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Nov 12, 2013 7:24 AM

Feb 2012
WTF. Only a few scenes for TAKAO? The hell. WHYYYYY???
Nov 12, 2013 8:05 AM

Sep 2012
I broke out laughing when I saw the bear appears on the OP too. 2ch called it Kirikuma (kuma means bear in Japanese) and I find it so appropriate lol.

Just damn great episode. The CG is so smooth and natural, and the action so thrillingly animated. In Japanese forums, it is a thumb-up from everyone, and that includes all those who have read the manga. Seems that everyone understands that the requirement from the anime can be different from the manga, and that the show is making the most out of the 1-cour limitation, so all this anime original changes are accepted if this means they make the show entertaining (which it does more than expectation) and gets the pace right. These fans know that if the manga is followed, the story will slow down a lot with several subplot story lines going on simultaneously and it would hard to adapt into a 1-cour anime.

Judging from the comments I read here, I think fans in Japan are more understanding about the hard work needed to adapt a manga into a 1-cour anime and thus more ready to accept cuts and changes in return for entertainment and smoothness.

As the fans in Japan said, it is rare that an anime that changes so much from its original manga can get things so right, and this is such rare anime. I heard the manga author was consulted on the changes, and this must have definitely helped.
symbvNov 12, 2013 8:12 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Nov 12, 2013 8:13 AM

Jun 2013
This episode is simply the best of Arpeggio of Blue Steel. 10/10

I heard that it's a lot different from the manga , but seriously they did it well in this episode , calming and FRIENDSHIP <3

The soundtrack when Haruharu , Makie and Youtarou (xD) were trapped was soothing and I cried a litte , haha. I guess that is SAVIOR OF SONG instrumental version.

Anyway , great episode 5/5.
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Nov 12, 2013 9:17 AM

Nov 2010
The mental models were really OP even the teddy bear
Crabbots were quite nice to see in action

I prefer the naval battles more though
The crew seems to get 3 new members at the end
Nov 12, 2013 9:54 AM

May 2013
Great episode

i'm grateful i took the time to watch it since i thought it was going to be terrible based on first impressions (without watching it). Who knew Submarines and Warships would be a recipe for a good anime.

Find it cute how she calls Haruna: HaruHaru.
I am the punishment of God,
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
Nov 12, 2013 10:54 AM
Jan 2011
Well, then looks like Gonzo get 2 new ally.
Nov 12, 2013 1:22 PM

Jun 2013
LOL!!!! That Teddy Is In Opening Now!!! And now...Makie found out the Truth..And Kirishima really has to learn Human Feelings...and Now She Starts...Makie Lesson 101!!! XD

o.O....LOL!!!! TEDDY BEARS RULE!!!! Military's Army Did not Stand A Chance....Got Their Asses Kicked By Stuffed Bear...They Die on Shame!!!! XD...Oaky this is seriously going Emotional Episode

And now they really Started to Change this From Manga....oKAY THIS IS FREAKING BIG CHANGES!!!!! What The Hell... This Is Ok...But manga Is Better Why they couldn't just keep following manga story line there was enough material for 12 episodes..
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Nov 12, 2013 1:41 PM

Apr 2012
Youtaro invoked her inner Yoda in this fight. Well done girl!
Nov 12, 2013 2:46 PM
Oct 2012
HitoriTomoyo said:
I'm kind of glad to hear that this is a deviation from the Manga; don't get me wrong, I'm still in love with this series but Iona kind of conveniently showing up was a bit much. Now I'm definitely looking forward to reading the Manga once this adaptation wraps up.

Nothing convenient about that: they had Makie meet Iona and Gunzo at the cemetery several weeks ago and Iona figured out where she lived; they had the two notice that Makie was involved with the loading of the vibration torpedoes an episode or two ago, which would have raised Gunzo's interest in her since he doesn't trust the navy and they are carrying the weapon; they would have been very close to the scene anyway because of the need to repair 401 after the battle with the two battleships (which had occurred relatively close offshore); they probably would have noticed that the Fog ship Maya was still waiting nearby, meaning that at least one of the mental modes survived the battle, so when the Navy made their move, Gunzo would have noticed and at least been on the scene if something happened.

So while they didn't spell out how she got there so quickly (I also think the mental modes can teleport to some extent), the writers at least did show enough clues so that an explanation was easy to think about.
Nov 12, 2013 3:32 PM

Aug 2012
Awesomeness, lots of explosions and cool effects. I wonder if Kirishima will get a human body again in the future. Her kuma form looks adorable, and it was hilarious to see her trying to create a shield but only managed to create a tiny one *that sound effect cracked me up*. I kinda miss seeing her ass though

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Nov 12, 2013 4:44 PM
Aug 2012
What soundtrack is being used towards the end of this ep before the credits during the battle when Iona came in, also heard the same soundtrack in ep 3 when 401's fog ship came up above the water in front of the characters when it left the dock in preparation for the battle in ep 3 which the battle was in ep 4
Nov 12, 2013 5:44 PM

Apr 2008
Worrying thing is to have Haruna and Kirishima join the blue fleet.
Hope Gunzou would offload them somewhere, maybe to Maya, but they're heading to Ioto now.
Riez said:
Ah, this would be from the part in manga where Haruna spent days just to meet Makie again until she finally had enough with getting denied and break in. :D

Gengar310 said:
i'm grateful i took the time to watch it since i thought it was going to be terrible based on first impressions (without watching it). Who knew Submarines and Warships would be a recipe for a good anime.
Submarine and warships are great, although not exploited so much in anime.
Probably because usually, ships work with the whole crew, not doing an ace pilot single handedly ownz the whole fleet thing.
And understandably big ships don't dodge Macross missile hell, they don't do flashy fast manouvers

Yeah… just pesky subs and f#$in depth charges
nseikaNov 12, 2013 5:52 PM
Nov 12, 2013 6:46 PM

Jul 2010
So Haruna and Kirishima joined Gunzou's battleship harem?
Btw, I want to see Takao and Gunzou meeting asap.
Nov 13, 2013 12:50 AM

Jul 2012
Akanezora said:
So Haruna and Kirishima joined Gunzou's battleship harem?
Btw, I want to see Takao and Gunzou meeting asap.

That's the worrying thing. The events are completely different from the manga and they don't join up w/ I-401. If it turns into another generic harem then it would be a massive dip in story quality and an insult to the original work.
Nov 13, 2013 3:22 AM

Jan 2008
Anime only viewer here: Absolutely LOVED the last two episodes.
And boy, Mental Models sure are powerful, even without their ships.

PS: I don't give a crap about how they deviated from the manga, because it's still good. It's better then good, actually. It's great.
Nov 13, 2013 4:53 AM

Jan 2013
Well, that was some impressive drama. I like stuff like that but I can't say it's a good thing for the anime to concentrate on only that aspect and leave out the others. Viewed separately, it's nice, but... it's not really Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio anymore.
Nov 13, 2013 5:07 AM

Jan 2008
Is every single topic going to be 90% people complaining about it not following the manga? Seriously, every single one?
Nov 13, 2013 5:11 AM

Apr 2008
DmonHiro said:
Is every single topic going to be 90% people complaining about it not following the manga? Seriously, every single one?

Yeah. Last I checked this is an ADAPTATION not a side story or AU or anime original.
Nov 13, 2013 5:32 AM

Jan 2013
DmonHiro said:
Is every single topic going to be 90% people complaining about it not following the manga? Seriously, every single one?

If you know the original of something and you liked it, then you will allways view the adaption more critically instead of simply enjoying it.
I mean, I liked the relationships between humans and mental models the most but... there was much more to Aoki Hagane than that. And I think it's too bad they leave those things out...
Nov 13, 2013 5:45 AM

Apr 2008
Half-and-Half on the complaining

Won't argue about the change and still enjoying the anime either way
But also there are things that would be interesting to be made like the manga (as in Haruna and Kirishima are only close to Makie, not Gunzou).

Anyway... will Maya have her sortie, or she will just wait there on the sea ignored by everyone
Nov 13, 2013 7:46 AM

May 2010
I think so far the most interesting developmen is between Haruna, Kirishima and Makie
Nov 13, 2013 7:51 AM

Oct 2009
I really didn't expect much when I started to watch this series but It has far surpassed what I thought it would be :D

Pretty sweet episode, why are they changing stuff from the manga though? o.O Hopefully won't turn into a harem-fest.
Nov 13, 2013 10:13 AM
Feb 2012
I guess I'm one of the few people that are reading the manga and absolutely like what they're doing with the anime.

Do you seriously think it's doable to pile everything from the manga (all the extra characters, loads of politics, events) into 12 episode anime and to look good in the end?
Nov 13, 2013 11:36 AM

Jan 2013
Teddy Bear Kirishima = best character
Nov 13, 2013 12:31 PM
May 2013
the_trainman said:
I guess I'm one of the few people that are reading the manga and absolutely like what they're doing with the anime.

Do you seriously think it's doable to pile everything from the manga (all the extra characters, loads of politics, events) into 12 episode anime and to look good in the end?

because the producer team really don't know how to apdapt a good manga to a good anime
so they make an original plot
Nov 13, 2013 1:42 PM

Mar 2013
Naoki-Saten said:
DmonHiro said:
Is every single topic going to be 90% people complaining about it not following the manga? Seriously, every single one?

If you know the original of something and you liked it, then you will allways view the adaption more critically instead of simply enjoying it.
I mean, I liked the relationships between humans and mental models the most but... there was much more to Aoki Hagane than that. And I think it's too bad they leave those things out...

While I agree with you remember they have to appeal to a greater percentage of the masses when creating an anime as opposed to a manga.

Or if you've been into anime since the mid 90's you can remember when they'll make a series (manga) multiple times. My example is Ah My Goddess. *More or less in order of release.* OVA- Doesn't follow the manga. Movie- Doesn't follow the manga. TV Series- Follows the manga, but skips a few arc. OVA- Follows an Arc.

FMA- Done twice.

Tenchi Muyo- Originally an OVA (3 seasons). Followed by a two TV series. (Each independent) Two movies. (Follow 1st TV series.) Two manga's (Follow OVA)
Nov 13, 2013 2:20 PM
Oct 2012
Fhantom_chaos said:
because the producer team really don't know how to apdapt a good manga to a good anime so they make an original plot

In that most of the manga readers, while a bit disappointed this isn't following the manga, have still said they are enjoying it. This shows that the adapters knew exactly what they are doing. They realized that there was no way to jam all the plots of the manga into a 12 episode animation, and it appears that they wanted to do a complete story, not a cliffhanger.

In that the Manga is still ongoing, the further they depart from the original plot, the better off it is for the manga readers (the less likely something will be spoiled). I respect the producers for doing this, I want a complete show, not one where we have to wait years for the manga to eventually catch up.

And as this is my initial contact with this story, I have to say that the animation is very good. The plot is straight forward, they have established scenes well, with good foresight, they have built upon what has happened before. We are at the midway point of this show, and I have really enjoyed the characters, the battles, and the world view. Give me six more episodes like this, a good ending, and this show will be one of the betters show this year.
Nov 13, 2013 2:43 PM

Jan 2013
broodo said:
Naoki-Saten said:
DmonHiro said:
Is every single topic going to be 90% people complaining about it not following the manga? Seriously, every single one?

If you know the original of something and you liked it, then you will allways view the adaption more critically instead of simply enjoying it.
I mean, I liked the relationships between humans and mental models the most but... there was much more to Aoki Hagane than that. And I think it's too bad they leave those things out...

While I agree with you remember they have to appeal to a greater percentage of the masses when creating an anime as opposed to a manga.

Or if you've been into anime since the mid 90's you can remember when they'll make a series (manga) multiple times. My example is Ah My Goddess. *More or less in order of release.* OVA- Doesn't follow the manga. Movie- Doesn't follow the manga. TV Series- Follows the manga, but skips a few arc. OVA- Follows an Arc.

FMA- Done twice.

Tenchi Muyo- Originally an OVA (3 seasons). Followed by a two TV series. (Each independent) Two movies. (Follow 1st TV series.) Two manga's (Follow OVA)

I've only seen one of these shows (FMA, and I didn't read the manga. I know the first adaption was mostly anime-original, though), but I see what you're getting at.

Still, aren't there plenty Manga/Light Novels that are just made for the purpose of appealing to a bigger part of the audience? Wouldn't adapting them be better than taking some Manga that has a far smaller group of potential consumers as its target and then go the effort of changing it?

Well, it does kinda make sense. Even if a part of the the original Manga fans won't like it in the long run, they'll still watch the first few episodes out of curiosity. And since the adaption is then addressed at a more wide range of viewers, it won't matter if they lose some people from the original fanbase...
Nov 13, 2013 4:02 PM

Apr 2011
Most important question is: Is changed work either on same level of quality or better than it's source material?

Second most important: Did deviation helped fit story to new format?

If answer is no for both question, there is no reason make excuses for such changes.
Nov 13, 2013 4:59 PM

Oct 2007
I think I predicted literally everything that was going to happen in this episode, but progress is progress I suppose and it added the human touch to the characters that had been missing in the first 4 tactics based episodes. Can't complain too much as the show remains solid for me, but at the same time nothing about it particularly stands out still aside from the really good submarine warfare bits which I don't think I've seen from a TV anime series in a while. Looking like a lock for a 6/10 final rating.
PeacingOutNov 13, 2013 5:06 PM
Nov 13, 2013 7:36 PM
Oct 2012
Tenzen12 said:
Most important question is: Is changed work either on same level of quality or better than it's source material?

Second most important: Did deviation helped fit story to new format?

If answer is no for both question, there is no reason make excuses for such changes.

Actually even if the answer is "no" to both, there could be a reason: time restraint being a primary one. There are 8 volumes to this series, there is no way that they could adapt this to a 12 episode animation. That it looks like they decided to tell a complete story in this time is not "an excuse", it is something that should be complimented. Better a different story that ends satisfactory then an incomplete, yet accurate, story that may never be finished.

As Dirty Harry once said" "A man's got to know his limitations". We have to see whether the producers knew their limitations, so far it seems they have.
Nov 13, 2013 8:45 PM

Feb 2012
COMPLAINTS EVERYWHERE. Why don't you go to an animation studio and make your own anime then? -.- People always complain whether the adaptation is bad or good. What's the fucking sense? lol They don't even see the point of watching an anime which is to enjoy and entertain people to the utmost possible degree.
Nov 13, 2013 9:16 PM

Apr 2009
Well that was predictable... X( Oh well, at least I get to see their version of a military sci-fi staple: the spider tank.

Hmm the egg thing in Iwoto knows Takao, another Fog mental model in a different body?
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 13, 2013 9:58 PM

Apr 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
Tenzen12 said:
Most important question is: Is changed work either on same level of quality or better than it's source material?

Second most important: Did deviation helped fit story to new format?

If answer is no for both question, there is no reason make excuses for such changes.

Actually even if the answer is "no" to both, there could be a reason: time restraint being a primary one. There are 8 volumes to this series, there is no way that they could adapt this to a 12 episode animation. That it looks like they decided to tell a complete story in this time is not "an excuse", it is something that should be complimented. Better a different story that ends satisfactory then an incomplete, yet accurate, story that may never be finished.

As Dirty Harry once said" "A man's got to know his limitations". We have to see whether the producers knew their limitations, so far it seems they have.

That is what question n.2 is about, you know...

But you said it yourself, better different story that ends satisfactory. When story suck, it doesn't metter whether it's adaptation or not. That is my point.

I am not saying Arpeggio anime is bad as whole, actualy I look forward to it every week, but that's why I can get dissapointed when episoded like this come out.
Tenzen12Nov 13, 2013 10:03 PM
Nov 13, 2013 10:15 PM

Apr 2008
pizza_012 said:
COMPLAINTS EVERYWHERE. Why don't you go to an animation studio and make your own anime then? -.- People always complain whether the adaptation is bad or good. What's the fucking sense? lol They don't even see the point of watching an anime which is to enjoy and entertain people to the utmost possible degree.

Attack on Titan says hi
Nov 14, 2013 12:07 AM
Dec 2011
Tenzen12 said:
Most important question is: Is changed work either on same level of quality or better than it's source material?

Second most important: Did deviation helped fit story to new format?

If answer is no for both question, there is no reason make excuses for such changes.

The reason of they make changes is because the anime project started at 2011,while the manga still in battle of Haruna/Kirishima

But even with that,anime staff still keep ask manga author's suggestion when they making the anime,so i can see all the anime plots approved by manga authors,even changed a lot

Btw,Arpeggio's pre-order usually topping all 2013 fall animes in amazon ranking(well,Non Non Biyori above Arpeggio sometimes)
D-JoeNov 14, 2013 12:23 AM
Nov 14, 2013 12:24 AM

Apr 2011
How many times I have to repeat myself? I do understant why they changed it and accepted many of them. I don't care about changes as long as it's good and reasonable. I can bring bunch of animes that did major changes and I liked it, but all depend on writing skills of anime scriptwriter and director, which are far inferior to Arc performence.

I don't know into what extend anime staff listen their suggestions, but it's not clearly enough. That said Anime is still sufficiently good often.

Tenzen12Nov 14, 2013 12:31 AM
Nov 14, 2013 12:34 AM
Dec 2011
Then stop watch it if you feel suffer
Nov 14, 2013 12:53 AM

Apr 2011
Unfortunetely it's not THAT bad (or to be exact, it's not that bad ALL-TIME), though it would make things easier. Everything aside battles is usualy next to average.

When it's good I will praise it, when it's bad I will say it suck, there is nothing wrong with that.

PS: Anyway I critise episode as own thing not as adaptation only. So I don't think there is meaning continue in this discussion unless other would adress it in same manner.
Tenzen12Nov 14, 2013 1:29 AM
Nov 14, 2013 1:52 AM
Dec 2011
Fined then

And i don't see this ep worth under than 7,or 0/10
Nov 14, 2013 2:04 AM

Apr 2011
With "action" that had to financed from pocket money of studio Janitor (Let's be honest RWBY that has only fragment of Arpeggio budgets and staff does far better job in fights than this), incredibly cheesy dialogs and Deus ex Iona (noted even by anime only watchers) on the end giving it 4/10 is too generous.

But you are right giving it 0/10 was exaggerated due dissapointed expectations.
Tenzen12Nov 14, 2013 2:07 AM
Nov 14, 2013 4:31 AM

Feb 2012
Darklight0303 said:

Attack on Titan says hi

So fucking genius. Wow. That was awesome. I can't even..........

Wow. So fucking gorgeous. Maybe the best post evarrrrrrr.
Nov 14, 2013 4:35 AM

Apr 2008
pizza_012 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Attack on Titan says hi

So fucking genius. Wow. That was awesome. I can't even..........

Wow. So fucking gorgeous. Maybe the best post evarrrrrrr.

It proves that an adaptation can follow the bloody source and still be popular. You say they changed up things in Arpeggio in order to not leave things unconcluded as they would have been if they followed the manga. Attack on Titan proves that excuse is utter bullshit with its huge ass open ending.
Nov 14, 2013 6:31 AM

Feb 2012

And Oh, Roflmao I guess you're pointing out with the wrong person on with your statement claiming "You say they changed up things in Arpeggio in order to not leave things unconcluded as they would have been if they followed the manga". I didn't even said something like that. lol

Well, if you want to further discuss anything in general with me, feel free to drop any on my profile comment section. I will probably be able to reply within a day or two. I don't really pay much attention to arguments that doesn't really concern me. lmfao.

Mod Edit: Removed some spam and derailing comments as well as quotes of those comments.
rodacNov 14, 2013 10:27 PM
Nov 15, 2013 1:38 AM

Nov 2011

In the way of Paul see in action the teddy bear his colleague was still permissible, but seeing it here seems a bit out of place. Please take away Kirishima version teddy bear, I think I see a different anime series! XD
Undoubtedly, having devoted two episodes to describe the birth of friendship and the psyche of the two girls of the fog, may have benefited the future understanding of the relationships between the various characters, but on the other hand also has a little, lowered the pathos after so doing good, i would say that my opinion is placed in the middle between the detractors and those who are in favor of this arc.
Technically, the only thing I do not like is the slowness in the animations, the rest is all pretty good.
My vote reflects what I said earlier about my position in relation to this arc!
Nov 15, 2013 3:08 PM
Feb 2013
Ah, the eternal struggle between fans and haters... ;-)

Let's be honest here: while the series is still reasonably good, they changed A LOT in it, and not always for the better. True, some scenes and actions were as good or even better than in the manga, but there were even more so that were worse.

It doesn't mean the series became shite, but one can understand why some of the lesser things are being pointed out, surely? There is no need to be negative just to complain, but there is also no reason to just put your rose glasses on and think anyone with less than full appraisal should just leave and keep quiet.

It always surprises me (well, not anymore, to be frank) about the rapid and complete polarisation almost every anime gets. It's like there is no middle road: it's either complete garbage or the best thing since sliced bread. Why can't people accept that a series can still be worth watching, even if it has shortcomings, and why can't other people acknowledge that there is warranted criticism possible, even if it's still fairly good?

It's like some people never grow up around here.
Nov 15, 2013 3:32 PM
Oct 2012
Darklight0303 said:
It proves that an adaptation can follow the bloody source and still be popular. You say they changed up things in Arpeggio in order to not leave things unconcluded as they would have been if they followed the manga. Attack on Titan proves that excuse is utter bullshit with its huge ass open ending.

You really are comparing apples and oranges. Attack on Titan was a megahit selling well over 750,000 volumes even before the animation (it nearly doubled after); Aoki was selling less than 25,000 (the animation gave the last volume a nice bump up to nearly 40K). So the goal with Attack on Titan the adaptation was: don't screw it up; the goal of Aoki was "we need to appeal to a larger audience". Also, there was never going to be a doubt that Titan would sell well over 10,000 BDs, even if they screwed it up, ensuring that there would be a second season once the writer wrote enough stories to leave an open ending (in fact the producers WANTED an open ending so that they could do a season 2 and 3 and however many they could get away with).

Aoki had no such guarantee. The Producers pretty much knew that all they had was 11 episodes, so they decided to tell a complete story in the hope that this would attract more fans. In that nearly every person here who hasn't read the manga is really enjoying this, I would say they made the right decision to change the story (as the Titan producers did in NOT changing their story).
Nov 15, 2013 6:53 PM

Dec 2011
According to users, it quite deviated from the original story? I guess I'll finish the anime first before reading the manga for less disappointments.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 16, 2013 4:17 AM

Apr 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
Darklight0303 said:
It proves that an adaptation can follow the bloody source and still be popular. You say they changed up things in Arpeggio in order to not leave things unconcluded as they would have been if they followed the manga. Attack on Titan proves that excuse is utter bullshit with its huge ass open ending.

You really are comparing apples and oranges. Attack on Titan was a megahit selling well over 750,000 volumes even before the animation (it nearly doubled after); Aoki was selling less than 25,000 (the animation gave the last volume a nice bump up to nearly 40K). So the goal with Attack on Titan the adaptation was: don't screw it up; the goal of Aoki was "we need to appeal to a larger audience". Also, there was never going to be a doubt that Titan would sell well over 10,000 BDs, even if they screwed it up, ensuring that there would be a second season once the writer wrote enough stories to leave an open ending (in fact the producers WANTED an open ending so that they could do a season 2 and 3 and however many they could get away with).

Aoki had no such guarantee. The Producers pretty much knew that all they had was 11 episodes, so they decided to tell a complete story in the hope that this would attract more fans. In that nearly every person here who hasn't read the manga is really enjoying this, I would say they made the right decision to change the story (as the Titan producers did in NOT changing their story).

Main difference is AoT is show based on action, story and character doesn't have much importance (some might disagree). That's why it doesn't realy metter whether it's changed. Arpeggio goes much more for plot, politics and characterisation of wast cast and story doesn't have any convenient place for anime conlusion. I guess some changes was necessary.

How well/badly was changes handled is unfortunetely completely different issue.
Nov 16, 2013 11:52 AM
Feb 2013
Takuan_Soho said:
Darklight0303 said:
It proves that an adaptation can follow the bloody source and still be popular. You say they changed up things in Arpeggio in order to not leave things unconcluded as they would have been if they followed the manga. Attack on Titan proves that excuse is utter bullshit with its huge ass open ending.

You really are comparing apples and oranges. Attack on Titan was a megahit selling well over 750,000 volumes even before the animation (it nearly doubled after); Aoki was selling less than 25,000 (the animation gave the last volume a nice bump up to nearly 40K). So the goal with Attack on Titan the adaptation was: don't screw it up; the goal of Aoki was "we need to appeal to a larger audience". Also, there was never going to be a doubt that Titan would sell well over 10,000 BDs, even if they screwed it up, ensuring that there would be a second season once the writer wrote enough stories to leave an open ending (in fact the producers WANTED an open ending so that they could do a season 2 and 3 and however many they could get away with).

Aoki had no such guarantee. The Producers pretty much knew that all they had was 11 episodes, so they decided to tell a complete story in the hope that this would attract more fans. In that nearly every person here who hasn't read the manga is really enjoying this, I would say they made the right decision to change the story (as the Titan producers did in NOT changing their story).

Hmm...well, though I understand what you mean, ultimately, it doesn't really matter in regard to evaluating the quality of the anime itself.

I mean, when one would be consistent in following your reasoning, and a company would say: well, we only get ONE episode, so we're going to cram in as much as possible, without any regard to plot, story, characters, consistency, etc., one still could utter the same: 'well, they did a good job *considering they only had one episode*', and 'their purpose was only to appeal to a larger audience'. Well, that's all very well, but it changes nothing to the fact that plot, story, etc., etc. were greatly diminished and are only a pale echo of the original. That would be true EVEN if a lot of people would still be enjoying that one episode.

Now, I'm not saying this series has no redeeming qualities, or isn't worth watching anymore, but one also has to face the facts: it's a lot, and a mean a lot, less good than what it's supposed to be based off. If they keep this immer-more deviation of the manga up, you end up, in fact, with a completely other story, apart from 'there are ships called the fog' and 'humans are trying to transport a new weapon'. But that doesn't make the story, imho.

The series is starting to lack in several area's. Is it still enjoyable to some extend? Yes. But not as good as it could have been. This is inherently linked to the quality of the anime itself I'm talking about, so reasons from a meta-perspective ('it's to appeal to a larger audience', 'it's to make more profit', etc.) just don't cut it. To make things clear: crap that is being sold well or used to cater to the masses, is still crap. (PS. I'm not saying the series IS crap, just pointing out the logic behind it). If a series becomes less good, then I really don't care whether it was because due to it having only 12 episodes, to promote CGI, to appeal to the masses, to make more profit or because the studio was lazy: that all dos NOT matter in an evaluation of how good the anime itself is. When it's lacking, it's still lacking, and then a meta-reason like "it was done to cater to the masses' just ain't a valid excuse. I don't care about what they MEANT to do with it in a meta-context, I care about the INHERENT quality of the anime.

Does, for instance, inconsistencies and bad pacing disappears, now that I know it's only going to be 12 episodes long? No it doesn't. So that knowledge does NOT make it any better, and warranted criticism is still as valid on it. It could even be that the director and the whole studio fell ill with a contagious disease and died, and that a series therefore turned out to be less good, as far as I care. Is that an understandable explanation? Yes. Does it make that series any better? No.

I'm always baffled by people who do not seem to get the point that it doesn't matter what the *cause* is for something to make something not too good, to acknowledge that it is not very good. (Again: making the point in regard to the reasoning used, not saying the series itself is crap.)
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