The Irregular at Magic High School (light novel)
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Sep 16, 2014 6:46 PM
Sapewloth said: Since the show never stated the other highschoolers to be Tatsuya wannabes (a.k.a child soldiers stripped of their emotions who already were mass murderers by the time they left middleschool), then it's safe to assume that the likes of Miki, Erika or Leo are functional human beings, with feelings and emotions like anybody else, and who don't have actual battle experience or a kill count. Uhm, every magician in the world is treated like a weapon. Some more than others, but all of them have had some experience with it. In the second episode Erika was talking about "helmet splitting" without batting an eyelash and what can crush a helmet can crush a skull. And Mizuki's and Shizuku's comments afterwords makes it clear that everyone is not a civilian. So this has been clear from the start. These are just some of the hints that the world in general, including Japan, is not a nice place. An example from this novel, when there guerrillas fired at Cardinal George, Tatsuya comments that they had been trained on how to handle being taken hostage. It was specifically said that Erika has killed people (which seems to have been part of her training). It hasn't been touched on in the series much, but the reason Kudou was afraid of magicians being "tossed out" of human society is because "witch" hunts are very common throughout the world (including the US) and Japan is ripe with "anti magic" hatred by most humans. So no, one doesn't have to have Tatsuya's treatment to be okay with killing. The characters with combat/ancient skills (Leo, Eriko, Miki, Mari, Mayumi and surprisingly Shizuku) have had to kill before, if only to learn how to defend themselves. I have said this countless times, but this world is not our world, it is an incredibly hostile place, which is why the idea this is anti-Chinese is stupid. Japan is not presented as being any better. Sapewloth said: In the case they do have a kill count (like Erika, if we go by what you said), then it should have been stated in the anime no matter what, cause that's fucking important. Now about Leo, I can't go with that justification because there is a gulf between "being ready to dirty your hands" and actually "dirtying your hands for real" (a.k.a kill somebody). So unless he's been there before, I can't buy that. Same for Mikihiko: a "bit of hesitation" doesn't really say much about his state of mind after the deed was done. Are you forgetting the casual comments when Miki first met Mizuki that if he had been the same a year earlier he would have basically kidnapped and raped her? And while I wish the animation captured Erika's blood lust a bit better (a couple of times in this novel Tatsuya has to stop himself from asking her: "why are you enjoying this so much"), it has certainly been implied. When the terrorists attacked the school, Erika ran to get weapons so she could fight, she was willing to face Saya's sword, was annoyed that she ended up not having much to do with Blanche (as with Leo), and basically forced her (and Leo's) way onto protecting Tatsuya for the hope of being able to fight. So to summarize. This is a "dog eat dog world", the Chinese are not bad because they know that if they don't level up with magic they will be eaten. Everyone, including the Japanese, butchered people in order to get more powerful magicians. That is the way this world is. The one real complaint from our Chinese friends is that Maya was raped, but think of what Miki said to Mizuki and you should realize that such things are common in Japan as well. Mahouka has no saints, and the great irony of this show is that the one person most committed to making the world a better place (if only for his sister) is the one person without emotions (which is a deliberate action on the part of the writer). |
Takuan_SohoSep 16, 2014 7:11 PM
Sep 16, 2014 7:22 PM
Takuan_Soho said: It hasn't been touched on in the series much, but the reason Kudou was afraid of magicians being "tossed out" of human society is because "witch" hunts are very common throughout the world (including the US) and Japan is ripe with "anti magic" hatred by most humans." For very good reason. What have magicians contributed to society in the past century in the Mahoukaverse if not war, chaos, and crimes against humanity? Maybe if you want mages to be treated a little better, go fukken lobby for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness or something? You guys got magic, ffs. You got leverage in the form of firepower. You can make a separate country just for mages if you wanted to. You can break free from your governments and do something productive like solving the problem of space travel. These mages are basically being all pissy after banning nuclear weapons to make themselves the new nuclear weapons and then wondering why the hell everyone is so anti-magic when all they've been doing is fueling war. All they have to do is say no. Unless there's some mage overseer selling their brethren to government, which I never heard of. Takuan_Soho said: So to summarize. This is a "dog eat dog world", the Chinese are not bad because they know that if they don't level up with magic they will be eaten. Everyone, including the Japanese, butchered people in order to get more powerful magicians. That is the way this world is. The one real complaint from our Chinese friends is that Maya was raped, but think of what Miki said to Mizuki and you should realize that such things are common in Japan as well. Mahouka has no saints, and the great irony of this show is that the one person most committed to making the world a better place (if only for his sister) is the one person without emotions (which is a deliberate action on the part of the writer). Do you even read the shit you write sometimes? First, there's experimental technology capable of matching or exceeding magic users at combat. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to read my reply to you in the Episode 19 thread, but I said there that no one should put their eggs into one basket; what you can't match in pure magic, you can definitely match in technological prowess. Just look at our experimental military hardware today. Extrapolate that into 2095. >The one real complaint from our Chinese friends This is a strawman. >think of what Miki said to Mizuki and you should realize that such things are common in Japan as well This is a non sequitur. And I dunno about you, but having to kill people for a living will take its toll on you, dog eat dog world or not. I'd even say our world is like that right now, especially in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. People who are trained for combat, to kill, have PSTD and live with weight of having killed another person. Not because they deserved it, but only that they ended up on opposing sides of a conflict. For these kids to not even feel the least bit remorseful is a sign that some severe brainwashing was done. Or Satou just can't write for shit. Just read this: |
wrenchbreadSep 16, 2014 7:26 PM
Sep 16, 2014 7:36 PM
wrenchbread said: Do you even read the shit you write sometimes? Mister Kettle I presume wrenchbread said: First, there's experimental technology capable of matching or exceeding magic users at combat. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to read my reply to you in the Episode 19 thread, but I said there that no one should put their eggs into one basket; Mr. Kettle may I suggest you read your own crap. The writer has already addressed your concern. Magic trumps science, because while science can exploit physical reality, magic can rewrite (in only temporarily, but temporarily is permanent if there is not a "base" to return to) that reality. That is a basic premise of this series. If you can't except it then DROP THE SHOW. Otherwise you are a stupid pathetic ass complaining that the Hobbit is bullshit because a dragon can't fly because of its air/speed velocity (ah, MP rules). Flaws, in fiction, never involve underlying assumptions, only the logic built on those assumptions. This series has stated its assumptions, so if you are going to judge then you have to judge accepting those assumptions. Otherwise you are only an ass. |
Sep 16, 2014 7:51 PM
Takuan_Soho said: Mr. Kettle may I suggest you read your own crap. The writer has already addressed your concern. Magic trumps science, because while science can exploit physical reality, magic can rewrite (in only temporarily, but temporarily is permanent if there is not a "base" to return to) that reality. That is a basic premise of this series. If you can't except it then DROP THE SHOW. Ah here we go. The "don't like it? drop it" line again. How about actually addressing the things I pointed out above regarding your fallacious comments and false equivalencies. The writer has already addressed your concern. Magic trumps science, because while science can exploit physical reality, magic can rewrite (in only temporarily, but temporarily is permanent if there is not a "base" to return to) that reality. Non sequitur. Due to the rarity of mages and the mass production of advanced tech comparable to magic, I'd say conventional tech wins out. Not to mention magic overuse is a thing and the only thing limiting military hardware is the operator. The operator doesn't have to be super awesome at what they do, as long as they can operate said hardware well. Comparable firepower designed to take down mages with large numbers is enough to keep mages in check. Otherwise you are a stupid pathetic ass complaining that the Hobbit is bullshit because a dragon can't fly because of its air/speed velocity (ah, MP rules). Flaws, in fiction, never involve underlying assumptions, only the logic built on those assumptions. This series has stated its assumptions, so if you are going to judge then you have to judge accepting those assumptions. Otherwise you are only an ass. So you prefer to ONLY consider the Watsonian perspective. I very much like to consider the Doylist perspective as well. You don't seem to get these are stories made by humans. Humans capable of error and delusions of grandeur. |
Sep 16, 2014 7:59 PM
As expected of Son of God Onii-sama, disintegrating bullets and trucks, slashing off limbs, etc... And now with the forehead kiss of Holy Miyuki, he's even more OP. Oh god, this episode was quite something, and looks like next one's gonna be fun as well. |
Sep 16, 2014 8:04 PM
wrenchbread said: For very good reason. What have magicians contributed to society in the past century in the Mahoukaverse if not war, chaos, and crimes against humanity? Maybe if you want mages to be treated a little better, go fukken lobby for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness or something? You guys got magic, ffs. You got leverage in the form of firepower. You can make a separate country just for mages if you wanted to. You can break free from your governments and do something productive like solving the problem of space travel. These mages are basically being all pissy after banning nuclear weapons to make themselves the new nuclear weapons and then wondering why the hell everyone is so anti-magic when all they've been doing is fueling war. All wow just wow. Ok first off it was regular old fashioned human beings that started WW3 and the magicians helped prevented it from leading to Nuclear weapons. That in and of itself is a HUGE plus. Oh and your missing a key fact here....magicians don't lead a nation to war that's the Elected officials who do that which btw ARENT magicians. That's like saying soldiers like war and want to go to war so they go to war when in fact its Kings/Presidents/ and Congress that send soldiers off to war. Also you fail to see what this arc was about.... making a clean sustainable energy source. Which would open the doors for magicians to work for the betterment of man w/o having to viewed as weapons. |
“How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain his health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born” ― Imam Ali as |
Sep 16, 2014 8:09 PM
odysseyrh said: wow just wow. Ok first off it was regular old fashioned human beings that started WW3 and the magicians helped prevented it from leading to Nuclear weapons. That in and of itself is a HUGE plus. Oh and your missing a key fact here....magicians don't lead a nation to war that's the Elected officials who do that which btw ARENT magicians. That's like saying soldiers like war and want to go to war so they go to war when in fact its Kings/Presidents/ and Congress that send soldiers off to war. Also you fail to see what this arc was about.... making a clean sustainable energy source. Which would open the doors for magicians to work for the betterment of man w/o having to viewed as weapons. Well, I'm sorry, I judge people based on their actions. Don't want to be viewed like weapons? Then stop acting like them. I already pointed out the great irony that mages banned nuclear weapons but essentially made themselves the new nuclear weapons. It's a new age of deterrence via magic. And it's the fact that they willing give themselves to the government to exploit their powers is the issue. The act of doing this fuels magic-related conflict for the foreseeable future. If they would just ban the use of magical warfare, you know, things might be slightly better. Hell, they banned nuclear weapons. |
Sep 17, 2014 12:04 AM
wrenchbread said: odysseyrh said: wow just wow. Ok first off it was regular old fashioned human beings that started WW3 and the magicians helped prevented it from leading to Nuclear weapons. That in and of itself is a HUGE plus. Oh and your missing a key fact here....magicians don't lead a nation to war that's the Elected officials who do that which btw ARENT magicians. That's like saying soldiers like war and want to go to war so they go to war when in fact its Kings/Presidents/ and Congress that send soldiers off to war. Also you fail to see what this arc was about.... making a clean sustainable energy source. Which would open the doors for magicians to work for the betterment of man w/o having to viewed as weapons. Well, I'm sorry, I judge people based on their actions. Don't want to be viewed like weapons? Then stop acting like them. I already pointed out the great irony that mages banned nuclear weapons but essentially made themselves the new nuclear weapons. It's a new age of deterrence via magic. And it's the fact that they willing give themselves to the government to exploit their powers is the issue. The act of doing this fuels magic-related conflict for the foreseeable future. If they would just ban the use of magical warfare, you know, things might be slightly better. Hell, they banned nuclear weapons. it was a two prong problem: in the beginning to prevent the magicians from being persecuted like in days of old it was imperative to make magicians vital to a nations national security. At first this wasn't a problem since 1) number of magicians to civilians was much smaller than it is "today" 2) comparatively 1 magician was equal to 1-2 platoons of troops at best. However as time pasted the strength of magicians steadily grew to were there are some that are "nuclear weapons". Some families, like the Yotsuba fully embraced the mindset of Magicians as weapons. But these magical deterrence class mages (Strategic Class) theres only about 50 of them. The number of mages that are weapons are quite small the problem is the stereotype. Normal people, especially in times of panic, assume that mages are weapons are there purpose is to serve normal humans. |
“How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain his health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born” ― Imam Ali as |
Sep 17, 2014 3:02 AM
Takuan_Soho said: wrenchbread said: Do you even read the shit you write sometimes? Mister Kettle I presume wrenchbread said: First, there's experimental technology capable of matching or exceeding magic users at combat. I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to read my reply to you in the Episode 19 thread, but I said there that no one should put their eggs into one basket; Mr. Kettle may I suggest you read your own crap. The writer has already addressed your concern. Magic trumps science, because while science can exploit physical reality, magic can rewrite (in only temporarily, but temporarily is permanent if there is not a "base" to return to) that reality. That is a basic premise of this series. If you can't except it then DROP THE SHOW. Otherwise you are a stupid pathetic ass complaining that the Hobbit is bullshit because a dragon can't fly because of its air/speed velocity (ah, MP rules). Flaws, in fiction, never involve underlying assumptions, only the logic built on those assumptions. This series has stated its assumptions, so if you are going to judge then you have to judge accepting those assumptions. Otherwise you are only an ass. I know, that you love this show but you should hold your horses and calm down. odysseyrh said: it was a two prong problem: in the beginning to prevent the magicians from being persecuted like in days of old it was imperative to make magicians vital to a nations national security. At first this wasn't a problem since 1) number of magicians to civilians was much smaller than it is "today" 2) comparatively 1 magician was equal to 1-2 platoons of troops at best. However as time pasted the strength of magicians steadily grew to were there are some that are "nuclear weapons". Some families, like the Yotsuba fully embraced the mindset of Magicians as weapons. But these magical deterrence class mages (Strategic Class) theres only about 50 of them. The number of mages that are weapons are quite small the problem is the stereotype. Normal people, especially in times of panic, assume that mages are weapons are there purpose is to serve normal humans. Sure magicians are exceeding other wepons, but they are easy to take down. Well trained Special Ops troop with high powered rifles and EMP grenades can win with almost any magician or group of them. |
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded. |
Sep 17, 2014 3:26 AM
Want to know why they were able to kill? That's simple. An anime can't adapt perfectly a book, it is in the novel. Before ascertaining the result, Tatsuya had already charged from where he hid behind the doorway. In a flash, he was already in the mobile forces' formation and waving both hands with a magic edge. The terrifying image of someone chopping through human flesh with their bare hands was all the more shocking because the magic being used remained a mystery. Thus, in comparison to their allies being shot, this scene terrorized the enemy even more. Despite their difficult situation owing to the inoperable rifles, the mobile forces initially still acted decisively and drew blades to engage, but their morale was completely crushed by the time the fifth person had been cut down. They watched Tatsuya with the same eyes they would use on a monster. He rejected long range magic attacks and intentionally opted for close quarters combat magic with its degree of risk not only to avoid letting his friends discover the truth behind his magic, but also to sow panic among his enemies. Being seen as the devil incarnate was precisely what Tatsuya wanted. On the flank of the irregular force whose morale was in tatters, a silver wind flew across with a speed that the eye could barely follow. Everywhere the wind passed over, blood and flesh flew as an enemy trooper died on the spot. The kodachi, nay, based on its length the weapon should be a wakizashi. The true image of the chilling silver wind was this short sword. Swapping her usual Weaponized Integrated CAD in the shape of a police baton for a wakizashi without the guard, Erika activated personal Speed-Type Magic and took aim at the mobile force's jugular. She, like Tatsuya, was not someone who hesitated when taking the life of an enemy. For her, this wasn't the first time. And besides that, someone like her who wielded a weapon designed to take life and trained in techniques to do so, she knew the dangers brought on by hesitation. Under the condition that the enemy seeks your life, any hesitation towards returning the favor in kind would be arrogant and foolish in the extreme. Erika was an ardent believer in this. Mikihiko also shared similar sentiments. Nurtured in a family whose values system over the generations considered magic to be a weapon, he had no delusions about the original purpose and usage of magic. "Tatsuya, Erika!" Hearing Mikihiko's voice from behind, both of them quickly sprang aside. What came from behind was the true wind. Sharp razor winds mercilessly tore through and eviscerated the soldiers' skin. After leaving the remnants of the enemy for the Magicians on duty to handle, Tatsuya and Erika returned to their companions for now. "There was no opportunity to do anything......" Tatsuya patted the gloomy Leo on the back in encouragement (to which Leo sullenly crouched), raised a thumbs up at Mikihiko before smiling slightly towards Honoka and Mizuki, who were plainly trying to resist their urge to retch and whose eyes bore traces of fear. "My apologies. This may be a little too extreme for you guys, Honoka." "—No, it's OK." Honoka firmly nodded her head, which was probably her affection at work. Regardless of the reason, keeping her composure deserved top marks. Fear or avoidance could wait until they have extricated themselves from this situation, those were Tatsuya's true feelings. "Mizuki?" "Ah...... I'm fine as well." Miyuki's soft question caused Mizuki's originally stiff expression to break into a smile. She was a smart girl. She fully understood that this wasn't a normal situation. You can notice the adaptation took liberties too, even Leo was a little scared by Tatsuya , Erika and Mikihiko's actions. Tatsuya tried to calm him and the others without combat experience who could have puked at anytime. Magic is sued mainly for war, even though a lot of magicians have no combat experience, they are still able to kill if their lives are threatened,right now, they are in this kind of situation. Anyone with common sense would defend himself in this situation, you want them to turn into emo kids in this kind of situation? Why do you think they chose magicians with actual combat experience as part of the guard personnel? Those who killed before are Tatsuya and Erika, I am not sure about Leo but his past his mysterious, it was probably Mikihiko's first kill too but he had no reason to hesitate. Anti magicians rifle are good but against magicians highly accustomed to fights they are not very useful, the fighters of First High can beat them with ease. |
Sep 17, 2014 4:09 AM
HomeAlone said: Magic is sued mainly for war, even though a lot of magicians have no combat experience, they are still able to kill if their lives are threatened,right now, they are in this kind of situation. Anyone with common sense would defend himself in this situation, you want them to turn into emo kids in this kind of situation? Why do you think they chose magicians with actual combat experience as part of the guard personnel? Those who killed before are Tatsuya and Erika, I am not sure about Leo but his past his mysterious, it was probably Mikihiko's first kill too but he had no reason to hesitate. If their life were threatened? Outcome of that battle was determined before Erika and Mikihiko entered it. What they did wasn't self-defence, but slaughter. Anti magicians rifle are good but against magicians highly accustomed to fights they are not very useful, the fighters of First High can beat them with ease. But those rifles combined with EMP grenades (to disable CADs) would not leave magician big chances to win. |
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded. |
Sep 17, 2014 4:14 AM
jakkubus said: HomeAlone said: Magic is sued mainly for war, even though a lot of magicians have no combat experience, they are still able to kill if their lives are threatened,right now, they are in this kind of situation. Anyone with common sense would defend himself in this situation, you want them to turn into emo kids in this kind of situation? Why do you think they chose magicians with actual combat experience as part of the guard personnel? Those who killed before are Tatsuya and Erika, I am not sure about Leo but his past his mysterious, it was probably Mikihiko's first kill too but he had no reason to hesitate. If their life were threatened? Outcome of that battle was determined before Erika and Mikihiko entered it. What they did wasn't self-defence, but slaughter. Anti magicians rifle are good but against magicians highly accustomed to fights they are not very useful, the fighters of First High can beat them with ease. But those rifles combined with EMP grenades (to disable CADs) would not leave magician big chances to win. Magic can still be cast without CAD'S >_> We've already been over this |
Sep 17, 2014 4:18 AM
Darklight0303 said: jakkubus said: HomeAlone said: Magic is sued mainly for war, even though a lot of magicians have no combat experience, they are still able to kill if their lives are threatened,right now, they are in this kind of situation. Anyone with common sense would defend himself in this situation, you want them to turn into emo kids in this kind of situation? Why do you think they chose magicians with actual combat experience as part of the guard personnel? Those who killed before are Tatsuya and Erika, I am not sure about Leo but his past his mysterious, it was probably Mikihiko's first kill too but he had no reason to hesitate. If their life were threatened? Outcome of that battle was determined before Erika and Mikihiko entered it. What they did wasn't self-defence, but slaughter. Anti magicians rifle are good but against magicians highly accustomed to fights they are not very useful, the fighters of First High can beat them with ease. But those rifles combined with EMP grenades (to disable CADs) would not leave magician big chances to win. Magic can still be cast without CAD'S >_> We've already been over this But a lot slower, so they would be much easier target. |
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded. |
Sep 17, 2014 4:49 AM
@HomeAlone then the anime fucked up pretty bad, cause it's not even a matter of taking liberties anymore, it's taking a scene that is supposed to be extremely important for our cast (cause in a world where they are seen and trained as weapons, how each of them reacts to a situation where they have no choice but to act as weapons is something that will help define them as characters), and make it into a borderline mundane action scene. Even with those flat ass faces, Leo's uneasiness could've been easily shown through a forced facial expression or voice acting in case the first option didn't work too well. Erika has bloodlust, someone said. Until that episode there was no way to know if it's really bloodlust or just generally liking to pick up a fight; because the latter is already a given, considering her tendency to get into a battle whenever there's one. BUT before this episode, all we've seen of them is fighting off bitches they didn't need to kill. And what we see here is her killing off evil Chinese and then switching back to her usual cocky self like she gets back into a role. Why? Does she just consider it some chore she has to get done, or is the act of killing so natural for her that it's no different than eating bread? Or could it be that she actually enjoys killing? In any of those cases, why wasn't it clearly shown to us, viewers? Miki's case is a problem in both the VN and the anime, judging from what I've read: it's his first kill, ffs. It's a big fucking deal. It matters! That there's no time for hesitation is one thing, but that it's not even touched upon afterwards is not acceptable. Takuan_Soho said: Uhm, every magician in the world is treated like a weapon. Some more than others, but all of them have had some experience with it. I'm sorry, but this was never said nor ever hinted at. What the show has been hammering us with is the fact that Tatsuya is a super special case, but certainly not that by the age of 15 all the highschoolers in the country have had actual combat experience. If that's the case, then it should've been fucking said out loud, because again, there is a gulf between "being trained to kill" and actually killing. Takuan_Soho said: But that's exactly why I have so much problems with this show. I ain't living in the Mahoukaverse, and thus I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to mean. Why was it brushed aside and treated like a joke?Are you forgetting the casual comments when Miki first met Mizuki that if he had been the same a year earlier he would have basically kidnapped and raped her? Why did Mikihiko even say something like that: what need did he have to rape her since he just wanted her eyes? Why did he go from juvenile wannabe rapist to shy harem lead? The fact that none of these questions were actually adressed is what's baffling. Even working with "assumptions" like you say, there's no way to know what that means exactly unless the show tells us (which it of course never does). Anyway, if Mikihiko was a molester scumbag when he was younger has barely a thing to do with whether or not he'd be able to kill. Both being bad actions doesn't make them similar in any way, shape or form. I don't give af that "Japan is not a place" or that it's "dog eat dog world": that we've known since episode X. I don't give af that Maya or whoever the fuck was raped. What my problem is, it's that you have a genetically enhanced Tatsuya that acts like a robot, and actual human beings who act the exact same way. Why? What's the point of a world full of Tatsuyas where everyone just wrecks shit and makes rape threats? Why point is there to watch a show where the characters all act as one single entity, where all traces of individuality are inexistant? What's even the point of slapping some visible character quirks or traits to a few of them if when you scratched the surface, you see that they're all working and thinking the same way? Why would one care about any of these characters, when the author doesn't even treat them as people? |
SapewlothSep 17, 2014 5:02 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now! Kellhus said: GuusWayne said: there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat. |
Sep 17, 2014 5:01 AM
Sapewloth said: @HomeAlone then the anime fucked up pretty bad, cause it's not even a matter of taking liberties anymore, it's taking a scene that is supposed to be extremely important for our cast (cause in a world where they are seen and trained as weapons, how each of them reacts to a situation where they have no choice but to act as weapons is what defines them as characters), and make it into a borderline mundane action scene. Even with those flat ass faces, Leo's uneasiness could've been easily shown through a forced facial expression or voice acting in case the first option didn't work too well. Erika has bloodlust, someone said. Until that time there's no way to if it's really bloodlust or just generally liking to pick up a fight; because the latter is already a given, considering her tendency to get into a battle whenever there's one. BUT before this episode, all we've seen of them is fighting off bitches they didn't need to kill. And what we see here is her killing off evil Chinese and then switching back to her usual cocky self like she gets back into a role. Why? Does she just consider it some chore she has to get done, or is the act of killing so natural for her that it's no different than eating bread? Or could it be that she actually enjoys killing? In any of those cases, why wasn't it clearly shown to us, viewers? Miki's case is a problem in both the VN and the anime, judging from what I've read: it's his first kill, ffs. It's a big fucking deal. It matters! That there's no time for hesitation is one thing, but that it's not even touched upon afterwards is not acceptable. Takuan_Soho said: Uhm, every magician in the world is treated like a weapon. Some more than others, but all of them have had some experience with it. I'm sorry, but this was never said nor ever hinted at. What the show has been hammering us with is the fact that Tatsuya is a super special case, but certainly not that by the age of 15 all the highschoolers in the country have had actual combat experience. If that's the case, then it should've been fucking said out loud, because again, there is a gulf between "being trained to kill" and actually killing. Takuan_Soho said: But that's exactly why I have so much problems with this show. I ain't living in the Mahoukaverse, and thus I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to mean. Why was it brushed aside and treated like a joke?Are you forgetting the casual comments when Miki first met Mizuki that if he had been the same a year earlier he would have basically kidnapped and raped her? Why did Mikihiko even say something like that: what need did he have to rape her since he just wanted her eyes? Why did he go from juvenile wannabe rapist to shy harem lead? The fact that none of these questions were actually adressed is what's baffling. Even working with "assumptions" like you say, there's no way to know what that means exactly unless the show tells us (which it of course never does). Anyway, if Mikihiko was a molester scumbag when he was younger has barely a thing to do with whether or not he'd be able to kill. Both being bad actions doesn't make them similar in any way, shape or form. I don't give af that "Japan is not a place" or that it's "dog eat dog world": that we've known since episode X. I don't give af that Maya or whoever the fuck was raped. What my problem is, it's that you have a genetically enhanced Tatsuya that acts like a robot, and actual human beings who act the exact same way. Why? What's the point of a world full of Tatsuyas where everyone just wrecks shit and makes rape threats? Why point is there to watch a show where the characters all act as one single entity, where all traces of individuality are inexistant? What's even the point of slapping some visible character quirks or traits to a few of them if when you scratched the surface, you see that they're all working and thinking the same way? Why would one care about any of these characters, when the author doesn't even treat them as people? There is so much wrong in this post.... |
Sep 17, 2014 5:02 AM
Darklight0303 said: Reply then. I'm not even trying to pick a fight. I'm mostly just asking questions.There is so much wrong in this post.... But if you think asking questions is wrong, then I don't know what the fuck to say to you. Now if you have anything other than uninspired one-liners to share with me, I'd be glad to read your enlightened opinion on the subject. |
SapewlothSep 17, 2014 5:14 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now! Kellhus said: GuusWayne said: there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat. |
Sep 17, 2014 5:57 AM
Darklight0303 said: Takuan_Soho said: But that's exactly why I have so much problems with this show. I ain't living in the Mahoukaverse, and thus I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to mean. Why was it brushed aside and treated like a joke?Are you forgetting the casual comments when Miki first met Mizuki that if he had been the same a year earlier he would have basically kidnapped and raped her? Why did Mikihiko even say something like that: what need did he have to rape her since he just wanted her eyes? I guess it isn't so much that he wanted the eyes themselves, but that he would've wanted a kid of his lineage (you know, with his abilities) with those eyes. Considering how he said it, that was pretty much implied (no reason to mention that word otherwise). |
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife! -- Lord fifth |
Sep 17, 2014 6:24 AM
@Sapewloth, on why Miki would have had the ''need' to rape if he just wanted her eyes. Well, I haven't seen any magic that would make him "install" her eyes in his. Mahoukaverse is a very "bloodline" is important world, people want to increase the power of their family. Since Miki's family uses ancient spirits and Mizuki has ''spirit-seeing-eyes" I guess he would rape her to make an heir that combines these traits. Would greatly benefit his family. As to why he went from that to shy Miki, he was always shy Miki in story, due to his magic being broken and that affecting him psychologically. He just stated that he'd rape her if he was unbroken, but his current self wouldn't do that, so there's no change. And my guess is he said something so...well..unconventional because the psycho damage from broken magic has made him quite weak in communicating. |
Sep 17, 2014 7:29 AM
Ah okay, I thought transplantation was no big deal in Mahoukaverse (guess I got a bit too used to seeing ninjas gouge each others' eyes out in Naruto). Well, even though we could blame his social awarkdness for that sentence, it's still a very fucked up thing to say to anyone ("unconventional" being quite the understatement, if you ask me). Which makes me wonder if it's socially acceptable to say something like that in this world, or in the case it's not, why was there a total lack of reaction from Mizuki who was threatened, or even Tatsuya who was there. |
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now! Kellhus said: GuusWayne said: there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat. |
Sep 17, 2014 7:35 AM
Well, the wording is a bit...well unconventional and confusing, no one can blame the viewers when they see that way. What I get from Mikihiko's lines was that he would boldly offer Mizuki to study Ancient Magic under him so that he could have make use of her eyes (of course, making children is not completely out of the question LOL) and further his ancient magic study. This is pretty much similar to what Erikia did, she taught Leo how to properly use the sword, thus Technically making Leo the First Disciple of the Eldest Daughter of the Chiba Family (although Erika did not do that for fame or swordsmanship study or anything, she just want Leo to get stronger) . Erika could do that because she has already been recognized as an instructor at the Chiba's dojo (she oversee Mari's graduation). If Mikihiko did make Mizuki his disciple or some sort, no one would be able to approach her the eyes as she had become the student under a son of the renowned Yoshida family. However, Mikihiko has lost touch of his power due to some accident in the past; thus any action from him wouldn't hold any credibility |
Sep 17, 2014 8:38 AM
@Darklight0303 "I'm sorry, but this was never said nor ever hinted at. What the show has been hammering us with is the fact that Tatsuya is a super special case, but certainly not that by the age of 15 all the highschoolers in the country have had actual combat experience. If that's the case, then it should've been fucking said out loud, because again, there is a gulf between "being trained to kill" and actually killing." umm yea about that they did nerf this a bit but it was touched on. Remember the conversation between Kirihara and Hattori in the NSC arc as they got off the bus? Kirihara makes mention to the fact that Tatsuya aura is like that of someone who has killed and Hattori found that to be suprising/rare As for the original comment that made you make your reply.... I don't think it occurred in the LNs that have been adapted to anime how in the LN that follows this adapted arc there is a scene that shows just that. Regular humans viewing and treating mages as if they are weapons. |
“How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain his health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born” ― Imam Ali as |
Sep 17, 2014 8:39 AM
odysseyrh said: @Darklight0303 "I'm sorry, but this was never said nor ever hinted at. What the show has been hammering us with is the fact that Tatsuya is a super special case, but certainly not that by the age of 15 all the highschoolers in the country have had actual combat experience. If that's the case, then it should've been fucking said out loud, because again, there is a gulf between "being trained to kill" and actually killing." umm yea about that they did nerf this a bit but it was touched on. Remember the conversation between Kirihara and Hattori in the NSC arc as they got off the bus? Kirihara makes mention to the fact that Tatsuya aura is like that of someone who has killed and Hattori found that to be suprising/rare As for the original comment that made you make your reply.... I don't think it occurred in the LNs that have been adapted to anime how in the LN that follows this adapted arc there is a scene that shows just that. Regular humans viewing and treating mages as if they are weapons. Uhhh quoting the wrong person bro |
Sep 17, 2014 9:27 AM
Sapewloth said: @HomeAlone then the anime fucked up pretty bad, cause it's not even a matter of taking liberties anymore, it's taking a scene that is supposed to be extremely important for our cast (cause in a world where they are seen and trained as weapons, how each of them reacts to a situation where they have no choice but to act as weapons is something that will help define them as characters), and make it into a borderline mundane action scene. The entire anime in a nutshell. Mahouka is not a good LN to adapt because it is heavy in details and have a lot of long length explanation about how the world and magic functions. If you think that this scene was fucked up pretty bad then I'll tell you it was one of the most correctly adapted scene in the entire anime. That just show how fucked up this adaptation is. For a LN reader that already read the volumes it's fine, we can easily fill the holes the anime left but for someone who never read the LN I can easily understand how this is a terrible experience. |
Sep 17, 2014 9:37 AM
Shangetsu said: Sapewloth said: @HomeAlone then the anime fucked up pretty bad, cause it's not even a matter of taking liberties anymore, it's taking a scene that is supposed to be extremely important for our cast (cause in a world where they are seen and trained as weapons, how each of them reacts to a situation where they have no choice but to act as weapons is something that will help define them as characters), and make it into a borderline mundane action scene. The entire anime in a nutshell. Mahouka is not a good LN to adapt because it is heavy in details and have a lot of long length explanation about how the world and magic functions. If you think that this scene was fucked up pretty bad then I'll tell you it was one of the most correctly adapted scene in the entire anime. That just show how fucked up this adaptation is. For a LN reader that already read the volumes it's fine, we can easily fill the holes the anime left but for someone who never read the LN I can easily understand how this is a terrible experience. If it was correctly adapted scene, then I think it's rather opposite. It means, that the source material itself is the thing, that is fucked up the most. |
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded. |
Sep 17, 2014 10:37 AM
It looks like things are about to get ugly and the bad guys are going to attack, but fret not, Onii-sama is here B| Holy crap!!! All praise our Lord and Savior, the one and only Onii-sama!!! Cut the guys arm like it was a piece of pie and Miyuki casually removed the bloodstains off his uniform... Ah, so they have a new Student Council President eh, unless I've missed the part where she received the function and title XD. A-chan's magic was rather interesting to be honest. LOL, Onii-sama and his friends sure killed those guys like they were a band of mercenaries and not high school students, they really didn't mind chopping off limbs or cutting them in half, I guess it would be normal if you had to protect your friends and family. Onii-sama sure made that truck or w/e it was vanish and Mayumi noticed that something is off with him. Hahahaha, getting to see everyone's faces and reactions when they heard about Tatsuya's special officer rank was priceless XD. Sacre mother effin bleu! A kiss on his forehead, Onii-sama scores once again. Onii-sama limiter unlocked... even more total badass mode engaged! |
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall." |
Sep 17, 2014 10:44 AM
jakkubus said: If it was correctly adapted scene, then I think it's rather opposite. It means, that the source material itself is the thing, that is fucked up the most. For someone who didn't actually read the LN's properly and admitted to just scanning thru some volumes,yeah I'll take your statements seriously :p |
Sep 17, 2014 11:25 AM
jakkubus said: Shangetsu said: Sapewloth said: @HomeAlone then the anime fucked up pretty bad, cause it's not even a matter of taking liberties anymore, it's taking a scene that is supposed to be extremely important for our cast (cause in a world where they are seen and trained as weapons, how each of them reacts to a situation where they have no choice but to act as weapons is something that will help define them as characters), and make it into a borderline mundane action scene. The entire anime in a nutshell. Mahouka is not a good LN to adapt because it is heavy in details and have a lot of long length explanation about how the world and magic functions. If you think that this scene was fucked up pretty bad then I'll tell you it was one of the most correctly adapted scene in the entire anime. That just show how fucked up this adaptation is. For a LN reader that already read the volumes it's fine, we can easily fill the holes the anime left but for someone who never read the LN I can easily understand how this is a terrible experience. If it was correctly adapted scene, then I think it's rather opposite. It means, that the source material itself is the thing, that is fucked up the most. I never meant to say that this scene was 'correctly adapted' but that compared to the others it was one of the 'less worst'. |
Sep 17, 2014 1:24 PM
Good episode, I liked how they animated the way he decomposed the bullets. At least it won't leave the anime-only viewer too confused. They didn't censored the blood, good job again, Madhouse. Next episode should be full of action, and as some people here said, I hope they won't cut Erika's part. |
Sep 17, 2014 1:45 PM
Comparing to the light novel, how far are we into the series? |
"Hi!" |
Sep 17, 2014 1:51 PM
Still wondering why I am watching this, but this episode was by far the best and worst in one and I still can't comprehend /how/ they managed to do this. First off the bullet scene was quite nice. Heck, impressive and very well done. The action scenes generally. The content of this episode made me rather laugh or bash my head against the desk. The whole thing had some problems with the ~flow~. It felt like watching cutscenes in a video game without actually playing it. Stuff just..happen. I don't mean the story itself, but idk how the episode went on idk how to explain it but it really bugged me. I still feel like reading a very bad fanfiction written by a 13year old. Except the science/magic stuff, which is impressive and really really detailed and I LOVE it. But I'm the person who spends most of her time in the elder scrolls games with reading books so... I really wish the characters were .. well...interesting. The designs were really good and appealing, but yeah idk i thought that OPness will fade over time. BUT I'm pumped for Godtsuya !! And more Gakupo pls I like that one I hope he's OP too. |
Sep 17, 2014 2:27 PM
Mikatarukito said: Comparing to the light novel, how far are we into the series? The anime is done with vol 7, ch 10. |
konatachan80Sep 17, 2014 3:35 PM
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife! -- Lord fifth |
Sep 17, 2014 3:33 PM
Mikatarukito said: Comparing to the light novel, how far are we into the series? Dropped after first volume. |
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded. |
Sep 17, 2014 3:41 PM
jakkubus said: Mikatarukito said: Comparing to the light novel, how far are we into the series? Dropped after first volume. No one asked you |
Sep 17, 2014 6:06 PM
Sapewloth said: I'm sorry, but this was never said nor ever hinted at. What the show has been hammering us with is the fact that Tatsuya is a super special case, but certainly not that by the age of 15 all the highschoolers in the country have had actual combat experience. I didn't say that they all had combat experience, I said that they all had experience being treated like weapons, which has been said countless times from the very first episode. Plus are you forgetting a certain terrorist attack on the school? Or that Japan has been invaded twice in the past 5 years (make that 3 times now, and that is all we know of)? So do you think these kids wouldn't have been trained to handle these situations? But I see you pay as much attention to what people write as you do to the actual show. UltraZulwarn said: Well, the wording is a bit...well unconventional and confusing, no one can blame the viewers when they see that way. What I get from Mikihiko's lines was that he would boldly offer Mizuki to study Ancient Magic under him so that he could have make use of her eyes No. He definitely stated he would have seized her with force. I am only emphasizing this because it was another reference about how things behind the scenes are not all fun and games. Other indications are that the 9SC games are for the most part militaryesque games (Monolith, Pillar Break, Shooting) and the games are being held at a military base (while you have to know a little bit about Japan to know that the main JSDF training base is near Mt Fuji (it is referenced in countless animation like GnP, and even back in the 80's with Patlabor), they did mention that the hotel was a military hotel). Of course the novels drive this point home better than the animation, but it isn't like the animation doesn't give us more than enough points for us to be able to see the conclusion. I have said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating, the Japanese as a culture don't spell things out for people, they like to imply things and then expect the viewer or reader to be able to put the pieces together. It's a frustrating, but also, interesting thing about their movies, books, poems and yes animation. |
Sep 17, 2014 6:22 PM
Haruka-SD said: I still feel like reading a very bad fanfiction written by a 13year old....I really wish the characters were .. well...interesting. The designs were really good and appealing, but yeah idk i thought that OPness will fade over time. BUT I'm pumped for Godtsuya !! And more Gakupo pls I like that one I hope he's OP too. While the characters are more interesting in the novels and that I think Madhouse has done a bad job at showing their characteristics (Erika in particular, also Miyuki), this series is more a "setting" series than a "character" series. As for the OPness, I suggest rewatching episode 16 where Fujibayashi and the Sensei are talking: basically Tatsuya is like a professional football player playing against high school students. This is one of those details that sort of got mentioned but wasn't developed enough. Basically there are only 50 magicians of Tatsuya's rank in the world, only 13 of them are publicly known (they are known as the 13 apostles, the rest are kept classified), but as a class they are known as "Strategic Magicians." So until Tatsuya faces a magician of equal rank who KNOWS that he is a Strategic Magician, he has a great advantage over his opponents. |
Sep 17, 2014 11:13 PM
Takuan_Soho said: Haruka-SD said: I still feel like reading a very bad fanfiction written by a 13year old....I really wish the characters were .. well...interesting. The designs were really good and appealing, but yeah idk i thought that OPness will fade over time. BUT I'm pumped for Godtsuya !! And more Gakupo pls I like that one I hope he's OP too. While the characters are more interesting in the novels and that I think Madhouse has done a bad job at showing their characteristics (Erika in particular, also Miyuki), this series is more a "setting" series than a "character" series. As for the OPness, I suggest rewatching episode 16 where Fujibayashi and the Sensei are talking: basically Tatsuya is like a professional football player playing against high school students. This is one of those details that sort of got mentioned but wasn't developed enough. Basically there are only 50 magicians of Tatsuya's rank in the world, only 13 of them are publicly known (they are known as the 13 apostles, the rest are kept classified), but as a class they are known as "Strategic Magicians." So until Tatsuya faces a magician of equal rank who KNOWS that he is a Strategic Magician, he has a great advantage over his opponents. that is why rewatching the series is recommended. i just figure out i missed a lot of stuff the first time i watched it |
Sep 18, 2014 1:12 AM
@Takuan_ Considering my problem was related to the fact that it was the first time for us seeing these highschoolers (Tatsuya non included ofc) dirty their hands "for real" and that their reaction simply boiled down to "kk moving on" rather than to how well trained for such occasions they were, you needing to bring up again that most of the students have had some form of training to deal with those kind of situations was completely unnecessary. Heck, I even wrote right after that that the lack of emphasis on a important moment for the cast ("who've been seen and raised as weapons and have to become weapons to kill") was what I found ridiculous. So I assumed you were talking about something else. Thanks for your concern tho, I'm paying as much attention as this show allows me to. @odysseyrh Yeah, I do remember that scene. But doesn't it actually serve to confirm the fact that Tatsu really is a special case and that students in his situation (those who already have a killcount) are more the exception than the rule? |
SapewlothSep 19, 2014 12:17 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now! Kellhus said: GuusWayne said: there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat. |
Sep 18, 2014 1:28 AM
The anime keeps getting better and better. Nice action in this episode |
Sep 18, 2014 3:41 AM
Takuan_Soho said: Haruka-SD said: I still feel like reading a very bad fanfiction written by a 13year old....I really wish the characters were .. well...interesting. The designs were really good and appealing, but yeah idk i thought that OPness will fade over time. BUT I'm pumped for Godtsuya !! And more Gakupo pls I like that one I hope he's OP too. While the characters are more interesting in the novels and that I think Madhouse has done a bad job at showing their characteristics (Erika in particular, also Miyuki), this series is more a "setting" series than a "character" series. As for the OPness, I suggest rewatching episode 16 where Fujibayashi and the Sensei are talking: basically Tatsuya is like a professional football player playing against high school students. This is one of those details that sort of got mentioned but wasn't developed enough. Basically there are only 50 magicians of Tatsuya's rank in the world, only 13 of them are publicly known (they are known as the 13 apostles, the rest are kept classified), but as a class they are known as "Strategic Magicians." So until Tatsuya faces a magician of equal rank who KNOWS that he is a Strategic Magician, he has a great advantage over his opponents. Well I did got that he is some super special agent, that wouldn't be the problem at all. It's just idk like watching a secretary do work. He does everything fine and not much ever happens that can't be resolved in a few minutes. A thing which bothers me is that nearly everyone adores him regardless of what. I mean when he killed the guy with the gun everyone still talked to him noramlly after the 'light shock'. If I would witness that one of my friends from class is able to kill and has the skill to do so I would be cautious or demand an explanation or idk /react/ to that in anyway. Wether it was a terrorist or not. In the anime it was like *shock* *shock over* *back to normal*. They /were/ "raised as weapons" but still it is a normal reacton to question why it was so easy to murder someone calmly like a daily task when this person just got into high school to start his training. You might be right that this is a "setting series", but regardless my opinion stands: Tatsuya and Miyuki were first and everything around them was fabricated so that it's convenient for them. Tatsuya himself is like a game char with every cheat enabled. Not compared to other characters but compared to the whole universe this story take place in, he is OP. Since we didn't saw anything from the "Strategic Magicians" or at least not in full action I can't compare MC to them. |
Sep 18, 2014 4:57 AM
Haruka-SD said: A thing which bothers me is that nearly everyone adores him regardless of what. I mean when he killed the guy with the gun everyone still talked to him noramlly after the 'light shock'. If I would witness that one of my friends from class is able to kill and has the skill to do so I would be cautious or demand an explanation or idk /react/ to that in anyway. Wether it was a terrorist or not. In the anime it was like *shock* *shock over* *back to normal*. They /were/ "raised as weapons" but still it is a normal reacton to question why it was so easy to murder someone calmly like a daily task when this person just got into high school to start his training. Does this mean that if you were in that situation, then you would've nagged the one that saved your butt...because of curiosity? Wouldn't that be a really big waste of time etc, when time is something you really don't have enough of? According to the LN at least two were less than ok at that point. "Tatsuya patted the gloomy Leo on the back in encouragement (to which Leo sullenly crouched), raised a thumbs up at Mikihiko before smiling slightly towards Honoka and Mizuki, who were plainly trying to resist their urge to retch and whose eyes bore traces of fear." ... "He intentionally changed the topic to an unimportant one to give the two of them time to settle down." |
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife! -- Lord fifth |
Sep 18, 2014 5:27 AM
first off, I don't read the LN and it wasn't clear in the anime so how should I know what they are feeling if they aren't showing that ?? secondly. They might saved my life and I would be thankful for this, no doubt. But imagine you met a guy in school and hang out with him and you think he's neat and stuff, but like an ordinary guy and your school gets attacked and while you don't know what you should do in this situation your new friend just kills the attacker like it's everyday business. I'm pretty sure you would freak out too. Me for my part would want to know if it's save around them or not. You don't know where and why he can kill so easily. I would demand answers to be sure that he's not some maniac killer in secret or belongs to the mafia whatever possibilities there are. You know I couldn't rest next to such guy if I didn't knew a few things about him. Okay I would not demand. I would ask politely if he wants to tell us about that since I'm pretty sure I'd shit my pants twice if someone attacked my school and I'd definately would not pick a fight with someone who could be potentially dangerous. Depending on his answer I would remain friends or avoid im after the situation. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. I would be freaking out after I saw someone get killed that's the thing. None of the chars really had any reaction to the dead guy but rather "wow Tatsuya how u did thing? so awesome". |
Sep 18, 2014 5:38 AM
Haruka-SD said: first off, I don't read the LN and it wasn't clear in the anime so how should I know what they are feeling if they aren't showing that ?? secondly. They might saved my life and I would be thankful for this, no doubt. But imagine you met a guy in school and hang out with him and you think he's neat and stuff, but like an ordinary guy and your school gets attacked and while you don't know what you should do in this situation your new friend just kills the attacker like it's everyday business. I'm pretty sure you would freak out too. Me for my part would want to know if it's save around them or not. You don't know where and why he can kill so easily. I would demand answers to be sure that he's not some maniac killer in secret or belongs to the mafia whatever possibilities there are. You know I couldn't rest next to such guy if I didn't knew a few things about him. Okay I would not demand. I would ask politely if he wants to tell us about that since I'm pretty sure I'd shit my pants twice if someone attacked my school and I'd definately would not pick a fight with someone who could be potentially dangerous. Depending on his answer I would remain friends or avoid im after the situation. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. I would be freaking out after I saw someone get killed that's the thing. None of the chars really had any reaction to the dead guy but rather "wow Tatsuya how u did thing? so awesome". Personally I would wait until AFTER the miniature war is over before asking any question >_> |
Sep 18, 2014 5:41 AM
Haruka-SD said: ... True, I probably would react somehow, but like those I probably would've liked to keep my mouth shut (at least until a better time). Btw, I assume that not just anyone can be a student at that school, hence it wouldn't be that unlikely if someone had some battle experience (real or not). I guess they also has some idea about what is a good time to question someone or not. |
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife! -- Lord fifth |
Sep 18, 2014 5:56 AM
yeah I wouldn't ask during battle but probably while still in the hall for a short explanation. "I work for the military" would be enough to know where I stand and where HE stands until things calmed down. I would feel restless and distracting without knowing, I hope you u nderstand what I try to explain^^ Well Erika (?? red hair girl ??) had some combat skills and a "killing move" and class rep is head of some family thing that has influence. So I'm sure they are kinda prepare for battle and know they might have to kill someday, but it's a whole different thing to know something and experience it. |
Sep 18, 2014 6:01 AM
Haruka-SD said: yeah I wouldn't ask during battle but probably while still in the hall for a short explanation. "I work for the military" would be enough to know where I stand and where HE stands until things calmed down. I would feel restless and distracting without knowing, I hope you u nderstand what I try to explain^^ Well Erika (?? red hair girl ??) had some combat skills and a "killing move" and class rep is head of some family thing that has influence. So I'm sure they are kinda prepare for battle and know they might have to kill someday, but it's a whole different thing to know something and experience it. Then there's the crimson prince. |
Sep 18, 2014 6:02 AM
Damn this episode was awesome. |
Sep 18, 2014 6:06 AM
Ah right, Suzaku did kill. And they showed in the flashbacks that he didn't coped well with it if I remember correctly. I keep forgetting about the other schools. There's not much hope since there are only two episodes left, but I would like to learn a bit more about them. First High seem to be quite elite so I wonder what kind of students the others accept. Might pick up the LN if I get more involved in this thing. The world is truly exciting and I just love overly complex fictional universerses. |
Sep 18, 2014 6:19 AM
Haruka-SD said: Ah right, Suzaku did kill. And they showed in the flashbacks that he didn't coped well with it if I remember correctly. I keep forgetting about the other schools. There's not much hope since there are only two episodes left, but I would like to learn a bit more about them. First High seem to be quite elite so I wonder what kind of students the others accept. Might pick up the LN if I get more involved in this thing. The world is truly exciting and I just love overly complex fictional universerses. You will, Masaki and George are the only ones who matter at 3rd high though. One of Masaki scene could actually satisfy the watchers who would like to see magicians reluctant to kill. |
Sep 18, 2014 6:39 AM
With only two episodes left and the conflict still unresolved I don't know how much we could learn about the other schools in this time. You mean the flashbacks during the school tournament? Or are we going to see more Suzaku and George in the last two episodes? (I hope so) |
rodacSep 18, 2014 6:47 PM
Sep 18, 2014 7:03 AM
Haruka-SD said: With only two episodes left and the conflict still unresolved I don't know how much we could learn about the other schools in this time. You mean the flashbacks during the school tournament? Or are we going to see more Suzaku and George in the last two episodes? (I hope so) There are more informations about the other schools thanks to the info dump but there are vague, 3rd high has a better treatment than the others though but the main information is that it is a combat focused school. There is a side story about the duo after their losses at the nine school competition in volume 5, the volume which was skipped in the anime. Both will appear in the next episode but it will be mainly Masaki, because George is not really a fighter. |
rodacSep 18, 2014 6:48 PM
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