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Do people who have a mean score of over 7 like everything they watch?

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May 26, 2016 3:00 PM
Dec 2011
I have a mean score over 7 but only a few 10s. The reason is, that I simply dont watch anything I dislike, I drop it and I don't put it on my list, hence I only complete things I DO like. WHy would I continue watching something that I dislike anyway?

I seen people that rate 90% of what they watch with 1s and 2s I'm like why the ef are these people watching anime anyway?'
May 26, 2016 3:02 PM
Nov 2014
mouvite said:
cookies0 said:
Better question would be, why do people with a mean score below 6.5 even watch anime if they don't like it?

I haven't read this thread because it's one big cancer, but I feel somehow obligated to answer this question since my mean score is below 6,5. The answer is very simple. I have my scores divided so that 6-10 means good, 5 means neutral, 4-1 means bad. So to put it simply, if I rate something 5 or 6 it doesnt mean I didn't enjoy it, since it's a good/neutral score for me. And I'm pretty sure this applies to most people with a mean score below 6. These are mostly people who follow the rating that MAL has given to us, and don't come up with their own rating system (like 6-bad, 7-meh, 8- good, 9-very good, 10-favourite - this seems to be the most used rating system and that's why most people have a high mean score).

That makes sense. Although I don't see people actually using the "6-bad, 7-meh, 8- good, 9-very good, 10-favourite" rating system you mentioned.
May 26, 2016 3:10 PM

Sep 2015
cookies0 said:

What is "really, really dumb", is to purposefully misinterpret what someone said, to make your "point" seem more valid. I never said anything about "above average means someone doesn't like xy".
Based on my rating standards, 6 is barely enjoyable, 5 and below is how horrible it was.
And no, the average on MAL is about 6.5-7, not 5.

How am I misinterpreting what you said? Your post implies those who have a mean score of less than 6.5 don't enjoy anime. Which, as I explained, is a fairly dumb presumption to make.

I'm not talking about the average score on MAL, so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up. It has 0 relevance.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
May 26, 2016 3:13 PM
Jun 2015
Gesu- said:
Okay, now since I've caught your attention;

Do people who have a mean score of over 7 literally like everything they watch? Or is it just that they are so highly empathetic that they even empathise with anime?

I've seen people who literally hand out 10s and I just don't understand, do you like anime that much that you think that all of those shows are the best anime ever?

I'm not patronizing anyone or being angry. Just genuinely curious.

I don't think they like every show but it's just that the shows they like outnumber the one's they don't

May 26, 2016 3:15 PM

Oct 2014
For interests sake, on average I rate anime 1.77 points lower than their average while my mean score is 2.29 points lower than the global average for users or 2.01 points lower than the average anime. I'm not sure how I would do the math on this, but obviously I tend to watch lower rated anime than the average user which contributes to my low mean score.
May 26, 2016 3:28 PM
Oct 2010
Not necessarily: if I have watched three shows, rated one as 5, one as 6 and one as 10, my average will be precisely 7 but clearly I am not liking every show I have watched.

cookies0 said:

Based on my rating standards, 6 is barely enjoyable, 5 and below is how horrible it was.

One of the arguments people are making is that MAL has clear interpretations in front of each number for what that number means. It provides a granular 10 point scale allowing greater freedom in expression (good versus very good, bad versus very bad, various inbetweens), plus by clearly interpreting the numbers, it allows everyone to get on the same page. If I find an anime very good, I click on the symbol that happens to be represented by the numeral 8. If I only find it just fine, I click on that symbol represented by the numeral 6. You can do the same, and then if we have the same score for an anime, it means we both interpret it as 'very good', or 'fine' or whatever. This enables some coherence in scoring and eases communication.

It is one thing to say that your average is 7 because you mostly watch shows you like, which is perfectly ok and may get the MAL average to 7, and another thing to ignore the meanings MAL gives to the various scores. The first represents the very logical idea that most people watch shows they like and filter out the bad ones. The second one creates an incoherent mess that may serve you individually, but as soon as you try to compare your preferences to other peoples', you find there is no real basis for comparison anymore. Of course, that affects only people who search for anime through comparisons and try to understand other people's opinions.

Mod Edit: Merged double post
TyrelMay 27, 2016 1:21 PM
May 26, 2016 3:35 PM

Feb 2014
if i watch a show and a few eps in i don't like it..i delete i only watch shows i enjoy hence the high mean score lol
May 26, 2016 3:36 PM

Mar 2011
Don't know about other people, but over the years I have stopped watching anything I deem less then a 6/10. So, my Mean Score goes up.
May 26, 2016 3:46 PM

Jul 2011
I have a Mean score of 7.43.

The day that mean score goes below 7 is the day I will stop watching anime. If its below 7 then that means that my Anime experience is "Fine" instead of " Good". And there is no way I will spend so many hours of my life watching something that's just "Fine"
May 26, 2016 3:48 PM

Dec 2014
I do like most of what I watch, not everything, but most of it. That's mostly because I only add shows I would probably like to my PTW list.
Actually I'm sure most people with 5 or less average balanced their 6+ watching shitty OVAs and movies to laugh at how bad they are and then rate it 1-4.

Another reasons of why anyone would have +7 average:
1- In some countries, you get approved at school with a 7 mark. Therefore 7 = Average inside the mind of anyone who goes/went to a school which works under that system (For example: Me)
2- Some have one or more favorite franchises, and give every installment of it a 10. That bumps the average a lot if it's a long franchise with many sequels. (For example: Me, again. I gave a 10 to almost every Monogatari Series and every installment of the Aria franchise)
3- There are people who love the medium itself, and wouldn't give a rating lower than 7 to almost anything.
4- Some people drop anime they don't like and leave them unrated.
5- Sometimes you don't like something but you can't help to give it a 7 or more because you actually aknowledge it's good. (I was bored to hell with Seirei no Moribito, but it was good and I would recommend it, so I gave it a 7)

And there are more reasons, of course, but I'll just stop here.
May 26, 2016 3:54 PM

Apr 2011
They are casuals, give them time and they will realize everything is the same and they will eventually change their scores.
May 26, 2016 4:06 PM

Apr 2015
If you don't intend to use the guidelines laid out by MAL, please don't rate anything at all.

It's not like many people care about other peoples rules though, so whatever.
May 26, 2016 4:09 PM

Nov 2015
Well, in my case, as you can see in my list, I hand out 10s very often, it's not that I think that those animes are the best, or else they would go to my favorites selection, I just enjoyed that anime enough to give it a 10. If I were to judge the anime seriously more than the half of the animes on my list wouldn't eve get higher than a mere 7.
May 26, 2016 4:10 PM

Nov 2015
Kidemonas said:
Phann said:
Having a high average doesn't mean we use a different system. I have a 7.6 average and nothing below 5, but I agree with you about 6-10 means good, 5 means neutral, and 1-4 means bad. The difference is that I drop things that are 1-4 for me. If my average enjoyment of anime was a 5-6, then I probably wouldn't be watching anime, I'd find something I like better to spend my time on.

This is spot on. I see it exactly the same.

Thirded this opinion. Sometimes I do complete the odd 3-4 show (i think i've done it 5-6 times), but I generally just drop what I don't like.
May 26, 2016 4:14 PM

Oct 2013
For me it just means I've enjoyed a good amount of what I've seen, not all of it.

Sometimes I'll watch certain things again and end up changing my opinion on, but for the most part I'm just somewhat good at choosing stuff that I'm more likely to enjoy ...or at the very least tolerate enough to finish.
May 26, 2016 4:26 PM

Apr 2015
first of all, what anime they've watched?
If they keep watching something of the likes of Utsu Musume Sayuri then its not a surprise if their average rating are low.
then, what number is average to them? if 7 or 8 means average for them, they will most likely got high average ratings, why do they use 7 or 8 as average? probably because irl 7 in test marks are regarded as average. there's my rl friend who dislikes SAO but give it a 8 and said that 8 is 'average'.
And lastly, it's pretty easy tbh to predict what score means good, average, or bad for them if you have seen all the anime they rate.
May 26, 2016 4:26 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
I have a mean score of 7.09
If it wasnt for seasonal anime i would have a way higher mean score because i try to pick something that i have a good feeling about and most of the time its pretty much spot on.

May 26, 2016 4:59 PM

Jul 2013
Before I answer, I'm looking at your profile now and can see that you've just began and with a mean score of 5.63 I'd seriously recommend that you watch or add more anime titles because your score will grow. Me personally, with a score of 7.11 and my lifelong anime watching history, I like a majority of the shows I've watched in the past and present. That doesn't mean that I like everything though because I've seen way too many titles that I didn't like which results in a rating of 6.0. If you liked every show you watched then your score would be well over 8.5 or 9.0.
May 26, 2016 5:36 PM

Apr 2013
I hand out 8s of the show is above average and quite decent. Which is quite easy to do for the anime medium...

7 is the average for me.

My ratings don't always reflect on how much I like the said series.
May 26, 2016 5:48 PM
May 2016
a lot of people (including me) research anime extensively to make sure its something they would be interested in before they decide they're going to watch it.

in that case everything they watch is most likely going to be something that they like;
therefore a majority of their ratings are going to be higher
minopopMay 26, 2016 5:52 PM
May 26, 2016 5:52 PM
Dec 2015
CapitalistGod said:
I think that anime is the best medium out there for visual storytelling and entertainment so, me handing out 10's and 9's across the board is just me validating that fact.

That is an interesting take on it. I like it a lot. I rate in relation with other anime, but I can definitely see my scores being higher if I did it your way.

Thanks, part of my pseudo-elitist mindset is gone with the first good reason I come across for having such high ratings (other than someone not seeing a lot and thinking everything is amazing). Cheers,
dndboiMay 26, 2016 5:56 PM
May 26, 2016 5:59 PM

Mar 2013
No lol, it just means they only use half the scale. Their 5 is basically a 1.
May 26, 2016 6:01 PM

May 2015
Gesu- said:
Okay, now since I've caught your attention;

Do people who have a mean score of over 7 literally like everything they watch? Or is it just that they are so highly empathetic that they even empathise with anime?

I've seen people who literally hand out 10s and I just don't understand, do you like anime that much that you think that all of those shows are the best anime ever?

I'm not patronizing anyone or being angry. Just genuinely curious.

Maybe just easy to impress!

Also, I'm assuming you're using "literally" for emphasis. Since a mean score of 7 doesn't mean everything is 7 or above...
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
May 26, 2016 6:15 PM
Nov 2015
My mean score is a 7.82, I just don't think too deeply or too critical about anime most of the time.
I try to have critical thoughts but it's hard😑

I like almost all the anime I come across and don't really discriminate or look down on certain anime. ..(●•●)
May 26, 2016 6:21 PM

Nov 2015
LeaderTGW said:
Before I answer, I'm looking at your profile now and can see that you've just began and with a mean score of 5.63 I'd seriously recommend that you watch or add more anime titles because your score will grow. Me personally, with a score of 7.11 and my lifelong anime watching history, I like a majority of the shows I've watched in the past and present. That doesn't mean that I like everything though because I've seen way too many titles that I didn't like which results in a rating of 6.0. If you liked every show you watched then your score would be well over 8.5 or 9.0.

Well I haven't exactly 'started off', I just haven't got enough time but whatever.
I remember back when I started off I had a mean score of 6.88 or so and it's been dipping ever since.
I've seen people with over 500 anime having mean scores > 5 and I feel like that's where I'm headed..
May 26, 2016 6:29 PM

Jan 2016
I mean i tend to love everything i have watched, i have not added most of the anime i have watched but my rating system is 1,5,10. and my mean score is like 9.25 i believe. I just love most anime, i don't have extremely high standards. As long as it makes me feel excited, sad, happy, any kind of feeling then its done its job in my book. Not to mention i don't enjoy having to choose between 1-10 on a rating scale.
Taiga is Knowledge, Taiga is Power, Taiga is Life
May 26, 2016 6:33 PM

Dec 2012
Nah, a higher mean just means that you're better at picking shows based on your taste, and you don't continue to watch crap shows you don't like. My mean score of 7.3 doesn't mean I like everything I watch, it means I wouldn't watch it in the first place if I wasn't enjoying it, or being marginally entertained at the very least.

Of course just because something is entertaining it doesn't mean it will stay that way, hence I have scores lower than 6. The reverse can also sometimes be true, but isn't usually worth suffering through to find out.
KruszerMay 26, 2016 6:59 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

May 26, 2016 6:37 PM

Apr 2013
Have you ever played with an infant? They are in constant amazement with anything whatsoever. Same concept here.
May 26, 2016 6:46 PM

Nov 2015
benizakuras said:
Some people just aren't impossible to please, unlike some people on this website

Umm, how did you come to that conclusion?
My MALgraph says the highest number of anime fall into my 7s..
May 26, 2016 6:52 PM
Sep 2011
lol Why do i need to watch something i dont like, if i dont like it i will drop it, simple as that
May 26, 2016 6:54 PM

Dec 2014
Gesu- said:
benizakuras said:
Some people just aren't impossible to please, unlike some people on this website

Umm, how did you come to that conclusion?
My MALgraph says the highest number of anime fall into my 7s..

I wasn't talking about you specifically, I just meant this site as a whole
May 26, 2016 6:57 PM

May 2010
Gesu- said:
Okay, now since I've caught your attention;

Do people who have a mean score of over 7 literally like everything they watch? Or is it just that they are so highly empathetic that they even empathise with anime?

I've seen people who literally hand out 10s and I just don't understand, do you like anime that much that you think that all of those shows are the best anime ever?

I'm not patronizing anyone or being angry. Just genuinely curious.

NO im simply just VERY selective with the anime I watch... I always read reviews, watch trailers, and read the synopsis of an anime before I blindly watch it....This has saved me from watching alot of shitty anime....Occasionally, I will give an anime with a low rating a chance, But only if It looks real interesting and the summary is intriguing.
May 26, 2016 7:14 PM

Jan 2013
Hmm, this topic giving me deja vu.
Literally copypasta.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 26, 2016 7:16 PM

Nov 2015
Cabron said:
Hmm, this topic giving me deja vu.
Literally copypasta.

Tyrel changed the title & OP.
Before that this thread was fucking amazing..
May 26, 2016 7:19 PM

Jan 2013
Gesu- said:
Cabron said:
Hmm, this topic giving me deja vu.
Literally copypasta.

Tyrel changed the title & OP.
Before that this thread was fucking amazing..
What was the title before it got changed?
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 26, 2016 7:25 PM

Nov 2015
Cabron said:
Gesu- said:

Tyrel changed the title & OP.
Before that this thread was fucking amazing..
What was the title before it got changed?

'Are people with mean score over 7 weebs'.
May 26, 2016 7:36 PM

Jan 2013
Gesu- said:
Cabron said:
What was the title before it got changed?

'Are people with mean score over 7 weebs'.
Maybe it hit a bit too close to home for him?
CabronMay 26, 2016 7:41 PM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 26, 2016 7:41 PM

Apr 2016
I have a mean score of around 8 and less than half of the anime I've rated are a 10. Being above a 7 doesn't mean you've given everything a 10.
May 26, 2016 7:44 PM

Nov 2015
SamBlack said:
I have a mean score of around 8 and less than half of the anime I've rated are a 10. Being above a 7 doesn't mean you've given everything a 10.

lmao that's still a lot of 10s though.
May 26, 2016 7:45 PM

Jan 2013
I'm a fan first, then a critic. I'm also fairly easy to please so their's that.
May 26, 2016 7:46 PM

Apr 2016
Gesu- said:
SamBlack said:
I have a mean score of around 8 and less than half of the anime I've rated are a 10. Being above a 7 doesn't mean you've given everything a 10.

lmao that's still a lot of 10s though.

I apologize for liking anime so much
May 26, 2016 7:49 PM

Mar 2014
Not really, I have a fair number of anime rated less than 6.
May 26, 2016 7:53 PM

Nov 2015
SamBlack said:
Gesu- said:

lmao that's still a lot of 10s though.

I apologize for liking anime so much

I didn't say that it's wrong or anything.
It's just that I don't understand..
May 26, 2016 8:00 PM

Jan 2013
I used to score 7 the series I actually thought were average. So nope, I don't think so. A lot of people differ from MAL's scoring system.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
May 26, 2016 8:01 PM

May 2014
I almost have a score of 7 and there's plenty of anime's I've given low ratings, so no.
May 26, 2016 8:41 PM

Feb 2016
not really. my mean score is 7.6, and there's some of anime I don't likes in my list
May 26, 2016 8:44 PM

Oct 2015
I wish i was that lucky to love everything i watched !
Dreaming memes
May 26, 2016 8:49 PM

Jul 2015
Idk what anime u been watching fam, but I only select above average anime to grace my eyeballs
May 26, 2016 8:59 PM

Sep 2015
For me, it's just a case of either putting in the time to do a little research to pick things I think I'll like, using the 3 episode (or less) drop rule and adjusting expectations to maximize my enjoyment.

The only instance where this "failed" for me last season was Dimension W, which appeared to check off all the boxes in terms of things I like, but ultimately was a horrific trainwreck starting with awful Mansion arc.
May 26, 2016 9:04 PM

Apr 2016
Gesu- said:
SamBlack said:

I apologize for liking anime so much

I didn't say that it's wrong or anything.
It's just that I don't understand..

maybe you're just a more critical person...?
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