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Nov 21, 2007 6:24 PM
Aug 2007
This episode was really displayed well and it was pretty sad especially about Nanaka's past and such but there's something about Sana's watch because as soon as Nanaka was talking about her suffering the cameras went straight to his watch..weird... my guess is that Sana was either bullied or he tried to commit suicide(usually by slitting the wrist)But at least Nanaka admitted her feelings which is great though she cried to her heart's content but overall nice episode
deli53Nov 21, 2007 6:30 PM
Nov 21, 2007 6:32 PM

Oct 2007
nice episode, it seems that sana and nanaka have gotten back on good terms again. nanaka's past was sad, and who was the arsonist? still waiting to find out about sana's wrist.
sengakaeNov 21, 2007 7:32 PM
Nov 21, 2007 7:29 PM

Oct 2007
best episode so far, I've been longing for this =)


Nov 21, 2007 7:39 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Finally, all of Nanaka's actions are explained! I figured a ton of letters would spill out of the mailbox when he opened it, but I wasn't prepared for that page of "Help me!". THAT was an awesome addition. Nanaka's rage at the end was heartfelt. Well done, including Sana's gasp and glance at his watch. The only thing I would have changed, was the time between the red page and him meeting Nanaka... the teacher talked for too long I think xD

Back to the watch - I don't think it covers something... I think it is the watch itself. And at that moment, they definitely said, he had no friends when he was away, and wished to go back. Which reminds me of his mom continually asking how school was, and if he went. I think he was bullied, horribly, tragically. That's my theory.
(Or maybe the face covers a burn mark or something, but it's not a suicide thing. if it was, his wrist would face up when he looks at it like that, I think)
KinetaNov 21, 2007 11:58 PM
Nov 21, 2007 8:01 PM
Oct 2007
Interesting episode, Sana was being completely crazy though.

Nov 21, 2007 9:35 PM

Aug 2007
I've always been suspicious of Sana's tissue box, lol.

but wow what an episode. I think the story of the caramels was a drawn out too much, but Nanaka's story was pretty sad. Sana has problems of his own, too.
Nov 21, 2007 9:53 PM

Nov 2007
MajorAddiction said:

I've always been suspicious of Sana's tissue box, lol.

Tissue boxes show up in anime almost as often as boxes of oranges.

Anyway, I'm not sure why I keep inflicting this series on myself but watching it after ef episode 7 was a huge mistake. I didn't really want nanaka and sana to end up together because I don't really like either one of them. Giving them a tragic past doesn't make nanaka less of a bitch or sana less of an idiot. I was hoping more for nanaka to go all yandere on us, but oh well. I'll probably keep watching anyway.
Nov 21, 2007 9:57 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Really interesting episode, enjoyed it all a lot. Though the next episode doesn't seem to continue going this way.




[H+] ³  
Nov 21, 2007 10:54 PM

Nov 2007
this episode was the most emotional one thus far. As for as Sana's watch I think it's some kind of device to monotor his health. I believe he was stabbed some how which caused some lasting damage and the watch might monitor his vital signs, and give him a warnning if they start to drop.

The reason I think he was stabbed is because of the episode everyone went to the creek for a picnic. When Sana saw the bloody knife that was used to gut the fish he had a flash back of someone holding a bloodied knife, and then he started to panic and he ran off to be alone, which is when he found the pink stone he gave to Nanaka.

Also on that same episode is when the watch was first shown, and Shana would let anyone see it.
Nov 22, 2007 12:17 AM

Jun 2007
I loved this ep. This is what I was hopping for since the start of the series. I think Sana and Nanaka's relationship will continue to grow from here, now that he knows her dark past and she knows he knows. There long embrace under the sunset was perfect. I really hope they start talking more now.

The whole watch thing kind of baffled me till the part where Nanaka mentioned "You didn't even think about me did you? You where probably having fun with your new friends...etc". As soon as she mentions friends the camera cuts to the watch scene. I think it all has to do with Sana having a best friend but his friend committed suicide with a knife (reason why Sana is scared of bloody knives) because of depression. Sana probably took his friends watch and continues to wear it and refuses to "let go" of his past with that friend. That's why he never takes the watch off. His mom probably calls just to check up on him because shes scared he may do something irrational like kill himself. This also kind of makes sense if you think about it. He removed the picture in the frame (in one of the older episodes we see a picture less frame on his desk). The frame was small, small enough to fit only one or two people in it. So that pic that used to be in it was probably of him and his friend.

I think his mom decided it would be best to have him move back to his old town where he could meet up with old friends to try and get over what happened.
Nov 22, 2007 1:19 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:

I like your theory! Interestingly enough, I believe I thought something similar earlier...
Yup: Episode 4:
"What if it was a new friend he met after he moved away that something horrible happened to (whose pic is in the frame)... didn't need to be the knife, just the blood period. (I'm thinking a girl...)"

If the friend was a girl, I wonder if that would set back his relationship with Nanaka...
Nov 22, 2007 6:27 AM
Nov 2007
Loved this ep!Especially the end!I feel sorry for Nanaka tho...
Nov 22, 2007 7:02 AM

Oct 2007
Fantastic episode, to see their past relationship (really sweet with the post box idea) and also what happened the Nanaka was really sad.

looking forward to the next episode! ^.^
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Nov 22, 2007 7:52 AM

Jul 2007
Ok the fact is that this episode was AMAZING!!! It kept me in agony all the time and when he opened the mai-box i went "omfg holy shit!!!"
I was expecting that some mail will be sored but never on that extend... Plus that red thig was like blood or i was blood?Anyway i think best ep so far...
The part with the tisue box and magazines was really funny imo no1 comment it so far :)
Nov 22, 2007 9:55 AM

Sep 2007
nice epi serie is getting better and better. didnt expect for the sensei to play a big role like this. but sana didnt really could help nanaka at all...
i am interested how she would forgive him, or they just call it an end after sanas embrace.
Nov 22, 2007 2:01 PM

Nov 2007
It's boxes of tangerines rather than oranges, right? (Mikan)

Best episode of the series so far. Last one was creepy, but this one gets back to the main characters. I like the delivery of the story so far with Nanaka's past. And other characters like the teacher get some development, too. She looks a whole lot like Nanoha as a young girl.

Maybe Kineta is right about the watch thing, but I still won't discount that it's covering up something. Sana is calling his mom about being stronger now, so I'm sure he had his own moment of weakness in the past.

Aoi needs to quit barging in like that, although her reactions are always funny.

And what a jerk as a kid, Sana, saying that girls are too wussy and always get scared by nightmares, but they don't affect boys at all.
Nov 22, 2007 3:03 PM

Jan 2007
I enjoyed this episode, for sure the best one so far. My interest in Sana's past has definitely increased.
Nov 22, 2007 5:22 PM

Jun 2007
Kineta said:
DeathfireD said:

I like your theory! Interestingly enough, I believe I thought something similar earlier...
Yup: Episode 4:
"What if it was a new friend he met after he moved away that something horrible happened to (whose pic is in the frame)... didn't need to be the knife, just the blood period. (I'm thinking a girl...)"

If the friend was a girl, I wonder if that would set back his relationship with Nanaka...

I doubt it would set his relationship back with Nanaka. As you can already see from the past few eps, he's pretty fond of her already and expects her to act the same way as she did when they where kids (ie. love love). So I think they will stay relativity close. Then something will happen that causes him to reveal his past and there will probably be drama between them for an ep or two and then they will end up together again swearing not to leave each other..etc.

I'm really interested in the whole fire "accident". They believed it was arson and Nanaka lost part of her I wonder what happened. Somehow I doubt she would do it but maybe she had some kid in school that liked her but she refused to go out with him because she was still in love with Sana, so he burned her house down because he didn't want her to be with anyone else or maybe the twin's father did it because he wanted the land they lived on but Nanaka's parents refused to sell. That would explain why Syusuke was all dramatic when he said "I couldn't do anything at all".
Nov 22, 2007 6:08 PM

Jul 2007
Shuu's reaction was not what I expected. But it made me grow to like him more. He was so sad and sweet with the whole "I couldn't do anything at all"
This episode made me so sad, especially for Nanaka. The mailbox scene was just wow, the Help me letter scared me a bit. But I'm happy about how she opened up to him, and he wants to be stronger for her.

Although ... I want to know more about Sana's past!!! The next episode looks completely pointless >_>
Nov 22, 2007 6:12 PM

Nov 2007
I really like the "suicidal friend" theory! Good one!

Though there's something else that's occured to me when I thought about that old lady who's lost her daughter in an accident. That daughter and Nanaka are both said to look alike, so maby a car accident and an arson (serous misfortunes) happening to them are not coincidental. Also, if you recall the episode in which the old lady was watching Nanaka dancing on TV, you may notice that she's a particular interest in her...
Since I honestly doubt that the cat's body is in that box, it's content may be a key to unrevealing the whole mystery.
Looking forward to see some more, though ima afraid that the next ep won't move the story much, as after the intese one, there's almost always a chilled-out ep coming next.
TonttuNov 22, 2007 6:46 PM
Nov 22, 2007 6:23 PM

Jun 2007
Wow. Absolutely amazing episode. The end with Nanaka and Sana was incredibly well done. They really pinned the emotions just right. Nanaka's page of "Help me" was wonderful and creepy. Shuu's reaction to the fire was great as well. If things continue on this general path, I have the feeling this show will be one of the best this season.
Nov 22, 2007 7:24 PM

Jun 2007
A great episode. I was expecting for the past of Nanaka for a long time... lol Finally she told her feelings to Sana...

I agree with the suicide theory. I thought in the same theory in the episode when they go to the water park. I don't see any problem to show a mark of bulling or things like that, but if it is a mark of a tentative of suiciding I would hide it too.
Nov 22, 2007 8:09 PM
Nov 2007
am i the only one who wonders why Sana's Mom is the only one who calls every night?

lol maybe its nothing big at all. just made me a little curious about the rest of his family/friends. and on that note. youd think Sana'd call Nanaka at least ONCE in the past 5 years =| *coughwhatadickcough*

that aside. i thought it was an a-okay episode. althought the whole caramel ordeal was grossly stretched out. meow. the red "help me" letter was so awesome, i swear i had deja vu *coughSchool Dayscough* =] cant wait til next ep!
Nov 22, 2007 11:49 PM

Apr 2007
This is like the only episode that's been worth watching so far. Finally some plot. But eh, Nanaka should've resisted that hunk Sana, the fact that they hugged right there ruined the dramatic potential. Good episode, looking forward to more of it now.
Nov 23, 2007 4:08 AM

Oct 2007
A very nice episode indeed, i loved the progress it made and where its going.
The watch with nana's past is the talk of the episode :P

Her actions showed up, why she is cold, even the police suspected her, that cannot have turned up well, your parents were killed and you are the main suspect...

The watch, i like the bullying theory as its a good reason as to why his mother asks him about school everyday, although the suicide theory could make more sense because his mother calls EVERY day asking how he is, maybe the watch indeed is covering something up!!! (wrist cut) -> maybe bullying caused him to have a suicide attempt!
Nov 23, 2007 3:58 PM

Sep 2007
Wow, very powerful.
Nov 23, 2007 5:01 PM
Oct 2007
Best episode so far.

The 'Help Me' note was scary... o_o
Nov 23, 2007 10:39 PM

Oct 2007
somehow i get the feeling that the watch, fire, and nana's past will all be linked together.
Nov 24, 2007 2:31 AM

Jul 2007
nyamo said:
somehow i get the feeling that the watch, fire, and nana's past will all be linked together.

No way... Watch + fires= no possible connection by any means....
Fire IS nanakas past so...
I also dissagree with the theories that Sana tried to suicide im pretty sure he didnt or at least the watch is not for hidding the scratch or anything....
Mb it symbolizes something to Sana, a friend or something dunno...
Nov 24, 2007 7:36 AM
Oct 2007
It seems that most of us agree to say it's the best episode so far! but the preview for episode 09 made me think it won't be as good as this one. I just hope the next episodes will be at least as interesting as this one.
Nov 24, 2007 11:07 AM

Nov 2007
First of all yeah. This episode was incredibly awesome. However, after reading all the posts here, I just really have to disagree with those saying he didn't try to commit suicide. There haven't really been any huge twists or turns in the anime thus far, and everything that's been pointing one direction or another has turned out to be true. I'm pretty sure he tried to commit suicide, hence the reaction to the bloody knife, the creepy facial closeup as he was talking about not removing the watch, and then this episode, I paused on the watch shot, and all the numbers are glared out, which seems to be a pretty good indicator to me that the watch itself is the important thing, not the numbers, like some people suggested. Also, a lot of times, people that try to commit suicide might be called weak or cowardly for trying to kill themselves, as opposed to being strong and sticking it out. I know a lot of people that hold this mentality. That just cemented it for me.

And I guess I'm the only one that Aoi bugs the crap out of. Her voice grates on me like nails on a chalkboard, but I guess comedic relief is needed now and again.

As for the fire, I honestly haven't dismissed the thought that Nanaka DID start it. The HELP ME paper, to me, kind of made me think she was being abused, and set the fire to get out of it.

Anyways, cant wait for the next episode. <3
Nov 24, 2007 3:22 PM
Oct 2007
ShanghaiAlice said:

And I guess I'm the only one that Aoi bugs the crap out of. Her voice grates on me like nails on a chalkboard, but I guess comedic relief is needed now and again.

I agree. It's awful. Eugh.
Nov 24, 2007 11:26 PM

Jun 2007
wow that part where Sana opened the mail box and the letter that said "Help me!" was shown... holly hell it made my stomach sink really bad. >_<
I reeeally wanted to know more about whats going on! But next episode apears to be a mindless filler =_=

Nov 25, 2007 12:20 PM

Nov 2007
I love this episode. It displayed itself pretty well and the plot is finally coming along. If you go back to the first ep I noticed that sana stops by that same mailbox while he's walking through town, which shows how much the writers who composed the series thought about the plot. I don't know if it's jsut me by near the end of the ep did that music remind anyone of the music in the last ep of school days? anyways, I can't wait to see how this story plays out. Unfortunately it looks like we've got another Hinako ep coming but maybe it won't be. This is definitely one of my favorite shows of the fall season.

Nov 25, 2007 12:21 PM

Sep 2007
firstly, great episode... now its starting to develop at a much faster rate =) me like...
secondly about sana's watch... i think that while he was away for 5 years he met up with some girl.. and she handed that watch for him as a farewell gift... because when nanaka in fury screamed "what would you know who have been gone for 5 years" he got this wierd look in his face and they zoomed his watch.. almost as he felt guilt for having/recieving it
thats my theory at least =)
Nov 25, 2007 9:01 PM

Sep 2007
Seeing how we're a little more than halfway through the series, I hope we find out about Sana's past sooner rather than later.

The HELP ME paper really threw me off though. Froze midway through eating dinner since I totally wasn't expecting that.
Nov 26, 2007 8:09 PM

Nov 2007
That help me letter was pretty crazy. Decent ending I guess. I really want to punch Aoi in the face everytime she talks though.
Nov 28, 2007 12:36 AM

Jun 2007
nafal said:
That help me letter was pretty crazy. Decent ending I guess. I really want to punch Aoi in the face everytime she talks though.

Is it cuz of her voice or is if cuz she keeps jumping to conclusion. Though the mags on the bed and teh tissues on the grround was funny as hell >.<
Nov 28, 2007 12:37 AM
Oct 2007
Isis said:
nafal said:
That help me letter was pretty crazy. Decent ending I guess. I really want to punch Aoi in the face everytime she talks though.

Is it cuz of her voice or is if cuz she keeps jumping to conclusion. Though the mags on the bed and teh tissues on the grround was funny as hell >.<

The voice. The voice is hell.
Nov 29, 2007 1:37 PM

Nov 2007
Another great episode (Y)
Dec 7, 2007 5:45 PM

Jul 2007
what an emotional episode, i didn't expect Nanaka will went all out telling on how she's been living the past years and how she's longing for Sana, yes yes that's the way how it's should be..
Dec 26, 2007 9:48 PM

Oct 2007
best episode so far. the "tasukete" note was creepy. i immediately thought it was writtenw ith blood since it was red and sketchy, but i guess not.

the whole mailbox thing was adorable though.

i still cant get over the fact that i think the watch is covering some sort of self mutilation scar... but i seriously want to know what happened to sana while he was away.

this episode brought my love for nanaka back. SHE SHOWED EMOTION. omg it was great. i cant wait to see how this show will tie all the mysterious things up in the end (old people? nanaka's past? sana's past?) i wonder if you could even tie them all together. haha
Feb 16, 2008 2:40 PM
Oct 2007
the letter reminded me about School Days...
Is it gonna turn out the same way?
Hehe, can't wait...
Mar 31, 2008 4:56 AM

Feb 2008
Ishitori said:
best episode so far, I've been longing for this =)

Exactly what I wanted to say!!!
Didnt expect this anime to be so deep!
Apr 19, 2008 11:06 PM

Jun 2007
that letter with the "help me" scared me :(, and i am not easily scared in anime... i guess i didnt expect it (i have not been scared by higurashi at 3 am in the morning....btw)
it had so much feel for it though. we knew nanaka had a bad past, but that note with only that word (two words in english) printed over and over really made me think of something really scary... i will have a mental scar from now onwards :(

the whole episode was excellent, and even if you dont like sensei's part on the episode, i am glad that it got out of the way now that she realized that he was the kid that gave her the determination to give candy...

as for nanaka, i suspect that someone was targeting her (old hag maybe?) and she knew it, which is why she could react so fast, but those memories got lost due to the trauma of losing your home + family.

i gotta admit also... shuu really showed us an awesome side to him, i feel bad for all the characters now, since i can bet that he is not the only one that feels that way, since all of the people in the group seem to avoid that kind of topic.

overall excellent episode, and i am longing for more... the ending was just so heartwarming... even though next episode looks kind of weird.
Apr 23, 2008 3:49 PM

Apr 2008
This episode was nice but very sad im felling what Nanaka must have fell when her house was burned...also the part with Sana heh it's scares me like hell what he must have seen in hist past... thing gives me the creeps too...this letter written like with blood and saying 'help me'
May 2, 2008 9:32 PM

Apr 2007
I guess I'm the only one who didn't find this episode awesome mainly because I just can't bring myself to like Nananka.

The teacher's appearance last episode seemed out of place. This episode it was somewhat nice to get a bit of background info but I felt they spent too much time on her.

I'm banking on Sana's watch covering up an attempted suicide scar.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Jul 20, 2008 3:04 AM
Dec 2007
Hmmm Myself ; Yourself is really a good romance/drama show, on eof the best I've watched, apart from School Days, KareKano and Honey & Clover 1st season, I've never seen a better one I think.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 11, 2008 6:22 PM

Jun 2008
nice. soon we found out about what's under that watch.

theory: he cut himself and tried to die! he was even sadder than nanaka!
Jan 27, 2009 2:30 PM

Aug 2008
I'm gonna guess that Sana had a very close lady-friend back in his new home... the shock of "guilt" and the close-up shot at his watch after Nanaka accused him of having fun with his new friends was very suspicious (heck, it might even be the opposite...
Tonttu said:
I really like the "suicidal friend" theory! Good one!

Or something like that too ^

Defitnetely one of the best episodes so far! Really enjoyed it (loved it how the "Caramel" part went too). YAY! Hinako gets more air-time in the next episode~
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