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Whats your opinion on Long-Distance relationships?

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Nov 10, 2015 9:16 AM

Jun 2011
They can work but it does require much more effort on both sides.

Nov 10, 2015 9:21 AM

Nov 2015
Mashiro-Yuki said:
It's all fine and dandy until something goes wrong and there's no way to communicate.

It makes everyone miserable, so when they do finally get another chance to talk they're just upset and angry.

If that goes on long enough without being able to fix it, it strains the relationship. Both parties involved start to become unhappy.

Communication is literally everything. People that want to try this kind of thing need to make sure they can maintain that much. Or at the very least, be able to discuss and prepare for a period where that's not possible.

Unfortunately for me, everything just kinda blew up in my face, and there was no time to do anything about it. Did things I wasn't proud of as a result. Acted out a lot. I'm sure there're similar feelings on the other side. Not that I would even know anymore.

I definitely think it's possible. I fucked up because I was hurt and desperate, which made me angry, and caused me to lash out a lot, but it's certainly something that can be done. I don't wanna be a total cynic just because I messed up.

It would be really nice if this advice actually helped someone.

This is a similar scenario to what I went through, although I didn't really do anything wrong, in the end she just grew distant with me and communication started to wither away. I was suddenly then chucked away like old socks, haven't spoken since, sad way to end a 4 year relationship.

Basically both parties have to be equally committed and equally willing to put in the work to see each other. I think the reason my relationship lasted so long was because we had a good structure, we alternated weekends so that I'd be at hers one and she'd be at mine the next. It felt good as it gave me time to miss her which helped me appreciate the few days I got with her more.

I don't think I could have managed seeing her any less than this, hats off to anybody who maintains a relationship on seeing their gf/bf only a few times a year IMO.
Nov 10, 2015 9:36 AM

Jun 2014
Temmie said:
I think LDRs are fine as long as people don't go over the top and have more of a casual relationship. I've seen so many relationships fail with friends but if you really like the person it's worth a shot

Yeah, I understand that, but its a real struggle, its either the best person ever or it will fail.

Nov 10, 2015 10:23 AM

Feb 2010
Go said:
HandsomeMan said:
Good for you, kid. Maybe instead of thinking of your friends so much, next time you can learn how to properly present yourself when you write to not make yourself look like an imbecile.

Sounds like we have a mad child who can only throw insults, you're presenting yourself as a completely autistic maggot. You're the only imbecile here.

That's his thing, being an overly aggressive hypocrite and all. Not the first time it happened, not gonna be the last time.
I probably regret this post by now.
Nov 10, 2015 10:34 AM

Mar 2008
Tachii said:
traed said:
As opposed to in person chatting and in person stripping. Wow big difference.
there is a big difference between physically close and cuddling with a partner than... seeing them on skype and... saying you are cuddling with them? like, the difference is literally worlds apart. physical touch is known to have physiological effects on the body and i hope im not in a situation where i need to provide sources to back this up.
Relationships are more than your own pleasure. The core of them is the shared feelings and interests and respect for eachother among other things and that is not limited by distance. Im not saying its not as nice as in person but to say that all it is is just chatting and stripping is rediculous

Pacifica_Ocean said:

Human touch and physical body closeness hell even smell is all a big part of any species coupling without it you're missing huge chunks of information your body and brain uses to determine if you really are compatable. Its why a lot of online couples who meet up find they're actually not as attracted to each other as previously thought even two peoples body language sends different signals than when separate and says a lot subconsciously to the other person. Romance is far more than similar interests, hobbies and making each other laugh online. I can do all of that with friends and not be sexual or attracted to them. Its why its so easy to get close and make friends over the internet because there's a lot more going on between two people in the same space than two people over skype or talking by text based speech.

as I said I knew someone who was dating a guy online for like 2 years "hes the one" and "he gets me we share everything" were common lines. what happened? they decided to meet in real life for the first time and broke up after one date because who you are online is only like 40% of all the information thats actually shared during romance the rest comes from physical presence.
I've not known one person who wound up like that. Everyone ive known who has met someone they knew online said they were the same person. You cant use just one person as an example to represent everyone. Actually people get closer online because they 1. they get more to the point and 2. they tend to be more open.
traedNov 10, 2015 10:49 AM
Nov 10, 2015 10:40 AM

May 2013
Personally, long distance relationships are not for me, I need that physical contact. That being said, there are different kinds of people and if they are comitted enough I can see it working out perfectly fine.
Nov 10, 2015 11:16 AM

Aug 2013
traed said:
Im not saying its not as nice as in person but to say that all it is is just chatting and stripping is rediculous

that IS literally all it can be you can only chat online and when it comes to sexual side all you can do is skype sex stuff. So yes online dating literally is just chatting and occasionally stripping. Theres no cuddling, the smell of their hair, linking hands the way someones body moves against yours when you're close the little body language quirks your partner has that you come to love and miss when they're gone.

no its just you and a video of someone miles away you've never met in person, cold and disconnected or 90% of the time some text on a screen saying "I totally love you <3" it doesn't compare.

traed said:

Actually people get closer online because they 1. they get more to the point and 2. they tend to be more open.

You going to miss my point entirely and also not read the part on why its much easier to get into an online romance than a real one then? kay. The fact that even the most nervous shy failure in real life dating who can't find romance person to person types can get easily into online dating should show you that it has major differences to the real thing and that its not the same its dating light. Just because its easy doesn't make it better or as good. It shows you don't have to try as hard and that the connections formed are actually weaker than in real life. If online was just as real and hard as a real in person relationship why is it so easy that even the most introverted anime nerd can get into one online, because talking over skype and typing walls of text to an online buddy is easy, only difference is they type sexy stuff sometimes.

"For your information we work better in online relationships." - random guy

im sure you do, online relationships don't have to worry about all the problems that come with dating someone in person, its easy to have an online relationship there's a safety disconnect, you don't have to get physical or be there for the person day to day, don't have to worry about sexual ability or giving physical closeness or feeling that many introverted people can't give to another person in the flesh they get awkward and to really be close to them to get to know them in person to connect in person to let them into your life all of it, maybe meet the parents requires a lot more imput than a lot can give. Thats why so many weebs have them, its casual you only have to really be together when you're online you keep your space and lives separate. The commitment required from you is lower and if it doesn't work out there's no fear of a messy break up, having this person still in your life its just a click away to dispose of a bad relationship. Any wonder some people see online dating as better?

SpooksNov 10, 2015 11:41 AM
Nov 10, 2015 11:20 AM

May 2014
Moon- said:
Temmie said:
I think LDRs are fine as long as people don't go over the top and have more of a casual relationship. I've seen so many relationships fail with friends but if you really like the person it's worth a shot

Yeah, I understand that, but its a real struggle, its either the best person ever or it will fail.


Not necessarily the best person ever, just people who view relationships far, far more casual and they're easily open with each other. Which would be harder then it sounds because both people have to fully be willing to go into the relationship knowing the struggles ahead. That's why suggesting a LDR to just anyone would actually be a pretty shitty idea, it's not for everyone.
Nov 10, 2015 11:32 AM

Apr 2015
As long as they can keep in contact I don't see a problem.
Nov 10, 2015 1:28 PM

Jun 2014
Temmie said:
Moon- said:

Yeah, I understand that, but its a real struggle, its either the best person ever or it will fail.


Not necessarily the best person ever, just people who view relationships far, far more casual and they're easily open with each other. Which would be harder then it sounds because both people have to fully be willing to go into the relationship knowing the struggles ahead. That's why suggesting a LDR to just anyone would actually be a pretty shitty idea, it's not for everyone.

I gotchu
Nov 10, 2015 1:57 PM

Mar 2013
Nov 10, 2015 2:04 PM

Aug 2009
Even worse than regular relationships which are already pretty terrible.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Nov 10, 2015 2:18 PM

Jun 2014
battosai-01 said:
Even worse than regular relationships which are already pretty terrible.

Well I guess you are speaking from expirience lol
Nov 10, 2015 2:31 PM

May 2015
Last "long distance" relationship I had ended up with her cheating on me with two other guys at the same time.

Keeping a cool head, I calmly drove the two hours to her town and wrote her name and phone number on the stall of the most popular bar I could find. The number was disconnected after a week.
***** ***** ***** ***
Slightly Dangerous

Nov 10, 2015 2:35 PM

May 2009
I couldn't do it.
Nov 10, 2015 2:48 PM

Jul 2015
let them have their romance op. it sounds like they're happy living like that.
Nov 10, 2015 8:00 PM

Aug 2009
Moon- said:
battosai-01 said:
Even worse than regular relationships which are already pretty terrible.

Well I guess you are speaking from expirience lol

Back when I gave a fuck about this sort of thing yeah. Text msgs, phone/skype calls can only do so much. Maybe I have trust issues, but I felt like she was cheating on me, well maybe not, cause she was actually cheating on me :D

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Nov 10, 2015 8:45 PM
Jul 2015

That is all.
Nov 10, 2015 9:00 PM

Oct 2015
mayukachan said:
I was kinda against them until I saw this video.

I'm still not interested in internet relationships but I think if I met someone and we had to part, I'd still try to date them.

That video was truly beautiful. 😍
Nov 10, 2015 9:11 PM

Oct 2012
DragonTamer1 said:
Last "long distance" relationship I had ended up with her cheating on me with two other guys at the same time.

Keeping a cool head, I calmly drove the two hours to her town and wrote her name and phone number on the stall of the most popular bar I could find. The number was disconnected after a week.
She sure deserved it lmfao.

See, this is another reason LDRs won't work. Due to the lack of physical presence, you're eventually going to need to satiate that desire, leading to a need for people actually present and nearby you. That leads to cheating.
Nov 10, 2015 9:32 PM

Nov 2015
I also believe that LDR do not work 100%. I have experienced this myself and for 4 years i will look back and think of how much time I have wasted being stuck at that stupid relationship.
Nov 10, 2015 11:32 PM

Aug 2010
It's impossible and that's the truth unless you two move closer to each other
Nov 11, 2015 6:39 AM

Jun 2014
battosai-01 said:
Moon- said:

Well I guess you are speaking from expirience lol

Back when I gave a fuck about this sort of thing yeah. Text msgs, phone/skype calls can only do so much. Maybe I have trust issues, but I felt like she was cheating on me, well maybe not, cause she was actually cheating on me :D

Dont generalize a common worldwide activity with your own bad expirience, if you find someone you trust then I am sure they will trust you back, also you need to satisfy them otherwise they will leave.
Nov 11, 2015 8:23 AM

Jun 2015
Tried it. Hope I never have to again. I'd give it a go if we got really close before it became long distance but I would never initiate a relationship from a distance. Respect to anyone who pulls it off successfully.
Nov 14, 2015 6:12 AM

Jun 2014
Royal7Knight said:
Tried it. Hope I never have to again. I'd give it a go if we got really close before it became long distance but I would never initiate a relationship from a distance. Respect to anyone who pulls it off successfully.
Nov 14, 2015 6:39 AM

Jan 2015
Nov 14, 2015 6:43 AM

Jun 2014
DangoOopa said:

Nov 14, 2015 6:53 AM

Aug 2014
Long distance relationship?
It works,as long as they always chat or call.
Nov 14, 2015 6:58 AM

Feb 2014
It's useless
Nov 14, 2015 7:21 AM

Apr 2014
Hentai logic suggest that it's an excuse to cheat on your partner and then sending them videos of you getting it on. But anyway I think it depends on the people involved. Though more often than not couples involved in ldr end up breaking up.
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