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Sep 14, 2014 1:13 PM
Dec 2013
Since I was a kid I always dreamed about becoming a professional mangaka and living only for the art. I drew my first manga nearly 15 years ago at the age of 9 and eventhough it wasnt very well drawn, I received positive critics from people I know (not only my family members lol). My teacher always taught me to work on it so she could see my "comics" one day in her local library. Eventhough I think that its quite impossible to reach Odas or Toriyamas level of popularity, I want to try my best to live my dream one day. But the problem is, Im not from Japan and there are barely any manga contests around here so its way harder for me to make my manga popular. Im currently working on a manga and no lie, its quite good and now it looks professional, unlike the one from 15 years ago :D ( its a shounen manga, with less gore and a complex plot...and very dramatic...its like if you mix Elfen Lied with Naruto lol ). So my question is...are there any professional mangaka here and could you help me? How can I make my manga popular? I would be grateful for some good advices..thx a lot
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 14, 2014 1:14 PM
Jul 2018
mangaka? like a cartoonist?
Sep 14, 2014 1:15 PM

Mar 2014
Please refer to all the other threads of people like you where we destroy you're dream because of the simple fact that you aren't Japanese.
Sep 14, 2014 1:15 PM
Mar 2014
Get better taste first, lest you start attempting to produce more garbage.
Sep 14, 2014 1:16 PM

Dec 2012
Why would a professional mangaka browse a site like this..
Sep 14, 2014 1:16 PM

Nov 2012
I don't think you're gonna find a professional mangaka here so easily.
Sep 14, 2014 1:17 PM
Mar 2014
tsudecimo said:
Why would a professional mangaka browse a site like this..
*A potential professional mangaka.
Sep 14, 2014 1:17 PM

Dec 2013
Well good luck with your aspirations. Hopefully you won't give into pressure and abandon your childhood dream.
Sep 14, 2014 1:18 PM

Jul 2011
why would you create something similar to elfen lied
Sep 14, 2014 1:18 PM

Jan 2014
Have fun then I guess.

Sep 14, 2014 1:18 PM

Apr 2014
I'm pretty good with paint. I know how to make circles and shit and fill them in with colours.
A stupid thread deserves a stupid answer!
Sep 14, 2014 1:18 PM
Dec 2013
Immahnoob said:

No what? xD

tsudecimo said:
Why would a professional mangaka browse a site like this..

I wasnt thinking about someone like Kishimoto or Oda, just someone who had some experience in this business.

SovietStrawberry said:
Get better taste first, lest you start attempting to produce more garbage.

How to get a better taste? And how can I even know if my taste is good/bad?

Supercolin said:
mangaka? like a cartoonist?

mangaka = someone who draws manga and sells volumes of it

laldonkaments said:
Give up

Never. Nice try tho
Sep 14, 2014 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
Wikipedia says mangaka is the Japanese word for a comic artist or cartoonist.
Sep 14, 2014 1:22 PM
Dec 2013
Bunnay said:
I'm pretty good with paint. I know how to make circles and shit and fill them in with colours.


Astros477 said:
Well good luck with your aspirations. Hopefully you won't give into pressure and abandon your childhood dream.

ty <3

marriage said:
why would you create something similar to elfen lied

Its not really like Elfen Lied, but I cant think of any other manga Ive read which is similar to my work.
Sep 14, 2014 1:22 PM

Feb 2014
Unless you are Japanese your chance of breaking into that market are as close to zero as it gets. For every weeaboo dweeb that draws manga outside of Japan, there are at least two virgins in Japan trying to succeed at it.
Sep 14, 2014 1:23 PM

Dec 2012
Unless you move to Japan, I don't see how this dream of yours can happen. And even if we assume you are committed enough to move there, very few mangaka actually get to have their works serialized.

I highly recommend watching Bakuman. It will give you more insight on mangaka and the manga industry.

And this guy should be your hero:
Sep 14, 2014 1:23 PM

Dec 2013
Passion that other people don't have scares them, don't let the people here (you know, the MAL community that gave Elfen Lied a 8,3 and Naruto a 8,14) get you down with their pretending act of finding those two to be "bad taste", if they hated those two so much they wouldn't give them such high scores.

Got no idea how you should go around trying to publish your work to the widest audience possible, asking around here though is not a good idea, you don't want to have it as part of your legacy that your humble beginnings with publishing your manga involved asking people on MAL how to do it.
Sep 14, 2014 1:23 PM
Mar 2014
HxH_fan said:
SovietStrawberry said:
Get better taste first, lest you start attempting to produce more garbage.

How to get a better taste? And how can I even know if my taste is good/bad?
All you've got to do to know is look at your chosen username. A step to improve it would be to not attempt at making a mix of Elfen Lied with Naruto.

I have done my part, now go forth child, mediocrity awaits you.
Sep 14, 2014 1:23 PM

Nov 2012
Any link, so we can judge your comics?
Sep 14, 2014 1:24 PM

Mar 2014
tsudecimo said:
Unless you move to Japan, I don't see how this dream of yours can happen. And even if we assume you are committed enough to move there, very few mangaka actually get to have their works serialized.

I highly recommend watching Bakuman. It will give you more insight on mangaka and the manga industry.

And this guy should be your hero:
I wouldn't really count him since he is about half Jap. I highly doubt anybody would hire somebody in the manga industry unless they were Asian.
Sep 14, 2014 1:26 PM

Aug 2013
Proffessional authentic manga is serielized in japanses magazines... you'll have to move to japan and somehow learn the language

Of course, you can technically make your own comics, but understand that almost no one will consider it an actual manga...

Sep 14, 2014 1:27 PM

Nov 2012
Unless you:
- are a Japanese decedent with good art skills
- have outstanding art skills even for Japanese standards
- are really rich or have very good connection with very influential people of the business
- are just super lucky and fool enough to risk time in betting in luck
- are a Super-Saiyan
Then you should really hear everyone else and give up on it, for starters, how good is your Japanese? Another thing to consider is becoming a regular cartoonist in your country instead of trying manga, even though that also requires great skills since it is a difficult path if you aren't really outstanding.

PS- I'm Oda's secret account
Sep 14, 2014 1:27 PM
Mar 2014
Ellert0 said:
Passion that other people don't have scares them, don't let the people here (you know, the MAL community that gave Elfen Lied a 8,3 and Naruto a 8,14) get you down with their pretending act of finding those two to be "bad taste", if they hated those two so much they wouldn't give them such high scores.

Got no idea how you should go around trying to publish your work to the widest audience possible, asking around here though is not a good idea, you don't want to have it as part of your legacy that your humble beginnings with publishing your manga involved asking people on MAL how to do it.

As a member of the active community on the forums; I blame those two's absurdly high scores, respective to their shitty anime, on the non-active part of MAL's membership, i.e. those who don't post at all, and the lurkers (those people are notorious for their horrendous taste).
Sep 14, 2014 1:31 PM
Dec 2013
Ellert0 said:
Passion that other people don't have scares them, don't let the people here (you know, the MAL community that gave Elfen Lied a 8,3 and Naruto a 8,14) get you down with their pretending act of finding those two to be "bad taste", if they hated those two so much they wouldn't give them such high scores.

Got no idea how you should go around trying to publish your work to the widest audience possible, asking around here though is not a good idea, you don't want to have it as part of your legacy that your humble beginnings with publishing your manga involved asking people on MAL how to do it.

Feyfray said:
Unless you are Japanese your chance of breaking into that market are as close to zero as it gets. For every weeaboo dweeb that draws manga outside of Japan, there are at least two virgins in Japan trying to succeed at it.

tsudecimo said:
Unless you move to Japan, I don't see how this dream of yours can happen. And even if we assume you are committed enough to move there, very few mangaka actually get to have their works serialized.

I highly recommend watching Bakuman. It will give you more insight on mangaka and the manga industry.

Finally someone who didnt post random shit. I appreciate that. Thank you guys

tsudecimo said:
And this guy should be your hero:

Never heard of him tbh

SovietStrawberry said:
All you've got to do to know is look at your chosen username. A step to improve it would be to not attempt at making a mix of Elfen Lied with Naruto.

I have done my part, now go forth child, mediocrity awaits you.

Whats wrong with HxH?

And my manga is not really like Elfen Lied and Naruto, the only similarities are that its about a species hunted by people (Elfen Lied) and the protagonist is an outsider who discovers his secret powers and fights the evil guys (Naruto) Thats it
Sep 14, 2014 1:32 PM

Oct 2012
Give up.
Sep 14, 2014 1:34 PM
Dec 2013
Eearu said:

Then you should really hear everyone else and give up on it, for starters, how good is your Japanese? Another thing to consider is becoming a regular cartoonist in your country instead of trying manga, even though that also requires great skills since it is a difficult path if you aren't really outstanding.

I dont speak Japanese. My skills are quite good. To become a "regular cartoonist" in my country would suck because people here dont care about "comics". :/
Sep 14, 2014 1:37 PM

Oct 2012
Ellert0 said:
Passion that other people don't have scares them, don't let the people here (you know, the MAL community that gave Elfen Lied a 8,3 and Naruto a 8,14) get you down with their pretending act of finding those two to be "bad taste", if they hated those two so much they wouldn't give them such high scores.

Got no idea how you should go around trying to publish your work to the widest audience possible, asking around here though is not a good idea, you don't want to have it as part of your legacy that your humble beginnings with publishing your manga involved asking people on MAL how to do it.

I'd rather be blunt about it than give false hope.
Sep 14, 2014 1:47 PM

Jun 2014
It's not that we're not supportive: it's that the grim reality is that your Japanese must be great (in the sense where you know slang like the back of your hand).

Sep 14, 2014 2:09 PM

Dec 2013
Bit of advice since I'm still thinking on it. I would advise you only to stick with this dream if you absolutely love drawing manga and writing stories through it. It'll have to be something you do by impulse without much thought in order for you to stay with it through all the difficulties.
Sep 14, 2014 2:16 PM

Nov 2012
Well, if you don't even know Japanese, don't try to write a manga - do a webcomic. You can make it in manga style, but just write it in English and self-publish it on your own website or on InkBlazers or something. If it's good enough you will get a lot of fans, and you don't have to go through the trouble of learning Japanese and trying to publish there (not likely they will take you).

Either way good luck to you, and maybe you can post a snippet of the manga? :D
Sep 14, 2014 2:34 PM
Dec 2013
PedophilicRapist said:

Either way good luck to you, and maybe you can post a snippet of the manga? :D

Its still not finished, I want to publish atleast a couple of chapters
Sep 14, 2014 2:53 PM
Aug 2011
"Average" manga quality is based on the fact that chapters are produced weekly. Like someone said, Bakuman is the best anime about the pressures of making weekly manga. And they have reader feedback forms, and if readers don't rate your manga high enough, it can get cancelled anytime. Most mangas end up like this, and not like Naruto.

Gekan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is a new anime that also details how some of the manga-making roles are broken down.

Now, getting serialized in Japanese in Shonen Jump etc ... is a BULLSHIT goal. I will just say "ain't gonna happen". They're not working with you in the first place if you're not 100% fluent in Japanese.

You can still make your own comics. Do a web comic, and/or try and get work with a Western comic publication. But with those, they don't have the tight weekly scheduling and the average art style you need to pull off is a lot higher. That's also a very competitive market.

If you're throwing stuff up on the web as webcomics make sure you understand copyright. But many many more aspiring cartoonists get a break through webcomics than any other means these days. Unless you're a total bitching artist. Go to art college if you're serious. Study life drawing (drawing nude people so you understand body proportions).

Another option is to write a novel / novella (a short novel). Let's assume your writing is good enough for Japanese teens, for the sake of argument. If you are planning to be a full-blown mangaka you're talking both art and writing. A novel can be your pitch for the story. But you can also publish that yourself in any country. So it's a fallback, assuming your writing is good enough that other people will like it. If your writing isn't good enough for a kids/teens novel, then why aren't you just focusing on artwork alone? Many mangakas work in writer/artist teams. e.g. Death Note was such a team. Nobody expects you to do it all. And it's not realistic if even Japanese people are splitting the job up.

Now, you can actually pay to get those translated into Japanese, probably even get some fairly "known" name on the cover as a co-author / translator if you're coughing up the cash. Light Novels don't have to come out weekly like manga chapters, they come out in volumes, so that doesn't have to be as regular, could be 1-2 volumes per year, or more. If you manage to get a Light Novel translated into Japanese then you'd have a theoretical shot at seeing an anime created of your work. This is still really unlikely, but much more likely than becoming a true blue mangaka.
cipheronSep 14, 2014 3:11 PM
Sep 14, 2014 3:54 PM

Jun 2008
HxH_fan said:
PedophilicRapist said:

Either way good luck to you, and maybe you can post a snippet of the manga? :D

Its still not finished, I want to publish atleast a couple of chapters

There is this thing called the internet. You can publish some of your work there and see reactions and learn whether you are deluding yourself or not. Hell you can even say that you can make business threw the internet alone.

Being in a Japanese manga comic is impossible since you don't know the language so your only chance is to learn the language and go there or cooperate with some Japanese person.

Anyway if you like drawing stories i don't see why it should be called a manga. I don't thing the name is the problem but how good your work is. If you publish something in another country then do it.
Sep 14, 2014 3:55 PM

Sep 2011
I say go for it. Move to Japan, and if you don't succeed, just join the JAV industry.
Sep 14, 2014 4:09 PM

Mar 2013
Never give up!
Sep 14, 2014 4:27 PM

Oct 2013
Becoming a mangaka in japan would be near to impossible for a foreigner. It's already near impossible to a native. You'd have to learn the language and overcome prejudice in Japan. I'd suggest to just get noticed. Start a webcomic even if they take a few years to get popular (if it's good that is). Also, look for American manga publishers. I'd recommend yenpress or onipress. Those publishers were some of the few that published semipopular american manga (nightschool). (and onipress published scott pilgrim). Some Americans were lucky enough to get taken in by a Japanese publisher this way. Of course it's not ensured. It's still extremely difficult to get a comic published in America as well. So if you get rejected, just try again. J.K. Rowling was rejected many times before harry potter was finally published.
I'd go with emobubbles, but someone else already had it, damn bastard.
Sep 14, 2014 5:08 PM

Jan 2014
As long as Togashi isn't your model.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Sep 14, 2014 5:09 PM

Mar 2013
RedRoseFring said:
As long as Togashi isn't your model.
it clearly is.
Sep 14, 2014 5:17 PM

Aug 2014
I envy you to have a dream that hasn't been crushed...I want to be a writer for books/comics/movies/videogames its just never gonna happen for me...good luck on your dream
Sep 14, 2014 5:19 PM

Jan 2009
Sep 14, 2014 5:41 PM
Dec 2013
There was a manga contest few months ago for mangaka amateurs all over the world (I didnt participate) and the winners where all from East Asia -_-

cipheron said:
"Average" manga quality is based on the fact that chapters are produced weekly. Like someone said, Bakuman is the best anime about the pressures of making weekly manga. And they have reader feedback forms, and if readers don't rate your manga high enough, it can get cancelled anytime. Most mangas end up like this, and not like Naruto.

Gekan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is a new anime that also details how some of the manga-making roles are broken down.

Now, getting serialized in Japanese in Shonen Jump etc ... is a BULLSHIT goal. I will just say "ain't gonna happen". They're not working with you in the first place if you're not 100% fluent in Japanese.

You can still make your own comics. Do a web comic, and/or try and get work with a Western comic publication. But with those, they don't have the tight weekly scheduling and the average art style you need to pull off is a lot higher. That's also a very competitive market.

If you're throwing stuff up on the web as webcomics make sure you understand copyright. But many many more aspiring cartoonists get a break through webcomics than any other means these days. Unless you're a total bitching artist. Go to art college if you're serious. Study life drawing (drawing nude people so you understand body proportions).

Another option is to write a novel / novella (a short novel). Let's assume your writing is good enough for Japanese teens, for the sake of argument. If you are planning to be a full-blown mangaka you're talking both art and writing. A novel can be your pitch for the story. But you can also publish that yourself in any country. So it's a fallback, assuming your writing is good enough that other people will like it. If your writing isn't good enough for a kids/teens novel, then why aren't you just focusing on artwork alone? Many mangakas work in writer/artist teams. e.g. Death Note was such a team. Nobody expects you to do it all. And it's not realistic if even Japanese people are splitting the job up.

Now, you can actually pay to get those translated into Japanese, probably even get some fairly "known" name on the cover as a co-author / translator if you're coughing up the cash. Light Novels don't have to come out weekly like manga chapters, they come out in volumes, so that doesn't have to be as regular, could be 1-2 volumes per year, or more. If you manage to get a Light Novel translated into Japanese then you'd have a theoretical shot at seeing an anime created of your work. This is still really unlikely, but much more likely than becoming a true blue mangaka.

Wow. This opened my eyes. I want to thank you a lot...its not common that someone takes so much effort to help a random internet user :) THANK YOU

You and some other people recommended me to do a web-comic...what are the best sites for that purpose (at which site would be the best to post my stuff)?

I tried to write a novel once, but it was just terrible.

My wish is to do both, to combine story + art e.g to do a manga series. I really dont care about the money, its my passion and if some named manga magazine would ask me to draw a manga for free...hell yeah I would.

RedRoseFring said:
As long as Togashi isn't your model.

html said:
it clearly is.

Eeeww no. I hate that dude.

Gotsupermilk said:
I envy you to have a dream that hasn't been crushed...I want to be a writer for books/comics/movies/videogames its just never gonna happen for me...good luck on your dream

Seriously, go for it. One day, when you're old, you might regret it for not trying hard enough to achieve your goals in life!

-Linus- said:
I say go for it. Move to Japan, and if you don't succeed, just join the JAV industry.

what is JAV?

Cyaegha said:
Go away.

wow, such a badass're so cool bro :)
Sep 14, 2014 5:51 PM

Jun 2014
Give up kiddo, you aren't Japanese and it takes time to learn a language.
And you didn't even master your English seeing by your posts talking about Japanese would be even harder
And then you need to master your drawing skills
To think is the living of the believer. To believe, is to think.
pw: qwertyuiop
Sep 14, 2014 5:55 PM

Jan 2009
HxH_fan said:

what is JAV?

Japanese Adult Video, basically porn industry of japan
Sep 14, 2014 5:58 PM
Dec 2013
Kokororin said:
Give up kiddo


Kokororin said:
And you didn't even master your English seeing by your posts talking about Japanese would be even harder

As for someone who learned this language only for 2 years in middle school, I think Im speaking English very well.

Kokororin said:
And then you need to master your drawing skills

Have you ever seen any of my drawings? Nope. So how can you tell if my drawings are or are not good enough? lel

j0x said:

Japanese Adult Video, basically porn industry of japan

Sep 14, 2014 6:00 PM

Jun 2014
HxH_fan said:
Kokororin said:
Give up kiddo


Kokororin said:
And you didn't even master your English seeing by your posts talking about Japanese would be even harder

As for someone who learned this language only for 2 years in middle school, I think Im speaking English very well.

Kokororin said:
And then you need to master your drawing skills

Have you ever seen any of my drawings? Nope. So how can you tell if my drawings are or are not good enough? lel

j0x said:

Japanese Adult Video, basically porn industry of japan


I haven't seen your drawings but it sure takes a good part of the time to learn a language and meanwhile you also have to sharpen your drawing skills.
Show me your drawings are they good on Japanese level?
Where are you from?
To think is the living of the believer. To believe, is to think.
pw: qwertyuiop
Sep 14, 2014 6:53 PM
Jul 2018
Well I'll give you props for being determined
Sep 14, 2014 6:55 PM

Oct 2012
Post your drawings then.
Sep 14, 2014 7:06 PM

Apr 2012
Why are you still going on OP? You're not posting any pictures, how would we know what to tell you?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Sep 14, 2014 7:06 PM

Sep 2014
Well, I don't know how to help, but I wish you good luck. Do something that you won't regret. You will have to do your best while you need to accept reality.
Sep 14, 2014 7:12 PM

Sep 2011
I don't have any advice to give, but good luck.
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