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Oct 18, 2015 1:31 PM
Jul 2018
baeksan said:
Is that even a question? I recently watched Code Geass and they decided to abuse Kallen, that poor soul, reduced to nothing but ass and tits

why was this necessary??

For the sales.
Oct 18, 2015 1:37 PM

Dec 2014
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Oct 18, 2015 1:42 PM

Aug 2009
This should be in AD and yeah they are... especially little girls that are supposed to be in highschool.

Guys are too though, so I don't see the problem.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 18, 2015 1:43 PM

Aug 2014
Depends which anime but a lot of the time yes. A lot of shows use fanservice in a clever way though like utena and KLK.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Oct 18, 2015 1:46 PM

Apr 2013
Yeah, but how else do you think they'll reach out to millions of shut-ins around the world who actually buy their merchandise?

Only bringing up that point since the guys who spend that much aren't really the casual anime watchers. At that point, anime is a dedication.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Oct 18, 2015 2:11 PM

Apr 2013
Not only in anime.
Oct 18, 2015 5:16 PM

Jun 2015
Fintan said:

PS. Can people please stop saying fam....

Nah fam.
Oct 18, 2015 5:17 PM

Jul 2012
Thalos said:
Girls are very often sexualized in anime, yes. So are guys, either with being "cute" or being extremely muscular. Women aren't pure and innocent either, at least, a lot of them aren't. My current girlfriend is as into sex/sexualization as I am and likes fanservice aimed at women, while my last two weren't that into it or at least weren't open about being into it. Both women and men are also sexualized in commercials and what not, because sex sells, and at least for a lot of women, they're as into it as men. We need to get rid of this double standard where nobody says anything about:

But everybody loses their shit over:

There have actually been multiple studies done by video game developers (Blizzard and Riot are two names I can pull from memory but definitely others) and when you find a sexualized female in video games and ask yourself "why? don't they care about their female demographic?" well... the data shows that women above anything, enjoy playing a "sexy" female character in video games. It's what they feel most comfortable with and it's what they like to represent themselves as. More than heavily armored and very modest females and more than cute or unrealistically muscular guys. So honestly, sexy female characters is a win-win, the data shows both genders actually enjoy them but for different reasons.
Isn't it normal for video game characters to have a good physique? Like, you're strong and powerful, you should have muscles and abs. But for a girl, there is no reason to add big boobs and ass.
Oct 18, 2015 5:20 PM

Jun 2015
Thalos said:
Girls are very often sexualized in anime, yes. So are guys, either with being "cute" or being extremely muscular. Women aren't pure and innocent either, at least, a lot of them aren't. My current girlfriend is as into sex/sexualization as I am and likes fanservice aimed at women, while my last two weren't that into it or at least weren't open about being into it. Both women and men are also sexualized in commercials and what not, because sex sells, and at least for a lot of women, they're as into it as men. We need to get rid of this double standard where nobody says anything about:

But everybody loses their shit over:

There have actually been multiple studies done by video game developers (Blizzard and Riot are two names I can pull from memory but definitely others) and when you find a sexualized female in video games and ask yourself "why? don't they care about their female demographic?" well... the data shows that women above anything, enjoy playing a "sexy" female character in video games. It's what they feel most comfortable with and it's what they like to represent themselves as. More than heavily armored and very modest females and more than cute or unrealistically muscular guys. So honestly, sexy female characters is a win-win, the data shows both genders actually enjoy them but for different reasons.

How dare u use Vindictus as an example.
(Also that's just under armor u posted too. Not the actual armor in the game.)
mayukachan said:
Isn't it normal for video game characters to have a good physique? Like, you're strong and powerful, you should have muscles and abs. But for a girl, there is no reason to add big boobs and ass.

I don't think this person knows the difference between idealization & sexualization.
NilinOct 18, 2015 5:24 PM
Oct 18, 2015 5:23 PM

Aug 2014
Ya, but I'm not complaining
Oct 18, 2015 6:37 PM

Sep 2015
I see this is one of those topics where you poot giggle and laugh to. If you want to be honest without all the booger and nose picking and booger flicking then the answer is yes but woman are sexualised in movies and video games etc. it is what it plus I like to see those tig ol biddys tho!
Oct 18, 2015 6:51 PM

May 2015
Of course, but also depends on the genre.
Oct 18, 2015 6:52 PM

Mar 2014
a thinly veiled understatement posing as a question
Oct 18, 2015 6:55 PM

Jun 2015
The funniest thing about this thread is most ppl who says no has loli anime girl icons.
Oct 18, 2015 6:58 PM

Jun 2015
it's subjective. There is no quantifiable way of measuring the amount of sexualization in any given medium regardless of male or female.
Oct 18, 2015 7:00 PM

Jul 2012
Happy_Halloween said:
it's subjective. There is no quantifiable way of measuring the amount of sexualization in any given medium regardless of male or female.

in anime, there is

list all the anime that sexualize guys
there's less than 3 (excluding hentai/yaoi), because i've watched them all
free!, bakumatsu rock and utapri
Oct 18, 2015 7:44 PM

Dec 2014
Happy_Halloween said:
it's subjective. There is no quantifiable way of measuring the amount of sexualization in any given medium regardless of male or female.

Don't be fooled.. this is a shit post in disguise
Oct 18, 2015 7:45 PM

Jun 2015
ghstindashamploo said:
Happy_Halloween said:
it's subjective. There is no quantifiable way of measuring the amount of sexualization in any given medium regardless of male or female.

Don't be fooled.. this is a shit post in disguise

Is it? I was unaware of this. Thanks for letting me know though.
Oct 18, 2015 8:06 PM

Dec 2014
Happy_Halloween said:
ghstindashamploo said:

Don't be fooled.. this is a shit post in disguise

Is it? I was unaware of this. Thanks for letting me know though.

Lol ;)
Oct 18, 2015 8:23 PM

Nov 2009
Yes . . .

Although Ecchi / Moe series are in large part what is keeping the industry afloat (especially with merchandise). Arguing that it should be cut back is tantamount to arguing that either A) The industry should for all intents and purposes die off, with very few shows being released a year (if any), primarily sticking to movies or B) That you will step up (with a large army of followers) to fill in the massive void that would come from removing ecchi / moe both from the shows themselves and the merchandise purchased.

Sorry to say, but the largest market when it comes to anime is evidently pre-teen to young adult males. If this was untrue, then there would be no way to justify the large amounts of fan service, and companies would instead be pandering to whatever the demographic truly was. Industries (typically) aren't stupid, they will try and sell to as many people as they can. What you are seeing is the result of that.
Oct 18, 2015 10:05 PM

Jun 2015
How the fuck does this have 5 pages already!?
Oct 18, 2015 10:46 PM

Apr 2014
I most definitely think they are.
Oct 18, 2015 11:57 PM
Dec 2012
Anime characters are not real people and are not related to real people. They are fantasy characters inhabiting a fantasy world that operates according to fantasy logic. Westerners think that fiction is subservient to and an extension of reality, but this is not what anime is based on or should be expected to be based on. Anime is a reality separate from our own.

Westerners also have massive problems with anime characters being "sexualized" not because of the "sexualization" itself but because they think it's abnormal to be sexually attracted to drawn characters. Fw people complain about "sexualization" in live action movies and TV and the real world, but anime is under attack 24/7 even when the "sexualization" is very mild—or even non-existent—compared to live action and real life.

dekomaru said:
Its obviously a problem with women, because of the fact people like OP often ask questions like thst a lot more than anything else being sexualized.

You mean Western women.

dekomaru said:
My question is why is feminism always brought up in threads relating to females??
Hell in that "Why are Japanese girls so kawaii??" thread some guy eventually brought up feminism like????

Its very disappointing tbh.

You couldn't post this in the correct thread? Really?

I brought up feminists because there were feminists in the thread making a ruckus because of men finding Asian women attractive. If feminists are relevant, why should they not be brought up?

And look, here comes another feminist (could be a white knight too, but sounds more like a feminist):
-this-is-the-end said:
I pity you guys living in your room in your parents house fapping to 2D little girls and blaming feminism for all your troubles cause you can't get laid and feel insecure if girls aren't powerless like your waifu 2D bitch, but I mean lets all face it anime and manga authers are shit at writing literature so they stuff fanservice and disgustingly cute bitches to try and sell their shitty story that has no real meaning to the basement dwelling long haired otaku and BOOM! What a profit any student could write a better more creative story than the shit anime and manga churns out but yet you guys lap it up incredible.

Feminists are so insecure that even anime characters are a threat to them. This is also why in recent years there's been so much opposition to sexy video game characters. They are a threat and must be eliminated.

Pirating_Ninja said:
Sorry to say, but the largest market when it comes to anime is evidently pre-teen to young adult males. If this was untrue, then there would be no way to justify the large amounts of fan service, and companies would instead be pandering to whatever the demographic truly was. Industries (typically) aren't stupid, they will try and sell to as many people as they can. What you are seeing is the result of that.

OK, now can you explain why doujin authors create so many pornographic manga, illustrations, games and audio dramas? Are they secretly working for The Industry? Or could it be that there is no "pandering" going on, and that Japanese authors like ecchi as much as their audience does? Could it be, in fact, that this supposed division between authors and audiences is nothing more than Westerners projecting their values onto the Japanese?
Oct 19, 2015 12:07 AM

Sep 2013
I think they've hit a nice balance on the level of sexuality in that more often than not, it's possible to find a waifu in an anime
Oct 19, 2015 12:54 AM

May 2009
CandleJakk007 said:
Considering hentai, what're your viewpoints? Is it normal or just stupid?

It's just animated porn, no different from real-life porn. If you consider it stupid, then you're either asexual or in denial.

I don't really see what's 'sexy' about this pic. She's just offering me her game console, implying she wants me to play a game with her. She's not naked, or even showing off her underwear in any way.

In any case, why do people care about this so much? Anime females aren't real, and all the girls in these shows that (eagerly) show off their 'assets' do not reflect any woman in real life, not counting prostitutes.

This whole feminist argument of women being (over)sexualized in fictional media needs to die already, together with the entire movement itself.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 19, 2015 12:55 AM

Mar 2012
Oct 19, 2015 2:03 AM

Nov 2007
dekomaru said:

How dare u use Vindictus as an example.
(Also that's just under armor u posted too. Not the actual armor in the game.)
mayukachan said:
Isn't it normal for video game characters to have a good physique? Like, you're strong and powerful, you should have muscles and abs. But for a girl, there is no reason to add big boobs and ass.

I don't think this person knows the difference between idealization & sexualization.

I think I've played enough of Vindictus to know a thing or two about it that's why I used it:

Yes, it's under armor, meaning it has nothing to do with the "realism" of having muscles which Mayu pointed out. You can't even see it unless you choose to see it, yet, they give males 30+ different types of underwear to choose from just like women. Most guys don't care that much what kind of underwear their dude is wearing in a video game. Additionally, being overly muscular looking isn't even that common to Japanese/Korean games at all, so are you saying that video game characters in Japanese games are inherently weaker than those in Western games? The point of video games is you can do things that don't necessarily mirror real life. Considering JP games are even more dense with fantasy settings, I imagine that a good number of them could destroy the more muscular characters in Western games. Muscles are sometimes done for realism, especially in a military shooter or something, although even then they're exaggerated often. Why? For men, power fantasy, for women, sex appeal.

This is actually armor by the way:

In fact, it's the same set that when worn by a less muscular male, looks like:

And worn by a female looks like:
ThalosOct 19, 2015 2:08 AM
Oct 19, 2015 10:05 AM

Jan 2013
Shimapan-chan said:
Oh a black sheep. give reasons
Oct 19, 2015 10:09 AM
Apr 2014
What does "fam" mean?
Oct 19, 2015 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
AltoRoark99 said:
Oct 19, 2015 10:25 AM

May 2014
Depends completely on the showin question. Some over sexuize guys too btw
Oct 19, 2015 11:44 AM

May 2015
Thalos said:
Girls are very often sexualized in anime, yes. So are guys, either with being "cute" or being extremely muscular. Women aren't pure and innocent either, at least, a lot of them aren't. My current girlfriend is as into sex/sexualization as I am and likes fanservice aimed at women, while my last two weren't that into it or at least weren't open about being into it. Both women and men are also sexualized in commercials and what not, because sex sells, and at least for a lot of women, they're as into it as men. We need to get rid of this double standard where nobody says anything about:

But everybody loses their shit over:

There have actually been multiple studies done by video game developers (Blizzard and Riot are two names I can pull from memory but definitely others) and when you find a sexualized female in video games and ask yourself "why? don't they care about their female demographic?" well... the data shows that women above anything, enjoy playing a "sexy" female character in video games. It's what they feel most comfortable with and it's what they like to represent themselves as. More than heavily armored and very modest females and more than cute or unrealistically muscular guys. So honestly, sexy female characters is a win-win, the data shows both genders actually enjoy them but for different reasons.

I agree, I do sense a double standard in regards to women being portrayed as innocent things but actually in studies shown, they're probably ''worse'' than men in regards to what they like, and they get sexually aroused pretty much at a lot more things.

Although there has been a lot of cases that men play female characters, and I get the impression they like the sexual thrill of being a sexy female on a game, or that typical saying ''I just prefer to see a female ass while I play'' also considering a lot of guys pretend to be females.

From those pictures I'd say the male looks more ''sexualized'' but I could be biased because I'm actually gay and very much like that.. So, I ask of your opinion, is this male character targetted for females? males? Or both? Do men like to play sexy male characters just like women that like to play sexy female characters?
Oct 19, 2015 12:22 PM

Jul 2012
galimx said:
Nah, I think males are way more last few years. A lot of bishounens, but who cares.
Still not compared to the girls.

Please list all of the anime you think that sexualizes men.
Oct 19, 2015 12:25 PM

Jan 2013
gyro785 said:
What does "fam" mean?
i love tcha fam
Oct 19, 2015 12:31 PM

Jul 2012
galimx said:
A big example is Young Black Jack. The old Black Jack was raw and mature and Tezuka's art was what it made it Black Jack. But nowadays, there is just a bishounen mc who likes to takes his clothes off a lot and show his abs. :)

i haven't seen any of the female watchers.. actually like the naked scenes? i thought they were done for symbolism to show off his scars?

tezuka's art is shit anyway.
Oct 19, 2015 12:36 PM

Jul 2012
galimx said:
If there wasnt Tezuka you wouldnt read so much manga and watch so much anime today. And his art isnt shit really. You should show some respect to the godfather. People really lack respect for the past...
I've read most of his manga........ lol I definitely like him, but not his art (as well as dialogue)

He really has a poor art style. I like his storytelling, at least. His art style would not fit a modern anime so I'm glad they changed the art style. The anime is fine, btw. I think it's one of the better shows this season. I'm looking at a 7/10 so far.
Oct 19, 2015 12:46 PM

Jul 2012
galimx said:
mayukachan said:
I've read most of his manga........ lol I definitely like him, but not his art (as well as dialogue)

He really has a poor art style. I like his storytelling, at least. His art style would not fit a modern anime so I'm glad they changed the art style. The anime is fine, btw. I think it's one of the better shows this season. I'm looking at a 7/10 so far.

What anime? Young Black Jack? Its like 5 or 6, but thats just me. It isnt entire shit, but I would prefer the old raw style, it fits so better. Well, I think OPM and Haikyuu 2 are the best shows this season. And Asterisk and Heavy Object being the shit tier this season. The entire show is a bunch of fanservice and harem and cliche moments when the MC falls and gropes girls tits, like we have seen 1000000 times. Eh.
I don't think it'd be as popular if they stuck with the old art style, lol. Of course OPM and HQ are the better shows, but out of everything else. This season is fine. I'm glad there's like four shows that's targeted towards girls (Dance with Devils, Starmyu, Diabolik, Ameiro Cocoa)
Oct 19, 2015 12:54 PM

Jul 2012
galimx said:
Are this shows any good or just standard?

Dance with Devils - Seen 2 eps, it's kinda slow but has lots of potential. It's a really nice show for Halloween too.
High School Start Musical - Seen 2 eps, second episode was very enjoyable and also has lots of potential. They're slowly introducing all the characters so it's too early to say.
Diabolik Lovers - is purely fanservice for girls, so nah
Ameiro Cocoa - is literally nothing happening, but I like the seiyuu segments at the end. It's not worth it unless you're into voice actors.
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