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Feb 7, 2016 8:02 PM
Jan 2016
tyrolizard1 said:
From what I read it will be 10 episodes. It might not be good since going. Off of this the whole thing might be a bit too rushed.

By 10 Episodes they mean 10 Chapters.
Feb 7, 2016 8:18 PM

Nov 2013
Just this happens that happens without any substance
DragonNoleFeb 7, 2016 8:47 PM
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Feb 7, 2016 9:40 PM

Jan 2015
I was expecting a Korean dub but still it was better than I imagined it. Hopefully they make a full series out of this
Feb 7, 2016 11:09 PM

Jul 2013
This was an amazing surprise. Never thought a manhwa would get adapted. It's only an OVA which is a shame but it's a start. Maybe one day we'll get a full TV adaptation.

Episode was rushed but that was to be expected. Despite that it was still epic. Even though I read the manhwa I had chills all throughout the episode. I was so excited for Rai and Frankenstein's greatness! Art and Animation were beautiful, music was okay. Did feel a bit weird with the setting being changed but I understand why they did it.

I'd recommend anyone who liked this to give the manhwa a shot. Story is great, Frankenstein is amazing and the comedy is hilarious. The art is really nice though it's not the best at the beginning but it does improve later on.
Feb 8, 2016 1:47 AM
Oct 2013
Is this really happening?

A manhua recently got an adaptation (which is currently ongoing iirc) and now a manhwa?! Japan's anime industry must be outsourcing or some sort.

It would be great if they can animate a full-cour adaptation instead of one-time ONA/OVA. There are tons of great manhua and manhwa out there in which people would love to watch.

As for my take on Noblesse, it was quite good despite having only 1 1/2 episode to boot the story. Though not fleshed out enough due to time limitation, they managed to showcase the key scenarios. Plus, the animation is superb and atmospheric.

The only rant that comes to mind is that I'm not happy about Raizel's (and Frankenstein's) character design and the atmosphere they're giving off. Something is not right and different compared to their manhwa counterpart. Also, I do think that they're both a little more "bulky" or "bulkier" if that's the word you use to describe it.
Feb 8, 2016 3:12 AM

Jul 2014
Production IG slightly dissapointed me with this ona. The art was cool, however the animation wasn't that great and the voices didn't match the mouths. The music didn't appeal that much to me. Despite that the concept was intriguing. By the way, am I the only one who thinks that Rai is a mixture of Sebastian Michaelis and Kuran Kaname ?

update: Wait this is an adaptation of 70 chapters! Holy shit! And I trought 72 chapters in 12 eps were they somehow did it. For this I.G. gets claps from me
ani147Feb 8, 2016 3:23 AM
Feb 8, 2016 3:23 AM
Oct 2015
For someone who hasn't read the manhwa this is kinda enjoyable.
Feb 8, 2016 5:25 AM

May 2008
Read noblesse up to the latest chapter in a week just to watch this.
I didn't enjoy the ONA much but at least we get to see Rai and Frankenstein animated :')

frequency15k said:
there was a fujoshi bait vampire dude, hes overpowered, he saved some retarded kids... yep masterpiece right there 10/10 fo sho

Excuse you, Rai is not a vampire.
just like others said, you should totally read the manwha. Even as a person who read the manwha, i don't enjoy this ONA as much as the original source. If i haven't read it i would totally agree with you there.
Feb 8, 2016 7:25 AM

May 2015
this is pretty good
to those who are complaining that its rushed, its a one episode ona what did you expected you fools?
Feb 8, 2016 10:19 AM

Jun 2013
Well let's see how this follows around 10 the humor. let's see how this does.

Wow...have to read seriously more...what a bloody series...quite hurrying episode but what do we expect from OVA.

Good episode tough
JarjaxleFeb 10, 2016 10:28 PM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Feb 8, 2016 12:33 PM

Sep 2014
Only 1 episode :|
Well that sucks.
Feb 8, 2016 1:45 PM

Oct 2011
Never thought this manhwa would get an adaptation. That was great.
Feb 8, 2016 3:17 PM

Jan 2015
WOW this was unexpected... Just an introduction but... Noblesse animation!! Tbh I always wanted to read it and I kinda started some months ago, but almost 400 chapters while I have other manga priorities just won't do... so here's to hoping it will be turned into a full anime, I would watch it for sure.
Feb 8, 2016 7:04 PM
Feb 2016
This was very nice and good story...
very unfortunate if the only stop in episode 1..
I hope there is a sequel
Feb 8, 2016 9:58 PM

Feb 2015
Omg I can't breathe. I can't believe this is actually real and happening.

I don't even care how rushed it is since its just a OVA.

I expected Rai to have a deeper voice. Frankenstein is flawless.
Feb 8, 2016 11:25 PM

Oct 2008
Japan should also adapt ToG, GotW, GoH, DICE & The Gamer.

Feb 9, 2016 7:57 AM

Apr 2013
rayeine said:
I expected Rai to have a deeper voice. Frankenstein is flawless.

Same here.. i want Byakuya as Rai Voice. that noble voice should fit Rai perfectly lol
Feb 9, 2016 2:16 PM

Feb 2015
SigOpram said:
Is this really happening?

A manhua recently got an adaptation (which is currently ongoing iirc) and now a manhwa?! Japan's anime industry must be outsourcing or some sort.

It would be great if they can animate a full-cour adaptation instead of one-time ONA/OVA. There are tons of great manhua and manhwa out there in which people would love to watch.

As for my take on Noblesse, it was quite good despite having only 1 1/2 episode to boot the story. Though not fleshed out enough due to time limitation, they managed to showcase the key scenarios. Plus, the animation is superb and atmospheric.

The only rant that comes to mind is that I'm not happy about Raizel's (and Frankenstein's) character design and the atmosphere they're giving off. Something is not right and different compared to their manhwa counterpart. Also, I do think that they're both a little more "bulky" or "bulkier" if that's the word you use to describe it.

yeah i can understand how you feel about the character designs. but they are pretty accurate to the originals nonetheless.

also this may seem stupid to correct, but it's manwha. if you say manhua, then you're actually referring to the chinese comics.
minor spoiler about the episode, it's really nothing
TomDayFeb 9, 2016 2:20 PM
Feb 9, 2016 5:16 PM
Jul 2013
Does anyone know if there will be a soundtrack released?
Feb 9, 2016 6:50 PM
Oct 2013
TomDay said:
also this may seem stupid to correct, but it's manwha. if you say manhua, then you're actually referring to the chinese comics.

Actually, when I said Manhua I was referring to Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage (adapted from Chinese LN and Manhua).
ExplodingGirlFeb 9, 2016 7:06 PM
Feb 10, 2016 12:32 PM

Feb 2015
SigOpram said:

Actually, when I said Manhua I was referring to Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage (adapted from Chinese LN and Manhua).

oh well then screw me to your delight :P

also no we don't need yours. we need hero first!

raveles said:
Does anyone know if there will be a soundtrack released?

i don't know. and i didn't think the music was noteworthy....
Feb 10, 2016 4:53 PM
Oct 2015
Its just too rushed, i mean its feels like 20 chapter of webtoon for 1 episode, the hell man.
even it just an OVA why not make an origin story of Raizel.

labraxFeb 10, 2016 5:14 PM
Feb 10, 2016 5:37 PM

Apr 2015
labrax said:
Its just too rushed, i mean its feels like 20 chapter of webtoon for 1 episode, the hell man.

More like 78. Also changed some characterization, but to give them due, they actually made a cohesive story.
Feb 11, 2016 9:45 AM

Feb 2015
labrax said:

what on earth makes you think that if they made more eps there wouldn't be more fight scenes?
Feb 11, 2016 4:29 PM
Jul 2018
love the webtoon but didn't enjoy that it was a one ep adaption.

skipped so much :[
Feb 11, 2016 4:56 PM

Apr 2013
cliché'd as fuck, I heard good things about the original material but this ONA was pretty bad tbh.
Feb 12, 2016 12:28 PM

Jun 2010
Well it was okay. Great fighting and Rai looks like Kuran Kaname. :P
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Feb 13, 2016 5:30 AM

Nov 2014
frequency15k said:
adela-dulindwen said:

I recommend you read the manhwa and then you'll know the reasons for the school setting and human friends, as well as more about villains' motivation and MC's powers. Good luck.

no thanks lol, theres stuff thats actually good, and not generic as fuck that i still need to read

Go ahead and read stuff that's actually good then, but don't come here and say things like that when you have 0 arguments to support your opinion. Keep your narrow-mindedness to yourself then, and we're all good.
I am a kawaii potato.~
Feb 13, 2016 7:42 AM

May 2012
adela-dulindwen said:
frequency15k said:

no thanks lol, theres stuff thats actually good, and not generic as fuck that i still need to read

Go ahead and read stuff that's actually good then, but don't come here and say things like that when you have 0 arguments to support your opinion. Keep your narrow-mindedness to yourself then, and we're all good.

lmao, i did justify my arguments (to the best of my ability, considering there was no substance to this ona...), this ona is shit, if the manga is good, then thats fine and well, but this ona did nothing for me but turn me off to the idea of reading it, this ona (apparently rushed) presented the story and premise to be almost as generic as they come. like seriously, there was that one guy earlier that said they hinted at one thing... 1... in 80 chapters haha... like, the bad guys had no motivation in this (that was shown, if there was in the manga fine, but this ona and the manga are two separate entities), there was a fucking school setting... there were girls fawning over our fujoshi bait protag... like whats not generic and bad about this? why dont you give me some explanation as to why its good, if my explanations to why its bad arent good enough

and why do you little fanboys get your panties all up in a bunch when people talk negatively something? like even fans of the manga say this is shit, and to be totally honest, if not for this piece of shit ona i may have one day checked out the manga, but i have literally no desire to do so after this atrocity

and i dont have much faith in someone who has an average score of almost 9's opinion on whats good and bad... everything is good! if you think somethings bad you must be a narrow minded elitist! :D well this narrow minded elitist has shit to do... good day
frequency15kFeb 13, 2016 8:01 AM
Feb 13, 2016 5:43 PM
Oct 2015
TomDay said:
labrax said:

what on earth makes you think that if they made more eps there wouldn't be more fight scenes?

Feb 13, 2016 10:06 PM

Sep 2010
A Ufotable adaptation of this series would be a dream come true ;( The fight scenes would be godly >.<
Feb 13, 2016 11:52 PM

Jan 2015
labrax said:
TomDay said:

what on earth makes you think that if they made more eps there wouldn't be more fight scenes?

TOG is great and all but you can't compare the two. TOG is about Regulars and Irregulars while Noblesse is about a man who's the most Opst while TOG is about Khun(Koon) and Bam (Jyu Viole Grace) trying to stop FUG and reaching the top of the tower... Both are about different things if they had the same plot then you could compare them.
Feb 14, 2016 11:37 AM

Nov 2014
frequency15k said:
adela-dulindwen said:

Go ahead and read stuff that's actually good then, but don't come here and say things like that when you have 0 arguments to support your opinion. Keep your narrow-mindedness to yourself then, and we're all good.

lmao, i did justify my arguments (to the best of my ability, considering there was no substance to this ona...), this ona is shit, if the manga is good, then thats fine and well, but this ona did nothing for me but turn me off to the idea of reading it, this ona (apparently rushed) presented the story and premise to be almost as generic as they come. like seriously, there was that one guy earlier that said they hinted at one thing... 1... in 80 chapters haha... like, the bad guys had no motivation in this (that was shown, if there was in the manga fine, but this ona and the manga are two separate entities), there was a fucking school setting... there were girls fawning over our fujoshi bait protag... like whats not generic and bad about this? why dont you give me some explanation as to why its good, if my explanations to why its bad arent good enough

and why do you little fanboys get your panties all up in a bunch when people talk negatively something? like even fans of the manga say this is shit, and to be totally honest, if not for this piece of shit ona i may have one day checked out the manga, but i have literally no desire to do so after this atrocity

and i dont have much faith in someone who has an average score of almost 9's opinion on whats good and bad... everything is good! if you think somethings bad you must be a narrow minded elitist! :D well this narrow minded elitist has shit to do... good day

Look, I'm not denying the fact that you can hate this ONA, but in case you forgot, I recommended you read manhwa and see for yourself why it's "school setting, human friends, enemies' reasons" etc, but you called it "generic as fuck".
Never said ONA is perfect tho...I also hate the fact that they put 80 episodes into 30 minutes and that they changed so many things, but isn't it better to actually go and read something people are complaining about and see for yourself than post shit here when you don't know what it's about?

Sorry, I'm a girl, as you can see from my name (or maybe you mistook me for someone else here)....and I rate things based on what I like about them so I know whether I should go back and rewatch it or not. I don't rate things to help other people decide whether they're gonna watch something or not. It's up to them to make that decision.
I am a kawaii potato.~
Feb 14, 2016 1:26 PM

Aug 2014
Like others said, this was rushed but the fight scene at the end wasn't bad. Hopefully this will interest others into reading the manhwa.
Feb 14, 2016 3:07 PM

May 2012
adela-dulindwen said:
frequency15k said:

lmao, i did justify my arguments (to the best of my ability, considering there was no substance to this ona...), this ona is shit, if the manga is good, then thats fine and well, but this ona did nothing for me but turn me off to the idea of reading it, this ona (apparently rushed) presented the story and premise to be almost as generic as they come. like seriously, there was that one guy earlier that said they hinted at one thing... 1... in 80 chapters haha... like, the bad guys had no motivation in this (that was shown, if there was in the manga fine, but this ona and the manga are two separate entities), there was a fucking school setting... there were girls fawning over our fujoshi bait protag... like whats not generic and bad about this? why dont you give me some explanation as to why its good, if my explanations to why its bad arent good enough

and why do you little fanboys get your panties all up in a bunch when people talk negatively something? like even fans of the manga say this is shit, and to be totally honest, if not for this piece of shit ona i may have one day checked out the manga, but i have literally no desire to do so after this atrocity

and i dont have much faith in someone who has an average score of almost 9's opinion on whats good and bad... everything is good! if you think somethings bad you must be a narrow minded elitist! :D well this narrow minded elitist has shit to do... good day

Look, I'm not denying the fact that you can hate this ONA, but in case you forgot, I recommended you read manhwa and see for yourself why it's "school setting, human friends, enemies' reasons" etc, but you called it "generic as fuck".
Never said ONA is perfect tho...I also hate the fact that they put 80 episodes into 30 minutes and that they changed so many things, but isn't it better to actually go and read something people are complaining about and see for yourself than post shit here when you don't know what it's about?

Sorry, I'm a girl, as you can see from my name (or maybe you mistook me for someone else here)....and I rate things based on what I like about them so I know whether I should go back and rewatch it or not. I don't rate things to help other people decide whether they're gonna watch something or not. It's up to them to make that decision.

lmao,sorry, *fangirl, but i dont think you being a chick has anything to do with being able to properly rate something but whatever, you do you, keep overrating shit

and why would i take a recommendation from someone who cant rate properly? there is so much stuff out there that is critically acclaimed and has stood the test of time, im tired of the generic, this ona told me noblesse was generic, im gonna stick with that, unless someone whos seen as much as me and has similar taste to me tells me its good, im gonna keep away :)
Feb 14, 2016 5:05 PM

Feb 2015
labrax said:

it's the fight scenes that keep everyone in the story. you're not alone lol. it's an ok plot but the art and battles - let's be honest here - is what brought the 2 billion views. and i don't think you can really pick on their being vampires as something because they don't even act like them (as in everyone's basic ideal of them) in the slightest. this isn't twilight. it's actually a new idea to the vampire theories out there. but their being vampires have little to do with them as people.

Madara22 said:

TOG is great and all but you can't compare the two. TOG is about Regulars and Irregulars while Noblesse is about a man who's the most Opst while TOG is about Khun(Koon) and Bam (Jyu Viole Grace) trying to stop FUG and reaching the top of the tower... Both are about different things if they had the same plot then you could compare them.

and you are right about that...
TomDayFeb 14, 2016 5:13 PM
Feb 14, 2016 5:08 PM

Feb 2015
frequency15k said:

lmao,sorry, *fangirl, but i dont think you being a chick has anything to do with being able to properly rate something but whatever, you do you, keep overrating shit

and why would i take a recommendation from someone who cant rate properly? there is so much stuff out there that is critically acclaimed and has stood the test of time, im tired of the generic, this ona told me noblesse was generic, im gonna stick with that, unless someone whos seen as much as me and has similar taste to me tells me its good, im gonna keep away :)

she's just trying to explain that you're wrong, which you are. ok, "keep away", but you're wrong on a lot of things that you said. she simply wants you to have a better insight of what you're talking about.
TomDayFeb 14, 2016 5:15 PM
Feb 14, 2016 5:40 PM

May 2012
TomDay said:
frequency15k said:

lmao,sorry, *fangirl, but i dont think you being a chick has anything to do with being able to properly rate something but whatever, you do you, keep overrating shit

and why would i take a recommendation from someone who cant rate properly? there is so much stuff out there that is critically acclaimed and has stood the test of time, im tired of the generic, this ona told me noblesse was generic, im gonna stick with that, unless someone whos seen as much as me and has similar taste to me tells me its good, im gonna keep away :)

she's just trying to explain that you're wrong, which you are. ok, "keep away", but you're wrong on a lot of things that you said. she simply wants you to have a better insight of what you're talking about.

tell me how im wrong lol, i said this ona was shit, she agreed that it wasnt good... im saying that the ona killed any interest in i had in the manga... im talking solely about the ona and how it affected my outlook on the title as a whole, if the manga is good then so be it, but im not interested after this atrocity.
Feb 14, 2016 5:58 PM

Feb 2015
frequency15k said:

tell me how im wrong lol, i said this ona was shit, she agreed that it wasnt good... im saying that the ona killed any interest in i had in the manga... im talking solely about the ona and how it affected my outlook on the title as a whole, if the manga is good then so be it, but im not interested after this atrocity.

you're wrong in terms of the ONA to the manwha, that's all. it's your immense loss to not read the manwha over a rushed 78 chapter half hour episode.
reading the korean comments on YT and a lot of them are having catfights about why it wasn't published by a korean animator company. it's a well known fact that korea's anime compared to japan's is basically nothing so i don't understand why they're so angry...
Feb 14, 2016 6:12 PM

May 2012
TomDay said:
frequency15k said:

tell me how im wrong lol, i said this ona was shit, she agreed that it wasnt good... im saying that the ona killed any interest in i had in the manga... im talking solely about the ona and how it affected my outlook on the title as a whole, if the manga is good then so be it, but im not interested after this atrocity.

you're wrong in terms of the ONA to the manwha, that's all. it's your immense loss to not read the manwha over a rushed 78 chapter half hour episode.
reading the korean comments on YT and a lot of them are having catfights about why it wasn't published by a korean animator company. it's a well known fact that korea's anime compared to japan's is basically nothing so i don't understand why they're so angry...

my loss then... whatever

to be honest about the korean vs japanese, i typically find the japanese has higher production value in general, but aside from that there isnt a huge difference, idk why theyd be mad at it looking nicer lol... but then again ive only seen 3 korean anime movies so i guess that isnt too much to go off of... oh well lol
Feb 14, 2016 8:30 PM

Feb 2015
frequency15k said:

to be honest about the korean vs japanese, i typically find the japanese has higher production value in general, but aside from that there isnt a huge difference, idk why theyd be mad at it looking nicer lol... but then again ive only seen 3 korean anime movies so i guess that isnt too much to go off of... oh well lol

...and this only proves her point even more. book wise, manwha is far superior to manga. at least the artists can actually provide color.
Feb 14, 2016 10:27 PM

May 2012
TomDay said:
frequency15k said:

to be honest about the korean vs japanese, i typically find the japanese has higher production value in general, but aside from that there isnt a huge difference, idk why theyd be mad at it looking nicer lol... but then again ive only seen 3 korean anime movies so i guess that isnt too much to go off of... oh well lol

...and this only proves her point even more. book wise, manwha is far superior to manga. at least the artists can actually provide color.

Its all comics lol, if the story is good i could care less if its colored or not... XP
Feb 14, 2016 10:33 PM

Feb 2015
frequency15k said:

Its all comics lol, if the story is good i could care less if its colored or not... XP

true, true. i say that myself as well.
Feb 15, 2016 6:55 AM
Feb 2016
i love this anime NOBLESS its a short anime story but really interesting hope another episode coming SINCE i really love vampires story and supernatural.
Feb 15, 2016 7:19 AM

Jun 2009
As someone who never read the comic, I actually find the OVA pretty decent. I didn't think it was rushed at all, it felt more like a first episode to me. 7.5/10.

Feb 16, 2016 7:48 AM

Jan 2015
nozoris said:
As someone who never read the comic, I actually find the OVA pretty decent. I didn't think it was rushed at all, it felt more like a first episode to me. 7.5/10.

Well yeah but still 30 mins for ovr 78 chapters.. :X You do understand that every chapter has over 25+ pages while one piece adapts every manga chapter into 1 anime episode but they did an entire arc so most people who do read the comics unlike yourself found it rushed. They left out so many good things which was a shame the start of the comics was meh but it is by far my most favourite comic i've ever read and I read a lot. So if they do more episodes I just don't hope they make it another 30 mins with an entire arc being adapted while most won't understand what is happening.
Feb 16, 2016 7:55 AM

Jan 2015
Wyhern said:
If you start to read the manhwa itself; then you will see the fine detailed character exposition throughout the series. I believe this OVA served its purpose. We will see whether Japanese gals are going to be hooked or not in the future.

About hinting issue:

Feb 16, 2016 4:20 PM

Apr 2013
I've seen enough edgy vampire shows in my life and this was nothing new.
Feb 17, 2016 7:19 AM
Jan 2016
Always-Hungry said:
I've seen enough edgy vampire shows in my life and this was nothing new.

They're not vampires.
Feb 17, 2016 8:20 AM

Dec 2013
Laugasts said:
Always-Hungry said:
I've seen enough edgy vampire shows in my life and this was nothing new.

They're not vampires.

Oh no theyre vampires all right(mostly) but they do NOT fit into 'generic/edgy' vamps category
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