do enjoy shows like Aho-girl and Teekyu whom my friends swear is at 4x speed... does that count?
Nov 29, 2017 4:17 PM

Jun 2015
Ok, I will answer your questions based on my opinion, as obvious, without judging or trying to tell what other people should do, we all have different opinions and tastes, we all are different individuals.

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
It's not that important for me, I update my list for myself.
To put it simple, (by some reason) I like to have my list updated, to track the anime I've watched and I'm watching, and to remember in which episode I am in that show, it also helps for example in a show I stopped, by some reason. Of course anyone can make questions or comments about my list, I don't mind that, but it's not the purpose, and surely it isn't one of the reasons I watch anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
No, it doesn't, when I see the comments, reviews or recomendations from another person, I consider their opinions and their reasons. For me it's more important being constructive criticism and well justified. Nothing more, nothing less, I sometimes don't even know how many anime they've watched, nor their favourites.
But, indeed, I believe they have the respect from the majority of the community, which I think it's not the important.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
I would say, sometimes, but usually, no, and never pressured. I think the feel of being pressured or obliged to do something (which in this case should be for entertainment, self enjoyment, and supposed to be fun), it's never a good thing.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Not far, I watch when I can, in freetime, and when I feel like watching (when I want ^^ ).

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
No, as I said, I watch only in freetime.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
No, and I won't do it in any circumstance, not even the ones mentioned. I only skip some opening and ending songs.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
I can understand why someone would do it while rewatching or even in certain periods of a show, for example, a more boring or slow paced moment, but in general I think it would ruin the whole experience, I think it's not the right way to watch a show, and probably the minds behind the show itself think the same. A person who watches the whole series at double speed certainly will not get the same enjoyment as another person who watches at normal speed. As I said above I think anime it's meant to entertain, to be enjoyed, to pay attention and immerse in the story / plot, to understand and get the feelings and messages that the characters transmit us.
If you're speeding up, you're at least cutting by half all of that. If so, watching or no, it's the same, it's meaningless watching something we have no enjoyment, therefore, I cannot see the point why someone would do that.
From my prespective, watching anime shouldn't be an race nor a competition, we should watch at our own pace, for our enjoyment. But it's just my opinion.

MasterPPNov 29, 2017 4:33 PM
Nov 29, 2017 4:50 PM
Jul 2018
1. Not really
2. I just enjoy watching anime if I have free time. I don't need respect or whatsoever
3. No...I don't pay attention to my completed list
4. I'll go as far as to become a shut-in if I have to....which is very unlikely
5 and 6. No
Nov 30, 2017 6:16 AM

Feb 2010
I never thought anyone did it, but since I do know ONE person who does something similar, figured I'd answer.

1. Not that much, but I do try to at least list the anime, to keep track of what I've seen, what I want to see in the future, and how many anime I've seen total.

2. I don't personally know anyone here, I just chit-chat infrequently when bored. So no.

3. No. I just watch what I want, and put anything I might like, into my "To watch" list. It's just a site to keep track of things to me or reminding me of releases that I planned to watch.

4. If the anime isn't too obvious, I will read reviews, and if the review confirms it has stuff I definitely won't like (harem, moe/loli/ecchi fanservice, abuse, etc), I drop it to save my time and watch other things.

5. Not at all, but it does add more to my "to watch" list than expected because I discover new anime that I wouldn't otherwise find.

6. I've never even known it was a thing, but I do have one friend from an anime club in college who would watch an anime, and skip entire scenes of each episode until something interests her, then skip multiple times throughout the episode... It was only one day that I saw it while she was on the college lounge computer, but she was watching Samurai Flamenco and Pokemon X&Y at the time, skimming through the videos as her way of "watching" the anime. We were watching it together, btw, but since I didn't feel strongly for these shows, I didn't really care that she was skipping the majority of it.

7. I couldn't do it, because if I really wanted to watch and understand an anime's story, and liked it, I'd wanna savour it. I wouldn't even be able to understand it at double speed.
PikangieNov 30, 2017 6:21 AM
Nov 30, 2017 6:38 AM

Feb 2015
Are you really ? I mean...wth...
Pls dont tell me this is for your essay.

I just dont even...
Nov 30, 2017 6:50 AM

Feb 2013
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Not originally, but as I participated in the community it became a way of almost proving my legitimacy in arguments about anime-- people who have less then 100 completed shows, or haven't seen certain specific anime, are seen as "Casuals" and their opinions aren't as respected. Of course, I also just like anime.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

There's a general sense that the more shows a person has seen the more value their opinion on anime has. Personally, if a person has seen so many shows it seems to be their entire life, my respect lessens, but I don't get that sense from the broader community. It's mostly respect.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Yes, most of us do pay attention to how many shows we watch, and how many anyone we interact with watch as well. It's not a competition really, I would say. Everyone is encouraged to watch the "required minimum" to be a non casual viewer, which can create pressure, especially when it comes to completing certain shows. When I was younger, I was a Completionist, which meant that I never dropped a show. This was a kind of badge of honor (I know it's silly-- we do get an actual badge tho on MALgraph, if that site even exists anymore, very important), but I did this mostly to show my unbiased nature and breadth as an anime viewer. Also, you can't give an opinion on a show you haven't even finished, so if you want to complain about something you'd better see it until the end or you will be invalid.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Sitting down and marathoning shows I don't like much, or playing them in the background. I have only watched a few shows sped up, things like K-on that held no appeal for me at all but where immensely popular in the community and often discussed.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I used to go all in with Seasonal anime, and our annual anime watching challenges, but now that I'm in college I don't have the time, also it doesn't sound as appealing anymore.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I mentioned this in the fifth question. Mostly, though, I avoided double-speed as much as possible, because I saw it as unauthentic.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I don't think it gives people a full view of the show, as it effects sound, intent, and animation, thus people who do it should be dis-included from all discussions and banned from having opinions. I'm kind of joking, but that's what me at the height of my anime obsession would think.
Nov 30, 2017 6:58 AM
Nov 2010
1. No.
2. Not for spending a lot of time, but amount of watched anime can, along with other things, be a good indicator to how much the person knows about anime and how much experience they have in general.
3. I pay attention to my anime list statistics from time to time. It is, after all, data related to myself so it makes me interested. I do not feel a need to complete more anime just for the sake of some numbers, though.
4. Overall, I like managing my time. I also like anime quite a bit. There's nothing else to it.
5. I like to finish anime I've invested a significant time into already, but I try to watch them only when I enjoy them regardless. When I was watching seasonal anime as they aired, I was usually trying quite some stuff out and then I wanted to finish them since they were at least somewhat enjoyable and I've spent some time on them already so I wanted to see how they'd turn out. Now, I watch anime that aired in various years and I try to watch them one-by-one because I feel better watching them that way. I create a list in which I keep anime I plan to watch in the near future because I think I'd like them and I pick stuff from there. I see it just as a way to not have to think every time about what to watch and I'm not in any sort of a hurry to go through all of the shows there. If I don't feel like watching something and the only thing it'd do is increase some numbers, I don't watch it.
6. No and no as far as I know. The only circumstance I can think of is that I would intentionally want to see how it looks or sounds like when sped up. For something really boring, doing or thinking about other stuff at the same time, pausing or just skipping ahead are what I believe to be better options, as you get at least some experience of it.
7. It's a bad idea for dealing with boring stuff in comparison to other options, as I've explained in point 6. Watching with the intent to boost statistics also doesn't sound like an achievement at all when compared to doing things honestly and watching anime for direct enjoyment or for things such as quality, historical value etc. which should all be more enjoyable to think about than thinking about what number there is on the statistics.

Tomislavr7Nov 30, 2017 7:07 AM
Nov 30, 2017 8:32 AM

Jul 2012
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Updating MAL is the only important thing about life. When I was 19, I had an existential crisis since I was an edgy teen that had just watched Texhnolyze. But then Xinil created MyAnimelist and I found purpose in my own life.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Yes. Anime is the ultimate humanitarian deed. It is also the apex of STEM research. Einstein? Da Vinci? Marie Curie? Carnegie? Johns Hopkins? None of those people are that respectful compared to contemporary weeaboos. Ask yourself. Have any of the aforementioned watched a single anime?

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I spend every waking moment thinking about how much I have completed. I even have dreams about it. I'm friends with the competitors, but the game is real man. Anime ball is life. Whenever I'm out on the court I feel 100% pressured to watch anime than I otherwise would be. But I embrace the pressure. I think that it is a good thing for my growth as a person and player. Right now I'm at 69%, but I think I'll be at 81% by tomorrow.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

You know, I go real hard in the paint. There's no stopping me when I'm trying to maximize my anime consumption. One anecdote is when I was on the Orlando Magic in 2009. We were playing against the Cleveland Cavs. We knew we weren't going to fight fair so around March we started injecting steroids so we could ball hard. If you ball hard you can maximize your anime consumption. In the Eastern Conference finals we went Super Saiyan and destroyed LeBron. Unfortunately we lost in the finals to the Lakers. Kobe was an ultimate weeb, but we were prepared for that. We had no idea that the damn Spainiard Pau Gasol knew how to do a pretty cure transformation.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

I absolutely feel obligated. I want to make the anime hall of fame and one day meet the best anime director of all time, Naoko Yamada. This gives me the motivation to clear my backlog and go at it 120% in the gym.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

Yes. Watching a lot of anime have given me super powers. One of which is time manipulation and time travel. Don't worry about the details it's explained in Stein's;Gate. Just microwave your banana in the refrigerator.

The best way to watch anime at double-speed or faster is just to speed up time itself. It's better than the sensation you get when finish while watching Guro NTR Scat Trap hentai.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Probably one of the most enlightened things in the world. One step away from pilgrimage to Mecca.

Thanks for the questions. I had a lot of fun answering them. Wish you the best of luck on your article and your journalism career!
Nov 30, 2017 8:40 AM

Dec 2016
All old media(80's and before) are slow-paced so watching it at higher speeds does help
Women of my dreams I don't sleep so I can't find her

Nov 30, 2017 8:43 AM

Mar 2016
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

No, but I put some animes that I might want to watch again or animes that I wanna recommend to some people who ask.
2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

No, it's more of a question or a wonder on how they do that. I'm not really sure on how it affects the respect factor of the community, but I think they admire people who have watched or read a lot.
3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

No, I guess people wants to show what they've completed, not even feeling any pressured at all, and I neutral on being pressured, I would say it's bad for the sake of bragging while it's good for the sake of socializing.
4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Small time, not sacrificing
I dropped a lot of animes including the good ones, not sure if that's counted but I'm too lazy for now to watch anime.
5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I did it on the past when I was young since I want to talk about animes to my friend who introduced me to anime, but now I can't even finish a single anime this year, I'm just lazy who doesn't have any particular reason to watch.
7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

Terrible, for the sake of completing the anime, it becomes horrendous to see the unnatural movement presented in the anime, the voice before was squishy in Old VLC. I remember before those epic scenes while the people are shouting in high pitch voice, even the dramatic ones becomes comedy, and that was the Battle of Marineford of One Piece, which is the most epic story of One Piece as of date. I would not recommend the method since it destroys the anime.
Nov 30, 2017 8:54 AM
Sep 2016
1. It's not the only reason but it does play a large part for me. Now that I've found MAL updating my log is very important I watch shows I might not have otherwise. Only for the sake of seeing every anime a studio worked on colored in or having a higher number. Same goes for sites like Letterboxd, Listal, Sputnik Music, and places like that.
2. I feel like I deserve respect, I have 800+ shows logged. Granted at least 200 of them are music videos but whatever. In serious I do think it's impressive, but I also wonder what else a person could be doing. Possibly lying about it.
3. I tend to watch shows based off of other people, but there are few people who I'm close enough to that I feel a competition arise, unless I'm the only one participating.
4. I am willing to spend money, hell I spent nearly $100 to read NGE and about $40-$50 on the first two Akira books. But if I feel it's too much money I might not even consider it.
5. I feel obligated but it's more out of my own self interest. I want to understand Studio SHAFT or Trigger's style and way of doing thing so I watch all the stuff they make. Also I find clearing out seasons fun, but not the only reason I watch a show. I'll watch whatever is good but if all the good stuff tends to come out during a certain year, well then I don't got a lot of choices.
6. I do whenever I watch a show that's good but moves to slow for my taste, or a something I feel obligated to complete off of a friend's recommendation.
7. I think it's okay and you should do it if you just don't care enough, like me!
Nov 30, 2017 10:35 AM
May 2015
1. I use MAL so that I can keep track of what I watched and get recommendations so I know what to watch next. It's not really a competition, but in order to trust a recommendation, I need to be able to check their taste.
2. I would trust their opinion/recommendations more, but I wouldn't use the word respect.
3. Not a competition at all - see (1)
4. I read manga about 7 times a month (more recently than usual)
5. I usually browse through the current season, and clear out my blacklog in the summer, but this last year I've had more work.
6. I don't do this or know anyone who does. If the show were in a dull moment, I'd skip 2 minutes ahead. If the show were really dull, I'd skip episodes. Although this is only for rewatching - I wouldn't skip at all, I'd drop it if it were dull and a new show.
7. If you don't want to watch a show at normal speed (for the majority of the show), then you should drop it. Otherwise use double-speed sparingly.
Nov 30, 2017 11:59 AM

Dec 2012
1. Not particularly, but it's useful to keep track of them for several reasons related to information lookup.
2. Everybody deserves respect but how much is based on their personality and actions not the size a list on some website
3. Too busy having fun watching to do that.
4. Spending money for domestic releases, sometimes I import from Australia, the UK, or Japan or buy occasionally expensive out of print releases if I want to own it. I'm a collector.
5. Not at all.
6. Absolutely not, and I don't know anyone who does this. Doing that would interfere with my enjoyment. Not to mention it would be hard to follow the story and the sped up chipmunk voices would annoy the hell out of me especially if the girls already had high voices. Even if I wasn't enjoying it, it's far easier to just drop it or skip the filler.
7. Pointless and retarded activity for ADD/ADHD attention spans.
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Nov 30, 2017 1:07 PM

Sep 2014
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
It is very important to me since I normally don't remember what episode I am on otherwise. Also, it does seem to give me a sense of accomplishment similar to racking up the hours in one of my games.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
I think people tend to gain a much better understanding of anything the more that they are exposed to it, this includes anime. However, to say that they automatically deserve respect is questionable, the only thing you could judge such a character on is that they enjoy anime a lot. The community does seem to treat people with less anime in their bank less desirably but this might be less hostile than it appears.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
Yes, I pay attention to my total amount mostly because it feels good to see those numbers climb. I do feel pressured to watch more because I feel like I might be missing out on some good anime if not.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Not any further than your A typical binge-watch session.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Obligated? No, a subtle push is apparent to clear my backlog but another common angle I look at it is to NOT clear it because then I would run out of anime to watch.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
I, nor anyone that I know does this. I would never do this.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
It is ridiculous, anyone that does this gives me the impression that they do not care for anime more than their own personal appearance on sites like MAL. Watching an anime at x2 speed is akin to watching something while their half asleep; you're getting half the amount of time to process the show. There are some shows out there that I miss little details of when I am watching them at NORMAL speed let alone double the speed. Comedic timing is lost, you are more prone to miss details, time moves faster as you mull over little details, the is less time to appreciate animation and other efforts. If you do it because you are short on time, you are better off just watching half of the show in normal speed and then watching the rest later.
Nov 30, 2017 1:25 PM
May 2017
1. not at all.
2. no - it's about quality over quantity. it doesn't take a master critic to see what an anime does well and not, and what trends and tropes appear in which genres and why that may be good or bad. someone who has watched 10 series and can eloquently, concisely and efficiently communicate their opinion and interpretation of said series is, to me, a far more respectable person than someone with 300 completed series and films and nothing but unintelligible garbage for comments.
3. I pay close attention to the amount watched since it struck me recently just how much (in my opinion) I've already seen. I don't see it as a competition at all and if anyone does, I think that it's a bad thing because it arguably detracts that person from actually enjoying the anime. this, however, could be indicative of a larger character flaw in those people (hyper-competitiveness).
4. not too long ago I'd be watching anime whenever I could or when I wasn't watching/playing something else. I'd watch anime before bed (falling asleep mid-episode and having my rather heavy phone fall on my face) and on the bus to and from work - the ride is exactly 25 minutes, which made it perfect for watching an episode.
5. absolutely not - I refuse to allow any sort of schedule or groupthink to dictate my pace. I don't really care about what's popular because 90% of the time after I consume that popular thing I find it lacklustre and disappointing. my backlog (most of it is still in a word document and not on MAL) is impossibly long and will inevitably always outrun my completed list, so I don't even try.
6. I only learnt that this is a thing after I got on MAL. at first I thought it was a joke, but then I saw it enough times to believe that it's true.
7. I find it extremely bizarre and pointless - if you don't like a moment in an anime, the skip it.
Nov 30, 2017 1:49 PM

Jun 2015
Too bad the users who consistently talked about speed watching got banned.

Nov 30, 2017 1:58 PM

Apr 2015
1- Updating my list is important but I dont watch stuff jut for the mere pleasure to add more to my count, if I dont watch for enjoyment then there is no point, it woul become a chore and would make me en dup hating something I love.
2- Sort of. Like, if they are really knowledgeable about a genre I would very much like to see what they have to recommend specially when it is an genre I have been curious about but generally what evokes respect for other is their taste... what they have watched, what they have picked as favorites amongst all of it and if it is shows I liked.
3- I pay attention to it because when I update and look at my profile I see the count so it is hard not to. I dont really see it as a competition, again, seeing it as a competition would make me see it as a chore eventually and I would not like that or just for the sake of adding numbers I would avoid long shows which would be lame.
4- Watching on my way to work or my way back home while in the bus.
5- No, in fact once I did an anime watching challenge which consisted of watching a show with certain characteristics, genre, etc... and just for the sake of completing I kinda forced myself and although I did watch some great shows I didnt like the pressure.
6- I dont do it and I dont know anyone who does, it would reduce my understanding of the show I think so whats the point?
7- To each their own but I feel it would reduce their understanding of the show and if even knowing this they dont care then they should not be watching the show at all in my opinion.

If you would like me to elaborate more on some points feel free to DM me.
Nov 30, 2017 4:26 PM

Nov 2011
Hey Steven. Interesting thread you have here.

DQD said:
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

No. Seeing the completed count tick up is somewhat gratifying, but it's not a notable reason for watching anime. At all. If MAL's list function ceased to exist, I would probably watch roughly the same amount of anime I currently do, and at roughly the same rate too. (Maybe somewhat slower in cases where I would have been close to a milestone number.)

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

I don't think they command respect, but I might give them the benefit of the doubt longer, and I'm slower to scoff at generalizations they might make about the medium since I often don't have enough experience to know one way or another.

If you call thinking "wow, this person probably knows a lot about anime" respect, then I guess I tend to in a basic sense.

I do think they're more likely to be respected by the community, but it's not always true. Even if they are correlated, I don't know that their completion counts themselves are the cause. It might simply be that a fan who is either passionate or loyal to the medium is more likely to behave in a manner that others in the fandom would appreciate.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

When anime is taking up the majority of my free time (it doesn't always), then yes, I do pay close attention to my completion count. I view it less as a competition (though to whatever nominal extent I may, I'd consider it friendly) and more as a rough indicator to myself of my level of experience in the medium.

I think I used to feel pressured to watch more anime, but that's more because MAL used to take up way too much of my free time relative to actually watching anime, and thus I think it was justified.

I've found that pressuring myself to watch stuff via contests has mixed results in terms of it being a good or bad experience, and pressuring myself to watch stuff I'm no longer interested in "for the community" is a bad idea more often than a good one... but one I succumb to at times despite knowing it.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Not very far. When I was first getting into anime and had ludicrous amounts of free time I would binge for eight to ten hours a day, but that died off after a fee months and my universal pace has settled at a far more minor to moderate level.

I could see myself spending a couple hours in a day on anime at my max, currently, since I've gotten much much busier irl over the past couple months, and it's a semi-permanent change.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Clearing my backlog was often in the back of my mind back when I had a sizeable PTW list within the official anime list function of the site. Since cutting that down to some of the highest priority watches only and moving everything else into a massive everything-I'm-interested-in-watching-in-the-anime-medium list in a forum post, the subtle pressure was largely alleviated.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I only explicitly know... a couple? Though I think the stigma is with watching new shows; I don't think many people would care if you rewatched stuff at a faster speed, especially rewatching slow sections that way.

Personally, I'd only do so when rewatching, and even then I'd almost always rather completely skip whatever section I don't want to see, so I virtually never watch at an increased speed unless I'm testing something.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

If it's a new show, I think it's a terrible practice, and I'm (much) less likely to take the opinion of someone about a show seriously if I'm aware that they watched it at an increased speed. The faster they watch, the worse my view. If they watched at 1.2x I'm skeptical; if they watched at 2.0x or more I toss out their opinion is completely, no question.

They can rewatch at whatever speed they want. I don't really care.
Nov 30, 2017 4:42 PM

Nov 2016
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Its good for keeping stats. if your interested in talking about anime it helps to know when you watched, it what you thought at the time and how you felt it compared to other things you have watched. Honestly its an approach that would be great for other forms of media. The views and likes to dislikes on a youtube in comparision feels like a blunted and clumsy way to evaluate media.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

If I were to be picky I would check their list but often yes its enough to have alot of shows and it does command the respect of the community. Especially because alot of shows over a long period of time indicates someone that is sticking with anime not just someone dipping their feet. It shows someone that takes the genre seriously.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

To an extent yes and its interesting to see how my friends consumption compares. I do feel that its a positive to keep up with peers and watch the new shows to see what direction anime is moving in.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Not too far really my consumption is very considered I will often read reviews or get critics opinions before starting a show I'm less likely to blindly pick a show up.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

No if anything I think having a few in the back log is more respectable as it shows a less goal driven approach to watching.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

No but I do watch youtube videos at double speed when they are content sparse or its a tutorial and they have no idea how to pace it.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I think that people that watch at double speed are probbably watching bad anime and it shows a very completionist approach. I can understand if they are treating anime like I treat yt videos as background distraction but usually that only works because alot of yt videos are basically just audio. Anime is heavily visual and often subbed.
TythoidNov 30, 2017 4:46 PM
“we all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same.”
Nov 30, 2017 4:48 PM

Jun 2015
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
-definitely yes, I mean of course watching anime is the most important but adding them to the list makes the experience 10 times more satisfying and it's always fun to see between which 2 anime the one I'm currently watching will alphabetically fit after I complete it

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
-I personally have equal respect towards anyone, whether it's someone who has 10 anime or a 1000 anime on their list and I feel like the love towards the medium counts much more than how experienced someone is in it

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
-back in grade school my friends and I would compete over who could binge more episodes of a shounen in the shortest time, I would always be the fastest but looking back I never really cared about those "competitions", I always have and always will watch anime at my own pace for my own sake because I mean what's the point of consuming media if you aren't even enjoying it?

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
-ehh as I said I watch anime when I can and feel like doing it, I don't strive to watch more just for the sake of having more than someone or seeming more impressive or whatnot

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
-as for the season thing, no, I'll just watch what I want and like, but clearing my backlog is really important to me, although sometimes I'll finish shows at the end of the season and sometimes they'll stay in my "on-hold" for 2+ years, I also very rarely drop anime

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
-back when I was like 13 I was really interested in "on crack" videos so I wanted to basically double-speed through Durarara!! and just take the scenes that I thought were crackable, it just resulted in mostly crappy mlg, thug life and wasted jokes and thankfully I only ever released one scene that was actually kinda funny imo:
the only other time I ever use double speed is when I'm just speeding through previous episodes of a show I was keeping on hold for a long time just so I can remember what was happening

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
-I personally find it really stupid, even if you're rewatching something, if you wanna experience it again then you might as well actually watch it again and not just plow through it missing half the stuff, but you know, people do people and I won't judge anybody for doing it
Nov 30, 2017 5:03 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Keeping track of my progress and what I want to goal accomplish is important but the community on here has become more of a factor to the enjoyability than anything else.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

Watch/Reading a lot is impressive. I can't say it's respectful one way or the other but I believe the community relegates these people either in a meme sense or a elite sense.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

Not competitive but more like a completionist aspect. For certain genres more or less and my PTW/R more than anything. I took a break from this fandom/community for so long and it feels like I had only made a dent in it really.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Weirdly enough I'd like to be able to complete a series a day or longer series within a week. I have a lot to do in my day to day and even manga to catch up on constantly. So little time you know. But I feel like I'm lacking in knowledge in a way. 500 complete series is the goal for 2018.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Not seasonal or yearly duties. Just more of what I find interesting. My Plan to Watch list haunts me on a daily basis. But I also participate in the Anime Challenges and the Club and do get satisfaction from finishing these.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

People claim to do this shit but I have no interest in it at all. Despite my gripes on having little time I have time to enjoy the series I indulge. End of story.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

It's fucking stupid. But if that's how you enjoy it then knock yourself out.
StripesNov 30, 2017 5:08 PM
Nov 30, 2017 5:07 PM

Oct 2012
1. Updating my list is important to me because I really like looking at stats and graphs and seeing all the show's I've watched all organized by what I've rated them and how long I spent watching them brings me a lot of joy.

2. Not really, I value someone's opinion based on their depth of knowledge about an anime or anime in general. It positively correlates with days watched but not always. A lot of people have a lot of days watched but few days paid attention it seems.

3. I do pay attention to it because I like statistics and numbers. I see it as a competition with myself more than anything because I'm a naturally competitive person. Also I like to tell my friends once I've passed them in days watched but it's not in any way the reason I watch anime.

4. Generally I'm not very good at bingeing. In the past when I was watching a boring show that I "had to sit through in order to enjoy it's sequel" (looking at you To Love Ru, Fate Stay/Night) I had a twitch stream running at the same time that I would tune into if the show was making me fall asleep.

5. All of the shows in one season is pretty crazy, and I've thought about it, but I just pick up all the shows that I think might be good or seem to be popular so that I can have an informed opinion on it and not just say "that show sucks cause it looks bad" when I haven't even seen it.

6. no.

7. You miss out on an important aspect of the show which is pacing. Also Japanese is fast language anyway and there's no way you can keep up with what they're saying (I like using anime to assist in language learning as well) while reading subtitles and paying attention to the animation. Not to mention the sound quality will be affected and music is a big part of what makes anime so great.
Bad idea, people who do this miss out on important aspects of the medium in exchange for padding on their *total days watched*
Plus I mean if you're gonna cheat you might as well put shows you haven't watched to pad your total. Go ahead and add every pokemon & dragonball show ever created. No one will care except you.
Nov 30, 2017 5:50 PM
Oct 2016
a """"""major news site"""""" reporting on people who watch anime at x2 speed? ok then

1. no i dont watch anime to update my list thats a stupid question
2. not really. it's cool if they've watched a lot of stuff, good for them, but somebody doesn't "command my respect" because they've wasted more time watching bug-eyed Chinese cartoons
3. no
4. not far at all because that's not the fucking point
5. no
6. no and probably never
7. idiotic and pointless

edit: this is probably some kind of meme thread because a) what fucking news site would report on something so inane and b) i'm almost positive that nobody consistently watches anime on x2 speed but whatever fuck
jnotNov 30, 2017 5:56 PM
Nov 30, 2017 9:06 PM

Dec 2012
jreadnot said:
a """"""major news site"""""" reporting on people who watch anime at x2 speed? ok then

edit: this is probably some kind of meme thread because a) what fucking news site would report on something so inane and b) i'm almost positive that nobody consistently watches anime on x2 speed but whatever fuck

Indeed, highly dubious and most likely another speed troll.
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Nov 30, 2017 9:42 PM
Apr 2017
(1,2,3,4,5,)my opinion about these is same as others .
6. I don't like to watch anime at 2×
Speed but when I am watching a series more than 2 season or 50 episodes I am in kind of rush to watch 5-6 episodes
7: After watching 5-6 I kind of regret it for finishing it fast.and it's way more tiring
Dec 1, 2017 4:02 AM

Jun 2015
1. NO!
2. NO. I do not respect the community specially bcz they watch anime. They are just a mass of humans no more respectable than regular trash. I might actually respect someone lower if his tastes are shit though.
3. no.
4. I havent done anything special ever
5. NO.
6. NO!
7. Its retarded and moronic. thats not real watching.
Dec 1, 2017 4:09 AM

Jan 2013
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?
I think about it once or twice during an episode but in a rare basis. I watch for my enjoyment and not for the +1 in my list.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?
Respect for as long as he doesn't cross the line, of course.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?
I dont really remember the animes ive completed, so you could say i dont keep track of the number. Though Im aware I need to hit a millestone which I havent in years.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.
Nothing can force me to maximize the amount i watch unless I enjoy it and do it myself. Watching anime shouldnt be a chore at all

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?
Nah, there are shows who have been sitting in my watching list for years.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)
I've seen MAL users who do that. To me its a no, when I want to finish faster I just skip and thats all.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?
It's stupid because it indicates that you're watching anime as a chore.
Dec 1, 2017 7:02 AM
Aug 2014
Well the subject seems kind of odd but the questions are quite interesting and I find myself to have quite a lot to say.

1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

No, it used to once in a time, but it has become less and less relevant the more time passes by up to the point where I do not even update it anymore. I just don't see the point to try to show off your tastes. I think I stopped caring about that kind of stuff about the same time I became an anime journalist, I realized I could care less about showing people that I've seen this or that show no one else knows, I just cared about sharing the works that I love.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

It doesn't. And actually the more shows one has watched the more I despise them and value their opinion as not worthwhile. Fact is, there is not a thousand works worth watching. If you have spent so much of your time watching 1500 works, you should reconsider some of your life choices, because you spent months of your life watching bad shows, there is nothing respectful or impressive about that. I have much more respect for someone who is picky about what he watches, who has seen few but good titles because someone like that shows good judgement and is not merely consuming anime as a product.
Sadly, I think the majority of the community considers those who have seen many shows to be experts where in reality they are often among the ones who know the less.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

I used to think of it as a competition. Not only regarding how many anime I would have completed but also what I would have watched, trying to show off some shows nobody had seen to act like a fine connoisseur. But at some point I realized that this was just childish and unproductive. You don't become an "anime expert" by watching lots of shows. The more I got myself invested in the community and the more I produced content, the less shows I watched. Now I am very careful when I start a show as I don't want to waste my time and I watch shows because of more important reasons than just adding a show to my list, like watching a show because of the work of a certain animator on the said show.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

Well I did watch some bad shows by speeding up x2 or x4 just for the sake of watching them like Code Geass or Elfen Lied. I wouldn't recommend it, now I would just recommend to not watch these kind of shows. Like said today I take my time to watch shows, I watch very few episodes a week, mostly when I am in the train.

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

No never.

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

Like said earlier, I used to do it when watching bad shows, especially if they had lots of episodes.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

I think that if you would speed up an anime, you just shouldn't be watching it in the first place. You loose much of the experience by doing so, and what you gain from doing it is quite poor. There is no point in completing a bunch of shows just for the sake of completing them. You won't retain much of what you've watched and won't be even be able to appreciate the animation. If you're so worried about the time it takes you to watch an episode, you can double the time you gain from speeding it up by not watching it at all. Anime isn't meant to be a product of mass consumption, people should care more about what they watch.
Dec 1, 2017 7:14 AM

Jan 2017
1. When you think about your reasons for watching anime, is updating your list here at MAL an important factor?

Yeah kinda, not only I easliy forget what episode I ended on but it somehow make me satisfied.

2. Do you feel like somebody who has an impressive amount of shows watched commands your respect? How about the respect of the larger community?

I didn't watch as many shows as I want to. I feel like I need to watch more shows just to have wider knowlage about anime in general.

3. Do you pay close attention to your total amount completed? Do you see it as a sort of friendly competition? Maybe less than friendly? Do you ever feel pressured to watch more anime that you otherwise would? Is that a good or bad thing?

It's a bad thing that I feel pressure sometimes. I just hate leaving unfinished anime unless it's unwatchable for me.

4. Generally speaking, how far will you go to maximize your anime consumption? (It can be not very far at all, haha.) Anecdotes or stories might prove illustrative here.

IDK maybe 400 completed would be satisfing

5. Do you feel obligated to meet certain milestones due to the site, such as watching all the offerings of a certain season (Winter 2017, for example), or clearing out your backlog?

Nah I only pick sesonals that i want to watch

6. Do you (or does anyone you know) watch anime at double-speed or faster? Under what circumstances would you do this? (Rewatching, a dull period in the show, etc.)

I did it only for TTGL and Naruto because they were boring as shit but I wanted to watch them anyway.

7. Regardless of your above answer, what's your opinion on watching anime at double-speed?

It's dumb and take your enjoyment away. Don't be a masochist and try to watch something you enjoy.
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