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What did you think about Light Novels (In general)?

Jun 24, 2016 6:37 AM

Jun 2016
The topic pretty much sums up what this topic is all about.

For me, most light novels are pretty poorly written (Not all of them). Most of them are wish-fullfilment crap that are embarrassing to read even for a kid. I read a couple of SAO light novels and I ended up having my brain cells continues to dying when I read those books.
Jun 24, 2016 7:41 AM
Jun 24, 2016 7:59 AM

Dec 2015
Is this a lowkey SAO hate thread?

Anyway, I haven't really read that many light Novels so I don't really have that much to go off, but the Death Note ones were okay.

They aren't written like actual Novels, so they will have more talking from the characters rather than a lot of description. I always think they are a little like manga without the pictures.

But as I say, I haven't read many of them. Maybe you could give another Light Novel a go? Something that isn't SAO, you might enjoy it more. Or Light Novels just might not be your thing.

Jun 24, 2016 11:25 AM

Feb 2015
Most of them suck ass, except for stuff like Jorge Joestar. But I'd like to actually read some LNs, so I can judge better. But almost no Light novel has an english release and i can't find scans online...?
Jun 24, 2016 11:35 AM
Jul 2018
JonasTheJay said:
Most of them suck ass, except for stuff like Jorge Joestar. But I'd like to actually read some LNs, so I can judge better. But almost no Light novel has an english release and i can't find scans online...?

Official scans? You should get it from the likes of amazon, etc. Otherwise most LNs are fan translated available online.
OT- read better LN or go for different genres.
Jun 24, 2016 11:39 AM

Nov 2013
The ones I read were crummy, and 9/10ths of the LN adaptations I've seen were crummy, though those 1/10 are amazing.
Jun 24, 2016 3:59 PM

Sep 2013
>implying western novels are any better

Most light novel are translated by amateurs and the official translations are sometimes even worse, so you can' judge the writting based on that.
Read OVERLORD to see what a well translated series is like.
Jun 24, 2016 4:31 PM
Jul 2018
there are good LNs, there are meh LNs, and there are bad LNs
and even seemingly good LNs can have disappointing conclusions
but they so rarely get even consistent fantranslations that it's hard to truly find a lot of them
let alone official translations
Jun 24, 2016 5:04 PM

Jul 2012
Light novels are cancer. They were made for people who don't want to read novels and want easier to digest content. Hence light novels are filled with silly fantasy stories and romance novels. They're usually pretentious, immature or generic, if not all 3.

Novels > Mango > Animu > Light novels > Visual novels/Eroge
Jun 24, 2016 7:17 PM

Jul 2015
Well, I only finished 2 for now (Hakomari, that IMO is better than anything that I ever read or watched, and the also great Gekkou) and reading 2 of them (The Kamisu Reina Series, by the creator of Hakomari, and Rokujouma no Shinryakusha, a harem that I liked a lot in anime format and I started reading lately the source), so compared to some more manga and 200+ anime, my opinion is not exactly worth much because I only read an incredibly small part of the total.

Anyways, I will say that I love how detailed light novels are (story better explained, more conversations that maybe are not that important but really help in developing a character...), and how satisfying it feels to imagine while reading the characters, how they are placed, where they are, imaginating his voices... It's something that just feels great, even if I usually just watch anime and I have all of that there, but imagining it just feels amazing.

Also, I generally enjoy most of the light novel adaptations to anime I see (Oregairu, Monogatari Series, Katanagatari, the already mentioned Rokujouma no Shinryakusha, No Game No Life, Re:Zero this season...) only exception are the action ecchi school ones (Loved Rakudai and the romance it has, but the others go for the harem and... meh), but I want to believe that most of the ones that are bad in anime format are just like that because the adaptation gave no fucks about the story and just adapted the lewd scenes that the viewers wanted.

So yeah, I lack still more knowledge about light novels, but in general I have to say that I love them and I think they are great and enjoyable.
Jun 25, 2016 1:33 AM

Jun 2010
I feel that light novels suffer from the same issues as any other Japanese media, and you just need to take one look at the anime board to understand what I mean here. At the same time, I think light novels have a lot of strengths over other kinds of media.

Some facts about Light Novels:
1) Because they are books, light novels can afford to be wordy, descriptive, and long.
2) Light novels are much, much cheaper to produce than a lot of other Japanese media. This way, stories can be longer, written more often, and more easily have sequels and anthologies.
3) Light novels are not visual media. They're interpretative and leave more to the imagination. Yet still, they often borrow a considerable number of tropes from very visual media like anime or manga.
4) Its easier for amateur works to get published as light novels, as opposed to other written media like manga or full literature.
5) Light novels are often associated with anime or manga.

I think in a lot of ways, light novels are the modern and Japanese equivalent of dime novels. Both were made to be consumed quickly, and were intended as cheap entertainment. You tend to get a lot of crappy literature out of that, but sometimes you can get really amazing works that start whole chains of genre defining stuff, amazing, massive stories spanning many novels, etc.. Furthermore, because they're cheap to produce there is less economic risk, allowing more creative freedom on the part of the writer. IIRC, the entire reason stuff like science fiction and fantasy kicked off was because of dime novels.

Now, what do I think about these things?
Well, 1 and 2 are great because I feel you get a lot of bang for your buck, as opposed to other Japanese media. Personally, I don't care what people say about how well some visual novels are written, they're frankly overpriced as all hell. 1 by itself is great because too often I find a lot of Japanese media has really, really poor worldbuilding, but in light novels I feel the worldbuilding is really strong. Worldbuilding, is really important to me when I consume media because it helps with immersion. On point 2, this allows light novel media a lot more creative freedom than other Japanese media. I feel a lot of really strong worlds are built from light novels. I see this translate well when light novels are adapted to anime, as for me a lot of those anime I find better than today's original anime, anime from visual novels, and anime from manga. But, of course, quality levels are all across the board, and while we can get masterpieces like Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon we can also get horribad shit like Sword Art Online. I really do feel that those books never should have been published, they read like fanfiction. Point 3 is kind of special for me; surprisingly enough as much as I'm into anime, sometimes I really don't like the direction a lot of them take, and this can simply be ironed down to differences in cultural expectations and genre expectations. All in all though, it allows me a much more personally crafted experience I feel all the more satisfied because of it. Points 4 and 5 are where I think the vast majority of the problem lies when it comes to visual novels. Because they're easy to produce, they're also cheaply produced. They can be exceptionally bad due a lack of stringent quality checking (cough SAO cough). Plus, because they're linked to anime and manga, they also get all the baggage attached to that stuff, including all the good and all the bad tropes and stereotypes.

Personally I love light novels, they've become my favorite Japanese written media to consume. I really wish they would get fan translated more, whether officially or by fans. I'm actually extremely tempted to learn to read and write Japanese so I can indulge in more light novels; I'm actually pretty scared of the day when Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon's fan translation stops, since I know for sure that light novel will never be licensed. I don't believe that the project can be completed by js06 on his own, its just simply too massive.
Jun 25, 2016 1:52 AM
Sep 2013
LNs are mostly enjoyable,Anime adaptation of LN are often terrible unless they have monologue like haruhi of bake monogatari

The merit LNs or Novels in general have over Manga is detailed inner thoughts and when anime adaptation cannot adapt inner thoughts,the adaptations felt very superficial and rushed
Jun 25, 2016 1:59 AM
Sep 2013
YellowCorvette said:
The topic pretty much sums up what this topic is all about.

For me, most light novels are pretty poorly written (Not all of them). Most of them are wish-fullfilment crap that are embarrassing to read even for a kid. I read a couple of SAO light novels and I ended up having my brain cells continues to dying when I read those books.

Are you saying you are Judging LN by reading a single series?
Jun 25, 2016 4:00 AM

Mar 2012
MetaThPr4h said:
Well, I only finished 2 for now (Hakomari, that IMO is better than anything that I ever read or watched, and the also great Gekkou) and reading 2 of them (The Kamisu Reina Series, by the creator of Hakomari, and Rokujouma no Shinryakusha, a harem that I liked a lot in anime format and I started reading lately the source), so compared to some more manga and 200+ anime, my opinion is not exactly worth much because I only read an incredibly small part of the total.
You won't regret picking Rokujouma. It really get better once you pass part that anime covered since it filled with lot of answer that were raised several volume back.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jun 25, 2016 4:09 AM

Jul 2015
NeoAnkara said:
You won't regret picking Rokujouma. It really get better once you pass part that anime covered since it filled with lot of answer that were raised several volume back.

Yeah, I read some chapters for now and looks great so far! Is the story still getting translated, right? I see that there are quite a lot of volumes available post anime so thankfully I have a lot to read for sure, but I don't know if we will get more of them.

Theia best girl so far.
Jun 25, 2016 4:21 AM

Mar 2012
MetaThPr4h said:
NeoAnkara said:
You won't regret picking Rokujouma. It really get better once you pass part that anime covered since it filled with lot of answer that were raised several volume back.

Yeah, I read some chapters for now and looks great so far! Is the story still getting translated, right? I see that there are quite a lot of volumes available post anime so thankfully I have a lot to read for sure, but I don't know if we will get more of them.

Theia best girl so far.
Translation is consistent. Chapter is out every week with one week break in between volume. Usually two chapter is out per week and one if it is really long. You can say it take one month per volume. Warnis is a great translator that never miss the deadline. Today is also the day volume 15 start translated.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jun 25, 2016 4:29 AM

Jul 2015
NeoAnkara said:
Translation is consistent. Chapter is out every week with one week break in between volume. Usually two chapter is out per week and one if it is really long. You can say it take one month per volume. Warnis is a great translator that never miss the deadline. Today is also the day volume 15 start translated.

It couldn't be better then, thanks a lot for the answer! :D
Jun 25, 2016 4:31 AM

Mar 2012
MetaThPr4h said:
NeoAnkara said:
Translation is consistent. Chapter is out every week with one week break in between volume. Usually two chapter is out per week and one if it is really long. You can say it take one month per volume. Warnis is a great translator that never miss the deadline. Today is also the day volume 15 start translated.

It couldn't be better then, thanks a lot for the answer! :D
No problem. I'm just spreading the love all over the place.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jul 3, 2016 11:07 PM

Apr 2010
YellowCorvette said:
The topic pretty much sums up what this topic is all about.

For me, most light novels are pretty poorly written (Not all of them). Most of them are wish-fullfilment crap that are embarrassing to read even for a kid. I read a couple of SAO light novels and I ended up having my brain cells continues to dying when I read those books.

I have read a lot of light novels and even though there are many bad ones there are still some that are definitely worth reading. You also have to remember many are fans translated and thats why the quality drops.
If you want a good light novel then I would recommend Chrome Shelled Regios. Not only is it completely translated with 25 volumes the story is a lot better then the anime version and there is no problems with the translations.
I would also recommend Douluo Dalu it is by far the best novel i have read. If you don't want wish fulfillment crap read this you definately wont regret it.
Jul 6, 2016 4:39 AM

Apr 2013
I haven't really read any light novels,so I might not be able to completely judge them, but as to what they contribute to anime, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand,some of my favorite anime is based on light novels. (Haruhi,Chuunibyou,Monogatari for example) So I can't say I hate them, because some really good stuff comes from them.

Now,for the thing I don't like about light novels - is how trend/fad ridden they are. Sure,every medium has some fads in it,but tbh,anime is still quite varied. We get both action and mecha but also SoL and Cute girls. Light novels are kind of extreme with fads. Back when Haruhi was popular,it seemed like everyone wrote novels about a "quirky" girl in a school club, then sometime in 2012 or so, the infamous magic/battle/ academy harem became popular, and everyone was doing that. Now since late 2014 or so, Isekai and stuck-in-a-game is the new fad. And In 2 years it will probably be something new. Its kind of ridiculous how similar lots of LN premises sound. And it kind of feels like a lot of people just write "whatevers popular atm" and not what they really want. and thus the content becomes very saturated. I mean,isn't it a little iffy that 90% of new novels are the same freaking genre? And of course this also carries over to anime, we are all sick of the magic school shows. And soon we will also be sick of Isekai shows I just wish light novels (and thus also their anime adaptations) would be more varied. (like maybe 20% isekai/fantasy, 30% school/romance,20%action/scifi, 10% mystery,20% everything else) but atm its more like ( 90% XX fad, 10% everything else.)
Jul 6, 2016 8:07 AM

Jul 2016
Agree completely OP,most are just complete otaku pandering garbage. Same with VN's. At least Manga has way more variety, the superior medium in every way.

Really hate how many generic battle harem LN adaptations we keep getting lately.

Jul 6, 2016 10:22 AM

Jun 2014
Well, I've been reading quite a lot of novels lately.
As for Light Novels... I actually quite like them.
The first LN I've read and completed is Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, and it left a really great impression for me. (Though it was originally a Web Novel)
I then read Mushoku Tensei and got bored.
Third LN is Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken which is also pretty great, though it's still ongoing.
Ehh, since I mostly read Web Novels instead of Light Novels, I can only base my comment from those three.
The three of them have parts where I get bored, but they also have exciting parts that could keep me reading for another 3 straight hours.
I have no problems with imagining a scene from words, so maybe that affects my judgment towards Light Novels.

My friends have also told me that Overlord LN is great, along with Fate/Zero, so I'm going to read them next.
Jul 6, 2016 10:24 AM

Dec 2015
I'd like to read some one day, I'm really interested in seeing how it is
"At some point, I stopped hoping."

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