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Short guys equivalent of obese girls = undateable

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Oct 13, 2015 1:10 AM

Jan 2014
SubaTonic said:
DisdainMatto said:
I've seen a shit ton of metallica interviews, he comes off as insanely self-centered and pretentious.

So you think you know enough about someone just from media attention? Do you also watch Fox News?
You're the one who made claims about his personality and confidence to begin with.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Oct 13, 2015 1:11 AM
Jul 2018
DisdainMatto said:
SubaTonic said:

So you think you know enough about someone just from media attention? Do you also watch Fox News?
You're the one who made claims about his personality and confidence to begin with.

lolwut. Now you're just confused.
Oct 13, 2015 1:12 AM

Jan 2014
SubaTonic said:
DisdainMatto said:
You're the one who made claims about his personality and confidence to begin with.

lolwut. Now you're just confused.
nvm my bad, it's fucking late. I apologize.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Oct 13, 2015 1:16 AM
Jun 2014
DisdainMatto said:
MrMagnificent said:
And you're wrong, just look at Lars Ulrich. Money goes a long way
Fixed that for you, Lars has a terrible personality.

Lars has character and ambition and you don't go get that far in life without the two.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Oct 13, 2015 1:20 AM

Nov 2011
Lel, as if height matter. You know what matter? Money, that's all.

Oct 13, 2015 1:36 AM
Feb 2014
In the end, MAL guys remain self-conscious/brainwashed by r/theredpill when they don't need to be.

No confidence=No girl. Appearance doesn't matter as long as you look presentable enough in public. Disagree with me, you've most likely been rejected.
Oct 13, 2015 1:50 AM
Feb 2014
SubaTonic said:
Nico- said:
In the end, MAL guys remain self-conscious/brainwashed by r/theredpill when they don't need to be.

No confidence=No girl. Appearance doesn't matter as long as you look presentable enough in public. Disagree with me, you've most likely been rejected.

This just in: Moping about your life and acting salty around women doesn't impress them. For all of the pseudo-intellectual shit being spewed throughout this forum on a daily basis, there sure is a glaring lack of common sense.

And when those who are in relationships try to help others, they're only looked down upon. I'm not an ass just because I have a girl. "Nice guy" logic is a fucking disgrace to my gender. An absolute fucking disgrace, might I add. It's sad how no one takes me seriously when I am clearly the voice of reason when it comes to threads like these. I don't need to be verbose, I don't need to be "redpilled." If you've been told the 3 C's of life are "lies," you're wrong. You never had it all along when you tried to use it. It's like talking to walls, I try to help those who have been rejected, but it never translates. Yeah, I am a nice guy all right. Sure do know my place in life compared to others here.
Oct 13, 2015 2:33 AM

Jun 2013
I think it would be more accurate to say short guys are the equivalent to really tall girls in terms of how hard it is to find a date. Most girls wouldn't want to date a guy that is allot shorter than them and the reserve of that is that most guys wouldn't date a girl that is significantly taller than them. Obesity doesn't really seem like a relevant comparison imo
Oct 13, 2015 2:53 AM

Sep 2014
mayukachan said:
so true because girls only care about looks and money
we are truly the scum of the earth

Agreed. I'd never date a guy under 5"5 because the height of a person is the main thing I look for in a partner. Fuck personality, whatever occupation he may have and actually loving them and all that crap, if he's short, he's completely invisible no matter what other merits he may have...
Oct 13, 2015 3:22 AM

Jan 2013
If you're not 6'5" or above, then consider ending yourself since anything below that is manlet size.
Oct 13, 2015 3:24 AM

Jun 2008
I'm 5 foot 9....but I'm that's above average for my race.

And Latin girls are 5 foot no problems.
Oct 13, 2015 3:24 AM
Jul 2018
Rat said:
Nico- said:

And when those who are in relationships try to help others, they're only looked down upon. I'm not an ass just because I have a girl. "Nice guy" logic is a fucking disgrace to my gender. An absolute fucking disgrace, might I add. It's sad how no one takes me seriously when I am clearly the voice of reason when it comes to threads like these. I don't need to be verbose, I don't need to be "redpilled." If you've been told the 3 C's of life are "lies," you're wrong. You never had it all along when you tried to use it. It's like talking to walls, I try to help those who have been rejected, but it never translates. Yeah, I am a nice guy all right. Sure do know my place in life compared to others here.

There he is.

I know men who are short and are super confident (guys who did what others considered impossible on a daily basis). Two guys to be exact. I'm not gay but I can definitely say that they're good looking. They both have decent jobs, one is a private body guard who makes more money in 4 month than I do in a year (And I make more than I need) the second is a student who works as a part time private coach. Both are physically fit and working on achieving high goals.
They're just about perfect except they're short.
Both had failed relationships and failed attempts more than I can count for that reason alone. They spend money and time on the girls, they protected and took care of them, were super considerate and both time and time again found their ex's dating tall guys right after breaking up with them.

Now where's your "I know everything"?
I'm only ~6.1 and the current gf of one of those guys is seriously sexually harassing me (so to say). I don't have the heart to break it to him.


Confidence does matter,but it is not everything.
Oct 13, 2015 3:40 AM

Jul 2014
Well, what else is there to be said? You either fuck up or across, or if you're at the bottom of the ladder, you try your best to convince someone else that you are up. This isn't a revolutionary biological concept.

One of my guy friends is 5'3'', so instead of whining about things he couldn't change, he found a 5'2'' girlfriend. Surprise! He isn't a PUA or red piller. He didn't throw a one man pity party about the trials and tribulations of being a clown in a world of strong-men and lion tamers. He just did it. It's as if we've become so disconnected from reality that we've convinced ourselves unless we are André the Giant we aren't getting any attention from the opposite sex.
Oct 13, 2015 3:44 AM
Jul 2018
Latent said:
Well, what else is there to be said? You either fuck up or across, or if you're at the bottom of the ladder, you try your best to convince someone else that you are up. This isn't a revolutionary biological concept.

One of my guy friends is 5'3'', so instead of whining about things he couldn't change, he found a 5'2'' girlfriend. Surprise! He isn't a PUA or red piller. He didn't throw a one man pity party about the trials and tribulations of being a clown in a world of strong-men and lion tamers. He just did it. It's as if we've become so disconnected from reality that we've convinced ourselves unless we are André the Giant we aren't getting any attention from the opposite sex.

True enough,but you have to take into consideration that love for the person matters as well. It is not neccessarily easy to find a girl of the "right height" as well as with personality(and looks) that would make you fall in love with her.

Considering there are many taller women,it is much more common to fall in love with them,which does not always end up well.
Oct 13, 2015 5:28 AM

Apr 2014
Height is a defining quality of physical attraction.

have a read

Short guys are on average less attractive.
Oct 13, 2015 5:35 AM

Jul 2014
Mischievous said:

True enough,but you have to take into consideration that love for the person matters as well. It is not neccessarily easy to find a girl of the "right height" as well as with personality(and looks) that would make you fall in love with her.

Considering there are many taller women,it is much more common to fall in love with them,which does not always end up well.

Of course. None of the straight guys I've loved will ever love me back either. Same sort of concept, yes?

Point is, this is a low tier bait even for Tsuyuu.

What does this accomplish other than: "Woe is me! If only I was perfectly proportioned in the style of a Greek god, I'm sure my mortal coil would no longer trouble me."

Oct 13, 2015 6:14 AM
Jul 2018
Latent said:
Mischievous said:

True enough,but you have to take into consideration that love for the person matters as well. It is not neccessarily easy to find a girl of the "right height" as well as with personality(and looks) that would make you fall in love with her.

Considering there are many taller women,it is much more common to fall in love with them,which does not always end up well.

Of course. None of the straight guys I've loved will ever love me back either. Same sort of concept, yes?

Point is, this is a low tier bait even for Tsuyuu.

What does this accomplish other than: "Woe is me! If only I was perfectly proportioned in the style of a Greek god, I'm sure my mortal coil would no longer trouble me."

Yup,the same.
The point was that short guys have lower chance of success.

I am not talking about self pity and wishful thinking.
That will of course accomplish nothing,unless it turns to self loathing,which will force you to do something about it or leave it be.
Oct 13, 2015 6:28 AM

Nov 2009
For every shorty, there is always someone shorter . . . Although I would agree that it lessens the options by quite a bit.

I would agree, that regardless of what people want to say to sound good, Height is definitely a larger factor in who one will or will not date.
Oct 13, 2015 6:37 AM

May 2015
I agree being short is unattractive, but I think being fat is even worse. I've seen short guys that girls liked and expressed affection towards. They had enough charisma to expect some girl would compromise, or a short girl wouldn't mind.

I've never seen a fat guy popular with women.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 13, 2015 7:03 AM
Aug 2013
I was always attracted by tall men to be honest. And end up with a boyfriend who is only 4-5 cm/2 inches taller than me. Goodbye, high heels~

But you're right. I wouldn't date shorter man and don't know many girls who would. Being a short guy is a disadvantage but it doesn't mean you're undateable lol. I've seen couples where woman was the taller one and they were totally fine.
Look at it from other point, what about tall girls? You think it's easy for them? How many men would date a woman 190 cm/6 ft 3 and above?
Oct 13, 2015 7:07 AM

Feb 2014
The midgets at my school were more popular with the ladies than the tall guys.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Oct 13, 2015 7:08 AM

Feb 2014
MrMagnificent said:
Tsuyuu, did a girl reject your or something?

And you're wrong, just look at Lars Ulrich. Personality and confidence go a long way

I don't find her attractive.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Oct 13, 2015 7:10 AM

Jan 2014
being short for sure knocks me off of some girls' radars but that's okay, if height is one of the determining factors for whether or not they date someone then chances are I'd be better off dating someone else.
Oct 13, 2015 7:13 AM

Apr 2011
Just putting this out there....

I've seen WAY more hot girls with ugly guys, then hot guys with ugly girls....

Sure, sometimes it's money...that doesn't always explain it though.
Oct 13, 2015 7:19 AM

Jul 2014
tsaii said:
Look at it from other point, what about tall girls? You think it's easy for them? How many men would date a woman 190 cm/6 ft 3 and above?
Oct 13, 2015 7:38 AM

Sep 2014
I totally agree with the thread tho. I'm pretty short , probably lesser than the national average height, and back then it's really hard to find a partner.

Except for one of my ex, the other is shorter and my current one is like a loli (fuckyeah) and when I say loli I meant short and flatchested. Being short really have a disadvantage on the sea. Girls wouldn't even look at me maybe cause they can't see me. And I do see that people who are short tend to come from having short parents.
Oh it's that delinquent, Ayukawa Madoka ♡

Oct 13, 2015 9:45 AM

Aug 2011
I'm pretty sure there are still short girls out there, op. Problem solved.
Oct 13, 2015 9:47 AM

Nov 2014
DisdainMatto said:
Amiluhur said:
I'm 157 cm and i have a girlfriend. So what?
How tall is she?

or how heavy?
Oct 13, 2015 9:48 AM
Jul 2018
tayorous said:
DisdainMatto said:
How tall is she?

or how heavy?

Oct 13, 2015 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
SubaTonic said:
5'3" here with a girlfriend. I have two short cousins, one of which is slightly shorter than I am. Both in relationships, one with a child.

This post is so tempting to misinterpret...
Oct 13, 2015 10:39 AM

Aug 2009
Well it's true girls typically look at height as an important factor. If you really give a shit about romantic relationships though, you'll probably find one that doesn't care about height, or progress in other things like money and social status so it's not as relevant.

So yeah being taller will give you an inherent advantage with the majority of women just like having big breasts/ass will give you an inherent advantage with most guys.
LoneWolfOct 13, 2015 10:56 AM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 13, 2015 12:53 PM
Feb 2014
Rat said:
Nico- said:

And when those who are in relationships try to help others, they're only looked down upon. I'm not an ass just because I have a girl. "Nice guy" logic is a fucking disgrace to my gender. An absolute fucking disgrace, might I add. It's sad how no one takes me seriously when I am clearly the voice of reason when it comes to threads like these. I don't need to be verbose, I don't need to be "redpilled." If you've been told the 3 C's of life are "lies," you're wrong. You never had it all along when you tried to use it. It's like talking to walls, I try to help those who have been rejected, but it never translates. Yeah, I am a nice guy all right. Sure do know my place in life compared to others here.

There he is.

I know men who are short and are super confident (guys who did what others considered impossible on a daily basis). Two guys to be exact. I'm not gay but I can definitely say that they're good looking. They both have decent jobs, one is a private body guard who makes more money in 4 month than I do in a year (And I make more than I need) the second is a student who works as a part time private coach. Both are physically fit and working on achieving high goals.
They're just about perfect except they're short.
Both had failed relationships and failed attempts more than I can count for that reason alone. They spend money and time on the girls, they protected and took care of them, were super considerate and both time and time again found their ex's dating tall guys right after breaking up with them.

Now where's your "I know everything"?
I'm only ~6.1 and the current gf of one of those guys is seriously sexually harassing me (so to say). I don't have the heart to break it to him.

How were the girls? All I want to know. I could care less about the guys. They seemed to have moved on from what I can tell, so that's no biggie. Life isn't about getting a girl, it's about providing your own foundation for yourself.

Mind you I'd be single and fine with it if my current fiancee ever did break up with me. But I doubt this is the case. You don't know me or anything about me.
Oct 13, 2015 1:17 PM
Jul 2018
Nico- said:
How were the girls? All I want to know. I could care less about the guys. They seemed to have moved on from what I can tell, so that's no biggie. Life isn't about getting a girl, it's about providing your own foundation for yourself.


You are talking about your own values here.
Though of course you could label men who seek love aforemost as wimps.

Nico- said:
Mind you I'd be single and fine with it if my current fiancee ever did break up with me. But I doubt this is the case. You don't know me or anything about me.

Well,you are a dog,AFAIK.
Oct 13, 2015 1:21 PM
Feb 2014
Woof woof.

This is just what MAL is, Dej. "I can't get girls thread X" "I can't get girls thread Y" "Here's how you get girls" "Here's how you become a man" You literally use your own judgment in these threads. I always am looked down upon in those threads because I've decided to do things my own way and succeed, and understandably so, my methods aren't for everyone.

I forgot to say btw, most of the time these guys are after girls COMPLETELY out of their league. So why even try when you know you're not going to win? I'd rather deal with a rock. At least a rock doesn't use "nice guy" logic.
Oct 13, 2015 1:25 PM
Jul 2018
Nico- said:

This is just what MAL is, Dej. "I can't get girls thread X" "I can't get girls thread Y" "Here's how you get girls" "Here's how you become a man" You literally use your own judgment in these threads. I always am looked down upon in those threads because I've decided to do things my own way and succeed, and understandably so, my methods aren't for everyone.

I do not know what your life is like,so it would be a tad ridiculous to comment on that,but from what I know,it is much more reasonable than what many other users think.
Though I made that statement in general,not only about MAL

Nico- said:

I forgot to say btw, most of the time these guys are after girls COMPLETELY out of their league. So why even try when you know you're not going to win? It's like talking to literal brick walls with brains as rocks.

Though would that not be like resorting to what you can get,more opposed to like "true love",if such thing even exist?
A bit naive argument I guess,but nonetheless.

Though it's not like I can't understand why would someone not date person below their level.
Oct 13, 2015 1:34 PM

Jul 2012
i actually really like shorter guys. i'm 5'7". they are very huggle/snuggle friendly in size. i had an ex i had to stand on a curb to even get near a simple hug.

sadly i read the whole thread. this is not about freaking Lars or being Asian (tho that would be a funny combination for Metallica)

but it IS perhaps about personal preference and ideology. which i find retarded. toss me a cute, funny, intelligent short guy ANYTIME
Oct 13, 2015 1:35 PM

Mar 2012
I just want to verify that obese girls are indeed undateable
Oct 13, 2015 1:36 PM
Jul 2018
Pauper said:
I just want to verify that obese girls are indeed undateable

Do it for science!
Oct 13, 2015 1:36 PM

Jul 2012
Pauper said:
I just want to verify that obese girls are indeed undateable
Oct 13, 2015 1:37 PM
Feb 2014
For the umptenth time, life IS NOT about getting girls, that's just a bonus, it's about creating your own success.I'd rather have people who are honest about not wanting a relationship speak rather than say, guys who constantly whine about either.

a). Not getting girls
b). Being emasculated by feminism

Because you know what happened with Elliot Rodger and the Oregon killer right? Know your place. Sorry, but truth hurts. There's where I end. These two guys were just flat out creeps regardless of what they were. I get it, MAL is the home of the man who cannot get girls and hates feminism. Now, before people call me a "traitor" let me ask these two questions

a). Ever thought of realizing you were wrong first? And if you did, did you bother trying for your OWN best?
b). Can you just forget the whole "le feminism out to get me xdddd" shit? You're paranoid if you seriously think feminism is taking over the world. I hate 3rd wavers and DETEST attention-seeking SJWs. I ignore them though and it makes me happy. What ruins my peace is seeing people constantly whine, then try to refute me by saying "You're never gonna have it better in life because of muh divorces, muh jobs, muh kids." No, you are still a "nice guy" who fakes it. MOVE THE FUCK ON. Then make her look like shit if anything. That's how you really win.

Urgh, you can tell I'm not thinking straight anymore but for God's sake, can we PLEASE just shut up about this whole "love/masculinity quest?" It's retarded and a counter movement to feminism, that will never win because it's the reverse agenda. End of.

I've actually seen better comments on Incel communities at times compared to here. Is that saying something? You betcha.
Oct 13, 2015 1:39 PM
Jul 2018

Errr,not what I meant.
Though you have a point,I do not argue about that.
Let's stop before you bite my hand off.
Oct 13, 2015 1:40 PM

Jan 2014
Nico- said:
Oregon killer
I never heard the reason behind why he did that. Care to enlighten me?
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Oct 13, 2015 1:40 PM
Feb 2014
Mischievous said:

Errr,not what I meant.
Though you have a point,I do not argue about that.
Let's stop before you bite my hand off.

I don't want to sound like an SJW, but I think Rule 6 should apply to threads like these too. Sorry, I can't help it.
Oct 13, 2015 1:40 PM
Feb 2014
DisdainMatto said:
Nico- said:
Oregon killer
I never heard the reason behind why he did that. Care to enlighten me?

Another whiny beta who couldn't get tits and ass. And thought "killing zombies" was a way to turn girls on. Clearly heroic person in MAL's eyes.
Oct 13, 2015 1:42 PM

Jan 2014
Nico- said:
DisdainMatto said:
I never heard the reason behind why he did that. Care to enlighten me?
Another whiny beta who couldn't get tits and ass. And thought "killing zombies" was a way to turn girls on. Clearly heroic person in MAL's eyes.
lol fucking hell. That's taking delusion to a new level. I wonder how many shootings we'll get this year.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Oct 13, 2015 1:43 PM

Mar 2008
Nico- said:
Woof woof.

This is just what MAL is, Dej. "I can't get girls thread X" "I can't get girls thread Y" "Here's how you get girls" "Here's how you become a man" You literally use your own judgment in these threads. I always am looked down upon in those threads because I've decided to do things my own way and succeed, and understandably so, my methods aren't for everyone.

I forgot to say btw, most of the time these guys are after girls COMPLETELY out of their league. So why even try when you know you're not going to win? I'd rather deal with a rock. At least a rock doesn't use "nice guy" logic.
There isnt really much of a thing as being out of someones league when it comes to love but when it comes to just stuff like one night stands or something yes its an actual thing.
Oct 13, 2015 1:44 PM
Jul 2018
DisdainMatto said:
Nico- said:
Another whiny beta who couldn't get tits and ass. And thought "killing zombies" was a way to turn girls on. Clearly heroic person in MAL's eyes.
lol fucking hell. That's taking delusion to a new level. I wonder how many shootings we'll get this year.

One would thing that making a shooting gallery with practice targets to win a prostitute for one night would not be such terrible idea...
Oct 13, 2015 1:46 PM
Feb 2014
traed said:
Nico- said:
Woof woof.

This is just what MAL is, Dej. "I can't get girls thread X" "I can't get girls thread Y" "Here's how you get girls" "Here's how you become a man" You literally use your own judgment in these threads. I always am looked down upon in those threads because I've decided to do things my own way and succeed, and understandably so, my methods aren't for everyone.

I forgot to say btw, most of the time these guys are after girls COMPLETELY out of their league. So why even try when you know you're not going to win? I'd rather deal with a rock. At least a rock doesn't use "nice guy" logic.
There isnt really much of a thing as being out of someones league when it comes to love but when it comes to just stuff like one night stands or something yes its an actual thing.

Ya there is, people just don't get it. I thought that was common sense too.
Oct 13, 2015 1:46 PM
Feb 2014
Mischievous said:
DisdainMatto said:
lol fucking hell. That's taking delusion to a new level. I wonder how many shootings we'll get this year.

One would thing that making a shooting gallery with practice targets to win a prostitute for one night would not be such terrible idea...

Now that's kinda funny, not gonna lie.
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