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Mar 11, 2016 12:42 PM

May 2014

I'm sure you all read at least once "what's wrong with watching bad anime, if people enjoy it then it's ok", or maybe you were one of those who wrote something along these lines.

  • Well, I guess happiness is a good thing
  • Everyone has guilty pleasures, and if you're actually aware of their flaws it couldn't be more legit, blah blah blah quality doesn't always mean enjoyment and vice-versa, you've heard it all before

  • The people who created these cancerous to below average anime probably prostituted themselves in order to survive and didn't have lots of fun making it, to say the least
  • Consumerism, consumerism everywhere, No comment
  • Too much escapism kills the escapism
  • Fans are encouraged to stay in their comfort zone, to not think, and to not evolve

Of course, in my humble opinion. Your thoughts?

P.S: I'm talking about anime-related stuff here, but this applies to literally any entertaining medium.
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Mar 11, 2016 12:48 PM

Jan 2008
This just reminded me of all the clothes I wear being made in some Chinese factory by underpaid workers.

Oh well, back to illegally downloading anime.
Mar 11, 2016 12:52 PM

Jul 2015
"As long as people are happy, it's ok"
is good for the industry
they sell generic trash anime and people keep buying it without complaining about the quality
so they are not obliged to be creative or anything
tragedydesuMar 11, 2016 12:58 PM
Mar 11, 2016 12:53 PM

Jun 2012
Nothing is ever okay, alright? Never!
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Mar 11, 2016 1:00 PM

Dec 2015
U mean watching something appaling like Mars of Destruction cant make u happy? What wrong with u? D:
Mar 11, 2016 1:01 PM

Dec 2015
Well good anime and bad anime will always be made.

Also, people say the anime I like is bad and the anime I dislike is good. I look at them like...

So I am not sure what watching "bad" or "good" anime means on MAL.
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 1:04 PM

Jan 2008
KonaKoffee4 said:
So I am not sure what watching "bad" or "good" anime means on MAL.

Good means they liked it. Bad means they didn't.
Mar 11, 2016 1:12 PM

Aug 2013
There's no "good" or "bad", it's a totally subjective matter! No one can make me think that my favorite anime doesn't deserve to exist, if someone likes it then let them watch it! I'd say so for every anime, whether i liked it or not
Mar 11, 2016 1:15 PM

Dec 2015
Paul said:
KonaKoffee4 said:
So I am not sure what watching "bad" or "good" anime means on MAL.

Good means they liked it. Bad means they didn't.

aaahhhh, I keep forgetting to go by this logic when on MAL.
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 1:23 PM

Mar 2012
this is way too broad of a question.... but i have a feeling i know what its about... and if i do....

i agree 100% that anime should explore new things

im completely understand being bored of certain tropes, certain character types etc

i agree that peoples willingness to spend more money on generic content is not fair on those talented

i mean..... theres like ONE genre i don't watch.... thats yaoi.... and i have no problem with it

but none of this means that people can't be happy watching generic show after generic show if thats what
they're into

i mean, generic just generally makes more money than non generic

if the question was phrased:

as long as people are happy, nothing has to change

then hell yea i would vote NO
Mar 11, 2016 1:26 PM

Dec 2012
paraze said:

[list][*]The people who created these cancerous to below average anime probably prostituted themselves in order to survive and didn't have lots of fun making it, to say the least
Not really. Not even remotely. Met plenty of artists, both beginning and successful, who have enjoyed their involvement on lower end works. There can be more passion in a $20 home made video than a $100,000,000 Hollywood movie.

As for the main topic, the terms "good" and "bad" should only be reserved for technical aspects. What people like and dislike is free reign from there.
Mar 11, 2016 1:28 PM

Sep 2015
I guess so. Although that shouldn't stop people from wishing things would be made to a higher standard.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Mar 11, 2016 1:46 PM

May 2014
kamisama751 said:
paraze said:

  • The people who created these cancerous to below average anime probably prostituted themselves in order to survive and didn't have lots of fun making it, to say the least
  • Consumerism, consumerism everywhere, No comment
  • Too much escapism kills the escapism
  • Fans are encouraged to stay in their comfort zone, to not think, and to not evolve

Con#1: It won't make the show any better just because the creators are this or that. And what has this to do with the topic?
Con#2: What?
Con#3: Are you just too lazy to make something properly or what?
Con#4: Where comes this? How does the topic lead to this?

People who only enjoy anime like Asterisk War and High School DxD are unlikely to discover new things on their own, in fact, they often don't want to. All that matters is how cute / sexy the girls are, and badass the protagonist is, even though they're watching crappy series that insults their intelligence (of course and hopefully, everything is not black or white, but I think you get the idea).

Stuff like Umaru-chan promotes such consumer habits, and shows how awesome escapism can be (not saying it's necessarily a bad thing, I wouldn't be so fond of the anime medium otherwise, but like most things, it's better in moderation). I'm not being very original here, and I know that the industry is somehow still running thanks to these shows, but if fans don't evolve (tastes-wise, as human beings, etc.), it will continue to be flooded by <generic description of generic trash anime>. And it's not like they're encouraged to do so. I think yet another comparison to McDonald would fit here.

This leads us to the first point, the people who make anime. Notice how most of KyoAni's shows are beautiful and detailed? How One Punch Man's animation is so incredible? Little Witch Academia? Their staff was passionate as hell, had the chance to work on what they wanted, and actually worked in decent conditions, and thus gave their best. Do you think they would have produced something as good, at least visually-wise, if they had to work on a bad anime with tons of fanservice and otaku-bait against their will? Don't you feel sorry for them?
parazeMar 11, 2016 1:49 PM
Mar 11, 2016 3:36 PM

Jul 2012
A couple things I would have to call into question. First off if a person enjoys it then that pretty much states to that particular person they do not believe what they're watching is bad. Saying "people who watch bad anime" means you are immediately forcing your subjective opinion onto other people's preferences. I mean sure people who like shows are often willing to acknowledge their flaws, but if they're willing to look past them because they enjoy it then the show isn't bad.

Now on to the pros/cons list. For the first point you are making a very presumptuous observation of the industry with little to no involvement. Sure every business strives to make money, but you're immediately assuming that whenever a studio makes a show you don't like they were forced into it and hated it.
But lets be frank, chances are if it was an adaptation they negotiated beforehand, the staff readily agreed, if they hadn't agreed then they would have never taken the job in the first place.
There are cases like with some studios that the conditions and pay are poor, but that being said the workers most likely put up with harsh conditions because they really want to do a good job and enjoy it. So calling it trash or saying they prostituted themselves out is directly insulting the creators.
Not to mention all of the examples you later provided, like kyoani, madhouse, trigger, etc. these are all studios with a long history prior meaning they have things other studios may lack. Examples include experience, funding, connections, pretty much everything that makes the business flourish.

I'll just ignore the 2 middle cons since they lack any decisive reasoning or explanation and jump to the last. "Fans are encouraged to stay in their comfort zone" okay people will always watch shows they like first and foremost, just as people will read books or watch movies that fit genres they enjoy first. That being said there are roughly 40ish shows that get added every season from a fairly wide range from quite a few studios. Considering they don't all air at the same time the idea would generally be to encourage people to check out and try new things since they very rarely overlap in terms of release. Obviously better time slots will get more views from native citizens, advertising plays a role, and many other factors which again only apply to citizens. But no one is forcing people to watch shows they like.

TL;DR: Yes it's okay as long the viewers are happy and don't make such absurd assumptions about a business you clearly don't know much about.
Mar 11, 2016 3:43 PM
Feb 2014
This fanbase is too polarized to make everyone happy. But then again, anime is already diverse enough to make us all happy in some way.

If anything, it's those who won't try new things that fall victim to new creations. Maybe if they bothered watching things instead of resorting to blanket projection, they'd seem less like ideologues and more like actual critics, observing things instead of making a mockery out of it. There's also always the ignore option, but we all know that gets widely ignored.
Mar 11, 2016 3:46 PM

Mar 2012
paraze said:

People who only enjoy anime like Asterisk War and High School DxD are unlikely to discover new things on their own, in fact, they often don't want to.

you could say this about ANY type of person who ONLY WATCHES certain genres

i know MANY people for example who only like shows with action in them, you could say the same thing about them

why are you targeting ecchi?

throws bait
Mar 11, 2016 3:52 PM

Dec 2013
So...what's your question? I dun getit.
Mar 11, 2016 3:54 PM

Oct 2015
Mamster-P said:
paraze said:

People who only enjoy anime like Asterisk War and High School DxD are unlikely to discover new things on their own, in fact, they often don't want to.

you could say this about ANY type of person who ONLY WATCHES certain genres

i know MANY people for example who only like shows with action in them, you could say the same thing about them

why are you targeting ecchi?

throws bait

NOOOOOOOO Please enough ecchi bait ples XD or multiple threads shall be written
Mar 11, 2016 3:59 PM

Oct 2015
its is Okay but If its somehow has a direct effect on the anime medium lets say ( More quote-unquote BAD anime is being made because the majority of people will watch it anyway ) then its a bit of a worry for me since I like variety when it comes to anime .
Mar 11, 2016 4:06 PM

Apr 2014
People are entitled to their opinion. Whether or not what they see is the best anime (or whatever) in their entire life is fine by me. I try to be understanding as much as possible. Although oversaturation, especially for popular shows, does bug me.
CludensyoMar 11, 2016 4:27 PM
Mar 11, 2016 4:12 PM

Mar 2012

thats how it goes lol

the trolls keep baiting us
Mar 11, 2016 4:12 PM

Jul 2014
This is a pretty unimportant subject.

If you need to ask people this question then you clearly care way too much about what people watch and enjoy.

Mar 11, 2016 4:25 PM

Dec 2015
Mamster-P said:
paraze said:

People who only enjoy anime like Asterisk War and High School DxD are unlikely to discover new things on their own, in fact, they often don't want to.

you could say this about ANY type of person who ONLY WATCHES certain genres

i know MANY people for example who only like shows with action in them, you could say the same thing about them

why are you targeting ecchi?

throws bait


But I agree, to be honest.

I may not watch nor enjoy that many ecchi anime, therefore not having the same taste as most ecchi fans, but their "close mindedness" is just the same as people who enjoy anime similar to what I generally like (psychological thrillers and shit like that).

Although in my opinion the worst are the people who say "Old anime was the best, new anime is shit. Anime after the year 2000 went down hill" because they ignore all the great series that have come out since then.

There will always be generic trashy anime because there was generic trashy anime being made before some of us were even born. There was just as much generic fanservice in shows as there is now.
It will continue being made because not only is it easy, but it's guaranteed to hit a wider audience. Also, some creators enjoy making this stuff and writing less intricate plots and they have fun while doing it. Of course, it wouldn't be my style...
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 4:55 PM

Oct 2014
I do enjoy deeper and darker anime, but if it's too intense then I'll usually start watching a moe show on the side to help me through it. There are a lot of anime out there so if I start a good show that I find hard to watch then this makes more sense to me than dropping it.
Mar 11, 2016 6:07 PM

Nov 2011
KonaKoffee4 said:
Although in my opinion the worst are the people who say "Old anime was the best, new anime is shit. Anime after the year 2000 went down hill" because they ignore all the great series that have come out since then.

I'm a bit interested in why you mention this group in particular. The "new anime is best, old anime sucks" group is much, much larger and their claim is equally obnoxious, whereas I can only think of a couple regular users on MAL who unironically claim what you said.

OT: This question is way too open-ended to answer one way or another. Make it more specific.
Mar 11, 2016 6:09 PM

Dec 2015
TripleSRank said:
KonaKoffee4 said:
Although in my opinion the worst are the people who say "Old anime was the best, new anime is shit. Anime after the year 2000 went down hill" because they ignore all the great series that have come out since then.

I'm a bit interested in why you mention this group in particular. The "new anime is best, old anime sucks" group is much, much larger and their claim is equally obnoxious, whereas I can only think of a couple regular users on MAL who claim what you said.

I think this has to do with who you normally talk to.
You see, I do enjoy a ton of old anime, but I don't see age as being any better or worse. So because I enjoy a lot of older anime I also talk to other people who enjoy older anime as well, so I guess you could say that is why my first thought was to mention that statement than the other.

However, I agree with you completely so don't get me wrong lol, and I actually was going to mention that but I don't know why I forgot to put it down.
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 6:14 PM

Oct 2015
I personally don't care what people watch but I would find it weird if someone watched Boku no Pico and enjoyed it.
Mar 11, 2016 6:22 PM

Mar 2012
KonaKoffee4 said:


But I agree, to be honest.

I may not watch nor enjoy that many ecchi anime, therefore not having the same taste as most ecchi fans, but their "close mindedness" is just the same as people who enjoy anime similar to what I generally like (psychological thrillers and shit like that).

Although in my opinion the worst are the people who say "Old anime was the best, new anime is shit. Anime after the year 2000 went down hill" because they ignore all the great series that have come out since then.

There will always be generic trashy anime because there was generic trashy anime being made before some of us were even born. There was just as much generic fanservice in shows as there is now.
It will continue being made because not only is it easy, but it's guaranteed to hit a wider audience. Also, some creators enjoy making this stuff and writing less intricate plots and they have fun while doing it. Of course, it wouldn't be my style...

as long as the ecchi hating bait continues i will arise, especially since many arguments used against ecchi can be used against so many other things

yes anyone with the "the past was better, things of the past were better" mentality can suggadigg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

but no, in all seriousness thats silly.... just cause you grew up with something doesnt mean it was better, every older generation talks shit about the newer generation
your parents and your parents parents were saying the same things about the things they had

"back in my day"....... foh..... lol

the worst for me are the "i don't like it / it bothers me, so it shouldn't exist" people.....

that is like...... the basis for SO MANY dumb rules and laws for example

i also can't stand when people act as if the only reason theres so many sexy idealized women in anime is to pander towards a certain group....
as if many men who are artists don't enjoy drawing sexy women

like 80%+ of anime art is of sexualized girls, and people really think the creators are any different from other artists?
EcchiGodMamsterMar 11, 2016 6:28 PM
Mar 11, 2016 6:27 PM

Dec 2015
No, it is not alright. Have you seen the state of the anime industry as of late? The fanservice? The stereotyping of females? This is because they let fans stay in their "comfort zones", and in time this led to said zones becoming more and more extreme in taste. Anime will only get a worse reputation as time goes on.
Mar 11, 2016 6:29 PM

May 2015
CherryLover said:
No, it is not alright. Have you seen the state of the anime industry as of late? The fanservice? The stereotyping of females? This is because they let fans stay in their "comfort zones", and in time this led to said zones becoming more and more extreme in taste. Anime will only get a worse reputation as time goes on.

Anime has always been a shit filthy niche industry. It is now only more popular. Even if anime wasn't "in a bad state" it's animation and the stigma against animation for adults is too huge.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Mar 11, 2016 6:31 PM

Mar 2012
CherryLover said:
No, it is not alright. Have you seen the state of the anime industry as of late? The fanservice? The stereotyping of females? This is because they let fans stay in their "comfort zones", and in time this led to said zones becoming more and more extreme in taste. Anime will only get a worse reputation as time goes on.

oh look a butthurt feminazi

this is bait

seriously though..... theres nothing in modern anime that is "new"
Mar 11, 2016 6:35 PM

Dec 2015
RainyRai said:
CherryLover said:
No, it is not alright. Have you seen the state of the anime industry as of late? The fanservice? The stereotyping of females? This is because they let fans stay in their "comfort zones", and in time this led to said zones becoming more and more extreme in taste. Anime will only get a worse reputation as time goes on.

Anime has always been a shit filthy niche industry. It is now only more popular. Even if anime wasn't "in a bad state" it's animation and the stigma against animation for adults is too huge.

Sure, just because it's a "shit filthy niche industry" (and I will disagree on this considering how it hasn't always been this idiotic), then we'll just let it rot. Of course not. I'm asking for change, and all I'm seeing is some weird acceptance of stagnation and decay.
Mar 11, 2016 6:37 PM
Jul 2018
Quick! Build a wall before the Uber Animu Elites come!
Mar 11, 2016 6:37 PM

Dec 2015
Mamster-P said:
KonaKoffee4 said:


But I agree, to be honest.

I may not watch nor enjoy that many ecchi anime, therefore not having the same taste as most ecchi fans, but their "close mindedness" is just the same as people who enjoy anime similar to what I generally like (psychological thrillers and shit like that).

Although in my opinion the worst are the people who say "Old anime was the best, new anime is shit. Anime after the year 2000 went down hill" because they ignore all the great series that have come out since then.

There will always be generic trashy anime because there was generic trashy anime being made before some of us were even born. There was just as much generic fanservice in shows as there is now.
It will continue being made because not only is it easy, but it's guaranteed to hit a wider audience. Also, some creators enjoy making this stuff and writing less intricate plots and they have fun while doing it. Of course, it wouldn't be my style...

as long as the ecchi hating bait continues i will arise, especially since many arguments used against ecchi can be used against so many other things

yes anyone with the "the past was better, things of the past were better" mentality can suggadigg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

but no, in all seriousness thats silly.... just cause you grew up with something doesnt mean it was better, every older generation talks shit about the newer generation
your parents and your parents parents were saying the same things about the things they had

"back in my day"....... foh..... lol

the worst for me are the "i don't like it / it bothers me, so it shouldn't exist" people.....

that is like...... the basis for SO MANY dumb rules and laws for example

i also can't stand when people act as if the only reason theres so many sexy idealized women in anime is to pander towards a certain group....
as if many men who are artists don't enjoy drawing sexy women

like 80%+ of anime art is of sexualized girls, and people really think the creators are any different from other artists?

Well it's not even just anime, but look at the entertainment industry as a whole. Whether it be movies, shows, music, sexuality has always been used as a device to attract all different types of people not just a single group.

The creators not only give what the people want, but they also give us what they want as well.

I may not like a lot of it, nor agree with it, but I can't try to stop it from being made nor should I try and stop it.
I can, however, support new anime series with more depth being made. I can also support manga creators that may not get as much exposure, but have detailed storylines and great meaning behind their work.
Although, it is not my place to try to prevent a certain genre from being made. I believe that some of the live action films and reality tv in America are worse (in terms of morality and deception) than most of the things I see in anime.
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 6:38 PM

Nov 2015
Evolution is necessary in every single aspect of life.

The moment people are satisfied with anything, is when it stops evolving. Things get stale pretty soon and by this time most people are able to see what's going on and will demand for a change.

I wonder if that's what's happening right now. Also I read an article somewhere that said that echchi will die out over the course of the next 10-15 years (I'll have to look for that article. I'll probably share when I find it).

So no, it's not okay if everyone's happy because that way, things get stale real quick, which won't be good for the industry..
Mar 11, 2016 6:39 PM

May 2015
CherryLover said:
RainyRai said:

Anime has always been a shit filthy niche industry. It is now only more popular. Even if anime wasn't "in a bad state" it's animation and the stigma against animation for adults is too huge.

Sure, just because it's a "shit filthy niche industry" (and I will disagree on this considering how it hasn't always been this idiotic), then we'll just let it rot. Of course not. I'm asking for change, and all I'm seeing is some weird acceptance of stagnation and decay.

It's only gotten worse the larger it has gotten. Proportionally it's just as bad now as it was back then.

Besides, producers are just at fault, because many of them enjoy making those shows.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Mar 11, 2016 6:39 PM

Mar 2012

generic is never going to rot

its what your average person is willing to pay the most money for...... kinda the reason things like superhero movies never stop coming out
Mar 11, 2016 6:42 PM

Mar 2015
wait, what anime intertainment industries purpose if not entertain people and grab money? did we not live in same universe?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Mar 11, 2016 6:43 PM
Jul 2014
See this is why a lot of you people disgust me. You have to try to ruin others fun and insult an anime because you think it's shitty. If the people who made it suffered, prove it. Anime is entertainment. As long as people get happy from it, it is okay. If I read the question wrong, my bad.
Mar 11, 2016 6:44 PM

Dec 2015
RainyRai said:
CherryLover said:

Sure, just because it's a "shit filthy niche industry" (and I will disagree on this considering how it hasn't always been this idiotic), then we'll just let it rot. Of course not. I'm asking for change, and all I'm seeing is some weird acceptance of stagnation and decay.

It's only gotten worse the larger it has gotten. Proportionally it's just as bad now as it was back then.

Besides, producers are just at fault, because many of them enjoy making those shows.

Then they should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are thought of so lowly by intellectuals and various icons alike. Their horrid stereotyping and ridiculous abuse of what they call "fanservice" is killing what could have been a great industry.
Mar 11, 2016 6:48 PM

Mar 2012
KonaKoffee4 said:

Well it's not even just anime, but look at the entertainment industry as a whole. Whether it be movies, shows, music, sexuality has always been used as a device to attract all different types of people not just a single group.

The creators not only give what the people want, but they also give us what they want as well.

I may not like a lot of it, nor agree with it, but I can't try to stop it from being made nor should I try and stop it.
I can, however, support new anime series with more depth being made. I can also support manga creators that may not get as much exposure, but have detailed storylines and great meaning behind their work.
Although, it is not my place to try to prevent a certain genre from being made. I believe that some of the live action films and reality tv in America are worse (in terms of morality and deception) than most of the things I see in anime.

yep, agreed 100%..... no... 120% :D

i wish more people thought this way

and all for super talented writers gaining exposure, the only problem is genericism thrives in general

i guess being fine with generic, im part of the problem, but im not going to pretend as if im not fine with it

still though..... people who don't like generic are also part of the problem if they arent buying the DVD's or merchandise from
the anime they want to see continue

CherryLover said:

Then they should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are thought of so lowly by intellectuals and various icons alike. Their horrid stereotyping and ridiculous abuse of what they call "fanservice" is killing what could have been a great industry.

stop.... this is unintentional bait for someone like me.... you sound like an SWJ

"it offends me, stop doing it"

no... please go watch something else
EcchiGodMamsterMar 11, 2016 6:52 PM
Mar 11, 2016 6:51 PM
Jul 2014
CherryLover said:
RainyRai said:

It's only gotten worse the larger it has gotten. Proportionally it's just as bad now as it was back then.

Besides, producers are just at fault, because many of them enjoy making those shows.

Then they should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are thought of so lowly by intellectuals and various icons alike. Their horrid stereotyping and ridiculous abuse of what they call "fanservice" is killing what could have been a great industry.

Guys like sexualized stuff. It's how we are made. Tv shows and anime have used fanservice to get people to watch it. They had fanservice in the 90s. Why change this now? Because of the uprising of feminazis? It is definitely not killing anything. There were only what 2 ecchi anime this season? If you don't like, don't watch. That simple
Mar 11, 2016 6:51 PM

Mar 2015
paraze said:
Fans are encouraged to stay in their comfort zone, to not think, and to not evolve

Don't fully understand what you mean there. Do you mean something about fans wanting better quality anime? Because if so, simply wishing it isn't going to help them, neither complaining on the internet. Every year there are bad shows and that's present throughout history. Think about it, Romeo and Juliet was pretty bad

Put your faith in that there are people that can and will make good shows. Don't just look at some new ecchi shows and say anime is has grown stale/ the industry needs to change/ fans need to stop consumerism of poor shows/ WHATEVER. Despite anime being a business, it's also a medium of storytelling (like any other storytelling medium) and there are artists who want to make good work.

“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
Mar 11, 2016 6:55 PM

Mar 2012
BadSuns said:

Guys like sexualized stuff. It's how we are made. Tv shows and anime have used fanservice to get people to watch it. They had fanservice in the 90s. Why change this now? Because of the uprising of feminazis? It is definitely not killing anything. There were only what 2 ecchi anime this season? If you don't like, don't watch. That simple

Yep, most anime is made by straight men.... straight men have fantasies about sexy women, so it shows up in anime... its that simple

aint nothin new in todays anime...

the rise of the SWJ's must be stopped
Mar 11, 2016 6:57 PM

Dec 2015
BadSuns said:
CherryLover said:

Then they should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are thought of so lowly by intellectuals and various icons alike. Their horrid stereotyping and ridiculous abuse of what they call "fanservice" is killing what could have been a great industry.

Guys like sexualized stuff. It's how we are made. Tv shows and anime have used fanservice to get people to watch it. They had fanservice in the 90s. Why change this now? Because of the uprising of feminazis? It is definitely not killing anything. There were only what 2 ecchi anime this season? If you don't like, don't watch. That simple

First of all, stop using that term "feminazis". It's degrading and causing feminism to be misunderstood by dimwitted people who only like spouting memes. Second of all, not all guys like sexualised things. I know a few male friends who support feminism that are just as disgusted by the exponential increase of fanservice in anime as us. Furthermore, it's like saying some people are hardwired to like killing people and they should just do so because they can't change. That's just an extreme overgeneralisation.
Mar 11, 2016 6:59 PM

Jun 2015
@CherryLover Don't like it, don't watch it. Simple as that.
Mar 11, 2016 7:00 PM

Dec 2015
Mamster-P said:
KonaKoffee4 said:

Well it's not even just anime, but look at the entertainment industry as a whole. Whether it be movies, shows, music, sexuality has always been used as a device to attract all different types of people not just a single group.

The creators not only give what the people want, but they also give us what they want as well.

I may not like a lot of it, nor agree with it, but I can't try to stop it from being made nor should I try and stop it.
I can, however, support new anime series with more depth being made. I can also support manga creators that may not get as much exposure, but have detailed storylines and great meaning behind their work.
Although, it is not my place to try to prevent a certain genre from being made. I believe that some of the live action films and reality tv in America are worse (in terms of morality and deception) than most of the things I see in anime.

yep, agreed 100%..... no... 120% :D

i wish more people thought this way

im all for super talented writers gaining exposure, the only problem is genericism thrives in general

i guess being fine with generic, im part of the problem, but im not going to pretend as if im not fine with it

still though..... people who don't like generic are also part of the problem if they arent buying the DVD's or merchandise from
the anime they want to see continue

I'm part of the problem because I don't like generic anime shit *dances* yaaassss!
But like I said, I wouldn't try and stop generic shit from being created. Also, even if I did try it wouldn't work.
It sells, it's easy to make, it's easy to think of a story, why wouldn't this type of shit be mass produced in the eyes of someone doing it purely for the money?

CherryLover said:
RainyRai said:

It's only gotten worse the larger it has gotten. Proportionally it's just as bad now as it was back then.

Besides, producers are just at fault, because many of them enjoy making those shows.

Then they should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are thought of so lowly by intellectuals and various icons alike. Their horrid stereotyping and ridiculous abuse of what they call "fanservice" is killing what could have been a great industry.

Honestly, it's like this with all forms of entertainment and I doubt it'll die down anytime soon.
I agree the stereotypical fanservice (and not just ecchi fanservice, but other forms of fanservice as well) brings down the quality, but it'll always be made as it has been for years.
Consumers love it, and creators love making it, but I will say that it's unfortunate that creators with more personal and unique styles aren't given as much of a chance.
Then again, nobody wants to take a risk with series that have more depth so they resort to what they assume will sell best.

Although, there are a ton of anime series out there and I know there are still a lot of great ones that don't have these elements. So I don't want to say that the industry as a whole is being killed, but I won't deny there is a lot of bull shit that is being made or has been made, but I say that with other forms of entertainment as well (and it's been like that for years).

CherryLover said:

First of all, stop using that term "feminazis". It's degrading and causing feminism to be misunderstood by dimwitted people who only like spouting memes. Second of all, not all guys like sexualised things. I know a few male friends who support feminism that are just as disgusted by the exponential increase of fanservice in anime as us. Furthermore, it's like saying some people are hardwired to like killing people and they should just do so because they can't change. That's just an extreme overgeneralisation.

Even I as a feminist am misunderstood simply because I am not ashamed of calling myself one, but people still choose to generalize despite me being chill on certain manners. No matter what people will say that feminist = feminazi, I've gotten used to it.

Although I will say that it's not just men who enjoy fanservice, because as cherry said there are men who don't enjoy fanservice. With that said, I know other women who enjoy fanservice (yes, even when the fanservice involves female characters).
But like I said, they will always generalize.
KonaKoffeeMar 11, 2016 7:05 PM
Banner credit to @turnip
Mar 11, 2016 7:01 PM

Dec 2015
AltoRoark99 said:
@CherryLover Don't like it, don't watch it. Simple as that.

The thing is, shows that I don't like are being talked about so much. And the misconception that it is good is stinging. If they were just discarded to the side, it would lessen the agony quite a bit.
Mar 11, 2016 7:02 PM

Jun 2015
But to answer the thread, I don't give two shits about what other people enjoy. I don't see the problem with them not "thinking" or evolving", whatever that means.
Mar 11, 2016 7:17 PM

Sep 2015
No, it's wrong, very wrong. People should watch only the shows that I think they're good.
NasalShark said:
I'd love to squeeze your nipples until they look like a purple slushie, Senpai.

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